Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 13, 1902, Image 1

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Ko. 12.
Judge Abe Ax tell
Clerk K. L. Bartlett
Deputy Clerk T. P. Judson
Hierirt Ed Lister
Deputy fcuerifl Ernest Lister
Treasurer J. T. Taylor
Hchool Supt Lincoln Savage
Assessor C'bas. Crow
Purveyor 11 C. l'erkins
Coroner :...T. A. Hood
Roadniaster Geo. W. Lewis
Mayor W. F. Kremer
Auditor and Police Judge R. L. Davis
Treasurer Col. W. Jobn-on
City Attorney 0. K. Maybee
Marshal Joiin I.ockhardt
Ktreet tupt John Patrick
Councilnien Ueo. H. ltinns
A. C. Hougb, J. H. William, C.
K. Harmon J. A. Kehkopf, Harry
Lewia, Herbert Smith, Henry rjch'midt
0 rants Pass Ixxlce A. F. & A. M., No. W.
regular communication firt and third
Saturdays. Visaing brothers cordially
invited. 11. (J. Uouizim, vV. M.
A J. Put. Sec'y.
Royal Arch Masons Kennies Chapter No.
'w meets second and fourth Wednesday
Masonic hall. L. L. Jewell,
J. E. Pxtihso. Secy. H. P.
Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 36
meets nrst and mini vteonesuay
evenings of each month in Masonic
hall. Mas. H. Zollek.
Mas. Aicna M. Holm an, W. M.
I. O. O. F... -Oohlen Rule Lodve No. 78,
meets every Saturday night at I. 0. 0.
1KB 31. LTAV1S,
F. hall
T. Y. Dia, Secy
Paran Knesinnraent I. O. O. F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
I. ().('. K. hull, J; hid HcumuT,
T. Y. Dun, Kec'y. C. P.
Rebekahs Etna Kebekab, No. 4!t, meets
second and fourth Monday, I. o. u. r.
hall. Kssib Haktmah. N.ti.
Mae. J. U. DaaisoN, Secy.
I'nitcd Artisans-Grants Pass Assembly
No. 411, meets alternate Tuesdays in
A.O. li. W. hall. F. E. Wkbtz,
Fhd Mbnmii, Master Artisan,
Woodmen of the World Uogue River
Camp No. 55, meets second and fourth
weunesuays at vtoouuiaii unit.
Ja(. Slovxr,
0. E. Matrxi, Consul Commander
ii'-.. l urlnnFl Ivnlai riri.lp. Nil
1K2, meets first and third Mondays at
Woodmen hall. ,
Kbtella USURY, N. 0.
W. E. Dm. Clerk.
Foresters of America Court Josephine
No. 2H, meets each Wednesday except
the tirst, ai A. O. V. W. hall.
J. P. Hal, C. R.
O, N. Bolt, F. H.
Joscribine Lodee. No. 112. A. 0. U. W.
meets in A. (). II. W.ball, Dixon build
ing every Monday evening.
Jf. 11. Miaui, M. W.
D A. Itaharii, Recorder.
Hawthorne I.odce, No. 21, 1). of 11., A. 0.
U. W. meets every alternate Tuesday
eveniue in A. O U. W. hall, Dixon
building. Mae. A. McCatiiy.
Mm. Lydia Dan, C. of H.
Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. SI),
meets each Tuesday night 7 30 I. O.
J. 1. 1 nausse
Fur nit r and Piano
TM eopolar barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath room id connection
roll assortment of Watches, Clocks. Sib
vsrwear and Jewelry. A (iood '
Assortment of Bracelet and
Heart Bangles,
Clement' Drug Store.
Fine Butter a Specialty
'Plena 21
is one who grows, without in
terruption of health, from a
baby up except the inevitable
diseases of children.
And Scott's emulsion of cod-
liver oil has done more, in the
26 years of its existence, than
any half-dozen other things, to
make such children.
It keeps them in uninterrupt
ed health. It is food that
takes hold at once, whenever
their usual food lets go.
We'll Had T link to trr, If too like.
SCOTT ft UOWNE, 409 furl street. New York.
Councils Instituted in any part of the
State desired. Write far airculara, objects
of Order aad iaformation !
BenjF. Myrick,
D 'putylSupreme Chief laiineer,
this signature Is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Uuinine Tablets
the remedy that cam cold la an day
Every Strap Rig'ht.
Our Harness is not only showy, in the best sense,
because tastefully and stylishly rnide, but it is made
with care for every detail. Each strap is just right, and
every buckle is made of right stock and every stitth is
good thread. Such leather goods are iu demand and we
supply just such trade.
John Hackett,
(). K. hall.
Ton Wiluass,
K. ol ft and S.
V. C,
Grand Army of the liepublic (ten. Logan
Post No. meets nrst Wednesday at
A. I). I'. W. hall. J. E. rr.TKH.10K.
Abe Axtkli. loin
American Order of Steam Kngineers, Ore
gon Cuuniil No. 1, meets lirst and
third Saturdays, at A. O. II. W. hall.
Wm. II. Kisnir,
11isj. F. Myrick, Chiel Engineer
Corresponding Engineer.
Transacts a general Hanking business.
Receives deposit subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
hislent Willi sound hanking principles.
tjafety deposit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, l'res.
K. A. BOOTH, Vice-Pres.
L. L, JEWELL, Cashier.
Olllce, corner room Tull's huilding, Phone
No. 2d. Hesideuce, kuykendall house, A
at, near 2d, Phone No. 17.
Hours It to 12 a. ru.; 1:30 to 5:30 p. m.
Hight calls at resilience.
Pi settees in all State and Federal Courts
Office ever First Muonal itaqx.
e)aJT Pass,
U. 8.
msa sts Pass,
Olios opposite Hotel Josephine
Surra Pais, - Obbuor,
Willis Kramer
AmrACTLaia or
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family Flour
And Sverythlnt that toea with First
Clase Milling.
For ile by J. M. Chiles, E. A
Wad and T. B. Cornell,
011 (er it; same price as other brands
i I Mr 1 TViatliln eaaira t
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
The First National Bank
Washington Letter.
Wahiiinotom, D. C. Feb. 3, 1902.
The laat and most brilliant ol the
card reception! ot the season took place
at the White House on Thursday eve
ning when the officers of the army and
ol the navy paid their respects to their
president as commander in chief, his
wife and hia official family. The decora
tions were artistic and appropriate.
The flag was seen everywhere. The east
room was paiticulurly martial in its
appearance, the windows being cur
tained with immense ibanners, the pil
lars wrapped with them and a niasa of
bunting arranged about the great chan
delier, producing a pretty canopy effect.
The ample folds of the flags were caught
with ropes of emilax and mantels and
fireplaces were banked with red and
white azaleas. The long corridor was
bung with flans of the president, the
admiral of the navy, the fecrotariea of
the ai my and navy, etc.
The receiving line was aborter than
usual Including, in addition to the
president and Mrs. Roosevelt, Meedamee
Root, Hitchcock, Payne and Knox.
Mrs. Roosevelt was most becomingly
attired in turquoise blue, a ciamon
necklace and a blue aigrette completing
her costume. The dashing full dress
uniforma of the officers added brilliancy
to the scene and the officers ol the Ger
man ship Mollke, who were accom
panied by the German ambassador,
added variety to the effect.
Rear Admiral Robloy I). Evan) was
among the first of the aaval officers in
the line and Mr. Roosevelt'a greeting
which unfortunately I failed to catch,
caused a ripple of laughter to extend
down the receiving iiue. General and
Mrs. Miles arrived late and much specu
lation waa indulged in aa to the proba
bility of their attendance. The meeting
between the president and the genera)
appeared to me to be aa cordial aa was
that between Mr. Roosevelt and any
other officer. Notwithstanding the
number of heroes present no uerson
received more attention than Mrs
George vandetbilt who waa present
with her husband and whoBC striking
beauty was most effectively set off by
magnificent gown of white brocaded
satin trimmed with point laca. She
wore an ornament of diamonds and
rubiea which waa greatly admired.
Another young lady who attracted much
attention waa Miss Koto, the young
Japanese girl who baa come to this
country to complete her education. She
was present with the Japanese Minister
and Madam Takahira and wore her
native costume, and had a white
chrysanthemum in her hair.
After the reception Dr. Von Hollenben
and Madame Von Kubeur Patch witz
wife of the naval and military attache of
the German embassy gave a reception
lollowed bv dancing in honor of the
officers and cadeti of the Moltke which
waa attended by Mies Roosevelt and
other ladies of the cabinet circle, and
many of the American officers who bad
been seen earlier at the White House,
The leading social event of the coming
week will be the marriage of Mist Helen
Hay and Mr. Payne Whitney which
will take place at high noon on Thurs
day next. Later will come the cotillion
for the young people at the White llouae
on the evening of the lltu instant, am!
then society will turn its attention to the
coming of Prince Henry. The itinerary
ol the latter has been completed and
officially announced. It will include
atops, some ol them very brief, at
Annapolis, Columbus, Cincinnati, Nasli-
liatening to appeals tor appointment
which Mr. Rod declares is moat em
birraesing to the commissioners and
wasteful of thoir time. He declares
that bundreda of appeals are filed for
every vacancy and ha feela confident
that not only the commissioners but the
senalora and representatives would be
greatly relieved were the officers ot the
district placed within the classified
An amusing incident happened Satur
day at the capitol. The chairman of the
committee appointed to receive Admiral
Schley at Nashville wired Congressmen
Gaines asking information in regard to
the proper salute. Mr. Gainea posted
himself at the navy department and
wired back a aalute of thirteen guna with
two rufllea and nourishes, the rulllea and
flourishes referring to the part per
formed by the drums and trumpets.
The chairman, however, did not under
s'and and Wired back "Please tell tia
what you mean by rulllua and flourishes.
We are not up on lingerie."
Receive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand.
Hells sight drafts on New York San Francisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points In the United States.
Special Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
R. A. UOOTH. Pres.
J. 0. CaMPHKI.L, Vice Pres.
If. I,. Oll.KKY, Cashier.
Ball Hearing
Like a liicycle
Makes the "WeiTK" the
Easiest Ruuning Sewing
Machine Made.
Btaoty ofji lolih. Quality ef Mattrlsl, Elcgsace of Dsiign, the finest workmanship
the Hairiest, moat complete and beat act ot attachments, lull instruction! by ex
pert teachers, eaay paymenta, old machines Uken in exchange, the fullest possible
fSamrtna. on million. Are hundred thouaand bappv, satisfied uatri, thirty ysan
al inecaia, eoutteone treatment What Mere Csa Yeu AikT
Wa have ether makes ol machines, without ball beannga, new, very cheap
Sena good second band machines cheap. All kinda of aewing machine .eedits
II. attachments and repairs. Hew machines for rent.
Den't think of baying a Sewing Machine nntil yon have aeen the Nw Ban
ttarlnf "White"
Wa say "The 'While' is King" of Sewing Machine and Pirycloi. Cell. tl
phoue er write and let aa prove it.
r ' . . 1 . . 1 n . . . ...... 1 - A.un IIW
writ It atwiniu aiAtnimc itiwsni,
Main Office, 300 Post St., Ban Francisco, Cal.
For Sale By
J. IVolke, Grants Pass, Ore
J. B. PADDOCK, Paora.
1 am prepared to tarnish anything In the line ofCtmeUry work in any kind
ol MARBLE or 0B.A5ITE.
Nearly thirty years ol experience in tb Marble boainaaa warrant my eayio
that I ean fill roar order in tb vary beat manner.
Can fnrnlah work In Reotrh. Bwada or American Granite or any kind s
Front Btroet, Next to Greeae'a Gaaehsa.
e, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago,
Milwaukee, IliifTalo and Niagara Palls,
Rochester, (Syracuse, Boston Albany
and Philadelphia in addition to Wash-
ngton and New York.
The committee ot fifty representative
citizens, to which has been entrusted
the arrangements for the G. A. R. eu-
ampinsnt to occur in Washington next
October, reports the most satisfactory
progress. Subscriptions for the entire
11m of "jO,000, which the committee
ill raise as an entertainment fund,
ave been received and f.'ii,uiw lias
lrcady been paid into the treasurer'
hands. The formal invitation to the
veterans lias not yet been ox tended but
will be at an early dale.
Most of the work of congress during
the past tk has been dona in com
mittee. The house ot representatives
ha passed a bill providing for a per
manent centus bureau and the senate
hat enacted a measure pmvi ling for
the establishment of a department ot
commerce and labor. The wave and
means committee has determined to
report a lull abolishing the special war
revenue tases occasioned by the Hpanisb
war. Nothing definite has been done
in regard to the Philippine tariff measure
which atill lies oil the senate desk as
unfinished business. The question ol
reciprocal relations with Cuba remains
statu uo, the republicans having
framed no measure and tb democrats
awaiting republican action.
At Friday's cabinet meeting the
president assured bis advlora that he
waa unshaken in his contention for
25 per cent reduction of the tariff on
Cuban lugar and tobacco. He also
issued a sweeping order regarding the
use ot influence to secure increases of
salaries bv government employes. He
postively prohibits the solicitation of an
increaae ol par either directly or in
directly, individually or through associa
tiona and any attempt to influence in
their own interest any other legislation
whatever, either belor congress or it
committee, under the penalty ol dis
missal from the government service
The order if enforced, is likely to work
an iinmens reform in the federal
Hon. John W. Roas, on ol th com
missioner ot th District ot Columbia,
baa made an appeal lor civil service
reform in the administration ol th
d strict. He states that under tlx
present system at leactone third ol the
' time ol the commissioner la taken up in
Enoye.ble Winter Trip.
A winter trip to Southern California
and Ariaona via the famous Shasta
Route is one never to be forgotten. Re
newed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop Iresh points of iutcreat
and added aources of enjoyment uuder
it sunny sktes, in the, variety ot inter
ests and added industries, in its prolific
vegetation aud among it numberless
resorts of mountain, shore, valley and
Two train leave Portland daily
morning and evening (or California,
Tbeee train are equipped with the
most improved pattern of standard and
tourist sleeping cara, and tho low rules
place th trip in reach of all.
If, in the paat you have had trouble
with your typewriter ribbons, send a
sample order to E. L, King, 218 Saneonie
Street, San Francisco, and see. if you
can't get a better ribbon for seventy
five cents than you have been paying a
dollar for. (7.00 a dozen, any color and
for any machine, . L. Kino,
Pacific Coast General Agent.
218 Sansotne St., San Francisco, Cal.
A Cevrd to Inventor and
In a recent publication, we are taunted
by another patent attorney with "rail
roading" applications for patent
through the United Stales Patent Office,
Statistics show that railroad travel la
not only the (widest but the safest in
the world. There are, however, people
who prefer ox-cait and ass.cart loco
motion. C. A. Snow Ai Co., paten
lawyers and agents, Washington, l'. C
Women n.nd Jewel.
Jewels, candy, flowers, men That is
the order of a woman' preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman, Kvcn that
greatest ol all Jewels, health, is often
ruined in the strenuous elTorts to make
or pave the money to purchase tliein.
If a women will rink hor health tn get a
coveted gem, then let her fortify herself
against the Insidiona consequences of
coughs, colds, and bronchial aHeelione
by the regular use of Dr. Uoschee'l
Gorman Syrup. It will;proinptly arrest
consumption in it early stages and
heal the alfected lungs and bronchial
tubes and drive the dread dissase Iroin
the ayslein. It la not a cure all, but it
is a certain cure (or cough, colds and
all bronchiul. troubles. You can get Dr.
O.U. Oreen'a reliable remcdiea at Dr.
(Jet Green' Special Almanac.
Ranchmen Get Together and Kill
and Capture Mustangs.
Cwaipmlara to Clear the Haas
loathera Utah and Northern -vada
of the Prats Uerd
Driven Oat Praalploa.
Next to Laytoa Hotel.
Where you can get Everything for the House.
Prealdentlo.1 C
The president received five cata from
Beverly, Massachusetts., thn other day,
each one with a ribbon round its nock,
marked with the cat's name. They
came in response to a newspaper report
that the White House waa over-run
with rat. The steward has neverthe
less given them away, and they have
all found home among the aristocratic
families of the city, where a cat that
had spent a p rtion of its tune in the
executive mansion would naturally be
appreciated. The old cat that has beon
in the vv nil House lor a nuiuoer
ears is still retailed in spite of the
inpiitatioii ot incompetency.
The rrontest ambition ol Amer
ican men and women Is to iuto
homes blested with children. T'liu
woman alllictcd with female di-i-ae
is constantly menaced with
becoming- a childless wife. No
medicine cun restore dead or
gans, but Wine of Cnrdid i; s
regulato derangements that pre.
vent conception ; doc prevent
miscarriage ; does redore weak
functions and shattered nerves
and does bring bullies to lemies
barn;n and desolato for vears.
Wine of Cardui pives women the
health and strength to hear heal
thy children. You can get a
dollar bottle ol Winn ol Cardui
from your dealer.
HS Market htrwt,
Vempiil. 'IVnp., April 14, ISul.
In Pebru.r 11, I L..I
Wine of C'.rnnl and one UArkmt of
Thr'lfonl'. llivk-lirti(ht. I h4Wo
mirrttq nrWien yuara end hftd Dvur
Sltrn WrtU lo a cfillil until I U-,k Win
ofrertul. Kw I am uw,th r of a n na
h.liy rlrl lil-ti w irn Mar:h 91, Jvot.
The baor wels-tia fourt-n poniete nnrt 1
ftd . well ae sir person ooulil fd.
Now n.y h ,10 te happr eii'l I never wtll
be wlUioul Win of ( arriul In nir h;a
aaln. Mre. J. W. c. SMITH.
Y'ir sslelre .' IHcrMtnrr, e-lfe, RlTlitg
n..0.... "ll Ihi.i, l.,.i.
Hlll ", I 'J- t lll.H.lMy., H1W1UU CIIIJJJ,
Hundred of wild horses atampeded
In terror over hill and plain, one day
lately, pursued by a bund ol mount
ed ranchmen, urtfiug their mount to
the utmoMt, aud now and then taking
a shot at one ot the lleelng animuia.
The mustnnir hunt waa ou. Ranch
men from nil over norinwesvurn
Arizona nnd aouthweiitern Utah, with
some from Nevada pothered at Pipe
Spring-, Aria. The smrt waa made aa
soon aa the ami first began to show
itself over tho Kanab mountaine.
Two score men, mounted on the beat
horses at their command and up
ulied with relnya to enable them to
keep up the pursuit, started, anya a
Kunub (L'tuh) apcciul to the Chicago
Although th mustang leldom
miilto a vicious fight, tber 1 no
keener aport than a mustang hunt.
The only hunt of the kind on record
in this locality was two years ago.
Then 300 nnitan(r were shot and
1,5(10 captured, anil Indications are
Unit this record will be surpassed.
The animals ure believed to hava
sprung from the horses owned by the
victiniH of the Mountain Meadow
massacre in 18.17. When the party
waa attacked a large number of the
horses escaped. For nearly half
century they have been breeding on.
the ranges of this region, mingling
with the stray Indian ponies aud ea
enped horses formerly belonging to
cowmen, and multiplying at a pro
digious rate. So nuineroua have they
become that they have been eating
up the none too rich range of this)
section. Hence the determination la
work their destruction.
I'niler the leadership of Mathoniahl
Miles, one of the principal ranchmen ot
this region, the hunters started on thetn
quest. The inrty- spread out so a
to cover a wide stretch of ground.
After nearly an hour had been spent
iu uneventful travel the form of a
big Htulllon wua seen. George Mil
ton, a cowman and an expert shot,
opened fire. The stallion whirled and
darted off. He waa the aentinel for
a drove. The others, 60 or more,
could be seen and heard aa the
scampered after him. The race
wim on.
For miles the chnse waa kept up,
only a hulf of the hunters following-
Finally a colt dropped out
esliniisted. Its mother Joined her
offspring to defend It. Two of the
hnnters approached the mare and
her foul. The mother charged upon
them, but a lariat was looped about
er fore feet, kIio Htunibled and fell
to the ground. Tho colt was quickly
oped, nnd both were tied to a rock.
Presently the mustangs swerved to
he right.
They were coining Into a broken
country. Ihe steepness of tho ground
mpeded their progress. Hut the
hnuge in direction soon led them
nto a trap. 1 Itey were driven Into
a cuuvon. A third or the way up the
Ide was a ledge running parallel
with the bottom of the canyon and
affording practically I lie only course
where travel was possible. They
lunged madly along thia ledgo. The
luutera were still aoiue distance
away, although In plain sight of tho
Presently the leader stopped. II
tad roine to a deep gorge. Above
11 ail below were precipices. In front
was this gtiri,'o, 'JO feel wide and 30
lecp. lleliiuil were the pursuer. Ha
lipid. Ills forefeet caught th
ther side. He scrambled madly for
oouple of sccondo, but a final ef
fort enabled hlin to regain his foot
hold, and he stood Irhiiiipliant. Then
another tried the leap. His forefeet
caught, but ha fell backward to th
rocks Ih-Iow. Another and another
llovved. Not a member of th
Irove fulled to make the attempt,
Three slice. 'tiled. Tim rest fell upon
the rocks below.
The king of tho drove turned and
the other iiiiMtnngs who were safe
joined him. They saw the hunters
criming, aud turned and esenped. The
little party of hunters uuine to the
edge of thu gorge utid counteid 2H
rscs 011 the rocks hslow, liulleta
soon put au end to this mlsury of the
Meanwhile the other hunters hud
broken up into small parties and
number of them had run Into bunchos
of horses. Home had been oorrulled,
some shot, and some lassoed. More
had esrnpeil.
It wiis estimated that 11X1 mustangs
had been disposed of In one way or
The hunt wus In progress eeveral
Mattings Last week we offered a few pieces of special carpet
at exceptional bargains they were too. There are
only a few rooms of .hem left. Bring along the meas
ure of the room with you. Get one before thc-y are all
gone now for the
This week we place on sale one lot special mattings
Another lot of Dustlesa Floor Oil Brushes liavo
anivod. We aro Bole agenta for them.
Brooms Bissell's Sweepers from 20c. to $3.65.
Lace Curtains
Picture Mouldings
, Graniteware
Wooden ware
A. E. Voorhie can supply you with
anything needed in the photograph line
either amateur or professional supplies.
Steal sleeper will be manufactured
near St, Petersburg fur Iiussian rail
road a.
Moaqultoea end other knata furnish
almost the aole food fur a very luge
family of insect-eating birds, known aa
A Frenchman living at Oonssse, near
Paris, ha an asylum for domestic ani
mals. Among them are a pig aged IS,
cow aged 30,andajnuWagd 7S years,
Statistics collected la Oermany
showed that more than 60 per cent, of
the oases of consumption could be
traced to the habitual breathing . of
dust tainted with injurious substances.
One kind of wasp found In Drastl and
Ouiana makes ita neat of a brilliant
white pasteboard, suspending It from
the highest branches of the treea, ao
aa to escape the attention ef the
monkeys, which, rn thoa reglona, have
a troublesome habit of rnvtatlgatliig
everything, ern a hornet's nest. 1
M. 0. Lelghton, health Inspector of
Montclalr, N. J., declare that he has
found bacteria to b quit abundant in
clay that ha been used and reused for
modeling In schools. An attempt to
aterllix th clay showed that th only
efficient way of accomplishing this was
by the use of superheated atssio un
der a pressure of 11 to SO pounds fori
Th weight ot eleotrleai maehlneny
In proportion to It output ha bn
studied by llerr Heefehliier, Th
suit of his observations, which ha baa
collected from 1H different sources,
lends to allow that up to a certain slse
the weight of materials per unit of
power decreases rapidly with Increa
ing capacity, but for higher capacities
the weight per unit of power la very
nearly constant. '
Wife at taa Late niakop Waleale Haa
a atraaae VUloa, Wslsk I
Trie late Itishop Whipple, "apostle
to the Indians, told a friend ihe fol
lowing personal experience a few
week be furs hi death:
The lilshop' first wife believed In
dream. Hhe seldom dreamed, but
when all did the dream came true
On a Sunday morning In October, at
Kairhault, many ysaraago shearoused
the bishop and told him that her son
the bishop's stepson, who wns then in
New Mexico, wns dying. 8he hnd seen
him In a lireniii, mid there could tie
no mistake about It. She dcciiled
him aa he lay on a hard bed in a ml
rrabl udoli hut and declared that
hie aerioua condition waa due to in
attention. Hhe urged th bishop to
proceed without deluy to Mew Mexico
and rescue the boy.
A few hours later llishop Whipple,
oU ilii nt to Ms wife' wishes, was fly
Ing southward as fast as steam could
take him. lie followed direction to
the letter and reached his stepson'
side Just in time. Th scene was Just
as Mrs. Whlppl. had described It
It was apparent that th boy could
scarcely survive another day In auol
surroundings, llishop Whipple ha
left in such a hurry that he had neg
lected to bring any more money than
ho needed for his bare traveliug -wXi0 grel4i, that
Dasher's ttaar1se,
X)asher came to tea. and mentioned
n brilliant repartee made by himself.
He hnd been lecturing on tha church's
nsous iinil how to oluerve them.
when a rude man In th audience
asked what was the )est way of ob
serving All Tool's day. Dasher re
plied.- "It should Imi spent Iu self-
examination," and the gulnsayer was
silenced- After Uahber had gone, my
wife said she thought she had heard
this story before, though with a dif
ferent touriiiire. I have often no
ticed that the same stories are told
by dilfereiit persons us having hap
pened In their own experience. This
Instance struck me so curious that 1
made a note of It for the i'aychical
aociuty. The ( ornlilll.
Thawed Dynamite.
Thursday altuiuoon a terrific explosion
occurred at a raurnu camp situaieu
about five mile west ol th Dalle by
Ihe ditonalion of K pound of dyna
mite. Oau man, fileavon by name, was
blown to pieces and bis body scattered
in all directions, and some (mail shreds
of fl-"li were picked up at a distance of
41u fi e. from the scene of the explosion.
Nooneebe was Injured, lilnsiou, who
Kii employe al the railroad camp,
was Una in out 15u pounds ol drnaiuitu
in a tent, alien it exploded.
peuse. Iu his dilemma lie went so
the liauk and told hi story to the
The cashier wa lmjiresesd with the
bishop's recital.
"Anyone could tell by looking at
your face," aald he, "that yon are a
bishop of th church of Ood and that
you speak th truth. I will be glad
to accommodate you. How much do
you want?"
The bishop drew on the bank for
t'J0 and he and th sick man were
oon on tbirlr way north. Th moth
er' dream saved the boy llf and
Die loan was repaid a soon aa the
(Article for thia column are con
tributed by the Women' Christian
Tempeiance Union.)
Th next state convention of the
W. 0. T. D. will be bald at Ashland.
A movement Is on loot to abolish the
temperanc lesson in th International
Sunday tchol quarterly. It i need
lee to say it meet with great resist
ance. Join the temperance men of your
town and use your influence for good in
the next election.
The Loyal Temperance Legion meet
very alternate Sunday at the Methodist
church at 8 p. m. A good work i being
don here. Over 100 children are enrolled.
Since the city of Grant Fas license
th saloon to make drunkard, is it any
more than just that it provide for the
needy in th drunkard' famllie instead
of leaving them to the mercies of kind
hearted people who can not see tbein
itarv be for their ey. There 1 much
call for charity and In neatly every .
case the head of the family spend Li
earning at th saloon.
Tb officer of an Ohio orphan asylu m
recently atated thatithey had no trouble
to find good home for the orphan girls
in their charge, but that it waa im- '
possible to find home for all oi the
boy. Only the exceptionally band
tome or bright boy la desird for
adoption. A one of the officers
concisely stated it. "Boy are not
Isn't tkla true in city, town and
country? Our girl are going to school
and college, even whan their parent are
far from wealthy. But the brother of
mor than two-third of these girl are
doing job aronnd town, ot working for
day wages. True, they arn something
in tbl way for Ihtmaelve or their
parant. But if the good of th boys
were to b consulted, the parent ought
rather to have lived on bread and water,
and worn patches three deep, than to
handicap tbelr son, with lack ol a
good education. Why shouldn't boys
have a chance to rise In the world as
well aa girls?
Mothers watch carefully after their
amall daughter. They let them
associate with no rough or foul-mouthed
gtrla. Isn't it true that many ol these
same mother allow their young son to
play by th hour with boy that awesr
and uae filthy worda, or beys that are
lazy, or even Incipient thieve and
Isn't it true that father itand by and
hear without protest th obscene tales
of other men, tale told before their half
grown lads? Had it been the' boy's
lister that were present, these same
lather would have thrashed the narra
tor soundly for "trying to besmirch a
girl' innocence." Evidently a boy's
Innocence doe not count with them.
Isn't it a fact, that if some of the
young ladies ol our acquaintance abould
be enticed into a saloon, ami ther
made drunk, that our indignation would
all good men and
women would contain against the
saloon, and "smoke it out" by righteous
wrath? No one think that it make
much difference when it 1 our young
Why not protect the boy? Isn't he
worth saving a wall a the girl? Ita
laxy man a more edifying eight than a
lazy woman? I an oath in a man'
mouth lea blasphemous than in a
woman'? Ia a man drunkard cleaner
and better than a woman drunkard?
It it ia woilh while to save the girl, why
not the boy? By Lora 8. La Mance.
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