Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 02, 1902, Image 2

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Publlehsd Evry Thursday.
Bubecrlntlon Rated
One Year, in edravce,
Six Monthi,
Thro Unntha.
Binirla Oodim. -.(
Advertising Rata
Fnrnlabed on application at tb office, or
by mail.
Props. a Mnob
oat offlc at Grant Fan,
Oregon, a second-class niail matter.
Kntered at tn posi
Happy New Year I
Dont forset to data your letter 1902.
Mat a New Year' resolution to d
your shopping before ball-past sir.
GoTtroor John R. Rogers, of Wash
ington died on Friday last. He had
been ill for some tim and bis death bad
been expected lor torn day. Lieut.
Governor McBride was insngorated as
governor on Saturday.
Governor Shaw, of Iowa, was tendered
nd ha accepted th treasury portfolio,
to succeed Secretary Gage. Th new
secretary doe not declare the policy
which be will pursue in tbe cabinet, bat
be ci pressed himself In favor of an
"elastic currency."
CboUlongkorn I, king of Blaai, wishes
to visit America, and a bill lo provide
for hi entertainment Is now before Icon'
grew. Tbe king, if be comes, will cross
1th ocean In hi private yacht, landing
. n Han Francisco where b will be met
by a repreaeotative of the government,
We have heard tbat "bell I paved
with good intentions," bat w crave
leave to donbt the statement and be
lieve Ibe party to have been misinformed
Uood lutentlons are moat commendable
things. Even if tbey are never put
Into practice, their Influence is toward
Improvement. And the New Year's
resolution ! not to be derided. A
resolution to do better i In order at
any time.
A petition la being prepared for
presentation to tbe ceanty court to
secure certified copies of the field notes
of public survey and keep tbe same on
flic In the office of tbe county surveyor.
At the present time, whenever It Is
eeeseary to refer to field notes, they
have to be eocured from th surveyor
general' office in Portland, with loss of
tim snd unnecessary expense. The
petition it on that tbe cltlsens should
A Washington correspondent say s It
wawilh feeling of material satisfaction
Ibat congress took It holiday recess
this year for sn exceptional amount of
work bad been accomplished snd prepa
ration bad been made for tbe prompt
consideration ol many measure on
reconvening. On Wednesday afternoon
the Philippine tariff bill wa passed by
the house. On Monday the nat had
ratified the Hay-Paancefot treaty; in
th house Representative Hepburn'
Nlcaragoan Canal bill had been reported
nd January 7th, the day after congress
will reasaembl, bad been fixed upon
lor it consideration, it will come up
on that day bat will probably be under
consideration for at least a week before
it la finally passed. Sea a tor Morgan'
bill for tbe lame purpose bad been
reported favorably by the committee on
Intaroceanla canal and will be taken
np on lb floor of th senate toon after
th holiday, although It may have to
live place, for day or two, lo tb
Philippine tariff bill which will com up
from th bouse and the passage of which
th administration I ssost anxious to
aee accelerated. Already tbere are
gathering Washington niso who expect to
ecuro contract on the canal and hope
for a liberal (bare of tbe 1180,000,000
which th canal will cost. I noticed
bout the corridor some of the gentle
men who arc Interested In beet sugar
nd sbo are said lo be in Washington
for the purpose of preventing legislation
which will admit Cuban augar to th
market of the United State at less the
the present duty. I asked a venerable
senator how lobbyists worked. "Con
trary to popular supposition" he said,
A clever lobbyist doe not offer bribe,
"lhat I crude and almost aseless
method of procedure in Washington.
I venture to say that th most liberal
offer of money could not obtain ten
vote In congress."
. I
Oregon Farmer's Congreee,
The Oregon Farmer' Congiee will
b held st Salem, January 6th to 91b.
1902, inclusive. TheOregon Dairymen'
Association and tb Oregon Livestock
Association will bold their annual meet
ing at tbe same lime and place. The
Fruit Man. State Grangs and Hop Men
will also be represented. Tb Oregon
HUt Board of Agriculture will likewise
bold special meetings for tbe parpese el
preparing a program for next year's
Stat Fair.
la view of the recent rapid advance
ment in Ux.-x raiting and dtirying
throughout III dale, l Ins uiretlng should
bi of gn at benefit to all iuteresicd in eg-
iulturo and an unusual large attend
"For he ocxaidoM the Southern Pa
cific will gran r0lld u ral, ot
tare and one-tblid, ltl, certificate
plan, to those attending, -.
Kerby Items.
Thsdancson Christmas night was s
derided succeas and all reittrt an enjoy
able time.
omer White has moved to tow a
ring sold his farm to Mr. Carter.
KF. McNiel recently shot a panther,
on Caco( which measured over nine
fist in Unglb.
Mr. Forte is on to sick list this week.
C. II. Llbby of Holland, was la town
Tuesday lor tour horse lied ol lumber.
Al Adam ha moved into hi new
bout above town.
Geo. Floyd, who has been laid up
with rheumatism, is much improved.
David and John Boar are visiting
at Holland.
ine are dosed riuwu owing
jm I
We are giving away to our customers some handsomely dec
orated, band painted China with cash purchases.
Buy your goods of us and get a
1 Fine Set of Dishes
one or more at a time FREE.
9 We earnestly ask you to call and Inspect it. You will surely
want it.
Red Star Store.
Ft-rvn f crrrwf rir.r-ri IVn.f
k A VU t e3l VWI VJ'J'V A-'VVSt,
to lb cold weather and scarcity of
Mrs. John Smock pasted through
town yesterday enroule to Grant Pas.
Mis Minnie Johnson and Mits Mule
8ey(erth of Holland have been visiting
friends at Kerby during tbe holiday.
Dryden Note.
(Received too late for last issue.)
It 1 much warmer than it was few
day (go.
Ralph Moore wa seen on oar street
s few day ago.
L. F. Scott I slowly recovering fioui
the shock he received from tbe fall.
Mr. Jacob Hansetb went to Grants
Pas to get supplies for the Clirhtiuas
K. C. Churchill ha at Isit captured
tb coyote which has been killing ll
Mr. Walton says th writer wa
mistaken for h ba gone out ol the 8ib
Cha. Harmon ha purchased a new
spring wagon and has broken a span of
bay (tear to the yoke. If any of the
girl want buggy just call on Charles.
W are Informed Burt Hogue is build
ing s dwelling on bi farm near Hrlina.
Here is a good chsnce for torn pretty
girl for Bert I good fellow and poor
Since the Courier' correspondent
announced th course of wort he
expected to take sp, there seems to be a
great deal of wondering a lo who th
writer is and bow he I going to carry
out tb line of work he has outlined.
Don't worry about this, friends, for the
work will be done and th writer will
peak tbe truth and will endeavor to
make tbe work Interesting ill the way
Wllll,me Item.
(Received loo late for last Inane )
Fred Rose visited friends lo Medford
last week.
Frank Bryan want into the city first
of th week.
Nelson Warner and Cues, King went
lo Grant Pass Sunday.
n 111 Wbisnian ha gone to Grants
Pa to spend the winter.
A very merry Christmas aud prosper
ou New Year to all our resders.
J, Whlsman and sou Frank went lo
Merlin to pnd th holidays with rela
Mines Mollis and Uarhulo
visited for short time in your city last
Mr. and Mrs. Lein Traak went to
Grant Pas Mouday to do their Christ
mas shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Dickson arilvid
here last week. They expect to re
main bobs time.
Emma Goodwin expects lo tnaka
hsr futur home with her sister. Mrs.
Kellogg in California.
Th company have begun work
using machinery run by steam at I he
Oregon Bonansa mine.
Mr. Nick Kim snd children, Harvey
and Gladys visited Mr. K'i mother,
Mrs. C. H. Stephens of this nlac.
Mr. and Mr. J. K. Reeves and family
expect to speud the holidays with th
latter' parent, Mr, and Mrs. M. Chap
msn of till place.
Hugo Iteme.
Sunday school, Sunday at I o'clock.
A larg crowd attended.
Remember the basket Social nn New
Year's eve, all ladle bring baskets.
Procted to get literature for the ISuuday
Thedanre at Mrs, Trlplelt's Friday
eveulug, Dec. i7, wa excellent. The
hostess and her sous led nolhinc un
done to enhance the pleasure ol I heir
guests. Good DiU'lc, good supper, a
good tim with all.
Tlx ball al Mr. William I'urdt's
Christmas eve was a succs betoml
words to rxprs. Everybody enjoyed
Iheiuaelvr and the supper too. We
long for aaotber that w uuy trip the
faatastic toe lo those sweet strain ol
Ever body visited Grant !' this
week to consult Santa Glaus about
lonas, and tba result of his advice will
dwell in the heart and memories with
vjprsciatian and gratitude for the gifts
vx.lved, lor years to come. It
bat beeo K miw( enjoyable and happy
Xaa In Hugo K. 0, ,n,e.
Hugo I. th ltveet v. ,h, iilUo,
Chicago. It i to hav. a tln 4.tboeuai
built this spring, then ecanh,et
theater similar to tbe Baldwin or Cali
fornia, and play some ot Shakespeare's
plays, or "Around the World In Eighty
Da)s," and all who wish to attend up to
date, respectable balls will come to
At lb literary society, December 28ih
there wa a large attendaur. Th
question "Resolved that wealth causes
more crime and misery than poverty,"
was ab'y ditcoised on both sldie
The negative won. Question (or nest
iSaturday, "Retolved lhat education Is
more beneficial to mankind than
wealth." All are invited lo attend and
Loltxnd Sifting.
A Happy New Year to every one.
Little Earl Cox lis been sick but Is
improving at present.
Our dance drew s crowd from all th
surrounding town) we bad ample
accommodations for all.
We don't know what to think of
"Dick". Poor fellow, p-rhsps lis Is sick
If be i snd needs any help w will
gladly help him.
Time are very lively here. We had
a big inarquerade ball Christmas ere
Every thing passed off pleasantly and
the people enjoyed themselves hugely
Fat turkey did rooster have been In
great demand aud brought good prices
A we are a busy, prosperous people,
everybody had money to buy, so all
bad plenty to eat,
Some of our folk went to Grauta Pass
to take in the Christmas sights. Our
tore did rushing business. More
clerks were needed but rary one was
willing to wait bit turn.
Mr. Uox and McJee have returned
from the upper Applegate where they
went to work on their quarts ledge
They report lively time tbere a buyer
bar com Into that section to buy or
bond the mine. Th ledge are rich in
We are having nice, balmy, sunshiny
weather, very bad for the miner.
I'lsnty of idle men here laying off, wait
ing (or tba rainy weather, but our quarts
mine are running at their fullest
capacity. Some did not lay off, even for
Chrlttmat, they were to eager to develop
their ledge.
Mr. and Mr. O. W. Ckapin were in
our town one day last week laying In
supplies for tho holidays. He said be
would rather have a little mad this time
ol the year than lo be back east and
fieute. We think O. W. knows what he
is talking about for h ba travelled
aitensively in the east and alto on tbit
Some of tb farmers are plowing at
present. Compare that with the cold,
frosen itatet. Cattle on the range are
doing well, needing no ieed as yet. To
penp'e coming from the east now it
eean a if we are havinir aurini
wsather and that spring had already
opened, but we can look for some
disagrenalilo weather yet.
Home of our pr.xp.x'tors went away
ait slimmer, aUo some of our population
that have famili,, hut most of tins
came back as Ihey failed to find anv
thing as good as they have in Josophine
county. A we occupy a position be
tween the extreme wetness of Washing
ton and northwestern Ureirnii and the
ilrynessol California have a climate
lhat Is hard to excel. Just think : when
I was In Canada, we had six months ol
cold, raw, winter weather and every
thing froie up. No wonder people like
southern Oiegnii.
Wllliama lleme.
Will Whitman cam i up from Grants
I'aae Monday,
Otl Tryer spent a few days in Grant
1'ass last week.
Marshall Htitcn was
days last week.
Dr. Major made a
to Wllliama Saturday,
Win. I.ojuard vieiu-d !hia mother St
Althoute a short time last eek.
Miss Mattie McUue spent several
days at Eagle l'ulnt visiting her brother.
J a. ins Gibson returned to his work
Saturday alter a week' visit with hi
in tho city a few
professional iiit
Union meetings are being held at the
Kenuedy Chapel. All are invited to
be pretent.
Mrs. E. E. Topping put Christ niaa
wit'i her daughter, Mrs. Minerva Top
ping, of l'rovolt
Mrs J. W. Hward and daughter.
Miss Eu!a. 'iit a lew djya wiib the
luimvr's parents ot ihia place.
Mr. (.has. Mratlon left for Spokane
Saturday, Mr.. Mrailou remaining lor
a short time lo visit with relaliv,
The Sunday schools of the Itaptist and
Methodist churches met at the Itaptut
church in their uusrierlv rvview.
Sunday, December Jit, 1901. Alter a
lengthy review leaniii, dinner was
served outside the church which, owing
tolheculd weather, aaa uotenjojrd as
much as usual. In the afternoon a
short program was (oliowed by a long
discussion on "Who is to blame for
Sunday school scholars bring painfull
deficient In the knowledge of the
-nipleel facts ol the bib:T'" Mcsdames
lllodv Hedgepeth and Mitchell gave
lutereetiug ik, 00 illbjtwl- T,e
banner wa agav, ....j to
Mathodiat Sunday schou. tl,Py having
21 present every funday and n yrag
attendance ol 3d Tu Baptist hav SO
regular pupil and an average of u,
Tb Methodist Sunday school not un
derstanding the meaning ol the colli!,
a little eaplaualion was neotaary iu
ord.r that the aork might go on
hariujiiioualy for the nut quarter.
flDlnlng Tlotes"
Jones Creek Strike.
Sidney and Melvin Andrews havt
recently made a s'rike ou Jones creek
near the Dry Diggings lhat bid fair to
become on of large importance aeli
a great productiveni i. The fii.d I
loca'ed near the lop of the mountain,
at Ibe bead of a gulch that was worked
a a placer u.sny )ear ago and paid
richly. Ii is on - ground owned by
Veade A Hons and Ine Andreas brother
have seemed the privilege of working
this find nn a percentage baaia.
Ill tracing i t a pn ket, they rut a
little seam of red ochre about an inch
wide al the turfaco and this ochre.
when panned, yielded marvelous re
turns. Tbey began to sink down on Ibe
team and now at a depth of six feet it
ba attained a width of six Inches.
The seam is of soil, red ochre and pai s
freely. Th gold is very fine but the
ochre Is full of it. Each panful yield
along (tring of fine color. Average
pan of the stuff run from 26 lo M cents,
Tb rapidly increasing dimensions of
the vein makes it possible to work tb
ground on quite an extended scale and
the present prospects encourage belief
in tb existence of a large deposit of the
auriferous matter.
P. & P. Mine.
The mammoth quarts property ri
cently located by Perkint A Pike in
the Dry Diggingi district it assuming
yet more extended proportions and
larger values a it i further developed
nd invcrtigated. He claim to be the
biggeat low grade proposition in the
world I not wild statement. Its
width wat first stated at 200 feel but it
hat been found much greater. A sin ft
it now being sunk 400 ftet from Maple
gulch, and at a depth of 10 feet, tbe
assays give values of $u per ton. A mill
lest of the lower grade rock from the
other tide of tbe lode gave returnt ol
ahotit $1 60 In tree gold betides good
values in concentrates. The or is soft
and could he mined and milled with
great rapidity and very little cost, the
values in the rock being virtually great
ly multiplied by this fact, as compared
with ordinary quart. Tb liluation
and nature of the ore greatly facilitate
working on a large scale. There are
million of Ions of tbe ore in sight and
mill of almost any cpacity could be
kept busy.
Oregon Bella Mine.
Thos. Rsid, who, in company wi b
Broad Bros, own the Oregon Belle mine
iu the Applegate district, wa lu Med
lord last Saturday for th purpose of
shipping to Ssn Francisco tb result of
a recent clean up at the mine. Theie
were 6i ounca of amalgam and It was
shipped through the Jackson county
bank. Th exact value ot the ship
mint cannot be ascertained until the
return ar received, but at $16 an
ounce, a conservative estimate, it would
eiiiuum to ? iuo. iu uregon ltelle is
on ot tb Headiest producer in the
country and Meair. Broad and Reid
ar to be congratulated upon their good
lortune, which tbry richly deserve.
TL! L! . i . -
iuib auipnieni i not me Urrt by any
mean which they hav mad this
seaion, but I the largest to far. Mail.
Platinum it found in this county and
Is quite widely distributed, though the
quantities heretofore secured ar not
great. In many of the placer platinum
sufliclent in quantity for profitable con
sideration it secured iu the sluices with
tu gold, more especially where the
terpentine formation it present. Th
metal occurs in a native state, in small
gruint or flakes. Quantities of it have
been thrown away in this county by
miners who were ignorant of ill identity
and value.
Serpentine seems to ba the source ol
th platinum. Serpentine Is con
sidered as among the very neweat ol the
rock formationt and even the ignorant
cn appreciate thit view hy mere obser
vatlon, a th serpentina is always com
paratively barren of timber and carry
ing very little soil. Th terpentine
mountains are steep and rugned, with
abrupt cliffs ami precipices. .Tbe grain
of terpentine rock gnails and twists in
every conceivable shape and the rock
fragments have a peculiar, make like
shiny luster, which gives tho rock iu
name. The little grains of platinum
occur in the interstices uf the seroun-
Serpentine ia the predominant forma
tion in the western part of thi couiilv
and vaet belts ol this rock abound there.
All the streams draining Ibis section are
plaliuuiu producers and the metal is
also found In the sands of th sea coast
wherever the serpentina fotuiatiou is
Merlin Nolee.
Hen Siiiiptins was in Merlin Sun-
dw apent Christina in
Gal ici
Mr, Louis Cro
Grant Pass.
Mr. W. A. Powers went to
creek Kri lav,
Mr. and Mrs l-an;ennan apeut Chriap
mat at li rants Paw.
nir. wcer uuiiii spent Christmas with.
his parents al Merlin,
iraniliua S nipklns was the guest ol
Mrs. Jan lyler a few days Ian aevk
Tbe belfry ou the school building has
oeen completed, except pa uting, which
will be done soon.
Mr. Keyle returned lo the mines al
Mrile creek to resume work, alter a lew
days visit witb hi family at home.
Died-The little eon ol Mr. and Mra.
Wui. Jordan, age about two years. In al the Pleasaut Valley Ceme
tery, Messr. G. Colby and C. 11. Mcintosh
pent Christmai at their home, return
ing to Merliu Friday to resume work in
th blacksmith shop.
On night recently anile Night Hawk
was taking one o( his evening walks be
saw a queer looking animal; when it ran
it Jumped ; when it stood it eat. had
eyea like a bug. had uo tail at all, 'most.
"Dies" and "Bob," what wa it think
Tlie parlies lhat were so much iu need
ol a well rope as to take Mr. Oil's from
th well on Christmas ulght, were evi
dently overcome by a guilty conscience,
th rope wa found in the comer ol
lb yard th following eiorniug by th
Tbe subject for debate by the literary
society next Friday evening is: "Re
solved, that ministers ar more destra -
live to poultry than polecat." Slight
Hawk invitee all minister lo be present
and come prepared to defend themselves
against th akunkt.
Mr. Edward Bland of Merlin, had
quit an exciting adventure one day last
weak with a wild cat. While Mr. Bland
was lilting in the bous he heard a com
motion among the chiciena. Hushing
out ba aw the cat with a large hen. and
immediately called bis dog to hit attiit
anceand both rushed out to th rrtcoe
of the hen. Mr, Bland, thinking beat
for the dog to make the first attack,
hissed him on the cat. The cat soon
bad th dog down and hi wind shut off
to short pant. Mr. Bland, fearing the
cat would kill bjtb hen and dog, inter
fered, and attempted to thool tbe cat,
but unfortunately got a tbell fattened in
bi gnn. Seeing tbe cat ttili had Ik
dog down, Mr. Bland ran in and atruck
th cat witb th barrel of hi rifle. Th
cat at once let go hi bold on tb dog and
seised Mr, Bland snd tore bis clothing
quite badly. Mr. Bland seeing he waa
in for a hard fight renewed bis efforts
ud after a tiriT (ucceeded in killing the
vicious boast by atnking it with hit
gun. Bui before th tragedy wat over,
it wat hard lo tell which bad the ahort
ett pant.
Mxblik NionT Uaws.
Iteme From Greenback.
Our school began on Monday Decern
ber 30th witb Miss 8acklt, of Medford,
a teacher.
Quit a number of change ar taking
place on th first ot ths year. A happy
new year to every on.
Mrs. L. ;Kllis, hat goue to Colore
county, Calif, lo spend the winter a her
health it not good "here.
Mr. Archie Virtue ha moved to
Leland lo take charge of tbe hotel while
In brother Bob it absent.
The weather is fine, more like spring
lhan winter, although the mornings are
frosty but clear. No fog.
Mn. Cline it on th sick list having
n attack of pneumonia but it 1 thought
he I belter, having arrested the
d rata 1 efore getting leriout.
Mr. Anderson, also is lick with a very
bal io d but nothing serious. Hi
dargiiler, Mts Maude, isat horn from
Aahland for the holiday. She return
to school ou Wednesday, January 1st.
Mr. Dick Vest met with quit an
accident. A piece of steel brok off
from tb hammer, sticking into bit
band between tb thumb and But
finger, ttriking an artery, which caused
profuse bleeding and made quite
painful wound. He it laid up for a week
or two for repair.
Christmas paassd off very quietly in
our little village, quit a number taking
vacation. Mr. and Mr. R. L. Demaree,
Mr. Harry Jones, Mr. William Neff and
Mr. W. Trabn going to Grant Peas, all
excepting Mr. Neff attending the D. of
H. ball. Mr. and Mr. Hyde and Mr.
Harry Jones want to San Francisco oa
th excursion, the other returning to
Greenback en the 28tb. Quite num
ber attended the mask ball at Leland.
Tke RoaaaaXle Sloey t at Llweola
(IU.,) Ha r ana'm
A poor harness maker, Edmund H.
Mollar, who has lived at Lincoln, 111.,
for 30 years, la on th eve ot coming
Into possession of an estate In Aus
tralia said to be worth $730,000.
Moller waa one of two eons born to
a Dublin silversmith and his wit:
Nearly 40 year ago the father went
to Australia. Subsequtntly the moth
er started in eearch of him, but died
In New Orleans. Then an older broth
er of Edmund's father took up the
aearch and found tbe father In Syd
ney, N. S. W, where he had become
He communicated hi discovery to
Edmund, and the latter eng-aged In a
correspondence with his father, who
recognised their relationship.
The elder Moller died many year
nim, and hi family in Sydney re
fuaed to reoofrnixe or consider the
clnlm of the eon at Lincoln. Through
the American consul at Sydney Kd
mund Moller gained Information and
proof tatabliehintr his claim to his
father's estate, of which he is the
to Be riaMi is WotM kr
OoaUMto Oasatrwedss; Is
law! PUe Tkan,
Robert Tlbblta. the contractor who
for the last aeven month ha been
building the United StaW-a govern
ment coaling atation and pier In the
hnrlior of Pairo-rago, In the Rainoan
ialanda, hai arrived at San Francisco.
He any the pier and other atrueturea
coating Hoo.uoo. will be turned over
to the government hi about three
mouths. The pier Is 3M feet long
and K0 feet wide. It is made entirely
of alee!. All the piles are of steel.
They measure nine inches In diame
ter, and vary In length from 30 to 70
feet. On the shore Juat back of the
projecting pier ia a large steal build
ing 140 fret long by 100 feet wide.
Thia ia to be a repoaitorv for 10.000
tona of coal. Another ainular build
ing ia to be erected. Mr. Ttbbita de
clares that there ia no doubt that
l'ago-1'agu ia the finest coaling sta
tion in the world.
A Grrskl ro.l!wo.y.
Tn Chicago, Milwaukee A HI. Past
Ra.lway owus and operate orer 6,600
mile of thoroughly equipped road In III
Inois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, South
Dacota, Missouri aud the Upper Peuin
ula of Michigan.
It own and operates all equipment in
service on its line including Sleeping
Cars and Dining Car, maintaining an ex
cellence of service unequaledou any rail
way In th wirhl.
It has been a Pioneer in the North
west and West in tb us ot th block
system io th operation of it train, in
th lighting ol train by electricity, heel
ing by (team and many other progree
iv methods, which hav added safety,
comfort and luxury to trav-il. It it al
alaayt th leader In lhat direction.
Th Pioneer Limited Train between
Chicago, St. Paul and Mionearoli hav
tb costliest and handsomest Sleeping
Car in the world and the beet Piping
Car service.
Time table, map and infonnatloa
urnibed on application to O. J. Eddy,
Gen tral Agint, 13 Third St, Portland
xtasr ssl rivaat Wars: Txtadls
li4 r CsseJMsa is
AsrBBt stela.
sponsible for many changaa In c4al
condition, snd one of thae la lb I
growth of an entirely new else of
aervanta, aaya the New York Sm. j
Moat of the hotels have auitet wo
mall to accommodate a maid If mt
than on per eon occuplea them. The
eoet of keeping a maid under these
elrcumatancea I increased by tbe fast
that a fixed aum la charged eve-y
weak for ber meals, (
In a hotel, for Instance, where tie
maximum rate ia tit a week for meal,
th maid ar likely to coat ix or
eight dollar. Combined witb the coal
of lodging thl price practically puuj
female eervant beyond the mean)
of all but the wealthy, aa the wages,
re U0 a month, mor or leaa, to be
gin with.
So th new kind of maid come etther
by th day or at th time during the
week that aha is most required. If
aba la not needed regularly, ae lap
pen often, h may com two or three
time a week or only on th reception
day of the tenant of the apartment.
Th Incrcaa In th number of apart
ment hotel ha led to a great demand
for women of this kind. One woman
who foreeaw the business to be had
from thia olaaa of tarries ha opened
an agency and aenda out women for
thl Irregular work. Thiy ar aa s
rule woman who prefer to live at hom
and are anxloua to earn something to
Increase the family loooms. They
make money eaaily m thia way, for
their pay is out of all proportion to
that made by the ordinary woman In
domaatle serrie.
Tbey rarely lo a full day' em
ployment If they want It, and their
chargea are never leae than II. W a day,
even for the alinpleit kind of work,
and their boar ere not more than
from nine to At. If they some earlier
than nine they leave earlier In th aft
Bom of them refuae to saw unless
th pay ia Increased, and they some
times receive for attendance at an aft
ernoon tea aa much aa two dollar for
only few hours' work.
As Irish Monae.
On the North Bull sand bank In Dub
lin bay there ia a little Island about
two and one-half miles long, which is
the home of a new kind of mouse.
These llttl sand-colored creature ar
probably th deacendanta of caata
waya, and It ia believed that in about
century they have changed their
eosta to the color of their aandy aur-
rounainga tor protection againat the
owla and hawk on the Island.-
For The
If you have a package to mail
or express, it will give us pleas
ure to attend to tbe tame for
you. We will have at your
command at our store, wrap
ping paper twine, sealing wax,
stamps and will give your wants
immediate, personal attention.
Yours to Command,
Sloyer Drng Co.
As Alletrea: Passer's Bra 11 Mr ss
tsevlr Oeawd Vasaran Ula
Rosea sf Gala.
The kownahip in which Belleville. If.
J., la situated ha been uDnorUnir
Clement SIsvwski for a number of
years, because he aaid he would starve
if U did not. This assistance enabled
bim to save manv thousands of dol-
kare and to stock his cellar with rich
ware. Th township did not find it
out upUl the otier day, and th relief
allowance from the local authorities
has corns to a sudden end.
6(mwakt waa arrested for hitting his
landlady, Mrs. Ellen Marshall, because
he asked him for hit rent, "Jo to the
townefiip," h said while Dunchinir
her. "The township owee me a lie-lng.M
They took him before Juat ice. La
Faneherie. He sold he was Dennileaa.
hopeless and wretched and could not
pay either fine or rent
There waa a bundle in the feliow'e
pocket and the court mode him pull it
out. Twenty-dolltor gold pieces mined
on the floor. He was held in two boil
end he put It up in oaah.
Baeelsa Oalpoata Near at HS.
In the lWhriug atrails Husaia and
Anmrica ehske hand. Illg Dlome.le
Island and Little Diomede atand aide
by aide, the former Kusata't outpost,
the other our own. A little atrip of
narrow He between the two, and
eo dear 1 th air on a fair ilny that
It seems aa if from on island you
eould eerily reach across a hand to
ths other. North, serosa Kotseline
sound, I Point Hope, a barren sand
pit, extending far into the Arctlo
ee. It la the home of a tribe of Ea
klmoa, who so to the miaaion school
and church and lewrn to slreg hymns,
to (peak a little Kngliah and to use
ssfe Is Ski) Wei Cost.
It has long been considered highly
dwngsrous on account of ta dauger
of spontaneous eoiubuatioo to ship
coal for tea transportation In a wat
".edition. Experiment hare now
ben mad which show lhat after all
this la quite the aafrtt condition la
which to ship Ik
M. Clemens,
Ossg fres ess. Owen ft.
The 1902 Bicycles
Will be tho Best for tho mony.that
ever came on the market. JTe are
ordering the Largest Stocl that
ever came to Grants Tass. guying
in large quantities means lowest
Prices. You can buy ofjuo as
Cheap as You can in Chicagt
1902 Goods will be hero j Feb
ruary. Many thanks for" your
liberal patronage and a happt pros
perous New Year to all.
Paddock's Bicyce Den,
Brownies for 55c5ls
The?irst Half Dozen
Brownies Will G for
J35C 'each
Will ou Get the First One?
( J
M directions accompany each Camera. -t
A. E.Vocrhies.
Bureaus Informi. ion.
Ths Burlington ticket office in Portland is a liable
Bureau of Information for travelers a placshere
tbey can learn what It will cost lo reach ANV int in
America or Europe; how long the trip will ti, and
, what there is to see on the way.
. If yon are figuring on an eastern trip, droiisnd
;i lull iniormalion, or, if yon prefer, write me ol it
Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City, St. Loe-kid
A. C. Shbldon, Cecal lymt.
Cor. Third snd Stark St?oraid, Or.
,V vl I
i )
?r!ooo $5 to $10
Latest- NEW PROCESiReooha
125 Gary
ft fall hi st or ntmivJ 1
About 6 yrar I
mj hranait in that tf
1 Vstdcrwent j
aa op rat to
llMacrc, tut tY
I tteera aaw
vaeat. Adrr
ImUt. afirr
heartily tar
ARE liH'
I firry rsrUA 51 m"9
raMr H AD
?s3 iiniirAA
Only those born deal aiencunll
rl. Or BALTinflOKE. 83 1
sULTtMOatSjtL, ftTT)a. tqat
of deafnem. thanks to yoor treattat, jwu Iw
- 'ui uih i riiun. y i i
i btfaato tine, and this kcptoir(,iBersrilUBttj j
"Th. for thnre months, without nVarc?sa!cia nasa
ft?mo4 era meat car specialtst ol thcity nhol.d aw laat
?vrn mat only temporarily, ta-ta lad aistawoaid
rr wouia or to, lorrvrr. i t I
Maternally in a New York paper,.'.fj ovreejvoar treat
turs acrortttni; to roar airectaa.hsKwa?ar4. im4
" theeittrafjrdvar has been catirat Ti ,.
7 iniljr your. 'II
. A, KRMAJT, 7JOS- STOaS,!tt4r. ud.
1 interfere with vour nam e mdImoss.
flinr UAiinsri r it iiab k - .
iunt luuKbtLr ai nun