Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 27, 1902, Image 1

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No. il.
m t
I Commissioners .
Deputy Clerk
Deputy Sheriff. .
Treasurer ,
Hchool Bunt...
burveyor ........
Abe Axtell
IJohn Wells
INick Those
i..K. L. Bartlett
T. P. Judson
Kd Lister
Ernest Lister
J. T. Taylor
Lincoln Havana
Cbas. Crow
H C. Perkins
T. A. Hood
Geo. W. Lewie
Miror ... W. F. Kremer
Auditor and Police Judge. . . K. L. Davis
Treasurer Col. W. Johnson
City Attorney C. K. Maybee
Marshal John Lock bard t
Btreet Bupt. John Pa rick
Councilman Ueo. H. Binns
A. C. Hough, J. H. Williams, C.
E. Hannon J. A. KehkopI, Harry
Lewls, Herbert fcmlih, Henry ben mid t
Oram Pass Idge A. F. ft A. M., No. 84.
regular eoiuuiunioation tirst and third
Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially
Invited. H. U. BoBiztN, W. M.
A J. Pi 1 1, Sec y.
Koyal Arch Masons Keames Chapter No.
M meets second and fourth Wednesday
Mawnic hall. L. L. Jxwbxl,
' J. . PiTiusoa. Secy. H. P.
Eastern ytar Josephine Chapter, No. 2U
meets lirst and third Wednesday
evenings of each month in Masonic
hall. Mas. H. ZoLLia.
. Mas. Am M, IIoi.mak, A'. M.
I. O. O. F.,-Uolden Kule l-odfra No. 7H.
uieeta every baturday night at I. O. O.
K. hall. U( M.Davis,
T. Y. Da, Secy. N. O.
Paran Encanipiaent I. O 0. F. No.
meets siMuml and fourth Thursday at
I. (. ('. K. hall, Faau Schmidt,
T. Y. Dies a, Sec'y. C. 1'.
Rebekahs Etna ltebekah, No. 411, meets
second and fourth Monday, I. 0. O. F.
hall. Ekiie Haktmak. N.G.
Mas. J. 11. Desikok, Secy.
United Artisans Grants Pass Assembly
No. 411, meets alternate Tuesdays in
A.O. It. W. ball. K. E. Wirtz,
Kei Umi'H, Master Artisan,
Woixlmen of the World Kogue Klver
( amp No. .V), meets second and fourth
Wednesdays at Woodman Hall.
J s.,
C. E. Maybm, Consul Commander.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
1N2, meets first and third Mondays at
Woodmen hall.
W. E. Diux. Cits..
Mcdern Woodmen of America Grants Pass
Camp No. HU07 meets 2nd and 4th Friday
Evenings at A. O.U.W. hall at 7:30 P.M.
Chas. 11. Marshall. V. C.
N. Heynolds, Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. 2H, meets each Wednesday except
the Aral, at A. O. I). W. hall.
J. P. 11al, C. R.
O. N. Bolt, F. 8.
Josephine Lodge. No. 112, A. O. U. W.
ineets In A. . I). W.ball, Dixon build
ing every Monday evening.
' J. II. Miai.i, M. W.
B A. Stakaid, Recorder.
Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, I), of H.. A. O.
U. W. meets every alternate Tuesday
evening in A. 0 U. W. hall, Dixon
building. Mas. A. McCarthy.
i Mas. Lydia Peak, C. of H.
Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. 50,
meets each Tuesday night 7:110 I. O.
(. F. hall. J. T. Chausse,
Tom Willus, C. C.
K. of R andS.
Orand Army of the Republic (len. Logan
Post No. XI, meets first Wednesday at
A.O. V, W. hall. J. K. Pktxbson.
Abe Axtili, Adjt. Com.
American Order of Steam Engineers, Ore
gon Council No. 1, meets lirst and
third Saturdays, at A. O. U. W. hall.
Bskj. F. Mvairx, Chief Engineer
Corresponding Engineer.
6ftic. corner rooms Tuffs' building.
Phone No. Ml. Residenee. Knykendall
house. A at, mar 2d, Phone No.. 17.
Hours Uto 12 a. 1:30 to 5: JO p. oi.
Vjght calls at residence.
Piacticriin all State and Federal Courta
office over Firtt-National Bask.
WRINT Pai, Oaxoori
to easts paaa,
Kstale of Jtine U. McGee, Deceased.
Kniicn is herehv liven bv the under
signed, administrator of the esUle of
creditor) of. anil all persona having
: . 1. - . .1 A I
Claims agaiiisb I u piu utMiMvu,
te exhibit thin with the necessary
drat publication of tbte notice, to the
aid aorniiustrator ai uie resiuence ei
U'.iL.w. in thi. JnMnhins fnnnt
Urrcen.orat Uie office of Abe Axtell,
. . I .. .1 -1 I - t
tne i ruus v uugB, ui.u iu
aid County. C. W. Mctix,
Administrator of the estate of Jame
O. McUee, oeceeeeo.
Dated at liraula Pa, Or, Feb. 13,
. Notice to Contribute).
To J. K. Reeve :
Votica a hereby glved by the nnder-
uned, your co owner to the placer min
ine claim ntuateii in the Silver creek
mining district, Joeephioe cooety, aod
known ai claim No. It and No. 3, located
bv A. J.Uobel Tao. Cretle and J. R.
k'.oe on the b day of April. 1SV7.
the aotioa of whion it recorded at page
403 and 464, vol. It), el the mining
record of Joeephin county, Oregon :
Ihiianl yoa contribute) and pay to
ilia Raid sndemgned co-owner within
ninety daft from the daw ol the Brat
poelicauoo oi this notice), the turn of
Te Hundred aod Sixty-Six Dollar
(f2oo 00) Uie sane being veur portion
of the cea ol aanual labor done on esid
claims in order to protect the title there
in during the year Dy8, 1SS9. luOO and
1V01, your oua-third ttilareet in the two
claims will be loneiiea to yoor co-owner.
Tuoa. Cbott.
Jannary 23, 1402.
Furnitare and Piano
The Ropalar barber ehop
G-et your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chain
Bath room in connection
Full assortment of Watches, Clocks. Sil
Terwear and Jewelry. A Good
Assortment of Bracelets and
Heart Bangles,
Clement' Drug Store.
FineJButter a Specialty
MEATS, q-?
'Phoni 21
Well Matched
Ifvou have a cood team, why
not have a good harness to match?
Get the best you can find for the
If you investigate before you
buy, we are pretty sure to sell you
a set of harness.
All other horse goods up to the
same standard.
John Hackett
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general Hanking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Oin customer are assured of courteous treatment and vrv cnn,.i,l srsliitn ran.
sistent with sound banking principles.
bafety deposit boies for rent.
The First National Bank
Iteceive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand.
Bells sight drafts on New York Ban Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United titates. '.
Special Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
It. A. BOOTH. Pres.
J. 0. CaMI'UKU,, Vice Pres.
H. I.. 01I.KEY, Cashier.
Beauty ol Finish, Quality of Material, Elegenc ef Desiga, the finest workmanship
the simplest, most couiplele and best eel af attachments, full Instructions by ei
pert teachers, easy payments, old aiachinee taken in exchange, the fullest possible
guarantee, one million, five hundred thousand bappv, satisfied users, thirty years
of nccasa, courteous treatment What Mare
We have other makee of machines,
Sara good second band machine cheap.
en, attachments end repairs. New machines lor rent.
Den'l think ol buying a Sewing Machine until yoa bare seen the New Ball
Bearing "Whits"
We aay "The 'White' ii King" of Sewing Machine and Bicycles. Call, tela
phone ar writ and let os prove it.
Main Office, 300 Toel fit., San Francisco, Cal.
For Sale By
J. Wolke,
J. B. PADPOCK, Paora.
I am prepared tofornlab anything la
of MARBLE or ORAjflTE.
Nearly thirty years of eiperienea l
that I eaa fill your orders In lb very beat
Can forniab work io Scotck, Pwado
front street. Meat lo Oreeae'e Oaaeho.
Easter Egg Dyes.
All the Oolora of the Raiubow. AU for
Calico Paper Dyes 100 Designs, 5o.
A Nice Assortment of
Easter Chicks, Ducks,
Curd Novelties,
For Sale by
M. Clemens,
Oraj Fronti oppe. Optra House.
Councils instituted in any part ol the
State desired. Write for circular!, objects
of Older and information te
Benj. F. Myrick,
Drputy Supreme Chief Engineer,
this elraatare la on every box of the genuine
Laxative BromoQuiaine Tablets
Ike remedy that coree a eald sat ana da?
fil goods se)
$28,000 00.
11. A. BOOTH, Vice-l'res.
L. h, JEWELL, Cashier.
50,000 00.
Ball Bearing
Like a Bicycle
Makes the "Wuit" the
Easiest Running Setting
Machiue Made.
Cea Tea Ask?
without ball bearings, new, very rbeap
All kinds ef saving machine Needles
Grants Pass, Ore.
tb Una of Cemetery work la any kind
the Marble boalneas warrant my Raying
or American Granite or any kind of
WaaKingtofi Letter.
Washington, Mar. 17th, 1902.
The 'most interesting aventi of tba
past week in Washington have been the
harmonising of the warring factions of
the republican members: of the house of
representative, tha energy with which
the democrat! in tba senate bare re
newed the agitation in favor of the
election of senators by popular rote and
tba ratification by the senate of the
Hague treaty, formulated at tba Hague
peace conference and by which it ia
hoped to make warfare more human.
While the term of agreement between
the beet sugar ref ublicans, a they have
come to be called, and tha republican
organisation of tha bout have not been
announced, It ia believed that they will
be today and that they will bind the
party to vote for the way and mean
bill granting SO per cent reduction of
the Dingley tariff rate on Cuban im
port, to be met with similar reduc
tion on American goods going into Cuba,
the concession to be limited lo Septem
ber 1st., 1003, and the whole accom
panied by the pledge of the leader that
the senate will not amend the measure
by increasing the rate or extending the
time limit. The accomplishment of this
agreement will prove a disappointment
to the democratic member who hoped
to be able to secure, through the division
of the republicans, aome reduction of
the tariff on various schedules. It also
mean, no doubt, that the bill proposed
by Representative Babcock, of Wis
consin, will not be considered at this
The demand of Senator Berry, of
Arkansas for a report on the joint resolu
tion amending the constitution to per
mit of tha election of senator by
popular vote was met with the promise
of Bennlor llurroos, chairman of the
committee to which the resolution had
been referred, that it wonld be reported
in the near future and since then the
democratic senators have been vigor
ously agitating the question. Senator
Vest, of Miesonri, ia opposed to the
change and Senator Morgan, of Ala
bama, declined to tell me where he
stood, but the remainder of the detno senators, most of whom I have
spoken to on the subject, seem to favoi
it and some of them say that they be
lieve it will be made a campaign Issue if
the resolution is defeated at this session.
Colonel Bryan was at the capilol Tkurs
day of laat week and saw many of ths sen'
ators and representatives in regard to this
question. Senator Burrows- was in the
uiRrblerooin during Mr. Bryan's call and
tbe Colonel remarked tobim that he was
glad to know that there was one point
on which he could agree with the
enator from Michigan. Senator Bur
row favor popular election.
It Is a serious question whether the
Hague treaty promotes the end desired.
It ia favored by many humane persons
because they hope to make war less
terrible. Other equally humane coo
tend lhat the more terrible war is, the
more care nation will take to ratify the
Following closely upon the resignation
of Secretary Long comes the announce
ment that Civil Service Commissioner
Rodenberg has resigned his position,
presumably for the purpose of entering
the field of active politics. The ap
pointment of Mr. Rodenberg' successor
is awaited with considerable interest as
upon the personnel of the commission
depends, to a very large extent, the
effectiveness and integrity of its work.
Mr. Rodenberg was never regarded as a
very strong advotRte of the principles
which brought tha commission Into
etislence but he lias carried out the
provisions of the law none the less
faithfully. Messrs. Proctor and Foulke,
his associates, are both ardent advocates
of civil service reform and the appoint
ment of another enthusiast, which la ex
pected ol the president, will render the
commission a greater power for good
than over.
Tbe senate has devoted itself all the
past week to the consideration of the
ship subsidy bill although there is not
the slightest reason to believe that a
single vote has been changed by the
debate. The measure comes to a vote
today and the vote will doubtless be on
strict party lines. Its sponsors, Senators
Frye and Henna, express themselves
as confideut that the bill will pas and
will be received with approval by the
house and will become a law ; but other
republican tvnalora, although they
refuse to ermit their names to be nsed.
have told uie that they believe that it
has little ehance in the lower chamber.
After passing the rur. I free delivery
bill, so amended as to provide fur a
salary not to exceed fM0 per annum for
rural carriers, the house turned it at
tention to the consideration of the post'
office appropriation bill and passed il on
Friday. Saturday was devoted to the
passage '.of private bills. Tnis is the
sixth appropriation bill that the house
hsa disposed of this session. A reeolo'
lion wae adopted by the bouse on Friday
aulboiiting the president to invito the
families of the Count de Rochsmbeau,
and the Marqnis de la Fayette, and tbe
people of France to be present at tbe
unveiling of the statue of Rochsmbeau
at Washington on May 24th., and ap
propriating f'JO.000 to defray the ex
penses which would be Incurred.
Tb president' veto of a hill remov
ing tbe stigma of having been "a
deserter from tbe navy" from the
record of John Glass hi first veto, by
the way has caused general reconsider
ation of similar bill in tb committees
of congress. These bill first provide
that "honorably discharged" (hall be
placed after the nam of men who bare
deserted, aod sooner or later there p
pear another bill affording tb former
deeerter a pension. Msny of these bills
have been passed lo former year and
the president doubtlsae realised that
the veto of tbe first such bill that came
to him for approval would check tbe
practice. I have in mind a simltsr,
though not precisely analagous case,
which happened dnring the fifty sixth
congress, A bill was passed placing
"honorably discharged" after the nam
of a man who stood on the record as
"dishonorably discharged." Later a bill
was passed to correct en error in the
case ef the same man. He ha been an
officer and .twice court martialed for
drunkenness,; the last instance having
been while on duty In time of war. The
last bill let forth .that "honorably dis
charged'! waa an erroneous entry
inasmuch a the man was an officer and
bad not resigned and therefore he waa
entitled to retired pay. He now draw
the retired pay of a colonel.
Mining Man in Ctxblnet.
At a meeting of mining men held
yesterday in the hall of tbe Oregon
Mining Exchange, in the chamber
of commerce bailding, resolutions were
passed indorsing a bill now in congress
to create a cabinet bureau representa
tive of mining interests. A committee
was also appointed to secure representa
tion froaa all mining camps in the state
to (orm a State Miner' Association ,
The object of the association is to foster
the mining industry, to secure the enact
ment of such laws as will be found de
sirable, and to create the position of
mining inspector.
Dell Stuart was chairman of tbe meet
ing, and Kenneth Evans acted as secre
tary. The resolutions adopted by tbe
meeting, copies of which will be for
warded to the Oregon delegation in con
gress, were as follows:
Whereas: The mining Industry of the
United State baa become, and now is
on of tbe greatest sources of wealth to
the nation ; and,
Whereas: Tl is Industry is co-extensive
with tbe limits of our national
boundaries, and affords fields of invest
ment and labor in every state and terri
tory in the nation, employing capital
and furnishing labor squal to any other
industry; and it is important to all class
es of our people that the mining indus
try be fostered and encouraged ; and,
Wbsreaa: A bill has been introduced
in our congress providing for a cabinet
department in the national administra
tion, representative of milling interests;
therefore, be it
Resolved: That the mining interests
of the state of Oregon, represented in
this convention by piactical miners,
mine-owner and investor of capital,
respectfully urge upon congress the im
portance of House bill 7105, and ask
that It pass and become a law of the
nation. Oregnnian, March 21,
Shake Into Your Shots
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures
painful, smarting nervous feet and in
growing nails, and instantly takes the
sting out of corns and bunions. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of tbe age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new
shoes (eel easy. It is a certain enre for
sweating, callous and hot, tired aching
feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all drug
gists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c.
in stamps. Trial package Free. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmsted, ha Roy, N. Y
Timber Land In Oemevnd.
Eastern timber men are purchasing
largely of Oregon forests lands, and
those best posted on the business think
heavy deals will be more numerous than
ver iu 1002. Tbe Wood have been full
of cruiser all winter, in spite of tbe dif
ficulty encountered in tramping through
wet underbrush all day, in making
estimates on the amount of timber on
each subdivision. The cruisers have
only recently begun to return to the city,
and they are at present In conference
with their principals about the hotels
and in tb business offices of the lull
down-town buildings.
Buyers are mostly men who have
grown wealthy in the timber business in
Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
These men have seen th pine forests
nsar the Great Lakes fall before the
woodmen's ax within the past 30 years,
and many of them remember how iu
early daya pioneers wondered if the
day would vei come whrn the forest
would be denuded. They have setn the
price of laud advance from $7.25 an
acre a hundred fold, and they now
realise that the supply of timber haa
beea well nigh exhauated iu those
three states, a bile tbe demand for the
product has increased. They realise
better than old Oregon ians do the value
of the coast fir, sprues and larch, and so
they have already made new fortune
through the advance in price since the
pressing demand for Oregon timber
land began, fiva year ago.
Ho many eastern lumberman have
become owner ol northwest lands of
late that they have decided lo visit
Oregon in a body, in June. At least 150
lumbermen aud mill owners of the
Mississippi vslley s'stea are already
preparing to start from Chicago sad
Minaeapolis esrly in that month,
arriving here about th 12th. Telegram.
Ltt a delicate child take a
little Scott's emulsion of cod
liver oil after breakfast or
dinner not too much too
much will upset the stomach.
Better too little than too much.
The effect will be slow; it
ought to be slow. In a week,
you will see it began the first
day. Don't be in a hurry.
Wt'U tea s Hills lebT H foe Use.
WTT ft cWMI, 4 rsarlsuwi. MswVwa.
To School Officers of Josephine
Having recently learned that agents
for book and school supply companies
are nd have been inducing school
officer .to purchase books and school
supplies by leading patrons and school
boards to believe the state and connty
levied a certain per cent extra tax to be
used in all districts for library aud
School supply purposes, it becomes my
duty to warn all school officers against
such agents and bow they shall use the
moneys, by calling attention to section
83, ol title IV, page. 31,' articles 17 and
20 of section 48, of title VI, pi;e 41 and
title XII, page 81 of Oregtm 8. hoi. I laws,
I:il edition
The fitles, section and article! of the
M'liool laws here above mentioned, ex
plain theinteWea and have sworn to
enforce and obey tlieiu.
' Voura truly.
t Lincoln Savage,
Connty Bup't.
Council Proceedings.
A regular meeting of thecity council o f
Grants I'uss was held on Thursday,
Maroli 20, l'.H)2, Mayor Kruuior presid
ing, Councilman Binns, Williams, Ruh
koph, Smith and Schmidt being present.
A potition signed by F. h. Coron and
others, for tlio opening of a street SO
feet wide through lota 8 and 0 in block
G, from 0th to 7th Btroet and a street
across the northern part of the city ex
tending from titli to 8th street was re
ceived and referred to tho troot com
mittee. Councilman Smith reported progress
iu tho matter of the nuisances com
plained of iu the rear of the Griffin
butcher shop on G street and was grant
ed further time.
Councilman Binns reported recom
mending survey of tho lateral sewor
throughout blocks 22, 23 and 24 of the
original town of Grants I'asi aud the
samo was ordered accordingly,
A ordinance to amend sec, 11 of ordi
nance No. 180 entitled "An ordinance
to impose and regulato licenses" ap
proved April 20, ltfOl, and amended
June 12, lmil, was introduced by Coun
cilman Williams and passed under the
emergency clause of the charter.
The ordinance is changed so as to re
quire shows, exhibitions, entertain
ments, lectures, etc. charging not to ex
ceed thirty-live eents for any scat to pay
a licence of (2 50 per night, or $10 pur
week aud those charging over 35 coot
iliall pay a license of flvo dollars per
day or twenty dollars per week.
The rejiorts of the auditor and police
judge tor January and February wore
received and read.
Stepheneort Mo-rahall.
Yaiterdny the Bulletin had an inno
cent llttlo social not that Mis Baili
Marshall had gone to visit friend In
Montesano. Today we are enabled to
announce that it proved a most interest
ing visit Indeed, and when the charming
young lady returned on the alternoon
train yesterday, she had bren by due
procesa of law, the services of Kov. Ueo.
II. Arland, aud the solicitations of a
handsome young man, changed to Mrs
Gordon Stephenson. The groom was
formerly of (irenls l'ase, Oregon, but Is
now with the West V. Hlado Mill com
pany of thisrJily.
Last night a rncr-ption and dance was
tendered the happy poung couple at the
residence of the bride' parent, Mr. and
Mr. Chas. Keed, of thia city. Many of
their friends were present and all joined
in wishing the in a married life of much
Many beautiful and useful presents
were reuuived Aberduen (Wash.) Bul
Chexrmed Shirt.
Charmed shirts are the latest in th
way of drussns used by the Filipinos for
protuctiou in warfare, according to mail
aivice iroin the Islands, those are
worn by the members of a religious
secret society called the Coloruiiian orga
ni.ation, which includus both seieaand
whose members are iworn to be forever
at enmity with white men. An import
ant oflit'ial of the organization ia the
charm-maker who prepares a concoction
culled in Filipino parlance "antingant
ing," believed by the member to po
eras all aorls of wonderful properties,
cuiel among which ia that It absolutely
protects the fortunate man, who li
some on his sbirt, trom bullet and dis
ease. A specimen of these shirts re
cently was obtained by Captain Hough
ton, of the Third ravalry. It I made ol
unbleached cotton, and Is decorated
with fantastic designs of flshe, reptiles,
birds and animals In India ink. To
those charged shirt I attributed much
ol the reckless courage exhibited by the
more fanatical bolouien in recent engage
ment with American troops.
Trip to the Circue.
"A trip lo the circus" la th attraction
to be (jfTured at tho Opera house, (irauta
fafs, Wednesday, March 2d, by Homer
K. tiuilbault'a big company of player
The play I replete with dramatic in'
lereel and ia plentifully supplied with
natural comsdy and character humor
Tbe plot deala with a country girl who
has abandoned borne and kindred to
revel in the brilliancy of the aawduat
arena, and a may be surmised, the
heart-rending efforts of the home folks
to find her, give ground for hesrtlelt
pathos. Then when their search ia re
warded aud she 1 discovered in Ihe
dreasing room of a clrcu where teclal
tie are being rehearsed fur the perform
ance, of course here ia where there is
pleuty of life and tbe clever member o
the company exhibit. their versatility in
aongt, dance and other leature. The
character are all itrong aud good and
well varied. Tha company 1 on of tb
moat capable that haa ever presented
the play, and ia equipped with its own
bras band and orchestra and carrie its
0n scenery. The company' baud will
give an open air concert on the eveuiug
of the performance. Popular price
Children 25 cents, adult 50 and 76
ceuti including reserved teat.
Several Reasons
Why you should investigate our superior offer-
ings in ,
Wall Paper Carpets.
Our Wall Papers are of Selected Stock and decorated on
ground laid colors. This class of goods costs more, lasts .
longer and always carries that look of artistic worth that
is so hard to accomplish in the ordinary grades of Wall
' Papers. Our PRICES are as attractive as our Assortment.
- We're selling some Short Stock patterns as low as THREE
DOUBLE ROLLS for 10 Cents, and if you saw how
the Stock was going, you would realize it was time to BUY
NOW. Other prices up to 6oc Doable Roll with all
shades of prices between.
Carpet vSeason
Is almost upon us. Our New Goods have arrived. We
guarantee to show you some of the Most Beautiful patterns
and BEST VALUES you lave ever seen. W'ecarrya
large line of Choice Colorings. We have 3 or 4 Short
Lengths from 8 to 13 yards to a piece possibly you have
a room you want to cover they go at less than Cost.
Riing measure of your room and look them over. -
Have-you secured one of the new $7.03 Couches yet.
Other customers have been having them laid away; why
not you ?
I.aoe Curtain
Picture M oulding
(Article for thi column ar con
tributed by th Women'! Christian
Teuj pei ance Dnlou.) .
Fightlnj tht Saloon by Subttl tutlon.
Investigator of tha Chicago aaloena
estimate that fifty per cent of tb patron
ar drawn there by the social or clb
like feature. A poorly paid dark or a
workman, who rent a (mail, half heated
room and take! hli meal at a cheap
restaurant, ha th freedom of th nloon
for a nickel. H find newspaper and
card table without charge, music, and
vaudeville performance, II smoke or
play billiard or pool as often as th
clubman, tb rent ol th table being a
nominal one, or be can bowl or play
shullleboard, or dominoes, or card, or
listen to the gramophone, or discuss th
questions of lb day wltb knot ol com
It take but a vary alight knowledge
of th way in which the poor are boused
to understand why they ar such loyal
supporters of th saloon. When "home"
I limply one room in which 1 herded
an entire family or perbsjn aevlral
families, it is usually a good place to
stay away from. Haloons hav mad a
(ar greater us ol th opportunities af
forded by social necessities to draw fol
lowers in order to drag them down,
than churcbe have mad of them1 to
draw follower In order to lilt thm up.
While the saloon and dive ar open
very evening, and are mad as attrac
tive a possible, tbe church iu tb
same neighborhood are closed and dark
most of tbe time. They see in to hav
forgotten the Master' word "I was
an hungered and ye gave me no mtat ;
I was thiraty and y gave uie no drink ;
I was a atranger au.i ye took me not In,
Inasmuch a ye did it not to one of tb
least of these, ye did it not to me."
Nothing but aational prohibition can
ever atop th, drinking of those who
drink for drink' ak, but let us remem'
ber that such piohibition cannot pre
vent men from wanting food, warmth
and entertainment, and that we mutt
also work to hslp them to satisfy these
normal wants.
A frank acknowledgement of this
(act will draw to tbe banner ol the tem
perance cause, vast numbers of people
who are too well informed to b Imprest-
ed by th shallow claim that nothing I
needed but some prohibition laws. Tbe
saloon problem ia closely Interwoven
with many of tb other groat problems
of th age.
Th following suggestions ar offured
practical ways of working;
Owner ol tenement should snake
sure that their property I not to wretch
d that the occupant ar driven to th
Every town should provide suitable
public toilet arrangement, to that no
one need palronite the bar of th saloon
because under obligation for toilet ne
ctsiities that ar rarely found except in
th saloon.
Opponent ol the government saloon,
th canteen, would strengthen tbelr
righteeu cause by actively advocating
m. C. G. HI. Column :
The Finest Cake
Is made with Royal Bal
ing Powder, Always light,
sweet, pure & wholesome.
that ample recreation and amassment
b proyided lor oar soldier.
Taxpayer should consider tbelr moral
obligation!, remembering thai il they
"dodge" they are helping to rob child
ru ol tha education that might keep
thm . trom becoming victim ol the
saloon. ' Edwin F. Walku.
Tha Lateet Yarn.
A Pittsburg drummer tell thi yarn,
I alway carry a bottle ol Kemp'i
Balsam in my grip. I take cold easily
and a lew dose of the Balsam always
make ma well man. Everywhere!
go I speak good word lor Kemp. I
take bold of my customer I taks old
man and young man, and tell them
confidentially what I do when I tak a
cold,- At druggists, 25e. and BOo.
Teaat) Woaaaa Wfee faSM Deavtai Cav
erteurtlr at Issraw
Me htnt, ' -
Bravlnf de,Ui every aalnutt) of th
day, hendlsnff compound that mifht
end her to eternity at any moment.
Miss Aline H, Cos ton. It year old.
works for humanlt In a llttla fa
tory at Bull's Head. Btaten bland,
turning oat the material for ' the
night aignal which ar used at aea,
say the New York World. -
Her father lost hta Ufa at the earn
occupation, the laboratory in wtiioh
ha kept the eeerat oi the famous aig
nal having- been blown to a tome.
Mia Caatnn, her mother, who la th
Inventor bf the light, and J. W. Bach
erer alone ahare the forirmla of the
invention.' It t not patented. '
There are M different kind of sig
nals la th llet, and all of thee ar
prepared In the Utile laboratory by
th girl chemist. Th aeoret must be
kept Intact and aha risks ber father's
fate to guard It.
Eighteen hands pack the product,
but none of these haa any Idea of tha
Mia Coaton ha formed Itoek
company, the only members) of which
are herself, her mother and Kr.
Blah DUssvsrr ef Prof Ms Belaaea
aat ska swllheealaa laetMatlea
la latlaa Territory.
Two miles north of A (ton, I. T, there
Is a spring known as Whit Sulphur
springs, wblck l proving a veritable
gold mine for th ecitntiflo world. It
la located on a flat prairie. It never
goes dry, but It la just now In th low
st atapr ever known. It thus affords
an excellent opportunity for tb In
vcatlgeUna conducted by I'rof. W. II.
llulmes. heed rf the bureau of ethnol
ogy of Ihs Smithsonian Institution. who,
xcoompanisd by if. A. Gill, government
photographer, and an assistant, has
thoroughly sxplored the bog surround
ing ths spring. They have accumulated
one of the most wonderful collection
of prehistoric remains ever brought to
the light of solsnee in any locality.
Prof, Holmes kaa filled numerous
boxea with Uetb and boost of maa
lodona. bears, wolf, deer and buffalo.
There it also a box filled with val
uable stone relics of Indian tribe and
other racea. Trot. Iiolines only par.
tlslly examined a epare not over 10 by
IS fstf stir? 10 feet deep. He think
th whole hog la tiled with those de
posits of prehistoric time.