Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 20, 1902, Image 1

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Fa. 13.
Commissioners . .
Deputy Clerk
Deputy Sheriff. .
Treasurer ,
(School bupt. . . . .
Koaduiaster .. .
Abe Axtell
(John Wells
INick Thoss
,. ft. L. Bartletl
T. P. Judson
Ed Lister
Ernest Lister
J. T. Taylor
Lincoln Savage
Clias. Crow
H. C. Perkins
T. A. Hood
Geo. W. Lewis
Mayor W. F. Kremer
Auditor and Police Judge R. L. Davis
Treasurer Col. W. Johnson
City Attorney C. E. Maybee
Marshal John Lockhardt
Street feupt John Patrick
Councilmen Meo. H. liinns
A. C. Hough, J. H. William-., C.
K. Harmon J. A. Keliknpf, Harry
' Lewis, Herbert Smith, Henry Schmidt
Grants Pass Lodtre A. F. it A. M., No. M.
regular communication lint and third
Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially
invited. 11. C. Uobixbk, vV. M.
A J. Piki, Sec'y.
Royal Arch Masons Reamea Chapter No.
.8 meets second and fourth Weilnesday
Masonic hulL L.L.J aw ill,
J. K. 1'btsbsoi. Secy. H. P.
Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 26
meets first and third Weilnesday
evenings of each month in Masonic
hall. Mas. H. ZoLLta.
Mas. Asm M. Holm ah, VV. M.
Sec'y. -
I. O. O. F.,-OoMen Rule Lodne No. 78,
meets every Saturday niKht at I. O. 0.
F. hall. In M. Davis,
T. Y. Dsaic, Secy. N. G.
I'aran Encampment I. O O. F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
I. 0. (. F. hall, FkD St'HMiPT,
T. Y. Dkah, Sec'y. C. P.
Rebekahs Etna Hebekah. No. 4!t, meets
second and fourth Monday, I. 0. 0. F.
hall. Essie Haktmar, N.G.
Mas. J. H. Damson, Secy.
United Artisans Grants Pass Assembly
No. 4!), meets alternate Tuesdays in
A.O. if. VV. hall. '. E. Wbktz,
Fkid Minscu, Master Artisan,
Woodmen of the World Rogue River
Camp No. 55, meets second and fourth
Wednesdays at Woodman Hall.
Jai. Blovbb,
C. E. Mtvmi, Consul Commander.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
1X2, meets first and third Mondays at
Woodmen ball.
W. E. Dear. Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. 2ri, meets each Weilnesday except
the first, al A. 0. U. W. hall.
J. P. Hali, 0. R.
O. N. Bolt, F. S.
Josephine Lodge. No. 112, A. 0. U. W.
meets in A. O. U. W. hall, Diion build
ing every Monday evening
j. n. M
B A. Itarakk, Recorder.
Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, D. of 11.. A. O.
U. W. meet every alternate Tuesday
evening in A. O U. W. hall. Diion
buildini. Mas. A. McCabtiiy,
Mrs. Lvdia Dear, C. ol H.
Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. 60,
meets earn luesuuy nigni r.ju i. u.
O. F. ball.
i. I. t iinusse,
Tom Wilmaeb.
C. 0,
K. of R and 8
. Grand Army of the Republic Gen. Logan
Post No. :t!, meets lirst Wednesday at
A.O. U. W. ball. J. E. Peterson.
Ale Axtell, Adjt Com.
American Order of Steam Engineers, Ore
gon Council No. 1, meets tir-t and
third Saturdays, at A. O. LI. W. hali.
Wa. H. K us it, F. Myru k, Chiel Engineer
Corresponding Engineer.
Office, corner room Tufts building, I'hont
No. 2til. Residence, Kuykendall house, A
t, near 2d, Phone No. 17.
Hours to 12 a. in.; 1:30 to 6: JO p. m.
light calls at residence.
f i aettces In all But and Federal Coorti
OITIe aver First National Bank.
Ibaxtb Pass,
Ajrrs Pass,
OBoe opposite Hotel Josephia
)bivt Piss. - Oaaeo
.Vk44jv 50 YEARS'
Tbjaoi Mb
CorvftmHTS Ac
Aqthm MorMnc a fcatt ad 4erlvMcm ma?
taTWrikM M pmahlr iwaaniabm. Otft.tnanH'tv
bnaaisBMlramlM(tttlal. HsBftrfttonkaa PalMtV
at.. fMB. fH.samsm4 aatatni- fltT M Ii ST MLfTtllA.
pattattta lk-n MmaTh Mann Jt C. ratalrt
Scientific American.
A WarvlaoaialT nrn-tm-wi wtt- lanrwn n
aalauon of an? rne VMraaJ. Temn. P a
jmr : ffr monUta, L 8)4 f all nawBrtnalars,
MUNNiCo.M,B-'-New Tort
Bnic OOc B r Et. WasJKeaa. at
Furaltar and Piano
TIM popaiir btrbar shop
Get yonr tonioritl work done at
On Sixth Street Three chain
Bath room tn connection
FnU assortment of Watches, Clocks. 811
Tarwtar and Jswelry. A Good
jYesortrnant of Bracelets and
Heart Banfles,
Olemtni' Drug Store.
Fine'Butter a Specialty
Paena SI
Every vStrap Right.
Our Harness is not only showy, in the best sense,
because tastefully and stylishly made, but it is made
with care for every detail. Each strap is just right, and
every buckle is made of right stock and every stitch is
good thread. Such leather goods are in demand and we
supply just such trade.
John Hackett,
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general Banking business.
lteceives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Oni customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent wilh sound banking principles.
Safety deposit boxes for rent.
The First National Bank
Receive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand,
Belli light drafts on Mew York Ban Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United States.
Hpecial Attention given to Collections and general bnsineae of our customers.
Collections made throughout .Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
R. A. BOOTH. Pres.
J. 0. CAMPBELL, Vice Pres.
11. L. 01LKEY, Cashier. .
Issoty of rialih. Quality ef MittrisL Cltjaace el Design, the do sit workmanship
thielapleet, moat complete and beet set ol attachments, loll instractioni by ei
pert teachera, easy payment, old machine taken in exchange, the lullest possible
faarantee, ana million, Ire hand red thousand happy, aatiifled ossn, thirty yean
I intra!, eoortaooa treatment What Utt
Wa have other makea of machine,
Sena good aecond band machine cheap. All klnda el eewing machine Needle
ell, attachment and repair. New machine lor rent.
Dent think ot buying a Sewing Machine until joa have Men the New Ball
Beartaf "whits"
W lay "Tb 'White' ie King" ol tewing Machine and Bicycle. Call, tele
phone er write and let o prove it.
J. Wolke,
J. B. FADPOCK, Paora.
I am prepared to furnish anything la
Kearly thirty year of experience la
that I can fill your order In tba very beet
Caa furnish work in Beotch, Swede
Front Street, Next to Ore ne'e Qaasbep.
There are thousands of men
and women, as well as ever,
with holes in their lungs : con
sumption stopped.
What did it?
Some change in way of life
and Scott's emulsion of cod
liver oiL
A hole in the lungs, once
healed, is no worse than a too
tight waist or waistcoat Take
the emulsion and give it a
chance to heal the wound.
WtMl ttmi ro s thus le trr, II roa like.
SCOTT BOWNC 49 rarl stmt, Nnr York.
Councils instituted in any part ( the
Stale desired. Write far circular!, objects
of Order aad iaformation la
Benj. F. Myrick,
D putySupreoie Chief Xagineer,
fblB alraatare Is ea every box of the genalne
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
the reatedy tkat awi swld m m ttmf
R. A. BOOTH, Vice-Pres.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
Ball Bearing
Like a Bicycle.,
Makes the "Whitk" the
Easiest Running Sewing
Machine Made.
Ca Tea Aik7
without ball bearing, new, very cheap
wnut atfiiraw nsiinirii vumrnni,
Main Office, 200 Poet St., Han Francisco, Cal.
For Sale By
Grants Pass, Ore.
tb line ol Cemetery work la any kind
the Marble boainee warrant my aayiog
or American Granite or any kind el
Washington Latter.
Wabhinotok, V. C. Feb. 10, 1902.
The paat week in Washington has
been marked by two ot the largest and
moat elaborate social events, excepting,
of course, the atate function at the
White Houae, which have aver occurred
in tbi city. On Thursday Mia Helen
Hay, daughter of the aecretary of
state wa married to Mr. Payne Whit
ney, amid surroundings the moat
beautiful and elaborate which nnlimited
wealth could procure. The church of
the Covenant ii a bandeome, though not
ornate, etiucture, but on Thursday it
wa transformed into bower of easier
lilies. Fioui window to window wa
festooned southern auiilax and at every
angle was an immense bunch of lilies.
The middle aisle wa lined with tall
buncbee ol the same fragrant flower and
with li'ver candelabra ao that the
bridal party passed up a perfect avenue
ef light and lilies. Immense palm,'
cluster of lilies and white rose almost
screened the organ and surrounded the
reading desk.
When the pew were filled with
representative of the diplomatic corps,
member of the supreme' court and the
president and his family, surrounded by
the cabinet familiea, the assemblage
presented a most brilliant appearance.
The bride, who i an exceptionally
pretty girl, wore a very simple gown of
white satin and a tulle veil held in place
by a wreath of orange blossom. Bhe
carried a shower bouquet of white
orchids and orange blossoms, so
arranged as to fall over her band and
reach to the hem of her gown. The
marriage ceremony was.1, followed by
elaborate breakfast to which a com
paratively small number of guests were
bidden, The president, In a brief but
happy speech, proposed the health of
the bride.
On Friday evening Senator and Mr,
iianna gave a private reception at the
Arlington hotel, the large ball room
being called into requisition and the
more formal early hour of the evening
being followed by dancing. Over one
tboniand guests were present during
the evening and many of them remarked
that the occasion reminded them of the
days of President Arthur's administra
tion when large entertainments were the
rule rather than the small and numerous
dinner with which they have since been
replaced. The occasion was somewhat
marred by the enforced absence of the
President and Mrs. Roosevelt, the latter
having been called that afternoon to
the bedside of their eldest eon who is
suffering from pneumonia at the college
at Grolon, Mas.
Tha illuese of Theodore Roosevelt,
Jr., baa seriously interfered with the
president' plans, it having been bis
intention to leave thi afternoon for
Charleston where he was- to have
attended the exposition now in progress.
At present hi movements are all in
abeyance and will depend entirely upon
the new from (iroton where he will go
immediately if hi sod's condition
should grow critical. Mrs. Roosevelt
had issued cards for an afternoon tea
for today but these have, of course, been
recalled. Apropos of young ltoosovelt'a
illuefi it may be well to lay that the
widely published statement that the
young man was responsible for the cus
tom followed by the students at Oroton,
of going without their hats, ha been
contradicted. The habit considerably
antedate yonng Theodore' entry to the
Aiide from the passage by the home
for aa appropriation bill which give to
the president the authority to place
under the restriction of the classified
service, those employe of ths war and
other department whose employment
was necessitated by the Spanish war, an
authority which the president desired
and which he will doubtless avail him
self, there has been no important .legis
lation at the capitol this week. The
senate ha passed the pension appro
priation bill carrying an appropriation
oi i.8,(iai,iaiu. in tuii include a
clause prohibiting the acceptance of a
fee or other compensation by attorney
or others for services rendered in secur
ing the psssage of special pension bills.
If the bouse passes the measure, Includ
ing thia clause, it will prove a severe
blow to a large nu m Iter of pension
The regular order nf business in the
senate is still the Philippines revenae
bill, but Benalor Lodge has given notice
that be believes the minority have
devoted sufficient time to it debate and
that be proposes to push its passato. It
will be followed by the irrigation bill,
to which It is believed there will be
little opposition in the upper chamber
but which will doubtlaa occupy con
siderable time judging the nuuibsr of
senator who have told me that tbey
have prepared speeches on the subject.
The house has devoted the major por
tion of ita time, since my lait letter, to
the consideration of the Henry oleomar
garine bill which i a lucceasor to the
Grout bill. The opposition ha been
particularly vigorous and prolix, the
maasure having been debated to a far
greater length than is equal with such
bills in the lower chamber.
Representative Oscar W, Underwood,
of Alabama ha beeo among those who
have contested the pasaage ef the bill
and when I asked bim the reason for
bi opposition yeaterday be (aid, "I
consider It one of the most dangerous
pieces ot class legislation which ba aver
been brought before the bouse. In
spirit, the measure is an absolute in'
terferenca with interstate commerce.
Oleomargarine ha been pronounced I
legitimate and healthful food product
and thi bill 1 an attempt to tax it out
ef eiistence. Of course it is framed
onder the guise of a revenue measare
and as 1 have no doubt the auprem
court will sustain it but no on candidly
believe that It is being proposed fur tbe
loiall revenue which will be derived
from It
'This bill assesses a tax of 10 cents
on every pound of oleomargarine that is
colored yellow. 8uppose that the time
should coma when the beet sugar in
terest controlled a majority in this
home and they, taking this bill as a
precedent, should conclude to assess
white cane sugar 10 cents per pound.
A yea know, all cane augar is yellow
until it i refined and they might, with
equal jaitice, maintain that to refine it
until it wa whit wa to mak it aimilar
in appearance to beet sugar and con
sequently a violation ot tha right of tbe
beet lugar producer. I thiuk I have
aid enough to ahow you wby I am ao
seriously opposed to the Uenry bill."
Grand Scenery of Shasta Route).
In toing over the famous "Shasta
Route" of the Southern Pacific Co, the
traveler ever find something new to
excite bia admiration and interest.
Starting at Portland, one traverse tb
whole length of tb Willamette Valley,
the gem of the Northwest. Mt. Hood,
Mt. Jefferson, and the Three Sisters and
other snow-capped peaki are kept in
sight for hours. The beautiful valleys
of the Umpqua and Rogue Rivers, with
their orchards of prunes, peaches, apples,
and other fruits are a delight in them
olve. The crossing of tbe great mount
ain barrier between Oregon and Calif
ornia reveal the grandest mountain sce
nery In the United States. The wonderful
turnings, twietlngs, and doubling! of the
railroad bring into view a grand array of
towering mountains and profound gorges
into which we gaze fioin dizxy heights,
forest clad mountain slopes stretchinj
up to the line of perpetual suow, and
the foamlag mountain streams dashing
fiercely down deep canyons, now and
then stopping for a short rest in some
quiet pool. After a day' enjoymont of
old Mt. Shasta, the finest peak on the
continent, we drop rapidly down the
canyon of the Sacramento to the broad
plains of the Sacramento Valley in Cal
ifornia, and thence through vineyards
and orchards to Sun Francisco.
For maps and descriptive literature
address R. B. Millkb, G. P. A., 8. P.
Co., Portland, Oregon.
Will the Philippine Pay?
Senator Bacon, of Georgia, who has
just returned from a tour of study in the
Philippines, baa written for The Satur
day Evening Post, of Philadelphia, a
valuable paper on tbe business aspect
of our insular affairs. He comes to the
conclusion that our account with the
Philippines must, for an indefinite time,
be on the wiong side of the ledger.
This article will appear in tha Issue for
February 22.
Other feature of thi number will be:
"Friction al Electricity", aclever humor
ous dory by Max Adeler;"How Trusts
Promote Men," by Paul Latike; "When
O.Connor Draw His Pay," by llolman
F. Day; The Captain of the Gray
Horse Tioop," by Hamlin Garland;
"How Albert Edward Saw America," by
Rene Bache; "Letter from a Self-Made
Merchant to Hi Son;" "Sophomore
Abroad," by Cbarle Macomb Flandrau ;
And the uiual miscellany and depart
ments. Opposed to Vaccination.
A sensation was caused in Boston by
the announcement by the board of
health that Dr. Iramanuul Pfeifler, who
voluntarily exposed himself to small
pox, at the hospital at ,Ullou;-s Island,
about two week ago, i ill with tbe
disease in the wont form and probably
cannot live. Dr. 1'leilfer ia on of th
strongest oppouenta of vaccination In
the state, and recently appeared before
the legislative committee to urge the
repeal ot the compulsory vaccination
law. Having tbe courage of his con1
vlction, lie went to (ialloupe Island and
completely exposed himself to smallpox
Dr. PfeifTer gained notoriety some lime
ago by lasting for a month.
Oregon Products lor Charleston.
A. J. Johnson, ons of Oregon' coin1
misiioners to the Buffalo and Charleston
Kxpositions, who ba been In poor
health lines he returned here afew
week ago, ii on deck again, and I
milling around and collecting articles
to take back to Charleston with him
the last of thi month. He aecured
case of canned salmon at Anuria, be-
aide a lot of case of minced ramrclama,
and a lot of bultir, apple, hop, etc.,
have been handed in to Georgu Lamber
son at tba permanent exhibit. By the
lime Mr. Johnson is ready to start, he
will have quite a collection of Oregon
product! to add to those already on ex
hihition at Charleston. Oreioniau.
Oregon aPrlxe Winner.
(ieorv II. I.sinbersou, secretary ol
the Stat Board ol Horticulture, is
receipt of a letter from Henry K. Ihnr.h
special commissioner and g'neral super
inteadtnt of the Oregon exhibit a
Charleston, 8. C. giving a complete
lilt of award earned by the State of
Oregon at the Pan-American Exposition
to which Mr. Doscli also waacsmuiis
sioner. In forwarding this list Mr
Dosch says that with interest will be
noted the long string of nsme of prim-
winners, fur it goea to ihow that th
Webfoul state and its people are righl
in line fur what Is tbe highest standard
of perfection in more things than one.
Tbe list of awards a it now standi
is: Gold medals, 27 ; silver medals, 33
broac medals, 71; honorable mention
103. Grand total ol 234 medals and
diplomas, which were awarded to
Oregon's exhibit on pur merit, od
which are more mtdal than were
awarded to any other atate.
Unckleu'a Arnica Halve.
The beat aod most famous compound
in tbe world to conquer arbes and kill
pains. Cure Cut, heals Burn an
Bruises, subdues Inflammation, masters
Pllss. Million of Boxes sold yearly
Work wonder In Boil, Ulcer, Felons
Skin Eruption. It coiee or no pay
m. at i'r. Kramer .
Kodak at Th Courier otllce.
Map of Rogue River.
Th Medford Mail has th following
account concerning ". F. Hunter's map
RoKue river: The gentleman was
detailed last fall to make a correct map
of Rogue river from its source to its
mouth. He started out upon hi trio in
small boat with on assistant and in
thirty-two days he had nssde the entire
trip. While en route bi assistant quit
and be wa compelled to pick np another
man for the remainder of tha trip.
hich change of help give Mr. Hunter
the distinction of having boon tha first
man who ever travened tha entire
length of the etroam. In making the
trip he took account of all rapida and
falls', crooks and bends, all obstruction
n the river channels' and aa well the to
pography of the country for some dis
tance on either side of the river. The
trip baa given to Oregon map maker
many facta regarding th Rogue river
which have heretofore been unknown,
as a good part of tha river had never be
fore been mapped. For instance, tbe
only perpendicular falls on tbe river are
near Mt. Reuben, were tb water falls
twelve feet; tbe narrowest place I ten
miles above tbe confluence ot Mule creek
whore the river I but fifteen feet wide;
at Horseshoe bend, which dues not show
on any map previously made, tba river
makes a loop and so sharp ia it that al
one point a stone can easily be thrown
across the lend around which the river
runs, while by the river it ia fully a mile.
The Davit's Stair which are on the old
pack trail, are indeed a curioua bit of
early day crude engineering. Her the
trail doubles upon itself in climbing the
mountain and so close are the trails,
one above the other, that a horseman
could easily step from the trail above
onto a horse on the trail bolow. It is
Ight in here where the rlvur narrow to
about thirty feet and passes between
mountain walls fully 3900 feet high. So
dark is it in this pasaage that during tbe
early forenoon a person in a boat on the
water can, by looking upwards, see
the stars as plainly as at midnight. All
ol these facta were noted by Mr. Hunter
upon the trip he made, and the fact that
nearly all of them are inside of the forty
miles of tbe unexplosed portion of the
river makes his map just that much mora
valuable. Another peculiar fact exists
regarding the river and that is that the
volume of water does not increase to
any perceptible degree from tha source
of the river until the Illinois river
emptiaa into it. Tbe evaporation seem
to take up the added supply from the
main river' tributries. Mr. Hunter
fonnd in the forty mile of unexplored
distance not more than half a doxen
people and these were minera. Further
down be found a great number of aettlers
all very nice people, who were anxiously
awaiting the coming of some enterprise
which would happen their way and bet
ter their conditions.
Baved llnr Ohlld'e Lilro.
"In three week our chubby little boy
was changed by Pneumonia almost to a
skeleton", writes Mrs. W. Welkins, of
Pleasant City, 0. "A terrible cough set
in, that, in spite of a good doctor's treat-
maul lor several weeks, grew worse
every day. Wo then used Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, and
our darling was soon sound and well.
We are sure thi grand medicine saved
hi life." Million know it'a the only
sure cure for Coughs, Cold and all
Lung disease. Dr. Kremer guarantees
satisfaction. 60c, II. Trial bottle free
Get a Souvenir Hatchet Feb. 21st at
Odd Fellows Hall.
S. P. Improvements.
Now the Southern Pacific's Oregon
lines are to be brought into harmony
with the modurii schsma ol railroad Im
provement. These lines, the operation
of which has been reported to result In
a net deficit of about $.000,000 a year,
are to have heavier rails, new bridges,
filled treaties, ballasted track and new
depot buildings. This work has only
been begun, but all available forces will
le kept at it, and there is no indication
that this year will see lta finish. A
good beginning will be made this year,
hut the probabilities are that the hear
lest expense will come next season, un
lens there shall b something unexpected
to Interiors with plans now taking
A bout MX), 000 cubic yards of trestle-
filling will he put la between Ashland
and Dunsmuir this season, eliminating
a large number of trestles on the divis
ion across the Siskiyou mountains and
putting that stretch of track In much
toller condition than it ha aver been
That part of the road will also lie laid
with 80-pound steel rails for a distance
of alwut 30 miles. It will take 125 tons
of these new rsils for a mil of tract, or
37.V) tons in all, They sre now being re'
ce I veil, and are expected to be laid early
In Its leaiion. The new rails and filled
trestles will enable train to mak
much fanler lime scroll the mountain!
holding rolling stock of greater weight
than is necessary for this service.
One steam shovel has already com
uienced work in the Siskiyous, and
another 1 at tha Can by gravel pit
digging out ballast to bo used between
Can by and Aurora. When thi atrttch
hall be completed the Mohawk branch
will l ballasted with gravel, and then
the work will lie prosecuted in th
Kogue Itiver Valley, and between Itoie-
burg and Myrtle creek, in the Umrxju
Valley, Forty miles or more of this
ballasting will be dons beforo fall.
A new steel bridge is to be constructed
across the Clackamas river to take the
place of the present wooden structure
Another steel bridge will be built
across the Klamath river near Klaina
thou, a few miles southward of tin
Oregon boundary line. That bridge
will have a ipso of 2ft) feet, and wor
upon it will begin next week. Other
bridges may be renewed, though plans
for such further work have not yet be
psrtected. Otegonian.
Immh ( m
acOM X 3 ACOsMt
Th Iron used in
Superior Quality and wry Durable
Manu Acorns" Noo in use haw been
In Continuous Service over 40 Years!
Can others point
Call and
Laos Curtains
i'lcture Mouldings
TXH, d, Z. til. Column
(Articles for thi column are con
tributed by the Women's Christian
Tempeiance Dolou.)
Oregon Stevte Convention, .
I am Indebted to Mis Lyman for tb
report of onr atate convention, being
unable to be present myself; so ah
shall speak: "It was a bright and
beautiful day, a wacam through Tongue
Point, and Astoria swept Into view. A
delegation of white ribboners met a) at
the depot, and w marched through the
street of the city, causing people to
oome to their shop-doors to aee us.
There were two llttl boy who acted as
pago. One very pretty little girl, three
year old, who wa with her mother at
every senion, and on young baby,
whose mother cam from the other side
of the Cascade Mountains, There were
gray-hairtd grandmother .and young
iris. Onr procession, i itaelf showed
the breadth of our work.
Th flower decorations in tb M. E.
church wr beautiful, while the pic
ture of France . WiUard. and oar own
Mrs. Kinney stood, draped with flags,
on the platform. The memorial services
war very impreasive, conducted by
Mr. Smith-French. Mr. Johnson con
ducted the seryic tor Mrs. E. J. Con
don, of Eugeu. She dated, among
other reminiscence, that Mi. Condon
was won to th white-ribbon cauie
through Misa Willard's personal in
fluence. Tha whole convention waa remarkable
for tbe spirit ol harmony that pervaded
all th session. We bad some interest
ing devotional exerciae, taken part In
of many delsgata. Hi evening
session were very pleasant and well
attended. Tbe first night w bad Mr.
Harford's address, which caught the ear
(and I am lure, tb heart) ol many out
siders, a; wall a onr delegate.. "Y."
night wa made attractive by report
Irom several ol oar girl, a well th
address by Mr. Ida Marster, th secre'
I suppose tbe Demorest medal cue
tet called out the greateat lutereit from
the general public and tb largeat
audience. To me, tha lait evening was
tbe most Interesting. Demonstration
night. One of the prettiest pictures was
that of the little three-year-old child
standing by an immense black New
fouudland dog and patting bis head, an
illustration of tba Mercy department
Another striking picture was children,
dressed in the costumes of many nations,
standing band In band, they themselves
being children of foreign parent. A
dear little tot ol tbe Mongolian race, In
Chinese dress, stood, holding tbe band
of an equally dear little American girl
smiling at eacb other as they stood.
then we all stood, with linked hands to
ling our good-bye hymn, "Blest be the
tie that binds." It was a most delight
ful four days of plesiant Intercourse
The koipltality of the people ol Astoria
was ol tha genuine kind, and wa shall
not soon lorget It all. Telegram of
greeting brought us near to the convca
lion of West Virginia. Tb unanimity
of the election ef officers was very
pleasant to those elected all our own
old tried ones.
Taking np now tbe work-a-day lei
sions, 1 see that Marion is in oaaner
county fur tho largest number of new
members. Mr. Steele reported a won'
derful growth, especially in Turner
where there are now seventy-one mem
ber ol tb union, twsuty-six of whom
proudly wear the whit ribbon. Tbi
banner, which tor eighteen years has
received the caress oi affectionate
hand, 1 becoming very much worn,
and must be soon replaced by another.
the old one being an heir-looin to the
Tbe treasurer' report ibowed (510.
12 al having passed through her band
this year, and she baa a balance now of
11.7.68. Tbe total paid-up membership
is 1,115, of which 118 belong to the Y'a.
Tbe reading the reports ol superintend
ent took np much time, but wa (nil of
interest. Astoria bad a very geod
account to render of herself,
Mrs. Rounds, of tba Mercy depart
ment, bad distributed 12,800 pages of
literature, and Mrs. M. E. Allen, of the
Literature department proper, 79,121
It should be added tba preliminary
to th medal couteat, th L. T. L. bad a
to such a record?
See Them
delightful program nnder it super
intendent, Mrs. W. II. Radclifle. Like
wise that the gold medal waa won by
Mrs. Bradford, president of the Y. W.
0. T. TJ. of Roieburg.
Next morning, reports Irom county
superintendents wer on band.
All who had come in contact with '
him, apoka in tha warmest terms of the
mpetu given to their work by Colonel
Holt' visits. Marion' banner i with
oat doabt due to hi wonderful Influ
ence. Mr. Amos' paper, telling of what I
attempted and accomplished for our
soldier and sailor,, created ' much
The resolution were both strong and
sweeping. Tbey rightfully charged th
turrlbls assassination of President Mo
Klnley as due to saloon responsibility.
To tha anti-cigarette movement in publio
schools they gav "God speed," and it
"help-fellow", onr own Anti-Narcotlo
department a well a tha linking them
together a much a possibl on the
school board. Recommendation were
made that all anion work forpablio
sentiment with regard to Peace, and
Labor arbitration, likewise fos the anti
canteen law. Louisa A. Nadu, .
Btate Reporter, Naahville.
Mlllione rat to Work.
Tbe wonderfal activity ol tb new
century i shown by an enormous de
mand for the world' best workers
Dr. King's New Lit Pill. For Con-
itipatlon, Sick Headache, Biliousness,
or any trouble of Stomach, Liver or
Kidney they're unrivaled. Only 26c.
at Dr.Kremer' drug (tor.
See Voorhies about Kodak and Supplies
IuIsbn el Time of iuwaiw we
rot nis Otsi 10,000 CM pica
. Were Wedeed.
The iTrsateat mass veeddtnff on ree-
ord from fftey antiquity to th pr-
ent day took place at tbe time of auex-
ander the Great. Ten thousand on
hundred and one men were niarrlad to
10,101 women at one time on the.
memorable occasion. It waa after the
oomusst of Persia that Alexander, be
lieving lnUrmarrle-K between ma vic
tors and ths vanquished to be th beat
method of securing his supremacy rn
the conquered country, decreed that
100 of his chief offlcrrs and 10,000 of
his Greek soldiers should be married
at the enow time with a corresponding
number of Persian wotaen. The maaa
wedding waa eeUbratsd on a plain
near tb elty of Susa.
A vast pavilion was erected In wtrtoh
Alexander the Great himself waa to
marry Statira, the beautiful deiiR-hlr
of Darius. It was hung with rich tis
sues and adorned with gold and pre
cious atoms. Adjoining the pavilion
were gorgeous quarter for the hun
dred officers, and in an inclosed court
seats were prepared for the 10.000 sol
dier bridegrooms and their prospec
tive brides. The ceremony was ex
ceedingly simple. After all the
grooms and brides were assembled
and In their proper places Alexander
offered a libation to th gods and then
kissed Statlra aa hla wife. Ills sum
pie was Imitated by all the other
grooms with their respective brides,
and after the ceremony was thus com
pleted the great wedding fest was
spread for the thousands.
Rklpped a Meal.
Shlney Patehia Lady, ean yon give
me my breakfast for day before yes
terday t
Lady-WhatI Day before yeater
day 7
"Yea, lady. I overslept that morn
ing, and had to atart oft with dinner."
If. Y. Herald.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
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