tliteef VOL XVIII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE CO0NTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 13, 190J. No. 16. X) DIRECTORY JOsEPIUSE COUNTY ( FFICERS. Judge Abe Axtell fonuiion er, Th Clerk ; R. L. RartleM llemitv Clark T P .lmlunn bherilf Kd Lister 1'eputv Sherill Ernest Lister Treasurer J. T. Taylor School tsupt Lincoln Savage jMes!or .. .1. lias. L row burveyor H C. Perkins Coroner T. A. Hood Headmaster Geo. W. Lewis CITY OFFICERS. Mayor W. F. Krenier Auditor anil I'olice Judge R. L. Davis Treasurer Col. V. John-on my attorney i K. Mayliee Marshal John Locknardt Mreel upt John Patrick Councilnien Oeo. H. Kinns A. C. HoUKh, J. II. Williams, C. K. Harmon J. A. Hehkopf, Harry Lewis. Herbert Smith, Henry Schmidt FRATERNAL SOCITIES. Grants l'axs Lodee A. F. & A. M., No. M. regular communication lirxt and third Saturdays. Virility; brothers cnrdiallv invited. H. C. ltoBizKN, W. M. A J. I'm a, Sec'y. Royal Arch Masons Reiunes Chapter No. jx meets second and fourth Wednesday Masonic hull. L. L. Jewell, J. E. 1'lteksok, Secy. 11. P. Euitern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 2 meets first and third Wednesday evenings of each month in Masonic hall. Mas. H, Zoi.i.kk. Mas. Aesa M. IIolhak, vV. M. Secy. I. O. O. F., --Golden Rule Lodge No. 78, meets every Saturday night at I. O. O. F. hall. Ike M. Davis, T. Y. DrAN, Secy. N. G. Paran Encampment I. () (). F. No. meets second and fourth Thursday at I.O. (. K. hall, Feed Schmiut. T. Y. I)kn. Kec'y. O. 1. Reltekahs Etna Rehekah, No. 41). meets second and fourth Monday, I. O. O. F. hull. Essie IIakteak. N. G. Mrs. J. II. Demson, Secy. I'nitcd Artisans-Grants Pass Assembly No. 4!, meets alternate Tuesdays in A.O. V. W. hall. F. E. Wehtz, Fued Mknsch, Master Artisan. Secy. Woodmen of the World Rogue River ( amp No. ;., meets second and fourth Wednesdays at Woodman Hall. Js. Siover. C. E. Maykce, Consul Commander. Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No. li. meets first ami third Mondays at v 00 linen nan. F.STELLA IlKHRY, N. U W. E. Dkas, Clerk. Foresters of America Court Josephine No. meets each Wednesday except uie iirsr, ai a. . v. w. nan. J. 1'. Hale, C. R. G. N. Bolt, F. S. Josephine Lodge, No. 112, A. O. II. W. meets in A. O. I'. W.hall, Dixon build ing every Monday evening. J. 11. Miaue, M. W. U A. Stanarh, Recorder. llawlho-Tie Lodge, No. 21, I), of II.. A. U. l. W. meets every alternate Tuesday evening in A. () U. W. hall, Diion building, Maa. A. McCarthy. Mm. Lyuia Okas. C. of II. Recorder. Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. 60, meets each Tuesday night 7-.;S0 I. O. O. F. hull. J. T. Chausse, Toil Wili.iavs, C. C, K. of It and S. Grand Army of the Republic Gen. Logan Post No. ;t, meets hrst Wednesday at A. O. V. W. hall. J. E. Peteusor. Ale Axteli, Adjt. Com American Order of Steam Engineers, Ore gun Ccuncil No. 1, meets tirt and third Saturdays, at A. O. 1'. W. hall. Wat. II. Kennet, Henj. F. MviiK K, Cliiel Engineer Corresponding Engineer. JR. M. C. FINDLEY, PHYSICIAN and BLRiJEON. Office, corner rooms Tolls' building, Phone No. 2id. Residence, Kuykendall house, A st, near 2d, Phone No. 17. Hours U to 12 a. in ; 1 .:tO to i:M p. m. Fight calls at residence. GRANTS PASS, - OREGON. C. HOUGH, ATrOKNK. Y-AT LAW, Pi notices in all State and Federal Courts Office over First National Bank. fcEAJiTs Pake, Oregon. H. C. PERKINS, U. s. DfVUTY MINERAL Sl'HVKYOR, .iIUKts Pass, Oreoom QEORGK H. BlNNS, ASSAYUR, OHlce opjwwile Hotel Josephine liRAKTs Pass. Oregon. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tracc Mak UCftlGNS CoVtOMT Ac. An too amdlnji a krtrh and 4VTlTtion mma q1elj M'wtain our ntink.n fre pthr an tnvifitl'rQ M pnrhiMr rtfXit.hWi- (-inmani.jt, timitfrtly ""nD.lntll. !ln1(voti on t'miutr ervt frsv iH'iA uwrf for iwinnc patmitA. Ptfnrfj Ukn thmneh Man A la rcalv UffsrUt dUc4, wHfio& eb-Hra, la ihm Scientific JImericam altHn of inf iw-kiiGe )naril. T-rn. Jr 1r wnntW, $L tuU bj ail imuxHwiiTa. BnwsV OH r m, Watb.. on. U C. 7 N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furmtara and Piano ' ' GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Tin popular barber ihop Get your tousorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath room in connection H. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, 8il rerwear and Jewelry. A Uood Assortment of Bracelets and Heart Bangles, Clemens' Orug Stora. J.M.CHILES GROCERIES HARDWARE TABLEWARE FincJButtcr a.Spccialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS g-- 'Phom 21 Well Matched Ifvou have a good team, why not have a good harness to match? Get the best you can find for the money. If you investigate before you buy, we are pretty sure to sell you a set of harness. All other horse goods up to the same standard. John Hackett SHOE REPAIRING. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. I'AIll If CAPITAL STOCK Traiuants a general Hanking business. Receives deposits nubject to check or oil demand certificates. Oni cu.sliiner are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con sistent niln sound. hankinK. principles. hafety deposit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, Pres. 1L A. BOOTH, Vice I'res. U. h, JEWKI.I,, Oasliier. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN CAPITAL STOCK, Kereive deposits sulijert to check or on certificate payable on demand. Hells sight drafts on New York an Francisco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all points In the United States. Special Attention nivcn to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. K. A. BOOTH, Pres. J. C. CaMI'HKI.I., Vice Pres. II. 1.. Oil, KEY, Cashier. ... THE WHITE IS KING.... Bcaaty of hnlih, Quslity of MsUrial, Elegance ol Deiijn, the finest workmanship the simplest, most complete and beat set of attachments, full instructions by ex pert teachers, easy payment, old machine taken in exchange, the fullest possible guarantee, one million, five hundred thousand bappy, satisfied users, thirty years of enreess, courteous treatment What Meet VY have other make of machines, wilhonl ball bearings, new, very tbeap Seme good aecomi band machine cheap. All kind of tewing machine Needle oil, attachments and repair. New machines for rent. . Don't think of buying a Sewing Machine nntil you have seen the New Bill Bevies "Whits" We say "Tb 'White' it King" of Bowing Machine and Bicycles. Call, tele phone er writs) and let ni prove it. WHITE 5EWINQ MACHINE COMPANY, Main Office, .100 Poet St., San Francisco, Cal. For Sale By J. Wolko, Grants Pass, Ore. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. 1. B. PADroCK, Paora. I am prerared to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind of MJLEBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty years ol eiperieoee In tbe Marble business warrant my saying that I can fill yoor order In tb very beet manner. Can tarnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind ef Marble. J. B. PADDOCK, Front Street, Next 10 Greene' G Bishop. Red Gross Porous Plaster King of all Plasters. The best Plaster for the worst pain. A weak back Plaster. Always use Red Cross, none bet ter price 25 cents. For Sale by M. Clemens, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Orange Fronh oppo. Optra House. Councils instituted in any part of the 8tate desired. Write for eirculara, objects of Older and information to Benj. F. Myrick, Deputy Supreme Chief Engineer, GRANTS PASS, ORE, rtais slcoatnr Is en tvery box of the gsnulns Laxative Dromo-yuinmc T.biu taa remedy that enrea a ld la tlar rggs GOODS fcgl SIXTH STREET. 92ft.00O.0O. OREGON. S50.000 OO, Ball Bearing Like a Bicycle Makes the "White" the Easiest Running Sewing Machine Made. Can Tog Aik? I disM) GCTO PS frgg5l City Council Proceedings. At the regular meeting pf the Com mon Council of the city of Grant Taj held at the city hall on Thursday eve ning (March Otli) Mayor W. F. Kremer presiding, all the member were present except Councilman Lewis. The claim of J. K. Tigiiey and others for correction of assessment for lateral sewer construction were referred to the auditor and police judge to report at next meeting. The property offered by Mrs. Trimble for a pesthouse was considered unsuit able for the purpose and not accepted. The council decided to grant the petition of K. I,. Hartlett and others to open Moss and II streets and build a bridge over Gilbert creek on condition that the owners donate the land neces sary to be Included in the street and referred the matter to the street com mittee. The special committee appointed to examine the ordinance re-organiiing the fire department reported progress and were granted further time. Bills of the Grant Tass New Water Light A Power Co. for water for flushing sewer and etc., 21.35. N. E. McGrew, hauling 11.50, and Sugar Pine Poor & Lumber Co., lumber for bridges, $7.00, were allowed. A petition of W. S. Bnrrie and others for a sidewalk on the east sido of Second street from the Uhlig property north to Lvelyn street was referred to the street committee. Councilman Williams introduced "An ordinance making it an offenco to allow stock to run at large ; to provide pun ishment therefore; to provide for the impounding of stock and to repeal all ordinances in conflict herewith," which was passed under the emergency clause and becomes effective at once. This or dinance change the cost for Kundage of horses, mules, cattle etc. to 2.50 and for other animals to (1.50 (or each seiz ure (the fees under former ordinance $1.00 and 50 cts. respectively.) The new ordinunce also provides that any person or jicrsons violating the same "shall be deemed guilty of an of fense and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than TO nor more than $20.00 or in default of pay ment of said fine shall be imprisoned in the city jail one dav for each two dol lars of said "line." The ordinance vacating tlio alley in west half of block 40, original townaite of Grants Pass was laid on the table in definitely. A ordinance regulating the construc tion of "cliimnoys" was read the third time and passed, which provides that all chimneys within 150 feet of another building shall have walls of good brick or stone at least 4 inches thick, the bot tom to be at least six inches of same material and be laid in good lime mor tar plaitered inside, and where passing through or near woodwork, plastored on the outsidu. They shall bo well sueured and extend at least 2 feet below the ceiling of the room where lire is to be made, if constructed on sidewall every stovepipe passing through a ceiling or partition shall ho protected by passing through a patent ventilator. No stove pipe shall pass through a side-wall win dow or roof without first securing per mission of the committee on lire and wat er, in writing. No stovepipe shall stund within 18 inches of any wood-work or cloth wall, unless protected by tin or zinc plates. Sec. 2 gives tho committee on fire and water authority to enter houses to examine and enforce the pro vinions of tho ordinance. See. 3 pro vides a fine of not more than (20 for each offense. The comniitteo on health was in structed to cause nuisances in rear of the meat market on G street to be abated. Tim Baloon lionds of W. 8. Wood was accepted and license granted, WasKlnijton Latter. Wahiiinuton, Mar. 3d, 11)02. The most impressive event of the pait week in Washington was the joint memorial session of congresa at which Secretary Hay delivered the eulogy rf the late - President McKinlsy. The presence on the floor of the house of representatives ol the president and his HOUSEWORK Too much housework wrecks wo- incn' nerves. And the constant . 1 .1 ii 1 , , , . , i-iuu ui i-iuiureu, uuy ana nijrni, is C often too trvltirr fur nven urrt.., r, - - - K woman. A haggard fate tolls the story of the overworked houm-wlfe and mother. Deranged menses, leucorrhii'a and fulling- of the womb result from overwork. Every hous'-wif.-: needs a remedy to regulate her mennes and to keep her sensitive female, organs in perfect condition. WiKCAL18UI is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones ami that is why she writes this trunk letter : Glen-toane, Kjr., Knh. 10, ISOt. I mm so E'Au tiiat your Wine of Oaraal un,liinrme. i am ieiiir better Ihao 1 bava lit y.rars. 1 am doing air own work wtltuut tar help, and I waahad laat wrK and waa not hit tired. Ibat ftU,wa thai Ilia Wlna la d'.nK ma rtA. I ant gAUma; flhler tuau i a,-r urmra, anu mmm and eat boartr. )ifor 1 beaao tacina Wlne nf Cardul, 1 card to hara to lar dowa Ova rr aia tltuea evffry day, but now i doKoiM.!KE 'ir irmir driwn wmiurh tlaadar. Mu kir-uo Juaaa. ai.oo AT 1SU emiKTtJ. 1m 4-1 aaa HletwIaM. MMfeM. frif awa tea,., "la I..'. lMvHn.t . iba .. niiaaoaa, lata. BUILDING FOR JOSEPHINE'S MINING EXHIBIT The Edifice Which is to Contain the Display of Josephine County's Wealth of Resources Will Soon be Under Construction. The board of trade has completed nearly nil of tho necessary arrange ments and will soon begin tho erection of tho building which is to he do voted to the exhibit of Josepnine county's mineral and other resources. The building; will not bo of too pretention dimensions, but, as may bo seen by the accompanying cut, Is very neat and attractive iu design, as well us being unique In appearance and with n quslity which will attcaet the nolleo of every one who eee It. Tho building will be 30 foot square. It will occupy the corner of the ruilroad park nearest tho depot hero it will be easily ac cessible from the trains. It will bo contain two rooms, ouo, a small room, will occupy the rear corner of the building and will bo used for a library and for meetings of the board. Tho main room will occupy tho greater part of of the Hoof space of tho building and Its area will bodovoted to tho minoral and other exhibits. Tho office, also, will lie located In this room, tu tho cor ner fronting the railroad and street, directly under tho cupola. .Tho em blems of tho miner's eraft, the shovel and tho pan, will be raised aloft on the cupola to Indicate tho oharaeter of the building. Wrll'W Tho exhibits will not bo limited to minerals, though of course these will form by far tho larger part. Thero will he exhibits of our timber resources, samples of our many different woods; agricultural exhibits, tho products of tho farm, garden and orchard In their Benson. Tl racillo IMno Noedlo Co. will have an Interesting oxhlbit of Its product. Tho minoral exhibit, If rightly worked up, will bo second to nono on tho coast. There Is probably no other section on tho ooast that can bIiow so great a diversity In mineral resource as Josephine county, with so groat oxoellonco In all. Tho dominat ing mineral, of course, is gold. It is found every where, in placer and quartz. We have marvelously rich Hpwlmons, both from pockets and from deep down on permanent veins. We can show gold bearing quartz from hugo ledges or dike hundreds of foot In width and of every grado under the sun, from tho gleaming apeVimnn, half gold, to tho baso ore whoso'vulue are chemically imprisoned. Copper Is a metal of great and rapidly Increas ing Importance In this county. Wo huvo largo and rich deposit now under development. Platinum is found In many places and Us possibilities nro great. Cinnabar is an oro of importance. Nickel, silver, tin and many othor metals are found In greater or less quantities. An exhibit can lie placed In this building which will bo an eye opener to nil who soo It. cabinet, the diplomatic corps, the justice of the supreme court and the member of both house of congress gathered to do homage to the late presi dent was in itself a brilliant and edi fying light and the spacious galleries filled with ladies, the wive and families of the members of congress, presented a beautiful background to the more sombre assemblage below. Quite apart from the presence of the brother of the emperor of Germany, the scene was one that will never be forgotten by those who had the opportunity of witnessing it. The flags on the capitol were at half mast and the playing of the hymns, "Nearer my God to Thee" and "Lead, Kindly Light" by the Marine bnnd, which was stationed In the back lobby, while the guest were taking their plaevj gave to the event in appropriate at mosphere and prepared tho audience for the aolema and beautiful oulogy which It had gathered to hear. Among the early arrivals wis I'rince Henry, ol I'ruisia. II came up the main aisle unattended and arriving at the front of the seats he gavs the military saluto to President pro tern Frye and Speaker Henderson who were on the rostrum. He then turned and stood at "attention" at the head ol the aisle in a position suggestive of a bridegroom awaiting the arrival of (he bridal party. For fully ten minutes he stood without moving a muscle. A Mr. Hoosevelt, followed by hi cabinet, arrived at the head ol the aisle the prince again saluted and then bowed low, taking the teat assigned to him at the right ol the president. The suite which accompanied the prince took seals with the diplomatic corps and immediately behind the justices of the supreme court. It wait my goed lortune to be in a position where I could closely observe tho presi dent and the prince and the nervous energy ol the (urmer was in aiarkeil con trast to the military etiquette of the latter. Althouga the exercikes lasted (rom twenty minute after eleven to hall pal one, th prince, except for bis standing lor the Invocation and benediction, sal bolt upright, his knee together and Ins toes turned out and never appeared to change position or even rest (liuikelf by the movement of hand or loot. The president showed evident sign of restleasnes. At first be lounged in his chair and at the time lengthened he continually shifted hi position with nervous quick movements. Space will not permit a revlow ol Secretary Hay' oration, beyond the latement that it was a most finished specimen of English compoailion, at time beautiful la thought and metaphor, replete with praise of bi former clue!. While well learned it larked the spontaneity and magnetism of a more extemporantou address and, while th secretary' voice is pleasant, the fait that he spok in a remarkably even tone rendered th address slightly monoto nous. Generous applause greeted it conclusion. After th exercises at th capitol the prince visited Mount Vernon and it is characteristic of the simplicity of tl royal visitor that when asked to plant tree near Washington' tomb, ha was not content wl'h th formal throwing in of a apadeful of earth, customary on such occasions but threw io number and then teppd Into the excavation and tramped them down explaining, "I want to pack the earth well about the roots so that It will grow." On Friday morning it poured rain in Washington and someone expressed regret that the eulher would mar the trip to Annapo lis. "Hut it is excellent for my little linden tree, which I planted at Mount Vernon," replied I'rince Henry. A member el the Prince' suite re marked Friday evening that, of all the event of the week those which bad given the prince the mowt pleasure were the dinner en faiuillo at the White Uuuse when but eleven people were present, and the horse back rido when the president and the prince, attended only by an orderly, rode fifteen miles through the suburbs and country about Washington, much of the lima In a pouring rain, which thoroughly drenched them. The week in the national legislature was uheied in by a decision of Presi dent pro torn Frye, of the senate, to the elfect that because the senators from ftoiith Carolina IkkI engaged in a person al encounter on the floor ol the senate chamber and bad subsequently lioen de clared "in contempt" by the senate, their names should bo stricken from the roll pending the decision of the com mittee on Privileges and Hules, to which the question ol their conduct had been referred. The minority protested that the action ol chair was a virtual disfranchisement of the state of South Carolina. Senator Fryu later restored the mimes to the rolls ami on Friday the committer reported, censuring the sena tors mid relieving them from tho charge ol contempt, Lut no hiiriuuss was transacted by the senate between Mon day ami FriiUy. On the latter day the couaidaratioii ol the liiioahrougu irriga tion bill was begun, that being now the "regular order." The conference report on the cento bill was received and approved on the ranin day. Saturday was devoted to the irrigation bill and some private claims bills, The housii i.f representative has paased the eunetilnr and diplomatic ap propriation hill, a cepled the census hill, which now rui iircs only the signature of the president to become a law, and bus determined to "nun concur" 011 the I'liilippine hill as auoirnlcd by the senate Tim bill is now in the hands ol the conference committee. On Friday the hoin-e took np the calendar nnd pansed one hundred and litty-nino private ami claims hill in three hours when, worn out with it labors, It adjourned until today. Hils evening a caucus ol the republican members will again take up the question of reciprocity with Cuba. It is ossihle that aorn agreement will be arrived at although that hardly seems probable. I have seen most ol the republican leaders during the pant lew day and have been unable to discover any in clination to recede from their widely diverse opinions which practically nullified the recommendations of the Ways and Mean committee at the last caucus. I.ockjtw I'roiii Cobwebs. Cobweb put on a cut lately gave a woman lockjaw. Million know that the last thing to put on a cut I Ituck len's Arnica Salve, the infallible healer ol Wounds, I' leers, Sores, Skin Erup tions, liurni, Scalds and Files. It cure or no pay. Only iOc. at Dr. Kremer' drug store, Kodak film fresh every week at th Cut an a ollice. Thomas Homes Furnished Complete New Stoves, New Ranges. New Mattings, . New Carpets, New Rocking; Chairs, . New Go Carts, New Baby Carriages, New Couches, New Iron Beds, I.ace Curtain Mattresses lota Linoleums Mattings Mirrors Picture M oulding (Article for this column are con tributed by the Women' Christian Tempeiance Union.) All ladie Interested in temperance are cordially invited to 'meet at Mr. Wade' on Frout St. on Friday after noon, March 1 lib, at three p. m. The ladie of the W. 0. T. U. bay had a busy week. They aold the ticket fur the first Meneley concert, thus secur ing a good house the first night. Mr. Teat, national organlxer and vn geliat, gave tluee lecture at the New man M. K. church, which were quite well attended. Mr. Teat made sev eral good points for temperance and should have had a larger audience. Items From Throughout Th State. The Forest Grove Union must have been unique in holding out-door meet ing during the summer. At present they are gathering at Mr, llolliagsr home, where ovr old friend, Mr. Mc Cune gave a Ilible reading. At the Woman' missionary Society, Congregational church, Hood Uivar, Mr. Gordon (poke in no uncertain term ol the glaring evil of the saloon and it twin lister, immorality. The test case in Albany for th Sun day delinquent waa fined f&Oand coat. The "Malheur Garotte," ol Vale, ha strong opinion on the work of tb Law Enforcement League of our metropolis. It say if neither of the parties will shoulder the work, an antl-yic ticket must be put in the fluid. Th Southern Pacific railroad having gone prohibition, will be one more help to temjieraiice worker. From a "busi ness alaudpoint," Is always a tolling one 1 The Anti-saloon League in Xugene I Issuing its own monthly per. "The Home Defender." In Tillamook an indignant taxpayer say that "the saloon dement of the second ward has no right to inlerlere with the election in the fourth ward I" The editorial adds, "If they -peraiit in wanting to run everything, a strong a sentiment will come In and ctoe them up!" The sooner this happens, the better, A First-street man of Albany very proptrly say, it is not right to leave the enforcement of th Sunday closing law to the ministers and private citixens. The city council should back lb police officer in doing their duty. Chief of Police ol Albauy ha just issued an order to tho effect that nicksl- in-the-ilut must atop. If not, houses running them will be raided. Tb Anti-Saluon League ia op and I TX. C. Z. HI. Column'' 15 Minutes sufficient to give you most delicious tea biscuit using Royal Baking Powder as di rected. A pure, true leavener. -TDE- HOUSE FURNISHER Nearly a car load of now goods received ; in tho pastfweek prices right; satisfaction guaranteed. ,, ., : Wall Papers Immenso variety ,3 to COc doublo roll all'tho between prices. Houselinings and Tacks. Granlteware Tinware Glassware Agateware Lamps Cutlery . Woodcnware doing at Albany. There are nine case ol breach of the Sunday law, ont of ten alooa. : . : Th anti-saloon campaigning ha itarted Id Eugene with an evening and an Interesting program. By and hy tny will proceed to the next itep. 8unday chool worker in McMlnn yllle mot lo discuss the topic of the W. 0. T. C. in Sunday ichool work. February 22nd waa tl,. fvi- .... hlbltion Club rally lo W. C. T. U. hall, i ,1 aiuauy, TllO Prohibition Cnnntw PnnvanliAN we held on Friday, March 7lh. A full titasi was nominated. ' Shake Into Your Shoo Allen' Foot-Ease, a powder. It core painful, smarting nervous feet and in growing nail, and instantly take th ting out of corn and bunions. It' the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen' Foot-Ease make tight or new hoe feel easy. It i a certain core for wealing, callous and hot, tired aching feet. Try it to day. Sold by all drug gist and shoe (tore. By mail for 25c. in sumps. Trial package Free. Ad-' dres, Allan 8. Olmsted, La Koy, N. "i. Tunnel Contract. Sealed bid will be received np to noon on March 10th, 1902, for the fol lowing tunnel work. The bidB should be addressed to: "Th General Maua ger. Waldo B A M Co., Waldo, Oregon." No. 1. Lyttle Tunnel. Tobe6U0feet long, more or less;B'" high; 4' 6" wide at bottom, and 3' tt" wide at the top. Fully timbered throughout, laid timbering to be peeled and of sound quality; to consiat of cape, mudsills, posts and lagging; timber may be cut on th company's property, without cost to the contractor. No. 9. Cow Boy Tonne! j lobe 000 feet long, more or less; O'tt" high 4' 6" widest bottom and 3' b" a ide at top. Fully tim bered throughout; laid timbering to be peeled, of sound quality, and to consist of caps, i mudsills, post and lagging; timber may be cut on company' prop erty, without cost to contractor. Contractor shall furnish everything necessary to the work which shall be prosecuted In each case, with not less than two shift of two miner each, trammer, tiuiberuiun and other help nit Included. Payments will lut made the 10th of each month for the work done th previous nionih, less 33',' per ceut reserved till completion of cou tract. The work shall be done iu the beat pos sible manner and to the satisfaction of the General Manager or his represent atlve. The company will furnish all needed survey ami engtueemg data, which must be strictly adherred to. The gen eral manager must be fully satisfied a to the ability of the bidder to carry out bia contract and expressly reserve the right to reject all bids. For further in formation apply to the company' ollice at the mines near Waldo. Bidder should bid on each contract separately. A. E. Voorhiea can supply you with anythiug needed in the photograph Una either amateur or professional supplies