"bubbles OH TH STREAM J H-e th bubble u they float on tn trm, Tou ara titer eno movltn ewlMr 00 yout way: , tlwB . I behold you paea, ana Pint myeelf peaceful M' Than mri riML 4 V Be the Mule bubble burttlhf r they i tart; . . . Be the bubble th&t bav trouble u they to. Each 1 eom on' counterpart, Euk le doomed to Weal or wo. Bob ar carried wlin th urrnt, aom To tru Juont onl ttfe eackea;, m art dne S IV. IV IW By the water, which ti Fat. And th bubble tlt It pwl ,, , . . -Oft I whirled around torVerlaoaaark, eluded pool. While there'! many a Httle fool Of a bubble that foe floallnf imoothly past. Ah, th bubble an but men lew ar tomed Fiercely out eln obatrudttoni and ar .. ... , v ., .,.,.',.,.., .,11- .!: Bom ar eaet In th trawMralllla.H And at leal, NVheltwr,' jaatly rniuy. It baa tot I e Far away from where II darted forth or "ot" Each frail, bubbl ha la bunt and disap pear , Where tlwriparkl bow and glean Other ehall appear acaln; The bubblee eome and a-o upon the itream. They ar exn.i ' - ' v -. ' - B. Kler. In Chicago Reoord-HeraM. .. , MHIH MM ! i TheWay.the : St0tfear.En4,J fUllllll IIIIIIHIlH 11 tTTELtr I akd.. a ah laid W ' ilown the irayJy-bov'erd niair- aclne. I wa aorry fo'Uie'tudlhg ol' th tale, when th frrajrey etaaed to flaehand thJild.liiiU)'ii'Y- A "It ia aVpretlj loV, lit. lot6J,, aha aki. J'O, no, you needn't haka your head. I'm not aylnK o Juetb cauie It' your. t'eaiidotStriagluc how you could write ft." , Ten ahd'l'nk',' 'whteaj o4,talr-. or'abllji 'a'tltuulul" ...! "Pla'din't mk ur. I wan to b aeriooi'Whn h" Ibhk at toe ill ber earnrit way I am helpleu, "Do that mnmcr,4;lm?" I In quired, leaning a 1ittU toward ber. "Crltiiw and Inqntrj. mayr'n "Inquiry by all rerane. I'm rathee afraid of your critlelm,ddyiiu know." 8h la yery bright, and her remark often hlpm,Vlrfkt'UT:of raol. fUi opened and ahut th magazlM abeenlly.',. ""'' "Wh 1 wa 'wonderittft,'' he J1, Sru wKj Vou 'WroU ao rloUty, anil 4lkd ao frtvolouily; whether on mood wa th rml yonhlid h'o'tiifr' aham you; and which wu whlchf" "I think," t proteaUd," "I would rather har th 6ritldlafn.il vdh Wt mind. : ,"-.V.'.'.i. Bh laughd toftly. I Uk hr laugh. "It la rUir .o fll-trualv,, ,auUon. Hut I abould ,iry muh Ilk o knnW. Yo i mean, till" h loiiched tftaj ' book-" UttMl do'h't'jrpuf", I:,,',,'"',,',, ', "Y V t ald, ,"l uppoa 1 do, 1 id when I wrote it. anyhow." . "And aiurward.r ' ' "I keep my tcrloutnaaa lor aarloua oocaalona." "Which U rebuk lor my Inquld tivaneai, I luppo?" ' Bh Buahed a tittle. 8b I rthr pale irenarally. Bom people wouldn't call her good looking. I do. "I didn't swan It aoba." I apologtaed. "I ought to b fittrd at your Inter it" "In your tale," ah corrected. "Ia my talei, of eouree. I auppoM the real anewer ta, that I do not carry my heart upon my l.H "Hut you h on, all th name?" A touch ol wiatlulneai make her voice perfeot. "Tryl" I caught her eyei for mo ment and stopped. I bad made up my mind to keep hearl-whoU before I met ber. "Now lor th crltUUm," ah eon tlntMd, haeUly. "Or ai larg an Inavallmeni m I can land." "The erltldem muat not b nilaun daratood. You will remamber, pUaa, that I Ilk th tale Uk It very muoh, in fact." I bowed. "Th orlllcUm la V "That it I a repetition ol jour other talee. I gaaped. "Why, I thought it waa quit differ ent!" She hook her head. "Freeh character, freah aoenery, new plot, original phraaea " "Tb uutchlnery I different, but the lory la really the came. "In what way? In being about a, man and a woman? "Yea." I laughed. "If you can Invent a third kind of per on," I aald, "I'll utiUt it with pla- wr. At preaent I haven't made the fltaoovery." "Don't be ebaurd. What I mean la that your men and women alwajr do u Mine thing." "Kail In Uv." ! "IiectJy." "There ar lota ol wayaof doing It,' I uggtd. "At th preeent rata you will o. eihauat them. Whatever will you do then?" I lit a cigarett with her pernilaalon ao ana reneellon. "I'm hanged If I know. I'v often wondered niyarlf. Make them fall out of love, I aiiiioee." "And when you've xhautd that?" "Make them foil In again!" She tamped her foot Impatiently. "lo you abaelutely rvfue to be orljrinel? I cannot think you doynur elf jueticei in keeping to m h a hauk neyed theme though 1 admit juu do It vry nicely." "I might do It better if I h id more practical experience," I miim-ialed. There i auuieluing about her big eyra .Southern Oregon AH11LAND.0UKU0N.! Strong Academic 00 area. I'roleaaional raining of th liighrat excellence. Well equipped labora- rV'"4-r. torlee. Klrat cl.a. train- ) I A Vf; ing department. Da- Sl!!f,3L Well equipped labor' i.'i . i . mand lor trained teach era eiceeda the aupply. Qraduale eaaily aecuia good poutlona, Be.otlfol lu-atlon. Moat dellithtfal climate on tbeeoMt Expenae. $130 to 1W per year. Writ lor catalogue. 9: artd the litfl clrAori iV fh"cor'uer of her mouth which make a fellow lay that aort ol thing, you know. "Now, remember our compact," h warned me. 4Vn wera.nlelired to a warned m. iVe werejplei I've had tale, but It elwaya broke down. "-"ThrUeTprnjprflTniTonie compact," aid I, "would be a novel them, don't jrou think?" "Would It b inlereating enough?" ekaaakdtfdoiibt fully) , T'hrM'J I 'Jt Jfronger dfn iould reave? I propoa to leave out th lov-mkinir. and you any that the Intern! would begone." Shedrurumed upon th tBbJe,wi fiercer, , , "Surely there ome other theme? ' I knocked the eah deliberately off my rijrarette. "Upon mx;wirdi," J funfij)d, I'm not eure that there if , Hut, 1,TJ. thijik oVer it.' ;V .' Then Wr .brothere cam in and w Changed the' euhji-el untlll vVa.a'(?oIir. It U part 'of the compact thaTahf ehotl ee me out ot th door. " I lnitd upon It ' - -' ' "Wheat ahall I o mm mdcat a .the re ult, P''.mj deliberation?.". I naked, io tfiehall, tJCftmorrowy, . . ., "I'm iroinpr to Vertker'a" ' "And Wedneaday, I'm due at a moker. Thurwlny?"-..! t i y i If vou like." tThurdiiy,'then"0od'jil(;)it,i(ary.' It I in the compact Hiat 1 am not to cail her Ma'Ky.lutl Bo''rWrnetllnM "hi i,ob.!oii I'nll Mali tinzctte. Ahtit pb)eta,iMimrtrmi ihr'tlDeairY. "' thp.. yur iro a yminjj women f' tbi occasidn ehrvniy toweexl her heod jhnie ,j,.,.t to n form- uf hl'-inuli arul JwiU.tuened awj from jjie, Sh flKt nu crw ()f rr.ki w),i,;i, r,.. U awatt.lUftt blooki wJUo pj-olil. ant,;d tri-attiiwiti n"ii ufn-r am en Iuddenly bent ftverjif,. andTn., ( "How dare you!" ahe cried, holly. i "I oouldn't help It, Mary: you looked tempting." Hut ehe ran upstair, With her face acarlct. I ahale t h4Hi called, a ah turned rht'eorner, w thv6i.fn any other day." So I went out, feeling triunipuaiiuy ....!(. K v wv'"-.. I tint Thnrerlav I .called. - atid aha 1 wan't out;, hut ahe rccciretl me oool- y, and kept the tniile ii t. en ua. 'fLook here, Mnry,''fWnn.' " "Mlaa Mimtagun. if you plil"i .. - S"! don't pica, Ji. l quitf nttturol to call a friend by her Chfixiinn name. Ye a; but people might iiiiaundrr- atanri, w agreed; and ao " I'm not r""i tO'lMmlfT to other pople'a attipdlty." J.U liifllgnanl- IV a "and I don t oi.inldir thai tiienii- hip hould hav to be welched and nifjaaurad in exact word." I hud pre pared ihia rethark Iwforehid.1' 1 fNo o; perhap,.." knew lit i? ,.ld .core. "UIH, V bound. .:r rvr-b".'!vUuv..lv,.ide,i hv n,;,,.lti,; .tt;frl.nd.hlp. Bh. .hut her U.tl. . A .. I er I If tou nirau lint Tuedfty jAi don'tM,o eiiit-itr.. mwrrupieti. iibtv juu I abbut the atorlea?" "i , i1 KVlYee; I have reasoned out my poal- Mn -tno.t oarrftitty Mary. on frowned, but paaned the faiulllarlty. And your conclusion?" f- in idr.'J-- ' ' "(II knar nirel": Wnriuen al-Wav Uk U beeauM he I ure to glv hiuuclf i away! . "Let me e It." "Oncondltlon that you read It aloud. She koked ohjeetloua. "I want to bear If 1 have got the awing." Bo aha declaimed aoftly. I think I aald that aha had a pretty voice. TO MAHY. I Mri me a tale of the tempeet at eea. Full of thunder end llerhtnlnal above. And the terrnre that tie whtrn th norm- , wtnda ar Irmm Dut th end of the atory wea lovet 1 ennir me a ana of a raid In the tlea. with a lilt of the rlp-rewho ilaye1. Btrllr a.aln, mike again, and die ntilln like men! And the atru.al waa over a maid I I planned me a play of a mnaarch of feme, And Me eourtlera in allken attire. And hie etateemen, who came llae a moth to the name For a pair of bright eyea were the flrel I paeaned the pralee of en hero o oalm, And eu etrone m the tumult to atand. When I found me (he charm that tiad etrenxthened hie arm It wa only th touch of a hand! And IT If my heart fur a rnnment he etrorc, If my tale fur a iiaae rlna iincere. Or If nut-rite beltinic lo (he play or (he eengw They are only your echure, my doar! When ahe came to the lant line her voice waa very evft, a ml Jiial a little tearful. I put my hand on her ehoul- der, and we etmid looking allently at th paper for a minute. Then I drew ber geutly to me the way th atone endl lUack and White. Hvmdrede of I'laye Offeeod. Th mailing commit tee of the l'lay gM'r' eluli, of uninlon, lileh has un dertaken to aupply (ieorge Alexander with a play by an author ivhnaa ato rlea have heretofore not lieeu atanl, up to date, ha lead over lino pluva Mr. Alexaiiiler' offer to prmiuee auoh a play by an unknown author wn In the tin I lire of a challenge wnereliy he wiahuil to dlaprove the eli a r go tliat maiiaKera neglected the work of unknown plnywfitrhta. The eotmnittee at UII haa mure than lixl manuacrlpt which have not been read. Th erWry of the eotninlttee .ay. that o far ix play have 1 n elm'ted. Two of theee v.er liy well known writer who had not written a play Imfnre. The other four were by unknown writer. Three out of the all author were women. What More Niil.le (llot "The only olijetlon," aald Hie alern parent, "I hate ntfainat the young man, my dear child, is that he hna no nnhln ambition no high or worthy ol.Jm t ill life." "Why. papa, how can you any that? Ho want me!" Stray ritorlea. . Kaalee Maid lt Hone. Th Kronen have ilieeonred that thy cun Invude Kitk'tand with cane, but It I frog' lega lo tieefetenka, ava the t'lucigo Tiihuue, that they State Normal School. y,r,i i -Soft i j . i. . . . - narness T-i&n jrmk jour fcuv j&lir HA) u toft m BLova wins tr it civ A uir Otl. TvU AMI lenctlifwi 1U itfewuhnvKu It EUREKA Hsrnes: J ttiaVe t poor lookfn? har 1 t)Mi Ilk nw. Uil t4f ' fir. Lavr txflhyil oil, twclftily piwrparMt 10 Wlli f BV)4 ererrwher t In rniM imII iiwi Mid bf 8TAKCAR0 0!L CO. U5. QUEER FORM OF nYSTERliT'. Bemnrkuteli' Maniriiittlin lr Wont ea In a TurkUb Tov? 14 , .t Ala Minor, Dr. JJuiiojHitili'K, , rn-lSiml prnctl tiuncr '( (f n;. Low a of Kutiihitt.iri Arfi.i Minor,, n.'r.jN t.- i rpyrua j(;urni-l jMirticiiln: t '.f uii "t'iutTuic" ranjfJiilf. iwotrvi'i .f ( tov. a, winch Jm proi.- aLiy rcr'riJ.-! HI inndcrn (X;. i-r;- C1IW krtrK a ?ifri-ftnd-;nt of 11; bgiin to hiveouirh like cat m. w Olid id six llioiitl.s tin re Mi re ) women In the town ntT -eteil v. it'i wlint may lie deKcrilMMl aniuifl Me-, !co't;fliH, cecdiiL'(.t riirini!. llf.iny.f ,y f,,x j,,,.!,,,, the i;,t. r. I)ii!iopoiil':,s any tl.at to lie in a ru, , iitunbur. : of , Oi, m: 111. ! 17V im ii vyti urn- nil v A in: I iuiii i Of I1 . fort'Ht Of II HH'MlfflTil". P'JIIH' nfffc'led, but the vlctlnm anr rn'? y womou, .vliich M intc-Hiyiblo IS , t .e doctor' tlicorv in corrc-t, tlnit t' dihinxe, for which he voiiiIkh, Ik u form of. Iniitutivn hyMli rin. TEARS THAT "ONIONS BiilKG. Tkex Mar I' Avnliteil by lb rollixv- Inw . ICnentlniily !luipl ' levlee. The diKtrefifling flow if tciira ns well tliu uui.rlliig of tin- cyi'H ll.i.l lllt,.t )... .r.i.iirirtr himiiiiu f. r ... . . . . ,L, ( . vw The piin'Mit otlor whlcli nlTi'cta the dt'Ucati' incii:hi-i.:ie " ' ' . Irr: - ing the eyt'K Is dut1 ti a IpiuirotiN on whii'ii viimmit'N rit:i- ly when the, tifMm of tlif wy i.mx la broken in any way. To nvnlil tl, tillccta uf this vupor U ea:.y if u amull pnrrd potato U xtui-k in thi) end uf tlio Kuifc with wliiili Ihu put ting J done, , A ehcuiii'iil ulliniij, u; tracti) the fmiiea mid their jni ."i in e l ' not iniinifi Kt to the operiitor till ' ,.,.,,,:,. .,.,., n ,. i rvudilv ri'pluceil ly nnotlier. OniojifH 11 r auitntjf tht' Inii wt iutvp tonli'H vi Imvt', uiul if hpritt nnitiim are clioiijii'd 11 ml Kpn-ad lift in elU'i'd ltrail mid Itutti-r lli form a ftniil wifli u hirli, if ratrn tit hiip( r tlnit', will tlo 11 lrivut iltnl tnwjiril iu eurinjs' 11 goutl nitiht'it hlrt'p. Ntnrr 4iiit K IIU i'rr. Kxpcrli lnii' ruiiu lo t hi- r Hi on that whitt ktl'.-s hii thiiii.v tr Lnndon 1h lint Mini Iliiki'K np the of nir it the ilr.'H'lit. Imt tlic eu, w.iuli iitim-ks ihr rtn.ts, nelli es In u ii n t Hint Mu tri't1 stMin ii lice-, and cl i-h. Itt'lttiunttdliiM' Mil 4a it 11. HiHi'i.'ul'ii.ii'i w n 1 lu1 first Kt'iiiitn (ni lor to wear a silk h ;i ii.h-nt . In the e:ir A. l. hi' h:i 1 n -i 1 U i'.ni, niudt'. in whirli lit' iim iircil In ui ti. u. il ih! w In i h ru iiki-tt ru vt- sea inhil uniting iUiiil tliU rly Komaii rini'tm. GASSING TREES FOR INSECTS Ornnutt Ort'hurcta lu llvc th Trrra. Th I'nlti'd Stfttci tlrpurtiniMit of afrlt'tilt uro Iiam just rcMirt'il on a unliiu uiul t'tTrctivo imthiMl for kill the cnv inmt tH uhi h arc ;hih- iijf ho imirh (tcMti lift inn to oraiif triori In Ciilifurnitv. Th,. principal in ii jr. v i the extraction of the jnic of t ho tree. An tin- st-nlc InmTt In n iihti pumping inat-!ii:n-, it i:t c n tinnall.v fthhurlnmr the Mip fr 'in the Irvo., Thrri' ih likt-win- a poiwmuiitf enmctl hy the irritation exntt'i! dv tlio u tk of the .iiM i-t, t-r Hoinc liiiintl iiitt'tit throurh ti,i- Mime. It hait now tn-i n f. unil that the only Hurt' mi'iinn of th ;t inv iiijf ihrsc pt-Mtfi in hy sulijfi't injr them tt the fumt'et of hyili'ofvunu' nt-it! a, ciuii nionly tlcfiafiuitcil a.i "avsini: " l-fr inorit pt -u t.f Mi'ttli ,1 (uMH'ta one tfood piivftiiii-, wti.'ii don,- at thr riht m-nson, "ill aliii.'hl, tf not tpiitc, i t tcrinitiati1 them. I'hc treat incut rtuitistn in itudo. In? a tree at niht with n tent a nl ft Mil.) the latter with the poi'on-'ii, fiuneti i'eneiatttl hy treating retltiii! pot;inslum oyniiide, ,w r rent. Htreiitfth, with coinnien ial nulphiiiie arid, M per cent., nnd water. Ihe proportions of tho ehendealii hh v. w en. ployed In Cnlliornin are eoiisid, r aldv in eeen of the anioiintri r eom mended n few year mine. Kor fttnall trees ordinary earthen war venseln ftre Uhed to generate the unn. For larifer oiu's, re.tH riii lint vy dohe, tall wooilen pa IN are Mijdoyed. two treiift n torn h i. i u?,d. Tiie vxtit-inely danger mm nature of the Kim d, inn in! h that the a t ,s( caution .hou!d U taken to m id n haling it hv an opt i.it. r, The tieat nient U niade at nirlit, and tV per .on haiiiMihr the chemicaN h- I.N nil the tent and ,pnekly iln.pii il.' cyanide into the ifv nei at or and in it ken a prompt exit. "Hie -isMii,-It. often done for eultt.at, jM. di ill ii. tin w ho tunke n ret: n! ir Imii liH of it, chaiK'nv a tii ' rat: per tree, depending on ie. rur. in, from ten ochth t' ihdiar or more. About NO tret o( tlic hirwent sie, 30 feet hitv'h r th. r, a!, utn, can he trented in it ni:ht w.tlt an et(iinineut of 1'. T 15 tell!. NY. Mi (rmiHer tree, thr l: tun or r w Inch cm 1- t ' n el in Ik Mnete nicht ih cry roi -.''in'ne. It Mt! IMoi h' to r-;'s 1 ' t. treei. nverttKHic tvi ft t in hc:;!it( in 11 or 12 hnura, eiuj n about 40 rUi ir tents, 1hi-r OiIt Tiller. The Chimne lnu.h i cot a hearty or iu ei.;M'eMiive th 1 i'i.an or Ann r rn'i. It in vftt r i r . r ' San IfrllUloe outl'tirnt of lot l I I. u i-l. I See,' la ItUle ehaiMctt r ur force in it - .. V. Buu. 1 1 rva re n all!lwwW .. .: -: ' kills, not nctewar.Ty jujilenly, but si rely. It prey upon the ime!J'--ctu;J poweit ,i;iorc than we fealizr, , It unsur.c tlic viti.';ry fit(.r than nature ca'l replenish it, anil vc cannyt teil just vh:.t tnoinciit a temporary or. complete aberration of tbe ininj v ill mult. HcaJacbe anJ pain ihoiilil be proinptly re rnoved but properly. Many pain cures are more Iiarmul than the pain. Beware. If you would be safe, take ' I . . , mv Pam Pilli we As a teault of betw.itgiaj l'.U 11 : -Ji;lit of my ri'ht tye, ami the pain I h.i'vc suffered is hiu'mprthj-nMlile, le-' , ifiQ "ttined 1" t.ikc opuues aiftiost con-' tinuaily.' A fiiejul ave me w.e of i'r. . :M;!cl ai.i lJiili cud It proniiilly re- lli-ved me. I then purt-hase lekvsxaiid1 now my truuhle it tf"(ic. . 'I Ury iiave uLso tiiicri my rlaur!it t ol nnvnus heail lie, an'l I heartily rrconimmU tiicin to oliicrii' W. J. CuKLty, lite 'moiidl'cKU. Sold by Drueitta. as Doms, 25c Dr. Mile Medical Co., Elkhart, jnrf.' A Few Pointer. Thn ri-ciiitHtaliiit of the puinUf I'f leiitlia fliow that tiio large majority (lie wtih cnntmuiptimi. Una (liHeaie may oi(iiiine with an appxriffilly harniliiaa loiitili which inn h cured inntanlly by Kninp'a I'.iiluani ' for, tlx lltroat ami l.unhM, wliieli in guiiriinteeil to cure ami relieve ail canca. Trice 2ic. ami BOc. Kof ai'lo hy all driiKilinln. WHAT SHALL WE HAVE FOB DESSERT? .. This n ileal nut arises In the family very iU, Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a (lellcffins anil healthful ili H.eorl. I'reparvd 111 two minuter No huilitii;! no hading! aiinply add boiling water ami aet to cool. Unvoro: !.tn- 011, wuige, Itaelicrrv and blraw terry. !et a packaite al your giouera to-lay HI r'. ' A urvp ljHtory. It Ih a inyntcry wliy wotnin endure HaiikacliB, HeRdHchH, NtrvotiinenB. Hit epIcffeiifHfl, Molatn'holy, Fainting and lhf.y NpHlft when thniinndfl Iuva proved tlini Klwtric IlittHrt will fj'ttckly L'liio mt h Ironhlfcu. "I rWflYrort for yearn with kidney trouhl,," wrlteu Mrs. i'hebw Churluy, of I'etrrHon, la., "and a latne bark pained mu bo I could not tiietH luymdf, but Kleelric IlitlerH wholly curtd me, ami, although 7 ye ir? old, 1 now am now aMo to dn all my InniMe work," It overcomei Conptipation, im pioviH Appetite, l.!V;j9 perfnet liealth. Only T)0i at Dr. Kremer'n uu$ nlore. Graln-O! Grain O! lii'itiemher that name when yuu want a delit ifniH, appetizing, noiirinliin fmxl drink to take the placu of eoifee, Sold by all LiroeerH ami liked bv ull who have lined it, (Irain O iu nntde of p'iro Hr,'n it ttidu dieHtioii mid etreiinihenB the iierveH. Il in not a Mi umlaut Mil a health builder and tin children kh well an the adiiltH can diink it with great tu nc (U, ("oh in about '4 at tnm li bh ci lire. l'f. and 'J jo, per packagn. Auk your KrtH'cr for (trniit-O. Tniuavn for ft I.rKl?a linn. "1 have nn aunt, a dear old noul, who ttoea th inoM remarkable thinifK in the name of charity," mid a I'hil ndtdphlan. "She alwnya haa hoju'1 ainrrin family to attend to. She woe Id be ipiite nt a loa without a m arvitifT family. SonietimeH I know nim it dreadfully Imposed upon, but you couldn't convince her of that. ne day l.tt week she eanie to ine uiul miid: 'Nephew, have yon nn old pair of t r tunic ru you don't want ?' 'NVbat do you want a pnlr of tnniserb for? I imked. T k'v' a poor man who hain't any b',' nhe re I 'ied. It was nil I uould do to Ue-'p from buii.'hiiiir in her face, but I eon trolled myself and aald: 'Why, yen; I can let yi'U have nn old pair of Iiiminitn, and an old pair of diot'i, tool' K.ven then the abiturdity of it didn't strike her. 'Oh, you are no pM.d!' she exclaimed. And she went pwny with the trniisci-M and shoea for tin poor man who didn't have any I..'" rhilHd. d.diin liecrd. When the wall is out ot l uub the b'.iil lint; is i.ioieor less utiNile, ami tho lu,;!icr the wait is e.tmv-d nut o the (er t iiili. ;il ar tlic ;rt atei the d.oier ol cob lap-ec. It's aUuit Mtwith the health; it is out ot" plumb when tlic dicesiiou is impaired, w hen I I. .. . .. .u .. ,1,,M '.ii-is!i leel-.tiv;, st 1 1 h ner vtMisiie-n. V- v. iitil.iodity a 11 d I e e ; t c t a n e s, I'vcry t! iv that these m miuoMis aie ncte Led m c.eases the liahll- to p h sic a 1 olIap-c 1 r 1' t c rc r ' o n ;.,.iu"al : 'wovcry 1 u 1 ch 1 i s e a e k ot tho ilom.telt and oi'ict w tij td il'ri- Lion and uc't v-w. pin i:ics th;' I .14 ; u v, nttlahilitv and lit UlaJ the tllMMM J -:nate. n 1 t .mcs nervoM .suvplenent by in wliivli thev " I .11 ttov t i-1 tint !.! nti-'iiv.' t It K W iMW ! M.i lu..;., tu &'. mi icioiij Cokimumi Stnr Medten! viu'.aininy; l,xS -a, K-nd i oiu -tv.it ; in.p i.olin !'..', lot the Uk-'Vi , or i .tt.tmiv' ter the ;io I' viM-r, ;iiti ...,1,' a l. Ml -.1 ft BEES TO KILL MICE. Agricultural' : AUy in Department Plndi the Philippines. ff1l of thm ! to B PolMav owa to too IwaU Aolamla-WlU Bm lutrooacl lato Ttta Cusntrr. - The . (friculttu-al (Wpartment at jYrtahing'toii ia to make a determined 1 AtcneU npoq ttia AmeTicaa fiM moue. His extermination in certain loctllhiea haa bee:i reaolwV uirtn and the lMiilippine bumbteiwo 1 to . be brout-ht into erie o tUo ecu- i oner. ..r- ' y , Tliia wit a tho atatcment ,mado by Vrof. C. II. Kiley, of the department. who paused through hiejik-o Iat wek en route to San Krauciaco'aiid ll.o f'hilioi.fnew. Pro. ' W.e. of Ihe diviFffm of entoinnlopy, will devote?! a year in the Thilii pin?e tr the atudyi of iur and inweeta- ot tho rel.ip!i-U ai?o. The "humniinaj bird'V butuble- bec of the IMriUpidiwa will .be 'i hn. main objects of hit intmiry Itj is pUtfined to import th l"iff ;e ft' i Xhft I'hilippinea . into the United 1-! rentes that he may make wnr Upon X mfirnri fltM tnoilKti. A r of lent Vhieti haa uatiaedtthe fnrnwtra of the!' niMintry a lose of thouaarKta of ooi- larai- . - ' ' ' Ir la an old nyug araonff . farnv jpra aaid Prof. Hiley, reports a Chi eao papur, Mthat when there Js plen ty of clover there are Iota of bumble bcea. j What ihe firmer renljy meajia ia that when there are Iota of bum-bredri-e; there ia plenty oT olovief; He mi'ht curry hlothnic firtljer by aay- lnr that when if! eld mice are scarce Out .-are plenty of buinhlebece, and '.i'VtjySien therti nrti plenty ;of cats there nn; few field mice. "In order to rnv the ehiver erope of the rountry ,the npricyltufal., de-! (tartniont hna the choice of two tlilrlL'., 'tri increase the mimber of nta tu the country, whitdi-will da rt roy the fiold nifjua. or , ta take iwny from the rodent hia aupply of winter food. Rither inethtMl if auc ?t'Hful would rVrtnlt hi a 'aln of thotiaari'iti of dollarn t the farmers. The field mo line U very fond of biuu- . blebee honey and mmur Jwaos an op portunity to deprive the inaect uf .the rewards of hia work. The honey taken away from the bumblebee ?nu.ea him to,. Jjerlt.h ilu, tlici winter , tima., , IIuco a ahurt clovur enjp for the bnmblvbee is a carrier of pollen from imu clover plant ' to another. Tht; when there are lots of bumble bees elover comes to perfection.1" If the fluid mouse haa destroyed the bum b lee lieu -there U no- insect thai can do. lta work In the suinmer time and the farmers, lose accordingly. I Tliia is not only true of clover, but. many other plants. 'Ve hold that the hnmblebei Is ft talnable "member of insect aodety and' thai the field mouse 1s a worth- li-Hrt acninp who likes n (rood dinner but doc -1 not want to work for it. "Ihe Philippine bumbl:dve Is an entirely different ir.Foot from hia American coukIti. He ia fully an inch "Mil a half Ion? nnd look like a o.imli bird. He is fell of hnsinc.- nnd h.iH no fear of auidi a anmll aiunml ns the field mourn. He bi n hnrmlens felhov wh.-n let alone, but lifs. atliifr U dt td'y to smaller forma of ani mal life. He will furht for his own w.th the tenacity of a puillist find nny niiHt TiipulouK field mouse tnvnd 1n bin dm:.. tin will have to flnt for everythhi,' he lm ta. "A field n-tvi-e aftr reeelvlnjf the atinjc 'f a I'hilippii'e bumbhdee would m 'it'h iv.si niblt: the wreelo'd appear ance of some of our col't je boys aft er the Tlni'lf -ri;t! footh.il prune. He would have to h.v up for repair. "It is the intension -f tin agricul tural dtpartpienl to introduce this bee into the, 1'nifrd States if rliimvtlc conditions will permit. He will be lit to Ihe warmer pnrtH of the e 'intry i,t firMt, where he nmy rrad utillv U-eome hardened to the more Kcvere c! in in to. It is then hoped ho will yrow mid spread until he covers tlie entiiu country. The department nun it m eye upon other intent.' in the Philippines which may prove of value to niiricult iral interests. There are set era I varieties of honey Itve which will be piven a trial. A sieeiea of tree toad, which hna n deadly antip athy for certain kinds of citrus in s eta. will be introduced into wouth- nrn California with the hope thai It may be uaeful in Ihe ekterinination of the black or armored scale, which ban caused so erent a toss to fruit 4,-rowin iitteicU of Inle years." Nriclwel nt WitltV'a MHntiint. It ia Had," writes a 'Joehec Ofr reondent of the London 1'ost, "to see tho state of Wdfe's monument to-day. Knnk L t ,.rrvs hit h In side the misty and worn iron raillnira. The column i.-i cracki d. .ind if noth iiiir be d one m i.st soon perish. The monument, a simple column with a helmet m nd n ord on the top, and its inscription: 'Wolfe died here, victorious, 13 Sept, 175V Is sublime in Ha Minp'ieity." Th Pnri A Ciuiut 1 y ei 1 it w ntt to rcai! h ' nn rnii': f 1 ;. t ttn VitntrtV ; man whne custom -t r-m. .ns. nr v Su;o!a v h! ma n nseri :'E . He del rmint .! t. 1 11 lt h th c 'i j : n i. .11 c . .; 1 ' hf aecu din; 1 into hi confU. i,. snn ounce !; "M ii:C I in c eome frit rd., this m.-rn wiihoui nn seinion So ou must tnke what the Lord me. Hut to-nitrht 1 will eomt bittn prepared.' tlter tn roloraiio. Heaver have become s.i numerous in folorado that the ratuhmen want them killed olT lo save their pi op- A FREE PATTERN (tosi own ril-iim1 in tr ash cribei. OuIt Jt cemt a Tr. MS CALLS MAGAZINE A LADItS' M4G.4ZIL "fl''l tlrejMrmkioaj H nV k t) ; Uttat - , -,-v.r" bixti , .CIK'I, m . . ' M ( cK, or, n4 s tt Utrat fcF L)J atU atali imri jc Iiaj. Ntrlud, KtlaMs Slaip1, t'p-trw dlt Kv'ru'mttm nj AhNntatal PTlKl-rittina t,t,i Patter us. MS CALL ,riAZArt 1 B I . eareri-r 1 a miitiiNd 41 sMn pfrfsrtlvf. isa las tUttdSt sm lavf. K el It, (t.M hlk , lo ih ,l rr aMMtj rrM j7 V J titan, be I.. Ir'iel THE McCAtl CO.. II J-lli-117 Vmt Hit Jt. M ton ?b7 J3- e7,rtr.c- r4w!, &mt7 ' PcotXi wfib trave! "and " liaLIo to" hav:'dyppsi trouble." " They have toi ' The train 'won't stop'fof train "tops, a;id jn general the"i?od hurriedly swallowed in tho " ten-, miniites for ref rlmu-nts " is of an indigestible character. It is Kniiill.caiiau fur wonder that under such conditions the stomach becouios-diaordtred and diseased. One of the peculiar features of the times is tb;it thi3 scores and thousands of people whadan't have to travel persjatn living as if they did. , They cat at home or tn llie-feaurant as if the time for refreshment va liniitd' to ten mimitiis and-thcy were in momentary expec tatioifofThe 'ffalF; "-All aboard!" to break in upon their hur ried meal.' "The very'h'atural tSUBsequenee of this way oT living is to recruit the Vreat array of dvspeiitics. Dyspepsia has many ' 'stages which faiige from anil physical wreck. heaUh and, hajijimess. disease effecting only But as matter of ict tlie dueise alleots the whole body. It , Ctuwa phyki4 Jawituife,: mental dullness and( depress.iiin, head . ache, uuisoular.daliility and constipation or irt-egularity. It is one of the greatest handicaps to human happiness and useful- H new the world knows; ' - Side by side with these! bt cured, has been citted, Pierco'S Golden Medical JJiovery. It cures dyspepsia at "fetawj aSiiT the inly differorico benrecn" die enre of an old obstinate cao of dN-suepJia nnd tho disease in its beginning, is difference of time.'' It takes longer to cure a disease which has hail venrs perhaps in. 'which to root and a disease whieh has only just begun tp ehow ilself. Hut so uniform are) retirite" obtained by the use, of covery . that Jt may be aihriued that in ninety-eight per cent. of,.CiUies a. perfuct. and permrlnerit cure will bo obtained.- Il always help It almost always enrei ,! ' Mr. Neil Ndeoil j the celebrated Irisli CoBiinedian aud Mimic, of 577 Koydj;U Street, Camden, N. J., writes: "We-fulfilled an win ienient of twelve wseka, nnd tlie constant traveling Rave me a Kid touch of that dreaded disease callerl'dysprpsiii. I had tried everything Trmibte to enre it tilt lait wjea while playing at Ii. K. Keeth's Bijou Theatre, I'hil.iiblpliia, in the Selam t rio, a protessiunal friend of mine advised me to try Dr. l'ierce's Gjldi;n Meiljcal Discovery. I tried it, and, thanlt God, with (ixl results. ' j '"H.ivinf; seeri the advtrfilement of y'oiir 'COldert MerHcal Discovery,' and being a great sufferer from jthe effects of stomach trouble for the past eigltt venrs. I concluded ta trv.rattr ineilicine," writes Mr. W. A. Maxwell, of Marsh. field, Coos Co., Oregon. "Miad tried almost every known remedy, and also consulted with tire hest mclical skill attainable, but all without any relief. After reading toie of yout singulars I concluded to try-Oiu; botUe of Dr. Pierce'. . Goldea Heihcal Discovery, ' After taking one bottle I felt so relieved it induced continue. Am now on the Ijmrtli bottle and have not had a sjiell of bloating or "acid stomach "'(which was very painful) for the last six weeks. Before the use of your medicine I was in dread of every mealtime, for in twenty ininates! after 'eating I would lie racked with pain. Indigestion. wa$ my principal ailment, and I have been also terribly afflicted with asthma, which, I belief, was brought on through the medium of indigestion. Now, as I .tilted, after' having usisl four liottles of your medicine, I have not had an attack of sour stomach or painful1 Minting, aud my asthma,. has just about disappeared. In fact, j feel belter now than for the1 Just ten year.'' "'. t The cares effected by jthe use of "Gohfen Wcdical Discovery are real and lnstliig.-- A mrguJmrwb4 of the so-called "remedies" offered for dyspepsia, are mere jwlliativvSi1 The' hiost thev can do is to give some temporary relief from iihysical discomfort.. But the "Discovery" makes a perfect anil permanent cure, t does this because it is much more than a mere medicine for dyspepsia. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures diseases of organs seemingly remote from the stomach, but which in reality have their origin in a diseased condition of tlie stomach and its allied organs. Thus with the cure of dyspepsia and stomach "trouble " comes tho cure of dis I Tit : e-'T iWr, etoi l,r, ,1 Sore Throat F Don't delay; serious bronchiid trouble or diphtheria may develop, i ne only sate way is to apply a remedy you can depend upon. Wrap tlie ihro.it with a dot h wet in it Injure retiring, and it will be well in the morning. There b only one Painkiller, HEIGHT'S DISEASE Tlie lariiet sum evrr raid lor a pre terintion, clieni d hands in ."-.in l in cim ii. An.'. .'10. I'.idl. The tramu-r in volved in roin and atoek 1 IJ.."hVi 0 i aiai wan paid ly a l artv i,l hu-mee m'ii I i aiciHcfor brmlii's l'.n.ae and lu,i tiua, hllhi'rto inctirubltMli-.ea'-e. 'I'tiey eniiitnenred the pi-r:ou invt-eii si ion ol Ihe eiMtic Nov. IS, p.HKl I Thev lntervie.t i'ori.e ef tli cured 1 - ...,..,.,,. ... ..a ... ,. iiik , ill III I. i ..II. 1 I H I U i 1 11 uTt-r inrri. iimrn L-ant'B on ine irea infill ;ive to mu an i and wall hint them. Thev alto jm phv- !iMre:iy nn. n 'h i ii-iana lo nan e rhronie, incuraol can-n, 1 xi. .aneahii f eu i aiiiiiiui.wireii u wun ine iilivvfiftn lor itlilce. I ii to Auj. K7 ivr iftii I cae were eitiitr weil oi i.r.:r"ainii fuvorablv. There tiii)i bnt thiitejn p,.r i-nt o: faiuirea, Ihe parlire were famlird and iU.eil the Iraiiai-tion; lTie pnxee.linK )l il invejtivulinir runiiniliee and the liiii.-! repnrle ol the Iret rae wern imi.lialieil and aid tie mailed frve nn 4pi lii-aiinn. A.ldrea John J. r i i.tos 'o il' ht, t:M Moiunomery Jt. San Kian c i, Cel. DR. JOTtCAN'S oarer !!fDSEUU OF MXIV&V "'., at ry atriiN " m pawr rmrmd T OiM WIla aa fM) Lt. aaat-J (tafcr. 0. e-OSOAN-O.Si'SiSOF K.llii eteeiLMiitMutkiT e.,. b.rM.iM'l, mt ll,r. ( ti.e -l M. " t;-m .i im i eiu. ri. I - - rHiiMHmi mi 1 3. KMOM CO. r01 tkwft -. t . iflh irst v-e were ..iiiier iflliJ"'1'9 ,"',!!' "hin the Slat art sxtntitnii PO the road are very v . - - I t am br b iftiM -etorm of "stomach live as they can, not as they would. them to eat, they must eat when the jnero discomfort to uitefiiiinlal Thiaery I ." 1 iJut at any stage dyspepsia is a menacu '. Ordinarflj wo think of dyspepsia as 4he organs of digestion and nutrition. f4" therfy another : Ihapiytift-Hi and i .J OukJ :by Uie Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis eases ot liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, and other or gans, when these diseases, as is often the case, have their cause in the diseased condition of tho organs of digestion and nutrition. Sometimes a dealer, tempted by tho little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicine, will offer tho customer a substitute as being "just as good " as the " Discovery." It is better for him because it pays better, but it is not as good for you, if you want, the medicine that has cured others, and which you believe will cure you. If you are looking for a laxative which is gentle in actum and effective in results, try Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. ' Dr. l'ierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 large pages, is scntVfe on receipt of stamps to pay cxpeiiae of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for tlie book in paper covers. Address : Dr. R. V. Tieik e, Buffalo, X. Y. "THE MILWAUKIE." A fiitn illiir infin- f,,r the (.'hi. ao, Mil- an il i-eAM I'.iiil Haiiw.ir, knoAn all 1 iin-i the I'nii.n uh the liieal U.iilway j riu.ni: f li.i- "l'n..i,.. r I.iiniic.l" iraine. evrv day nn.l nijit belwet n St. I'anl j : I liiea.-., ai:d Hi islia an ! t'lnrinio, ! I ! iilv innli.t tra'lH in tl.e world. ' : I'r.iK i -Miiti.1 : l'iniii ..ii.ii!i are made wi;ti All Ti.inF-i.nt.iicr.'.al Lint-, ai-vir-ir.K tu pasf.'iiii ik (in.. Iic,i ai-iviee knovni I.uiiiin.ini on. I ivm ;c livlitn, s,un !n at. of a verily ..UrtU. d bv no oilntr tine. t-ee lint your tKki-t n a la via "The MilvaiiLep" win ii gonn; lo i,y K)inl in thu I'uittil Siini-n' or i Hiui'a. All tick et ih.-..i:b hi iI l!n !ii. I'..' rau-s. p.iii.pldels or o!lnr ii.'oi ichUoii, a iilit ., J. W. t'A-l v, Trav. . ,-t. Evtii.k, W e. f. J. Knov, t' enil A.'fnl, i'l'KTHMI, Or SOTIiT. (IK INTENTION TO Willi. t'K.lrV K N ( ' K I Kl'OS! I . In ai i'.ir.i:iii. m &i-K il ., .M.,..ir. ni i hp taw o; I lie ,v ati- ol toi-cn, re'a aniiw. imiice i ! aneabltli-i' litsurunrr rmiiiiiiii ' "'""'";. r.i.n.a!,.!. .Ifirnii u ol Mam-li. si,- . Ki.islat.d. di cea-e ! ii hiiMM'Mi wiiiiin i nl (.ireic- i;, inieinii to wrlnira in oiu w ii nine I nvifiin-r ol e.il Mate am1 will, il iiucaiin tlull tiled wuh tlif Innuran.n (.',. i:, in i-.i, wi:i.n an ni nuhs Irnni the L'.'n l day of Julv, l'.KJI wi'.hJ.aw- ita ileMit fivin the S'ate Trt'tenrir, ill. I.AM Ai !n-i raxc CourtxY. ' I! M ANS W II i , ..lsnui ra lor ihe I'e.-ilic L IVi e l at ii r ran. l-oo, tti; l"h. da rfuiv, r.n. y o: l-f rv r..r- i '. il : : o TBr Ki-; 1 - " i t. . . - A'':.!. T' i.'-.'M i i.. 11 1 n '.f V . T' ' I" I. IU ; .. : i i . .. ; Its-. ;5 iu a any and ' GO EAST VIA Shortest and Quickest LINK TO ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO, AND AM, I i UNTS K AS T ThroiiKti I'alaoe and T.iurUI Sleep cr, DlnliiK anil Uuffel Hmnklnf Iillirar) Car. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIMK; PER V1CK AM. SfKNKKY I'SEIJUAI.KD Iicki-i. I.. ,int .;,, va p,)r1(i J ihelilil.AT NOKTIIKKN UY., on l ! N,,rt,'" I'aeilie Hepot Tieket Off:e, onius ,. r i,i;EAT NoUTUKld 1-2 Third Strrrt, I'orlland Fm Ratee. Koldera and full inf.irmali. r.inrdins K...t..rn tri,,, rall on or addrcai A. Ii. C. I'KNNISTON. I ity l'a. ami TiikVt Agent, I'orlland lOuioni.. ... "eteT rte. '"oetre II I nTiTOrrit :-'ers;: m iiBt.im relet iwallree. coluicriee C.A.SNOW&CO. vtiw...,., ' .'cee, fvgg ij'Vt'fc;-!5:. 3 fmwk ;eiMi; Vol'.ltltl' l.vi.lll. R. V. I kicc, la fit ih. Aiuhr4 Hv;lI.tlo, N. Y. ,w3.3'n.j,J',vU;j W. M. CLAYTON, rrua KojAk t TUtf rourier.oiBce. IIIUIIll 1,33