Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 03, 1902, Image 1

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    VOL. XVII.
No. 19.
J udge
Commissioners ,
Deputy Clerk
Deputy Sheriff. .
School Supt
Koaduiaster . . . .
Abe Axtell
t lohn Wells
INick Thoss
II. L. liartlell
T. P. Judson
Kd Lifter
Ernest Lister
J. T. Taylor
Lincoln Savage
Chas. Crow
H C. Perkins
T. A. Hood
Geo. W. Lewia
Mayor W. F. Kremer
Auditor and Police Judge K. L. Davis
Treasurer Col. W. lohnson
City Attorney ... E. Mayhee
Marshal John Lockh'ardt
Street b'upt John Pa rick
Councilmen tleo. H. Minna
A. C. HourIi. J. II. William, C,
K. Harmon J. A. Kehkopf, Harrv
Lewis, Herbert bmilh, Henry Schmdt
Grants' ana lodge A. K. & A. M., No. 84,
regular communication first and third
Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially
invited. H. C. Bomus, W. M.
A. J. fix, Sec'y.
Hoyal Arch Masons Keumes Chapter No.
:H ni i i cond and fourth Wednesday
Masonic hull. L. L. J swell,
J. E. P et meson. Secy. H. P.
Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 2(J
meets tint and third Wednesday
evenings of each month in Masonic
h.ill. Mas. H, Zji.lkr.
Mas. Asna M. Holm as, W. M.
I. O. ). K.,-Uoldcn Kule l,odire No. 78.
meets every Saturday night ut 1. O. O.
K. hall. Ike M. Davis,
T. Y. l)rs, Secy. N. O.
Paran Encaiiipment I. ) 0. F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
1 11. (. K. hall, Fhkd Schmidt,
T. Y. IIkak, Sec'y. C. P.
Rebekahs Etna Hebckali, No. 4ft, meets
second and fourth Mondav, I. O. U. F.
hall. Essie Haethah. N.O.
Mas. J. 11. Damson, Secy.
United Artisans Orants Pass Assembly
No. 411, meets alternate Tuesdays in
A.O. II. W. nail. F. E. Wektz,
Kami Mknsch, Master Artisan,
Woodmen of the World Kogtie Kiver
Camp No. ta, meets second and fourth
Wednesdays at Woodman Hall.
C. E. Maviiee, Consul Commander.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
1K2, meets tirst and third Mondays at
Woodmen hall.
Estella Uksry, N. 0.
W. E. Peak. Clerk.
Modern Wocdmen of America O rants Pass
Camp No. NUT meets 2nd and 4th Friday
Evening at A. O.U W. hall at7:H0W.M.
( has. II. Marshall. V. C.
N. Uejnolds, Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. meets each Wednesday except
the tirst, at A. O. IT. W. hall.
J. I. Hale, C. R.
O. N. Holt, F. S.
Josephine Lodge. No. 11'-', A. O. U. W.
meets in A. (1. V. W.hall. Dixon build
ing every Mnndar evening.
J. 11. Miame, M. W.
B A. Stamarii, Ueoorder,
Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, D. of H.. A. O.
II. W. meets every alternate Tuesday
evening in A. O U. W. hall. Dixon
buildiiiK. Mas. A. McCaxthv,
i i it. . u , ,,r I
.UK9. J.1U1A 1'r.AEi,
C. of It.
Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. 50,
meets. each Tuesday nitrht 7:30 I. U.
(. K. hull. J. T. Cliausse,
Tom Williavs. C. C,
K. of P. and S.
Grand Army of the Republic Gen. Logan
Post So :tti, meets lirst Wednesday at
A. (J. C. W. hall. J. E. Pkteksok.
Abe Axtkli, Adjt. Com
American Order of Steam Kngineers, Ore
gon Council No. I, meets tirst and
third Saturdays, at A. O. U. W. hall.
Wl. II Kenney,
ISknj. F. MvKicK, Cliiel Engineer
Corresponding Engineer.
Ollice. corner rooms TuflV biiibling,
I'btn.e No. '.til. Residence. Kuykendall
hnuie. A st, near 'id, Phone No. 17.
Hours !)to 12 a. in ; 1 :30 to 3:110 p. in.
Night calls at residence.
P.acticeein all State and Federal Courta
Ullice over First National Bauk.
Gkantb Pass,
kant Pahs,
Estate of Jatnet O Mctiee, Debased
Notice is hereby giveu by the uoder
siined, adiuiuislraior of the estate ol
James O. Multt-e, deceased, to the
crediiori of, ami all persona having
claims sguinsi Hie said deceased,
te exhibit litem with thv neceary
vouchers, within six months after the
first publication of tins notice, to the
said administrator at his residence at
V iilisius, in tins, Josephine County
Oreiioti, or at the ollice of Abe Axteil
the i robs e Judge, at Oranla I'ass, in
aid County. V. vt . MciJEg.
Adiuiiiita'.or of the estate ol J auiea
O. Mcliee, deceased.
Dated at lirants Pass, Or., Feb 13
ollce to Contribute.
To J R R-eves :
oi ice is hereby given by the under
signed, your co oauer in the placer mm
ing claims situated in the Silver creek
mining district, Josephine county, ami
knoan as claims Nj. 2 and No 3, located
bv A J.Cobel Trios. C rolls and J. R.
RYve on the 2.)lh day ol April, 1SK7,
the none ol whicti is recorded at pages
4o3 and o4, Vol. 10, of the mining
records ol Joeepbine county, Oregon;
that antes jou contribute and pay to
the said undersigned co-owner within
timet days from the date ot the first
publication of this notice, the sum of
Two hundred and Sixtj-Sii Dollar
($;ii6o0 the tame being your ponion
ol I fie coal of ami lis I labor dune on aald
clan.- in order to protect lb title there
to dunug the jearw DOS, lSiW, l00 and
!Unl, iinir one-third interest in the two
ra.u will be lorteited to vonrtoKrwner.
Tho. Cat its.
January 23, 102.
Furnitare and Piano -Moving
The popular barber ihop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath room in connection
Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, 8il
verwear and Jewelry. A Good
Assortment of Bracelet and
Heart Bangles,
Clement' Drug Store.
Fine Butter a Specialty
Well Matched
If vou have a good team, why
not have a good harness to match?
Get the best you can find for the
If you investigate before you
buy, we are pretty sure to sell you
a set of harness.
All other horse goods up to the
same standard.
John Hackett
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Tranjacts a general Bankiiii liusinesn.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Out customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound hanking principles.
Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WAT.SON, Pres.
It. A. IIOOTII, Vice-l'res.
1. L. JEWKI.I,, Cashier.
The First National Bank
lleceivc deposits subject to check or on certificate payable i n demand,
Kelts sight drafts on New York Kan Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the .United States.
Special Attention (liven to Collections and general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
R. A. HOOTH. Pres.
J. 0. CaMPIIKI,!., Vice Pres.
II. I.. 0H.KF.Y, Cashier.
Beauty ol Finish, Quality ol Material, EUjanct ef Dttlgn, th finest workmanship
the simplest, most complete and best act of attachments, full instructions by ex
pert teachers, easy payments, old machines taken in exchange, the fullest possible
guarantee, one million, five hundred thousand bappv, satisfied users, thirty yean
of sncceas, couiteous treatment What More Caa You Ask?
We have other make of machine!, without ball bearing's, new, very cheap
Some good second band machines cheap. All kin da of sew ing machine Needles
oti, attachments and repairs. New machine for rent.
Don't tbiok ol buying a Sewing Machine until you base seen the New Ball
Bearinj "White"
We say "The 'White' is King" of Sewing Machines and Blcyclea. Call, tele
phone er write and let us prove it.
Main Office, .100 Post St., San Francisco, Cal.
For Sale By
J. Wolke, Grants Pass, Ore.
J. B. PADIOCK, Paora.
I am preptred tolurnisb anything in tb line ofCemeUry work in any kind
Nearly thirty yean oleiperience in tbe Marble basinews warrant my taring
that I can fill yoar order in the very beet manner.
Canfurniib work in Scotch, Bwed or American Granite or any kindcf
Front Street, Meat to Greene' Owaabon.
-Buy Your -
At Paddock's
Bicycle Den.
TWO? fpr,
lAH Ml
Councils instituted in any part ot the
State desired. Write for circulars, objects
of Order and information to
Benj. F. My rick,
Deputy Supreme Chiuf Enzineer.
rbis slirnstura Is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet
the remedy that earea a colt in ana dar
$!i.yoou oo.
30,000 OO.
Ball Bearing
Like a Bicycle.
Makes the "Whitk" the
Easiest Running Sewing
Machine Made.
Washington Letter.
Washington, Mar. 24th, 1902.
Etcept'onal industry baa marked the
course of events at the capitol during
the past week and a gratifying amount
of legitUtion baa been, disposed of. As
soon si tbe ship subsidy bill was out of
th way, it having passed tbe senate on
Monday afternoon, that chamber turned
Kb attention to the bill for tbe protection
of the pretident. Although favored by
the large majority of the senalora (here
were a number who objected to the
provisions of the bill on the ground that
they were too (weeping and that they j
might be made, in time of political ex
citement, the means of persecution.
Senator Hoar, however, proved ob
durate and contended that in these days
of enlixhtened public opinion and i-
markably equitable courts, the fear ex
pressed were groundless. He refused to
accept any of the amendments offered
and on Friday the bill passed. Tbe
measure provides the death penalty for
assault on the president, vice president
or any member ol the cabinet, or the
sovereign or chief magistrate of any
foreign country who may be in United
Stated territory. It luitlier provides
that any person who shall instigate,
advise or counsel the killing of any of
the oluVials named shall be liable to
Imprisonment lor a term not to exceed
twenty years On Friday the senate
passed the war revenue repeal bill aent
up from the house. The only change
from the house measure consisted in
permitting the tax on "bucket shops"
to remain intact. On Friday evening
the senate adjourned until Ibis noon
when tbe oleomargarine bill will be
taken up.
The entire week in I lie house has
been devoted to the consideration of
the river and harbor appropriation bill
On Friday the bill passed without
division. It carries a total appropria
tion of tOO.Gtm.SG?. Saturday was de
voted to the private calender.
The testimony of Dr. Wiley before the
house coin ni itteo on interstate and
foreign commerce, apropos of the pare
food bill, is attracting much interest.
The doctor, who is the chief of
the b'ireau of chemistry of the
department of agriculture, presented
lor the Inspection ol the committee a
large number of sample of adulterated
foods. Among them were fruit butlers
hearing di Ho rent labels but all identical-
'y the same article. They ware made
of the refuse of evaporated apples and
glucose. Sample jnr of preserved
strawberries coutsined glucose, aniline
dyes, and shout twelve strawberries
to the jr and other fruits were in the
same proportion. llp.utilully green
French bears were colored by the use of
copper. Canned peas were shopworn
and wormeaten, dried peas saturated
with waler. There were also shown
tlarels and port wines which contained
no grape juice but were made trotn
fnimented glucose, dyes, etc. Numerous
food products contained borax, bentoic
acid, coal tar dyes, and other ingredient'
mi st injurious to delicate or immature
stomachs, Dr. Wiley' testimony pro
duced a great impression on Ins hearers
and will probably result In the passage
ol one of the pure lood bills.
On Thursday, the senate committee
on military affairs called Ucnera! Miles
before it to testily as to the, expediency
of passing th army reorganization bill
of which Secretary Root is practically
the author. The general severely con
demned the measure and even threat
ened to resign it it became a law. Home
of the general's statements cast rcflec'
lions on the administrall a and at Fri
day's cabinet meeting the advisability
of reprimanding the geueral or of iin
mediately retiring him wat discussed
hut no action taken, (tending the pub
liiation ol bis testimony by the coin
inittee. That liny such sction will be
taken, however, is not likely as it would
be opposed by the senators, who argue
that ii a nhordinale is punished by th
president for testimony given lwlore
congressi onal committee, such conimilee
will, in the future, be unable to secure
from such subordinate reliable informa
tion in regard to the wurkings of the
executive departmenl.
In a previous letter I quoted a repub
lican representative who is an ardent
champion of reform ill the consular aer
vice.nd 1 have been aisured by Sena
tor Lode of hi interest in this move
merit, he having introduced a bill pro
viding lor sii.:h relorin and having
secured its report to the senate, Repre
sentative John J. Feeler, one of the new
members elected to the filty-teventh
congress and, I believe the youngest
member ol the house, is also deeply
interested in this movement. "I do nol
know how many democrat are faver
able to the reform," raid Mr. Feely,
when I aked him his views one day I asl
week, "but 1 do not know that every
democrat and republican, entirely irre
speciiva of party line, ought to favor
it ami to take a personal interest in
That is, babies: fat, they are
happy and safe; lean, they are
neither happy nor safe.
Apart from being entirely
healthy or not quite well, a fat
one has much reserve of vital
strength to resist any sudden
attack, while the lean one has
little or no reserve.
The way to be fat and well
is Scott's emulsion of cod-liver
oil. A little: only a little.
Net any, if healthy and plump
already; "let well enough
W'H nd ytm t trttW to try If 70m lilt.
SCUT! iOWNE, 4 fcul m, Krw York
securing the reorganisation of the aer-1
vice along line that are creditable to the
country. It teems a ltd commentary
on the business sagacity ol congress
that it should assume that men who are
appointed solely because of their politi
cal influence and who realise that they
have no ground for supposing '.that the
most faithful service will secure to them
any permanency of office, should be
capable ol furthering the interest ot
the country to the lam extent as a man
(elected for hi ability and knowing
that the permanency ol bis tenure de
pended upon the efficiency of his service.
"The present time is particularly
fitting for tbe agilatioa of this reform.
Tbe country is reaching out for the
markets ol tbe world and tbe most
capable men we can find should be sent
into foreign countries as the advance
agents of American commerce. Our
products can by their quality and cheap
uess command the respect of foreign
nations, but their merits must be made
known. It has been said that American
consuls are too often drummers. That is
true in a sense. Unfortunately they are
too often drummers for certain bouses
but what we need is men who, In the
broadest sense, will be drummers (or
every American industry; who will
be on the alert for svery demand,
anticipating it and advising American
manufacturers beforehand so that they
may be ready to supply the market. To
do this and do it with any degree of
efficiency our coisul should b intel
ligent, alert and capable of speaking tin
language of th country to which they
are sent."
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders
For Children. Mother Gray, for years
a nurse in the Children's Home in New
York, treated children successfully with
a remedy, now prepared and placed in
the drug sturos, called Mother U ray's
Sweet Powders for Children. They are
harmless as milk, pleasant to take and
never fail. X certain cure for feverish
neat, constipation, headache, leelhing
and stomach disorders and removes
worm. At all druggists, 25c. Sample
sent Free. Address Allen 8. Olmsted
Le Koy, f.Y
A Netrjy Fatal Runawsy
Started a horrible uher on the leg of
J. B. Orner, Franklin Orove, III., which
defied doctors and all remedies for
four years. Then Iluck leu's Arnica
Salve cured bim. Just as good for lioils,
Hums, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Scald,
Skin Eruptions and l'iles. 5c. at Dr.
Kremer's drug store.
Founder's success comes from hi
nerve, says a Cincinnati observer.
The average aiitomobilist thinks he
is in danger when he ia going at a
mile in two or three minutes, and
that ia pretty fast, but he must
throw open the throttle mid think of
Jiothiiifj else if he wants to bmik
records. And let me here predict
that within a year or two American
autos operated by nervy Aincriciins
will bent a niilo a minute by ti n sec
onds. The top notch will not be ns
slow in coming a the two-minute
The Klectrlcnl Review, a high au
thority, statea thill there are now
Th. V.I.. ol Ih. m"rt ,bnn .."
telephone In use
T.l.pho... th(, VnHtlJ
States. They serve for a yearly olnl
of probably S,0no,0(i0,0fO calls, ut n very
moderate estimate. The sarins in
time and labor which is Implied by
the fiirures ia Incalculable. Making
due allowance for the vast number of
cnll which are of n social nature nnd
for those additional millions which
might he ilisMnned with at smnll cost,
if any, in business, the letter writing,
running of errand, use of vehicle, and
the waate of time in fruitless jotirm-yM
which the telephone service renders
needle enn hnrdly he Imagined. It is
impossible to mi nxure such stuen
dim facts In statistic. What every
one iiniU-rktanil Is that to strike the
telephone out of modern life would
be an enormous loss. It would be such
a setback aa the civilir.ed world bus
not eiH-rienerd in modern times. In
addition U all the irXnnjnnce, labor
and trouble Implied In doing without
the privilege of talking through w ires,
at all ordinary distances, the actual
loss In money would I many time
the cost of the telephone service, enor
mous though the revenues of the tele
phone couipnnic are. The progress
of Uie world iiiiany-iileil, nuil i t h lead
ers are found in a great number of
fields of endeavor, but the inventor
and the scientific dihcoverer hold a
high place umong the very foremost
benefactor of humanity.
Walter II. Johinon, of Minneapolis,
hfl Just been coinmUnioued a lieu
Cat Ilia Tori
for Epaulet.
tenant in the reg
ular army, and be
hind that fact, says
the Chicago Record-Herald, is an In
treting story of hi-roim, military
and personal. Lieut. Johnson began
his career a a private in company K,
Kint Minnesota national guard, In
which capacity he aerved In the wur
with Spain. Subsequently he went to
the i'hllipplnes and became a cor
poral, and then a lieutenant of vol
unteers. Recently he wss mustered
out at Sun Francisco, but applied for
an examination for a commiakion iu
the regular army. I'rifortunately for
the young man'a ambition, he waa
burdened with two deformed toes.
Oil this the army surgeon debarred
him. "Gentlemen, said Johnson,
"would you reject man with eight
perfect tjs Instead of ten?" They
told him that no toe were better
than crooked ones. The applicant at
once had the deformed meiolM-rs cut
offi nd ',rn W"U,M' nri,1,M' iir
rnttvi himulf to the rxaminrri, who
forthwith icctpttd him. He now
Wriri the ejmuleU of L'l.clt Haul.
On Sunday, John It. Harvey's team
took time by the forelock and bolted out
of tbe livery stable just after being
attached to the hack, without waiting
for a driver. They reached Front street
without calamity and made a charge
on the Williams restaurant building
at the corner ol Fouitb, but
collided with the hydrant whichiwung
them into tho street again. At the first
vacant lot beyond, they jumped the side
walk, breaking loote Iroin tbe buggy
They were here stopped by a tree
against ffbicli the nockyoke was broken,
the shock whirling them around facing
the other way, when they were quickly
On Monday, the Williams stage team
indulged in a season of excitement.
One of the horses was practising gym
nastics while being driven from the barn
to tbe post office at one o'clock and a
trace became unfastened, letting the
tongue drop to the ground. The team
became immediately unmanageable and
as the vehicle was rudderless, the situa
tion was a critical one for the driver, Mr.
Knox. They racol across the street
and turned into the alley at the While
House grocery. Mr. Knox jumped or
was thrown out, escaping with a few
bruises. The vehicle was left in the
entrance of the alley, completely in
verted, wheels in the air. The horses
bioke loose from one another; one of
them was caught soon after being re
leased from his mate, while the other
took a long run before being captured.
The tongue of Hie vehicle was splintered
to fragments and the wheels were badly
rai ked and damaged.
To School Officer of Josephine
Having lecently learned that agents
fur books and school supply companies
are land have been inducing school
officers ;io purchase books and school
supplies by leading patrons and school
boards to believe the state and comity
levied a certain per cent extra tax to be
used in all districts for library and
Bchool supply purposes, it becomes my
duty to warn all school officers against
such agents and how they shall use the
moneys, by calling attention to section
3:1, of title IV, page .11, articles 17 and
Lt) of section 48, of title VI, page -11 and
I title XII, page 81 of Oregon School laws,
r.iui edition.
The titles, sections and articles of the
echnol laws here above mentioned, ex
plain themselves and have sworn to
enforce and obey them.
Yours truly,
l.iNcei.N Savacik,
County Sup'l
Notice to Contractor.
Separate bids will be received by the
Miimiu Building Coiiimitlee for the
labor in the construction of a Masonic
Temple at Urauts 1'axs, Oregon, as
follows: Brick work, lalli and plaster
ing, carpenter work, roofing, pliiiiibiuu
and painting, up to nuon, April lOlh,
l'J0, at which time I lie, bids will be
opened. Si.e of building OS 1 1 DO (cut.
three story. Building commi'lce will
furnish all material. Plans and speci
fications to be seen at the ofllce of J. A.
Also bills for excavating for the above
building will be received to noon April
Int., llli)2, at which tiliill they will be
J.O. Bom ii,
J. C Cami'uki.l,
J. A, Jkn'nincih,
Building Committee,
Slop The Cotiuli eirxd Works
off the Cold.
Laxative Itrniuo (Quinine Tablets cure
cold In one day. No t lire, No 1'ay,
I'ricu : o cent.
Advertised Loiter List.
Kullowing is the list of letters remain
ing uncalled for in tho tlranta 1'aHHpost
ollice, Saturday, March 2'.t, liiO.' :
1. Wlll.rt.
I'rcgg, Miss 1 1 race, Iturrell, Miss M A,
lli-my, llrs .May, Wilson, Mrs Villa,
It.'an, A S, Cren, Waller,
I'eaude, Jian, llavmond, W B,
Ihmkius, A M, Miller, II,
Martin, Monty,
Sbadbiirn, lolin,
Wilson, I-) truest, !
Martin, V E,
SavagH, t'lam,
K C. Hakiion, I. M.
Atn ni, Tenn., .r in. 77, 1001,
Krir ifnfi- fh flrt ui--r uh-i nf inv
ni'-r-Brii tluv 'fe Vr-ry jrritfijlur fttnl 1
iutliT-rl with iiriiit imin in inv hiiHs,
hsV'k, V'h'H. h Hint Uvt Kli t'-rrii.lo
hrarrliir iloMri pnnn iii ft r, ft'xlnliif U.
J Mi rln if the, jiii-i. tu n'.ii I hfr ii
tnkn k Wiit" ol ( ar-lni tvi1 '1 hfAUwV
: ly nri'.l Wltll-iUt (Mill tt,rhv f: rt Tlr.n
ill oar. ,NA.-...ii ltxl.
Win! Ik life wor'.h to wtr-an tulfer-
Ing lika Nan ma Div:t (f.rtj? Yet I
.hare are women in Umu'.snL's of hcmyn
lo-day who are LMri-t thoe tirriWa
menstrual paint in til-Ten. If you aro
one of these v.o wan) to tay this :
will bring yuu pcmiantnl rJI-.f. Con
tois jcur'.ell w,!h lb kncnlodgs that
1,000,000 womr-n havo b.-cn completely
cursd by Wins of Cardul. Truss worn-
i n suffersd from lejcorrhica, irrsrjular
Itit-.iet, heidachi), baactis, and
bearing down stint. Win ot Cardul
till llop all thcta s-hei and paint
for you. Purchase s ft. 00 bollls ef
Wins ol Cardul lo-diy and taks It in
Ihs privacy of your bom.
f-jT ll-- i A llt.-eit-.r- vl'l-.w, irlr-nt iTtttr-
There are Many
Why you should investigate our superior offer
ings in
Wall Paper, Carpets and Furniture.
Our Wall Papers are of Selected Stock and decorated on
ground laid colors. This class of goods costs more, lasts
longer and always carries that look of artistic worth that
is so hard to accomplish in the ordinary grades of Wall
Papers. Our PRICES are as attractive as our Assortment.
We're selling some Short Stock patterns as low as THREE
DOUBLE ROLLS for 10 Cents, and if you saw how
the Stock was going, you would realize it was time to BUY
NOW. Other prices up to 6oc Double Roll with all
shades of prices between.
Carpet Season
Is almost upon us. Our New Goods have arrived. We
guarantee to show you some of the Most Beautiful patterns
and BEST VALUES you have ever seen. We carry a
large line of Choice Colorings. We have 3 or 4 Short
Lengths from 8 to 13 yards to a piece possibly" you have
a room you want to cover they go at less than Cost.
Bting measure of your room and look them over.
Have you secured one of the new $7.03 Couches yet.'
Other customers have been having them laid away; why
not you?
I.ace Curtains
Cot '
Linoleums 1
IU. C. Z. 11. Column
(Articles for this column are con
tributed by the Womeu's Christian
Temperance Union.)
The regular meeting ol the V. C.T. 0.
on Friday last was well attended and
the interost seem to bo Increasing in
tempetance affairs.
The l,oyal Temperance Legion held
their Kaster meeting at 2 p. m. on Sun
day. The room was well filled with
bright and happy children. The pro
gram consisted ot songs, recitations and
brief address by Mr. Uilkey. ICach
member of the Legion reuelved a beauti
ful Kaster card.
Some ol our papers seem to be rather
pal faced lately, both in regard to Ink
and the stand they take on Temperance.
I'lease take notice that the Coi'Riieit has
plenty of ink even tor the Temperance
Can tht King Do Wrong?
King Kdward recently made an os
tentatious visit tn' a prominent English
brewery and while there brewed beer
(or his host. This fact, coupled with
the King's persistent disregard of tbe
Sabbath has laid hi msjeaty open to
censure, and loyalty to the throne has
not prevented frank criticism ami re
buke by prominent representative of
both the clergy and the pies.
Barmsidt In India.
It is through the work nf the W. C.
r. U. in Calcutta, ( it wa in Ran
goon, Iliirmah) that barmaid have been
abolished. These girl had been lor the
most part decoyed away from English
r Irish country homes, with a promise
of employment they did nut know the
nature of.
Beware ol Ointments lor Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
Aa mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surface. Much
uticles should never lie used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians,
is the damage they will do is ten fold to
he good you can possibly derive from
hem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu
factured by F. J. Ciikhkv A Co., Toledo,
)., contains no mercury, and Is taken
internally and act directly on the blood
nd mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you
t-t the genuine. It is taken internally
triil made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.J.
Ciunkv A Co. Testimonials, free.
Hold by all Druggists, 7fc,
Hall's family fills are the beat.
It i said by a corrcHpondunt of the
lUltimore Sun Hint West Virginia I
rupiilly iH-cominir more and more the
inccfa of the negroes of the south.
The elliiuite of that state, a a whole,
is congenial to tin race, and the
prent conl and coking Industrie In
operation In nliuoit every county, to
(ji ilicr with the extemlve railroad
construction rreiiiff carried on, fur
nish rciuly, as well a lucrative,
ployment for nugTo laborer
whom 15,000 are employed in
of the
I was interested a few day afro, soy
a writer for the ( Incinnntl Commercial
Tribune, in an Item from a German
paper ifivlnjf the result of th investi
gations upon the work done by th
human heart. I think he said that,
eiprcsKcd in mechanical energy, the
work done III a day ia equivalent to
440,000 fiKit pounds, which Is alniut th
equivalent of walking up Mount Ailains
ten time. Maybe In la right, but the
work of a irirPs heart for the man abe
loves beats that a block ant then some.
Picture Mouldings
Wields A Sharp Ax.
Millions marvel at the multitude of
maladies cut off by Dr. King's New
Life fills the most distressing too.
Htomach, Liver and Uowel trouble,
Dyspepsia, Lass of Appetite, Jaundice,
Biliousness, Fever, Malaria, all fall be
fore these wonder workers. 25c. at Dr.
Kremer's drug store.
Derlvalloa ! tke Tars l'd la
dleat Matter Wrlltea b
The singular and plural form of
the abbreviated word "manUKjrlpt'
(MS. and MSS.) are th Initial of the
two Latin word manu acriptum,
whence our word I derived. Of
course, any St. Nicholas, It mean,
literally, written by hand. After the
Introduction of printing-, certain
book were spoken ot a codlce (or
llbrl Impress!), printed books, to dis
tinguish them from codices manu
scriptl. Most of the old and Impor
tant record found in manuscript and
preserved In libraries have been
copied and reproduced in print, so
that we need not trouble ourselves
to decipher crooked characters or
hiilf-fnded writing. . It Is, however.
Interesting a well a very curious
to hold In one' hands the parchment
or hulf-decnyed paper on which the
hand of some great scholar, . long
since dead, traced the story of hi
tiny, or wrote a poem which live
even now. Would you not like to
own, for Instance, the manuscript of
Virgil's Acneid, or of Dante's "Divine
Comedy," written by their own
hand? You would be a very rich
young peron If you did; but; . of
course, the real original of the long
ago writer are vory difficult, in fact
Impossible, to find. Probably they
do not exist, and certainly If they ex
ist, no on knows whore they are.
Peeallar Aberration ef Coadaet
Teaaeael to Faataaflo
Students ot psychological medicine
will be particularly Interested in some
recent case of patholuglcal dreaming
which Trof. A. Dick, of Prague, baa
been studying. Psychologists have
long recognized a similarity between
dreams and th deluilons of the insane
or the waking delirium of the opium
eater, says a New York exchange.
On ease occupying the attention of
Prof. Dick Is that of a man, aged 43, a
goldsmith. During the ten year of
his married life his wife has noticed
that he often, during the day and
night, spoke to himself, sometimes
softly and sometimes loudly, as though
he Imagined himself to be among his
fellow workmen. If spoken to he
ceased at once, but gave no explana
tion except upon on occasion, when
he said that various thoughts came to
him against his will, which he had to
peak out, although he knew that It
wa untrue.
Another ease deals with a clerk, aged
18, who manifested peculiar aberra
tions of conduct in the form of petty
embezzling and theft, and a tendency
to fantastic exaggerations. Ilia wak
ing reveries or dreams were sometimes
so rrallstlo that he could not distin
guish them from actual facts.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
St .guards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
encnaccn to health of th present day.