Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 03, 1902, Image 3

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    4W.- .
We Have Good
Remember, we have lots of good
things to eat; for instance, that
CloverLeaf Buttei, or some of that
Finest Coffee only found at our
Grass Seeds
Field and Garden Seeds.
Our train is iu with the choicest lot of Fancy
Utah Alfalfa, Red Clover, Timothy. Orchard
. Grass. White Clover and Blue Grass.
Remember, the best Seed is none too good.
Six Varieties of Sweet Pea Seed in bulk.
White House Grocery.
AgtntsChase & Sanborn Coffees and Lipton's Celebrated Ceylon Teas
Trout Season open April 1st
And if vnil nrn1 nnvtliinnr
And if you need anything
tackle, wo can supply you
from our new stock. A fine
stock of Bamboo Rods. We
fish sometimes ourselves and
can give you a pointer or two,
Cramer Bros.
Along' With
Spring' House Cleaning'
S. W. Floor Paint. Floor Wax.
Durable Floor Varnish.
Hair-Iliddle Hardware Co.
and Foliage from which to select trimmings for any shape you may
choose. There are many styles from which to select, but ALL graceful,
new and handsome.
Don't Ruin Your
Cheap Glasses and badly fitted frames cause headache and pre
mature loss of sight. Let me test your eyes without charge and
fit you with a pair of glasses that will Keep Your Eye Young.
A full stock of Watches, solid gold and filled cases, Jewelry,
etc., kept in stock.
Fiue Watch Repairing a specialty.
Front St., Nut to I'alaee hotel. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN.
it sS4ln
G. P. Pharmacy and
W. r. KREMER. Propr.
There's only one way
To have a good garden, and
that is to work it thorough
ly. We have all the tools
to make the labor a pleas
ure and delight, and can
perhaps 6how you some
thing new.
ft sltf
in ifit'St&S-i:
you will doubtless find it advisable
to touch up or repaint your wood
work. By using
Sherwin & Williams'
you can do it yourself just as well
as a regular painter, and the only
expense will be the small cost of
the paints.
In Imported and
Domestic Hats
Mrs. Rehkopf's
We are making in all the new and
stylish effects, Hats that please all
who see. We have a wilderness of
Flowers. Chiffons. Lace. Ribbons
Also just received a full line of
.. -New Idea 10c Paper Patterns.
With Poor Glasses
A Double Check
against mistakes in compounding
physicians' prescriptions is our in
variable rule. Two graduated phar
macists see each weight, measure;
the articles themselves; the prescrip
tion itself, and an error is almost
impossible with us. The ingre
dients are as reliable as our methods
you get what your doctor orders.
National Drug Store.
Mrs. Feikert went to Ashland Sunday
to visit frienJi then.
Attorney A. C. Hough and M. C.
Anient were in Roseburg Monday.
C. C. Presley visited several day last
week in Ashland with bis mother, Mrs.
R. H. Presley.
John L. Cbilda of Crescent City was
in town Saturday evening on his way to
San Francisco.
Miss Bertha McPhertoo of Medford
was in Grants Pass Saturday and Sun
day, visiting with friends.
Mist Lacy George returned to Ashland
Friday evening alter a week's visit in
Grants Pass with her sister, Miss Agnes.
A. J. Armstrong of Ellsworth, Wis.,
arrived in Grants Pass Friday, tie is
looking over the west with a view to
Mrs. V. A. Peterson and little son
went to Coles, Cat., Thursday, to rejoin
Mr. Peterson and will reside there dur
ing the summer.
C. 0. Pearson, formerly of this city,
and who is now in charge of the 8. 1'.
office at West Fork, was in town Mon
day on a visit to tie dentist.
John McArthnr, uncle of Mrs. C. S.
Hobbs of this city, and a brother of our
late townsman, B. McArthur, arrived on
Tuesday fioin Tonawanda, New York.
Ernest Stites started Friday on hie
return to Silver City, Idaho, after a yisit
at his borne at Williams. He visits at
Portland on the way, with his sister,
Miss Daisy Stites.
Jonathan Bourse, the well known
politician and mining man, was a
passenger on Saturday evening's train,
returning to Portland after a visit of
several weeks in California.
Mrs. E. W. Fonden, nee Kilty
Edgerton, now of Seattle, Wash , ar
rived hore last Wednesday evening to
visit for a time with her relatives and
friends in Ihis city. ,
Attorney L. V. Stewart left on Mon-
day evening for Roseburg where he will
visit for a time, and then will go to
Portland and later to Eastern Oregon.
He will be absent severnl weeks.
A. H. Ament, of the Golden Drift
Mining Co., went to San Francisco
Friday to visit the pump tuanulaiturers
in view of the selection of machinery for
the company's big pumping plant.
Roger Entrikea returned Wednesday
evening from Sugartown, Pa., where he
baa spent the winter with his parent.
His advent is hailed with especial de
light by those interested in baBeball
matters, as he was one of the "Alerts"
best men in the memorable season ol
A. E. Russ, formerly one of our
business men, arrived here Tuesday
morning from Wbitehouse. Cal., where
he has been for the past year. He has
been engaged in the mercantile business
there and has recently sold his interests
in that line. He will spend a week or
so in Grants Pass, llh family remained
in California.
R. M. Johnson and family, of Median-
icBburg, III., arrived in Grants Pass this
week and are occupying the Knapp resi
dence on Second aud A streets. Mr.
Johnson was here in January, was well
pleated with our country and climate,
and returned to Illinois to bring bis
family to Oregon. Mr. Johnson has
been engaged in the stock business in
Illinois, more particularly in fattening
stock fur the markets. lie comes to Ore
gon to escape the severity of the eastern
School Notes.
A numbsr of students in the high
school have been absent on account of
The Reading circle which has been
reading only American classics now in
tends taking up the study of Macauley's
essays. The study of the American
productions has been very delightful
work. Through the printed page,
Webster's eloquence still has a power;
Oliver Homes' wit retains its charm and
Irving's vivid pictures are as fresh ae
ever. But Irving took the Reading
club across the Atlantic to show thsni a
photograph of our English cousins and
now the club will remain there for a
time to study English literature.
Evelyn Jennings, who has been sick
the pait two weeks, is again" in school.
Recently A. E. Voorhies made a very
liberal offer to the students which shows
the deep interest frit in the welfare of
the Grants Pass school. Reducing the
subscription price of the R'xiuk Uivkk
Col sua to one dollar lie offers for one
hundred subscriptions at this rate, to
give fifty dollars to the school fur library
purposes. If less than one hundred
subscribers areobtained he will give forty
per cent. The students will take ad
vantage of tnia offer and try to secure
the subscribers.
The professor has been communicat
ing with the president of the state
university in view of placing the Grants
Psss school upon an accredit system.
He says the prospects are very good and
the irnte Pass high school may soon
have a standing with any in the state.
The program committee reported the
following program to be rendered by the
Athenian literary society, Friday, April
Music Society
Reading Class
Ruth Scoville, Edward White
Eugene Coburn, Berths Patrick
Instrumental Sola Eula Huward
Essay Class
Ethel Williams, Opal White
impromptu Class Ethel Gors, Al
bert Cue, Roy Hackett. Carl Marvin
Music Young Ladies Quaitetle Club
. . Lillian Rourke. Ethel Hsndee.
Howard Mitchell, It irk man Robinson
The question for debate is "Resolved
that the formation of trusts should be
prohibi'ed by congress."
Um Allca't Foot Eats,
A powder to be ahskeu into the shoes
Yonr feet feel swollen, nervous and hot,
and fit tired easily. If yoo have smart
ing feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot
Ease. It cools the feet, and make
walking eay. Cure swollen, sweating
faet, ingrowing nails, blister and callous
spots. Relieves corns and bunions of
all pain and give rest and comfort.
Try it to-day. Bold by all druggist and
shoe stores for 25c Trial parks Free.
Address, Alls 8. Olmsted, L Roy, N.
Collect 50 Cant.
C. L. Clevenger informs us that he
has heard through various sources of a
man giving his name as Walter S. Sher
wood who has bean operating in this
city, claiming to be about to start a
school of photography at the Clevenger
gallery, a plan of which - Mr. Clevenger
was unaware. Sherwood collects 60
cents as sort of advance payment from
his prospective pupils. This 1 not tb
first time schemes of this nature have
been worked here, and Mr. Clevenger
advises the people to make tome In
vestigation before parting with their
Brick-yards Start Up.
Mench's brickyard northeast of town
began making brick on Tuesday, This
yard has a big contract in furnishing the
brick for the Masonic building.
The Noolfolk brothers have rented
the Carter yard east of town, near the
railroad and began operations on Mon
Will Run AgB,ln.
Abe Axtell is in the field for the office
of county judge, to succeed himself,
liaving been nominated by petition, as
an independent candidate.
Paints and Oil.
A heavy stock of Pioneer White Lead
and strictly pure Linseed oil on band at
Kremer's National Drug store. Prices
quoted as low as any in Southern Ore
gon. All kinds of oils and mixed
D, of H Social.
Avery pleasant social was given by
the Degree of Honor at the A. O. U. W.
hall Tuesday evening. A very pleasant
program was rendered aud refreshments
were served, and the evening was a very
enjoyable one to all who attended.
Woodmen' Entertainment.
The W. 0. W. benefit, given on Mon
day evening under the diiection of
C. R. Merrill, was accorded a large at
tendance, the house being quite well
filled by the audience. Toe program
was long, but full of variety and interest
throughout. Some of the pictures shown
by Mr. Merrill's stereopticon were very
beautiful, particularly the roses. The
butterfly dance by Frankie Earle 'was
very pretty and her portrayal of a dis
gusted old maid amusing in the extreme.
The major share of the numbers were
given by home people, who acquitted
the:nselves with much credit in nearly
every case. Instrumental solos were
given by C. J. Kurth and Fred Cheshire.
Among the specialties which especially
pleased the audience were "Widow Be
dntte" portrayed by Mies Ksbic Hartman ;
"The Baby Hospital," Irish sketch, by
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cornell and the
cake walk hy Ernest TJuiphlette and
Robbie Miller. The farcos were well
played and amusing. W. P. Sliarman
as "Jake" receive much applause.
Acorn Stoves and Ranges cheap at
Improve this Opportunity.
We are still giving subscriulions a
year in advance, fur $1.00 If yuu would
like a sample subscription free until
May 1, send in your name to the Cou-
To Mining Men.
A good pruipect in a good district.
Some development; two feet of tood free
milling ore in face uf drift; good cabin,
bjacksuuth, tools, etc. Will be sold at
a positive bargain. Address
B. B. Bit )wn,
In care of Lattou Hotel.
Notice is hereby given that I will not
be responsible for any debts contracted
by my wife, Mrs. Gertie Elsbree.
March 14, 1802. II. E. Kuiikei.
Win a prize with vour Kodak i4(ln
in prises offered. See Voorhies about it.
Eaater Party.
A Juvenile Easier uartv was llfllll Ml
Saturday afternoon at the residence of
Mr. ana Mis. I. P. Cramer. Some 20
or more children uf the age of eight
years and less attended and had a
glorious time.
Presbyterian Services.
On Sunday, April Glh, 1U02, Dr. Maud
Allen, who hits labored in ludi since
18'Jl as a medical missionary of the Pres
byterian board of lureign missions, will
speak both morning and evening at the
regular church services, telling of the
work of preaching and piacticing the
Gospel in India.
Miss Allen is stationed at Jagrann, In
diana province. During the year she had
the medical caieof 78 in patients aud
fi,047 out patients, Klie also visits ze
nanas and does itinerating work. She is
one uf the must successful medical work
ers and is an entertaining speaker.
Every one is cordially invited to hear
The Sunday School will meet as usual
at 10 o'clock A. M., and the Y. P. H. C.
E. at ti.ii) p. M. The Junior C. E. will
meet at 3 P. M . Leadur, Jauiei McKiui
ens. Our Baptist Inends will be with
us Sunday evening. We extend the'n a
hearty welcome.
Rev. W. K. Holt D. D., of Portland,
will arrive in Grants Pass Friday, April
lllb, visiting here and at Woodville in
the interest of the Presbyterian church
at Woodville which will be built this
summer, lie will preach at Woodville
Sunday afternoon April 13th, at 3 P. M.,
and in the I'reahyleriaii church of Grants
Pas in the evening.
Health I Wealth
Every variety water treatment, mat-
sage, electricity, X Kay, manual move
ments, rsst cure, etc. Skilled nurse
and manipulators of both sexes; elegant
treatment rooms, beautiful location;
quiet ; every room and department steam
bested. Garden City Sanitarium, E
Han Jose, Cel. Wril for descriptive
Kodak films fresh every week at the
Cui'bukb office.
St Patrick' Dane.
The grand Ht. Patrick's ball (post'
pomdfioin the 17th) was given at the
opera house last Thursday evening by
"The rtix" orlietrs. The dance was
very pleasant one. The crowd was not
loo large, to that the dancers were
able to circulate comfortably. The
music by "The Six" was of tb cus
tomary excellence.
local tbappcningd
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
Lime and cement at J. Wolke's.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druegit .
See Voorhies about Kodaks and Supplies
Garland Stoves and Ranges at Cramer
See those Safea for private families at
A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron'.
Buy a Roderick Lean all steel
Harrow. For sale by 3. Wolke.
A large panther was killed on Evans
creek recently by J. Keathantmer and
John Owings.
A. Vannoy has purchased the restaur
ant on Front street from B. A. Williams
and has assumed charge of the business.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. will have
a car of Wagons, Hacks and Buggies
from tht East about April first and in
vite yon to call.
Look out for those Quick Meal Stoves
at Wolke's.
Doa't fail to hear Dr. Maude Allen, a
missionary from Indian tell of her work.
She speaks iu the Presbyterian church
next Sunday, April 6, both morning and
Invitations are out announcing the
wedding of Miss Mabel H. Kinney to
John C. Wiseman. The event will
occur at the Presbyterian church on
April 0.
Pat ton's Sun Proof paint at Cramer
Bros, i
An auction sale of the household
goods of Dr. Leslie was held on Satur
day, The proceeds of the sale were
fairly satisfactory.
Republican (tale convention it in
session at Portland. R. A, Booth is
chairman. II. C. Kinney has been
appointed state committeeman for this
The Prcsbyteiian C. E. society held
their monthly business meeting on Tues
day evening at the residence uf Mr. and
Mis. T. P. Cramer. A very pleasant
evening whs spent by the attending
members and friends.
Emma Nevada, the famous singer,
will be in Ashlanl on April 8. Read
about her iu our ad In another column.
E. F. Loomia, manager ol the Ashland
opera house, was in town Wednesday in
the interest ol the concert.
Curtis it Co. Watchmakers, and
Jewelers carry a complete stock ol
Watches, Clocks and Jewolry. All
kinds of repairing done. All work
warranted. Odd Fellows' building.
Plant Jr. Garden Tools at Cramer
Messrs. Cook and Howland, Forott
crtek miners, were in Mudford Wednes
day, having brought in gold dust to the
amount of several hundred dollars, from
a recent partial clean-up. These gentle
men also own and operate placer minus
on Jump-Off Joe. Mail.
Trout Season opened April let. See
us about your tackle Cramer Bros.
B. A. Williams baa opened a real
estate and employment office at his
place on the corner of Front and Fourth
streets. He bandies mining properties,
both placer and quartz. Mr. Williams
has 27 years experience in the county.
Kodaks at The Courier office.
Scott Griffin handles Ashland flour,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian while
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat fur
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats..
Two interesting addresses will lis
given by Miss M. Maude Allen, a medical
missionary from India, at the Presby
terian church tiext Sabbath morning
and evening. The Baptist church will
unite iu the evening service to hear
Miss Alien. All are cordially invited to
UOBLK Pl.YMALE-Io Medford. Tuc
day. March 25. IIHW, Dr. J. (i. (iolile
anil Mrs. Bessie Ply male.
GII.I.BTT SMITH At Jacksonville,
Mar. 25, 1 1 12, O..A. Gillelt, of Trimly
county, Cal., and Mrs. Lou Smith,
Rev. S. II. Jones officiating.
JOFFRAY-RAl.PII-Iu Ashland, Mar
27, 1902, Albert Jolfray, of Portland,
and Mies Fannie Ralph, Rev. r. O
Strange officiating.
Ml'I.I.IN- FL'LMER At the residence
uf the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs
J. W. Stevenson, iu this city, Tile. lay
April 1, T.KI2. J. II. Miilliu and .Mrs
Mary I. Fulmar, Rev. J. W. Mc-
Duugall officiating.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Mullin have gone to
Ashland where they will reside.
A Doctar't Bid Plight.
"Two years ago, as a result uf a severe
cold, 1 lost my voice," writes Dr. M L.
Scaibrough, of Hebron, Ohio, "then be
gan an obstinate cough. Every remedy
known to me as a practicing physician
for V years, failed, and I dsilv grew
worse. Being urged to try Dr, King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, I found quick relief,
and for the last ten days have felt better
than for two years." Positively guar
anteed for Tbrott and Lung troubles by
Dr. Kremer.
Save yuur chickens from the cats by
the use of Poultry Netting. Sold by
Cramer Bros.
Etna Rebek&h Lodge.
Die nieiubeia of Ktna Rebekali lodge
are requested to attend a meeting tailed
fur Monday evening, April 7.
Mae. J. II. Iluitisus,
Hues, rakes and spades at Cramer
Ache all over. Throat sore. Eye
and Nose running-, alight cough
with chills ; this is La Grippe.
taken in hot water, sweetened, be
fore going to bed, will break it up
If taken ia time.
Then Is sslj sf slilkr,-PIsr MVIV
Democratic Convention.
The Democratic county' couvention
will be held on Thursday, April 3, at the
opera bouse, to place a ticket in the
field for the coming June election.
Self Denial Week.
A Self Denial Week is announced by
our friends the Salvationists. Suspect
ing by their many acta of charity that
they have cot much to give themselves,
although there is no doubt about the fact
that what they have will be cheerfully
given, It will be perfectly in order for
the charitably inclined to take this means
of replenishing the coffers of The Army,
of which a prominent writer once said it
knew how to make a duller do a hundred
cents' worth of good. Self-Dental Week
runs from April 0 to 13 inclusive.
Killed by Train.
Ulysses Barker, whose home was in
Drain, was fatally injured Monday even
ing near Tunnel 9, while beating his way
on a freight train. The exact manner of
the accident is not known to a certainty,
but it is said that he deliberately walked
off flat car while the train was in mo
tion. One report is that he was intoxi
cated, while another is that be was ex
hausted from want of sleep and walked
off the car in a somnambulic state. He
fell under the wheels and was terribly
mangled. He was brought to town still
living but died in a very short time. His
body was sent to Drain Tuesday morn
ing. He was a brother of "Billy" Bar
ker, formerly a partner of I.. A. Hober
lie iu the saloon business la this city.
Suicide at Ashland.
I. R. Garrett, a carpenter residing in
Ashland, comniittsd suicide on Monday
of last week by drowning himself in
Bear creek near that city. His body
was discovered on the following duy.
He was a sufferer from ill health and
despondency on that account is the
probable cause of the act.
Some time Friday night, Win. K.
Reeves, a plasterer and brickmason and
a resident of Ashland for several years,
shot himself with a 44 calibre Win
chester rifle al his home where he lived
alone. Ilia body was found Sunday
A Trip to the Circus,
"A Trip to the Circus" was presented
at the Opera uouso ou Wednesday even
ing. Reports as to the merits of the
company differ widely but all agres that
it was funny, which was its prims
object. There were some good musicians
iu the band and orchestra.
New Second Hand Store.
W. 11. McMains has installed a new
second hand store in the building
formerly occupied by J. E, Kerley,
corner of Sixth and I streets snd has
opened up with a good stock In all lines,
Get. 13 Year.
II. C. Messenger, who recently shot
and killed J. P. Cotton near Ashland,
was convicted of manslaughter last
week in the Jackson county circuit
court, and on Monday was sentenced by
Judge llsnna for 15 years, the max
imum penulty.
Eastor Sunday was observed at the
churches by special services, appropriate
to the day. Must of the Sunday schools
gave concerts or special exercises
Some of the decorations were elaborate
and all were beautiful.
Laugh and Learn.
A luctdre will be given next Tuesday
evening at the Christian church by II.
II. Burton. "A lone Yankee abroad
with a gilp sack in the corridors of
antiquity," with strange experiences
and funny incidents. Mr. Burton is
most highly mentioned as an entertain
iug lecturer. Admission, 25 cents.
The Haymakers,
At the time draws nearer (or the
cantata "The Haymakers" the liveliness
and entertaining qualities uf the piece
become more uud more apparent at
each succeeding rehearsal. The, charac
ter of Kiiipkius, ilia city dudo, as poi
trayed hy T. 1'. Cramer, is a lun maker
on an order that is new and unique
Muipklns is exceedingly green as regards
III in the country and his troubles
afford occasion lor ksen amusement.
The cantata will be given at the opera
house, April 15th and liilh. Tickels will
be on ealu Wednesday morning uf next
week at 0 o'clock a. m. at Clemens. The
last two rehearsals will bo held in the
opera hoiiHn and will not he ripen to the
puhlic. The costumes will ho simplo
something that might be worn on a farm
The orchestra will assist In tho in
terluiiiiiieut of I lie two evening.
H L Goe &
All Wool
Just Received
New Swell Suits for Men in DLACK, FROCKS and SACKT, and all the
New Mixtures, at
$12.50 to $20.00.
This Ad is Written
k-. J ill J .iii'. , . . . ' v.. ..r : m.
t'hihi 7m ! .;.'
II ! , l" I I 1
hollowed out over shoes? Nobby
Coming Events.
April 3 democratic county convention
at opera bouse.
April 7 Carrie Stanley In Rip Van
Apiil 8 Lecture by B. B. Burton at
Christian church.
April 8-Emma Nevada at Ashland.
April 15-16-Cantata, "The Hay
makers,"at Opera house.
April 24-25 Fitzpatrick dramatic com
pany at Opera bouse.
May 1 Grand ball by Aiilea Circle at
Opera house.
May 5 10 Lowe's Madison Square
Theatre company at Opera bouse.
May 15 Teachers' annual county Insti
May 10 Wiedeman'a Big Show, at
opera house.
Josephine County Map.
We now have about one doten maps ol
Josephine County, pocket sixe, which we
will sell at $1.60 each. The few are
the IsbI of tltt Josephine County Maps,
and when these are gone yoo will get no
in 010. If you want a m ip get It now.
A. E. Vookhikh,
Courier OlGce,
At Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the nex
looming I (eel bright and my complex
ion Is better. My doctor says it acts
gently on the stomach, liver and kid
neys, and is a pleasant laxative. It is
made from herbs, and Is prepared as
easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medi
cine. All druggist sell It at 26c. and
50u. Lane's Family Medicine moves
the bowels eaxdi day. If you cannot gel
it, send fur a free sample. Address,
Orator F. Woodward, L Roy, N. Y. '
Tooth Brush
Sanitarily considered logically
lead to the conclusion that
keeps the best stock of Tooth
Brushes in the county.
Our stock is selected with
the utmost care with an eye
single to the quality of the goods
we offer. We have Tooth
Brushes from 10c up. You buy
the 10c kind on your own re
sponsibility. From 25c up, we
will guarantee the goods.
The bristles in a good brush
will not come out. A good
brush will outlast half a dozen
poor ones,
Slover Drug Co.
Opposite Depot.
mm Wmm
mm mm mi
" .. .1 t1 vl U ? .A ,
Go.'s Clothing
igh Art
JZ7 For j&
Men and Boys
for Ton.....
JYou are contempla
ting buying a new Suit.
for Spring or Summer.
Yon would like to
know that you are
setting the right kind
of a Suit at the right
price. We make the
assertion and are pre
! pared to prove to you
that for Style, Finish,
o. " ;
Workmanship, Dura
bility, no one in this
city will sell you like
values at like prices as
we will sell you.
Have you seen those
new Sack Suits, Mili
tary Cut, heavily pad
ded shoulders, hand
made collars, and form
fitting ,back. Trous
ers wide at knee and
$12.00 to f 18.00.
effects at
H. Harth & Son.
JNTELLIQKNT young men, from 17 to
18 years of age, having common school
education, to learn mechanical trades.
For full inlormation apply or write to
Union Iron Works, ZH Market bt. San
W0RKEK8-I want one good worker in
every oorumunity tor about four
weeks. Tuere is good money in it if you
are willing to rustlo. I want a good person
lor each of the following places: Merlin,
LeJaud, Wolf Creek, Wilderville, Dryden.
Keruy, vValdo, Althuuse, lruwntown, Wi
nona, Placer, Ualice. If you want to work
write Immediately, giving U runts Pass ref
erences. A. K. Vooauix.
UOOM8 fur rent furnished and nnfur
nuihed (or house keeping. Mrs. Clara
Matliaon, 6th and K streets.
A good side spring hack, two lots with
house and barn. For sale cheap.
Inquire at this ottice.
OUAIlTZ mine on Mt Reuben, one mile
(rum the Lawrence mine, lu miles
from I. eland. There is an open cut of 80
feel in length by HO feet in depth, exjios
Inp a vein of over 4 feet wide assaying 130
per ton. An arras tre is now being put up
un the pruperty. This properly can be
purchased! al a reasonable price now. In
quire at this utiles or call or address J. W.
Kades, Leland, Ore
' -
AltK you suilering from Rheumatism,
cak back, Mervous trouble, or Uen
erally run-down system f Use Klectrlo
Kelt and Batteries. For Men and
Women. Kleclriu Insoles keep the feet
warm, ant prevent catching cold. For
booklet and circulars, editress, Kleclriu
Appliance Co-i Medford, Oregon.
npAKB your wneel to Cramer Uros. lor
J. Wolke, agent.
To Cure a Cold In Day
Take LaxaUve Ilromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund (lie moneyif it fails
to cure. K. W. Urove's signature la on
each box. 24c,
.... 1
Every Grain Killa. N At .
M. Clemens
Oppo. Optra House.
All Wool.