Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 02, 1902, Image 1

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,iiat Received More
No. 6.
i -
- .' I ' I '.
" (
Offlos. RoomiovarPiorBoe. Residence
Booth Iloaid lh nd A.
Practices (a All Btatiad Federal Courts
-.- Office over First atlonal Bank.
U basts Pais, I OaiaoM.
0. 8. DEPUT?
Goaxts Pass,
OUke opKll
Ukasts Pais,
tel Josephine
Men Wanted! !
Wood Choppers,
t Wolf Creek, Orson. Good tim
ber, and good wges can be made.
Woll Creek, Ore.
N. E. Mc(
Furauare and Pino
Moving, r
Tlii sepular brkr shop
Get your tonsdal work done at
On Sixth Str Three chain
Rstb rouBin connection
ii. n. BAferoN,
Full assortment Watches,. Clocks, Sil
verwear ans rwelry. A Good
AssortmersW Bracelets and
Ux Bangles,
Clement' Orughors
Fine Butt a Specialty
FRONT an.'
'Paoxa 2
i -,
D finishijiullty of MsltrUI. Eltjanca of De.IjA1,, finest workmanship
tbe simp is, most f.ipiete ami best set
pert tesclie, rsty
nents, old machines
guarantee jbe niil
of siiccesaflinteo
We h othr
Some goodecond
oli, attach tuts a
tfepeira. New machines for rent, f
Don'think 1
Bcarinj "wis"
We saf 'The
phone or
i us prove it.
For Sale B
. Wolke,
l- ay 1
I ftm &ttfit ftirnlah anvthin In
I hr-ars 61 experience in
ars of experience in
that I earl
orders in the very best
rk in Scotch, Swede
Can irg
'"i lit
1 1 i i
The Almy Restanral
Will be
Open Day and Niht
And will eerve
Oysters in any Style
Brown Bread and Boston Baked f ana
lor sale at all ttmea.
After this date tba Almy Boarding-Taw
win oe conducted as a
Short -Order Rcstau&nt;
Mrs. Geo. Aliyi
Fiont St., cor. 7
Grants Pass
Banting and tap.
Transact! a gr os-ral Banking okftisss
Receives deposits subject to frck or
on demand certificates.
Onr customers are assured of 0) rleeui
treatment and eveiy eonsidersln eon
istent with found bankim priitples
L. L. Jswu.i., Can
Thought for
Your Horse
Yo't should think of your hoi" whea
you are buying horse goods 1l as
yonrrelf. Not only will Indorse be
more romfurtable in the bailees and
horse eflects we provide, biatyoa will
e more
Certain to bo Satisfied.
since you will have a pride
fit. Our horse goods are
ur pride.
We want to make them Top
pride al-
so. These articles are wel
uaile, are
sure to re a pleasure wbc
er used.
anil we Relieve yon will n
tliem all
they should be.
Tbe prk is right,
Willis Kr
Myrtle Creek
Extra Fa mi
And Everything that gosjwilh First
Class Milling
For sale by' J. M. Cblks, E. A.
Wads and T. E Cornkll.
Call for It; same price
other brands
vAfceVM., 9 YEARS'
'rapc Marks
atirfklT Mcertnin rnr ot
tftt t fTM wht'tiier an
ItiTimtlnn tn pnl-(y pnti
MBit, i nnmirinin
rulhoolt oa Patellar
lions hi run ij "nniHinimaj
sent froo. DIiIpmI nafmry
irtm'tirti-t j'litentjt.
pAtmiU tnkt'Tt throuvh!
inuu & Co. rcoelva
tpfcuti runic, without cli
Scientific Incrican,
A hnnAnomrifj llln-lmif'ff t)t. Ircwt el,
eulatlon of any rientilif .."-m.l. Tvrmii, 3 ft
T.-ar: four months. L in: by til newavWlrt.
MUNN & Co."f J Hew York
a iCfn - i 1 n 11
Ball Bcarng v
Like a Bl vclc
Maktithe "Whitb" the
Kasiift Running Sewing
Maclhe Made.
of attachmenta fall inrtructioDS by er
taken in rxclilice, the fullest possible
i, Bve hundred t'nonsand happy, nAaed users, thirty years
reatnient What Mora Can You Ask? (
tkea of machines, without bali bjeings, new, very cheap
d machines cheap. All kinds of fewing machine Needles
tying Sewing Machine until ychav seen the Nw Ball
ite' is Ring" of Sewing Machinend Bicycles. Call, tela-
Office, .TO
an Francisco, Cal. ;
lh lit
tbe Mark'
tbe Mark'
mannr 'NT . T
or Aj'lV,
' ass, Ore.
J 1 . 17 C JcMafsautattnU.ataaKteaowutiai
iu r i iw. . i a-
V W'sj aov kind 1
i a, i
, Frwrt si. I . .TnTfllitrMtsfS!
Women fkfd Jewels.
(Jewels, candy, flowere, men That ia
e order of a woman's preferences,
wels form a rnannet of rniehtv Dower
io the average woman. Een that
treatestof all jewels, health, ia often
(ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
jor save the money to purchase them.
If a women will risk her health to get a
coreted gem, then let her fortify herself
against the insidious conseuuences of
coughs, colds, and .bronchial affections
by the regular use of Dr. Boschee'a
German Syrnp. It willjproiuptly arrest
consumption in its early stages and
heal the affected lungs and bronchial
tubes and drive the dread disease from
the system. It ia not a cure-all, but it
ia a certain enre for coughs, colds and
all bronchial troubles. You can get Dr.
G. O. Ureen's reliable remedies at Dr.
Get Green's Special Almanac.
To Cure Cold In a Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. W. Orove's eicnature is on
each box. 26c,
Capital Stock, - - $50,000,
Receive deposits subject to check or on
ceiti Scale payable on demand.
Sells sirht drafts on New York, San Fran
Cisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points In
the United States.
Bjiecial Attention given to Collections ant1
general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Houtherp
Oregon, and on all accessible points.
R. A. BOOTH, President. ,
J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice President."
H. L.OILKEY, Cashier.
Always the Same THE REST.
If you have a I'rcmo 'you can get
nothing better.
" Call and examine them.
When Your Joints
Are Stiff
and muscles sore from cold or rheu
matism, when you slip nnd sprain a
joint, strain your sido or bruiso your
self, Perry Davis' Painkiller will take
out the soreness and fix you right in
a jiffy. Always have it with you, and
use it freely. VSE
(your own election) In every sub
criber. Only 0 ccntt a Tuar.
A r?o; beitftlfiit colortd pistes t latest
fnfuans; drtfnkinf Kmnmlti ; fintf
srt kownhaisl kittu ; Action, etc Sufc
Stfiba to-sJe,f, or, irnd y fnf litrvf CApr
l&r sMU vsJiied Send lor terms.
StjIUtL, Reliable, Hlmple, Up-(n
date. Economical and Abwiluitjtjr
Prfectrittlr Papr Pa Herat,
Ifr. af 4 V W
AM Sftnn Alknwtf tmi p r rf ortt k, itew
U ItetllH M Utws.
Oflf to end r$ emit each fvone tilghrr.
Asli fnr them Sold In oMfiy e?ey diy
and Wwn, jr by Mil tnm
IIJ-I15-I17 Ht 31U II, Hf YOUR.
oHsrrf ftm.
SninW Sma "TWSaiBtoa.
I SjaS roSMi. i -s m sSMla with AtmAf
IHan. W. arimsa. funutt m aat, ant BL
laailSJl. OwMfltraiBlpMqtllHViMi
Mil! tmm Vs tba U.l. tai ttm
A I TS-B- III I llll 1111,1 P"l'flsMajaaaa-ay
CKristmexs in Kerby.
Kkbbv. Ore., Dec. IS, 1901.
Yon will donbtless like to know what
the craftsmen of tbh benighted section
have been doing during the holidays.
From the correspondent of the Observer
you will read of onr Christmas doings;
in fact, the large crowds eeen on our
streeta on that occasion reminded ye
old timers of the early days when gold
mintug was in its infancy. Good
humor and good fellowship prevailed j
the spirit of the season seemed to float
around like fleecy clouds which floated
across the bright blue sky above. The
lad ies of the surrounding country were
here in full force and with their smiles
ami pretty costumes assisted to brighten
and vary the scene and cheer the hearts
of these old miners from tbe bills and
canyons, for many of them may not live
to see the same sights agiiu on this, side
of tJS uark river.
.On the 27th, St. John's day, the mem
bers of Bolt Lodge, number 18, A. F. 4
A. M. assembled at their hall, with sev
eral invited brethren, to aosist at the
installation of the. newly elected officers.
P.M. T. F. Floyd took the east and
with P. M. S. W. Forbca as D. O.
Marxhal, installed the following duly
elected officers to serve during the en
suing Masonic year: J L Uilmore,
W M j J A. Leonard, 8 W ; Geo. Mathew
son, J W j Ed Daley, Tteas. ; A. J.
Adams, Sec.; John Whittrock, 8 D;
Chaa. Skeetera, J D; Wm Kerr, 8 8;
Jacob Klippel, J S; Thos. Johnson,
Tyler. A pleasant lime waa spent by
tbe brethren listening to the remarks
and good wishes ol the officers and
Western Star chapter of the Order of
the Eastern Star, met in Muranic hall
at 4:30 p.m. and the following elected
and appointed officers were installed by
me retiring matron, Mrs. Liizie Hodg
aon- Mrs. Martha Mathewson, WM;
F. Stith, W P; Mrs. Lottie Woodcock,
A JI; Mrs. Sophia Uilmore, Con.;
Mrs. Delia Stith, A Con.; Mrs. Hart,
Trcas., J. E. Hodgdon, Sec. ; Mrs. Liziie
tiodgjou, Adia; Mrs. Glen, Kuth; Mrs,
i-eonarit, Esther; Mrs. Sophia
wioiiaru, ilarllia; Mm. Sarah Uibbs,
Electa; Mrs. Annie Adams, Warder;
Ed Daley, Sent.; Mrs. Uilmore, Chap.;
Misa Minnie Johnson, Organist. After
which the ladies of the O E S gave a
reception to the members of Bolt lodge
together with their visitors. The even
ing was closed with a cold collation
served in the banquet hall of Bolt lodge,
the table ol which waa fairly loBdd
down with the good tilings of this life,
to ilrfcnbe which I am quite unable,
We know that th-j ladies ol southern
Oregon are, as a rule, good providers
Out on this occasion they seemed to
have aurpaed themselves. At any
rate the table was a thing of joy to gaze
upon and when surrounded by the
bright, smiling facts ol the s.sters and
brothers, was the scene I have
gazed upon lor years, and altogether
lovely. ft
How's Thin?
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Ke
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F: J. Chenkv ACo., Props., Tolkiio. O.
We, the undemigne.l, have known F.
J. Cheney for tlifi last 15 years, and
believe hiio perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry nut any obligations mails
by their firm.
Wxst & Tkl'ax, Wholesale Druggists,
ToLKiio, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
ami mucous surfaces of the eslem.
Price 7ftc, pr bottle. Sold by all Drug
gists. Testimonials free.
Hall's family Pills are the best.
Silver Crock' Christmas.
Silver Creek, cno of our lemotctt
milling rninpx, observed Christinas in
a most enj iable manner and one whiih
similarly situated ramps would do well
to intitule nn like occasions. Our c r
respondent semis the following account:
1 lie miners ol silver cnek, together
with two miners fmni the head .of
1' igi!" ceck, responded to the invita
lion of Mr. nnd .Mrs. Leigh at the Melts
tunnel works above the foils and i
joyed a grand Christmas dinner. .Our
courteoi.s host and hostess made the
occasion one to be long remembered by
the asienililed gnesis alio declared Mrs.
I,eigh to h the uncrowned q'leen of
SiJver creek. Skooituin, tli" trapper was
eipecttd to be preterit but confined to
his lied from Bevere indispoMtion, '.sent
his reretf. The mountain orator was
expected to reply to the toast, "The
mineral of Southern Oregon.' After
a general good time the guests bade
farewell to their kind host and hcMci
and resolved to send to the Cot Hits
vote of thanks to the entertainers."
Mrs. Leigh, it may be remarked, is the
only lady on Silver creek. The Melts
and Leigh mansion is a substantial log
structure of more than ordinary claim to
handsomeness, situated at the lower end
of the Silver creek basin, one of the
most pleasant situations on tbe face of
the earth.
Protected on all sides by the steep and
lofty mountains the air of the basin has
a peculiar mildness In winter, while
retaining the fresh and invigorating
quality of the mountain atmosphere
The cabin is in the midrt of a forest of
lofty pines and Cre. The pleasant sur
roundings enrhance the enjoyment of
auch an occasion as this, the social part
of which ia appreciated to the utmost by
tbe lonely miners.
It Girdles Thq Globe.
Tbe fame of Bneklen'a Arnica 8alve,
as the best in the world, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect bealer of
Cuts. Corns, Burns, Bruises, Votes,
Scalds, Boils, I'lcers, Felons, Aches,
Paina and all Skin Eruptions. Only
infallible Pile cure. 25c box at Dr.
The Burr Bit.
The agent for the tociety for the
prevention of cruelty to animals in New
York, recently captured a dcien pair of
burrs from lha mouths of horses owned
by fashionable people. In the circum
stances, it seems as if the hor.e show
might well he supplemented by some
sort of an exhibition calculated to edu
cate the publio in the matter of treating
horses decently. Perhaps it would be
interesting to exhibit some of the own
ers ot these horses with tbe burr bits in
their mouth, being driven about by
people who understand the business of
using the diabolical instruments.
The burr in question is a circular
leather pad, with the inside covered
with little stiff bristles, nails or screws.
This thing ia put on the bit so that the
spikes touch the horse's cheek, and the
slightest pressure on the rein or move
ment of the bead causes the burr to
rick the skin, and the horse starts
and prances with pain and irritation.
This ia supposed to give mettlesome
and stylish appearance to the turnout.
Undoubtedly, there is a resemblance
between the natural (riskiness of a spir
ited horse and the nervous jumps of
one tortured by contrivances of this
kind, but it does not take a very keen
observer to see the difference. It seems
almost too much to believe that civilized
human beings can deliberately torment
a sensitive and animal in this
fashion, but the burr bit is proof thtt
they do. Something ought to be done to
these people, A fine is a mere bagatelle
to them and imprisonment is not quite
painful enough for the punishment they
deserve. What really ought to be done
is probably impossible. They ought to
be harnessed to wagons and made to
draw loads, with burr bits in their
mouths, check reins on their heads and
the lash on their backs.
Enoyo-blo Winter Trip.
A winter trip to Southern California
and Arizona via the famous bhala
Route is one never to be forgotten, Ko
newed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh poiuts ot Interest
and added sources of enjoyment under
its sunny skies, in the variety of inter
ests and added industries, in its prolific
vegetation and among its numberless
resorts of mountain, shore, valley and
Two trains leave Portland daily
morning and evening for California.
These trains are equipped with the
most improved pattern of standard and
tourist Bleeping cars, and the low rates
place tbe trip in reach ot all.
The Cubs-n Election
Tue Cubans have a curioui cui'.oiu,
politically. The adherents of a party
or candidate that is likely to be dt feuled
simply refuse to vote, So it is reported
that the supporters of General M into
(or president will not go near the poll
or vote at all. What advantage this is,
it any, is not easily distinguishable in
this country, though perhaps tho sulk
ing non-voters iuiagiuo (list by not
participating in the election thuy will
have a better right or a freer license to
revolutu" as soon as the succe-sful
man is elected.
This is about whit will happcu in
Cuba, as soon as the power of the
United Slate Government is withdrawn
it it ever is withdrawn. But it is not
likely that the United States Govern
ment will permit many revolutions,
rebellions or insurrections in Cuba
Since wo bava treed the Cubans from
Spain at so great a cost, wo are not like
ly to allow Cuba to be misgoverned, as
most of the other Latin American states
ate. The final outcome, perhaps not
delayed for many yearn, will be the an
nexation of Cuba to the United Stales,
and it is liable to conid In, when it dees
come, as a full-fledged Male. The Cu
bans will very likely reditu any inferior
political position, and we will probably
grant them statehood.
This will not bj entirely phasing,
possibly to I'orlo Itico, llatinii and the
Philippines, which will have to remain
in a territorial condiiton, but they will
tuvd to make the lies', of it, and lu.
Uncle Sam a, lap' himself an best I e
may to the new ami strange conditions
that have niisen in ci nquenci of ll.c
war with Spain. Telegram.
"The square peg in the round hole
figuratively txprca?i the use of means
on hill ted to the di sired end. A great
niitnv jxoplc who have liecn curt d of
dyspepsia and other diseases of the stom
ach and its allied organs of digestion .-unl
nutrition by the use of Dr. I'ierce'sl roldcii
Medical Discovery any: "We tried many
medicines with only letnjxirary benefit.
It was not until we begun the use of
'Golden Medical Discovery' that we
found a complete nnd lasting cure."
It ia undoubtedly true that Ir. l'ierce's
Golden Mediuil Discovery holds the rec
ord for the perfect nnd permanent cine
of indigestion and other di scales of the
stomach anil associated organs of diges
tion and nutrition, it is not a palliative.
It cures the cause of disease and builds
up the Imdy with solid healthy flesh, not
flabby fat.
It U with plrsnure thnt 1 trtl yrtti what
Plerc-. CoWrn trltc-fl! Iivvery snrl 'l-rlUl'
have clone lor mr." wtlle. Mrs. T. M. I'slnier, of
Verde-, Kmlfinnn C'., Tf-xm. " Two year, no 1
wm Ultra wilh stomarh and iKmel Ir'.iMc.
Everything 1 ctte would put me In rll.tri... I
lived two week on milk teti'l e-ven lhat R-nvr me
fifiin. 1 fell aa klioiurh I would etnrvc to ilentli.
Three doctor d tn one aaid I nnd dva-
C'ttNia, two aaid catarrh of the alomnrli and
.wel.. They attended me (one at a lime) fur
one year. I etoufied takrna their medicine and
trieif other fmtrnt medicine ; got Do lirtlcr. and
I grew ao weak and nervous my heart would
flutter. I cnuld n.a do any kind of work. Now
I ran do my hnuae work very well ; mm gititiing
in firth mud sirtmglA, and can eat anything 1
Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce's
Guillen Medical Discovery.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent frrt on rrceijrt of stamps
to pay expense of mailing only. Scud
ai one cent stampa for tin paper covered
book, or 31 stamps for Uie cloth bound
volume. Address Dr. IL V. I'icrcat, Buf
falo, N. Y.
- :77"ija"r'r,i pen
Newman M. E. Church.
Quarterly meeting services at the
Newman M. F. church next Sunday
and Monday as follows: Lovefeast,
Sunday 6:30 p. in.; proaching at 7:30
followed by the communion of the
Lord's supper. 1st quarterly conference,
Monday 7 :30 p. m. Uov. D. T. Sum
merville, presiding elder, will conduct
the above services. Sunday morning
services as nsual, All will be made
The question ot selecting the place
for the next cession . of the Oregon
annual conference ot the Methodist
Episcopal church was referred to a
commission consisting of the presiding
elders and pastors of the 1st church of
Portland, Salem, Eugene and Grants
Pass, eight In all. Tbe M. E. church
of this place gave a cordial invitation to
said commission (or the conference to
meet here. Five of the commission
have been heard from. We expect to
have a favorable reply from the other
three. However a majority have cast
their voles for Grants Pass which in
sures the meeting of the conference with
us next fall. J. W. McDouuall,
At Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning t feel bright and my complete,
ion is better. My doctor saya it acts
gently on the stomach, liver and kid
neys, and s a pleasant laxative. It is
made from, herbs, and la prepared as
easily as lea. It is called Lane's Modi
cine. All dniirgists sell it at 25c. and
50c. Lane's Family Medlclue moves
the bowuU each day. If you cannot get
it, send for a troe sample. Address,
Orator F. Woodward, Le Uoy, N. Y
V Deep MjHirry.
It is a mystery why women endure
Backache, Headache, Nervonsnor-s,
Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dizzy Spells when thousands have
proved that Electric Bitters will quickly
cure such troubles. "I suffered tor
yeark with kidney trouble," writes Mrs.
Phebe Charley, ot Peterson, Ia.. "and a
lame back pained me so I could not
dress myaelf, but Electric Bitters wholly
cured me, and, although 73 years old, I
now am now alilo to do all my house
work." It overcomes Constipation, Im
proves Appetite, gives perfect health.
Only 50c at Dr. Kreiui'r'a drug store.
but Scott's emulsion of cod
liver oil. They are not the
same ; far from it.
Scott's emulsion is cod-liver
oil prepared for the stomach.
Let cod-liver oil alone if you
need it. When your physician
orders toast, do you breakfast
on flour?
Pure cod-liver oil is hard to
take and hard to digest. A
man that can keep it clown,
can saw wood. I le thinks he
is sick ; he is lazy.
We'll irnd you linU to try If you Ilk.
SCOTT & UOWNK, ioo Pearl ilrt.l, New Vwk,
V i 1 14 4 . ft
Honest Ulthcr,
cipcricnceJ tuorkmen, a
c'evi-r tinker Ipith an
eye for beauty .fit 4
sense of proportiijju
Result t The most beautiful and
" best fitting boot for women
. $3.50
We have Ihcm J
22 Different Slylos. nit ot
iiino price.
H. L. con & CO.
Now York's Christmn.a
Public sod private charity gave hap
piness to thousands ol persons in Itcw
York Christmas day while in the out
lying districts, where the wealthy have
their country seats, the poor were better
cared for and made happier than ever
before. The feature ol the day was the
orKSnized work of the Halvalion Army.
By mei.ns of a fund raised by that
organization, ."Q'!Q persons sat down
Christmas evening to a tuLstantlal
dinner in Madiron-SipiarH Garden,
aliile earlier lu tho day DiO) baskets,
earn contniiunr; a comp ete dinner, were
distributed at the garden, TJ
oassais are esiiuiHtefj to oavo cperianitni
food for 201)0 person i.JsTbe (Jowery
Mission, neaily lflKitJinen and boys
were led seiitertnined. Various
other (jxsnizviun. supplied all ap
plicants with clothing ni tots fur the
children. AH the churches hIJ special
services, and with elaborate musical
programmes, and despite a chill,
drizzling rain, the day is bdlloved to
bave been a record breaker in the way
of charitable work.
v ' - ..... . ;t
Headquarters R
Crocliory nnd 01nssvnro. '.
Iiitc'lien nnd
ubtreaaurr Oflletnls Jnbllaat Ores
Canoallatroa of Last Ortincar
Hauler lw of 1171.
The subtreasury officials at Newr
York are Jubilant over the cancellation
of tbe last certificate of deposit issued
under tbe act of June 8, 1B7S. This
piece of legislation, which waa ' re
pealed by Uie act of March 14 last,
regulating the currency, permitted the
Issuance of certificates on the deposit
by banka of currency with the treas
ury, and 714,000,000 worth waa ao 1s
autd. For several months diligent search
has been made for th lost outstanding
certificate, whioh was for $10,000.
Kvery bank and trust company making
clearings tlirecuy or Indirectly through
the clearing house has received a cir
cular from Aaslstnnt Treasurer C. N.
Jordan asking for the return nnd can
cellation of this certificate If Its loca
tion was known. Ofllcrrs of the Hank
of America, a stone's throw from the
snbtrcaury, reported the certificate.
It had been liwued originally to the
Nntional City bank and transferred by
indorsement to the Hank of America.
Dr. Falls Adl.r Daelaras AajalBat
LwaarUis of Life wad DsllvaeUa
of fats In Iks Modara Hob.
In a recent address before the
woman s conference or the Society
of Ethical Culture, at New York city,
Dr. Felix Adler said:
"What looms up as of most con
aplcuoua importance In the avorage
home are the luxuries of life and tho
delicacies ot fare. Luxury In the
home la poison to the child In that
home. Mothers who have young
children, and mothers should have
young children the greater part of
their lives, should not spend all their
time gormandizing and gowning and
in going to matinees. They should
tie taught that education la one of
the greateat of the grand things of
Dr. Adlur suggested as a remedy
for gloomy achoolhousea, amaller
buildings, sun rooms, clubrooma and
Maw Orowv Will SUejwtrw British
atny OfBaors to Apwas
1st UaKoran.
Society parade grounds In London
will be much brlghUned soon by reason
of the forthcoming army order that en
officer sheill dress In uniform instead
of mufti la public. Tbe order comes
Into fore April I. It ordains that all
army officers shall wear their uniforms
In publio and In theaters and places of
entertainment ee well. This applies to
all hotjfjbhold regiiiHinta, foot guards
and cqStJry.
"It uitrarH be said that this order Is at
alt popular. It ts generally thought
that it has been brought about by the
Instigation of tlie kaiser when ha was
ovr there. It Is understood the whole
thing Is supposed to be so incentive to
recruiting. Earl ttoberts and the king
hsvs had many long discussions on the
Mlaaloaarr Wads Oct of tKa Rasa
h Works Araaaaw la lu
Mrs. Ida A. Hull, for several years
missionary in the Chinese Methodist
mission In Rnn Francisco, was married
the other day at Denver, OA., to Itev.
Chan lion Tan, a minister of the same
denomination, with whom she worked
In California, where she first met him.
The ceremony was performed by Her.
Camden M. Coburn.
' lloth are past middle age. Theoavple
left for San Francisco lusndlately
after the ceremony. Ttle marriage
laws of Callforrjisr-prohiblUd their
union lu thrsbiate. The Chinese
ciergrinajrlironght Utters from prom
Ineussilfornla Melhodista, which
LerfTke f him In the highest Urms aa a
theologian nnd scholar.
The U. S. Government Tests
Show the Absolute Superiority of
Royal Baking Powder. '
Oooking' Utensils.
Curious and Very Costly Pieces
Mads bj Master Workmen.
Revival of WoavUrfal Metal Work of
Roaal aaeo Tlmaa Poaalarlaoel
. kf tko Paris Baaoaltloa-.
j. , Voatares of Work.
A new. fad In Jewelry has slowly
been making ita way to favor in recent
years, and the Paris expoaitlon
brought it into something like popu
larity. Fortunately, the expense of
the work and the fact that It appeals
to the artistic taste mure than to the
canons of elegance generally current
promises to keep the fashion from be
coming fatally common, aaya tba New
York Sun.
The Saliqua Juwelry la perhaps the
finest example of this new work, '
which is, after all, old, for it works
back to the wonderful metal work of
renaissance times and makes the pre
cious metals merely Incidental. The
exhibition of Bens Salhpjs's work at
ths exposition waa a revelation to the
host who had known nothing about
him. .
Thia work hoe been eagerly sought
fnr In turopa for years past, but hia
'prices are fabuloua and ha doea not
aell to doalera, but works only on spe
cial orders, which it may be hia whim
to accept; so, up to ths presont time,
his Jewals have been obtained only by
royal personages or other Illustrious
patrons, snd their number Is not very
Castellan!, in Rome, haa had a repu
tation for work of the same general
order as Sallipue's, although he haa
achieved nothing to equal the Saliqua
Jawsla, and a erowd of lesser lipita
bars bssn following ths same path
with mora or leas aucceaa.
Of conns, the central Idea of thia
Jewelry Is beauty and axoliiaivenssa of
design. Ths maatsrs of tl craft, like .
Baliqtie, often make the Jewel, what
ever it may be, with dlreot reference
to the appearance and personality of
the woman who la to wear It, and this
opens up an endless vista of suggestive
and syiuholio possibility.
Than again the Jewel may be made
merely to carry out a conception In the
mind of the artist, without - ref
erence to the future owner. Kara
stonsa are introduced wherever the
design rsqulres their ooltir, but very
often the aeml-pracloua atonea an
swer the artistic requirements better
than ths more costly Jewels and are
used by preference, without thought
of ths comparative cost.
If a patron Is willing to put s crown's
ransom of rubies Into an order and
Ballqua thinks pink topna or lapis
azuli accorda better with bia dealgn,
the buyar doesn't get ths rubies.
Moonstones ars particular favorites
with Huliqiir and with many of his
followers, because they lend them
selves to symbol it ni nnd suggestion
without detracting from the effect of
the metal work and design, One of
the most remarkable pieces of this
art Jewelry ever turned out waa a
oomb In a design of bats flying through .. .
the filtered light of moonstones.
American designers are taking lip
the art J wi I Idea, and a new sra of
extravagance In Jewelry is evidently
at -hand. Gorgeous tlarua and atom-
achers of diamonds will not do now.
My lady must have specially designed
and eccentric Jewelry of which thsre
Is no duplicate, which licnrs ths sig
nature of a master craftamnn.
Several of the Now York jewelera
brought home quantities of signed
jewels In manual designe, and bars
sold them rapidly. Onsv ring for a
man, laheWd "The Heart of the Oak"
and algned by a famous French work-'
man, was particularly good ape-ca-mcis.
although It hadn't a hint of a
precious atone aliout it. The ring was
wrought in semblsncs of bark, and
bore a strange, satyrlike head, that
at first glance looked merely like ths
gnarled knot on a limb of a tree.
One Chicago woman haa taken up
thia art Jewel craft with Immense suc
cess, and haa orders so fnr In advance
that aha says It will be Impossible for
her to promise anything before 1U03,
' 1
Ll to Grens Gabibop.