Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 20, 1902, Image 3

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    Dried Fruits....
tor them
40 Pounds New Petite Prunes, $1.00
Fancy Evaporated Dried Apples, 12 pounds 1.00.
Navel Oranges,(small but sweet) per doz., 15c.
Beardsley's Shredded Codfish, very fine, 15c.
Heinz Apple Butter (it's good).
Our Tomatoes are all strictly new stock and all good.
In Corn we are selling Maine Sugar Corn (new) at the
same price as the common.-
Good Standard Peas and Beans, 3 cans for 25c.
Oysters, Lolsters, Hlirimps
Whole Codfish, Boneless Codfish, Mackerel, Salmon
Belly, Smoked Herring, Salt Herring.
May's Garden Seeds FREE while they last (ask about
. White House Grocery.
AgentsChase & Sanborn Coffees and Lipton's Celebrated Ceylon Teas,
Save Your Trees
From the ravages of the C6dlin Moth and
San Joso Scale by an intelligent U60 of the
Spray Pump. We are just in receipt of a full
line of Beans Spray Pumps. They are
porcelain lined and will withstand the effect
of all the chemicals used. 'We have all the
materials you need, and will be pleased to
show you our goods.
Cramer Bros.
.Solid Sprays
We have just received a fresh
supply of Bolid sprays prepared
ready for use.
Complete stock of
Spray Pumps, Hose
We also sell Sulphur, Limo and
Bluo Stone.
Ask for raruphlct on Spraying ; '
mailed freo on request.
Hair-ltiddlo Hardware Co.
jz? For Sale j&
In Josephine County, Jackson County and Douglas County.
Oily Pro)cry
In Grants Pass, Medford and San Francisco.
For Exchange
Can arrange trade for Eastern real estate or stock of goods.
Those wishing to buy or sell call on me I can help you.
Joseph Moss,
Oppotlte Hotel Josephine. GRANTS PASS, OREGON.
io Off.
Crockery, Glassware and Lamps
"Delft" Ware, Warranted for 5 Years.
We have this ware in all kitchen utensils, also Blue Enameled
Ware, Granitewarc, Tinware, Etc.
We also Handle the Celebrated
R. G. Smith went to Portland Sunday
Hart Barnes ot Ashland visited here
Sunday. -
B. C. Churchill, the 81 ma Merchant,
waa in town Thortday.
F. M. South in In from the Green
back mine on Thursday.
F. W. Chanase left on. Monday eve
ning for Portland on business visit.
Traveling Conductor P. H. Tynan waa
in Grantt Pass Friday on an official
Attorney G. W. Trefren of Ashland,
waa in Granta Paaa Thursday on a busi
ness visit.
Misa Dot Diy of Murphy ia spending
tbia week in town, the guest of Misa
Ethel Palmer.
H. L. Benson arrived here Tuesday
night from Salem and went to Ashland
F. D. Russell, secretary of the Victory
mine near Glendale, was in town Thurs
day on business.
Dick Vert returned on Wednesday
evtnlng to the Greenback mine after a
visit to Uranta Tats.
J. C. K. McCann, the Wilderville
merchant, was in town Thursday on a
busiaeas visit.
Mrs. L. A. McGregor of Portland is
visiting hera with the family of her son
Frank McGregor.
Mayor D. B. Grant of Ashland baa
sold his hardware business in that city
to Thos. II. Simpson.
Geo. 8t. John, the well known mine
operator of Williams, returned on Mon
day morning from a trip to Portland.
A mandolin club has been organised
lately with a good membership. Waldo
Greene has been encaged as instructor.
A. H. Carson, horticultural commie
sioner for this district, went to Medford
Thursday night to inspect a nursery
Miss Maud Renshaw returned on
Wednesday from Wolf Creek where
she was visiting with Miss Meda Mc-
Mrs. J. T. Taylor returned on Friday
evening from Ashland where she had
been visiting with the family of her son,
W. A. Taylor. -
Mrs. J., A. Rehkopf returned this
week from Ean Francisco where she
had been selecting a millinery stock
for the spring trade.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Billings took their
departure on Monday evening for Rose-
burg where tbey will make their home.
Mr. Billings is an S. P. freight con
L. J. Hicks of Portland, the engraver.
and 8. P. Passenger Agent J. P. Jones,
have been here this week securing views
of mining scenes for the Sunset
Ed Hubbard was in town from Love's
station Thursday and Friday. Mr a. J.
Day and Edith Day accompanied
him on bis return to spend a week at
the station.
J. D. Stevens came in last week from
the Granite Hill hydraulic mine with a
badly injured finger. He waa breaking
boulder with a sledge and his band
waa badly cut by a flying splinter of
L. S. Stovall, a younger brother of
Dennis H. Stovsll of our city has receiv
ed an appointment tn deliver lectures on
the subject of anarchy in Texas and
Oklahoma. He ia known in Texas as
Scotlie, the boy orator".
E. D. Thompson, now engaged in
the mercenti'e business at Winier, was
here Tuesday on a business visit. lie
reports times as fairly lively in his dis
trict, with the placers all running to
their fullest capacity.
Mrs. H. M. Robinson, representing
the Rocky Mountain News of Denver,
Colo., baa been in Uranta Pass during
the past week, investigating our mineral
resources in view of a special edition
of the Newa.
New Locomotive) Headlights.
A new locomotive headlight baa re
cently been invented and has been
given an experimental teat on the
Chicago, Milwaukee A 6U Paul railroad.
It throws a vertical shaft of light
hundreds of feet high and can be seen
for a long distance. It ia believed the
invention will go far to solve the rail
way collision problem. The apparatus
consists of a powerful electric arc head
light, a dynamo and steam motor, all of
which occupy the apace on the locemo
tive usually devoted to the headlight.
The dynamo, which generates the cur
rent for this searchlight, occupies a
space of less than 16 inches wide directly
behind the headlight, and is operated
by a motor driven by steam linpaot on a
turbine wheel. The current is 6000-
candls power, which can be reduced to
any degree of brilliancy at the will ol
the engineer.
Health la WeeJth.
Every variety water treatment,
massage, eleclricty, A. Kay, manual
movements, rest cure, etc. 8ilied
nurassand manipulators of both sexes ;
elegant treatment rooms, beautiful loca
tion; quiet; every room and department
steam heated. Garden City Sanitarium,
E. San Jose, Cel. Write for descriptive
Roderick Lean All Steel Harrows
Call and see them.
All kinds of Agricultural Implements, Spray Pumps and
Spraying Materials.
rJ7"L5 Typ
5 -Ji
Vnlucky 13.
Unlucky 13 is lucky at the Coubikb
office tbia month for a splendid fountain
pen goes with each 13th subscript n
receipt written for $1 or mora. Not
only that but subsciiptions will be t
ceived at the rate, of $1 if paid in ad
vance. All arrears must be paid at re
gular rate. Let us write your receipt
today. $1 pays for one year, $2 pays lor
two years.
Earle B. Ness and Misa Clementine
B. Miller were married, on Monday at
the Greenback mine. The wedding
was a qufM though most pleasant affair
and occurred at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Deinaree. Kev. C. W. Hays
of Grants Pass wai present to conduct
the ceremony. Besides those already
named, there were present at the wed
ding, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenio Miller and
daughter, Mrs. 8. C. Ness and Mr. M
L. Alullin, uncle of the bride. Many
friends present their best wishes and
auspicious hopes to Mr. and Mra. Neas.
"Little Hatchet" SocleJ.
Thorn who fail to attend the "Little
Hatchet" social, to be given on Friday
evening at the I. O. 0. F. hall by the
C. E. society of the Presbyterian church
will have abundant occasion for lasting
regret. The entertainment will be
uuique and interesting. The program
is not definitely announced but enough
haa leaked out to show that it will be
intenaely entertaining. Many willwear
the costumes of ths time of George and
Martha Washington. Costumes are not
restricted to members of the society.
All who can are requested to costume
for the occasion. Refreshments will be
served. Every one attending will re
ceive as a souvenir, a real hatchet. Ad
mission, 23 cents.
Jeaaie Shirley.
The Jessie Shirley company left on
Sunday after a week'a engagement
here. Jessie Shirley is like Christmas
or Fourth of July. She comes once a
year and then Granta Pass celebrates
the occasion.
Travels of ev Box ol Apples.
The following interesting history of
a box ot Oregon apples is furnished by
Rev. J. J. Walter, who has just return
ed from a four weeks trip in Southern
Oregon. The box was packed by Miss
De'.ah Williams, September 10, 1901.
Into it she placed the following note :
"Medford, Or., Sept. 10, 1901. This
box of apples waa packed by Miss Delah
Williams, of Central Point, Or. Will
the person purchasing this box please
write me, stating price paid for the box
and couJition of the apples, and where
purchased T" The original letter was
returned to Miss Williams, and she
nceivedilon the 5th of thia moulh
stating that the apples were purchased
in Diwson City, Januiv 17, UK)
condilbn first class and cost $3. The
writer also inclosed a dollar hill to the
young lady. Oregonian.
The best Portland white
seed oats at the
Pine Store.
Selling Out at Cost
All of Our Tinware, Graniteware, Crockery, and Glassware.
Read these Prices :
We have three tables of Glassware on display at Cost if you need a set of anv kind
oi glassware can wnne me assortment is completo.
Wash Bowl and Pitcher $i 50
6 Cups and Saucers, decorated 75c
6 Cups and Saucers, scrolled 65c
6 Cups and Saucers, plain 50c
6 Dinner Plates, decorated 75c
6 " " scrolled 65c
6 " " plain 50c
Large decorated Ve8etable Dishes. 33c
Glass Water Sets, decorated 1 75
Copper Bottom Wash Boiler 1 20
48 Clothes Pins
Large Iron Wagon
Lamp, complete.
Bird Seed, 3 pkgs
All Copper Tea Kettles . .
Vases Hand Painted
' 95
1 35
$ 95C
1 30
I 00
1 90
1 20
1 00
Granite Tea Kettle 60c
A guaranteed Wringer 1 50
Cobbler's Outfit 1 05
Double Wash Board 40c
2 Gal. Jars 50c
Mrs Potts 3 Set Irons 1 25
Flour Sieves 14c
t Qt. Measures 7c
12 Qt. Heavy Milk Tail 43c
Ax, complete 1 00
Steel Carpenter Hammer 50c
Large Galvanized Tubs. . . .
Medium Galvanized Tubs
Bird Cages
1 Gal. Oil Cans
Double bladed axes ,
Granite wash basiu
1 25
1 21
numerous to mention which we arc sellinj:
Haud Shaved Ax Handles 35c
W 0 havo 10,000 different things too
out at actual cost. Call at tho Chicago Racket Si
" --v vuuiiiiviU tllUU IvV 111 Villi
what wo say. If you want to havo your pick of theso goods call while tho stock is
Chicago Racket Store
Your choico of any Comic Valentino in tho store freo with each 25c purchase,
local Ibappcninas
Guaranteed to Equal Any $100
E. L. KING. Can. Aft.
218 Sansome St,
San franclaco
Deikth ol Dr. Simmons.
Dr. M. C. Simmons, whose Loire was
in Santa Ruts, Osl., and who hul re
cently coma litre expecting to locate.
died of pneumonia at Hotel J ay ton on
Tuesday morning. Tueedav night the
remains were taken to Santa Koea. He
was about 85 years ol aits.
Typewriter Papers.
A good assortment of Typewriter Ta
pers ia the various weights, also docu
ment covers, carbon-papers st the Cor
ikk office.
At Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the nest
morning t feel bright and my complex
ion is better. My doctor says it acts
gently oo ths stomach, liver and kid'
Days, and is a pleasant laxative. It is
made from herbs, and ia prepared as
easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medi
cine. All druggists sell it at 25c. and
60c. Lane's Family Medicine moves
the bowels each day. If yon cannot get
it, send for a free aample. Address,
j Orator F. Woodward, Le Boy, N. Y.
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Dr. Lows is coming.
Go to Coron for Dumbing.
Little Hatchet social Feb. 21st.
M. Clemens, Prescription PruuirU
Nice clean, warm rooms at the Home
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's. .
Azalea Circle is preparing to give a
St. Patrick's day social.
The Nativo Paughtsrs will give a
social at the Woodmen's hall on
Wednesday evening February 20.
Curtis & Co' Watchmakers, and
Jewelers carry a complete stock ol
Watches, kClocke and Jewelry. All
kinds of repairing done. All work
warranted. Odd Fellows' building.
The Smith Bros., formerly of the
Baby mine, have ordered a gasoline
hoist and electric drill put in on the
Klisha Kay mine. They have a very
fine body of specimen ore at a depth o(
130 feet. Hold Hill News.
Rcott Griffin haudles Ashland flour,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats..
C. A. Snow & Co., ol Washington,
D. C. will send free a booklet containing
abstracts of docisions in leading patent
cases, and other information of Interest
to inventors, patentees and manufact
urers. They will also send a booklet
on Trade-Marks to anv one who may
desire to have a Trade-Mark registered.
Little Hatchet social at I. O. O. F.
Hall, Feb. 21t.
The transfers in the overland con
ductorB' runs, occasioned by the change
in trainmasters at Dunsmtilr, are as
follows: Lee Hendricks will run be
tween Portland and Roseburg in place
of Conductor Jo. 1'eebleri the latter
will displace Conductor Ed Tynan on
Nos. 11 and 12, between Roseburg snd
Ashland, while Mr. Tynan will take the
runs on Noe. IS and 10 between Ashland
and Dunsmuir, vacated by Trainmaster
Engwicht. Tidings.
The most severe storm of the winter
has prevailed during the past two weeks,
during which time it rained almost
continually for some six or eight days,
The streams were swollen to overflowing
their banks snd travel was consequently
stopped. A slide on the road between
this placo and (jwquet, together with
other obstructions, caused the mail to be
delayed for a few dsys, and opto the
present time the service is not regular.
Crescent City News.
BOI1Z1EN In this city, Friday, Feb.
14, ltXK. lo Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Hob
xien, a son.
WICKSTROM-Near Wimer, Ore... Ian.
23, 1102, to Mr. and Mrs C. K. Wick-
Strom, a daughter.
REYNOLDS Near (Irsnts Tass, Mon
day, Feb. 17, l'J02, to Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Reynolds, a son.
N F A W-M I LL K R Near Placer, Tuesday,
eo. m, I'wz, by Ksv. O. W. Ilnya.
Karl il. Neas and Mits Clementine II.
SIMMONS Atllotel l.ayton in this city,
mesuay morning, ten. JH, 11HKJ, Dr.
M. O. Simmons of Santa Koea, Cal.,
aged 35 years.
shorts and steam rolled
barley at the Sugar Pine
M. E. Church South.
Revival services at the South Metho
dist chnrcb are growing in interest, Rev.
E. L. Fitch presiding elder ol the
Willametto district, will arrive on Fri
day and preside! Saturday evening and
Sunday. All are Invited to bs present.
Too Much Stock.
Many citizens are complaining that
stock are allowed to run at large in the
city. Those who intend setting shade
trees or lesutilying their premisos are
especially anxious in this matter.
There is no encouragement to make
beautifying Improvements as long as
cows are allowed to run loose, and there
is a disosition to request of the coun
cil a rigid enforcement of the ordinance
which covers this ground.
Attempted Burglary.
....,. i -
mommy evening an attempt was
made to hurglarixe the grocery ol J. M.
Chiles, on Front street. The robber
whittled out part of a panel of the door
so that he could invert hie hand and
slip the boll. As Jim Chiles was re'
turning borne betwnen nine and ten
o'clock, punning by the store, he heard
sopie one inside ami, looking closely,
iiiude out the II i; urn of a ninn. Jim
nipped on the window and ordered him
to come out. Just then R. It. llalier and
a young man limned Henry, called
"Slim," (Mime along and all threo stood
close to the dour as the burglar ap
preached. The fellow opeuod the door
suddenly, thrusting a pi.itol into their
luces anil ordered them to throw up
lliuir hands, Jim, Instead of obeying,
turned and ran up the street shouting
for the police. George Hall and Tom
Putty, hearing the shouts, ran up in
lime to get a good view of the burglar's
retreating figure. Chiles secured a gun
at the "Oregon ' anil hurried back in
pursuit of the burglar but was unable to
overhaul lilni.
This might have been the end of the
matter had not "Slim" undertaken
little detective work on his own account
Severn! hours afterwards he located the
burglar lu a hobo camp near the water
tuiik. "Slim" took a quart ol whiskey
and culled on the hohos, simulating
fellowship and plying tliiiin with liquor
until he was certuin he hail the right
party. He then called up Jim Chiles,
and the whole bubo out lit, four ol them,
were gathered in. They were lodged
in the city jsil and on Tuesday forenoon
were removed to tho county jail,
reviling tin) olfii:e.rn the whole
distance. Two of them were cripples
and all were desperately tough. The
preliminary trial was held on Tuesday
A Shoe
with a
tion A Shoe That Gives Absolute Satisfaction
' If you- hayeeyer
your judgment," will
dictate whether you
should continue wear
ing them. If you are
a stranger to WALK
OVERS we invite you
to: call and- inspect
hem, and purchase if
you are pleased. We want customers who will buy of us
again and again, and in order that we may secure, hold
and satisfy such trade we'carry'.the Walk Over Shoe.
. Bear in mind, it is not so much what you pay as
what you get for what you pay. ;
, P H. Harth & Son.
afternoon by Justice Holman, and one
of the hobos, a mulatto giving his name
as Richard Jackson, waa identified as
the burglar and was held to await the
circuit court. Ths others were released.
Woodmen's Jubilee.
On Thursday evening, the Woodmen
of the World gave a banquet and re
ception at the Woodmen's hall, which
was filled to overflowing by the mem
bers and their friends.
The reception was arranged tn honor
of the distinguished visitors who were
present; Head Consul F. A. Falken
burg, Mrs. Falkenburg, Head Banker
C. V. Cooper of Portland and Head
Clerk Woaien of Woodcraft, J. L.
Wright of Leadville, Colo. ,
Attorney R. U. Smith gave the ad
dress of welcome in his customary pleas
ing manner. An excellent program of
entertainment was rendered, consisting
ol a tuba solo by Fred Cheshire, bari
tone solo by T. F. Palmer, vocal solos
by J. M. Isham, E. C. Suman and Misa
Msggie Meade, and quartette by Prof.
and Mrs. Young, Mrs. Deuison and J. II.
Williams. Head Consul Falkenburg
delivered the address of the evening in
the interests of the order. His speech
was greatly enjoyed by the audience.
A very enjoyable banquet was given at
the conclusion of the program.
W. C. T. U. Socio.!.
The social and entertainment given on
Monday evening at the Woodmen's ball
by W. C. T. U. waa a very enjoyable
event and was glvsn a namerous attend
ance. An excellent program of enter
tainment wag rendered and refreshments
were served. It was a most pleasant
occasion to all who attended.
Mtk.ccB.bees Celebrevte.
State Commander Sherwood of the
K. O. T. M. waa here Thursday night
and a union meeting was held in h'.s
honor by the two orders of the Knights
and Ladies of the Maccabees. Mr.
Sherwood gsve an excellent address on
the plan and workings of the order.
The meeting was closed with s greatly
enjoyed banquet.
Certificate. Granted.
Superintendent Lincoln Savsga has
granted certificates to the following
named teachers, applicants at the recent
teachers' examination :
First grade Prof. F. E. Young,
Stephen Jewell; second grade Hilda
McCurdy; third grade Mrs. Allda
Swinden, Fannie Marshall, Florence
Coming Events.
Feb. 21 "Little Hatchet" social by 0.
E. society ol Presbyterian church.
Feb. 22 Washington's birthday.
Fsb.20 Native Daughter's social at.
Woodmen's hall. -March
31-April 6 Miss Elisabeth Hale
and dramatic company at Opera house.
y OKK.KUS I want one good worker in
" every community lor about lour
weeks, luere Is good money in it if you
are willing to rustle. 1 waul a koo1 person
tor eacti oi tlie lulluwing places: Berlin,
Lelainl, Woll Creek, MiluorvUle, l)ryden,
Korliy, Waldo, Althouse, Urowutowu, Wi
nona, flacer, Cal ice. If you want to work
wrue immediately, giviuo Uranta 1'asa ref
erences. A. h. Vooruie.
HOUSEKEEPER for family consisting
lather and live cniidreu. .Middle aceu
lady preierred. Ho hard work anil rea
sonably good wages paid. Write tor
reiereuces to Lelauu poatiuaater.
W J. uvak, Iceland, Ore.
INTELLIGENT young men, from 17 to
IV years ot age, having common school
education, to warn mechanical trades.
or lull iuiormauon apply or write to
Uniou inm Works, XUi Jiarkut et. ban
tM ALL hand printing press with. type,
lor ft). At Courier oillce.
A good residence lot SOxlOO on north
main street cheap, tor particulars
inquire at this omce.
DARTZ mine on Mt Reuben, one mile
rom the l.awreuce luuie, 10 muee
(rum Leiand. Tnere is an open cut oieu
teel in lengui by 1M leet lu UupUi, exiKW
ui a vein ui over 4 leet wide assaying fjo
per loll. Au arraslre u now being put up
on the property. Ibis property can be
purchased at a reasonable price uow. In
quire at Uila oiUu. or call or address J. W., Leuuid, ore'
TAKE your wheel to Cramer Bros, for
Fine, bright second crop
baled Alfalfa . Hay at the
Sugar Pine Store.
Slu.laiw's Hard Luck.
A private lnttsr from resident of
Florence, dated Feb. 6th, gives the
following vivid description of the situa
tion on the Kiuslaw: "There Is all
kinds of hard luck with the schooners
here now. one lying wrecked in the
mouth of the river, another on the ways,
five barbound for almost two months
with no chsuce to get out as there is
only eight feet of water on the bar at
extreme high tide, and Ave more out
side, amongnt them ths Wing and Wing
with all the provisions for the stores
here and Acme, not a sack of flour to be
had on the river for love or money, and
the town quarantined. How's that for
the Sluslaw ? (.least Mall.
Estate ot Jamea O. McGee, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed, administrator of the estate of
James O. McUee, deceased, to the
creditors of, and all persons having
claims against lha said deceased,
to exhibit thetn with the necessary
vouchers, within six months after the
first publication of this notice, to the
said administrator at his residence at
Williams, in this, Josephine County,
Oregon, or at the office of Abe Axteil,
the i'roba-,e Judge, at Grants Pass, in
said County. 0. W. Mctiki,
Administrator of the estate ol James
0. McUee, deceased.
Dated at Uranta l'ass, Or., Fsb. 13,
Notice is hereby given that Maurice
Savage, the administrator of the estate
of Abram Cole, deceased, has ren
dered and presented for settlement,
and filed in said Court, bis dual
account of his administration of
said estate; and that Friday, the
twenty-Urst day of March A. V. 1902,
at nine o'clock a. in. at the Court room
of said Court, at the Court house in
Uranta l'ass. County of Josephine, haa
been duly appointed by the Judge of
said Court, for the settlement ol said
final account, at which time and place,
any person interested in said estate
may appear, and 111 his exceptions in
writing, to the said account and contest
the same. Mai kk s Savaoi,
Administrator of Estate ol Abram Cole,
Kodak films fresh every week at the
Colhieb office.
R. L. Coe & Co.-The Bis? Store
Wis iiro now showing our comnleto stock of
Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes for Spring.
Never beforo lmvo wc been alio to sliow
Advertised Letter Ll.l.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing nnealled for In the Grants l'ass iot
oHire, Saturday, Feb. 15, I'j02:
Gray, Etbel 0, Pierce, Mrs Koeie,
Hottrnger. MrsC. I'eck, Miss Edna,
Tuemas, Mrs Ed W,
Cltne. J B.
Motnagle, C F,
Kelsey, W E.two,
Kussell, E J,
C. IUsmox, P. M.
See Voorhies about Kodaks and Sopplie
Ladies' Shoes.
Ladies fine Vici Ftid. $1.50
Ladies Kang. Calf, ft 50
Ladies fine Kant?. Calf, ex
tension sole, $2, $2 3$.
Ladies fine Vici Kid Shoe,
"Ix-'st value in America, all
1 new lasts at (2.50.
Ladies heavy soled, kid
lined Shoe; the very best
wet weather fine shoe for
the price to belfound on
the market at (2.75.
Trsrwn'w 1 ' 1 - 1 i
f. , . Z , fera&
1 j
1 i
fy. e-
. .is,i
Children's Shoes.
Babies Shoes, sizes o to 5
2ic. 3Sc, 50c, 75c, $1
School Shoes in kid and
kung. calf,
5 to 8, 75ci 8 to 12, $1,
15 to 2, $1,25.
The Little Red School
HouseShoe,'a!l.styles, sizes
and materials, one of the
best known and best made
shoes iiithe United States.
5 to 8. $1.2 V3 to 12).$I 50
H to 2. $1.73.
Men's "America" Shoe, warranted all Solid, at $l.f0. Men's heavy soled Congress and Laco Shoo, soft, fino
uIer, cap or plain toe, at $2.0. Men's fine Cromo Kid.hoavy broad solos, at $2.50. Boys' all solid heavy school
and work shoe, exceptional value, $1 .Co. Hoys' "Whito Oak Shoe," niado to wear, at $1.75 and $2.00.