Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 13, 1902, Image 2

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Published Every Thuraday.
Subscription Rates:
One Year, in rdvance, 11.25
Six Months, - . . .65
Ttree Months, ... .34
Single Copieb, .05
Notice is hereby iriven tin', on July I,
tr2, Hie eiilMcription rate of th i Col air
will be rawed to gt.ftO per yi-sr. All who
pay their suh4criplin no get the ben
efit of the cheaper rale.
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Plloi'R. k MNOB
- Editor
Entered at the pout oflice tt Granta
Oregon, as second-clans mail matter.
- Representative Moody Friday tavor
ably reported in the Indian committee,
Representative Tongue' bill to ratify
the treaty with the Klamath Indians,
whereby they cede to the United States
tract of 621,824 acrea of their reserva
tion, for which the goyernment agree to
pay them $537,007.
Scandalous report come from the
Philippine of cruelty to the natives by
American troops. These are very gen
erally discredited by those wbo are com
petent to judge of their truth. It is
probable that the American army con
tain ruflian. They are met with in all
walk ol life and the condition of army
life are often such as to foster the spirit
of ruffianism. Hut the ruffian in the
army constitute only a small minority
of the soldier. If outrago by them
occur, it Is only in isolated cases and the
perpetrator are punished whenever
they can be located.
Secretary of the Navy Long ha ten.
dered hi resignation of the portfolio and
it ha been accepted by President
Roosevelt. His successor is Congress
man Moody of Masaachussata. The re
lations between Roosevelt and Long weiu
pleasant and there was no friction
between them to cause the secretary to
resign. Long bad intended to resign im
mediately after the death of McKluley,
. but remained until certain lines of policy
in which be was involved were more sat
isfactorily arranged. Long has been sub
jected to aharp criticism during hi term
and has been often accused ol unjust
favoritism, particularly against Schley
and favoring Sampson, yet ou tb whole
lie ba exhibited a yeryceedi table ability
in th management of the affair ol tb
Iord Kitchener again "regret to re
port" a very serious disaster in South
Africa, Tb Hours hav captured
General Methuen and four guns after a
hard battle. Methuen was moving to
Lichlonburg with 1200 men and four
guns. The llrtlisb had moved out of
their camp about three o'clock In the
morning and Just before daybreak were
attacked by the Iloers under Delarey.
The Boer attacked on three aide and
aoon stampeded the British mules, wbo
forthwith ran away with the baggage
wagons, throwing the entire British
column into dire confusion. The
British lost three officer and 38 men
killed, five officer and 71 men wounded
and 200 men missing. Methuen was
wounded and taken prisoner. The
ability of the Boer to Inflict an injury
to th British of so serious a nature a
this come a surprise to many who
believed them almost at the end of their
resistance. Their fighting qualities are
aurberb and they show a fertility of le
sourc and ability in the unequal war
fare which seems almost miraculous.
William Bind Roosevelt.
The similarity between Empeior
William and 1'resident Roosevelt not
exactly in their politics, but in their
mental, physical, moral and admlnia
tratlv makeup geuerally-bas been
repeatedly noticed. It 1 stated in an
exebaage that Kmperor William can
talk Suently In six language. He has
written a play and conducted It re
hearsal. Ne man live a busier 111 than
he, but on the discovery of the Roentgen
rey be telegraphed for Professor
Roentgen and talked with him (or hours,
lis lis written a public prayer and eon
ducted a choir. He can cook hi own
dinner, can play chess, paint pictures
and draw caricatures. He bsa learned
engineering and studied electricity.
Though he can us only one arm, he
can shoot game for four hours at the
rale of two minute. He has over a
hundred title and is an Admiral iu
Ihre of the biggest nayie. Iu twenty
Bve year he ha (hot 23,000 bead ol
game. He changes his drest a doaen
time a day. ha a dosen valet, and hi
wardrobe I worth 500,000.
Oh my I We are afraid this beats our
president In aooi particular. Hut it
may be assumed that he can talk Chi
nook and Spanish, beidee very good
English. That after having lived out
in the Rocky Mountains several years,
he can cook a dinner there can be no
doubt. And we will put him ap against
William to shoot wild game any day.
He may not be as versatile, or change
his clothes quite so often as William,
but we wouldn't trade rulers, not if the
Kaiser would throw Iu all his royal
relations -'to boot," Telegram.
The Rogue River Indlane.
"The Hogue Kiver Indians," says It.
F. llowcll iu a letter to the Port Orloid
Tribune, "hare been gradually decreas
ing ever sine th Whites settled sinoug
them In lK.r2. Agent Skinner estimated
them at 8u0 iu 1W)J. Agent faniurl II.
Culver reports that in November, 1854,
out-fourth ol them had died since I be
treaty of 1S5J, after the war. Superin
tendent Palmer, about the same tune,
tliatone-flllh of the Rogue River Indian
bad died during the same lime. J. Ko
Brown, a treasury agent, in his reptrt
after the Indians were on the northern
reservation, reports that th Rogue Riv
er Indians and the Hhasta Indians num
bered 554. He did not stale how many
of these were California Shasta Indians,
aud there were quite a number ol them,
surrendered to Colonel Uuchanaii iu
southern Ureiton. The cemus i.k.n In
ltftiS by the agent shows that there were
but 64 living, and none ol them could
read or write, notwithsland mr lit a ,
ernment had lurnisLad 1 Wvl ski'linnl In-
i luQI a ai .iti .
mi. m iu litis Agency, tlifrt
We are giving away to our customers sonic handsomely dec
orated, hand painted China with cash purchases.
Buy your goods of us and get a
Fine Set of Dishes
one or more at a time FRKE.
We earnestly ask you to call and inspect it. You will surely
want it.
Front street, oppo. Depot,
were 680 Indian. These consisted
mostly of the Willamette Indians, and
the report is more favorable a to educa
tion than at the Grande Ronde Agency.
The agent ill 18H4 report that there were
150 of them that could read and write,
and of the whole number, 354 could
speak English. Hince the allotment ol
lands to the Indians on the reservation,
thare bad been borne 60 children on the
Grande Ronde Aguncv, and the parents
of these childieu desired land for their
babies. At th Klunath Agency,- the
agent reports the population in 1H03, to
be 950 Indian. Of these theie were 442
males and 608 females. They were im
proving very rapidly, and they had de
creased a little since his last report."
To Help Mining Exhibit.
The Grants 1'acs Board of Trade have
lnstiucted their olilcer to proceed with,
the construction of the Josephine
county chamber ol exhibits, and while
the building committee are ready and
anxious to begin at the earlieat possible
moment, thay find that the amount of
easb subscribed will barely purchase
the materials used in the construction ol
the building as per plans and specifica
tion now on band. This leaves one of
two course open to the committee,
namely, to change plan and build a
mailer and cheaper building, or raise
more money and labor. To cheapen
th building would be to detract from
it effectiveness as an advertising
medium and this no citizen who has
seen th plan 1 willing to do. There
lore the only course left open to the
committee Is to appeal to every
ol (irants Pas to come to the aid ol the
committee, put their shoulders to the
New Goods
Arriving Daily In
All Departments.
It will juty you to look
over tho many now linos lo
foro making your upriit pur-
K. C.
Shoes and Furnisjiing Goods
wheel and sse this Importstit project
carried through to a successful issue
Ut every citisen who feels that he can
not contribute money to this enterprise
donate as much labor as possible.
There is carpenter work, masonry and
plastering, painting aud tin work,
bitsidus brick to be hauled, Kvery oa
could do something. No citiieu of
llrauts l'sis can afford to have it said
that tins beautiful little building,
th only on ol the kind iu the stale.
was constructed without hi hearty
co-operallon and support. The r -
ill lee will be glad to receive inniey.
labor nr materials at once, at limy
cont, uiolale beginning work mil week
Don't put this lustier off. If you find
that you are going to have a few days of
idle lime that you would like to donae
during the neit few weeks let die cum
uiittrw know at onci. Kvery iiuvlianie
who contributes labor will be credited
with same, as though In! b id paid ca-!i
A f ill and complete tiat of all cinlritm-
loisaillhe published as soo i a the
coiiiinmttecau get in full repot t. Ad
drees, K. I.. Cue, president, or 1) II.
Siovell, secretary, Hoard ol Trade.
Frightful TreUn Wreck
A sett-bound Southern IV-itl- pis
Miner train was ditched and burnel at
lour o'clock Friday morning, '.'S in ten
(rum Henderson, about hall aav between
San Antonio and I'll l'aso. The reck
of the heavily laden pasnenger Irani was
t Irightlul on and before Hie killt-d an I
wuuuded could be gotten out, the meek
ags caught firs and many were burned.
The total number ol deaths la :U. a bile
mauy other were seriously injured.
Hie scene at the disaster v.ere heart
rending, being on ol the worst iu the
history of liie road.
Itcd Star Store.
(See those Hofas (or private families at
GrsKnd Scenery ol Shasta Route
In troing over the famous "Hhasta
Routs" ol the Southern Pacific Co. the
traveler ever finds somotliing new to
excite his admiration and interest'
Htarting at 1'nrtland, one traverses the
whole length of the Willamette Valley,
the gem of the Northwest. Ml. Hood,
Mt. .lefleraon, and the Three Sisters and
other snow-capped peaks are kept in
sight for hours. The beautiful valleys
of the Umpqna and Hogue River, with
their orchards of prunes, peaches, apples,
and other fruits are a delight in them
selves. The crossing of the great mount
ain barrier between Oregon aud Calif
ornia reveals the grandest in mntain sce
nery in the United States. The wonderful
turning!), twistings, and doublings ol the
railroad bring into view a grand array of
towering mountains and profound gorges
into which we gaze from dizzy heights,
forest clad mountain slopes stretching
up to the line of perpetual snow, and
the foaming mountain streams dashing
fiercely down deep canyons, now and
then stopping for a short rest in some
iuiet pool. After a day's enjoyment of
old Mt. bhasta, the finest peak on the
continent, we drop rapidly down the
canyon of the Hacramenlo to the broad
plains of the Hacremento Valley in Cal
ifornia, and thence through viueyards
and orchards to Han Francisco.
For map and descriptive literature
address It II., (i. 1 A., 8. 1
Co., 1'ortlaml, Oregon.
Look out for those (Julck Meal Ktovos
at Wolke's.
ladles Cn Wor Shots
One site smaller alter using Allen's
Foot K.aee, a poadur to be shaken into
the shoes, it makes tight or new shoes
(eel eay ; gives instant relief to corns
snd bunions. It's the greatest comfort
discovery of the ait. Cures and pre
vents swollen feel, blisters, callous snd
ante spots. Allen's Foot-Kane is a cer
tain cure for sacating, hot, aching leet.
At all iliuitts aud shoe t.trce, 'J.V.,."' Free bv mall. Address.
Allen S. Olnixicd. l.e Uov, N. Y.
Advfitiaed Letter 1. 1st.
l-'.'liow nig in the list ol letleit lematu
ni); uncalled lor in the lirntit I'a-a pot
ollue, !"atuidiv, March S, I'M.':
U..M-1 K .11 N
ll.etrit. iie , limn. Waiter,
J,ihn,...l I. F. M.'in.i,,i. I. I.,
Ii al, I icle U di-l , I .r: I ,
StaliM'll, W U, I'lioiiipsa.n, lliUr. C,
Che., i-: r,
K C. 11 KM .N. I. M.
Coming F-vcnts.
March 11 --it I'.itriiVs social by Alalia
Circle al Wo dni in l.a l.
March i;-2J Kitliryu Wayne aud
company in leper i.nre a: Op ra luiu-e.
March '.'I i" I'arrnj Stanley iu " A False
Friend" an I "liip Van Winkle" al
Opera hou-'e.
March :'7. St. l'atrick's dar b.lll by
"lhe Six" orcbrslra at Opera hitise.
April l.')-lti-Caiitit.i, "Thj Hay
makers.' al Opeta Imu-e.
April '-'K'i - Fniiatrick dia nalic com
pany at Opera lum-e,
M iv I iran 1 ball by Azla Cirv-le at
0,1-ia h".i-e
Aiirn Slovis and HangiS cheap at
L. L. Jewell ha a $125 nugget which
was lately taken from the Ilaytn
Jewjll placer in Oaoar croak-, by Frank
Hayes. The piece in flat an 1 elongated,
n rarly puro gold and a very handsome
mM-'uu -u. Thu ntiKifet w.n taken out
with pi-k an 1 shovel in pnwpoctinj a
pi -c of n 'W (.'round and was a surpri
:n l. h i l no', be. n known that the
g nirid rirri.-d '-p ay.' This mine is
fiiunii for Urn h -avy iov it hn
Oregon Consolidated.
F. U. Kuand), fi;rutiry for thj Oro-
guu Consolidate'! Mining Co., optratini;
near GlcnduK was in town Monday.
HU company is liro.-ijM-eting a pieoe of
placer ground, working with one giant.
They are now engaged In cutt ng lum
ber to build a four mile flume by which
water will be brought to the property
from Kift crock.
Forest Creek Cold.
Ira Coffman recently secured 20
ounce of gold (rom poctet on D unify
gulch in the Forest creek district.- The
vein continues.
A rich deposit of free milling 1 '.-ir'.,
Voiding values of (10 to the ton, lui
b.ten uncovered in the Sunset mine. It
is on the main ledge and 125 feet from
the surfaca.
To Mining Men.
A good prospect in a good district.
Some development; two feet of eood frt
milling ore in Isce of drill ; good cabin,
blacksmith, tools, etc. Will he sold at
a positive bargain. Addrese
II B. Bkjwn,
In care of I.avton Hotel.
Eureka Eastern Re-ilrorvd.
(icorne II, Proctor, one of the pro
motors of the Eureka A Kaxti ru railroad
was in Redding lait Keek end told of
the project lo a representative of the
S. F. liulietin. He said-
Though the field work his been
carried on to quietly as to excite little
attention, every mile of the road is
surveyed. We surveyed from Kureka
on the roaxt, lo the Kacrumeiito river,
just above Budding. On the east side
of the river, out through lliiruey vallev,
we adopt a full survey made by the
L'uiun Pacific several years ano. In
brief, this is the route:
"We run (roin Kirekaa little south of
eist aero Humboldt and Trinity coun
ties. We hear six miles south of Wea
verville. It is impossible to pass
nearer that town, owing to the tnpogra
phy of the country. Of course, a branch
will eventually run to Weaverville. We
come straight through the Shasta divide
to Tower House through old Simla
and straiifht down Middle creek, near
the public road to the Sacramento river.
We cross the river at a point near the
northern limits of Redding. To go up
IMl river at once is out of our way, so
we run up North Cow creek to Hatchet
creek, pans hack of Carlberrys, down
Barney creek, through Ilurney valley.
ilutiice fallowing the geueral course of
(ha l'ilt river to Fall River mills,
through a corner of Lassen, past Alturas,
in Modoc, and Lnkeview, In Southern
Oregon, aud northeasterly through Lake,
Harney and Mainour counties to Weiser,
on the Orcgun an l Idaho line.
From Weiser thero is a narrow-gauge
line running 10J miles north. This will
bi widened to the standard gauge and
J. J. Hill will build south from the
(ireat Northern to connect with this.
From the Fall River mills a branch I'ne
will run lo the southeait through Lassen
ountyto Termo, lo connect aiih the
Northern California and Oregon to Keno
Nevada, which becomes part of our
The road from F.urekn lo Redding will
be lilt) miles long. Ill greatest elevation
will he 4iKM feet, and the heaviest grade
will he 3 per cent. Captain IeLamar
and 1 have been working with Mr.
Ilarriman for (our months to prevail
upon him to build a brunch line to
Bully Hill. Tho Simla Mineral Belt
Railway Company is surveying (or a
raid to Bully Hill. If they build it, all
right, but we have promised Captain
IM.amar the railroad to Bully Hill
within six months.
Asked whether his company should
put ou a line of Bteamers from Kureka
lo the Orient, I'roctor said : We are
building a railroad; doubtless the
itteaiuvr line will take care of itself.
Staik or Ohio, City ok Toi.kuo,)
Li i as Col'NTV.
FliANK. J. Chknkv makes oath that he
is the senior partner ol the Arm F.J.
Ciikskv A Co , doing business in the
City ol Toi.kuo, County and Slate alore
ssid, and that said tirm will pay the
sum ol One Humlied llollars (or each
and every cane of Catarrh that can not
lie cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Fuank J. Ciikhky.
Sworn to before tne and subscribed in
my presence, tins bill ilav of lcceuiher,
A. 1. ISSii. A. W. lii.KAaoN,
(hi: ai.) Notary l'ubllc.
Hall's Catarih Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for Testimonials, dee.
F. J Ciuxkv A Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Oruiiinls, 7bc,
Hall's family Fills ate the best.
Lelsvndl Sittings,
lhe lent few davs have been sboaery,
with streaks ol sunshiny weather.
We h"r of v inter aheal and oafs
b di g killed iu oilier places. Here t!.e
tuo ituw n all w inter.
Mis. I'.'iiiU-y is still siik. We lope
-he will Mhtii recover. The general Ii of t tie people is tio .
Nothing, thai", comes in a
bottle, is more important for
children th.m Scott s emulsion
of cod-liver oil.
And "important'" means that
it keeps them in even health.
Whenever they show the least
disturbance of ecn balance of
health, it promptly restores
It is to be used as a food,
whenever their usual food does
not quite answer the urpose
of tood.
t tttilsi to try, B vj ttVt
There ia a large arrival of apple tree I
Ltlcntion to raising ro ire apples. The;
prune in Ins rv is below par. -
Uncle Billy Cox snd B-ck have i'
turned (rom he head ol Aupl--aa!
ihr-y report q ire an exciUtUcnt in ihat
' riet. La'it- .o p-' mine- have tieen
dev-' -I"''!, end .me ere bonded ff r
li'l. cni. 1 his mtn'iter will ee lively
ti-i-e b'-'e
Andy Sehannji as seen m rnr
street one day la a week, lie is m
p'nyed al the Copper S.ain mine, lie
ports from there are very eiirouragiiiir.
Trier have struck a larjre ledge, (rum
four to 10 feet in width, all free million
ore. The stockholders are very jubilant.
The Drjden writer want to see some
of our sunshiny weather. If he were
in this district, he could bask in th sun.
A sunbath is good for the bealtb, it
drives away the blue, it invigoratea the
body, it tones up the system. With our
pure cold spring water, this is what
makes our people so vigorous and
hea'lby. The clothes that are made fur
children soon get too small and too
short, so they have to be laid aside for
the next one.
If ibe immigration that is coming to
this coast iroin th frozen eastern states
had a few copies of the Cot sua to
illustrate this part ol Oregon, there
would not be so many of them stopping
in the northwest. The fact I that Ibis
part of Oregon is not as fully advertised
as it thould be. Ii would pay the county
to appropriato a certain amount ol
money to the Coi'kikk to advertise it
resources. On Tunnel 0 creek and its
tributaries there is a large amount ol
land that can be bought cheap. The
said land is well adapted to the raising
of fine apples. It has natural drainage,
aritli no fronts at the time of apple
blooming. (J. W Chapin tells us if any
one comes to Lsland looking for land,
ho will gladly show them disenable
locations if tlity will call on him.
Quartz miners are starting for the hills.
Some have come here from other
countries and they sre well pleased with
the appearance of the formations in
this locality. The times are quiet but
steadiiy prospero is. Bob.
Grave Creek News.
Iljar K'litor : As Sallie has gone to
Tunnel 1) lo luck for I lie Iiungazine that
Bob ami his girl saw, I will endeavor to
pen a few lines for the Col Kits.
Nice warm, sunshiny weather, and the
farmurs have their farms under good
he I way.
Mlds Ruby Light ol Grave and ber sir
t. r. Mis. l'earl Williams ot Placer, vis
ili d Irit iuld in (irants Pass last week.
Win ai d Burt Currirk will Blart fur
Weii-cr, I Hho ill a few days. There ia
a) place like liuiue, boys.
Mien Hrxiicij Davis ol Grave visited
Li runts Puss one day last week to have
same dental work done.
Oliver Boyd ol Urave is on the tick
li-it this week.
K. M. Light of Urave was on the
streets of Plucer selling apples last
Mrs. Scliai iiiKson of Placer wbo has
been sick fur some lima is very
slowly recovering.
II. L Wil-ion, on of Inland's mer
chants, is tunning a four horse delivery
wagun now.
1'reai.hiiig at the Lelaud school house
the first and third Kundtys in every
month by Iter. Ixmg of Winona, Oregon.
Wilderville Items.
Cool cloudy mornings.
School is progressing nicely.
Little (-oldie Iiwis was sick a few
days last week and had lo slay out ol
school. She is better at this writing,
If you wish to get your Bhoes repaired
go to our city merchant. He does the
beet work aud prices are the lowest.
Mr. J. Wagner is improving his farm
and building new fences but that' all
right. "Lot the good work goon" a it
helps the looks ol our little community.
Mr. Mort Douthit ami family arrived
iu this city last Thursday. They in
tend to rent a place and try Oregon
one year. II they like it they will make
this their future home.
Mrs. J. W. McColm ia sick with a
severe cold.
Mrs. Blake and little daughter are
visiting relatives near Wilderville.
Uev. S'jiuuierville was in our city
SunJiiy evening and pttachtd an in
teietting sermon. He was accompanied
by Kl'v. Allen. Zamom
Merlin Notes
Mr. Kny Colby, ol Woll Creek, sjient
Sunday in our city.
Mr. W. W, Wilson, of Hugo, was seen
Oil our streets Saturday.
Mr. Lee Brockiiian made our city a
visit one day taut wek.
Fresh bananas, walnuts, oniom, sugtr
at l'rof. McConnell's store.
Mr. tiuy Color is quite ill at his
home at Wolf Creek.
Don't fall to sign the wlition for the
c unly high school. Petitions can be
found at Prof. McCoiiiietl's store.
Messrs Edward Bland, Lewis and
C'areute Crow have re'uute-1 houie
where they will ass si with lhe work on
lhe Unit.
Mi p. II K-kn:s and lam ly expect to
uijvo to lialu-e toon to sprud the sum
Tn.' Col oy P-o. havo pirn-nan d tin
hall iii.i-riit in i h- hlsi kjiniih tools
owned by Mr Mcln.o.h and will rei-uini-tnisns
sjnn in lhe h"p .uned b
l'rof. McCounell.
Mis. iio i.e lim d U still confined to
her nuiii wnii a bally piiuril ankle
But we are gla.l to note lliat slia ia iui
provn g
Miss 1,1a Jones is employed as house
kee er d ii ing the illness of Mrs. Uaild
Don't to'grt the ihd ken supper given
by the l.vlus ol the Merlin rhurch at
Prof. Mi Coni-.ell's hall next Friday eve
n Dg, March U. Every one is cordially
invitid to come ai d have a good time.
Mr. I'lnn Iim so. his Due farm
near K gue river. Mr. Simpkit.s re
serves ail tiie fartuins: u'.eii&ils, stiX'k.
etc and dor not ivl Msion until
next (all. The pri.-e paid for the (arm
was 6oVO.
I'rol. McConuell is building an ad
dition lo his residence and also intends
making quite a cbauite in the Iront ol
:;Qh Yo
to know tht wo
We want you
stre in Oregon. . , . ,
We will show you a genera, staph-, everyday line of Dry Goods, Furm-hmg Goods
Shots and Groceries. In our Dry Goods Doparfmcnt we have all the' new
Spring liroad Cloths, Homespuns,
Albatross, Mohairs,
, Striped Silk in the Parisian Patterns,
Liberty Silks and Ribbons,
China and Japanese Wash Silks.
All the new Dress Trimmings
Embroideries, Laces, Galoons, Allovers, and the Staples as
L. L. Muslin, 5 cts.; House Lining, 3 cts.;
Prints, 5 cts.fCotton Bats, 12J cts.; ,
Cotton Blankets, 10-4, 75 cts. pair,
Percales at 7 cts. and 12J els.
A large lino of A. F. C. Ginghams and other summcrgwush fabrics. All of
which, that need it, will be sponged and shrunk for you free', thus avoiding all
shrinkage after making.
All of our last year's stock of summer dres-t goods ranging in prico from 10c to
25c etc., will be placed on sale March 1st at tho one price of C.c. Some missed this
sale last year and were sorry. Come early.
Our SSlioo Department
Is a new, brightly lighted spacu and contains a lino well selected stock of
Our fine line for Ladies "The Daisy", "Priscilla", the "Royal Hess".
Tho patent leather and stock tip $1.75 kid shoo from 3 to G at $1.15 for March
only. Every pair of men's shoes, comprising a fine line, will 'have tho 10 discount
during the month. '
Our School Shoes Stronger Line Than Ever.
Wo will give a satisfactory gu.tianfee. - Three School Tablets and One-Half Po.en
Pencils with every pair sold during March.
The Sterling line of Children' and Baby shoes have tho New Bluo with and
without spring heels.
Our Groeery Department
Always noted for Quality and Full Weight with a Prompt Delivery,
is well stocked and will lead off during tho month of March with
(Nut ovtr 10 cans to a customer)
Prices on all oth;r groceries guaranteed to be right.
The Susar Pine Store
his Btore soon. That is right proleseor
go ahead. We need all the improve
ments w can get iu Merlin, and per
haps other will take the hint aud make
improvements too.
Merlin Niout Hawk.
Provolt Items.
Sunday school every Sunday ut three
o'clock at the school house.
Geo. Moon spent several days in
'.iiunU Pass last week, on business.
Myrou Wilbur, who lias been in
Washington for some time on saw mill
business, is now visiting in our neighbor
Mr. C. M. Rnzford and family were
ibe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wui. SouBon
last Sunday.
Mrs. J. T. Lay ton will leave soon lor
Portland where she expects to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Myron Wilbur.
Mr.A. B. Croasmsn Swnt several days
at Williams last week, looking afltr his
interests In the Ti.le.lo mine aud re
turned through lure Ins! Wednesday in
route to Portland
Kelley Fields a:id sons are buiily en
gaged working on i r new brn and
alien completed it will h o-ia of the
best barni in this si -' ion
The prospects are the li-st llii.i s-soii
that have eer lfii in lhi- d-i-lion lor a
good hop crop The hops are pulling
forth very rapidly now and will come on
sooner this fall.
Mefcsrs lieo. F.eMs ui.d B:ll Joins
upent several dais iu your city this
week ou business.
Some people wonder why Lister Lay
ton stays up Williams creek so much ;
there must be a blight light up that way
lhat attracts his attention.
The many fiiends f Mrs. Myron Wil
bur are pleased to learn of her speedy
recovery since her trip to lhe Portland
"Ma and Pap" caught the stray itoone
last week, and pap said it was so poor
lie could shave a ilh his hreaM tone;
ma sail lhe reason it was s poor, it had
water on tin brain.
The entertainment that wait niven
over Isst S.ilurdiiv niht was well at-leiid'-d,
and the house wss packed
aluioKt to nitr.Halmn. Kveiy lo'i
seemed lo enjoy tliem'elvts and hate a
good time generally.
A great ntluib-r of jouir; people ol
this place will attend dancing school al
Hose's ball next Saturday night, given
by Piul. Geo lleriiolt, lhe young ihtm.
ing maier- W I, am thai ho makes
to step, jig-steps, door-sleps and high
land a ngs a specialty. We all bid thir
industrious yonng man good success
along this line of business.
Ma and Par.
Leg Cut Off.
A serious accident oirnrred in the
railroad yards hre last Frday. E A.
Dunham, a brakemtn whxe home s
in Talent, allempted to botrd the cvw
catcher ol an engine alt r closing a
switch. The grip rod was brek- n off, a
(act unknown to Djnhsui. lie fell
under the wheels aud his right leg was
o badly cru-hed that it had to be
ampuUd just below the knee, lie
j was taken to Tort'.and Friday eveuinj.
T7V ) l MT-
have pnlargod our sto.o room
Old Reliable Implement House
.Of Southern Orccon,
Is offering
Plows, Hacks, Carriages and Buggies
At 5"0 Discount for the Next 60 Days
Iii orJcr to make room for bis new stock of
Nliell and IIouvj- llnnhviii'c.
One Acme Harrow at cost. Call
11. A. Stannard of Brownsville ar
rived here last week and has assumed
the position of undertaker at the Ban
nard furniture house, lln has had
years oi experience in that line and has
a thorough knowledge of the business.
His family will rejoin him soon.
The Surest Remedy Is
Lung Balsam
It never fails to care a SIMPLE
ItLES. tars Bottlts $1.00. Medkist Slis 60c.
Small or THal tus 26c
Endorsed by sdl who have tried It,
I Buy Anything
I 5 uy "Voui-
. At Paddock's
Bicycle Den.
You may hsve some arli.le among your possessions Ibat yon have BO use
lor and never will have for-why not convert them into cash. I pay ,oa
cw.h foMhem. If you .re Ko g to move .way let me buy your hoaseb ilJ
trooos l will giv ion itivd price.
Sfwing MaiLine for rem and or sale.
Goods Sold on the Installment Plan.
and now have the host lighlej
his stock of
and see the goods.
Tooth Brush
Sanitarily considered logically
lead to the conclusion that
keeps the best stoik of Tooth
Brushes in the county.
Our stock is selected with
the utmost care with an eye
single to the quality of the goods
we offer. We have Tooth
Brushes from toe tip. You buy
the toe kind on your own re.
sponsibility. From 25c up, we
will guarantee the goods.
The bristles in a good brush
will not come out. A good
brush will outlast half a dozen
poor ones.
SloYer Drug Co.
Opposite Depot.
j Combiners $1.50.
I Mr. V. J. Sniythe is making a big
reduction on duplicate photographs
j run any ol the Weston negatives, giv
, 1 lg doien cabinet for tl.50 A dosen
i''ffiP pictures free with each original
order for a doen cabinets. Office hour
10:30 a. ni. to 3:30 p. m. Opposite
Court home.
Ike IYI. Davis,
Front St. Secon J-Hind.Stors