ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Published Every Thursday. Subscription Rates: Ont Tear. In rdrance, Bii Montns, . Three Months, blngls Copies, I1.2S .W .35 .05 Notice ii hereby ien that on Julr 1. V.rl, ttie sulncriiition rate of the Col sita will be raised to per year. All who par their ubwription now get the ben cut oi inecneaper rate. Advertising Rates Furnished on application at the office. by mail. A. E. VOORHIES, FRED MENSCH, Pkoi'b. & Mncjr Editor Entered at the pout office at Grants IW uregon, as second-class mail matter. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, JB02 Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., the presl- dent's eldest son, is Terr seriously III with paeumonia at Groton, Mass. The president if with him at the present time. The case Is serious one but there seem good chance for till recov fj. Chinese New Year is now being cele brated by the Celestials. At this sea ton, the Chinaman npens his heart in generosity, forgives his enemies tnd takes new start in life. Joyfulnesa and goodwill prevail and they often celebrate for several weeks. Governor Crane of Massachusetts recommends a state board to edit and revise all official reports and documents before publication, in order to cut down verbiage, reduce espense and make the documents more popular. It is a well known fact that large sums, bolh state nd federal, are being expended on use lees or unnecessarily prolix reports. 3 uneoitne most Irsqtient comments Bade at recent international expositions Is that deploring tbs fact that the bssutl lul examples of architecture are only tsmperary In character, being destroyed after the exhibitions are over. The plan fur the improvement of Washing ton will give permanence to the finest architectural triumphs in the world. The rains ol the past week hays been welcome change, not alone to miners, but to men In ail business pursuits in southern Orsgon. The placer industry was practically at a stand still, but now there is water in abundance for every ooe. Even the "dry gulch" miners bav plenty of water now and should be Improving every minute of the time while It lasts. The amount of gold taken Irora the placers flumes consider' ably In making up th country's pros. parity. The present winter has been unusually dry, but it is wet enough now and there is time yet fur a good run before spring, HI. Valentin would doubtless have been shocked oeuld be have known, while be lived, what things would some time be done In his name. If lis could see the malicious, so called "comic" valentines of the present day, bis soul would doubtless be filled with sorrow that liis name was connected with such productions. It Is pleasant lo observe that the use of the conilo valentine seems to be en the wane. There is no mirth In Iheru. They are malicious and splenetic productions, which were probably originally intended to be funny but this quality hat long since faded out. fcvery one who receives a comic ralentloe should have the strength of mind to put In the stove without look Ing at It and to defeat Itt object. Senator Mitchell has Introduced a bill in tut united ritates ttnate providing for a reduction ol tariff ratet on Philip pine imports. The bill proposes a re duction of 60 per cent of the Dlnglry rales. Senator Foraker proposed an amendment, a more radical measure, to cut the rate to 25 per ceut. While it eeemt improbable that Foraker's amendment will carry, It will receive support sufficient to assist the passage oi uiicneirs original bill by way of compromise. Our island possessions nave raised a new tariff problem which our legislators are endeavoring to solve. i he advocates of tariff concessions seem to be prevailing over thuse who wish the old rates to continue. Tariff concessions to Cuba will probably he Instituted also. - - - S Local Institute. Teachers local iuatituto held ill High School building, Bat., Fob. 8, UH)2, called to ordur by Hiipt. Havagtt. Dora Colvig appointed secretary. Oioiud by singula Miss Florence Akin okihh1 the discus Hon taking lor her subject Pictures end their value in Primary work. Miss Akiu preavnted a very Interesting and suggestive paper. Mrs. G. A. Savage presented the sub ject of reading In multigrade schools. Good pawr Oct. After recess Mias Caroline lleslin put forth her views on writing in a very able manner. Copy books from the different grades were distributed among the teachers, snowing the actual work being done in our schools. Miss Nora Bydow read a nnwt excel lent paier on Civil government showing me necessity and practical use of that study in uur schools. anas button told us of the value of school exercises. Her iwjvr ass en dowed with many good thoughts and suggestive ideas. Physiology was then taken up and discussed by Miss Myrtle Kenshaw. Mias Lilian llugan presented the sub ject of Geography in 3rd end 4lli grades. Good paper. Granitner graded lessons, by .Miss BU-lla Paddock. Good paper, good points. Teachers present: Misses. Minnie Tuffs, Astella (tuedin, Nra Sydow. May Button, Edna Harvey, Mary Day, CW line lleslin, Florence Akiu, Alice Smith, Lillian llogau, Pora Colvig, Maggie) Chllet, BUslla Paddock, Marv lirillith, Lillian Pence, Olive Owens, Mrs. Kuas, Mr. and Jlra. G. A. h.v.Ke, Egbert Kob b"M, Mr. F. E. Young, Hupt. Savage. Visitors present: Kcv. J. W. Mc Dogal, Rev. Chas. W. Il.y, Mr,. Iavis, Missea Fauuie and M..I.. ai.i thell, Ethel Hendoe. I'.ri-. yrtle Utley, OrUule M.-r.iti.i....' lie Frier. Koaa P. Messrs. hirkroan Kot.l.,-, us Itobinson, and Carl M.r.l,, niarki by Bupt. Adjourned. FJMX ! FlMiljJ! 4 9 We are giving away to our customers some handsomely dec orated, band painted China with cash purchases. Buy your goods of us and get a Fine Set of Dishes b one or more at a time FREE. We earnestly ask you to call and inspect it. You will surely ) want it. Itcd Still Store. Front street, oppo Depot. Walked Into e. Well. Monday ninlit was rainy and very dark, which is responsible for a peculiar and unplearai t experience by Zira Pool early on that evening. While traversing a portion of t'ie west part of town, he leit the a.-e i'ornd ti Ii to avoid the numerous i ii U bra ol mud anl water, anlati.c-l iqimfW inl- an open wll. w;t'ilii r u iUy c'o'lip on, too. The i I aa hb ii' 12 det (!ci p ai.d brim full oi water. V.-tA irriBfe'l sunie old pla is :i as h u.ok tlie piiiugp and saved hi-melf frn'ii s biLergiou d.eper than bis neck, lie bi':v: -.1 linnelf q iickly and within, serious i!a:ni:y anil sought a cha'ijje i 1 cl i In. "Llltlo tlctcKet' Social. Don't fnil to a'lpnl the Little Hatchet social at 0.1.1 I'riloKt Hall friilay evening, February 21st. The members of lie'.hany C. E society will be drilled in the slyle in vogue in lie ilais of (ieorire WasiiinKlon. Every one attending the social will re ceive a Souvenir hatchet. The procrsm it as yet a secret, but it is safe to pre dict that it will contain some arnining surprises. The price of admission is -'Scents. Refreshments will be served J To Mrs. E, B. Winch. (Written by Esther P. Terrell and pre sented to Klizsbt'th B. Winch, upon her 81st birthday.) We're thankful thou art spared to brighten earth, Which is so nely of the Christian's toil, and prayer, And totliy friends, who value thy true worth, And in thy sweet coiiipiuiionsliip, lmvc share. The tread of saintly feet upon our strccl, Has weight to conquer sin, and prove the right, The steadfast faith, and perfect trust, one- meets Bespeaks inheritance with snints in light, Then linger long, dear friend, we humbly pray, Kre thou dost leave earth's evening horizon, For the pure light of the Kternal day, W Inch has no evening shade or setting sun. And where no "Mile Stones " of the years appear, Or "Hun-dial, or "Hour glass" are ever known To bring a thought of sorrow, or the slightest fear Of parting, from the loved one round the throne. Stop The Cough and Work off the Cold. I.aiatlr llronio Quinine Tahleta cure cold In one day. No Cura. No i Price Vt cents. Grunts Pass, by Murphy and Provolt, to Williams, 1!) miles, six times a week, C. C. Presley, 1120. Grants Pass, by Wilderville, Helnia, Kerby, Waldo and Gasipiet, to Crescent City, Col., 117 miies, seven times a week. W. T. Horn, ;W0. JliiK'f to Winona, 0 miles, three times a week, John T. White, $1 12. Kerby, by Altlionso ami Holland, to I'.rowntown, 11 miles, six times a week, W. T. Horn, r! l. wonm lotuiiiee, lo miles, six times a week, W A. MuHsin, fit til. Holma lo Dryilen. 7 miles, threo timet a week, W. T. Kiplmrt, II 10. Hull I reek to Golden, 4 miles, six times a week, N. F. Home, f iiO. CominU Events. reb.I7. W. U. T. U. eiilerlainii.eiit at Woo linen's hall. Feb. 1:1 "Little Hatchet" social by 0. K. society of Presbyterian church. Feb. V2 Washington's birthday. reb. 22 "Human Hearts" at Opera house. I' eb. 211 Native Daughter's social at Woodmen's hall. March Ill-April 6 Miss Flizaheth Hale and dramatic company at Opera house. Old Time Social A large crowd attended the Old Time social, given by the ladies of the 1'realiy terian Aid society Inst Wednesday eve ning at the church parlors. A number ol quaint, old fashioned costumes were worn by (bo ladies. A very pleasant W. C. T. U. Social. The W. C. T. II. will give an enter taininent at the Woodman hall, Mnn day eveuin?, Keliiuary 17 and will rend I the following program: America Hev Leslie L. T. L. Children Seymour M irvin rianns Willard itttv. McDongal! Alines lieorge Libel llenilee X.'-na Chapman . Mr. and .Mrs. Yminy . . . . Miss Cunningham Admission 10:. Every Opening Kong. . . Prayer ong Keeiiation Address, subject ttecitatiori Song liecitution Song... Hecitution Closing I'rajur. l.'efresiiments. boily invited. Silver on Myrllo Creek W. T. (.'ope brought in from .Myrtle creek last week (sine samples of a metal which occurs in nuggeta in the placers of that stream. (In analysis, il was found that the metal was silver, the unlets carrying also a small percentage of gold. It is said that the miners of Myrtle creek have been in the ol throwing away this metal in ignorance jf its value. It has been reported that the metal wan worth $H per oiluce. As pure silver is worth about 00 cents per ounce it will be seen that this must be a remarkably good kind. Mr. Copr explains, however that the amount ol gold coutaiued is sufficient to make the value. Bl&ckwell Mines II. M. White is developing the liiaek well, the quarl. mine recently pun 'based by him in the Humbug district. Hie quart carries good values in free gold The owners have purchased a mill which will be installed soon. Clearanc Sale To niako room for our Spring Stock wo will, iluring llio noxt.'iO days j.lact' on salo at A Great Reduction All our Winter (loods, consisting of La dies CapOH and Jackets, hressini; Jackets, Pressing Sacks, Knit Skirts, Waists in Silk and Flannel, Fascinators and Shawls, HI 1 . . . r . ... ... r lanncieues rappers, Ladies , (' and Men's Mackintoshes. Crystal Spring Mining Co. A recent incorporation is the Crys'al Spring .Mining Co. of (irauts Pass. 11 A. Heed. C. C. Daniels and 11. II. March are the nicorporalors ; capiializition K'O.O'K). Whiskey Creek Placer. Col. C. U. Paris of Santa Ana, Colo. bus recently purchased a group of placer I'liiiina on Whir-key creek, below Alt. Kcubeii, from (ieorge Smith. The mine has u new ditch and a pallia! hydraulic i'lllipiuent. Meredith Mino. Ii. F. .Meredith of the Wilson-Meredith mine on the Illinois, spent several days town last week. MotwiiliHtamling the abnormal dryness which the winter has preienled until the past week, the uiii e Ium been running most of the timo with one iriant. Iiiuiie,1ii,lv Miner me lust rams they put two more Mo work and the mine has since been ri!uniu wiili three giants. Iillill'. II S If yon are in need of anv of ay yon to look them over as I money. the al'ove aitich positiely it save ill on E. C, Dixon. Shoes and Furniiing (i noils. BORN. l!OWAN-At Williams, Kebruarv 2. 1W2, to All. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan, son. BIKDSKY Neat Woodvills. Fsbrusrv 8, lUiW, to Air. and Mis. Wesley Hir.l sr, son. It.MVII-ln Ashland, Keh. 7. 1:kU Air. ami Mrs. F. It. Hatch, a son. I WILLIAMS In Ashland, Kub S . Ii'. ! to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams, a daughter. WOUTMAN-ln Medford, Jan. Ill l!lo: I to Mr. ami Mrs. II. Ii. Wormian, a mi i. 1W2 1'AHAH In this cilv, Kebruarv 2, Clarence l asad, agsd nine years. MAKION-Ntar Holland. Keb 7. ll2. Alahle L .iulant daughter ul Mr. and Mrs. t). II. Marion, aged 4 months and 12 days. The sorrowing young parents have the sincere sympathy of the coininunily ill their hour ol sorrow. H I, I. KK At Tohi, Keb. 2, Hi2. ti.'o. Fuller, sou of Mrs. Win. Hi. khani; aged IS years. LOOSl.KY-Iu Jacssouvllle. I-Vi. r, l'.H)2. Nellie K el, leu daughter ol Phillip and the late Nancy l.....-,ev . MANN At Central I'omt. J an. .11. PH2, infant daughter of Mr. and Mr,. J. Maun. VAN HAHDKNtll Kii-Near Cud. I I'olal, Feb. 7, l'..'.'. Joseph Van Harden liurg. program of entertainment w as presented, i Vocal s.'l is were given by Mrs F C Siiinan, Mrs. U. II, l'a.ker, T. '. Cramer and F. C. Suui in ; a recitaln n I by I elia Slover and piano solos by M ss i Itnbiiisoii. Ii -fieshiiittiita ii ,.rve.l I at the conclusion of the program The lo evciiinn was ph asantlv snent I'v lliu,e alteinling unit a Ii.iu.Im. me sum ws netted by the la lies of the society. S OD Itennril J. too. The readers o! Una piper will be plcaed to learn that theie is at least one dreaded diicase that science luisi t'een able to mire in all its singes, an. I that is Catarrh. Hall s t'atarih Cure is the onlv p.isitive cure snowu to the no'diial iralerintr. Catarrh bring n ion- ri .j-i'.refi a cousitlu ll.ili's I'ai.irrli Cine acting il,recC upon tllllc.'Ui MlliaeeS of the Deep Gravel Mine. The Wimer mine of Waldo, the "Haep Uravol," has teen working for several weeks with the new griz.ley, riinnirg I night ami day. Tlie owners intend to run three giants as soon as thev get the ground in proper shape. Snle of Lucky Quoen. The Lucky ti'leen mine on Jump-olF loe, owned bv Corliss A Kush, w us told recently by Mackay A Crane, who have been dexel.ipnig it, to A. A Kuriiliv ol Spokane, who will tit it up for busine-i". Tim Lucky (jneen is an old properly, worked many ye.irs ao and abandoned. It was manigii.l aieirding to old time A nuattr. mill was erected on a hunch of rich rock which was toon uliaintcd, and tbo mine was nbandon- f.l. Ju.lnioua development has slioan Mis existence of rich. iisriiiAiuoit ,r bodies. Cinnab&r Diacovery, W. II. .lackaon, Charlie Itaker and J. II. Kay have hut recenllv returned from a several we"ks' prospecting tour in the. Fik creek district. During lhir alnere they loot'ed twenty cinnabar claims between Fik and Tru I creeks. Where discovery was made, the lede is titty fret wido while across the river from th discovery it is Iran ;!0O to MVI 'eel in width, an I its lengih, as far a the local t y has been prospected, is from quarter to had a mile. The ledge it alter is very heavy and conservative atimates have placed tlm am Mint o! luicksiUer it conl.tins at live per cent, winch it way above ibe aveiage ol ciuna bir iiiines. Men are now at work making eue iv itions an I running tun nel, l'lie mine IS about twetlle aeven miles Ironi Medfor I.- Ma I. Mall ContrsLt'ts. The Pnetoiliee lVpartnienl at Wash- ington has awarvled contracts for carry ing mails on the several star route in Oregon. Th following am the routes and awards (or the Josephine routes : stitiitional di-eae, tional lie.itiii. iit. is laken iuii ni,il , the blood and system, thereby .li s tint ieg the founda tion ol the disr.i.c, an I giving ti e patient stiengili by hnildiiig up the coiistiiiition and aiming luiure in do ing its work. The proprietors t.o so much faith in us i mati e p.iwers, that they i tier tue Hun lied I'oliars lor any cae I luit it lails to cute. Send lor list ol I'estitnonittls. Add iss, F. J 1'u km. Co, Tot i:ik 0. Sold bv aii lirugists, 7.V, Hall's lamiiy I'll s are th U'st Vienna disatcli of February 1.'. says: "A report baa just reached here that another band baa encountered M"s S one's raptors. Atu r a desperate battle in which '.M were killed, the brigands made g,od their escape. M s Shuie was unhurt Sue lor S M.000 L.Ua'd W. Kid lie. of K Hi .a, Dmij Is:' county, has commenced a suit (o .i I, O 'O damages against the S. 1". Kail- road company (or injuries received while in the employ ol the company as a locomotive liremaii in an accident which occure.i near u.iscrjurg a year ao in which two height trains crashed to- I v'ether head on. Fireman Kidd'e was ba lly lu) ne I and suffered as a result lie loss of one leg and a 'nous and per-1 nam nt di-abilKy of one arm Accord ing to the complaint, the tailway com pany is held to be negligent in that il - l If it to gne anv trlnrranbic tiotie hi "iiovements o! the iiorthrK-und i alrer il left K d.lie, "S miles s. e h ol Koscbnrg. although there are lime or four int. a'ations, and the col liMon ... niTol than two n.i, s 'Ulh ol K xeburg. Jil leA S I'el.liell 1 the lU'iia and A. M. Ciaw'oidof K . burg are UiJJIe s a'.lornejs. Damage to Ditche. The heavy rain did some damage to the ditches of number of Ibe placer mines. The Hampton ditch on Grave creek is c'amaged to an extent that it will require 5'J men a mouth to repair. Joe Conner's ditch on P.ed Hog and liriggxcnek is said lo be badly damaged, a slide at the end of the ditch carrying pipe line and bulk-head into the diggings . Merlin Note Valentines are going fast at the Mc Com ell cash store. MVals 25 ecu's at the Collage hotel, Mr. William Powers, prnpietor. Anyone whliing oni n seis will find a gxid supply at McConnell's store. Calj early if )ou want tiiem. The state lecturer of the Knights of the Maccabees will be at Merlin Feb. H, anl will talk to tha members of that order the same evening. No one need complain of not finding work to do in Merlin, now. All who wish work are employed repairing the railroad track and bridge that were swept away Sunday. Mr. Abell tells "Night Hawk" be has garden fence for sale cheap, to be de iivt red at various places along Lous crtek, nnt more than one p'sce glaranteed to be delivered in a place. The high waters of Sunday did con siderable damage to Merlin property, carrying away fences, washing away gardens, etc. The railroad bridge across L iie creek was also carried away, caus ing considerable delay of trains. Prof. J. P. McConnell is at Grants Pass this week assisting County School Superintendent Lincoln Savage in giving examinations. The school will have a week's vacation this week, dur ing the absence of Prof. McConnell at Gran's Pass. Mr 11 W. Mitchell also has some fence that can be fiund at below Merlin. The store and residence of Mr. .Mi'chell were completely sur rounded by the rushing water, which reached almost to the door sills of the bousp. Don't forget the school enlertainmeti the evening of the 21 Ht at McConnell' hall. 'I he proceeds are to be used to purchase a (lag for the fchool. Al ladies of Merlin and vicinity are invited 'o faring a cake, w hich will be sold dur ing llie evening to the highest bidder L idies are requested to place their names with the cake brought. Coffee will be served during the evening, C uiie every body and have a good time In re will be a short literary program rend led during the evening. Nioiit Hawk. Hugo Items. Lilc in Saturday night. Sunday school every Sunday. Mr. l'urdy's baby has been quite ill. Mrs. McCormick visited Merlin Tliuil Jay. 1'readlul storm unposeiblo logo any place or accomplish any work . Owing lo so many wrecks at Hugo, t lit) H. P. Co. has put on an extra gang of section men and truck wu'kers. 'I hem will be a mask ball at William I'ardy's, of Hugo, on Febiuary 21 tickets ou cents. Uood music and a line time anticipated. All come and bring what they intend to cut. Every one makes their ow n ca-ituine. Now your time for full. "Uob" and ''Night Hawk," "Hick" will endeavor to make his feet as soft and limber as his brain, especially if Hob's best girl represents Queen ol Hearts. Dlt'K. Lol&nd Sifting. The roads are in a good condition; that is, they are good and muddy. G. W. Cbapin says he is not a candi date fi U. S. senator but knows a man who is. Leland wants to 'entertain Prince. Henry while he is sojourning in America. This is rather liar 1 weather on wood utters as their work calls for dry weather. A grange is badly ueeded here and siuie of the alliens are talking cf gauiiing. Oscar Munkers is driving J. C- Lewis,' coach. His livery will be here iu a short time. Ci.clu Hilly Cox will leave in a short tune lor Applegate. to represent his taru ledge there. Kinney, of Kinne) ville, is hauling a argo quantity ol goods from Leland. lie bus a well stocked store. We are contemplating the organization of a ttock enuango and are thinking of discharging our weather prophets. A good recipe lor the earache; sprinkle with tallow. Perhaps some ol the Peer creek citizens bad better try it. Lewis is washing oil' a large amount ol ground. His facilities for mining are great. I'lenly ol pre.'suie and also plenty ol waicr. We have no news to ante ci ncerning the quartz mines, ouly t.iat work on tiiem is living pushed lo the best if the bilily of the owners. In the weather bureau they keep b ack cats to tell when it will tain by the electricity in their lur. We have a sun;r way and less ixpensive. Our people are all healthy. Kvery id) la L i-y and also ready for Ibiir mejis. W Ilia h-inney's supply sture handy, we woul ,c hungry. Our rain is so g. title and warm that stock are geiling their own living ou the rani, needing no leed as vet If we hould have a bile. eolJ sloln. Vil have ii.'e Ite.l lor our stock. The correspondent of the Fait Side beach tavs llie)ihave the best cllins;.. in Oregon. II be was here, be wou d hangelus mind. We hive ha 1 onlv lew hosts this winter. One conld go in shirt s.eeves nearly every day. We are ham g a uice gentle ram, pl. ii'y ol water lor ibe miners. Tnev are all happy and milling Toe store keepers, aso have a broid smile liom car lo ear. To ram I. as como so gently that il has toated the ground thoroughly. We have some weather prophets in uur midst but they ate liom one to three uieniha off their base. Th wo.sJ train has betn in the Kowburg district for some time, mov ing wood in that locality. Tbey bay taken very little wool from this branch this winter. The wood rontractora her are cutting more wood this winter than they did last. If the railroad company don't get mov on themselves and I take the wood away it will be a repeti tion ot last summer; no piling ground, and teams and men lying idle. i Pob. I Kinneyvllle New. i Two nephews of Win. Cox arrived here last week aod, owing to the enter- ( prising a pearance of our city, propm-e to remain. We wonder why llarry Kenny goes over the mountain every Sunday? There mutt be a fhii ing light ou the other side. Times are biis ling around Kinn-y-ville. Our genial cook is leginning lo discredit the rumors of there leii.g )o many spare widows in this vicinity. He says be woold like to see a few of them. Wilder vilie Items Mud and water everywhere. Valenliaes at J. C. K. M.Cann's. Come and get your choice. Mr. Savage, our teacher at Wildor ville, ii in town this week. Theiewaano Sunday school or Fp worth Leairue Sunday on account of rain. Miss Myrtle Renshaw is teaching the Wilderville school during M: Savage's absence. School, this week, is pietty we attended, considering the rain, as there are about 20 in steady all- ndance. Mr. McCaun has quite a stock of shoes; all kinds and most all sizes Come and tee th.-ni and get a pair The creeks were so high Sunday, that the stage could go only about two miles beyond Wilderville as the McC'ung creik was past fording. S. K. and J. B. Itobinson hai the misfortune of having a large oak tree uproot and fall acioss their granary and doing a little damage to the wood shed; no grain damaged. Mrs. Wells an I little boy took the stage fcr Grants Pass last Friday lo go to Medford on the 10 o'clock train the same evening She in'ended to go e rlier in the week but could not on account of the rain. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Casi bolt, who died one day last week. He was at bis sun's, who lives n-ar Kogue river. Uur sympathies go on to the grieved wife and children. We have not heaid the cause of hit death. Za.nuni I Buy Anything THAT YOU HAVE TO SELL AND THAT BOMEOjNE ELSE MAY WANT You mav have me article among your p isswions that you have no use for and never will have use for-why not convert them into rash. I pay you cash tor then.. If )0U aro going to move away let me buy your household goods 1 will give you good prices. Sewing Machine." for rent and for sale. Oiiwh psiici ioi- Oiwl I roi. Ike Goods Sold on the Installment Ple-n M. Davis, Front St. Second-Hand Store. Item From Greenback Charlie Wright was absent a few days taking a little rest. Mr. Headecu lies gone to San Fran Cisco for recreation. Mr. J. B. Thompson and boii made i trio to Grunts Pass on business. Mr. Wallace's baby was quite sick tor several days but is better at present. Dick Vest has gone to Myille crock and will visit Grants Pass beloie return ing. Nearly every day we see strangers ou our streets, visiting the great Greenback mine. There will be a ball at Placer, Friday evening reuruary 14. i-veiy one an ticipates a line time. Mrs. J. 11. Mulkey, of Myrtle creek, aunt of Bert Fawcet, came on Febiuary Jrd for a visit w ith hia lamiiy. Lester Briggs and Hal Hasty relumed on Saturday Iroai Grants iuss where they had been lor a few days. Mr. Frank Kyle, former shift boss ot the Greenback mine, is here for a few days. He has interests in mining property near here. On the evening ol February 21 there will be a grand ball at Greenback hall. As Washington's birthday came ou Saturday it was thought best to have the ball on the 21st. Mrs. Paul Scliaringson, of Placer, has had a relapse and is very low. On Saturday at 2 o'clock a 'phone met-sage called Mr. Scharingson home from his work here, saying she was very ill. The weather is delightful for the placer miners as it has rained for a week, and for twenty-four hours has been a ouliitiial downpour and still is pouring, and is much warmer than it has been (or soma time We Oregnnians rather ottjov the rain if r s'ttys warm. A wik ago the ground w is covi n il with snow but now -list a fliVe c.n be men. fur which we give II anl s. Saturday .Mr. S i nv.i i,1, ol Portland, the organize o the Ma cabce, was hero in the int. re-.t ol the lodge at Placer All the Miccab-es th it could gut away, wont to Placer Sa ui.lav night lo hear Mr. Sherwood talk on lite advantages of ing a M.uvali'e. I'hey nm-t have had a timo g ing and coming as it p ill d r.i n a ! night, but were rewarded oy a lunq i-: I id go. Ttie ladies heie d-,. sorry lor their sisters in Grants Pass that thev ran- it enjoy the outdoor spirts they have here. When there is snow on the ground thev hav.i line times eoan ini!. When the mow ia gone they can ri le lb burros for exercise, but one of the lad. is is not fond of burro riding as thrv 't th ir hind feet too suddenly some times lor the rider to remain sea'ed. Due day last week Link Ellis' "old gray mare came tearing out of the il lemess" with a load of wood behind her. They haul wool ou sleds with four horses. Tbey were going a little too last. He called 'whoa!" A tl. wbeebrs slacked their pace the sled ran on to theui which frightened them and they gave a lunge forward into the stretchers, frightening the leaders They did not slop to have things ex plained, but started down the bill at an unknown rate of speed, Mr. Ellis hold ing the lines and Irving to hold the load of wood on but thev were to s.ilt fr him, throwtug him otT, landing on his back on a stump. His thumb was broken; he was considerably shaken lip; am not sure whether it touches! his' ribs or not, but tbs stump was driven into the ground several inches 'from the blow. Mr. Ellis is able to be aronnd oiii is nursing nis thunih in a eaielul manner. Advertised Letter List. Follow ing is ttie itstof letters remain ing uncalled for in th Grants pass post oitice, Saturday, Feb. 8, ItaJJ: Linus. Woods. Mrs C E S. Williams, AJella E, USMTLKHtX Adams. L W, l'ewade. Pan, tan. Jones, l has The Long Headed Man "yASTES NO time. but goes straight to thedealer and buys one ASJi of those il22:viJi. New Domestic vSewing' Machines WE ARE SELLING OUT AT COST At Paddock's Bicycle Den. B 1 aientin es of all Sizes, Styles, Qualities, and Prices, At Kremer's Drug Stores Klackburn Block, AND Post Office Building The Surest Remedy is Allen's Lung Balsam It never fails to cure a SIMPLE COLI, IIKAVV COLO, and all IllfOXtllLVL T1COU-15LKS. laroe BoHIss 11.00. Medium Sirs 60c. Small or Trill Siis 25c Kmloraed by all who have tricsl It. Your Doctor Fights Disease with medicine. If the ouediciue is not right he can not conquer disease. If the druggist does his duty the medicine will be right, and your doctor will stand a fair chance of winning the victory. You can help your doc tor by having your prescrip tions filled by Prescriptions. Slover Drag Co. Oppisite Depot. IJig Assortment -of Valentines ....AT M. Clemens, PRESCRIPTION DRUUUIST Orange Fronti oppo. Optrs Mouse j To Cure a Cold In a Daj i Take Laxative Itronio Quinine Tablets. ; AM ilrupirists refund the nioneyil it falls ! tocuro. E. V. lirove's signature is on cuilibox. 25c, The Old Reliable Implement House ot Southern Orc-on still loads in a largo now stock of Plows, Div3-looth, Spring-tooth and Disk Harrows. Farm J a.: and Heavy-draft Wagons, Hacks, Carriages and Buggies Mow repairs Water and Gas Pipe, Plumbing Roods, M.clf aim Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oils Etc. SCHMIDT. One Year-One Dollar For a limited time I will write Subscription receipts .. .... .lali lu auvance. all for the arrears Kausv, Kditor F, Cluuents, M R. Johnson, J B, four. Kla-e, K J, K.C. IUshoh, P. II. to lie paid at the regular rate. On July 1 the Kate will be Advanced to $1.50 a Year Now your time to save money as all new subscript and advance subscn,,,, ..'J Another Inducement During this month a fine Fountain Pen goes free with 3th subscription receipt written for 171 1 1 now. You may be the ,h m.l -ii. ' " . "umc but make nton.v. 1 nly Mve moner A. E VOORHIES.