Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 16, 1902, Image 2

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Publlshed:Every "Thursday.
Subscription Ratal I
One Year, in tdvaooa, $1-25
Bix Months, '
Three Months, . J
Single Copies, .06
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application st the office, or
by nisll.
FRED MENSCH, - - Editor
Entered st the post office at OrsnU P"
Oregon, ss second-cliuu mail matter.
Registration it again la order this
year, tlie eperation being required
biennially. Voters must remember this
(set sod enter their names agsin on the
register, in order to be qualified to vols
In the coming June election.
The attitude ol the administration
toward the Sampson-Schley uuntroversy
seems to favor repressing or bushing up
ss far ss possible all further disputes
thstlarise, so that happily the matter
may sometime oeara to vex the public.
The county court st Its recent session
established a new precinct for this coun
ty, Selma precinct. It embraces Oak
Fist and the north part ol Kerby pre-
clnet. A strip was slso tsken from Ulate
creek precinct snd sddud to Boutb Grants
1W .
Conditions in Porto Klco sre wonder
fully Improved over tbose of two years
sgo. The Improvement lathe island is
msrvelous. The people have lust all
feeling of discontent toward the United
States and are anxious to become as
American as possible.
As toon ss ths obstacles to the con
truvtlon of the Nicaragua csnsl seemed
to be removed there arises another coin
plication ; the old Panama route, which
bss been receiving more fsvorable con
sideration than haa been deemed posil
ble. It is now said that it will require
all of ths present congressional session
for the senators to discuss tbe respective
merits ol tbe two routes.
There sre few more striking examples
of the wsy tbs world moves on than the
fact thst American capitalists srs sr
ranging to build a trolley line to Mecca
In view of the pilgrimages made annually
by the Mobemmedaua, Pilgrimages sre
suggestive of long snd srduous journeys
by foot or camel snd ths Ides ol making
pilgrimages to Meccs In trolley cars is
naromsntic to say the least.
Tbe Ashland city council has voted
on tbe question of licensing saloons aud
lias decided in fsvor of prohibition, so
thst tbe town will be "dry" for snother
year st lesst. After year's practical
test ths city government adheres to the
sntl-saloon Idea. At the late election,
the license party elected the mayor and
tbe asms Dumber of counciluien ss the
prohibitionists. Tbe bold-over council
meo are anti-saloon men which gives
that party a majority in ths council.
An Item to tbs eU'ect thst four
prominent Grants Psss tltixens, P. II
llsrtb, J. 0. Booth, 0. E. Harmon, and
II. L. Benson bad been subpoenaed to
serve on a Modoo county, (Cal) Jury has
been published by the locsl press and
reprinted In many of tbe valley papers,
The feci Is thst Mr. Ilartb snd Mr.
Booth were summoned sa witnesses to
testify as to the character of one ef the
defendants, Brown, in the trial lor
lynching. Grants Pass has as bonest
men as sny town, but Oalllornia courts
de not send here for furors.
Jack Wade, one of ths Portland mur
dersrs, who bss been making a great
how of brssenneas since bis arrest and
during his trisl, shows symptoms of
leaking dowu snd it would not be sur
prising if bs should oollsuss utterly on
or before the day of bis execution. Ilia
M merely brute courage ol the kind that
la no credit to Its owuer snd often leaves
him entirely in a winch. Ths menial
sort is a different article and cannot be
overcome. Apparent snd reputed cow
srds often show great coursge under
severe trials when presumably braver
nieu collapse In tests thst demonstrate
the superiority of the mental ooursge
over lbs physical.
The new Chinese exclusion bill
frsmsd by tbe Pacific coast duleuation
and which will be considered by the
present congress is very severe, Ike
delegation bavins apparently considered
it unnecessary to accord the Chinamen
any great degree 01 privilege. The new
Dili ireenacts the prominent features o
the Geary law with a number ol add!
tiona and ita whole tenor is more In
tense than the former law. The new
bill would sxclude Chinese from our
new poMesaloua; II ss wsati, Porto Kin
sud tbe Philippines snd slso prohibit
tbe Cbioess in these territories from
entering tbe Uoited folates tiro iter.
Chinese now residents of ths l ulled
Btatot are barred from becoming citisens.
Chinese may pass throuuh the United
States by satisfactorily establishing the
fact that their destination Is some point
beyond. Any Chinamen fouud tostl
lying falsely in regard to rights of
Chinese to remain here shall be subject
to deportation. Only those Chinese who
are already established residents shall
bsvs s right to remain here. More
stringsut measures than formerly
the .eufercement of this
law sre pro-
Pevseenger Train Wrecked.
Taasenger train No. 11, due here at
10:30 p. ui. Thursday, eipeiienced s
aensstionsl wreck near Myrtle Creek
Tbe engiue left the rails without apper
ent cause, bumped across a trestle and
weut into tbe ditch just on the other
side. Engineer Connolly and Fireman
Jones attempted to jump but were
caught In the wreckage. They escaped
with their lives almost miraculously and
neither was seriously injured, although
Jones msy be obliged to attend s month
or more in the hospital. The mail snd
express cars were badly wrecked,
though the contents were uninjured snd
the clerks escaped unhurt. Both trucks
of the dsy coach snd tbe (orwsrd trucks
ol tbe smoker left ths rails, but these
oars suffered no Injury. Tue track was
clear in about 15 hours.
We are giving away to our customers some handsomely dw:
orated, hand painted China with cash purchases.
Buy your goods of us and get a
Fine Set of Dishes
one or more at a time FREE.
We earnestly ask you to call andjnspcct it. You will surely
want it.
Front street, oppo. Depot,
The Village Pe.reon.
'The Village Parson" which. has be
come s gresl favorite with theater goers,
will be seen st the opera house on Fri
day evening, Jan. 24. This play is in
tensely dramatic in action, and, while
not over-strained, there are climaxes
which keep the intercut ol the spectators
wrought up to the Ugliest point. Many
of the passages sre very pathetic, snd
there sre scenes in which the element of
humor predomlnstes. The plot is well
defined, and as the story ends happily,
there are no regrets. The scenic
features are well cared for, the carnival
scene being especially fine. All of the
acts In fact are equipped with new and
bright scenery, Tbe company Is fsr
above tbe average sud s finished pro
duction msy be looked for.
Jessie Shirley Co.
The stery of "For Fsir Virinis" to be
presented by Miss Jessie'- Phirley, at
Opers House on Tuesday Feb. 11, liKK!
is founded on tbe civil wsr snd relate
how husband apd wife are separated
through the former being a Unionist
and the wife a sympathiser with the
south ; how the villain steps to take ad
vantage ol this estrsngement appealing
to the wife's love ol country to widen
tbe breach ; how the duties of wile and
mother are finally aroused, and holding
ber child to her breast, she dufies snd
scorns the man who would break up the
family. Tben there is the humoroui
ids, and this st times holds the stage to
To nmko room for our Spring Stock
w o will, during tho next .'ID ilnys pluco on
Halo at
A Great
All our Winter (Jooils, consisting of La
lioB' Capos nnd Jacket, presfin .Jackets,
DrcHHing Sacks, Knit Skirts, Waists in
Silk and Flannel, fascinators and Shawls,
Flannelettes Wrappers, Ladies', Children's
and Men's Mackintoshes. Ktc.
If you uroin need of any
pity you to look them over us
Shoes and Furnishiiif; (loods.
the exclusion of all else. The entire
cast of the play is an excellent one, Miss
Jessie Shirley leading the lorcva like
a veritable humorous Juan of Arc, and
she conquers the audience and has them
al her feet.
January Jurors
Tbe follnaing named citiiens of Jose
phine comity have been Kiiimnonod t.i
serve as jiimm at tho January term
Josephine circuit court!
Harry Smith
W I Powell
J 11 t'mxlon
Joseph W.dku
Win lluiihiinin
W T l'..burii
W II ltluck
I iii) I, K.viiiis
S II Stringer
Joseph Kaiich
T M Miner
J T Trine
la'vi W I dry
J W I,hUui
T I' l..e
John StvIiiiUt
G K Itiddlu
K r 1 lun n n id
A J Kchrinipl
Alfred llartlett
G W l.ewis
Kenneth Hoot
Noah lny
Hubert Iuulap
K II Schmidt
II I. Truax
K A W ade
Wm Turner
J K Weidiiiaii
J M 1'alUui
K II Bebb
Horse Ke.ce.
Considerable interest wax taken in
tbe horse race which o ecu red on Satur
day at Ibe granite track and it was giv
en quite a numerous attendance on tint
afternoon, It waa a quarter nil's race
between Austin llabei'x hor- '"The
Wooer" and hwtwtland'a "Alpha l.-a,"
lor 100 a side. Kach b ri is th win
ner of number ol races andlheoul-
corns ol the match was awaited wi h
interest. lue race was won bv "l'lie
Wooer" with apparent ease.
Itcd Star Store.
Circuit Court.
Circuit court convened on Monday
with Judge Uanna in the chair. The
piincipai feature of interent is the trial
ol Frank McC'anri, which commenced on
Wednesday. In the .case of Frank P.
Silva vs. Atitone Koe, the names ol L
V. Htewarl snd John Ilackett were
Hubstiluted for Hilva aud a verdict was
rendered in favor ol Hone.
Following is the docket for the term :
Htato vs. Frank McCaiiii, assault
with dangerous weapon.
II. I.. Iluimon vs. Joseph K.Oliver
et Bi
ll. W. liuli win vs. MuniJ'il Joreph de
Hilva etal.
Frank P. f-ilvia vs. A ntonu Kuw
verdict fordufeiulunt.
T. J. Ma. kin t al vs. I). J. MrMnsl.-rs
et al.
Antone Kuos vs. Autone Hose.
II. M.Oorhsm vs. It. F.Miller and
J. C. Insert.
F. Futach vs. I.uncu Gold Mining Co.
et al.
Mathilda Cords vs. Louise M. Grosae
et al.
B. Iv Mureditb and E. Wilson vs,
Illinois A Josephine Gravel Mining Co.
Kusr Pine Door and Lumber Co. vs.
It. I. ami John M. Luwson.
of tho above articles it will
1 will positively save you
E. C. Dixon.
M. W. Kspy
Virginia Kaiijr, I'l
I'.Isib . Hammond vs. l.orauo A
Hammond, I'ivorce.
T. W. M. Praper vs. George Simmons
O.. I.. .1. . II
iviiraune .illllll.g to., a corporation
vs. Joaeph Shaska.
I lias, h I ult' vs. lane A. I'lmdwh-k
et al.
Silda Maloncy vs. John Maloney.
Mary J. No'an vs. Kerin J. N,
-decree lor plaiiitiH',
Jituiei l.ytlle vs K. II. O-gcod.
Ii. li. Smith and I.. I. Jewell vs. K. l
I ora Peidricl.s vs. l-'ml W. Peidnohs,
Simon Mcssinger vs. Joseph A. Brick
Martha Sort is vs. Krank Sorris.
W. 11 l-linerson vs, t C, Kusset al
Ten Levy.'
The county comtnissioiteis court
closed their w-ek's sttssioti on Wedttcs'
dav ailernoou. Among other woik
done bv them was the tiling of Jo-o
phine count) 'a tate and tax levy.
Aside fioin tue nyulttr cotiuty, stale,
and school lax levy there is ail extra
levy of two mi its for a special county
road tax. The levy ij as follows:
Slate tux
County sehool fund . . county fund
Total levy
... i
J Special county rod lund
The Cold Bug.
The Gold ring mine, rdtualed on Ml
Reuben, is steadily hamu eririt! '
with iia Avi-s'Minp i. ill and the
ke p4 up to li e limlv-tan.iard abicli has
made the Gold ling one of the forrmmt
of Southern Oregon mines. About L'O
men arc now teadily employed. TI.e
company lias j'ist finished putting in it
new cyanide plant abicb will enable
In 111 lo extract rialer values from
the ore and the tailing will alro be
re-aorked. The Gold Hug tailings carry
assay va'ii"s of about 15 per ton, as it
has bi en impossible with the appliances
at hand lo secure this portion of tlie
values. The tailings, however, have
not been lost, but have been saved by
cribbing. The mill Is loraled ou a slope
and a series of d ims have been constructed
to hold the tailings for future opera
A depth ol 3j0. feet has been reached
the ore body having increused in size
and richness with the deptb. A new
hoist will soon be added and other im
provements in equipment. will be made.
Tbe Gold Hug is situated on the
Whiskey creek side of Mt. Reuben, only
three miles from Kogue river in a most
pleasant and beautiful location. It
outlet is by wagon road lo Gleudale, 18
miles distant.
SoU of Cinnabar Ground.
The llerliaiu property, of the Meadow j
district, comprising 800 acres ol cinnabar
ground, which has been under bond by
an Kuglish company for several ii.onlhs.
11 to be purchased by them. Tue ne.o
nations as ina.le call lor 4Ju UW, a
large part of which will be paid down
Tim Kiijilisli Company will put an ex
tensive and complete plant for innicury
working, and will conduct the business
of the miuooiia largo scale.
Lucky Queen.
The Lucky Q'leen mine on Jump off
Joels now being developed under llw
supervision ui v. V. Urane ami is
making an excullunt showing. The
Lucky Qmwii is one of those properties
which were krnwn, worked euperlli ially
and ebandiitid many years airo, and
which, bdng developed iiilellig intl v, are
fouim to ne ininei oi grcm value.
i ... i. i . ... ......
SuH&r Pine Mine.
Geo. Itolt, 'owner of the Sugar I'inn mine
atGalice,haH a fine specimen of rock
from that mine on exhibition at Wolkn's
hardware store, free gold is visible
plenty all over the surfaca ol the
rock. Tlie Illinois under bond to Or
Kay and is being tapped by a o'K) loot
tunnel. It is thought that the original
pay chuto has been located once more,
Baby Mine.
K 1'. Ifaniium has been buililiuga
residence at the llahy Mine and will
make bis home there and give his per
soiml attention lo the development of
the property. Important addi'ions to
the mine's equipment are coulemplaled
Lel&nd Sittings
Since last writing we bad a nice gentlo
ruin, good for crops but not enough for
the miner. If we do not get the usual
amount ol ruin, it will work a hanilica
on the miner, also oil the storekeeper, as
wo will be obliged to do business on
credit Instead ol a cash basis.
Sumo ol our people will begin soon
to plant gardens if the weather con
tinuea warm.
. Mr. Kspey has sold his place, part of
the old llarkness ranch. It is aline
farm with plenty of water lor irrigation
Some of our men who havo been en,
ployed in thu placers aro going out to
prospect for quarts while tho weather
is appropriate.
e are glad Pick Is on deck agsi:
but think he is in error as to the annual
Night I law It saw. We think Niglil
Hawk needs something to quiet hi
J, J. Kiiinev is luid up for repairs
having run a nail into bis foot. A great
deal of railioad wood is being taken
away Iroui the Kinney short lino
Kinney is raising some Hue hor-es and
thinks his ranch especially adapted to
stock laisiug.
Tlie "dew drop" of 1. eland, has
changed hands. There is talk ol build
ing some houses lo rent in l.eland lo
uccoin module the incoming population
Hie Greenback mi no baa learns con
stantly hauling goods. .Thompson
store at Greenback would be a credit
to a city. Several mines are being
developed on the same mouutain, moat
of the oie tarrying dee gold. The In
man ledge, is coming to Ihe front and
the vein gets larger as he goes down
He has staid with it for severul eais
and is dcseiviug of success. lion.
Drydon Notes
l'lie weather is colder again.
Mr. Annett of Murphy was seen in
our valley one day U1 week.
Miss Hose lluritiou returned liou.e
from California where she has been
with her siller for the putt six mouths.
A number of the Iriends ol Mi.-a Net I it
Crooks gave her a surpiisii parly a lew
evenings belore site lett the vahey.
K I.. N'ollwaa attacked by a do
winch belonged to Mr. Crooks. Tlu
poor troy veiled lor help and ttie girl
came to the door and told him it was
lie and the dog for it the best scrapper
wjuldwiu the battle The boy won
bui Uw'. ihe back part oi his pants.
l'lie questioti for deha.e last Satui
day night was, "UegolvcU that the cow
i more uselul to mail lliau the luise."
llie decisiou was g.vea to tue negative.
A lew days ago, while T. G. Harmon
was crosMii tho mountains tiom Mur
phy lo Pr jdeti, be Ucilne chilled Willi
the rain and uigiit caiuo eu biui;t.r
tiled to go bait hut missed his path and
did not get to a house until six o'cio. k
the lu ll moruiiig.
1 will now lo give a lew la.'is
lu coniiecllou with the lite ol the .V.uh
cutl liros, l'hey were uaiites of North
Carolina. Tueyciin.i to Soutlieiu Oio
gou belore the diKovery ol gold luCalt
luruia. fhey weiu nieu vl educatlou
and considerable mouey and had livetl
in Sontheru Oregon atxiut two years
wheu they beard ol the ncu gold s.l His
m Caiiloruia. They at once lie to the
r.hloraao w nun luey naj ikao wauuug ;
lo tind lu Oregon, lit about laoyeaiaj
Ihuy cau bai'k tu Uu-ou auU willed
On the farm which is now owned by Mr.
Cass of Rumner, Iowa 1. For the first
few )ear thev were on thn plu'e.ll.ey
aereengiged in. Cock raising and were
very successful, but laier they rpened
mires in :lte Lead ualers ol l)-er i reek.
which proved n fiilure, ant ib.- then
gave ii., auemum In tne Murphy
creek wau in iud. TlieV Imped to
make tli; a toll rol ami in ike their
farm a str.iiiMiig iil, l ul their ineui'l
weie ex hans'ed and their f-..i;l,i:.un wha
gone, ai;d lliey ton U.e.r laiui to Jacob
M cl)aniel, at a veiy !o figure.
Merlin Notes.
II you wish a squa e m al go to
owcrs Hotel, Merlin, Or.
Mr. Mcintosh, ol this city spent a
few days this week at his old home ou
Woll Creek.
Itev. Stewattof Hugo, with a number
ol his Hugo friends, visited the Arcadian
Literarv socle. Friday evening
Mr J. M. Mark of Ashland returned
home after Laving s, en' two weeks
Visit, with I'rof. and Mrs, Mc Conutll ol
Ibis city.
Mr Towers has finished painting bis
ue hotel, which adds to its attractive
Mrs. Wm. Sanders is quite, ill at ber
borne in Merlin. We hope for a speedy
ejoveiy, and to see her on the slree'S
Mr Andrew Crow, we understand, has
purchased a fans near Galice, and will
soon move to ihe same to make hit
future home.
Mr Guy Colby, ol our city is visiting
friends at Wolf Creik.
Mr Harry Lewis ol Grants Tass was
see n on our slitels Saturday.
Mr S. P. McCoiinell, ol Murphy
visited our city Saturday, snJ spent i
few plea-atit hoars witb Prof, and M s
Mr r red lancie was on our streets
Mrs Fred Yancie and daugb'er made
a visit with friends in Grants las
Question for debate next Friday even
log by the Arcadian Literary Societv is
"Resolved thai water is more destruct
ive than fire". Niuut Hawk
Kodak films fresh every week at the
Cut in ku nllice.
County Court Proceedings
The following business was transacted
b the county court at the regular Jan
U iry, VM2, term :
The resignation of E. W. Kuykendall
as deputy county clerk, accepted, and
the upisiiiitment of T. P. Judson
deputy county clerk confirmed.
Liquor license granted to J. B. Auten,
ol placer, lor six months
The statement ol the counlv clerk lor
scalp bounties paid from the 1st day ol
Sept. to Jan. 1st, 1902, amounting to
fll)4, approved
Tax levy lor tlie ycai l'.lOl as follows
Hoad purposes, 2 mills, county, state
indigent, soldier and school purposes,
HO mills. Koad tax to be collected in
cash iu the same manner as other taxes
It waa ordered th.'. the troll tux be
collected in cash by the several roa
supervisors ol their respective road die
ruts, and Ihe proceeds expended upon
tbe roads in their district. In accordance
with the provisions ol the new road
In the mutter ol tbe road petition ol
Mai tin L. Law, et al, for wugon road
in west Grants 1'usb precinct the Baoie
was allowed.
Liquor license granted to K. K
Gibson ilt Co., of I. eland, for six monlhs
from January tub, 1.K)2.
In the mutter of establishing a new
voting precinct hereafter to be known as
Selma precinct, also as road district No,
14 embracing the following described
territory, to wit :
Commencing at a point 3 miles west ol
the NW corner ol Sec. 1! Tp. 38, S. R
H west, and run northeast to the ti
corner of said township 38, S. K. 8 west
thence NK lo north boundary of the
old Kerby precinct at a point where
said boundary crosses the summit of the
mountain dividing the waters of Soldie
creek and Deer creek; thence running
westward along the summit of said
mountain and the summit of the
niuii ii t hi ii dividing the waters of the
Illinois river and Ihe waters of Kogue
river to a point on said summit due west
of NW corner ol Tp. 35, S. R 7 west
thence west to the boundary line be
I ween Josephine and Curry counties
thence Bimth along said boundary 21 miles
thence east to the place ol beginning
also beginning at t lie month ol Peer creek
running thence down the north hank of
the Illinois river lo Ihe east liue ol rangt
J, Tp. 38, S; thence north along said line
to N W corner ol Sec. 30, Tp. 37, S. K
west ; tlieiieo east to Slate creek pre
cinct ; thence S. E. along hue of Sla
creek piecinct lo S. W. corner of Mur
pliv precinct ; thence south six miles to
the south !ius of Tp. 38, S. U ti west
thence along said range line lo S. W
corner ol. Sec. 31, Tp. 38, S. K. 7 west
thence NW through center o( sections
30, 2ti and 22 in Tp 3f, S K. 8 west
NW comer ol said section 22; thence
west to Ktghl Poilur mountain; thence
around the north side of said mountaii
to mouth ol Pier creek the place ol be
ginning. Oak Flat precinct is em
braced in the new votirg piecinct.
In tlie mat er of the road petition
1.. 1. Jennings, et al Ihe lollowing
named persons wrie appointed rout!
viewers: Geo l'iiehr, Wm Aiirid, J
Colhr, In go with the county sur ve) or
11 C lei kins lu view and survey said
road and report then finding al the next
regular lerni of II o county court.
In the leader ol er'a-gmg scuih
Grants Pass piecinct as petitioned foi
by Stephen Jewell an oidirwas mad
adding the following ds-eribt-d territory
lo south tlimits Pass precinct, to-wil
Itegiuuiiig at a point lure Allen rieek
ercs-es the south boundary Ii n of Tp
SO, S Re west, and follow iig
towu-diip line iu a westerly direction to
the S. W. corner of Se. 33, Tp. laj, S It
6 west; thence north lo K 'tee liver
the same being cut od (rem Sla'e cret
A new jury its' oi .-i n-uea was
drawn for the year ll'2
tue lollowing uame.i pcrtim were
appointed judges and clerks of e'vctioo
to ,etxr
lor two yrars:
G rants Pass pretinrt. J C
. CaiiiiMI, J O Booth and J J Kiier,
judges; Cslvin Wells, Geo Blover and
B 1 Plummer, clerks.
8ou(b Grants I ass W E Dean, H
Z Her and S epben Jewell, judges; T
Y Iean, J A Jennings aud H C lVrLn,-, '
clerks. .
Weet lirants Pass J Christie, Wm
Alfred and ;I5enj Dimmick, jnlges;,
X Revnolds, C L Ederton and J E
Piterson, clerks.
Wolf Creek E l Wallace, II C Mc i
tntosli sna A B nosenoeum. juues,
E K Dunbar, S. C. Ruble .Ld 1 1 uk,h '
Mt Keuben preciuci W A Klum.j
W Virtue and U Kaig, judges; W II
Dana, W Thorpe and ii-o B Archer,
Ualice precinct Eugene Merrill, Geo
Green and Tom Emery, judges; J t
Mattlson, James Hartley and Ed Friday,
Leland precinct A A Porter W H
Hampton snd T J Macltin, judges; R U
Viitue, W S Webb sud U 1. Wilson,
Merlin precinct-Milt ReynolJs, 14
Crockett, snd T I Eveiton, judges;
Cbas Ladd.Geo Guild and W A ilnsfio,
Lucky Queen precinct J C Dysert, S
Harris and C 11 Ilarwood, judges;'')!
M Gorbam, C D Crane iiid Joseph
Pollock, clerks.
Murphy precinct Lee Sill, O F Gent-
ner snd W S Baily, judges; E M Cocker
line, A D Cuslar, aud J 8 McFadden,
Williams precinct O M Caldwell,
CO Bigelow and J N Gotcher, judges ;
J M John, Ira Hparlin and Ulake Hald
win, clerks.
Slate Creek precinct C F Lovelace,
Gen Lewis and Sherman Jess, judges;
Orr ISrown. John II Robinson and J B
Burrough, clerks.
Kerby precinct I O Turner, J F Slitb
and R Sowell, judges; George Wells,
I. F Sparhawk and Geo Floyd, clerks.
Selma precinct, J G Hiatt, J J Moll
and M D L Crooks, judges ; A F Nelson,
Ed F Hathaway and Albert Shoemake,
Althnue precinct Ed McCann, Jos
McCourt and Ed Holland, judges; W A
Leonard, J M Heyferth and C A Tn-
fethan, clerks.
Waldo precinct Sam Eggers, W J
Wiraer and. Tom Oiligan, Judges; K P
George, W R Whipple, aud Ora Smith,
Ferry license issued to Elisha Frankum
for tbe term of two years lo run a ferry
across Rogue riyer in Sec. 1, Tp. 35, S R,
7 west.
Ed Lister, sheriff of Josephine county,
presented the delinquent tax roll for the
year l'.OO together w ith hit report for
the amount of taxes collected and the
amount delinquent and the same after
examination lonud to be correct. It
was ordered that the delinquent tux le
credited to his account.
The tax ou block 78 in the O T S was
remitted ou the grounds that the same
was nsed for public purposes.
Geo W Lewis, of Wildeiville, was ap
pointed road master for the ensuing
year, at the salary of $2 50 per day for
tbe actual number of days worked.
Will Anderson appointed road super
visor of road district No. 14 known as
tbe Selma voting precinct.
The following bills were audited and
ordered paid:
WitnesafeeH Sept term cir. court t 11 30
Jurors fees Sept term cir. court. . 1 III 8'
Kd l.istor, milso, prisoners, etc.. 160 48
Jos Felzuur, Preiu Ins policy.,.. 20 CO
J A Jennings, Prem Iui policy. .. 40 00
M P 1) A 1. Co. in Ise, biidges 40 (14
Cbas Pecker, mdse paupers PS 15
UP N W LA PCo 37 1R
I T Tavlor, trees 118 2)
I T Taylor, stamps ft 2ij
It I, llartlett stamps, express, etc SI lo
K Coron mdse court house 11 (10
Lincoln Savage. stamps ltd Kx... 8 "S
llair-Kiddle tlwd. Co. mdse ... 4 7r
W K Nipper, nulse 11 87
Tbos Hulls, milse pauper 112 0)
Wm Neicer, work bridnes. ...... 0 0't
llenrv Parks, work bridge 71 00
Mark Hunch " " hi) .r0
I B Itenson, rare paupers ..... (o4 1'7
Cbas Crow, assessors salary 3i 00
Oregon Observer, printing 78 60
A M "allaiii, work bridges ti (HI
II 1. Wilson, mdse paupers 10 00
K II Schmidt, mdse roads ft 00
S P u & L Co. mdse roads 12 !W
lames llolman, b es 411 Pft
John Handle, lees 2ti HO
Witness fees, stale rases 10 4"i
lurors foes, state cases d 00
E A Wade, mdse paupers 10 00
K Sowell, work bridges 114 00
I'ave tii'moie, w rk on I rtdg a . ft4 no
Sain As'rll, work nn b i lires . .. 70 On
I M Smock. nide psninrs 14 ;10
(ilaas A Prnillieinii'S, s'a'ioiiery . k S;t
I O Hoolh, board pnuper 14 (Vi
Abe Ax'ell, exp uses bridges.... 10 (io
K W Clause, print d I tax hat. . 12 0"
M W Wilbur, in be pao-er ;o Oi
I II Miller, mde pauper III! 00
W E llean A Co, mdse pauper .. I I 30
H C II ibzein. nid.-e paupers . . . '.'.", !
W J Sovsrns, Mrs, uni-e pau er. 3 0'
tieo Crouk, dicging gr .ve paup. 4S Hi
1) 1. r.dccMon. mle pnip.r '2 00
l I' Hrow nirg, ind-e piup-r .... 10 I 0
Clenirn". lutls panpers . ... 20 l.ri
V S WooOi-ocS, ,V hridtfea. JiSi -H
I W Cotlman, work Indies 4 51
I.ouip Axtell, work on bridges... 32 in1
Norton, sprinsllng streets , . 2 00
1 ieo Kurtuau, 1. p. asesora Sal. '2S Oil
W M Hunch, work on roads .... 4 ft.i
S P 1 I. Co, mdse roads 12 i7
Irwiu-llodson Co, stationery 21 Ol1
A .M rris, road sup 50 tsl
K K Moms, road woik ( 0
I M Hrig, road sup.. 1 00
W II Curtis, road sup ,ri7 Oil
Henry liross, road sup r4 .0
Kd Kndav road sup j2 Oo
A Porter, road sup 10" 0 i
lieo McCorinick, road sup lt Oo
J K Swindrn, road sup Wi M
r J Kenn.-dv, " u a i
tieo W Lew i-i, " " 60 0".l
Homer White, '' " 82 (II
Clie Major, med attend paup . . 30 10
Cbas Hart, rare pauper 0
IV r K renter, nulse. pauper 21 25
I M Chiles, " 10 oo
lb n Mitchell, ru lse. biidges .... tU 40
u MoUul laid, " " 8 ft
l rattier l.ros, unlse. survevor. ... S (-i
Irwin-Hodson Co., stationery. . . .
I'has l.add, draw jury list
Crockett, asst draw jury list. .
fas 11 liarl, " ' "
lurors lees, coroner's in.juest. . . .
K W hivetv, care bod
Kied Viilue, :ndr-e. lor pauper. . .
John Orr, care of body,.
I. A. Hood, Coroner's fees
J. W Keeves, asst. draw Jury list
tialice ' . . .
M. A. Williauis, asst. draw Jury
list liaiice
K. S. Merrill, Uraw Jury list';;;!
T. K.Croiton, view road
lieii.t'ronk " M
Uerj Ihiiuck " "
K. K li-mick, Chaininan
K. Kyol, Ctiatnman,
I. Ilamner, Annan,
II Kimi.-k. "
H. C Perkins, Stirveving
Kogue Kiver turier. Printing. . . .
Diegon Mining Journal " ....
Sick Those, Commrs salary
John Welle, Com mm salary
John Wells, Work Koads
oo I ;
3 0
2 00
2 00
fi t
1 tlO
1 00
1 (V)
23 05
2 00
2 (Vi
3 tvt
3 20
3 20
3 (X
: so
2 w
2 M
2 oo
17 W
23 10
20 40
2 ri
12 00
Court adjourn a ithout day aa to coon-
j t businetr,
The Grip, Rheumatism and Col l in the Head can be speedi ly
relieved by a Turkish Bath. With the
Oue can enjoy a Turkish. Russian or Medicated Bath at home
at a small cost. ' have a few of the old style round Cabinets
which are ju. Kod in effect as the later improved Cabinets
if not quite as convenient, for $3 oo.
. . . ,., r, c oo
Latest Improved squire Cabinets, $3.oo.
Racine UaDinetS, ft2.oo.
Opposite Hotel Josephine.
The Grants Pass Opera House
One Week
Commencing Monday, Feb. 10
Saturday Matinee
The Wyoming' Mail
The viilano Parson
Which has been drawing big houses all along
tlie line, will bo at the
Friday, January 24th
One Night Only.
The ''Village Parson" will enact his life's story in this inspir
ing and interesting play, which has been well constructed and por
trays human emotions, true pathos and sympathies. The comedy
element has also been kept in mind.
The cast is made up of many prominent dramatic players, and
new and superb scenery is employed. The production is most com
plete in every respect.
The Old Reliable Implement Hoiise
of Southern Oregon still leatls in a largo new stock of
Plows, Drag-tooth, Spring-tooth and Disk Harrows. Farm
and Heavy-draft Wagons, Hacks, Carriages and Buggie
Plow repairs, Water and Gas Pipe, Plumbing goods,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oils Etc.
1 II. NCI 131 IDT.
(Pud Album, n)
The Great Poultry Food
Price SOc
-AT -
31. Clemens,
Orinn f ronii oppo. 0pn House.
ton lcnitur U oa (Terr ho, of ttat (eouls
Laxative Bromo-Quinine tm,u
U rmdr Ui run a cll la oar da.-
Vou Know Whait Vou Arc
Whenyi u Uk .irov Tal!es Chill
Tonic. b a. i Hit furniu'.au plainly rnnt
ed on rvfry bottle Uuins- tlui it U ,im-
y.j iron ana v;.iiiiiii in a U-iru form
No Cure, No l ay. JOt.
Joseph Moss,
A Young Wife
For Fair Virginia
Nell Gwynn
Dad's Girl
The Sultan's Daughter
25, 35 and 50 Cents.
Popular Prices.
Guaranteed to Equal Any $100
E. L. KING. Gen. A,t.
ilti .uiisoine St,
San Francisco
Your Doctor
Disease willi medicine.
tUe medicine is uot right he
can not conquer disease. If
Hie druggist does his duty
the medicine will be right,
and your doctor will stand a
fair chance of winning the
You can help your doc
tor by having your prescrip
tions filled by
Slover Drag Co.
Oppoite Depot.
i GlrrtlM The,
..?.'elme0' B,,ckln, Arnica Pair,
"thetinth. worlj, txtnitroncj
the earth. It's (he or,. r.,i.
P.,,. r - rv"iutiuru
v.'rus, liurni,
S'ld. r.oi:-, flcere,
rm and all 8kin
infallible l'ile cuie.
Broieee, Sorea,
Feloni, Ache,
Erup'.iona. (nly
- a be x at Dr.
I Kreiner'e.