iciteef 4 VOL. XVIII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 23. 190a. -a. J)R. M. C. FINDLEY, PHYSICIAN and 8URUEO.N. Ottice, corner rooms Tuffs Building, opposite Cramer Bros. Residence, Kuykendall house, A St., between 1st and 2d. Houri 9 to 12 a. m.; 1:30 to 5:30 p. m. Might call at residence. Telephone No. GRANTS PASS, - - OREGON. C. HOUGH, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, Practice! in all State and Federal Oourte Office over Pint National Bask. Qaum Pass, Oaieo. PERKINS, V. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL BURVIYOR. Usast PAe, Oaoo. QBORGE H. BINNS, ASSAYER, Ollce oppoiite Hotel Joeepbine JatPa. . . Oasaoii. Willis Kramer MANrrxcTUKga or Myrtle Creek Extra Family Flour And Everything that foci with First Claie Milling. For sale by J. M. Chiles. E. A. Wadb and T. B. Cornell. Call fer It; sani price a other brands Every Strap Right. Our Harness is not ouly showy, in the best sense, because made tastefully and stylishly made, but it is made with care for every detail. Each strap is just right, and every buckle is made of right stock and every stitch is good thread. Such leather goods are in demand and we supply just such trade. John Hackett SHOE REPAIRING. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. PA I U IP CAPITAL STOCK Transacts a general Banking business. Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates. Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con sis tent with sound banking principles. bafety deposit boxes for rent. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL- STOCK , Receive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand. Sells sight drafts on New York Kan Francisco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United States. Special Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. R. A. BOOTH. Pres. J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice Pres. II. L. OILKEY, Cashier. ... THE WHITE IS KING.... esaty of.Nniih, Quality of Material, Elsjsnc of Dtsijn, the finest workmanship the simplest, moat complete and best eat of attachments, lull instructions by ex perl teacher, easy paymenta, old machines taken in exchange, tbe fullest possible guarantee, one million, five hundred thonsand happy, satisfied users, thirty years I snrceas, courteous treatment Whet More Can You AskT We have ether mikes of machines, withoul ball bearings, new, very cheap Seme good second hand machines cheap. All kinds of sewing machine Needlee Oli, attachments and repairs. New machines for rent. Don't think of buying a Sewiug Machine until you have aeen the New Ball taring "Whits'. We say "The 'White' is King" of Sewing Machines and Bicycles. Call, tele phone er write and let ds prove it. WHITE 8EWIN6 MACHINE COMPANY, Main Office, 300 Post St., San Francisco, Cal. For Sale By J. Wolkc, Grants Pass, Ore. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. J. B. FADIHX'K. Psora. I am prenered to furnish anything in tha line of Cemetery work la any kind ol alXRBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty years of experience In tbe Marble bosioeoe warrants my saying tbat I can flit your orders In tha very beet manner. Canfurniah work In Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any klndef Marble. J. B. PADDOCK, Front Street, next 10 Qreene'e Qwbshow. N. E. MoGREW, PIONEER TRUCK akd DELIVERY Jural t re and Piano MoTlag. BRANTS PASI, OREGON. TIM sopslar barber shop Gtt your toniorial work done at IRA. TOMPKINS On 8Ixth Street Three chalra Bath room in connection H. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER ana -JEWELER. Poll aaMrtment of Watches, Clocks. 8il vrwr and Jewelry. A Good Assortment of Bracelets and Heart Bangles, Clemens Drug Itore. J. M. CHILES GROCERIES HARDWARE TABLEWARE Fine Butter a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS, g-Vr Tim Jl SIXTH STREET. $2S,OO0 OO. J. Fit AN K WATSON, Pres. K. A. ItOOTH, Vice-l'rea. L. L. JEWELL, Cashier. SO, OOO OO. Ball Bearing Like a Bicycle Makes the "Whitr" the Easliest Running Sewing Machine Made. Brain-Food Nonaenae. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent author!' ties. Tbey have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food ie needed for brain, another for muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, Its nutriment ia destroyed by indi gestion or dyspepsia. You must pre pare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aide digestion, stimulates tbe liver to bealthy action, purifies the blood, and makes yon feel buoyant and vigorous. Yon can get Dr. Q. Q. Green's reliable remedies at Dr. Kremer's. Get Green's Special Almanac. To Cure a Cold in a Day Taks Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tbe money If it falls to care. E. W. Qrove's signature is on each box. 28c. Councils organized In any part of the Stale desired. Write lor ircul;irs, objects of Order and information to Benj. F. Myrick, Deputy Supreme Chief Engineer, GRANTS PASS, ORE, Condensed Albumen (IUd Albumin) The Great Poultry Food Price 50c. .AT - M. Clemens, PRESUMPTION DRUGGIST Orange Fronti oppo. Optrs House. Allen's Lung Balsam The best Cough Mulleins. ABSOLUTE SAFETY should be rigorously Insisted upon when buying medicine, for upon that depends one's life. ALLEN'S LUNG BAL SAM contains NO OPIUM in amy form etnd ia safe, sure, e.nd prompt in cases of CROUP, COLDS. deep. seated COUGHS. Try it now, and be convinced. A Great Clubbing Offer Rope River Courier AND inmbrl Ise fiest sad Meet Practical ram ea4 feallv Paper P.UIsaod TOGETHER WITH A BEAUTIFUL ART CALENDAR TOR 1902 For Only 1.50 Believinr that tverr one nf nnr rn...ra rtlioultl have at lea, one kihxI farm and fum ily journal, we have prlei ud arraiiKmneiitii whereby we can it ml that practical ami .attractive journal, Kami and Home, In connection with the Weekly Courier, in cludiiiK beautiful and useful Art Calen dar fur Vtt aa detailed la-low, all for onlr 9l..'j0. We are unable to Kive hat a brief description of the contents of Kami and Home, which la uneoualed for varitv ami eicellence. Prommeut amonjf it many ui!isiiuii' r u iueiiiiuneu iue Farm end Oat-den Market Re porta jrruu mi tares meenanieal iNrvlca Faathlooi and fencr Work 4 Feeding and Breedlm The Apiary Talk with Our Lawyer Newa of the lar Dairy and Creamery Houaehold Feature Tha Poultry Yard The Question Ha Plants and Flowara The Veterinary int nun eneepana ewine Firm aht Ho mi i fmbUthcd aent-aienhlyt the 4 BUBtbare which com p mm a T-ari aub cripttna making a Tolutna of evtf AOO Daeae. Iteming with all tha I a teat and most reliable ia. lormatioa that spcrtenre and tcicnra can lunpip, No better proof of ita popular I tr ran he ottered, than Ha taomotia rlrralation, whirh eitenda Into evary Male, aarh aambar being read by no than awuien ranaara. THE ART CALENDAR Ce"tetlise a portfolio reprodnelnc la enlor one ef tha ajrlwet of modern fmlntlnara) and fonr other mnaierpleoea In single tone, anoh a it eoitAbie lor ir&m.nc. It alan Inclaaea Weather poretaiti (r every day la tha year, apace for Iaily Memoranda, Monthly Cawk to Work Outdoors and In, When to Bay and Sell, How to Combat All fetta of Mom or Karm, Household Hlps Censa K turn a, Statistic a, ate. Tha Calendar proper compntea at pares, aad It ajmbclliahed by a bcaatilul reproduction ia all its on final colon of a most charnina and fa mmu paiauna; entitled Writing to Fapa,H tha pie tar renresentinc a little rirl aeated at a table with aea la hand and dilireatlf wriuaf her first tetter 1 ner toad papa, roar additioaal mastarpieree ia aarit ansa are ntao uKiswca, aeparaie Umm taat ef tha Calendar, eaca 9a 1 j (nenca. Do Ml 4e4arV '! advantaya of tale great offer, tor never before waa ao arach eeTered far an atnaU a eaai. Hrmeanber we wnd hot h Beafkare e tWI year, saclndiar fee CaKn dar aa ahova eacrihed, all eoetpaid, at tbe very lew once staled Address aj ere re i Rogue RiYer Conner, GRANTS PASS, ORE. Chamber of Commerce. Cbamber of Commerce or Board of Trade stands as tbe concrete represen tative of a community which desires to do something for itself. Therefore tbe natural inference is that any comma-' nity which has not organised in some form to further its interests ia not de termined to push iUelf forward. 80 far as mere figures go, tbe Pacific coast is strong in the idea of community promotion, but when we examine the work, actually accomplished there Is a keen feeling of disappointment. Too many of these organizations were effect ed under the impulre of some psstiog fancy. Quite likely some of them were organized by men who had no right conception of the work they should take up. Just ask live, hard-working Chamber of Commerce ia a blessing to a commu nity, so a dormant or dead organization ia a curse. A town alllicted with an organization which has ceased to produce results ia helpless until (reed from the incubus. An organization of some kind is neces sary in order for a group of men to work harmoniously together, but it is also the handiest way in the world for a group of men to shift responsibility and get rid of work. First of all then, organize a Chamber of Commerce and see that the men in di rect charge are men who will give it the same vital, personal attention which they expect to give to their own busi ness ; or if your town already has a pub lic body which is not doing what it should, take tbe proper steps to reorga nize, to draw in new blood. Rejuvenate the skeleton. What would be the sense in inviting people to settle in your community when their first visit there might shock them over some of the con ditions which you have neglected and which might have been corrected by concerted action. I say first of all, make your community what it should be as a place to live In and a place to do business in. Now just "what it should be" is a point that no one can know so well as tho leading business men of the town the men who should be in con trol of your Chamber of Commerce. It is a question to be decided entirely by local environment. Prepare figures and institute careful comparisons between your own town and other towns situated similarly. If you find tbat your town is doing less for the surrounding country, and conse quently is not in good repute, you can be sure that it will lose trado. Here is a work for you to do . It you find tbat the products of the territory which you should draw from are not flowing through your town, you are not offering the proper marketing conditions. Get to work and make them right. If it comes to your ears that traveling men are not properly entertained, or that tourists go away dissatisfied, it is a big mistake to let it continue. A few people of this kind traveling about the country will oun do you irreparable damage. Aptoint a committee, and find out what is tha trouble and correct it. If the local papers do nut seem t ) ixt giving all the attention they should to the big enterprises of your town, see list Is the trouble. Chances are that the publisher is not getting the support which he deserves. There is no man more devoted to the interests of his community than tha newspaper man in the West, but be needs support and barking. The list of local work to be done might be extended almoBt indefinitely, but I think this manes it clear that all of the advertising which a community gets is not bought and paid fur at so much per inch. When you have carefully gonn over -every point which might affect rourwel litre along such lines as I have suggested, it is then time to lake up what is more generally conidored the advertising question. The different phases of tins advertising work will come np in subsequent articles W, I) Curtis in Los Angles Times. How's Tina? We offer One Hundred Dollars Ho ward (nr ai.y case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. Cuenev ACo., Props., Tolkko. O. We, the undeisigned, have known F. 1. Cheney for the last V years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all bualnees transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WihtiI Tmi ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toi.xno, O. Hall's.;Catarrh Cure is taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price 76c, par bottle. Hold by all Drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall's family Pills are th best. Enoyekble Winter Trip. A winter trip to Kouthern California and Arizona via the famous Bhasta Koute ia one never to be forgotten. He newed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of interest and added sources of enjoyment under its sunny skies, in tbe variety of inter esta and added industries, In its prolific vegetation and among its numberless resorts of mountain, shore, valley and plain. Two trains leave Portland daily morning and evening for California, These trains are equipped with the moat improved pattern of standard and tonrist sleeping cars, and the low rates place tbe trip in reach of all. Like Going Home, Hioiuel Peterron, the burglar who attempted to enter the store of Vaupel, NovisA Drake in Arhland, waa given a qnii k jourrey to Salmi with a two and a ball year sentence. He bad been discharged from the penitentiary only 22 daya before. Washington Letter, Washington, Jan. II, 1902. Immediately following the dip'o natic reception at the White House the Presi dent and Mrs. Boosevelt entertained at dinner the leading members of the corps. The table was set in the east room and covers for one hundred guests were laid. Both the east room and tbe dining table were beautifully decorated with palms, emilax, orchids and roses. An amusing incident occurred shortly before the assembling of the guests, when Master Archibald Roosevelt and the five-year old son of the colored butler were discovered aeated at the table devouring the bon-bons which were placed in small dishes at the side of each plate. Among the guests pres ent were Lieutenant General and Mrs. Miles. I understand that invitations were also extended to Admiral and Mrs. Schley but that, owing to the .fact that the admiial bad made his plans to leave for Savannah that evening, it was impossible for them to be present. On Friday some, one connected with tbe White House establishment made what might almost be termed a "faux pas," in that it placed In a most em barrassing position a number of Mrs. Roosevelt's friends. Cards were sent out in Mrs. Roosevelt's name to some three hundred persons bidding them to an informal tea at the White House from 4 to 6. At the same hour Jan Kubelik, the tamous violinist, gave a concert to which most of the people invited to the White House held tickets. An invitation from the first lady of tbe land is regarded in the nature of a com mand and it would be quite impossible to plead a previoLS engagement as tbe cause of absenting ones self from one ol Mrs. Roosevelt's afternoons. As it waa, some very expensive boxes and seats at the Kubelik concert were sacrificed or filled with the younger members of the family while their elders spent a not over enjoyable hour at the White House. Although there are already equipugre in Washington which belong to some of "the old families" which must have been in the height of fashion in Grant's time, the president has sent for one that promises to antedate them all. It is the old phaeton which was built some sixty or seventy years ago for the presi dent's father. Mr. Roosevelt has had it repainted and repaired and its use will be devoted to the children. The body ia black but the gear is blue and is striped with light blue so tbat anyone who faila to recoguize Mr. Roosevelt's off-spring, by the marked resemblance to their distinguished parent, a mile off, will have no difficulty in placing them by the antiquity of their turn out. At thecapitol, the energy which has characterized the fifty-seventh congress since its inagauration does not seem to wane and a large amount of work is disposed of daily. Of course at this time tbe greater portion of the work is done in the committee rooms and so makes less show than it will later in the session, but subsequent daily sessions will demonstrate the energy with which the various committees have attacked the large amount ol legislation which has been referred to them. Two interesting sessions have been held in the bouse, one of them devoted to the consideration of the Hepburn bill which provides for tbe construction of the isthmian canal along tbe Nicara guan route at an estimated cost ol $180,000,000 and which waa passed by a vote of 308 to 2. Tbe other session which filled the galleries and secured a full attendance of the members was that held on Friday last and which was devoted to the consideration of the bill reported by the census coinmilleo and which provided for the permanent or ganization of the census bureau. Tbe bill did not meet with the approval of the members and it was referred back to the committee but there ia llHIe doubt that it will be revised in accordance with the wishes of the representatives and reported at no distant data in a form that will ensure its passage. Tbe senate committee on militaiy affairs, which had in charge tho Investi (alion of the charges against Colone lleistand, baa made its report and it declares that the investigating com mitlee was unable to find any evidence in support ol the charges made. The report is entirely in accordance with the prediction made in these letters some months ago and exonerates all Hie officials, upon whom Major Hakes charges cast any reflection, with the ex ception, perhaps, of Major Hakes and who is no longer an olllcial. Representative H. I). Wood, of California has introduced in congress a bill providing for the establishment of a department of mines anil willing. Mr. Wood sars tbat the value of the mineral products of tbe United Plate in 18'JO amounted to little over ,!i7,K0, 000 and that an Industry of this size should be represented in the govern merit by a special department. Hucli a department would also have the interests of tbe miners to protect and Mr. Wood believes that in a short time it would become one of the most in foresting and valuable departments of the government. Tbe announcement comes from tbe White House that Mr. Rooeovelt pro poses to extend the civil service law to include the "laborers" in the depart ments in Washington. The change will not be made by a blanket order but by a series of orders each governing the employees of s particular department and the first of which will be issued in a few days. How this move will be regarded by the members of congress is hard to predict. The. class knuwn as "laborers" include all of the positions in Washington, with the exception ol the employees of congress itself, which the congressmen control and all of the laborers in the departments today have been apiiointed through congressional influence. The proposed orders will not throw those now employed oat of em ployment but it will prevent the ap pointment of others in their places through congressional influence and will relieve them from all obligation to the member who secured their ap pointment. On Friday the house committee on commerce took up the subject of a Pacific cable. Mr. George (i. Ward, vice president of the Commercial Pacific Cable company, explained the plans of bis compsny. He said that the company had awarded contracts for the construction and lay ing of a cable to Hawaii by tbe first of November and that tbey proposed to push on to Manila at the earliest possible date. He said that the cable was being manufactured at tha rate oi two thousand and forty miles a month. The ratea which the company expecta to charge 'are fl per word to Mauila and from 35 to 50 cents per word to Honolulu. The friends of Admiral Schley are much disturbed over what they be lieve to be a mistaken kindness on tho part of some of the members of congress to mnke his cause a party issue. They believe that before this la done the position of the present congress should be ascertained beyond a doubt as tbey feel that an exoneration of the admiral, irrespective of party lines, would be much mure of an honor than if it should come from but one party. Oregon C. E. Union. Tbe executive committee of the Ore gon Christian Kndeavor Union, consist ing of President Rev. II. 8. Templeton, Secretary Mias Martha Case, Treasurer John A. Rock wood, Vice President Rev. U. 8. O. Humbert, Corvallis; Rev. G. W. Fender, McMinnville, and Mrs. E. D. Rice, Ashland, held a meeting at the borne of Miss .Martha Case, 413 Yamhill street. Mrs. Klla D. Rice, from Ash land, met with the committee. Plans were made for th next state Convention to be held in Ashlnnd the latter part of Junr. Miss Charleston, president of the local union, was present, and plans were made to receive John Willi Baer, of the United Society, who is to come to Portland on March 22 and 23. - Mr. Baer will be in Ashland, Wednes day evening, March Gth, and will make an address on that date. Efforts to ward an enthusiastic and largely attend ed Christian Endeavor rally at that time are being made by the Endeavor Union of Ashland. Oregonian. Low R&tos for Immlgr&nts. During the months of March and April next, certain reduced railroad ratea for settlor will be made from the East, aa follows: from Omaha and Kan sas City, aiI5 ; Sioux City, $27.00; St. Louis, $.10; Chicago, '13. These rates are second-class and will be applied in connection with the Union Pacific, Ore gon Short Line, and O. R. & N., via Portland, to all points on the Oregon Lines of tho S. P. company, Ashland and north, and are made for the purpose of inducing immigration. Teachers' Examination Nulice is hereby given that tho superintendent of Josephine county will hold the regular examination of applicants for stale and county papers a. Grants Pass aa follows: KOR STATIC 1'AI'KHH. Commencing Wednesday, February 12, at 0 o'clock a. in., and continuing until Saturday, February 15, at 4 o'clock p. in. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Writieu arithmetic, the ory of teaching, grammar, book-keep ing, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arilhmetic, composition, physical guograpby. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English Literature, psychology. roil t'Ol'NTY rAI'ICKS. Commencing Wednesday, February 12, at 0 o'clock a. in . , and con tinuing until Friday, i'ebruary 14, at 4 o'clock p. m. riltBT, MKUOHU, AND rilllll) OH.MIK CKIITIKII'ATKS. W ednesdiiy P'iniiuiisllip, history, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, the' ory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, menial aritli uietic, physiology, civil government. I'KIIIUIY I'KUTII'ICATKH. Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra' pby, rending, arithmetic. . Thursday Art of questioning, the ory ol teaching, methods, physiology Lincoln Savaiik, County Supt. Diamond In Ida. ho. A special to the Independent from l-ewis'own, Mont., near the scene of the reported diamond discoveries, say that, according to Clifford Deo, the discoverer, the fields cover au area of 15 mill a long and four mile widu. Deo brought in a large number of the stones, which he found on a hunting trip, on tbe aide of ant hills. Some of the stones that Were examined and thoroughly tested by a mineralogist, located at Spot ted Horse, were pronounced by him sapphires of au excellent quality similar to the while aapphires found in the Congo district which are now shipped to London. Deo Insists that Tiffiuy of New York rendered an opinion to the effect that the stones were diamonds The general impression is that tbe dis covery is a sapphire field lit her than that of Yugo, which is the most noted in the Lulled Status. A telegram was received in Helena to day by (iovernor S. T. Haueer, from ex Senator Wolcott, ol Colorado, inquiring as to the genuine- nesa ol the find, and says II it were genu ine M rton O, Grewen, th Eng!i-.u financier, would start fur Iwialoan immediately. , THOMAS' Making - Room Prices Our new goods are on the contraction of some older one. these goods cost us cuts no figure in this price making, these prices they won't last long. Fibre Wash Tubs, regular prices.... reduced to Pocket Knives, regular prices fl oo 85c " " reduced to - 75 65c English Jet Tea Pots, regular price " reduced to Apate Ware Tea Pots, regular price " " " reduced to 5 Pieces Carpet each containing tne best goods of the various grades ever brought to Oregon. Regular price per yard 75c 85c 85c 75c ,85c To close out only. 47 c 65c 65c 48c 60c 3 Pieces Matting, regular price 28c 35c 25c " " " reduced to 16c 20c 15c 3 Pieces Stair Carpet, regular price 60c " " " " reduced to 45c Sofa Pillow Covers 50c, reduced to 15c, Baby Ball Covers 20c, reduced to 10c. Sec the NcwMattings, Rugs, Carpets, Portieres, Etc. Thomas Next to I.aytoa Hotel. ANTS AND LEMONADE. Tk I4ttle Insute Know How to Malrohlasj loataaar Dilak. "Did you ever' know) that! ania wllf make lemonade?" aaked tha talkative grocer, relate th Philadelphia lteo- ord. "Yes, it's a fact. I happened to cut a lemon th other day, and left It on the counter. A couple of minutes later I noticed a bunch of ants making a great to do around tha lemon. Tbe untie of the little inascta were so methodical that I took a few minute oil to investigate. A little augar had been spilled on th counter near tha spot her th lemon lay, and th ant wcr busy making trips between th sugar and th fruit. You may not believe It, sir, but every Mm on of tho little creature mad th trip he carried back a grain of sugar, which was dropped into th lamoo julc and then eagerly uevnurtd. 'It struck me that mayb th man ufacture of the lemonade wa only an accidental process, due to th ela proximity nf the augar and th lemon. so I carefully swept th augar away. It seems Incredibl, but a tru aa I'm standing her thus unti hunted around until they found th sutrar bar rel, when the whole bunch trooped back laden with sugar, whioh they dipped in the Juice and awallowid. Woudurful la no nam for 111" fllant Oak ol Oiinsir. Naturalist, in Oermany ar much In terested in a wonderful old tra which has been discovered near Ilomburg. It la an ouk, and is notable not only on account of Ita great bulk, but also for the fact that at tbe bus of tha trunk It ia entirely hollow. Th trunk, in deed, la not more than eight or nine feet high, but It la mora than 2u feet in circumference. Bome idea ef the ize of it interior may be gathered from the fact that four person re cently found ample room in It. In winter the old oak look very bar and gaunt, but, according to peaaanta In the neighborhood, who hav known it for many year, it regularly puta forth new twig and follug every spring, ao that, ancient and decayed though ita trunk may tie, It la never theless crowned and aurrounded with masaea of green leaves, just aa it waa In the daya of Its youth, Tl.t people of Ilomburg are very proud of this natural curiosity, and it iaanfe to say that many tourist will hav a look at It during the coming luuiincr. Chica go Jtccord-IIerald. Fish are considered to be a digesti ble aa lean beef. Cod, haddock and blueflah are more easily digested tliau the fatter fish, such aa salmon, mack erel and shad. Fiah la an economical food, nnd as such should have a place In the diet list; It I well suited to chil dren nnd to persona who lead sedentary Uvea and do not tuke much (xerclse. A it I deficient III the materinla which yield beat uud muscular power it should be supplemented by potatoes, bread and cereals. Ladles Home Jour nal. Tall Teleai Polo la Tvaaa. Ilunumnnt, Tax., ia noted not only for it oil, but th tallest telegraph polea in th United Stale. The tops are ISO feet above the ground, jney were erected on the oppoaite bunk of -the Nechu river by th Western Union Telegraph company In order to string Its cable across the atram, The span is 144 feet iu length. This height I necessary to admit the passage of ship through a draw. bridg. their maata being 100 feet lull and mora. Castle for Heal. A London paper printed this unique "for rent " advertlamwnt rrcentlyi "A rock built, crrneluUd castle, buffeted by tbe Atlantic surge, at one of the most romantic and drrndvd points of our iron-bound coast, In full view of the Death Stone; shlpftrvcki frrqurnt, corpses common; Uir reception and seven bedrooms; every modern con venience; 10 gs. a week. Addntai," tto. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome mai akiim) fVNrrw way. New stocks compel a We must have room. What Note $3 25 $2 75 1 75 1 50 75c 60c 50c 50c 40c 35c 70c 60c 4c 35C ft 75 ft 50 , 80 70 from 10 'to 25 yards each and at THE ....HOUSE FURNISHER. Stops The Cough e.nd Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets car cold in one day. No Cure, Mo Pay, Price ?5 cents. TRICKS OF ALL TRADES. alrswalata Woaldal Soil Mow aa ... roli So Thai- Ware tgHakloa, The woman who is nJweyw stum bling on things hod an experience the other day which aha deolaree wounded her in the deepest part , of her nature and ehook bar faith In aa anoient Vatitutlon, lays the Mew York Cinmrclal Advartlaer. She was detained on the, top floor of big out-of-town store until the crowd ing of the elevators with the em ployes mads her prefer to And her way out by the atalrwaya. On of the floors of the building seemed, shs aays, to be devoted solely to th storing oi goods, and as she paaaod by tho open door of one of the rooms on this floor her attention waa at tracted by hearing a man's votes ex- elaiin in tones of satisfaction: "Thar, they wouldn't take 'em nice and treah. Lot' ae 14 they'll take 'era this way." Through the open door the astonished shopper saw member of the Arm Industriously eprinkllng a pile of clean shirt waists with watering pot. .An attendant briskly aupplled fresh waist aa the pile dimluiahad, and preparatlona for a "groat flr aal" ware evidently un der way. Next day tha involuntary dloovrr of th shrewd plan so gratify the bargain hunter found her self unable to keep away from th "flr aal," and there, sure enoitgh, were the crunipUd half-dollar waists of th week Defer salllwy at 49 eents, and plenty of takers. TesKseee ranaa a Japaua. . Tor many year th tobaoeo used ia Japan has bn knporUd from th Unitod Btatoa, from th PhlUppfno and from Kgypt, but an effort is now being mad by h Japan govern ment to grow tobacco in Japan, To baoeo farms, aay th Japan and America, hav bn tabllhd la va rious provinoss to asosrtain whar th beat aoll for different kinds of tobaoeo 1 to b found. The result ta reported to b vary satisfactory. Th tobacco producad ia said to b equal to th best American, and th hop Is ntrtalnd that after a few yeara Japan will grow all th tobacco shs needs, particularly th finer grades. Thtrs I not much loll to spar from grain crops In Japan tsslf, but In Formoaa and Corsa tbre aa tiollmiUd field for plautlutr en terprise, Oalos el atorwar lllajhwars, A curious featur to IravoUra In th ttgh road of Norway Is th gTsat lumber of gatao upward of 10,000 In th whole aountry which have to be pnd. Ths gat, which Hbr nark th boundaries of th farms or wparal the bom Holds from tha wast laud, ounstltul a considerable ooouvonienc and delay to tha trav Ur, who has to stop bis vshiols sad ret dowu to open thsm. If, in the past you have had trouble with your typewriter ribbons, send a sample order to E. L. King, 21S Saniome Street, San F'ranciaco, and see if yon can't get a better ribbon for seventy five oenta than you have been paying dollar for. $7.00 t dozen, any color and for any machine, E. L. Kino, Pacific Coast General Agent. 218 Sansoms St., 8an Francisco, Cal. HailmUlao's Itoao. Apropos of the recent train robberies sn old story told on Maximilian la re called: When Maximilian waa emperor of Mexico he broke up trail robberies by a trick. He disguised three hun dred soldiers n peasant women and placed thorn on a train. A gang of bandits stopped the engine, when tha three hundred disguised soldiers rose and tired a volley that killed one hun dred robber. After that the trains were not molested. eo., mtw votM.