Nice Things in jmmi Crackers And Fancy Biscuit best we've evei bad. Nabisco 8ee what the mapttines T about it.) We hare it; nothing finer made. . Cheese Sandwich "choice.very nice' Kennedy's Long Branch, tins, 20c German Sweibach (toast), 10c. Celecrated Uneda Biscuit, Oyster- ettes, Milk Biscuit, Zu Zu Snaps, in regular lunch boxes, 5c. Money Savers - for - January 5 pounds Good Cooking Raisins, - - 25c pounds Dried Peaches, - . 25c pound Good Seeded RaisinB, - 10c 10 pounds Special Mixed Roast Coffee, - $1.00 pounds New Black Figs, - 25c 15 pound Rice, 1.00 MAINE SUGAR CORN 1 Can, (new stock), - . - 10c 4 Cans Early June Peas, - ' 25c -4 Cans String Beans. 25c . (The above is our special spot cash drive for January only. Each purchase limited to 4 cans). White House Grocery. The Resultiof Spraying In one orchard in Jackson county showed net returns of over $G50.OO per acre for apples on 10 year old trees. The same thing can be done in Josephine county if the spray pump and pruning saw are rightly used. Wo can sell you Spray Pump, Pruning Tools, and all you need to keep your orchard always in shape. It pays to care for your fruit. Cramer Bros. personal ODD FELLOWS BLOCK SPRAY HOSE. LIME. Silverware.... The Choicest selections and most com plete line in the city. Also, an extensive assortment of Crockery, Lamps. Etc. which are a household necessity as well as a luxury or ornamental, and which we are selling at remarkably low prices. HaiivRiddlo Hardware Co. AT JEWELL'S OLD STAND. I Buy Anything THAT YOU HAVE TO SELL AND THAT SOMEONE EL8E MAY WANT You may have some articlee among your possessions that you have do qm (or and never will have use for why not convert tbem into cash. I pay you rash tor them. If you are going to move away let me buy y our household goods I will give you good prices. Sewing Machines for rent and for sale. diMlY ptiitl for Cast Iron. Ike Good. Sold on tha Installment Plo-n. M. Davis, Front St. Secend-Hand Store Your Doctor Fights Disease with medicine. If the medicine is not right he can not conquer disease. If the druggist does his duty the medicine will be right, and your doctor will stand a fair chance of winning the victory. You can help your doc tor by having you.- prescrip tions filled by Sloyer Drug Co. Advertised Letter List. Following ii the list of letter remain ing uncalled for in the Grant Tan pept onic, Saturday, Jan. 17, 1902: lid: is. Phillips, Miss Modr, Young, Mrs B B. OEKTLima Brooks, John, Cauey, Alfred, lianuin, 11 L, Huntington, Fred, Mc.Namee.GF. - V enniger, Mr, litrrington, R W, Larsne, J B, Piute, Joseph Xippolite, three, Prescriptions. Opposite Depot. Pi la si (niter ! os tvery bos of the genets. Laxative Bromo-Ouinine imiu Da. nee st Plsvcer, A grsnd ball will lis given st Placer hall od St Valentine's day, Feb. 14 Music will be furnished by Demaree'e orchestra. Tickets, including supper 11.50. County Scrip wanted st Cramer Eros, Craven, Geo, 2, Detrivk, J, Harrington, R W. Ingallt, Herbert C, Williams, K M, Brooks. J M, Hull, W ii, Mrs. D. W. Mitchell of Merlin was In town Friday. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Hunter wsnt to Ashland on Monday. Mrs. W. H. darter returned to Ash land on Monday after a viait to Kerby. Station Agent Geo. P. Jester left on Saturday for s trip to Portland and ths Sound country. J. W. Abbott, mining engineer of note, formerly of this city, spent Friday in Grants Psts. Claude Hockett bas gone to Wendllng where he bas s roaition with the Booth Kelley Lumber Co. "Bii" Naucke, th Kerby merchant and mine owner, was in town last week on a business visit. H. M. Wbits baa purchased a half interest in the Blackwell quarts mine in the Humbug district. Mrs. Fannie Ellis was a psssenger on Monday's train en routs for Yiaalia, Cel., where she will visit. H. G. Tobler, one of the well known miners of Grave creek, bas been spend ing the past week in town. Mrs. G. P. Jester returned Satnrday morning from Portland, where she bas been visiting for some time. Mrs. Thurston and daughter, Miss Alvilde, accompanied bv Mrs. Thos, Howard, left for 8an Francisco Sunday, F. L. Coron went to Portland Friday evening to attend a meeting of the board of arbitration of the Grand lodge, A. O. U. W. Mrs. David John and Mrs. Chas, Stratton. visited in Jacksonville last week, returning to Grants Face on Thursday. J. W. Frater returned on Saturday from Roseburf where ho had been visiting with his patents, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Fratsr. F. W. Jordan and family, of Iowa, are sojourning in Grants Pass. Mr. Jordan is here in the interests of the Curtis Lumber Co. of lows. W. D. Shaw, the Stayton druggist, bas returned home after several weeks spent in visiting his son Will, of this place, aud st Ashland and other valley towns, Frank Wilson, a former Grants Pass boy sod later a resident of Coquilli City, returned recently to tlio latter place after serving for some time in the U. S. navy. Mrs. J. D. Fry and Mrs. Eel us Pollock returned from Myrtle Creek Saturday evening. Miss Effie Grizzle accompanied them and will make ber home here. Miss ABtells Good In left on Tuesday evening for Hillsboro, where she goes to attend the golden wedding of her parents. She will return on the last of the week. W. J. (Smith, the Selms merchant, was in town on Friday on business visit. He reports matters as fairly lively in his section and in the lower Illinois mining districts, though the placer mines are handicapped by lack of water. Wm, M. Cos of Leiand, was in town Saturday. Mr. Cox is one of the Urge railroad wood contractors who deliver wood on the Kinney short line near Leiand. The present winter bas been a very favorable one for his business and times have been lively in the wood camps. Last week George Keller took his departure for Grants Pass, by private conveyance, 111s destinstion being st some point where, we sre informed, be will take a life psrtnnr, snd will return soon, a double man. Ha was accom panied to Grants Pass by Henry Frants. Crescent City News. Mr. and Mra. J. N. Gault arrived last week from Tacoma to make their borne in this city and are living at present at the Dodge residence. Mr.Oault succeeds Victor Peterson as book-keeper for the S. P. D. A L. Co. Mr. Peterson will go to California in the spring to engage in lumber business there. Al Neill, the famous middle weight pugilist, was a passenger on Saturday's train returning to San Francisco from Portland. The celebrity appeared on the granite without a coat in the chill (roaty air, wearing a sweater of sten torian colors, lis walked with a regula tion Bowery strut, with the peculiar swing of the shoulders which is sup posed to indicate lbs "tough." Neill is a young fellow of very aoggy build and powerful appearance. Rev J. M. Hunter, Aaron Wilson and Will Darby started for Grants Pass last Wednesday, where Mr. II. will join Mrs. Hunter, who rsturned to ber old borne several weeks ago. Later on J. H Frederick ,state organizer o( ths Frsternal Aid Association, who has been operating for several weeks in this section, will proceed to Portland w hers brsdquarters for a general canvaa of the state will be established, and Messrs. Hunter sod Wilson will then join him in the organi sation of counsels ever the state. Coquille City Herald. That is what we mean. We will give you a big discount on all goods bought, Just come and see if it is not so. This is the time to take advantage and buy your goods at wholesale prices. All our stock consists of new, fresh and up-to-date goods. Selling Out A good Ax 4 85 6 Cups and Saucers 50 6 seven-inch Dinner Plates. . . 50 Fine 5-piece Glass Set. 65 No. 8 Copper Bottom Boiler.. 95 Set Mrs. Pott's Irons 1 20 Matches 01 bunches Legal Cap Paper. . . 05 Ink 1 04 Envelopes, square 05 Large Trunk, 24x36 5 50 Woonsocket Hip Boots 4 50 Fine high, 10 inch topped bhoe regular 94 3 25 Large Galvanized Tub 85 Medium " " 75 Small " " . 65 9 bars Savon Washing Soap . . 25 Good Hammer 20 Copper Tea Kettle 1 20 Large Lamp complete 65 50-It Clothes Line 10 Half Soles 15 We want to do a big business through February and expect to, bo call early and get your choice while the as sortment is complete. kessler's, Chicago Racket Store. Ladies' Wrapper I 10 Ladies' Underskirt, a beauty. . 1 25 22 yds Calico 1 00 A 55c Corset 50 A fine piece Carpet 25 17 yds Cotton Toweling 1 00 A fine Kid Glove, warranted . . 1 00 No 4 hair ribbon per yd. . . . No. 4 ribbon sash 40 inch dress goods 30 A good work shirt 5 Pr Men's sox 5 Bars hand Soap Hand shave ax handle Cotton Batting, 2 Bata A fine gingham apron 15 5 Woolen Blankets .3 50 Men's Wool under suits 2 65 Ladies' vests 25 10-4 sheeting, per yd 24 A fine ladies' shoe. . . 1 10 Gents shoe 60c to 2 00 Boe.rd of Trade. Tuesday morning a meeting of business men was held in the city hall for the purpose of effecting a permanent commercial organization. The meeting was attended by shout 25 of our repre sentative business men. R. L. Coe, who baa been yery active in working up the organization, called the meeting to ordur and was elected temporary chairman. He stated briefly the object of (he meeting; to provide a permanent exhibit of our mineral agricultural and timber products, to judiciously advertise our resources and to consider other measures conducive to the business iulerests of Grants Pass and Josephine county. By unanimous rising vote, the committee decided to effect a permanent organization. An outline of a constitution was then pre sented snd was adopted in detail. Several names were suggested : "Business Men's Lesgue," "Commercial Club of Grants Pass," "Josephine County In dustrial Association," "Board of Trade of Grants Pass." The last name was adopted. The following was stated as the object of the organization: "To en courage, stimulate and promote the mining, agricultural and other resources of Josephine county." Any citizen who has the interests of the town snd county st heart may become a member on contributing to the organization the sum of $5 and the further sum of 60 cents per month. The constitution msy be emended by a two thirds vote of the members present at any meeting, notice of the proposed change having been published four weeks previously. The following officers were elected: president, K. L. Coe; vice-president, Ii. C. Bobzieu; secretary, Dennis II. Stovall; treasurer, H. L. Gilkey; additional directors, who, with the four officers, constitute a board of seven, Dr. Moore, George Cramer, J. O. Booth, No two directors are to be chosen from the same firm, corporation or syndicate. The regular meeting of the organization will be held semi-annually. . School Meeting. A special school meeting was held on Monilay to vote a tat levy for the com ing year. An estimate of ittie eipenses was presented as follows: Teachers' salaries 5JH7 60 Janitor 4 Ou Wood 3(10 00 Clerk 100 00 Incidentals 800 00 Kepaire 400 00 Interest on bonds 7(K) 00 Int. on floating indebtedness ... 150 00 local ftappeninga Dr. Flanagan, Resident Dentist. Go to Coron for Plumbing. Garland 8toves at Cramer Bros. M. Clemens, Prescription Druvgit Buy an Oliver Plow at Cramer Bros. Nice clean, warm rooms at the Home Kitchen A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron's, Plow now and use an Oliver, Sold only by Cramer Bros, Fresh Eastern Oysters in bulk at the White House Grocery. If you want One apples, get a Spray ing outfit at Cramer Bros. Remember the benefit concert this evening, Wednesdsy, Jsn. 29. A communication (rom'Trovolt Ran ger" was received too late for publics' tion In this issue, Milling and assaying accurately and promptly done by A. J. Pike of the Grants Pass quarts mills. George Eates, t one time 8. P, station agent in Grants Pats, has been unanimously reelected prexidenlot the Ui Runnway. T. B. Cornell's delivery team indulged in a runaway Tuesday. Jeff Hartman, the driver, was Just preparing to unhook the team for dinner, in the alley back of the Sampson residence, when two school boys earns hilariously down the alley and the team bolted. Jeff seized ths lines, which were promptly jerked . away from him. The team swung into Fifth street snd at the cor ner of Fifth and E, the outfit struck a telephone pole with tremendous force They were headed directly toward the pole, but at the very last Instant one of the horses realized his mistake and jumped to the same side of the pole with his mate, badly abrading a knee in the deration. The wagon struck tho pole squarely and was utterly demol ished, and presents the appearance of having been in a dynamite explosion. The horses were captured in the im mediate vicinity and, otherwise than the skinned knee were not Injured. - Killed fx Jep, Alfred Henry Hart was sentenced st Roseburg Thursday by Judge R. P. Boise tooueyear in the peniteutiary. Hart was convicted of manslaughter for the killing of a Japanese section hand at Wilbur, on the night of December 20, 1001. The light sentence Is due to the recommendation of the jury asking for the extreme mercy of the court. An Earnest Worker For The Fe.rmora That extraordinary semi-monthly, Farm And Home, elsewhere advertised, perhaps, ths most earnest worker for farmers of any ef the agricultural press, tt not only believes in and preaches organization and co-operation, but shows its readers how to do it. It is constantly on ths alert to help them to make their business more profitable and put more money in their pockets, as well as to advance their social, moral, educational and political welfare. A fine Art Car- endar for 1002, with weather forecasts lor every day in the year, and five beau' tiful pictures, 0x13, each a gem ef art, is includsd in each new subscription. Baptist Church. On Suuday morning, the pastor will begin s series of sermons on the book of Romans. You are cordially invited to come, and bring your bible with you. A question box will afford sn op portunity to enquirers after the truth to ask questions. The hours of service sre as follows ; bible school, at 10:00 A. M; preaching at 11 :00 A. M. and 7 :30 P, M. B. Y. P. U.6:30 P. M. Roiikrt Lkhi.iz, pastor. Notice of Remove.!, Dr. W. W. Walker, the dentist, wishes to snnouncs that he has re moved to the New Tuffs Building, Rooms Nos. 2 and 4. ' BORN. BOOTH In Roseburg, Jan. 17, 1902, to Mr. snd Mrs. J. 11. Booth, a soo. DIED. Registration Blanks. We sre informed by R. L. Bartlett, county clerk, that registration blanks have been forwarded to the following named persons in Josephine county: J. W. Howard, Kerby. W. H. Hampton, Placer. R. G. Virtue, Lelaod. D. John, Williams. Cbaa. Ladd, Merlin. J. C. K. McCann, Wildervills. Orr. Brown, Wildemlle. E. E. Dunbar, Wolf Creek. Mary E. Leonard, Althouse. Cbaa. Decker, Waldo. E. 8. Merrill, Calks. H. M. Gorbam, Winona. E. F. Hathaway, Drydeo. Electors can register in their respective precincts for the coming June election. All persons entitled to vote living In north, sooth sod west Grants Pass precincts will register st toe court house with lbs county clerk. GRIZZLE At Myrtle Creek, Ore , Jan. 10, 1W, i.U. Grizzle, aged 08 years. UKIZZLK At Myrtle Creek, Ore,. Jan. KS, IW1. Mrs. J. I). Grizzle. Mr. and Mrs. Grizzle were tbe parents of Mrs. J. D. Fry and Mrs. Eclus Pol lock, of this city. The cause of death in each case was pneumonia. They leave sis children: Mrs. Fry, Mrs. Pollock, Mrs. M. W. Wbeeler ol Sampler, Miss Effie Grizzle, George sod Silas Grizzle. Total 7832 60 The item of incidentals incidentals in eludes the roseating throughout of one room, while the steps throughout the building will occupy most of the repair work. The state snd county spportionment ol the school fund amounts to 200 snd tuition fees will amount to about $150, A 13 mill tax was voted. Tbe 11 mill tax of last year was insufficient to meet the expense sod left a deficit to be made up during the coming year. The increase in the school census necessitated employing an additional teacher, mak ing a total force ef 13 at present. Bevby Mine. A cleanup at the Baby mine, in the Jump-off Joe district yielded this week $700 for seven days run with a two stamp mill. Tbia was in free gold and besides this amount a quantity of concentrates carrying high values was secured. Thi mine is being given a very thorough prospecting and development and with a mors complete equipment will develop into one of the best mines in its district Popular Entertainments. The last one of lbs series will be given st the opers bouse Friday evening February 7lh, 1U02, snd will be an ex hibit ion of 60 or more views of Hawaii, ita people, beauties and marvels. Ad mission 26 cents. Cash for Coonty Scrip at Cramer Bros. Attention. An entertainment will be given st tbe Salvation army for the benefit of a poor family. Rev. JMcDongall will officiate, Coffee and cake will be sold at the doss, Everybody corns. Isturdsy evening February 1st. in Golden Standard. K. K. Kubli was doing business town Monday. Mr. Kubli says tli tunnel put in by the parties who pur chased the Golden Standard mine and then allowed it to revert to Kubli Bros was pushed in 22 feet farther aod a large body of ore uncovered which goes $100 to tbe ton. This is s case of the pur chaser quitting too soon Medford Enquirer. Jonee Creek District. The Andrews brothers sre cootinnin development on their Jones creek led and have commenced work on a tonne hich will up tbe ledge about 60 feel down. If tbe ore at this point fulfill, reasonable! expectations, arrsngemen will be made immediately for workin it more extensively aod systematically Five tons of ore, three tons of which were porphyry were recently milled tbe Grants Pass quarts mills with gratifying results. Arrangements w be made to work the ore at a point near the ledge. -.. A Shirt Tale Only the happy wearer of those shirts can appreciate their real goodness of quality and fit. Lavish assortment of patterns; . some quiet, some pretty .loud. $1.25 ; Shirts and good values at that too. Tour choice now ......85 Cents Soo North Show Window. P. H. Earth & Son. HEADQUARTERS FOR BOYS' CLOTHING. ADLKTS. WANTED. VVORKBK8-I want one good worker in every community for about four Weeks. There Is good money in it if you are willing- to rustle. I want a good person for each of the following places: Merlin, l.eland, Wolf Creek, Wilderville, Dryden, Kerby, Waldo, Althouse, Urowntown, Wi nona, Placer, flallce. If you want to work write Immediately, giving U rants Pass ref erences. A. K. Veoamss. DIRECTORY nited Brotherhood of Railway Em ployes. J. A. Stalker is building a new real ance on Sixth street near the bridge It will be a neatly constructed and handsome building and a eredit to Its portion of ths city Those 60c oysters st the White House Grocery are Eastern Extra Selects Tour orchard can be made as good as s gold mine by proper use of the Sprsy pump. Call one. Curtis & Co. Watchmakers, and Jewelers Icarry a complete stock of Watches, Clocks snd Jewelry. All inds ol repairing done. Allwork warranted. Odd Fellows' building. 1 If you wish a blub grade piano for a little money and at almost your own terms, you must not be too late, as we ill stay with you just a few davs more. Pisno ware rooms in the new Tuffs' uilding. Josef Mueller, msnager. Scott Griffin handles Ashland flonr, Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clovor seed, winter oats, large Russian white rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for seel also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley, Corn, Wheat, Uats.. Eastern Oysters Extra Selects, 00c per can at the White House Grocery. Don't gat "see" sick when you go to Hawaii, but take a trip via L. L. 8. Road (Lime Light Stereopticon) at a heap excursion rate Friday evening, ebruary 7th 1002, al 8 o'clock. Tickets 25c, reserved seats 35c. Kodak films fresh every week at the Cot'HIKH office. INTEI.LIGKNT young man, from 17 to 11) years of age, having common school education, to learn mechanical trades. For full Information apply or write to Union Irou Works, 22 Market fit. San Francisco. JOSEPHINE COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge Abe Axtell ... (John Wells Commissioners , jNlck Tho Clerk R. L. Bartlett Deputy Clerk T. P. Judson Sheriff. '. Ed Lister Deputy Sheriff Ernest Lister Treasurer J. T. Taylor School Bupt Lincoln Savage AiuMMnr Chas. Crow Surveyor H. C.Perkins Coroner T. A. Hood Koaduiaster Geo. W. Lewis FOR. SALE. S5 MALL hand printing press with type, A Rood residence main street cheap, inquire at this oillce. lot Mi 100 on north tor particulars CITY OFFICERS. Mayor W. F. Kretner Auditor and Police Judge R. L. Davis Treasurer Col. W. Johnson City Attorney C. E. Maybee Marshal John Lookhardt Htreet Supt... John Patrick VOunciimen ueo. n. ninns A. U. Hough, J. H. Williams, O. K. Harmon J. A. Rehkopf, Harry Lewis, Herbert Bmith, Henry Schmidt QU A HTZ mine on Mt Reuben, one mile from tha Lawrence mine. 10 milss from l.eland. There is an open cut of 80 feet in length by DO feet in depth, ezpos- liif a rem ol over 4 leet wide assaying aju per ton. An arrastre is now being put up on tne property, ruts property can iw Diirchaned at a reasonable price now. In quire at this oillce or call or address J. W. Katies, inland, Ore- Grants Pass Lodge A. F. A A. M., No. ttt. regular oommunicauon tint ana third Saturdays.' Visiting brothers cordially invited. H. C. Bobuzs, vV. M. A. J.Pixs.eeo'y. Typewriter Papers. A good assortment of Typewriter Pa pers in the various weights, also docu ment covers, carbon-papers at the Con 11 ikk office. Illustrated Siberia. On Friday evening, January 31, Capt S. Albert! will give an illustrated lecture on Siberia under the auspices of of the Masonic order. Capt. Alberli served in the Russian army 11 years, six of which were spent in Siberia. Returning to Russia alter an absence in America, lie was imprisoned and sent into exile, but made his escape through friendly assistance. He knows practi cally ths every day life throughout Siberia and Russia. "You will sue Moscow, St. Petersburg, Taliolbk, Irkutsk, Odessa, and other cities and towns. All principal buildings ami people; how they live and act, from st Cramer Bros, lor the Czar down to the bumble peasant. I Siberia with all its horrors, prisons snd prison Hie; me way tue convicts won in the mines, snd the way they are punished, etc. This will be illustrated with 150 stereopticon views snd moving plctuies. BICYCLE REPAIRING. pAKB your wheel to Cramer Bros. repairs. for CountyTreasurers Notice. Notice is heroby'given that .there are funds In the county treasury for the following warrants, protested to Jsn. 1st. 1804, Interest on ssme will cease from this date Jan. 8th 1002, Nos:' 134 324 275 374 380 402 201 168 675 404 178 321 273 375 413 417 421 160 2H5 602 182 810 270 4.W 403 432 356 172 407 400 3118 810 207 877 878 ' 434 330 162 470 606 847 811 250 870 804 433 334 176 471 343 312 176 3H0 277 431 833 307 440 844 101 2:18 400 2f2 437 202 383 387 177 282 442 301 300 430 413 188 4.15 3:15 2U9 173 24J 348 T 407 812 464 470 325 204 106 100 340 200 135 404 480 320 203 224 3811 441 145 165 401 480 J. T. Taylor, Old Time Socie.1. An Old-Time social will be given on Wednesday evening, Feb. 6, at the Presbyterian church parlors. A'l are requested to wear their old fashioned clothes. Every one invited to come, Bring 10 cents. Vassili VerestcliHgin, the famous Russian painter of battle scenes, is now in this country. It is said that he is to paint a picture of the charge of Nan Juan Hill. Among his pictures now shown are several of great interest relating to the campaign in the Philippines. Mr. Charles DuKay, of the National Art Club and of the New York Tunes, writes in the February Magasine Number of Tbe Outlook, a strong article aboit Verestchagin. It is illustrated by Ins reproductions ol the articl's superb' pictures, "Before Moscow" and" The re. treat Irom Moscow," by a remarkable portrait of the artist, and by other pictures. Trees. Josephine County, Ore The Village Psvrson. "Ths Village Parson" was plsyed at ths opera house Friday evening to small audience. Al a dramatic com pany, it was among the best that ever played in Grants Pass. They plsyed under difficulties as the audience was small and at first cold and undsmon strative, but the ice was soon melted and the audience became quickly sympathetic and appreciative. It Is a pity that company of this one's ability and ex cellence could not have a larger audience in Grants Pass. Je.nje.ry Turkeys. Emmett Beeson reports that a turkey ben left bis farm and took up ber abode in the cbapparel and a few days ago at ain came Into the yard with a brood of seven little turkeys. Jasper Fource, the 101-year-old man who lives with Mr, fleeson'l family, declares that In look ing over his long life he never before saw a turkey bring In a brood ol little ones in the middle of winter. The unusually mild winter must have deceived ths old hen and she got the idea in ber noddle that it was soring time snd ths season was ready lor business. Valley Record FRATERNAL 80CITIES. Royal Arch Masons Keames Chapter No. meets nrst ana intra weanesuay in MasoniohalL L. L. J swill, J. K. PsTsesos, Secy. 11. P. Eastern Star Josephlno Chapter, No. meets second aud fourth Wednesday at Masonic hall. Mas. U, Zollxb. Mas. Aiais Uolmas, - . W. M. Clerk. O. O. F., Oolden Rule Lodge No. 78, meets every Saturday night at I. O. O. F. hall. Ins M.Davis. T. Y. Dsah, Secy. N. O. Paran Encampment I. O. O. F. No. meets second ana lounn xnursaay n I. O. (. F. ball, Fsao Scukiot, T. Y. Dsah, Secy. C. P. Bebekahs Etna Rehekah, No. 40, meets second and fourth Monday, i. u. u. r. hall. Essis Haxtsmb, N.O. Mas. N. Dxbisob, Secy. r United Artisans Orants Pass ' Assembly No. 40, meets alternate inesuays in A. O. U. W. nail. F. K. Waans, Fasu Msssun, - Master Artisan, Secy. Woodmen of the World Rogue River Camp No. DA meals second ana iourm Wednesdays at Woodman Hail. . J as. Slovxb, C. E. Maysxi, Consul Commander. Clark. Women of Woodcraft Aialea Circle, No. ixi, meets nrst snd tuinl juonuays at Woodmen hall. Kstslla Bibby, N. O. W. E. Dsab, Clerk. Foresters of America Court Josephine No. 28, meets eacta WedneMay except ths first, at A. O. U. W. hall. J. P. Ham, O. R. Q. N. Bolt, F. 8. Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. SO, meets each Tuesday night 7:30 I. O. O. F. hall. J. T. Chansse, Ton Williams, C. 0, K. of It. aud S. Grand Army of ths Republic Oen. Logan Post No, 81), meets Drat Wednesday at A. O. U. W. nail, J. . rarsuoa. Abe Axtxll, Com. Adjt. American Order of Steam Engineers, Ore- f;on I Council No. 1, meets second and uurth Saturdays, at A. O. U. W. hall. A.J Pins, Beiw. F. Mvairx, Chief Engineer Corresponding Engineer. lc Girdles Tbe Glebe. The fame ol Bucklen's Arnica Salve as the best la ths world, extends round ths earth. It's the one perfect beater of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only infallible PUe cure. 26c a box st Dr. Kramer's. Store R. L. Coe & Co.-The Bio: We aro now showing jur complote'stock of Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes for Spring. Never beforo have wo boon alio to show THE STYLES -A. 1ST ID VALUES .AT-THIE PRICES., Ladies' Shoes. Ladies Cue Vici Kid, (1.50 Ladies Kang. Calf, $1.50 LaJie fine Rang. Calf, ex tension sole, (2, $2 5- Ladies fine Vici Kid Shoe, best value'.in America, all new lasts at $2.50. Ladies heavy soled, kid lined Shoe;'the very best wet weather fine shoe for the price to be found on tbe market at (2.73- fmsyiovur r- 1 . -r - " :'.jrr'--. Hhunn1 n Children's Shoes. Baliie Shoes, sizes o jo 5 25c. 35c, 30c, 73c.. $! School Shoes in kidnnd kang. calf, 3 to 8. 73c, St to 12, $1. 13 to 2. $1,23. The Little Red School House Shoe, allstyles, sizes and materials, one of the best known and best made shoes in the;United States. 3 to 8 $1.2 3 81 toi2t.$l.3Q iVtS ZMIEIT'S SHOES. ' Men's "America" Shoo, warranted all Solid, at $1.50- Mon'B heavy solod Congress and Lace Shoe, soft, fine ujijier, cap or plain toe, at $2.00. Men's fino Cronie Kid.hcavy broad solos, at 2.50. Boys' all solid heavy school and work shoo, exceptional value, 1.G0. BoyB' "White Oak Shoe," made to wear, at 11.75 and.$2.00. -