i I' ' r n TO A CROW. ( y Thy breait triumphant 'galna the wintry blaat, Or the mow. tollowlnt fiat. Thou charily Joat tound thy trump forlorn From the dewd Held of com. Naught daunted by th rough and frown ground, -v Thou taknttriy way around; Oroteequely waddllm. loudly triunHihhU. Lteicantmc on thi iirlnaj. . . What lolemn conclav of thy kind hall ptand. That div. nn tha arabla land! Cocking wl eyea whera once tha acara- crow atood, gentry on hardihood! What comic eoplea of thya4f hall watt On tha creaking- paalura gata! What a warhful tya art on tham and thaa. Thy mat In tha aycamora tree! ... Adieu. Iinvt bird, adlau! ... and a Nhy flight Haalena to meet tha right, So may our nearta, triumphant, aprlng to grtat -Patt'a dark, awlft-oomlng Kit. ( Bo may our aouli. unfaltering-, rlai aerem Where doubt and doath have b-n. Into tha night and Sllanra: our laM cry A Jubilant aong. ia Lire gnea hurrying by! Evelyn Phlnney, In tha Atlantic Murphy, Murpb, A Cold Honeymoon By IRVING BACHZLLZR ' (ueyrtaMO, wa, ky MUy atocr V- oj IT WAS our weddlnff Journey. W had come up to Ban Franelaco on our way to New York by rail. The journey aa rather too coitly for the Income I enjoyed, but, alail I had jironuiedl ' "You can pjet aralperi' ticket!," a friend had aoid to me, "they will acre enouifh to pay 1'uH-min fare."- I had arnail knowing ' calpera' ticket. Of their chenpneai I had often heard, but of their power to demoral ize a man and chHiie rerythin( that la hie, from hla name to hia character, I knew nothing. I had taken a atateroom 1n which wo were to hava a week of fur honey moon quite to oliraelvea. A little be fore train time I went out to Inveatl rats the matter of aralpera' ticket!. "I can fix you all rl(bt." "'d h airrcrnhle irrntleman, who dealt In them. "Here are two ticket! (fo" l a man and woman. They will anve yon IM. Firat-claia, and 1 guarantee their acceptance." ''-. I looked at them hurriedly there wai no time to low. It wa a laidiiK worth while. Twenty dollara would nearly pay for the atateroom. I took them. He tucked them, Into n envelope. I paid him the money and hurried back. The Ufe waa about to leave and my wife waa wal Irtfr at the ladlea' eilt. We got aboard with all haute and were ahnrtljr on our way to the depot. When we were on the train at laat I looked at the two tlcketa. That for my wife had been leatied to one Mlaa llrldget Mur phy. "Mlw Itrlilfet Murphy!" I aoftly exclaimed. "What do that mean?" I limited the half-yard of euutMHia and the regulation! of the company. The ticket had evidently been bought by Mlaa Murphy. It waa good from Reattli to New York via Ran Fran elaco. Bhe had ed It to the latter point and then aoid It, for aome rea- on, to the acalper. The thing that worried me waa the fact that the ticket waa not traniferahle, according to the contract on lt face. Mlaa Mur phy niual prevent It heraelf and 111 dorae It In the preaenoe of the con- duclor. If any other endeavored to uae It the ticket waa forfeit to the company. The train waa under way I excuaed mM'aelf and went to the moklng room. Sitting there quietly I examined the other ticket That waa aigned one 8am. flwackhammer. It wai the handwriting of a blaek amlth and not eaay to Imitate. It had a alcdge hammer awing to it. The truth came clear to me after a UtlTe thouirht. A araliM-ra' ticket was one a man paid for partly in money and nnrllv In hie hope of Heaven. 1 nitild not afford to buy new tickela and fur the real of the trip, I muat be Mr. Hwarkhammer and my wife a lady of the name of Murphy. I prranme my firat name waa Samuel, tint the man had writ leu it Sam. I inuat manage It loinehow and quickly. I took out in V pencil and tried to Imitate the rliinwv algnature. At eonn aa I got the awing of It I hitatened to my bride, She had a happy aiulle and waa look Ing out of the window. Khe wlahed me tn vlemv the acenery, but aaw my perturbation he looked tip at mi "Durlingl" ahe exclaimed, "what la the matter?" "(Inly thia," I aald, "a inlatake haa been made, and until w gvt to New York your name will have to be Mur phy." i "Murphy!" ahe exclaimed, "what do vou mean?" "Well, I got the wrong ticket! Some vmv," 1 aald. "I don't know how happened I waa In a great hurry. We muat make thr beat of It now. Juat aurn the name of Murphy on your ticket. It will be nil right. There It la, llriilget Murphy," I mid, holding It up to her. "What a horrible name!" the aald with a aiirh. "llrre," I amid, "take my pencil and ee If you can Imitate It." "Why, Tom," ahe exclaimed "that would be wicked. I don't think Jt'i nice nt nil." "It lan't nice." I anawered, "but It neeeaaar.r. I can't aee anything elae to do. Hcaldit you niuMn't cull me Tom. You muat call me Sam." "I could nt do It," kht- id, iV clalvely. She turned and aat looVin., thought fully nit of the window. "And do yon think I Mn'l let you call me llrldget T" ahe aki-,l. In a tone "I might call you M'aa then," I anawered, "or Mi for abort."' In a moment there were teara in her n-n, I excuaed myielf to go and get drink of water. I improved the opportunity it gave me t-j ntuily further-the ungraceful chiroi'rnphy of thejate Mr. Strackhauimi r. W hen I returned ihe vra dilig utiy practicing on the algnatureof M Murphy. The conductor came In. He looked at in aharply for a trying moment, took the ticketg and examined them care fully. "Miaa Murphy Mr. Swuckhnmmer, laid he, reading the nam. a; "plenae ign them." We did ao and be gave " checke for them and paaaed on. The Pull man agent waa at hia elbow. Ik looked up, Inqulkitlvely, a I handed over the atateroom ticket. Then be nulled a knowing aort of amile. "Shall vou want another atate room?" he Inquired. Aa he opoke my mind -went up to ita kneea In the mire. Of eourae it would not do for Mr. Hwackhammer to oc cupy atateroom with Miea Murphy. I felt ai if eoroebody had opened a furnace door a foot away from my face. "Ye yea," I atammered, "of conrae I I whall want another atateroom. "Why, no you won't," aaid Mlai Mur phy, aweetly, but deciiively, aa )ie briuhed the lint off my coat collar, "I want you with me." I atared helpleaaly at the agent for 1 little. My wife eaw the aerioti) char acter of the aituation. and turned her face, looking thoughtfully out of the window. "Yea," anld I, feeling fur my money. "Oivc me a aectlon for myeelf." To my chagrin it coat me more than I had aaved by thoae infermil tlcketa. And they were alio to rob our honeymoon of ita luater that waa the woret of It. We were to he put Blunder In the very heyday of our married life. I began to Iniigh, from the tickle of deapnir aa aoou hh tha man had left ui. My young wife wiped her eyea and looked very hu rloiu. "Muruh," laid I, "you muit linrn to treat jne coldly for uwhilu. U member, on thia Journey we arc nothing more to each other than ac quaintance!, or, at heat, friemli. fihe lat ill ailrnce a little time. "Couldn't I be your aintcr?" aho whlapered, preienbly, a aolemn look on her face. Inipoaalble!" I exclaimed. "How could Min Murphy be the alatt-r of Mr. Svinckliiiinini-r?" I didn't know but there wai aome way to munage it," laid the, with a igh. "It'i too difficult," aald I. lou might ai well try to bo my grandmother." Well, it waa s long journey, and Jx-fore it waa over everyliody on the ear got to know everybody eliu. Miai Murphy, being young, and, oi I have evejr thought, very beautiful, liecame ieedlngly popular. I here were three young men going enit to col lege who were more attentive to her 11ih.1i thev had mil riirht to be. Not that ahe gave them undue encourage ment It waa not neceamry. Khe wai only decently polite. They brought her fruit and water, hooka and inug aituei mid ncwtpapcri, and told torlei and aang aougi to her, and what, with It all, I hnd a feeling worae than loiiulineaa-it waa one of alwolute liereatemeiit. lay by day wai drooping like a flower that had been cut and thrown In the duat. One day, when they hail nil gone out for dinner and we were Bitting alone, I determined to apeak my mind. "My darling!" I whiapered, "1 don t like thoae young men. Ihcy are too familiar. You iiuiBtn't let them come aear you. They are u eon founded auiaance. I am your lawful hualiaud, hut I can hardly get a word with you." "You foolieh thing!" lain ane. Didn't you tell me I wai to be cold ml dlelunt to you?" "Yea, but I didn't think you would bear down na hard aa you have, aaid I, and got up. a little out of patience, and made for the hiiiokiug room. The college boyi had jut come In for dinner. Ai I itoppid a moment outalde the door I could hear them talking v. bile they were lighting their clgara. Poor old Swackey!" aald one, laughing ai he apoke. "He la bend over heeli In love with her." mid another. "Hut he hnan t a ghoat of a allow." l,oki aa if he had been nit with an ax, aald another. Or whacked with a hammer," laid the flret. I had heard enough, mid culm' awav. if i wai not ai nappy aa i might have been, 1 went unwounded the real of the Journey. W lien at laat we wera croaaine the ferry at New York we were no longer Swnek hammer and Murphy, lut the happy loveri we had been. "I never want to change my name again," aald my wife, with a algh of relief. "And vou never ahnll until I am dead," waa my amwer. TEJST Cf TEE L00F.1. i i mm Jleu and women of taste and judgment go into ecV.acici over the wonderful pal- term, texturta ano co:or& wo-u mc mc fruit of thL- loom." But there ii oue fruit of thi! Uxitn they rarely con aiiUr, end Imtt is the f mil and tailed wotnuii, old iieforc her time, bi-caure necessity con:fcl her to work tnnier conilitii.ua, which send lier more favored aister to lied and the doc tor'! cur?. The disease! which wehken and torment women, may in alii o".t all laws ): cured by the me of Dr. Pierce Favorite i,,o.,.;..4i.. it ritJ Mt--.bli.shes regu- A tirity, dri- weak- MS-' 'pt. lniiai: 'iniiiiou an-1 , JfjfJ).-rJf- cures fiiuule weak- fcv . t una. 'ili.JP" "1 hnd ffnii.lr trr.ul.le f.,rfiht yfara." write Mr, I, I 1 enmv nf h.H l-:nt C-.llrj Str.rt. l.i-l:v.i!villc, 111, r Wof'tn cimii'it riprrwi Imt I piili,-!ril. t"ft rrhrl amortR thr mrtUitil pn.fnuiw atnf foun-l rilTI'l IUK '1 me l' try I )r l-r,,r- l-';,voril(- 1 r lil'li'-n Wli' iil coliiint-il' i 'I InLmic thi ine-IK me 1 wriyliril liin.lv live ,u:i.i.. Nuw I v.,n:li "lie lim-IrM an.l nlly ,m i.o,iii!-v -more lh.ui 1 tvvr wnplieil l-iWc. I n K l.ol I woulil lie Irom il.-iy to i!av nnH Iiiii for uYiith to n.nie nml rchevt my kiiuYrliur. I liiiH Intrmal inlliitnniHtion. a iti .'!fei.iiV !ii,ui. tin Hlilit: ilowll linlll, an-l urh ititrH rviv ni'iiith. l-ul ii'.w I ncvi r have n imim lo nil mv own work and am a ntroiiif and lltrullhy woman." e Favorite Prescription " makes weak women atfi.n, sick women well. Accept no sulwtitiin- fur the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierre's I'h asanl IVllcts should lie used with " l iiMiiite prescription " when ever a lax;iiive is rcipiired. On Jellies prowrvea and pleklea, apread a tula eoaung of PURE REFINED PARAFFiriE Will kv thm aiwolutel mnlfltiir od dd proof. Iu re lu-fluJ ttrtiiin ! w IMri fili in duiw. ht Wbyi aliout tb tkoticW. full Oirectmrm in en im. bold vcrwber. 8TANDAR0 OIL CO. Tim Weekly Orenonisn and the Cot'iiiKK bolb lor one year lor 2 in ad vauce. CW-iv.vy) ;eJJ'.!. ...ti Talklaig at a l-iiua IMalaaee. Kighteen niilca ia miiil to be Hie long est distance on record at w hich a iniin a voice has been heard. This occurred ill the llraud canyon of the t'olonido, where one man ahoiitiug Hie inline "Hob" at one end, his voice i plainly heard at the oilier end, which i H mllri away. Dr. Young records Unit a (iihraltar the human voice has been heard at a dlalance of ten milea. t ill cgo t'hranlele. Malaial Hew!. Young Wife - I em ell run down. think I'll hire a cook and husbund my slreugih. llustiaud -Yes. do, dear, an stremthen vour husband.- Smart Set. A Bureau n Information. The Durliniiton ticket ulhci ia I'otlland ia a verilible Uureau of Inlurnialioo for tiavelen a place when they can learn what it will cuat tu tcath ANY point ia America or Kurotie; how Icag the trip will take, and what there it to see on the way. If you in filming on an eaitern trip, dtop in and fit full information., or, if yuu prefer, write me ibout it Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and EVERYWHERE beyood. A. C. SuauON, General Agent, Cor. Third and Stark Sli, I'otlland, Ore. Postmaster Palmer of So. Glen Falls, N. Y., des cribe a condition which thous ands of men and women find identical with theirs. Read what he says, and note the similarity of your own case. Write to liiin, enclosing stamped ad dressed envel ope for reply, and cet a per sonal corroboration of what is here given. He says regarding Dr. Miles' Heart Cure: "1 suffered si;onlzlng pln In the left break! and between my hliouhlers from litaittiuul.lt. My heart would palpi tale H'ltter, then skip heals until I conid ru loneer lie in bed. INieM alter night I walked the lloor, lor to lie down would hjjve meant sudden death. My cjnditiun seemed ulniokt hopeless when I beyan taking lr. Miles' Heart t'ure, but It helped me from the titht. Later Jtook lir. Miles' Nervine with the iesrt Cure and theelfect was aston ishing. 1 earnestly implore silnil.ir su fcrers to give these remedies a tn.il." Sold by e.11 Drugelsts on guarantee. Dr. Milei Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. L D. Palmer. EVENING HYMN. Now the blrda are sleeping. Now the thadows fall; Now th- fturs are keeping Frlii.i-iy watch o'er alii Now In cubln lowly. f Now In tntely hall. i Bleep. tru liirlt holy, -j Culls ihi ihhilnn all. i; "C(.-rne. ye tittle- children. Kre your i . Has elcse. Ere tr.y s'iiiK heWi'.utrtng Lulls you to reose. "Kneel to (iod the Giver, lllees lllm (or the day. I'ray that He will evtr tlu.de you on your way. "Faithful, kind and tinile.r, , Clod Is tv-T near; Now In hwi et i.urrendsr. lust you, children dmr!" Thus In cwhln lowly. Thus In tt.itely hall, Hlb i. the fiorlt holy, ('ails Ihe children all. Laura K. Klekarils. In Wellsprlng. C0OOOO00HrO000O00OO0OCiOOg The Testing of a jVIan when he By WILiblflM BUOSS txKioooooooooooooaocooooooo (Copyrliflit. 1W1. bj AuUiois 8ri,aivu.l LO.N'd ajf", some pi ruon more or 1ch4 wise tiny are woefully tire soine, thes sawin.iktrs declared that when a woman will elie will. That's all very well, and perhaps it is, for the belter part, true; but there are oiips between lips and cups, pitchers often are bn-k- ,-n hv iiiukioir stcailv e(illi.i:il-y of the well curb, and, in fact, one can't n 1 v ii V siifclv bet on a Mire tip. I have little doubt that u woman will when she will, if she can - but there's the rub. lib Mis'.i -I" are wrote, ami was no.Ht unc. i, in. i nly ub'ised ly Critic ll.ildMultii for l. intr m iliKatfi-e.-nbly iol-ei- ll .rc iv nrnvii,-' that i i without honor in hi o u (fcnei l,t ii.n If elie can. One tnllMt rerljoli with tills km mini "if e h.- can." It was be cause of this lack of rcckoiiii'.y that M. ilora l-'olsoi-i :,oi-ictli:i.c; very dear i,, iv, ,o i n. her lu ii.c. entered into ll 'des of mat riiminv with and husky male person Oil' feet null coarse bnni'is, niiitc conliuiy lo all the con of n alib-i 1; exH i t.n-i-y ol, niv l-epl CMIieV 'I' bk lit f NtiTICK OF FINAL SKTl I.KM KST. Notice is hereby isiven that Miiurico Suvsite, Win ailiiiinistrator in tne rsiuiu it A brain Cole, dei e.ii il, lias ren- lered and presented lor settleine-nt. and tiled in "aid Court, Ins llual ai count ul bis ailiinnisiriit'.oii ol 4 . i, estates; and Hut Frnlav. I lie tentv-liist day of M.in'li A. I1. I!i-', si nine o clock a. in. at no- court room ol said Court, at tin' Court buiise in rants I'mh, County of Josephine, lias been duly appointed by the J mist" ! nid Court, lor the. n-i llcni'-nl ol said mini account, at which tune and place. snv lM.rsoii Intel cHlcil lu Mini esis.e iiuiv appear, ami IHe ins etcepiiuiis ia i w ruinx, to iiih s-iiu accoiiiii an-l i"-'i the hi inc. M M hick Mvaih:, Adlllilllstritlor ol I-.slale ol Aliraill t llle, deceased. NUl'lCF. Ii Clil IH I'HiS. l-i-tale ol James t) M-li -c, I), cease,! Notice is bcri'l v iven l-V III" umlel- sluneil, a-lmini-Uaior 01 tne csi.no o, , lames tl. .Med.',', ill i . -i-i-.l, Mine! ledums ul, ami all persons bavin- ilslilK BH.illl-l lln' eill.l ilece.lseo, i csbilill t lli'lil till Ho- neci-s my Ulcbi'in, w III. Ill sis in. ii I Iih ill i-r III.- I lirsl publlcallon of this nol.ee. In the ji.I a. nnniMrsior 'o hi" ri-si,iem c ai W llllillliB. Ill tin--, .lo-eplillie I oilnlv I licnoli, or rtl the nllu e ol Alio .-IXICII the i robs e Jioliie, at lininls l'ss-, 11 ninl County. C. . .Venn! Adiiuuistia'ivr of lb- i - i ' e i -1 -I a ii 1 1 O. Mctiee, -Ii-. -e.ie.l I li.Ucd at ;i:anis l'.i-s, ur , I en i.i i l'.KIJ. ' NOl-lCF. OF I IN VI. SKIT I KM FN I' i Notice is hereby iiiven that under, ami hv virtue of an order ol Hie County Court nl the Mate ul Un it, in lor .lose-I iiliiue t'ouulv, made on llm ,"uh day of rebnmrv, ".', Monday the b'lh d.iv ol March, LhVl, at HI 'o'clock a. in. ol said dav, at the Court Ib u-e III Ihe citv ol lirants l'il-s, tiii-t-ui, bush i fixed hv said emu t us the lime ami place j ior lu'ainii: obj. cin-iis in s.nd tiual si- count ul the iliiilets'iilie.l, ll.lliv I. Ives-ili-r, exectl'ol ol the csl.tlc nt -In-, (r, li-r, de eased. i-ii-I all persons b.n I mi! interest III nnd e'lnle slnlil piesiin llielr objecllolis tu tin' limit iH'eoupl ol t die uniti-l sinned, which si toed lu -.iid colli 1 on I bo .'nil dav ol r , M il.li v . I'."!'., nn hi b, Ion' -aid 10 h il.il i l Man ll. I'.l .' II VIIUV V Kks-1 hi Kxecutor id I he i-lale ,1 l..n pti Keisicr, d. ceased. Noliio to Contriliiile li J H U eves; Notice is In rein-isiven b tlie iiiid.ii- Ulieil, lour co osto r in Ihe p'Siel tli.ll .Us1 claims slltl Col :tl the ilv-r ciei k in l ii ma dulrvt, .1 .is. pliino coiinlv, and snow ll as chinos No. su-1 Nn ;!. Incited bv A J.C-il'el IhoH. dolls and J- U. beeves on llm '.Vlh ilsi ul April, IS'.C, Ihenntlce nt vthu-li is reenrded at pses Iod and -nil. Vol. 10, ol the iiiinin recurds ol Josephine county, tbeon, Ibal unless vou contribute and pav to ibe sai-l umlcisih.'iied i-n-iosiier wnhin nmelv dan In-in the ,lsie nl the lini piibiuaiinn ot 1 tus ii-'tice, the sum jol I'xrl llilll.lied and S.XII-Six IVilSK JlsilKl! the Mine lieim; lour poiu-n ii thecivstnf iiiiiuil labor ilono on ss ,1 claili H HI nrtler to pmlect the title there lodiirliiK the lens l.i'.l., l.s.e.l, pskl and I1KM , our one-third ii, icest in the lo claims ill te Intleiied to vour n-o n, r. Tiios t'lf tis. January L'J. I.IJ. sin. a l-llile who I -ill which it, i nl inns w hen II a fulll i!weil.:i(! Ill on the pi nspel t tnairi ite. All I -pcrly col. iitlltcd iioihleniv i'XO. ctanc.cs do thai, mid l, ,1,,.- -. !',,i.s,,ni wa.s lilloirclhi f a most pt'oper'ycoi.. lituli i!(,'irl, and had l-i well ti-.ili-hl, haling a i,ood moll: lu its. '.f .ins bo.t i s a full li.arr.acje i ,, ,, i i, ii for am vo.n.ir woman who is not I kn -j for i 'ironets. Me. , . a lin .1 on Ihe North side, n near Lincoln park, tu one of those oi-i-Uv bv MieeiH inm.iiii.' b.kcwnril h i ll are by no nn ans ariMi i-riil ami by no mi ans plebeian, lint jiim eooil, comf-irlalili , r. -l eclabh , well t,. Aoien. an wheb -s line i i.ulih for iiml.od, eieii crown prince or the rajnli of Singapore. And Meib.rii, who was I'll years oh ami us sweit a pirl as ever bloolnci in the coin, th-ss myriad of tjn'l k'ni ileoa this old world has lock, d m, sine. Usj-is was only a man and bad no Ihoiii-hl of bccoiniiiir a ill '.v. Inn piveli her the r.'rc I app'.m-s' of Peine, til bv Inn ii rcli ii t ion i-s "it mo il. i.l I w mil. aw h 1 n w ay to I. .e same time,-' us the rinc.nia.tcr mi . It had looked for quite .' as if John I'rown woi:i,l cany 1 hi.- w iiiMiiii.- prie nml bear it i lent tiiuilii'liant. He lni-1 tin' fiist iniiin:s whiih always cnint.s. ai:. I Me. lorn fi ally bin .1 him w Ii i h l-.eips l.'.d her inn'ber fllM'Ii'd bis sun i, le.-li in.ii or ii. in not have been an in. Mintage. I p. .i tins iaitee pnin; i.ne may In pal.'.olu.I a lol. lant lie 'i ie ot ski pi icisiu. I he ba.c ipiaiily of glorious woiiian is contrariness. I f y on w .ml !o l- to. -he i.l.. s ,aki ou b. bcic she wouhl railn-r not; if you u i- o lu r. she slms; i f y oil rt .t-rci-her. she backs; if you comiu i.i.d bcr. she bolts. Mv opinion is that it was hiri-l v b, can.-- of her dear itiamiiiti that M.'.h.la ref use. 1 John Crow ll, the In st time In ask. il bcr. Mic I. 1 Ml h ai away js l.-r i! . ll il I ll'OII! relKp tha p ., r fe that day wai aet, but Medora wore a pretty new rinif upon ner io.euuBc, John w. very unhappy. Mr. Aylmer Kasnugs, let it oe uu-, derstood, in a way too v'ue to necou- rir.cin. that he was "on the boara oi trude." ill had a jrliu mix oi rumo satiun relating lo wheat t i t! ?orK, ana the operations of I'hiUipi in corn, mi" pered nivsteriuuaiy ol irs-ue uie. lions," and once had cotif.did to Medo , ... .... u, ,-., otiiiiy ra i papa, wno was an .,"..-. (rentleman (fiven over to the pun-liase of butter at V.i. cents and i; saie at 22 cents, that if the latter chose to "jro he (Hastings) could "place mm ri-ht." Hut Ihe elili r ro.wm o.un i r i.. "u- ii." which was um as nc.i. for llaitinei was i.i..y a c.t is it. a out a et riliop and c.u'.on'i have "piai-ii. dollar "rijjhi" to save hia life- 1 truth, the purchase aiid sale accr.unr of his own (lai'yilab'onnKRin thousand bushel lots of Kiair. nr.d Ihe tin-siiare transactions in blackboard "sleeks waa a woeful thin;,' lo see, and kept him on the rilled ed-e of penury. Hut I guess he waseiippiped to marry Medora all right eLOUKh. Girliareio rpieer. When the week of the horse show come, Medora wanted to go. Thia was not only natural, but quite reason able. When a girl trims her own ha!s and hai to be u-i.non.M-.-i! in buying new gowns, the In rse .low beci.ii.ra a trreat ss-huol of technical education. Tin re is so much n.. re in congregated life to see. vou km w. ;h.iu noises. Now John, good J""n learned of Ibis 1-u . u l ai. rt in- i: able as pin.tioa of M dora. ,. y .-ITered to take not only that yi.unj iaily, but her u.olher. t. o. 'I his overture .Medora il, .-line, I with frglt! thanks. Mr. Hast ings (of Ihe board of trac'i ) could lake r. slis said. Hat Mr. Hjs.inas didn't, lie w as particularly close tu shore that week. 'M' dora. deer." said this artful one, we will saie our pennies to furnish our own little- nest, darling. Horse shows cost money." Well, (here is the chfyiianlheinum show." pouted Medora, "and to-tlay trie s.cs are on vliw. 'Dials cheap enough, if one goi in a i rei t car. bet's g.i to the flower sin w in l.i n- . , . ,i I I. l-.,.. coin lark. Kcansi. in K-.e:v little we save now will help us i I'.'otl ib al Inter i n. Th' ri-Iore Medora dearest went with Av liner to see the flowers in Lincoln park. Tlie (lowers were really auperc The da . was fair. In the intoxication of sun iifd perfume ami youth .vieuora eri-i-w ni'Vant. She began almost to licve she loved Aylmer unci aa ins wife would be happy. Thev strolled on' of the conserva tories into the t'right Mivemncr air at d soon, without purpose, founil ll. elves part of the glint crowd wh.i .1 had turned lis i nger steps into I'll .ilii::ial hnlise, wbei'c il:e moi.Utys the eii-l hnt.is and the ripiilia have sui.ia-.ir house. Head Keeper Cy De Vrv wis siipeiinti'iidiiig Ihe reinoval of his pit aerpents to winter ip li-rs. A cordon of l.olii-eiiicn kept the crowding spectators lit a safe d t u nee. The fceiper used n long stick with a running noose on ita end to snnro the snakes. Then he thrus them into a padded barrel, covered it with a burlap sack, mid utteiulunt rolled it awav. All were disposed of but Satan, the huge diamond-buck rattlesnake. II seemed anathet i' in the chilly air. The keener noosed and lifted. Th gnat snake withered viciously. The the noose slippid and he fell upon the floor. In an instant tlie l.uire creature was in a cull, his menacing warning sounded ill n sharp rattle, and h darted his deadly fangs at the keeper. There was n wild panic, l'ollceme mid crowd alike fled for the doors Thev were closed. Again.-1 them burst this furious, Impi tiuius, uiirea soiling eru-.li of ini'ii and women In fear. The weak were trampled. Th strong -st ruck vicious blows at those who opposed their ilight. At the first burst of alarm Medora who bad stood quite nenr the keepe erew deadly pale. Then, as she r inembei-ei! that she was leaning upon her Aylmer'a protecting urin, h henrt gave nil exultant lenp of prii and confidence. llts strength was lien. He would save her, if be could If not -well, they ei.llIM die toi;ethc Hut as the girl looked tip into he lover'i face she saw it had grow ashen. His lips were nipiirer. She felt tlie shaking of the arm her fingers touched. Ilepushed her roughly away then with a iiismaveit crv or craven fear turned and lied. Medora stooi quite still. Her voice had It-f t her now but a great wave of shame for him, o contempt for herself that she hnd loved a thing so craven, swept her be ing. A shouting cry which called h name from some far-off rock of safety liwoki' her to herself. She looked. limit, leaping through the now opene doors, whence the st niggling human wedge had burst at last, cilllie with huge bouiuU toward the center of thai strange arena where Keeper He Vry was l.atlltng desperately with the iiiriated snake, whose touch was dcntli, where the deserted girl stood so strangely tranced. A grtat light a joy burn nf line divine, shone in M dora's eyes when she saw and kne tins man, this hero, waa John, her John, John Hrowii. With those great hands ihe had thought coarse he snatched her ii in Ins stout arms he swiftly bore he away. I hen Medora knew her 1 was come at last, and hii unbound kisses on her lips left her iiiishiinicd as he whiapered: "Hurling, I love you yet. -s- . J I v - - i t.- c h ill ye: 11, f. relt I e.lCO. but .!:. and i e w as no is a pri t- t.i:e. I i' w as mice .-tin ry. i t tie tilic, i' is proud m v-UMl Mitnt Aa I.St Uiid. J t 1 ' I 1 1 . 1 tv' W.l .hi ! i'i r r i ii n ,i ii t J : M. .'. r.i uns a I!;'.?. t f. r :iu !ik'. l I:, , , IU U.x:. K.. f ciii ; i r i it .i,c t !i .4 n 1: . t., t : I, 1. 1 ',' I r. :i nut '.it of k i . :l w. ii' .i n !i. t! i :i;. M s-. i fc. .: ll.jitru'. Mi U I iii w , r c.iiiiHj: .-.iriih lu ai Miv un l't'lt. AnJ i t it. Si Ji.hn, viit ili ht:, Wv.t tih!, and ii'ft! t. ni.ikf It n: c.t ' .n . ii S;i ! ' f cn ii t: i.f-r m rv;, !', Uvn . Aw fanr'v : in tlie srl. r. ami ia',k at.ui the '.,.hir, the niw i&:t,i cltoir antl ' !iii! ft my a i hflir . lot tin- rfct.'r p, sst-sM'.!, It rattn r ii f.ir Mc .l.ra. 1 th.r.k sl'v i .i i In r r1 i ti 1 1 tlu , ii iu' inpiaitii nir a.I'ira t :i, no i't tu,! its fa le a in! kr pt Its maiiilf shi- :. I lit uk Ihftt at inux s(:t at w O'.nl ln "i-rc h Sal' t c ti.a ''i!r:i and ,1 liu :i u KMian w ,ihlm.kU'r with i iuM n ; : i h re ntu r ft . - V.: f n a .unit k i pliant a willo as ; ii.t:-' ;'rl. An,', rt !t'i)tin, when A i i: .t!i'.x' aloujf, ;iy, ; . t'.trk. i:h wl-.'te !:- ! ft . :;: U :n Johr.S, who .t r. . r a Hi. mc l iu-c et.u . C: .i "tV "f o'i'.vi rft1 - lit -t 'i' t, ): liipftuoim ii)!. ar , at V : w ry h.. nch'x - . , ' ' c i ' poi'.tf. Soon . I . i. tu i . r :..(! thai ht :n ! Hat ii ti- wrt rt.gai.vd. There waa no furuml aunouuetmert, and no wedding' Crenintiirlr In It air. Although the mh prminmunM ' ftiriutist iTciiuitiim in 16, Italy now , haft inort1 frt'tmu.irii'H than anj nthrr i country, at-i-tnilin-: to the I'laiiunc. t tit j tifrnmii prriotiu-al Ut'VuU-d to this auh jecu Tourists upon the European continent r amazed to find women doing the wor which in America is U-ft entirely to tlie men. It the American sense of chivalry to nave woman pick up the trunk and handbag, ana carry .1 . -1. t ...mi., omv-hnncM. But sentiment tnein wmic a..T w- asitle which is the most burdened woman, she who car ries trunk and handbag or that other woman so dainty and so weak who goes through life bearing the invisible buraen ox . . .i. t rntitr lavs down her bur- min ' i ne woman wiiw icia mv. v j- f j tv. Anv i rlnnp emovs an evening family, and goes to bed to sleep soundly till morning. The woman whose burden is pain never lays down iuc carries, day or night. The finest and fairest woman m the world is tne i.u.i i :.. .I.- ...rot-iw";'; which SO woman, lier one ueiect. is iuc uui.iin; "-- often destroys her beauty and mars her usefulness while she is yet in the springtime of life. There is not a woman who would not be glad to i.ty this burden of ill-health ; to exchange the dragging sup, mc sensitive nerves, the pain-racked body, for a body glowing with abundant health. That exchange is made possible by the use of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription. In the many letters received by Dr. Tierce from women who have been cured by the use of his " Favorite Prescription," there is one phrase constantly recurs: "I feci like a new woman. 1 .... . ... e . I . Afler describmer the complete change irom weakness iu r.. , frnrel ci,-l-il,. tr, llpnltll. and Still feeling that kw l ""b"' ' . ..... V there is a failure to express ail the happiness that health nas brought, the writers fall back on the time-worn words ex pressive of absolute and entire change and improvement of physical and mental conditions. " Hefore I commence! to tise your iiieilii inc I wis in a bail con ilition (for eight years) nml four doctors tre-tcil me," writes lUrs. Hettie Askew, of" Gnrvshur, Northampton Co., N. C. "Tliey of course gave me at tile time some relief hut it diil not last lotij?. I was some il.ivs in tnv heil an'l some (lavs I dragK'.il aliout the house. I have ustil five bottles of ' Favorite Prescription' and five hollies of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and four vials of the 'Pellets..' Now I feel like a new woman, and I want the world to know it." "I Biiffi'ied with female weakness about eiht years tried several doctors hut derived no benefit until I Ix-jran using Dr. Pierce's l a- vorite Prescription," writes .Mrs. John Green, ot Danville, ISoyle lo. cine wa3 recommended to me by other patienis, like another person." The wonderful curative properties of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription are best displayed in the cures of chronic diseases, which local physicians had treated without success or pronounced to be absolutely incurable. The cure of Mrs. Graham, as told in her letter given below, is an illustration of what has been done for hundreds and thousands of weak and sick women. Here is a case of a woman who had never seen a well day since she reached womanhood. Thysicians agreed that hers was an incurable chronic disease. And yet by the use of "Fa vorite Prescription " Mrs. Graham was restored to perfect health, and with a gain in weight of forty-five pounds to witness to the reality of the cure. "I am just as well now as I was when I came into the world," writes Mrs. P. A. Graham, of 617 Race Street, New Orleans, La. " I will put it at that anyway for I cannot remember ever seeing a well dav since I became a woman twenty-five years ago), until six months ago when I began the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and ' Golden Medical Discovery,' and ' Fleas tut Pellets.' They are the best medicines on earth made for women and their complaints. No matter what the disease may lie, even if called incurable by doctors. I was treated by several country phvsicians and also had some of the best city physicians to presenile for me. They all said my case was incurable, lx ing a chronic disease of long standing. I had been sick for eight years until six mouths ago, when I commenced with Dr. R. V. Pierce's medicine, and it brought me out to where I am now, from ninety pounds to one hundred and thirty-five. If any sufTering woman will write Dr. Pierce he will write her a fatherly letter and give her good advice, and if she will follow his instructions will find out in a very short time that she has been mistaken by putting her trust in home doctors." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Its use will carry a woman in comfort through that trying period known as the turn of life. It soothes the nerves, encourages the appetite and induces refreshing sleep. Kick women, especially those suffering from chronic forms of disease, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held sacredly pri vate and strictly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, X. Y. with friends or W! I M I , Ky. "Thismedi- I have taken six bottles and I feel Tnr JftOPLE'S ' a?nVMni.'VSk;S BY H ft! I m - i l: WORSEN WILL FfflD Dr. Plarco'a Common Senso Nodical Ad vise an invaluablo guido to tho prosorva' Hon of hoalih. Thia great medical work, containing over tOOO largo pages and moro than 700 Illustrations, Is sent FREE on roccint of stamps to pay expense of mailing ONIY. Send 31 one-cent stamps for tho volume bound In cloth, or only 21 stamps for tho book In paper covers. Addremai Dr. K. V. PIERCE. Buffalo, It. Y. HEAD BACK LEGS ACHE Ache all over. Throat sore, Eyea and Nose running, slight cough with chills ; this is La Grippe. "PdinkiWY t iken in hot water, sweetened, be fore going to bed, wiil break it up i' taken in lim-.-. Tieriionlone Painkiller. "PERRY DJVIS'" 17 Grower EDWARD GRAHAM. C-- - '-. - V ii"1 '1 I J l 10TS - TJ A I.I. - Points East VI V khit DR. JORDAN'S orit (H'JSEUH OF ANATOHY luniuiriT.. mrtiicisn.ciL I (r? CtMMMIM W T N tl iiiiitr w n 'i ijm( a autuloK kit 9 Dtl. JOOAH -dSEAStSOf MEll Ttmm aV'ivt h rt(rt. 41 A l..tlcl vr fn ril. mmr ,4 K4 tn4 X. TiilWiHH M im01, MtlUl MU. ( A mn hew f DR. I0RU4M 4 CO , W WwM ft. I F. f i k'Vj.; ' tfl 5 "KT Tb tntn Assorlatt Prriw war pnvfniknt. vti wn i.i " .mil ilitf l" S. H. lira, klvn .1'irliiii tlu' rnur five ii,. -mv t.r ill.' (fit.ii.fiikMi. Mu-ltoletl witli .ln't vrii!rf The ftlost Sensational i Soak of this Dsy. ' n.'.in.i. iiri'tt'r (.'oniiii'xliiri' Vlii!fll K hi. v. inriml- r9 tl .' i,'...-V ,,!r ii I l -tni.-!i..n -f Hit I'imi'UU M IlLl I-Oll T1IK MHr iniK. f,J rnicnt iJ porrMHu: MU'rnn'iiI k. roil iii I lie , inn n nnti'irrnph pi ( ll.e battlo liy Klsi-. Tirtt of the story of tho mvriin'iit g-4 Hlitllt'l' lt'114 l III1 III 111 Till IMIOK MTf -,V.S. S( I ' '. M ivrmt'Ilti" tl.c "!.' i," Hi- (Tj - (JIK'lUMVVI V I'VlTj III'tllH' ' - Jl ll. f , I , v .:. . C. 't.TiT A TMf NEW YORK VXtt D -ys:-"ii. (iratum. In tbz Uiimi o! fid. Icivec the ttutter tru to make tne t.-.vlii.:ti-it thai fc-cr.il uvi,l u'c i r.a3 a Court nf In qutr i rt-fitaish tUir f Cfuiiiiutt. il uy uafcj rt-esttb:i:.ttd.M horlest and Quickest M.N K TO ST. PAUL. DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO, AM W.L POINTS KAT Tliruutfh PlatT nfl Tnurtnt Sirf- rs, Iniiiii and tium-t hutuku OAU.Y TH.VINsTkAST TIMK; SEK YK'E AM Si'ENEKY VNKql'Al.ED ..I ovcryixxiy :,s H Unrrit-ail pv'"!'!' ft j This HN.k tfC-M 11. -lL. .t -..UliiL- k: '' l'.-'"t" Tl..' ;;iin;.- t:it h;is i!ll"Tlt ii j t 's U-.-ti ti'r .It'll, in.'l tin Ainrt v.;. t'.i'iT -ind Nx'ks now r-:uiv. -vt'!i - 1 1 l.'l ill lit V.,. tl.-v il Ulk K MiiSFV. M Kroc 5l.rOf 5I.7j. 52.2 A, $2.75, occording lo stle of binding desired. r Prroc 51.50, $1.75 9m M iiJ.' Sum kiilfi.Vr..r B l F 13 mTAA tV M K-T Klti. Foidep ami full informaliiMi reminding Ka.-ttfrn trip, rail ou or a4 in-sa J. W. ril.Vl..iX, T. f. A. H. 1'lCKStlN, c. T . I'J2 Tlilril Siren, 1'urllitnd. A. B.C. 1KNNIMX, 12 i- I'nt Avnni ii. w. r. a. S. utile, The Latent Yarn. A nttxl'iirf driinuurr tella thia yarr, ' -- il '. curry Mtl o( Ken.p'.j You Know W h.t Yov Are nliiiii in my crip. I takp rid nailv I Tnklng Ln a low doaea of llie r.al.im ilviyi When you tiko tlrovf a Ta.u-le-s rin'.l nuVfl mn wrll mn. Kverywhere I ; Tonio, btviu ilia forinuliL- pUiulv print- orJ l.-r Kftnp. I ! 1 on every bottle nliuiiig lhat it is sini- tike lioM of my cus'oinera I lake oM ply Iron and Quinine in i ta--U-lfs form nu n m! yin'.ini in-", an.l le'l thfru No v'vir No, l'ay. iMiiti.i.iitii ly !ut I lirn 1 take i ) -j'.J. Al iliukit!i. '.',V. nj EkV. ll.nl:- 'trri,!, ... .iif .i fra- ! ' t i'.ful BEIGHT'S DISEASE i he lHriiei u n n-.-r pin,) tor a pre n.;M('ti,iti. i-lidi i; , haii-lj in San Kran riwo. Aiw. ;), l'.n.il. 'liii tr',!.r in volve.l in mm ami not-k 1 1 2..i 0 I ami was pa il hv a t.irtv of lMimt.. men tor jpr.-'fi.- f ir llruht'a iM-ani ami llia-bft,-', liitlir'.o iin-nriiti-t ili.faic!.. Ti ry o, i run -. n iv. I i lie fcr rna invi-at j .ii.L-ii nl id... itfi-itie Nov. 1.1, Jfjo.) 11, cv H,ti'Tvit.p,i a, -nrii ol tlie rnred and uieil it out un ita lueiita hy piitiiiin ovir tlir-e rtiien t'aari on I lie treatment ar.'l aati liiiu tlieni. 1 her aNo not pliy. ii-iit'.a to n.tme i-hronir. inruia!ii rasea, ami a lmir.:terr,l it with lli ih .: iani i..r ju.!..s. I p to Akc. 2 7 per oonl f ' 'est ra.eK were entier we'l or prurient. e fav.iral.lv. 1 l.er deinc hut tliirtein pr rent of failure, llie partial .ere aai it-fie.) and rlre,l tho tiiriMi -lion. Tlie p'o,ve.liii? of the inx. -lu-aiinK eommiiter. and the il:i,:.-al ret "THE MILWAUKIE." A familiar name for the Cbirano, Mi raukeeASt. l'anl Railway, known a l over tlie Virion ai the Great Kailaay rr.nnii g the "PioncT l.imileil" train" every day and nifc-lit between St. l'anl and I'lrii ao, an ! tlr.ialia and Chieaif ', ' Ti e only perfeet train! in the world ' Viiderntand. Connection are male with A'.l Transcontinental Lines, amu' ing lo r-axengi-rs tho beterviccknon. Lnxnrioui coachea, electric lighti, iteani heat, of a verity equalled by no otbi-r line. r-ee that your ticket readl via "Tii Milwaukee" when goinif lo any point in the Vuited Ftatei or Canada. All tick et airenlaeell them. For ratea, namnhletj or other info'- Viu.ck delivery Thi Weekly Orvfunlan. 19 ot the tent r.u. ... P'lti.i-lie.) and a ll! h m.iiie.1 frr nn ! nistl,,n. ddreas. api.n.-a'i -n. A llre J(.n J r,,r..K J. W. Caatv. Trav. Pina. Ast. I'.tMI'AVY. 4-1 M,;l:l.-,i',...rv l f ' ciscv), Cal. " I C. J. Eudt, (..eneral Aireni roaTLi.iD,Or