MtUt VOL. XVIII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 190a. No. . 15 DIRECTORY JOSEPHINE J udge Commissioners . Clerk Deputy Clerk r-herirl Deputy Sberiil . . Treasurer 8chuol Nupl. . . . Assessor burveyor Coroner Hoadui aster . . . COU NTY 1 r'FICERS. Abe Aitell l.lnhn Weill INick Thoss K. L. Rartlett T. P. Judson Kd Lister Ernest Lister J. T. Taylor Lincoln Savage Chan. Crow 11 C. Perkins T. A. Hood Oeo. W. Lewis CITY OKHCEltS. Mayor . W. F. Kremer Auditor and Police Judge R. L. Davis Treasurer Col. W. Johnson City Attorney C. E. Maybee Marshal John Locktiantt ttlreel fcupt John Patrick Councilinen (Jeo. H. Uinna A. 0. Hough, J. II. Williams, C. E. Harmon J. A. Itehkopf, Harry Lewis, Herbert Smith, Henry Schmidt KKATERNAL'SOCITIKS. Grants Pass Lodpe A. Y. A A. M., No. 84. regular communication first and third Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. 11. C. Dobizkn, W. M. A. J. Piki, Sec'y. Koyal Arch Masons Keumes Chapter No. 28 meets aecond and fourth Wednesday Masonic hull. L. L. Jkwkll, J. E. 1'KTr nsoK. Secy. 11. P. Eastern Mar Josephine Chapter, No. 20 meets first and third Wednesday evenings of each month in Masonic hall. ' Mrs. 11, Mas. Akni m. IIoi.mak, V. M. rec'y. I. U. O. F..--Uolden liule tidge No. 78, meets every Saturday night at 1. O. 0. V. hall. Iks M.Davis, T. Y. DtAN, Secy. N. G. Paran Encampment I. U O. F. No. meets second and fourth Thursday at 1.0. ('. K. hull, i UKU sjciimiiT, T. Y. Dkak, fier'y. , C. P. Kehekahs Etna Kehekali, No. 4!l, meets second and fourth Monday, I. O. O. F. hall. Kssia Haktmam, N. 0. Mas. J. II. PiaisoM, Secy. United Artisans-Oraiits Pass Assembly No. 4!t, meets alternate Tuesdays in A.O. V. W. hall. F. E. Wxhtz, Fkid Minscu, Master Artisan, Secy. Woodmen of the World Rogue River Camp No. .V, meets second and fourth Wednesdays at Woodman Hall. J as. Biovih, C. E. Maviiii, Consul Commander. Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No. meets first and third Mondays at Woodmen hall. EsTILLA lSlRRY, N. 0. W. E. Dxah. Clerk. N. E. McC.REW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furnttar and Tiano GRANTS PASS, OREGON. The popular barbar (hop Get your tonsorial work done it IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath room in connection II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER and "JEWELER. Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Sil rerwear and Jewelry. A (iood Assortment of Bracelet! and Heart Bangles, Clemens' Drug Store. J. M. CHILES GROCERIES HARDWARE TABLEWARE FincJButter a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS, j- 'Phon 21 BODY-RESTORER Food is the body-restorer. In health, you want nothing but food; and your baby wants nothing but food. But, when not quite well, you want to get back to where food is enough. One of the most delicate foods, in the world, is Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil. When usual food is a burden, it feeds you enough to restore your stomach; baby the same. The body-builder is food; the body-restorer is Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil. Wt'U tend roe a Httl lo try U row like. SCOTT BOWNK, 400 Psarlstrcet, New Voce. Councils inatituieii 111 any part ot the State desired. Write for circulars, objects of Order and Information to Benj. F. Myrick, D-puty. Supreme Chief Engineer, GRANTS PASS. ORE. Tots alfnstnre Is on every box of the genuine Laxative Dromo-Quinine Tabuu tte remedy that eaum at eeM In east slay Every Strap Right- Foresters of America Court Josephine No. 28, meets each Wednesday except the hrst, ai A. O. U. W. hall. J. V. HaLI, C. R. 0. K. Bolt, F. 8. Josephine Udge, No. 112, A. O. V. W. meets in A. O. U. W.hall, Dixon build ing every Monday evening. J. II. Msaiii, M. W. B A. Starakii, ltecorder. Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, I), of II.. A. O. U. W. meets every alternate Tuesday evening in A. O U. W. hall, Dixon buildine. Mas. A. McCakthy, Mas. Lydia Dsan, C. of II. ltecorder. Knights nf Pythias Thermopylae No. 60, meets each Tuesday night 7::J I. O. O. F. hall. J. T. Chausse, Ton Wiu.iahs, C. C, K. of ft amis. Grand Army of the Republic tlen. Logan Post No. Si, meets hrst Wednesday at A.O. tl. W. hall. J. E. PfcTBRSoN. Ale Axtkll, Adjt. Com American Order of Htcani Fngineers, Ore gon Ccuncil No. 1, meets tirt and third Saturdays, nl A.O. IT. 3. II. Kxnmt, Bum. F. Mvrii'k, Chief Knginecr Corresponding r.ngineer. D R. M. C. FINDLEY, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ollire, corner rooms TuH's' Imililing. Phone No. toil. Residence, Kuykendall house. A st. near 2d, Phone Itu 17. Hours I) to 12 a. in.; 1:30 to 6.J0 p. m. Wight calls at resilience. GRANTS PASS, - - OKEUOS. A. C. HOUGH, ATTORNEY-AT LA W, Piaetitfi in all State and Federal Courts OhV over First National Bank. liBAJUt Pas, - Obigom p C. PERKINS. V. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR, isaiaTk Pass, Okkhoh QEORGE H. BINNS, ASSAYHR, Office opposite Hotel Jorephine UsastsI'ass - Okkoom BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks Dcsrana CoYtlOKTS AG. Anvnftaa atari At nar J a aeul Amtn knfl m1 4Mitjr MnsNtevIn our oplnkm tnm hclir an ItiVMrttun M pnrhsiMf rattitaMt- f i ninrtt UooMBunctlf rtnnflinttaU. IliuirlrHnk on riUrmtr ttut fr. irt lMt aiTsviiiat for aeniniiii natn!. t i r ta,irn tbrttuKh Mitnn k Co. iIti yVtTM mum, wwdoqi ennnre. u trie Scientific American. A fcUHtsMWUeslV IThlVtreitaMl VMtlT. 1 on ! iron ot mnf rftMiUlle Vlr"l. Tf:m. ; i "Mr miwiini, ft. bom oj atis ncwmwiwi SCo.""-'-New Tori Our Harness is not only showy, in the best sense, because tastefully and stylishly made, but it is made with care for every detail. Each strap is just right, and every buckle is made of right stock and every stitch is good thread. Such leather goods are in demand and we supply just such trade. John Hackett, SHOE REPAIRING SIXTH STREET. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. I'All) VV CAIMTAIj stock $25,000.00, Washington Letter. Washington, Feb. 24, 1902. "Charity and Patriotism" baa been , k L l .. 1 I -. tl. Aan;,..i . ( '! . : , . u t.i: .-i; in ha . . , . , r ,, , . lurimr the -e.k snrf .n iWl'" "J" k " loans ere COllccieu oy .u. n.iurok, viuieuuv u iwwuu vik-s ujii cku4-i viio sffrpcci to remrn io Kr11ners an iu Secretary Long will resign Id the near future. The poatofllce department la quietly but energetically poshing its campaign Oregon Hops In London. Oregon hopgrowera who pooled their product and sent it to London tcoted a stroke of finance. Several thousand M. II Transacts a general Hanking business. Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates. Out customers are assured of courteous treatment and everv consideration con- istent with sound banking principles. Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, I'res. R. A. BOOTH, Vice-Prea. L. L, JKWK1.L, Cashier. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK, 950,000 OO. Receive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand. Sella sight drafts on New York San Francisco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on ail points in the United States. Special Attention aiven to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. R. A. BOOTH. Pres. J. 0. CAMI'HKLL, Vice Pres. II. L. C1I.KEY, Cashier. ....THE WHITE IS KI1SG.... Ball Bearing Like a Bicycle Makes the "White" the Easiest Running Sewing Machine Made. teaatv ef ftaksh. Quality of Material, Elcjano of Dtiijn, the 6 Deal workmanship theaipiet, moat complete and best Mt of attachment., full instruction, by ex pert teacuera, easy payments, old machine taken in exchange, the fullest possible guarantee, ene million, five hundred thousand bappv, satisfied users, thirty years of incceei, eouiteoai treatment What Mere C Toe AikT We have ether make of machine, without Ban hearings, new, very cnesp Sen good eoond band machine cheap. All kind of tewing machine Netdln oil, attachment and repair. New machine for rent. Don's think of bnying a Sewing Machine until you nave teen m new dim B urine, "whits" Weay "The 'White' ii King" of 8ewing Machine and Bicycle. Call, tele phone er writ, and lt a. prove it company Main Office, 300 Poet St., Han Francisco, Cal. For Sale By J. Wolkc, Grants Pass, Ore. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. J. B. PADPOCK, Paora. I am prentred to furnish anything io the line o Cemetery work In any kind of MJLEBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty year oIxperince In tbe Marble businees warrant my taring that I tan fill your order In the ? ery beet manner. Cenfornitb work In Scotch, 8wede or American Granite or any kind ef Mtrb" J. B. PADDOCK, Prom Street, Next to Green- Oaeebop. traditional Bowbreness of the Lenten season has not been sufficient to mar the brilliancy of the numerous social event. Feminine organiialiona re calling the history of three centuries have graced tbe hall and saloons of the city and receptions to the Daughter of the American Revolution, the Children of the American Revolution, the Woman's Relief Corps, the National Council of Woman, the Woman Suffra gist and finally the Amoekeag Veteran of New Hainpshiie have keen tbe order of the day. The latter is not, of course, a feminine organixalion but a large delegation of ladies accompanied th d8oendent of the revolutionary wars riors and the reception given them was one of the most enjoyable of the week. The dramatic performance and the lecture ou Kin Lear, both for the benefit of charitable institutions, came off with great eclat and a consideiable sum of money was raised tor the worthy puriosei for which the affair were given. One of the minor affair of tbe week was the appearance before the judiciary committee of the house of a delegation headed by Mr Carrie Chapman Catt and ber able conaooura of the Wouiau's Suffrage convention. They presented strong argument fur female suffrage aud drew roseate picture of the purill cation of political tn.-tuoda which would follow the enfranchisement of them' elves aud their sisters. On the follow iug dv the Woman' Relief .Corp attempted to elect a local president and was obliged to take (our ballots the first three thrown out because the number ol vote exceeded the number of dele gate. Some of tbe ungallant members of the judiciary committee were iudulg ing in many jokes at the good ladies' expense yesterday and pointed to the ballot box stuffing as I lie inevitable result of female suffrage. Saturday was celebrated as a holiday in Washington by everyone but the in ueiaugauie senators who held a session to discuss the Philippine revenue bill which will come to a vole at four o'clock today and is now being debated under the fifteen minute rule. Some sensational sessions o! the senate have been held during thi bill. S.uator Palteison, although protesting that he was not a Catholic, declared that were the Filipinos Protest nt Christiana, the American people never would have submitted to th treatment accotded to those islands. He further declared that Ciovurnor Taft't state ment were unreliable, biased and slanderous to the Filipino character. Iu an able speech Senator Spooner de fended the governor aud denounced the statement of Senator Patterson, The speech of the senator of Wisconsin was a brilliant effort and will be classed as one of the finest argumonts this con gress has thus far hoard. As soju as the vote on the measure is taken this alternoon, the senate will receive Prince Henry aud tbe individual senators will be presented to him. Among the earlier events in the week was the pas sage of the permanent census h"l, sent up (run the bouse, and the ratification of the treaty by which the Danish West Indies become a possession of the United States. The bouse of representatives has been occupied with the Indian affairs bill which passed on Friday. There was a large amount of routine business con nected' with the bill which made its passage a laborious and tedious affair, During it consideration the proceedings of the bouse were sadly lacking in brilliancy. The real interest in the bouse during the past week, however, has not been centered in the procedure ou the fl'jor of the chamber but in the private room ol the ways and means committee where the republican mem ber have been wrestling with the ques tion of reciprocity with Cuba. As the result of a conference with the president Mr. Payne, the chairman, has been won over to the side of Cuba and even General (irosvenor has weakened. When I spoke to him on the subject some lime ago, "Preposterous, prepos terous," was all I could get him to say, but when I asked him of the prospects on Friday be said, "1 cannot talk. We will have to do something, I suppose, but I do not feel in a position to say anything further on the subject." Mr. Tawney, the republican "whip," whom I saw after the conference on Friday, said, "I have not weakened at all, 1 adhere to uiy original position that 1 will vole lor nothing that will in any way injure an American industry and that's all there is to it." Mr. Long, of Kansas, brought consternation to the opponents of concessions to Cuba by declaring ia favor of a 40 per cent reciprocal reduction. In stating his reasons he declared that the sugar beet production was not a natural industry lor ttie American larmurs, that It gave employment to women and childrto and cheap labor generally, but was "too picayunisb" a form of agriculture ever lo appeal to the American conception of the farming profession. That a bill to some extant favorable to Cuban in terest will be reported is, however, the general belief of the members of the boose. Thursday marked the publication of President Roosevelt's decision iu the Schley case. There was nothing new in tbe deductions of th president and public opinion is as diverse at hereto fore, although the president expresses the hope that thi will settle the matter. There is no possibility of tbe bouse of representative doing anylhiug with the resolution introduced io favor of Admiral Schley but there la a bare possibility that the senate may pass tome resolution expressing it thanks to the admiral for thi victory at Santiago, tlont and Post matter general tayne is money received above 14 cent per in thorough sympathy with the move- pound. As the London market is much menL When I asked him bis altitude above the Difure and Is tending higher, one day last week be said, "That matter farmers who went Into the pool are baing in the bands of the third assistant are much more fortunate than their postmaster general, I do not feel like neighbors, who were content, with 10 discussing it, however my actions speak cents and less per pound cash. Mr. loader than my words and in every Durst writes from Loudon, February 0: instance I have confirmed the decisions 'Although the English crop for last ol Mr. Madden, lie is making a careful season was a phenomenal one, the investigation of a number of periodicals choicest grade of Oregon hops brought which are suspected of abusing the 15 Bnd It) cents in London, and are sell- privilege. When he determines to cur- mg for equally as much here today. tail or withdraw the privileges ol a "U ja ieo a fact beyond dispute that paper bis decision comes to me for final considerably better prices would have ratification and I have yet to reverse the been paid by many English brewers for sction of Mr. Madden in a single iu- choicest Pacifies, except for the multi- stance, from which I think you 'can judge as to how I stand on tbe subject." Grtxrid Scenery of Shasta Route In toing over the famous "Shasta Route" of the Southern Pacific Co. I he traveler ever finds something new to excite bis admiration and interest' Starting at Portland, one traverses the I wliich they have paid so dearly, whole length of the Willamette alley tudu ol low offer from sellers on the Coast, which flooded the Borough dur ing the months of October and Novem ber last. There is nothing lo be gained by recriminations. Hopgrowers, like other people, must pay for their experience. But It will he deplorable U ther do not profit by experience, for Homes Furnished Complete lpC0IN03IIC HOUSEWIFE .-YOU Will find ua better prepared than ever to Bupply your liousolurnitming needs. White Queenewnre). Plates, 7.4 in. per set. " 8h, " " ' . " 91J ' , 1U the gom ot the Northwest. Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson, and the Three Sisters and other (now-capped peaks are kept in sight for hours. Th beautiful valleys of the Umpqua and Rogue Rivers, with their orchards of prunes, peaches, apples, and olher fruits are a delight in them selves. Thecrossingof tbegreat mount ain barrier between Oregon and Calif ornia reveals tbe grandest miuntain sce nery In the United States. Tbe wonderful turnings, twisting, and doublings of the railroad bring into view a grand array ol towering mountains and profound gorges into which we gaze fiom dizzy heights, forest clad mountain slopes ttretchin; up to the line of perpetual snow, and the foaming mountain streams dashing I am sorry to learn that many growers are entering Into contract to sell tleir 11)02 crops, or parts of them, on a basis of 10 and 11 cents per pound. Haw can growers ever expect to get fair prices (or their crops, w hen many of them, to early iu the season as January and February, contract to sell their ungrown hops at prices which little more than cover the cost of produc tion 1 Contracts when made in con- iderable quantities fix the market prices for the coming crop. 'No grower cau expect to get I I ceult for his bop in September aud Novom ber if a large number of his neighbors have already sold their hops for 10 and 11 cents per pound, unlets there Is an extraordinary shortage in the produc- ruit Usurers, i1,,' In. per set . Oat Meal Dishes, 6 egetable Dishes, UxuS oval " " 9 in., round Meat Platters, r.'UxS'u in HxlU'i to 15x11 Tea Cups and Saucers, fancy shape witn tiaudies ouc OCOBOCO-Try It on your Linoleum a durable, bard drying, elastic Varnish, dries over night 3WC New Goods This Week Ladies' Desks, Japanese Screens, Boss Washing machines, Rug Fasteners (they hold your rug to the floor and keep it stretched), New Oil Cloths and Linoleums, House Lining, Wall Paper. The New Carpets have arrived. Go-Cai ts and Baby Carriages (or 1902 all new all on the way. fiercely down deep canyons, now and tion Such a shortage is not likely lo then Hopping for a short rest in tome occur, because hups are now kept in quiet pool. Alter a day's enjoyment ol ,iorage for two and six years, without old Ml. bhasta, the Unest peak on the gri,at deterioration Iu value continent, we drop rapidly nown ine i.(;olJ 6t0rage will prevent excessive canyon of the Sacramento to lbs broad .,r,.el (uc M W9 UBej to have In Ihe plaius of the rracrainento Valley in Cal ifornia, and thence through vineyards and orchards to San Francisco. For nipi and descriptive literature address R. B. Mii.lkr, U. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, Oregon. Oregon at Charleston. Tbe Charleston News and Courier says: Oregon's fruit exhibit at the ex position is one that excitet much ad- old days, but there Is no reason why growers should not each year secure paying prices for choice bops. "Growers should co-operate to discour age low contract, and, as far as poisihle, to keep their hops from being sold until they are actually produced, and re ady for market. State: ok Ohio, 1'itv ok Toi.kuo,! Lucas Coumtv. t Fuank J. Cuknkv makes oath that he miration. This display is one of the the senior partner of the firm F. J attractions in a space occupyiu 12,000 Chunky A Co., doing business in the square feet in the annex to the Palace ol City of Toledo, County and Stale afore- Agriculture, which is taken up with said, and that said firm will pay the forestry, agriculture, mining, wool, sum of One Hundred Dollars for each hops, flax and many other resources gd every case of Catarrh that can not besides the fruit. Mr. Oeorge I. Slocum, be cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Ciikkxy. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my prexeni-e, this Oth day of December, A. 1). lHriU. A. W. I.1.KAH0N, (heal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts direcllv on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Seud for Testimonials, free. F. J. CiisNKY A Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 7!c, Hall's family Pills are the best. I ni' r 7r n iTMiiniiii Wt Wrt VI11 J SjMUAAhHMMHi (Articles for this r column are con tributed by the Women' Christian Tempetance Union.) Ctmptln Against Intoxicants. Officials of the Burlington Railroad have started a campaign against intox icants, with a view to eradicating their use by the employes of every depart ment, not only on duty Wit also while off duty. Oregonian. one of the commissioners from Oregon, told some interesting fact relative to ruit raising in hi state, which showed that this particular industry ia not only carried on now with much profit but it baa greater future possibilities which will result in rich returns for the producer. tV'We bave soil and climate." said Mr Slucura to a reporter for the News and Courier yesterday, "for all kinds ol fruits, with the exception of a few of the tropical fruits. With us the apple is king. This name, however, ran almost equally be applied to our prunes, plums, pears and .cherries, but only locally, while our apple is a fruit that visits the nooks and corners of the United States Alaska and European countries. The long distance of travel does not de teriorate its flue flavor or solidity." Mr. Slocum then took the reporter through the exhibit, showing the largrel and most beautiful plums ever grown anywhere excepting ia the Northwest. There was the greengage, the egg plum a Very large and yellow variety; dark rich blue and many others which bear abundantly. There were Italian prunes of enormous size, which are dried and exported in trainloads yearly from Oregon. Mr. Slocum then showed Royal Anne cherries, as large as good sized F.nglish walnuts. "There is no special growth,' remarked Mr, Slocem, "for exposition purposes, but the usual and ordinary production. The Oregon cherry ia fast finding its way into distant markets in candied form and dried lor various uses." There were pears of large d i men sion, and Mr. Slocom said that it is not an utual thing to have these ripening lato in lb fall and gathered in mill winter. "Oregon has many orchards in th plateaus among the mountains, ont ol tbe reach ol pests which infect the fruilt in many placet. Here the horticulturists receive large returnt for their time ami labor, and the people are always healthy. At a fruit country Oregon cannot be excelled. Trees bear within four year. There 1 saldorn a failure, and even then what we call a failure tome slates would consider a good crop. The Willamette valley, the Rogue, Umpqua and Graod Honda valleys arc each known throughout the market of the world fur floe apples. (j'linces, crab apples, apricot, grapes and other fruits were shown; then the varieties of berries and strawberries which bad ripened in Oregon during December, cranberries as large at big marhlet, ana Mr. niociim told of young men, old men and boys clearing several thousand dollars yearly for a few months' work. Southern Oregon. Southern Oregon will always, and un iter all conditions, be an attractive conn try. lis scenery is of unrivaled beauty a succession of mountain picture! association with lovely vales and abounding waters. Il hat a warms sun and a brighter sky than the mors northerly purls of Oregon. It has in truth aomelhing of the general character and something of the charm ol California and It has wha'. California lacks, namely a sure and abundunt rainfall. Its elevation of from 5o0 to 20)0 feet gives to its atmosphere the t racing quality which goes so fa toward creuting ami sustaining human energies; and out comet quickly and essily to understand the charm ami the sentiment which hold the imagination and the sentiment of those whose homes are hero ill a bondage from which they would not willingly bo fret!.- Oregonian. -K. H. In Can't Keep It Bet-ret. The splendid work of Dr. King's New Life Pills Is daily coming to light. No such grand remedy for Liver and Bowel troubles was evtr known before. Thousands bless them for cuiing Con stipatlon. Sick Headache, Biliouine, Jaundice and Indigestion. Try them 25c. at Dr. Kreiner's drug store. Siuslaw'a 1'e.nlhor, Fur a number of weeks pa-t there havo been reports In circulation that cougar had been heard screaming III Hi nod neur Acme ) the Florence West. On teveral nccai-ioiis resident of that loan were aroused Iroiri alumbe by the terrible sounds uttered by tl; lerocious beast as it prowled in the dark ness sesrihing for prey. The animal even came up within a lew rods uf mine of the dwellings and Irighteued the people by its horrible cries. Women became afraid to go out after 'lark ami kept a walchlul eye on thi rhililren while at play in Ihe daytime. Kven riime of the men grew timid an would try to avoid passing any plai that would afford shelter lo a hnkiii; foe. Hold hunters went out with dog and guns in the hope ol finding ami killin Ihe animal, but without success. Tli only time Iho cougar was teen was by party ol three or lour persons who were unarmed. One of the men laid li would go after his gun if th olher would keep watch. I i sta'ted off, bu on the way reinemliered that his wife needed an armful of wood. It took some timt get tins and when be re turned Ihe cougar was gone. Fortunately the mystery has been Solved. The cougar ha no1 been killed, hut the ears of the women and children have vanished and Ihe men can now breathe freely. One uf the citizen cl Acme has a handsome peacock wliich roosts on the hill near tho owner's resi dence and the cries uttered at night by this beautiful bird were mistaken for the screams of a cougar and frightened the people. ....30c ....40c ....45c ,...60c '....26c .35c .15c .15c .15c 20c 30c Stove txnd Revnoa. Full Line Bottom Prices. 2 Quart tin Coffee Pot 10o Granite Coffee Pots 45c Full site Lanterns 25o No. 9 Copper Boiler, 14 ox. solid Copper and Zinc lined ti 08 Tin Welti Tail 18o Fancy shape Agate ware Tea PotB, regular, to close 85c Wringer 1 M Lac Curtains Mattresses Cots Linoleums Mattings Mirrors I'Icturs Mouldings 0 rani te ware Tinware Glassware Agateware Lamps Cutlery Wooden ware We hope to priut In the near future s communication from Ashland respecting prohibition as enforced In that city. The W. C. T. U's over the land are celebrating Neal Dow' birthday with appropriate meetings. We give below extracts from his biography written by our National President Lillian M N. Stevons. The lives of such men tbow ut what one man may do lor Temper ance. Ncal Dow. Neal Dow was born in Portland, Maine, March 20, 1H04. When ho was sixtsen years of age be Bnlshta Ills education 10 lar as school or college was concerned, having taken a course at the Friendt Academy, New Bed ford, and the Portland Academy, lie desired to go to college but hit parents were opposed ; neither was he allowed to study law, as he wished. During his connection, In tarly man hood, with the volunteer fire company of Portland, bit influence wat constantly txerted to miike sentiment for the ex clusion of liquort from the tngine house and to prevent their use on publi occasions. In tins endeavor ha was successful In a remarkable degree. Then, as In his later lilt, he was biave and ready-wilted. At one of the banquets, In those days tied "spreads," when he was chiel engineer, the loaslmaatsr, whose View wer very dillurent Irom those of Mr. Dow's on the leinjierance question, offer ed a toast to be drunk in cold water, for want, be said of anything more ap propriate and acceptable to him who la to resiiond to it. The toastmastur held ui his glass of water and turning to Neal Dow, said : Mr. Chief, I ask you to resioud to this toast, Brandy and Water watur for the fire and brandy for the firemen." Neal Dow responded in a bright way, and In closing offered this toast, "Brandy and Water water ex'.iiiguishe fire, and brandy ex linguistics firemen!" It is well known bow, In 1851, the Maine prohibitory law was enacted laruely through the influence of Nea Dow. Neal Dow and Mis Willard met for the first time in the summer of 1874 at a temperance camp meeting at Old Orchard, Maine, where they were the principal speakers, From that time 00 they were staunch and sympathetic friends. Francis L'. Willard wrote: "Uenera Neal Dow hat lived a life that requiits no apology. He ha been alway a man thoroughly loyal to womanhood and the home. A dauntless soldier In the forefront of that great battle for lib erty which involve tbe emancipation of woman, and the downfall of the liquor traffic. Neal Dow continued hi active life and i speechmaking until about a year before he passed on to the Better Land, Oct. 2, 1807. He was alway a student, and In hi study he Included the Bible, reading portions of it each day of hi life. Hit Interest In temperance never wantd. Ill last message to the white ribboners, given a few day before hit plrlt left thi world, was message of confidence In th righteousness of onr cause and in the belief that victory will surely come. May we all go forward aiming to op- hold aad advance the great principle of prohibition for which he 10 steadfastly, to unflinchingly ttood. Lillian M. N. Stivins Tunnel Contracts. Sealed bid will be received np to noon on March 10th. 1002. for the fol lowing tunnel work. The bids should be addressed to: "The General Mana ger. Waldo SAM Co., Waldo, Oregon." No. 1. Lyttle Tunnel. To be 500 feet long, more or lees ; 0' 6" high; 4' 6" widest bottom, and 3' 0" wide at the top. Fully timbered throughout, said timbering to be peeled and of sound quality; to consist of caps, mudsills, posts and lagging; tlruoer may be cut on the company's property, without cost to the contractor. No. a. Cow Uot Tunnel: to be 000 feet long, more or leas; 0'6" high 4' 6" widest bottom and 3' 0" wide at top. Fully tim bered throughout; said timbering to be peeled, of sound quality, and to consist ol caps, mudsill, pott and lagging; timber may be eut on company' prop erty, without cost to contractor. Contractor shall fnrnlsh everything necessary to the work which shall be prosecuted In each case, with not less than two shift of two miners each, trammers, timliertnen and other help not included. Payments will be made th 10th of each mouth for the work done the previous month, less 33,'-j per cent reserved till completion of contract. The work shall be done in tbe best pos sible manner and to the satisfaction of the General Manager or bis representative. The company will furnish all needed surveys and engineeiirg data, which must be strictly adherred to. The gen eral manager must be fully satisfied as to the ability or the bnl.lur to carry out his contract and expressly reserves the right to reject all bids. For further in formation apply to the company's office at the mines near Waldo. Bidders should bid on each contract separately. Lockjaw From Cobweb. Cobweb put on a cat lately gave woman lockjaw. Millioni know that the best thing to put on a cut ts Buck len's Arnica Salve, the infallible healer of Wounds, Ulcers, Sores, Skin Erup tions, Burnt, Scalds and Piles. It cure or no pay. Only 25c. at Dr. Kreuier'a drug ttore. Sevn J oeo ScaJe, Th Ban Jot scale increased rapidly in tbe vicinity of Vancouver, Wash., last rear and almost every Iruit grower finds It necessary to spray bis trees for this pest. It Is tbe impression of a good many of tnt Northwestern fruit grower that it I no longer necessary to spray against ths Han lose scale in Calilornia, owing to the prevalence of parasites. It is doubtless true that the scale is now kept in check to a great extent io that state and to some extent in Oregon by parasites, but it appears to be necessary even yet to fight the San Jose scale extensively by spraying in California. Lime, sulphur, and salt are advertised In such papers as the California Fruit Grower, Kural Northwest y Absglvteiy tasf? Makes the food more delicious and wholesome KTra.1 Aim PtKV BO., If ttm.