Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 06, 1902, Image 2

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Published Every Thuraday.
Subscription Rates i
One Year, In sdvarce, - $1.26
8ii Months, .66
Ttre Months, ... .
(jingle Copies, .(
Notice is hereby riven that on July 1
lltf. the subscription rate of ths Docaii
will be raised to l..r0 per yeor. All who
par their subscription nw gut the lien-
entoi itie cbeaper rate.
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at the oflics). or
by mail.
i'hoi'r. & mnur
Entered at the post office at O ran Is l's-s,
Oregon, as seoond-class mail niatler.
Tillman and McLaurin, the warlike
South Carolina senators, were censured I
by I lie senate and removed from "con
tempt." Many of the senators favored I
more heroic measures in lbs matter, but I
si the senate, even in Ibis, was divided I
along party lines, lbs necessary niajori-
ties could not bave been secured.
We are giving away to our customers sonic Itaudsojiuly Ico
Siri(n1 IkitwI rtnintiJ PKimi iit1i ttit r 1i n ir.a
W Ruv vnnr crnnrla of n nnrl trt-f a
J 0 " b
Fine Set of Dishes
one or more at a time FREE.
f We earnestly ask you to call and inspect it. You will surely
want it.
Jtcd Star Store.
Front street, oppo. Depot,
The total imports for the past calender
year were valued at 880,400,000, and
lbs export. $1,4(15,409,0 H), lesving a
balance o( trade in our favor of $0S6,
0(W,000. This Is the biggest export
year in the history of tbe country
5e.le ol R.oe.rlng Gimlet
Tbjmas Sutton tnd Fred Reese sold
their mining properties onKanecak
three miles from Uold Hill, Wednesday
to William Paisley of Trustee, Indiana,
through Mr. William Mendeiihall ol
and the shipments to Hawaii and I'orto Richmond, Indiana, their rcf.rrven ta-
Rico, which used to be classed as tlv- Tnl ol three
exports, sre now listed as domestic e1''. tbe 02, Ida and Roaring (iimlet,
trade, which would tend to make tbe ,ne consideration being $10,000
exports appear smallnr than they other
wise would compared with former years.
Tbe Government ration system, which
has made willing paupers of reservation
Indians for years, is -to be withdrswn
from the able-bodied members of the
tribes. This is a move in the right
direction. Tbe system encourages idle
ness, promotes beggary and suppresses
independence, and is one of tbe most
effectual barriers to tbs progress toward
even the semiclvl'iistion of the Indian.
Tbia is strictly in sccordancs with na-
greatest depth so far gained is U0 feet.
Messrs. Button 4 Knese bought the
properties about one year ago ol Messrs.
J. J. Houck snd J. II. Mitchell (or
$3 000, Since obtaining possession they
bave mortared and milled about $10,000.
We understand that tbe recent pur
chaser will have a steam hoist and
pump erected In the near future to hot
ter facilitate the present mode of oper
ation. Uold Hill News.
DB.m for Dry Dlijglnijs.
W. II. Hamlin returned from a
business trip to Josephine County taut
lure aud experience, regardless of races Saturday. While there he aild eight
or individuals. With tbe necessities ol acres of laud on Rogue river, a few
life assured without effort, the incentive miles this side of Grants Pans, to a
to labor disappears aud Indolence rules. I mining company, which is oporating in
The story is as old as civilisation. the Dry Diggings district, for a consider
Oregonian. ation of $250. The above district is
' known to be rich in gold, but as its
The famous Alluras lynching trial name implies, the great dilllculty with
came to a close on the last of February, I working it has been sesreity of water
ths jury bringing in a verdict of acquit- Tbe company proposes to dam Rogue
tal lor the accused, James Ilrnwn. The river at the point where they have pur
trial nau lasted lor a month and a ball cussed the above land and raise the
aud bad become notorious fur Its scandal- water by means of hydraulic rains to a
oua quarrels between Judge and lawyers, sufficient height to reach their holdings
It is said, however, that the sensational
Llfo on the Illinois.
I-oren Adams and Frank Colv'g, two
irsnts I'ass leys who are running k
tunnel fur the Victory Mining Cu. in the
8 ddier creek district, have had a rather
unusual experience in "roughing it."
The tunnel site is located on the I llirioit
river side of Hie mountain, junt across
from the Kinkiyoii copper mine and
about 1H miles from Helms, I lie nearest
commercial point. They went out there
in (l:u heavy rains o' tint ar'y weckt
of February, lauding a their den'. in iti'jn
at nightfall in tbo midst of a delude ol
rain which poured iuccsautly. 1 here
was no cabin or shelter; KB (mi as they
worn concerned, it was howling wild, r
ne'S. The I105 s had a little tent which
they creeled to bleep under, and made
their bed 011 the ground which was
streaming with walir I'm hours there
hail nut leen a dry stitch of clothing
on them. Fur three ilavs Ibev lived
anil cooked in tbe r.iin, but they be
stirred themselves wi1. ft true pioneer zii'.
They cut down limber aud rived out
shakes or clapboard)-, first manufactur
ing their own "linn" or splitting tool
aud built n ull' a creditable house
1111 now tutor circumstances art) com-
puralively homelike and comfortable.
Wolf Crock Prospect
W. O. Covert und (i. W. Finch have
located a Urxt-clasH iinulz prospect on
Wolf creek, near the famous .S-ribncr
A Henderson ptnpuily. Wolf creek
rightly lannms for ore deposits ol
marvelous richness.
School Notes,
The health of the stu-lrnte seems to l.e
in no manner seriouly affected by las'
week's tests, lhouli a number arede
tained at Ir n e as a tetult of severe
co! Is.
II x 1 1 hi t it stain iii rcbool a( -r a
few ils- so!- hi e on recount of ickn- s
I 1. I'. H
and ptcli-i
ihe cia , i
tlOllB h 1-
c'as'. I'll
and 11 i.:.y
cu s;-ii, i
in Cramer
ii hli-IV I !: ,
.1 I'.r.i p , p
;1 ! Ml'illil-
I I -Jll
l"P'ed a plan it
, l- i it ir.'.eien
I !hi l. rlnhei- c
! s all 1 '.i n is
.! er.'lv t.i le
- c 1 ).; .1 re-. :-rci
c ;)i j f.h !,) ili-!-
an 1 reait: ,' lu
element in these quarrels were grossly
sxsggersted by tbe attending reporters.
It is also stated that the rewards offered
had attracted to Modoc county a num
ber ol unprincipled characters who were
ready to swear to anything in order to
obtain the reward. The jury took only
two ballots, the second being unanimous
for acquittal.
The fight Id the senate between the
South Carolina senators had peculiar
and irritating sequel. Tillman had
been invited by the president to be one
of a party to entertain I'rlnce Uenry of
Germany. Tillman being In contem-pt
of the senate, olllclal etiquette mads bis
presence uudesirable. As be refused to
decline, ths president was obliged to
withdraw the InviUtion. Tbe latter
had been Invited by Llenlenaut Gov
ernor Tillman, of South Carolina, to
publicly present a sword to Major
Micah J. Jenkins at Charleston. Tbia
Invitation was withdrawn by the
lieutenant governor, apparently to
avenge the other Tillman. Then came
lorln Major Jenkins, declining to
countenance an insult to the president
and refused to accept the sword. All ol
which makes a merry-go rouud of snubs
and an interesting chain of events.
New G
Arriving Daily In
All Departments.
It will jmy you to look
over tlio many new lines li
foro iiiukiiir your Hju in pur-clinsos.
The Oregonian of the 27th contains
an extended declaration from Represen
tative Tongue, defining his stand on the
Irrigation question, on which matter he
claims often to have ben niiiunaer
soood. He is not oppossd to an lrrlga
tiou bill, but wants Oregon and Wash
ington to be represented In the appro
priations. Home ol tbe congressmen
claim that it is inconsistent that a repre
sentative from the "Webfoot slate1
should be head ol ths committe on arid
lands. Mr. Tongue says: "They over
look ths fact that I am trying in part to
represent a state as large as several SllOCS ailll F timislli 111" (,(kls
ranumu states, auu as two or lures ol
tbe middle western states; a state of
varied resources and climatic conditions,
containing as lunch fertile lands, not
needing irrigation, as in the state of
Ohio, and as lauca arid and semi-arid
lauds, needing irrigation, as the
slate ol Kansas or Nebraska.
Incidentally Mr, Hamlin did a little
prospecting on his own account and
founds small ledge from which, in a
short tuns, he took out some, lino look-
These I"""9'"' Medtord Mail.
couditious ought to enable me to study Oregon Bonanza
,( uiinviiui lainv Bill, miliar, lull i i .
' i-rvFiupiiieiii wors is steailiiv pin
have tried In do l.uikin t li r..i... n.l t
"'" gressing at me Oregon Puinaiiri mine
standpoint of the Iowa farmer aud the in ,U8 Williams district. Son,. 7.M f. ct
iiuuiaona irrigaiionisl.
February Rain,
Tbe weather record for Orants I'asa
shims a total rainfall during the month
.! February, of II! s,') inches, far sur
passing that ol any 0110 month since the
records have been kept. The first 11
days ol the momh footed up about 71,
incuts, in ilsell a record which very few
previous months have beaten. Trie
aiufall for one day of 1'4 hours was
2 77 inches. It seemed as though the
rain which in ordinary winters wouhl
have (alleu in December and January
was stored up as in a reservoir, to be
turned loose in February. Iu some
cases, it suited the placer miners almost
too well as the superabundance of
Water worked some damage to the
ditches, but in most cases repairs I '' u,ud a good quality
..1 1.
ui tumieis aim tnaiia are airesiiv com
pleted. The property is equipped with
a good hoist and other uiachineiv. I I, e
mine shows a good body of ex 'client ore
and gives indications of h.ung ,: ,4
th very productive nroiiertiei ut the
linlnct when proinrly opened up.
CoeJ ett Modfurd
A carload of drilling msihinerv ar
rivwl in Mtidford lant week lor the
Southern I'acillc coinpHiiy, and will l,e
taken to its coal mine located thrie
miles east ol Medfoul on R,-xv Ann
mountain at ume. II, e t 1 1 , 1 nil I ,.
used ill testing the coal vein in
places on Hoxy Ann mountain hii-I is a
much quickei and chesper method than
Irlviug ttiiiuela.
The Southern 1'acilic Company has
run a tunusl I'.'O leel in the mnuuia u.
I c.x'.
Wtxldo Cupper Co.
Tim Waldo S'lielting A Mining Co
areg.iin steadily (otwaid in Ibe im
provement of ih.'ir copper properly near
Waldo. They hate advcrtinc I for con
tracts for lo morn tunnels, with esti
mated length of Mil or ll 0 ft c to I e
collftnii ti'-l iliiiin the c. Mning i-piing
aud summer, one ti II, e I t ttl,. none
and the o'I.ei on II, e "I ,.,t il.n " l'l.
mineral o eiati,, n 1,1 ibis nuimv '!!
reteve a very d.-cl-led i ,11 p, 1, is u hen
these pros it.s me pi ice, I .,n a wm k i'ik
ba-, as ,mr 1 .pp-r ,- p ;.,t- a:e 11, 1
and iMii.sitt..
Hti(o IitMwa
Mi ,ht
quickly mads snd the drlaya were abort. I bl" ,l lullk f''" t'1 vein is i,h small to
Taken as a whole the month haa been '"PP'T whnlesals demaud. Tl
one of intense hydraulic activity which I Pnv UM bonded a numb-r of farms
continues unabated st ths present time I mai,g the foothills east ol here
ror the "dry gulch" miner, the month ',1 111 make a thorough lest at all the
waa exceptionally favorable. Tbe out- P' in order to own tbe vem at its
00k lor the placers at ths end ol widest point. If it does not lind
January was quite discouiaging, but ths '' enough it will move the o-nfit 10
nioqin ot rebruary gave them a '-" crvek and try the dllereiu tens
Hemendousuplilt snd impetus, so that in that locality. The oal is of a Hist-
a lew more good rains will Insure lor I "ass quslity
ineiu a very profitable season
Sun, I
I ilCI.IT , ft
ibe taility
Wits h Httr,
A'l present
cainlt au,l
ten, ling 10 u
remain b 'lie tn
T-iii Wilisie
eisier w.ukiug
chopping wood
William Tup:
W d lam 1' 1
Mill of Mitcn; 1
supper. Co ne !,,, ,
.Miners rep., it g
ra.n some of "bo
has i-i'r.l Hug,,.
lte Iq list has tn'se'i a po-rion
ihus' sioie. We sie gls 1 to
kuo be ha found prutitti,ia iuioliy
meiit but sorry to Iojs bun from 'he
Why ie it that schools starling wilh a
lull attendance at the opening o! the
school year will perhaps increase in
attendance until after tbe holidays, ami
then with tbe breaking of the winter
eison, rapidly decrease? Undoubtedly
the labor problem is the chief caiiie, ' r
uinst persons old enough lo wuk, a ho
attend school, arc industiious. In the
country the spiing farm work c-nipelt
timely attention; in I hi city various
enttrpri es and job worx 1 1.rjr opior
tunity fur somirglv profitable employ
ment. And often tbe pecuniary condi
tion of students compels '.hem to sctept
such unnloy u,tnt. Then in a few
ins'nnces simply a chango from school
monotony is desired. Rut in any ras6
duo consideration is eeld, in given totbe
step taken. Ths advantspvs of school
training are too lightly esteemed. In a
recent addrss to the pupils, l'rol.
Young said, "I could sffurd lo give you
ten dullard a day if 1 could exchange
places with you." This statement is no
ex icgHratiou but it expresses volumes.
It suggests s lifo of struggle for s mere
living or a life of valuable service.
Young men, young women, who may be
contemplating quilting school, piu.-a,
Ihink 1
Hoy llackctt hasmadea propo-iiion to
the scholars, offering tbe piper, Tne
Saturday News, three months loi ten
cents. This i a very liberal 1 fIVr.
The Saturday News is a bright and in
teresting paper reflecting credit tl on lit
publishers. Articles by I'n.f. Young,
I'rof. Cameron, Rev. Hays, and others,
will he interesting features of the paptr.
it iifiwrves a generous support.
Miss tioodin was unablo to be st her
desk Monday morning on account of
.Monday the school received visits
from thu stale and county superintend
ents, Mr. Mo ilton, who is a member of
the hoard ol llaker City school, and
others. Supt. Ackerman gave an excel
lent address giving a hit of his exxr
ience, dividing the world into two great
clastos. the ' if class" and the "because
class," and impressing the fact that
education is power. Among other
things, be said he had heard of the good
work being done in the (iranta l'ut-s
school nod complimented tbe work
1 he committee, op program reported
the following program to be rendered
Fiiday afternoon by the litorary society
Heading Class
I'eaH Houck, Clara Trofren
R 'citation Class
... .eiui t biipman, llertha Mowers
Music-. K.uble Quartette
I'.ssay Class
I.loyd Harvey, Margaret Scovill
Impromptu Class
Claudius Kobinson, Kta Wimer
oca! I (net t
... Lillian Kourke, F.thel llendee
The election of new ollicers for the
literary society will follow the program
was visiting In Wilder
Wildervlllo Items.
Rather cool weather.
The weather has changed so there
was league meeting Sunday evening.
Miss Maud Renshaw is touching the
ilderville school this week.
rue uiu cnoiiM candy at our city
oro .1. C. K. McCattii.
Mr. I.. Savagtt is at (irants Pass 011
Ruv. F. Smith preached at New Hups
Sunday and returned to Wildnville
Nellie More
ville Sunday,
Tbia kind of weather makes us d el as
t'lotigh e should be planting gaiden.
Roy (ialo is back in our community
and intends to go to school. Ho has
been living iu Central Point. He will
lay w itb tine of bis n icies.
Rev. Rodger is exiecled to be home
Sun, lav. H.t will preach at Wilderville
11 o'clock a. m. and Ruv. Summer'
lie will h at 7:'!l) p. 111.
There will be no league Sunday night
, Fhler Sumiiiervillo is expected to
preach that evening
l'.ihle reading ov ry Tut" ,1 iv evening
Mis W. Rodger s i almo.t sick a
f-w d.tts last week with severe bead
a'b" and 1 old. l.igrnine seems to l
u 1 ur community as st v,Ta! seem to U
on, plaining w 11b lo ad tt be a n. I colds.
Mr Met 'auu made a mi-mcss trip lo
iiauts Pass a tew da s ago.
X IXoM .
at Mr
A g,, ,l in. 11
tt, ie, ,',
int.., I t-,. 1 ,i.
bu ti ,1s it
I'll' l.tliU'.td
t'.t.; 1
fa 1
l)i vdeix Notes
" 1 1 a e Li'tiiug liie-l
All'! Iil.t
H I. t'lo
,tst week.
t II "gue load
Mill li 11 '
ks to k in t e K.-r I t
t b,i- b,
l 1 give h
' i.c!S il
S'i I bring
,d Mill.
V b.;
ball the
tour best this
,' weather
The old MJtaMs-Ths VYwaiy Orvgoiuaw.
r-j. .. j,s., ., , 1 ., . ..
K ., , 1'askf.i) S
t'"-v ".'L HA1, UALsiAM
'' i-.V fv-v. m-1 i...i 1.-., ma.
R , ." r , I . a :.m.ui f-.C-,
I I V yKJ"" i' to S.t r. ir.v
P '" 1 lU-rul t or.
L -J f I, -'" " ' -,.i.
hrt'lcn a visit last
Ktiph Moor-, ol k, cal!,, ,,11
sou e f 1 lends of P.-tden 111. 1 we. k.
l it e s l.s lca-.d a 'arm on
"nicker cieek ami ii.t,u,N to leave
I 'it den ill a lew da; a.
loon Ptuiiili male MraiiH Pa-s a
vi-K last wet k
lit o. Fisher came tlcwu fiointhtf bead
waters ul Uir creek and linorins ns
that lie is taking out the yellow metal.
ti. T. Uipl'SM, ,i lmtr,l.,,ir(
ha quit woik s:i.l is taking a rtst brlorc
ti h (our years j tt hrgius.
A Krakes went to 1 .rants Pass last
"i a.cmipanird liy Win. t rakei, his
father. Ait Iti.rmon siin-nnteiided ths
f.edmg ul the si. ck on Ibe las ranch
while Mr. Frakes was away.
I, seems strange that F l Hathaway s
ni'WstiaH-r ah-li.y dn-a not gw him a
place with tbe Examiner or Oregonian
force. We would advise him to apply to
O ie r.f three printing companies for a
position, and it might b-i wise for biui
to strid a few copies of the Observer
which ci Main soiu' of iiis v, litu g, with
li t nopiii-aii -n.
I- las bwn several weess mice
Climtx bsi niade ids appearance and
ihis is nun; lo the lact ibat Art Hat
111 tii- be n so hufev ho has n-jt had
lime to go to Selma o mail hi, letters
We think it an inlv ttile plan to close
the literary f-a iety lor awhile as the
oroia-r lime tould not be given lo ttial
Woik to Step up interest.
Spring plow ing will huve to 1st- done
in the near future end my saddle nag
will have to make his place in my team
aud you will not hear from Climax for
thoit or a long spell good bye.
Provolt Items.
"Night Hawk Tom" is heard in the
woods most every night.
Charles Fields will leave soon for
Grants Pans where he expects to woik
(or the S. P. 1) & I.. Co. this season.
Owing to the high waters we were un
able to get any mail lust Thursday.
Mr. L. C. Htdft is making several
improvements on bid faun this season.
A ferry boat would have bien of to d
service at Fields Point lust week.
Thot-owho attended the party at Lou
Smith's last Wednesday night, report
having one of toe golden juhileeiluis of
tbe season.
Our Sunday school is progressing
nicely under our new superintendent,
Mr. L'iu Smith.
The many friends of Uncle Jimmie
Cox ie ;ret to learn of his sudden d.-ath,
hut such tad ulltictiona mu-it come to us
We are gold to learn that John Low
leu, w ho was thrown from his horse and
kicked in the head while falling, near
the house of August Rehkopf, is much
We mutt on-rlo ,k our bright, noble
young writer, Gov tieorge, as he ie
alllicted w ith matrimony on the brain.
Mrp. Mary McDonald, who hasbien
visiting here for some time, left a few
days since lor Los Angeles, Cal., where
she expects to j tin her husband. They
expect to go frum there lo I heir tome in
liutte City, Montana.
The Sunday school entertainment
given by tbe Provolt Sunday school at
tin school house lact Saturday night
wiitoiinof the grandest displays ever
rendered in this entire section. The
pro-jam was quite extensive and con
sisted c'ai -fly of songs, recitations, plays
etc., w'.iich were perlormed in up lo date
s'yle. After the progiam was over, rt
(tesbii, iiiis were served and indulged in
by the many friends who chaic.-d to
meet from far sod near on this pleasant
occasion. The remainder of the even
ing was merrily spent laughing, joking
and having a good time generally. We
are pleased lo think they are going to
give it over again next Saturday night.
Ma and Pap
Lcl&nd Sittings.
I.i-Uncl wants a I roe mail delivery.
Times arc- lively here. Fveryone hat
plenty of woik that wants a situation.
We are having frequent showers with
occasional sunshine. The ground bus
become quite damp so that a long run is
insured for the miners.
Our weather prophet is odT his base
auaio. The weather of the past lew days
has not been profitable to tbe wood
cutters but it lias been ducks for the
Kinney ville held municipal el eel inn
last week, J. J. Kinney in ths chair.
Paddy Nolan as elected mayor ; roun-
cilmen, Ren Macdonald, Harry Kinney;
police judge, Hathaway tbo cook; city
treasurer, J, J, Kinney.
We see by the papers that iu Port
land and Anuria the wind blew so hard
that it tore up a plank sidewalk. One
man cut into; don't know whether or
not both parts of the 111,111 have been
found. We are glad that we live in
Josephine county where we are exempt
from so much rain and big winds. If
the emigration that is coming west this
spring couli know tlio dilference in the
Itniatcs of Portland and Orants Pass
we think most of them would buy
tickets for tbe latter place. At various
limes when it rains north of us we only
get light showers. At l.eland and Kin
ley villa there is an a bum lance of laud.
Some of it Is improved and oilier parts
are wild land that might be bought and
put undei cultivation at small cost.
Tins land has an abun h nee of running
water, good lor agricultural land or
stock raising, as there is 111, limit.., I
range. We have as pure ami cold run
ning water as can be lound on the
I'lieilic coast. We have hut little use
lor il-H-tois as this section is v..rv
ifiillhv. Kiiiupy ville has not had a
doctor since it has been a town.
I;ck," in ;hu a'tit-bi, sav.i "Hob '
ind bis girl started for tbe dance a
Hugo but were afraid ol the d irk in
runnel tl Nt so, "Hick," 0 were
. 1 : 1 f . 1. . v . . '
miai'i 01 in nunga'na. tine was sen
h re lately by the track wa iter.
We s-e n .lohn-011 is a botaun-al
Mlbenr o.' h-'ibi and d.d'ei-nl plants.
If b- would t'o no over In l.d .n.l n.l ....
I' T-i 11 el '.' c.eek. b i- mid g t .1 g .0 I
lection of a'l k:u Is ! pla r
w 1 ave a ,;t:l- si.-.ue-is wiih us
. tV. tied, a t old pioneer, wo iiudi i-
s'ai.d b - is 1 it.- 0"!-sl miner on i;,avh
iek, is ,-, griL-rai di b ley.
Mrs. ,1-,-n Iv ba toe ttpbnd trter
early Inn li ile lauilly In, h ell si. k
a ith the fever !. .1: mking the i np.iie
walcl II, Mil a', oi l wei'.
Ok ! You Bmt leow
Wo want v.,u to know that wo have onldi'::oil o ;r stove room ami now liavc li-liost liolifcl
store in Oroiron.
We will show you a .'eiior..l, staj-l , ovn-;!ay line of Dry Goods, Fumi-hlng Goodsf
Sho- s and Groeorics. In our Dry Goods IVj'ar.moiit we l.avc all the new
Spring Droad Cloths, Home-puns,
Albatross, Mohairs,
Strip-d Silk in the Parisian Patterns,
Liberty Silks and Ribbons,
China and Japanese Wash Silks.
All the new Dross Trimmings
Embroideries, Laces, Galoons, Allovtrs, and the Staples as
L, L. Muslin, a cts.; House Lining, 3 cts.;
Prints, . cts.; Cotton Uats, V2 cts.;
Cotton lilankcts, 10-4, 75 cts. pair,
Percales at 7 cts. and 12i cis.
A large line of A. F. C Ginghums and oilier summcr'Ausli fabrics. All of
which, that need it, will bo sponged and sbrunk for you free, thus avoiding all
shrinkage after making.
All of our last year's stock of summer dress good ranging in prieo from 10c to
25c etc., will bd placed on sale March 1st at the one price ot C.'.c. Some missed this
sale last year and were s.orry. C"ine early.
and contains a line well selected stock of
rrisoilla", the 'Tiovnl r.ess".
Is a new, brightly lighted spae
Our linn lin;for Ladiis "The Dai-y",
Tlio patent leather and :-tock ii ?I.7"
only. Every p tir of men's shoes, eonipr's'ii
during the month.
Our School Sho.
We will give a salisf ictoty
t 1 i 1 111' -war
t't'iifiis witit every pair sold iiurinir .Mure.'i
kid hoe from 3 to at $1.13 for March
? a fine line, will have the 10"o discount
Stronger Line Than Ever.
u nanlee. Throe School Tablets and One-llHlf Dozen
The Sterling line of Childrens'
without spring heels.
ur i l'Ot
and Baby shoes have the New Blue with and
Always noted for Quality and
is well stocked ami will lead oil' during the month nf March with
mv !oi.-irtiiioiit
Full Weight with a Prompt Delivery.
(N't't ov! r 10 cans to a customer)
Prices on all olh.M groceries guaranteed to be right.
The Suo'ci r Pine Store
Items From
C. W. Thompson roturued from I'oit-'
land after a week's absence. I
J.K. llyda visited Orants l'ass a few
days, returning with his wife on Friday.
Tlmy report the roads very bad. They
had to go around by Merlin on account I
o! I.OU66 Creek bridge lieine; (ondemned. !
We don't wondur at it, as ii rains con
tinuously, and on Sunday inurning there I
was quite a fall of snow. j
Nellie Anderson went to Grants 1'ar.s I
to have some dental work done.
Mr. Lewis of the Hampton it Lewis
mine, is at i'lacer.
Miss Vid Leverich, who has been
visiting her brothers here, returned to
hsr home at Albany, Ore. on Sunday.
Z. Ilrown made a flying trip to the
county seat for a little outiiiu.
The dance at I'lacer on Saturday
night was enj ncd by all, and a ino-t
delicious supper np.i n. rve, at Lew
Browning's. Tlii inn's cousiited of
roast pig with oyster dressing, hare and
chicken. Several kinds : c,i.e, saiad,
lemon pie, pickles, iruit and other eat
able too 1,1 meutiou, and
co flea, with whip-ped crci n. were servul
Mia. llrowniii wis a.i, ,y Mu.
llowo ol li reel, ba, k.
Homer llaty has b t u :tl fi,l s, v,-r
days visiting tuan s I'.t-s .md
l'r. Flanagan iv bote e i'iiiii:ng
caiidi lutes for the Woikiuati lodge.
Tlmre was no ich iol for twodayson
a -count of Ibe illness of the leather.
Miss Sackelt.
Koy Wilson, representing I' II. Hartb
,M Son, was hi-re a few dajs takitm
orders for suits.
One of our h.-s; m.-n w!i t w irks A j,;r.
leigli dri.l a s ilia- n lrn lle mi niiri.t
I, lit and flcttn firoigll Ilia .lav. lis
wile can go si. ,i.ii 1,,-r work, play the
piano or d, nm an 1 it ooe- nei -iisiu-b
his slumoer-. ti it th- n, ,ice.u t l.e tk, s i
llie tiro in to strefii. - awiitenj
i nni-'dia'c'v. T'ie S'ipisn;on i, th
h-ti's a p -ien ,.,ne of di:i.-.-ri s
tve ipo-i tu ar.
Typewriter Papers.
A go .1 a-sortno-ut of Tvpewritr i'a
l rs in ih van ns w-,gl t, a o doe 1
ii""' covers, c.irl-on papers at the (.'oi k
Old Reliable Implement House
Of Southern Orceon
Is oiTuring his stock of
Plows, Hacks, Carriages and Buggies
At .r"0 Discount for the Next 60 Days
In oik-r to make mom for his new stock of
iwiu'lf aul Jli'iivv I Imi'1viio.
it co.-t. Cail ami ste. the goods.
One Actnc Harrow
Rod flposs
Kint; of :til ri.t-'.ots.
Tho lcst I'li-kr fur
A weak hack I'l.c-tor,
Always it-k- Rjd Civvs,
ttr prit-e 25 cents.
For Sale try
31. Clemens,
Oranc frunt, cp.-o. Cpra House.
tl..t 1
. Hi,
strong. A'l
t. '.-, i '
H-.-rlie,- l;; 'i
' ;r. 1 i '
-. I.- I :
k c-;
Your Doctor
Disease wilh medicine. If
the medicine is not right he
can not conquer disease. If
the druggist does his duty
the medicine will be right,
and your doctor will stand a
fair chance of winning the
You can help your doc
tor by having your prescrip
tions filled by
Slover Drug Co.
tlio worst
none l)ct-
- tir J IT- V i)
i f'i(-' IT I t' lll.l), '
1 r, ii;o V it !
c k; j ;llic- ! Pfesrriptions.
Opposite IV(ot.
bin- d.v I.,
p t ied lull
V .1'. b.s Itiiu
I. It'lO
i 1 tin-
S iturd iv 1141
Main Slleel w
1 p-i sou 11 it 1 i.t n .1'. l. jtuiu ti
ptirt has a.
We. ire h.ting f-t.pi'iit shower
d .'or ail kinds of vegetables. The
uii.i. rs are all busy and will h ive a long !
run. 1
ti. YV Chaotn w as e-n in tbe viiiniti '
I Hugo huulieg caitle. tl,. ma , I
b-lietes in feid'iig sttH'k.
The peach bit Is are swebed. Whai 1
we will kuo Uu-r
s-e V.i ibi sabonl Kc.lissand Supplies
At Bed Time
1 lake a pleasant herb iliin'j, the nrxt
morning I (eel brtgjit and my complex J
ion is better. My doctor says ttac's
gently on the stouiach, iivera id kid-1
neys, and is s pleas tut laxitive. It is
made from herbs, and ta prepaiedasi
easily as lea. Il is called Lane's I
cine. All dnggisu sell it at ",-. and I
5t).-. Lane's Kamily Mcl cine moves'
ll you canuot get
ainpe. Aldre-e,
will positively euro d-x-p-seateil
!5e. Bortls tor a Simple Cost
A foe. Buttls lor a har Coll.
11.00 Bottl lor a Deep-seated Cough.
ou.a dj s:i iirjists.
1 wil.Mrk. ohuined and .11 I'a!
'Orr,ct,0e'OiTSU a P.rtMTOrnoal
' 1 . . . . e ,:f,nl i Uta" Utuae
i',.,.ic iron, ashiiitft.m.
.- 'J-Vo-fl. Jat.'in; rr r'-mtix, 1U, i!criit
1. We aJviss, i not, lirt at
"nipt. O .r Ire not dm .- nelrra Is mrcanX.
J J l m pmitt, " I low c. OWitj, 1W, w i
iY" rsrtNT Ornet. Wsshinoton. O. C.
i Buy Anything
the bowels each day
it, wad for a free
Orator F. Woodwaid, Ls Uov, S. Y
can supply yoa with
V "i n iv h iv.
for and new r w id
cash for their. If
r I I wiil c ' v
the otitcoate will b
t'o-ne over "Ik " a-td tu sal ws
will compare noli-s. I'erltain by roin-
in t In contact wi hlime of our widows
you can get some punts lo write tip A. E. Vnorhien
hat has become 0! the IVydeti wiiier ? any'diui uerded in the pbot.,grai h line
Iti.H. I either amateur or pio feesionai supplies J GooUa Sold
me ar.i.U among yoor pwsossions that yoa have 110 use
why not cunvert them into cash. I pay vorj
-H? to move away let uie buy vonr honaihold
1 log .ta, Imus for r.-ni atid for sale.
v. tl-e I ir
on are s-.
oil C'si,l prices.
on Iho Instnllment Plan.
M. Davis,
Front St SecaiJ Hand Btort.