Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 26, 1901, Image 4

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    1 i
Rev Pier Rule of Custom House
Putt Them to Their Wits' End.
! tka Latest Dodaaa Trie a
Sakamtan ta Cheat the Oavara
aaaat Oat af Da lira ftkary
! aaaa af tha Oraelsvla.
The new rule excluding the frienda
of passengers from those parte of
eteamahip piera which are required
for the examination of bag-age ie
defended by the euatom houaa ln
apectora aa lessening the opportunity
for smuggling, and in connection
with thia many good stories are told
of Ingenious attempt to rob Uncle
Bam of hla dutiea, aaya tho New York
Mail and Expreaa.
Among othera the eaae fa cited of
Albert . Emapuel, who, on August
1 of laat year, waa met at the North
German Lloyd pier by a woman rep-
- reaentlng heraelf to be hie wife.
While hia baggage waa being exam
ined Inapeetor Timothy Donohue aaw
him put a bracelet on the woman's
wriat. Donohue remonstrated and
the two were detained. It waa a hot
day, and Emanuel had hla handker
ohief in hia hand. He aaid to the
woman: "You're perspiring. Here,
wipe yonr facet" at the same time
banding her his handkerchief. If the
couple had not been under aurvetl-
lance it la probable that the action
would hare excited no suspicion, aa it
waa done quite naturally. Donohue,
however, was watching them, and he
reached out and snatched the hand
kerchief, remarking: "I'm rather
warm myself." Pinned to a corner of
the handkerchief waa a diamond
brooch valued at about $1,000. Tle
man waa arreated. tried and convict-
ed. lie had declared that he had
brought in only a lot of ataUonery.l
on which he paid M7.T0 duty. I
Down at the bar, oftlce they tell,
of a amtiffgler who waa met upon hla,
arrival laat summer by a crowd of 11 j
relatives, who formed a aolld wall'
around hlra and hia baggage. While'
the inapectora were busy cine where'
ll Tmmm.A mmttnA 1. - M1 LI.
kindred everything of value which"'""""1' th' I'" -J1" f"r
i,a a ti in 1 cinnamon-brown shade, whir
the trunks eontalned. They hid the
lna 1,..- , a i
the Jewelry.
It waa not many months ago that a
wealthy Detroit clothing meroliant,
while waiting for hia baggage to be
examined, waa detected passing a val
uabla diamond ring to a woman who
had met him at the pier. It waa the
only thing he waa trying to smuggle,
and ha had purohaaed it for the worn'
an, but it waa a flagrant attempt to
defraud the government, and the
merchant had to pay a fine, besides
losing the ring.
A tew years ago a passenger was
met most effusively by his brother-in-
law, who clasped him In Ala arma and
kiaaed him. After grasUngs had bean
exchanged and inquiries made regard
ing tha health of the varinua mem
bere of the family, tha brothsr-in-law
atarted to leave tha pier. Thia ex
cited the suspicion of an Inapeetor,
who asked in surprise why ha must
go ao soon.
"I have another engagament," aaid
the man, nervously. "I eannot wait
for the trunks to be examined."
He waa compelled to wait A
aearch of hla pockets brought to
, light a pair of diamond earrings val
ued at $490.
Baaet Dlaseaeleaa AsMHalaad b
a Meteatwloalst of
TheT aril Meteorologist Faldeau haa
undertaken the laborious taak of
maasarlag tha dlmanatone of rain
' drops, aaya tha New York World.
He finds that tha larguat are about
ene-slxth of an Inch, tha smallest one-flre-huadrtdth
of an inou, in diamo
ter. They are larger In aummer than In
winter, and larger In hot than lit cold
climates. At the moment of con
densation of the water vapor to the
liquid atate great numbcra of ex
tremely small dropa are formed in
eloae proximity. Aa they fall they
come together, and eoalvaoe in con
sequence of mutual attraction, and ao
what we call rain dropa are formed.
The alse of tha drop when it
reaches tha earth depende on the
height from which it haa fallen.
Now, In summer tha lower strata of
air are warmer than in winter, and
therefore cloud arc formed at a
greater height where conditions are
favorable for rnpld condensation. The
drops falling from these high summer
clouds have mora time to grow, and
thrrrfore become larger than the
winter drope.
In winter, as ia well known, elouda
often exist very near the ground.
The velocity with which rain dropa
fall depends according to Faldeau,
both ou their else and on tha wind,
which makea them fall obliquely.
Other thlnga being equal, a drop of
medium aiie, aoy one-flflleth of an
Inch in diameter, may atrika the
ground with a velocity of some 13
feet a second, while a very large drop,
measuring one-sixth of an Inch, may
attain a speed of 3ft feet a second.
War Wemea Klaht Seaalekaeaa. '
Are women more subject to seo
alcknoss than men?" An Atlantic enp-
'"i'Y'P11"1 ""' '"' 00 tl.Jr
hand, they atan.1 it better. A woman
etrugglre up to tho K,lt.t f despair
gainst the-wh,t I might call the im
propriety ( ,he thinK Un.t k
much tortured by ,he pang. . ,he U
worried by the prospect of becoming
disheveled, haggard and draggled. She
nghta against It to the last ami keeps
up nppesrau. es as long as she ran hold
up her head."
.Southern Oregon State Normal School.
Btroog Academic
mine. I'mfi'smonal
training of the highest
Well scjiilpped lahora
torirf. First class train
ing de r t in n t. 1).
mand lor trained teach
er! exceeds the supply.
Gradaatoe easily K..ite
' good positions.
rt e s o 1 1 1 u 1 location .
Moat delightful climate
on the coast.
F.speneei $130 lo $150
per year. Write for
Eb4 sf tha Prrlo ef Activity mm Stt
hr tkc Post Oflice Aalhor-
We notice with intrrert or.d aalla
faction that It has bet n decided to ral.-e
the age limit eataljlii l.r d by the civil
service ruin (or the fc.'r. ::-ii.:i ut -p'.inante
for erDp'.ojiT . nt In th-r piit:.I
department at clerL and Itt.i r car
riers. Heretofore mi j.j f-a : I for em
ployment a a Inter carrier" who 1'."'-'
panted the age of 40 years has i n
received, but this will not 1-c tl.e a "
hereafter. It waa the opinion of the
postmaster (renrral, an opinion in
which his assiciates In the cabinet
concurred, that it wn not r a'ortable
to restrict admission to the service
in the capacity of letter carrli r'to pi r
sons of 40 years of are or lrb&, and
It was accordingly decided that both
for clerks and letter icrrlrra the ae
limit should be extended to 45 yearn,
says the Philadelphia Inquirer.
It waa a judicious und
Infr conclusion. 1 here 1.8K of lute yt nrr
been a marked tenrfemsy to clone the
door of employment ui'uir.U men who
had Jmt reached or who had bare'.y
pHil what la consiilrrnl n.idille apt.
There are many cnrpoi aiiomt v. ho w i.'
not take Into their employment any
one who hna parsed hi a fortirth ymr.
and thia disposition threatened to ex
tend until the niiddh -uned town ho
for any reason found himself cMifii!
to aectire work In aome freKh field .'
activity would be unable to ret arj-thing-
to do, The atep which him j:i-!
been taken In the cane r.f post cli-ec
clerks and letter farrier itidicnti :: 0..
Inerp.lon of a reaction 11::-:
movement. We hope thnt ii will
t tena. A man who tn in the tor les t-
.till in h. ,.t t;f, t ..,,.!
Cae he contlmi ir.ah'lr of valuable
,ervice forat least a di cade longer,
A ""' w OT l Urnr A,h "IJ
" ' Uood
Color, burn and texture arc the
three things which the grower of to
bacco hna chlelly to consider. A(
J'"mn'"-.,r-, :
',c uiiiffirm, not motlled
The lenf
when rolled on a cigar anil smoked
must leave a white or li;lit uah,
which does not llukn off ami fall Into
one's bosom or over his wuitttcoHt.
and It must not "conl" I. e., huvc n
black, charred ring juxt behind the
ash on the burning cigitr. This i
sure to give a bad fluvor Bnd (ante.
The leaf also must burn freely, and
when lighted hold Arm for a reason
able time. It muat have a soft, sil
very texture, glossy surface and the
elasticity of a piece of kid, so that It
may be drawn smoothly and closely
about the cignr. Fluvor is not want
ed in Connecticut tobacco, for If
there be much of it it la sure to be
bad. I'erfcct burn, color anil texture
can be got In the northern climate,
but a delicate and agreeable flavor
has not yet been obtained. Flavor is
conditional upon aoil and fertilizers.
It la desirable, therefore, that the
leaf be neutral, without taste, as far
aa may be. We got the flavor wholly
in the Culnn filler. To obtain these
qualities of leaf ia the, problem of
the grower a much more compli
cated one than mecta the ordinary
Maar llaadeume faces Are roan it
Asaoaa- the Woan of Cash,
rnera, leala.
Many of the women of India, and tn
peelallr those of CaKhmere, are benutl
fill. In a typical Hindu btr.itty the skin
la just dark enough to iUc n rich
soft aM'arance to the complex
ion, says a London Journal. The
features are regu'.:.r, the ej i t i; il l ami
hlncat nnd shaded by lnii; allkt a Indies,
the hands and feet are nniiM mill wi ll
formed, the demeanor U loi desl, the
manner is gentle, the voice low and
sweet. There are Hiir-lnnkiiig women
among I lie middle cla well
as among the upp. r ti n and even
among the lower cluss the fucesnrr
often very pleading. .Mniiv a Hindu
woman, who haa, perhaps, little pre
tensions to beauty of face, has, never
thrless, the step and enrrince of a
princess, and If one Is not too fnstld
Ions alHtut perfection of eyes and
mouth and nose her liirure us xhe v aikn
down the street Willi In r load ou u
head Is truly n beautiful sIkIi).
Vile OBJ Alllantor's Teeth.
A remarkao.e operation n per
formed by a doen keepers on a i;i-foot
alligator which-ls kept in the 1'r.
aim at New Yol k. The alliuator, Ii
Is a powerful, hhovw d sinus of
fierceness for some time, lie wound
up one morning by killing an eight -f
companion in the nluc tank. Then ll
was decided that the hiir one's ltl
should lie cut. A rope with a slit -f
wns lowered over his In ad and lii'nwu
taut; the tall was shtiilur'y treat, i!
Kach one of the lcf;s was n t s. curt d
In a like manner. Hy patience and re
pented triats a laso vwis rnt into the
ponderous jaw. The ti 1 : i ; t . . r pan- a
bile and the rope part, I like thread
Then a w ire rope was m cured. Thi
was tlnally got Into place.
Sticks were pried between the Jaws
to keep the nt from clnshinir lugeth
Thus held, the reptile lav lu '.pie.-, a.-,1
the work of sawing ott some of th
longest and most dangerous teeth "us
soon accomplished.
The I annilii Itallwav.
The I'gandu rail ay l laid as far ns
mile 4HM. The line Mill be laid to the
Victoria Njunia b, Novrmbi r next.
Allweata anil lluiui-nintth 'iiitft-ther
A ho nt a dozen a . hi Massachu
setts have both slloathic ami houico-
pathic physicians on the stall.
-.-I - I"-"' s' - -
There Is Plenty of It Left in Onr
Pine Forests.
Althiraab Exports en Ceasnmpttem
Have Dceo InereaaUsar Tear After
lear there la Prracal
Pruapet ef Bakaraatloa.
"The Lumbe Trade of the Cnited
States" ia the title of a moncgra; h just
Issued by the treasury burt-au of sta
tistics, Washington. The lumber in
dustry end trade, it (iniis, has wi.liin
quite recent years cliar.ged f. '.in a
u.a 1 scale of-production to te in
which n-aciiinf ry, a l-arre cut. ay of
cii!ilal and a far-siphted policy ' f de
velopment of propci'tii-K are )- " -ng
controlling f:u-t-ors. Tlis chare--,;"c
partly to the growth of don.- dt
maiul and partly to the fear of prema
turely exhausting our timber re
sources. The exirtrnce of surplus cplt-x! look
ing for new fleUiHof investment l:as had
a tendency Ui eliminate the vrnall scale
lumbf nuvn and the policy of l.u .-oj can
statea in rigidly 'jinlting t!-o nr.t.u.-il
cut of lumber to something m;.' tae
rate of ir.-reae In the growth of for
eat, has forced Knro;.i an liiml.-r con
suming Interests to to ths Vtiiil
States nnd Canada, evpech "y "r h:lrd
wowls and lumhir for hniio-in pur
posea. As a result the foreign lumber
trade of the Cnited Ktfltes has grown
anormoiislr. Witbin rj.iilt- r. cent yi-iiTS
it has deveiopi d from a local to a world
wide cMmmercia! movement.
In the foreign trade tlie Atlnntlc
ports, the gulf ports and thiose en the
n-ortliern J'astift coast have arc!
moil hhernliy. More luml r is r-'w be
ing shipptd from tJ-e.- ji'.ri.i and
the eoHintrv as a whole than at at v ; r' -
vious time in the hi) tory of the coui. t ry.
The total exports of tiicb. r, lumb'T
and miitiitfai-tured wood for the hscnl
year ending June ::n. V-r.t, ami.un: -d to
$30,891, WIS. khowil:--.' a iial.'ilici of nlmcst
exactly $3t),w.'.. of cxpoii'i of this
claaatKarlmn-irts. About ha.f of these
ImportH earn:- fr m ('ana! i, consisting
mainly of jdanl.i. n'ia:'!., toc-a nnu
sliingh-1. Aeother -ri!icipal f.ature in
our tun hi r in jarte is the tlin-
bcr litcl'tdini; Coiiatt mihi any and
cedar and mahogany fr-om Ueutrul and
South America m:d Africa.
The wo(.lcd area of the United Stfltn-a.
acnirdiiwt to thi 1'iiited States-gcolog-
ical survey, is l,ont,4rin square miles, or
OU per cent, of the land aria. From this
standing supply of timber It is esti
mated that from I,8.i0,ono,000,(i00 to
2, lll;n.000, 000,000 of hoard im asure feet
of lumber are available. The nnnua-1
UinilH-r cut has buen ecti mated for the
year IS'JO at 40,000,000.1100 of board
meoaure feet; thnt is, we cut approxi
mately two per cenA. of our ntitlotial
tlmlT resources nuininlly. Of this cut
13,000,000,01)0 are credited to the lake
region, lo.Ooo.OOO.OOO to the Miuthirn
statca, n.OOO.OfsO.OOO to the northwiat
and north Atlantic Malm, .o o,0"0,l.OO
to the central states, 4,OOii,.')OO.Ouo ti the
Pacific states and t?,i!O0.o(.0.0-() to the
nuMintain htales, acevirdin to the New
Orlenua Lumber Triile Journal. These
flgurt-a are, however, only tin approxi
mation on the part of thoie familiar
with the Industry ns a whole, yt they
Inllc-n1e that onr limber supply is not
db.appcai'it.g nt nn nhriuiug rate, pro
vided the distriictlve waate of for. st
fires cin be prevented.
The timbered territory of the coun
try covers fWo diif.-rcnt m-etions, from
which coinmcreiai distribution is
made, lleginnitig with Xew I'l ulatd,
the output of Maii.c Is still the iding
feature of tliltf section, and the middle
stales, from the Adirondack nt.d
northwestern l nnsvlian.Ni, still sup
jily a cons'-.lcra'ole nuirUet .f or
lesa local characli r. The vt.alist
aroas of standing ti'iihtr nrc t.r.n.l in
the iiithen, stal.s, win re the long
leaf and the short I. af pit'..' nnd the
cypress arc the h tiding fi.itutcs. In
tiie I n k i. nt-inn of the northwest, in
cluding Mk'hiiiau, Wl-eon.siu :ir..l Mili
11. sot, we have tin- ltit.Test output,
win re Ihe white pine ami In nitttek are
the b-tl'l itl;r feti t uri s 'i'he I'ae i lie
section in. iii-l. s the pi'.-.- and :ir for
ests of Wi'.sliiiiirton and Orison tin.! the
red wihmI of California us the hading
kliuls of timber. The Hocky in. untain
states arc ns yet of suUn-dinate com
mercial it'iirtat!ce comptvrnl with the
.oiithi ris north wi stern and l'
A coinpurison of Miilthvrn ep. i ts of
tllnlur, loin la r nt.d ntat. it fa e "n en
thereof with ti e ti.ta1 fmm the C.iitu!
Stoles allows tin t sout'.-etn p irt.-i fur-lli-ll
per cent ef tl.e sti.i! '.imbiir
exported, si p, r ci at. of the l.ewn ?! per c -i t. of the h s's. etc., lis
p. r cent, of the Uti-ds, il'-olt. and
planks. 7." par r it. of the joints and
scant i it: s. M pt r c-t,.t. of t Ik' stavi s. 7 A
v r .cent, of all other iiitnl.'; and In per
cent of t!u- niatiufi.ctiirid lumber- a
rem. likable, exhibit of the pr-trrej-s
which southitn Ii tuber products have
"-".dc La out foii,in trade. t
snott.ot rnt n Tine r.
An i-lli.-i - - ' ! " ";;::! s. .!,
-, V 1 I ! th- ..: :'
li'.l -I: '.In t. 1 ! I.-, t .,- if . -it--i
..his. t ' a r c- w i ' t i. ! a 1 a
"tracyc i:,.;-e tit a litl'e d'-'ree, i-s
if SOIlil ll.'l' tl S T '. l ' 1 ''!' ' ! V, I :
was the tl.!re hi'ldf 1'. '.''.(
turned iti - : d a: I a f t ' i e
ir'tl'lei- it! t'at di"!:.'' "' could
ha n'lj I- -' . i !i : -is. : .js the
tirris. s! - '.- r." wi'1 ' ry
Pinch bet o . : he let - 1 - . f
most i-'b " ' ' v a :. J m i! '" d
pi'.cot. c;: i ;i a The ' ' . ' I'l d
up. ui hi .i ' ' a !l a-!i :: - in
the Of e: I ,. -f shak-t c - -rulT-
box had Ii ' : "pell fl' e. -
iKtcket il . tigress 1- . ei :-.-d the
couti'Jits thereof full In lo r face.
There' "xNj"l
no rciioction 50
r ' dainty, no IirStt no
inarniiii ca inu
mellow i;low
conies from
---t '1 I ,l" iu"i.!.t tii -..r- ; t W 1
t i. 1 ...I-.. Ir.i.i.
. -V'V 1,-., -, ... k.. a. ( .
i-'-f'-''V 5tA.:-r;i)
V-- vV-v--ra -'; C'
-' r - :
b Ui
want Scott's emulsion of cod
liver oil, almost without ex-,
ception. So before they get
to be mothers, eating for two
is no small tax, continued foi .
months. !
The emulsion not only is
food itself; it gives strength
for digesting usual food.
Jf the milk is scanty or poor,
... i
the emuNion mcr uses uIW
and enriches quality.
'11 .ti-l yeu little to try if yon like.
SCOV1' & U' iWNE, 409 Petri street, K
OT Benefit to 0.
I) S. Mttcbell, Fnl'o d M'l.: "ni'
inKii lonj illuwa I a troubled wit),
bed tone. advied lo trv Ui Witt'e
Witch lli.el Kulve anil ili'l so wi'l
aonderful refill's. I was inrfectl;
etirfd. It i tne ben' salec nn the mar
ket." Hum cure for pllen, sores, buroe.
I'. warn of cvin'B'feits !'. Kriuier.
" llciilili ami Beam).
A poor coinulnxioti ia uus:ly II11
rcitlt of a 'ort'id liver or irreuo ai
rioiion of the bo'cN. Unless natur's
'finn ie carried off !t will rani
niipioe blood. 11 111 boils and otl-et
nipt I mi lollo. T.'.is is ratiir.-'
1 liod oi I liroa iuj; cif tlie poisons liicb
he !ioels failed lo remove. l)o Wi't r
l.itllo Karly RieHi-n are world Tsui 11
tor rctneilvink this condition. 'I'lic
ititnuliitc tbe liver and prnui'ita reu:sf
ind lieattliv action of tliH howelibr
tiHver eniife ripitii;, cramps or d'ure.
afe piib l)r. Kremer.
Merelinnt "I want this nil. wlierc
everyone will eee it. Solicitor We
chnrj,'e liij.;licr rates for apace 011 the
bnsclt.'ill titiL'c." r.nltimore World.
"I 11111I1 i'(.tiind you Money in I
thnt stock ilcul." "Yes, I came out
on top." "How did you manure it?"
"iiit in on the tfn'und floor." I'hil
adclphia Tress.
Hunduy School Teacher "Now,
Tommy, you tuny pive your eottcep
tiou of 'the future state.' " Tommy
', iiin'nin, H'a ft territory."
Thiltiiicltiliia ltecord.
"Iti'liitlfi-r is n little too captious."
"What's the matter with him?" "He
pray cil for ruin and then grumbled
lieciiiif.e tlie water wa.-ui't Iced."
Clcvcliiiid I'liiin I), nlcr.
M.-k. V. --"It. -fore wo were mnrrii d,
you ii-'ed to swear Unit you loved
m-." -Vr. Y. "Well?" Mrs. Y. "Hr
well I I think it's time you
-topped HWeurinr;," Thiladelphia Hul
letin. "I don't understand your radical
chilli;'!' of viown. When you were
.vt mis itt.r for the n.'.uletry you were
prt'tioiii ced ii'.-ait'nl eternal punish
ment." "Vis. I ut I wasn't married
tlicti." Denver Times.
first r.diceniiin "Why Is the
street so Idocknl? No'oody told me
tihoiit this prooemion. Wliat is it?"
M-coiu! Tolicnian --"It's the report
ers of the city (tniiiif to ce 11 naval
otVtccr who won't talk." Huston
A l'hilosopher.-. Wife "There's a
liu'Trlnr down in the cellar, Henry."
1Iii!'!um! "Well, my dear, we oiipht
to l.e thnukful that we are upstairs."
Wife - "l'ut he'll come up here."
Iliishniid -"Then we'll po down in
the cellar, my dear. Surely a ten
ro on lioiiM' i.uht to lie lii(r enough
to liol,d three pc'ple without crowd-in."-
Ilosiou '1 r.'M '. r.
hctilnchc, nervous licml
tiruj hcailai he, neuraliric
luvulaelic, catarrhal lii-aJache,
licaii.iclie from excitement, in
(.u t, headaches of all kind's arc
(luiekly and surely cured with
Fain Pills.
Also ;tll pains such ai backache,
neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatic
pains, nion:
lly pains, etc.
' 1 r. M.les' 1'ain Tiil are v-nrth their
we ,;iit tn i'.'I.I," savs Mr.W.I'. Krea
me;, ot Arkansas Citv, Kan. "They
1 .led 111 v wite of ehron.c heddatie
u ii. u 11 'thin; elhe would. '
"llr. M.les' Tain IMls drive sway
pa:n us It I v niaic. 1 am never with
"t:t a sn; "lv, on.l think evervone
ii. ;.!.! kit . Itiem halnle. flic or two
1 liN t.--o-n en iippri'ivh of headache
will i't: vet't it every time."
Mk... Ji i'..K Johnson, Chicago, 111.
Throiiizh their use thousands of
people have been enabled to at
tend social nnd religious func
tions, travel, enjoy amusements,
etc., with comfort. As a prevent
ative, when taken on the ap
proach of a recurring attack,
they arc excellent.
Sold by alt Drurslsts.
2S Doses, 25 cants.
Tr. M ies Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
S(vs Ho Was I nrttircd.
' l.'iTetnl .in h I'si-i f-em corns I
1 u'd I. - ,:'e a.'.'ls," write II Kobioson
HI'-I , r, -oeb, 1 is , bn' l o t leu's Ann
1 .'11' ci ni'.'e elv con llicin." Ac.
ii in , i on spians. bruises, ruts,
ol's , s,h!s, huM"., boils. ii'i' TS. IV'
c h a r of fkin nes ai d pths.
'to. -1 soVod tiv Dr. Kritn-r. 'J.n
Crivln-O! Crairt O!
Hi no in1 er tbst Hani' when ynu want
I 1 e'-, 1011-, upoet'jtil g, 111 uri-h't g ford
'rin1- I., t.ile 'It.' ..,rw ofcolT- e. So1.!
i'. si! 1 1 -,1 1 i an.! -it. 'I bv s!l w' o have
i.-i.l ,'. . r--in O is riui.b of tire grain. '
i' ie ;. i'-.- t.". si'.l el rei-g' t ens tbe 1
none. It is tut a slimnlai t butt'
t .-ib Ii builder o .1 lb- ehil.lie'i a eU !
.a,h.. .'lta can drink it a it h crent
oenett'. Cos's about !. as iiiiich
1 a a
To Be Given
To Patrons of the
, jj q J0bzicn,
Cramer IJros.,
. IL'ii th & Son,
' nr Krompr rhrtli tttjrcs
J - , FurlturCf II()U,2 Eurni.hin.S.
Voorhies, Kodaks, Rouc River Courier.
R.L.Coc&Co. -
Mrs. J. A. Rchkopf, -
New York Racket Store,
. . ..t. -.
NVttn every M coni worm .,
nameo Kt,on' Detoro January 1, J.-, " "-"'." -' , ,,,, ,, ,i,igi.,.,i al
bolder to one jruoas on the whole number of ti.'kcts tint will b dc,,oHi.i..l at
the wvcrnl Htorea during tho month of lVccmbcr
On tho flrat dar of January those tickets will J '""' ' k.
son whoso (tucaa lathe merest to tho number of tickets ,j ' ' "
cive f,eo, Ladies' or (Jenta' Bicycl,.. The wcond rcutv- ;'' ' l "
title tho person whono ivime is on tho ticket to a hiith (it 1 h "v'l
nnd rccordn, valued at :IU. The third nearest gm-r 7''"
Kod.k and the fourth n.r?t
nioi em ztiner vtuueo ai, tio. 1 m-nv
simply fill out the blanks on the tickets as you receive mem ami u l"
tickets in a box provided lor that purpose'.
Tho Gifts Are
1-t. Ili.nh Grade Bicycle,.
2d. IMionosraph and Records,
;?J. Ea.stmau Kodak,
4-tIi. Columbia Zither, Special,
lie Sure and Gel a
i'leket Willi Your Parste
A Groat Railway.
Tlie CI,ieai.'o, Milwaukee A S'. Paul
KatUsv ooh and operates over (i.lilO n of thorotiiihly equipped road in HI
inois, Win e n, loiva, .Minnewiia, Soti'h
Dacota. Misouri and the Upper l'etiin
sol i of Mieli'Ktin.
Ii owin ami op"rates all q.iipineiil in
seiviitj on its lines inc'ii'Ii nif Sleeping
Cars and liininij Car", maintaining an ei
cclleiice ofserviea uneipialcj on any rail
way in tlie world.
It has teen a Pioneer in tho North
west an I West in the ui of the block
system ia tho operation uf its ti ai in, in
tilt) lihtinu olilrains by eleciriuity, heal
ing by steam and many other prorcn
sive uiethods, which haro added safety,
CJiufort and luxury to travel. It ii al
aiaays the leader in that direction.
Tho Pioneer Limited Trains betweun
Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis have
the costliest anil handsomest Sleeping
Cars in the world and the best Dining
Car service.
Tune, tallies, inapt) and information
luruished on application to C J. Eddy,
Ueueral Aijant, liH Third St , Portland
A tiiniiliar name for tbe Chicago, Mil-
wntikve ik St. Paul Railway, known all
over the Union aa lbs lircat Uailwsy
running the "Piotieer 1. united trains
every day and niiflit between St. Paul
and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, ,
' The only perfect trains in the world.' I
Understand : Connections are tuads
aith All Transcontinental Lines, assur
ing to passengers the bi'st service known.
Luxurious coaches, electric lights. steam
heat, of a verity equalled by no othsr
Pee that your ticket reads via "The
Milwaukee" when fining to any point in
tha United States or Canada. All tick
et agents sell them.
For rates, pamphlets or other infoi
mation, address,
J. W. Caskv, C. J. Eddy,
Trav. Pass. Ant. tleneral Agent,
r B.MTi.K, Wash. 1'okti.anu, Or"
'the largest sum ever pvil for a pre-
t tcriptlou. ensngru usil'.i in r-nn rrnu
1 Cisco, Atw. ;)0, l'.IOI. The transfer in
volved in coin and slock Illl.fiOO 01 and
was paid hy a party ol business men lor
a specitlc for llrighl's Dnes-e and Dta
beies, hitherto incurable diseases.
Tiisy commeneeil the serious inveali. ,
ga'ion of the epeeitic Nnr. 15, !iK) J
riiev inleivieweil scores of the cured
and litsil it out on pa merits hy putting j
ovsr three dozen cases on the treatment
and aatching thoni. Thev also got plit
j sicisns to name chronic, inctiratils cae, I
aipl .liniin-lrf -1 it wttn ins pnysieisns 1
(01 ju.lg-s. I p to Aug. 2S, S, per cent
inn test cSfC were etllier wen or
r 'gressiitg fiivnrahlv.
There being bin thirteen per cent of
fnitures, Ihe parties nern sal istied and
closed the transaction. The pus -Miling.
I ..I rl.M 1 11 vi. 1 1.' .11 i n l. commit te anil tile
elim.-sl rci.orts of ttte lest ca-os aers
pilbli-hcil and ill ba nude I free 1111
Si'ilesli"n. Address JollN J t t I.ToS
t 'oi r v, 4jt) .MiMitiroioerv r.t. San fse-c'-eo.
I'sl '
food Changed to Poison.
i. i'i 111 .(. I in the inies'in.-s pn -
i HVc's '.ile tlo'se ol arsenic, but
Kirg's Niw Life IMls expel the
on f "in el vw d bowels, gently,
p. is.
es.iti but fif lv, curing Cm s! pati"n.
itil'cu tn-s. ic's lleaiUchc, Kever. ail
I iw-r, Kiditev n Howe- In u i 1.
,11,1 1 i- ,1 I'i . . loer's.
The kxcitement Not Over.
Tlie rush at the .Int.' .t i - sub con
unties anil daily eeor- of pe .p!.' 1
for a but lie of Kemp's lVtlssm for tl e
Throat and I.nnga lor tl.-cnrei l C.m -.
t old As' bum, t-oei,i i- sod i nnsiin p
.ion. Keim's li.i-'on. lb' ftan. Ud
family icmrily. i- -o'd en gus'sn'.e
snd 111 ver fui'a lo give el tr - as i'ai" o-i
Price -'h and .Si.
- e
r.w" I. "p.
;. T'"-'itfi, --jC-T'"C"v-'!i;
i 1 wnty 4im Weti.'.y;IilusU-atcd.
b-"l--v1r' 7 TO M'W'N.l Mrs
i T.-ES fULLAE. Tt TEAS. restPAlD.
t 1 ,.seu to- SMi.
i.vl' y:n:Ki. m scuswic pkfss.
... SR?
si I feu
K KM U ll u U ri 'I U I .J hi
D III I8U WW-'-- r,
. Ii!
Away Free
Following Stores:
. Clothing.
Druus, Etc.
- - l)ry laoou.
ancty orc.
Ilcrocrt omit...
1.. n,,..l,,.u. 1 for
cash at th al'ove
, ; ; ,.,lllit,..
j ---- - - - .... .:, ,i
sit the
iil'u s' or (louts'
:Ux;U or
"Worth ; 1 0.
nuti''B ci- ::. : li.'TiCN to y
In a'cordanee with the H'qniien'.enl
wl tlie laws of IlieS a'e of (luv-. n, reij
live to imni aiiCK companies, notii e I.
hereliy ttivcii t lint
The l.uncaHlilt-e IliMul'liuce Compaii)
if Mauelieste.-, KogiHtul. ileiriliir ti
oeafO ooiiif t u-tiies will. 111 tlie s ;'.t'
ol Oregon, intends to withdraw its di with ihe I'reHsurerof said S'ste air
will, il no c airn hull he tiled with tic
Insurance ComtniH-loiiflr within n
inontlis from the 2-nd day of July, 1'jOI
withdraw its deposit from the Stati
Taa Lascabiii a iNsritANcn CoarAsr.
Hy M ann A U iiju n
Managers for 1 lie I'seilic Co.'.dl.
Dated at Hta Kranct'co, this lV.h. da' o
July, ItWl.
To Arche Leelewie :
Notice is herehy given by thn under
ligned, your co-owners in the placet
tinning claim situated on Hogne river,
in Josephine Co. inty and known as tlie
"Horseshoe" mining claim, located hy
Charles 11. Kaii.g, Mav HI, 18'lG. the
notice of which is rut- rded at ptige 4 Sei .
Vol. il, of the Miscellaneous Mtninf
Uecordf of Josephine County, Oregon;
that unless ou contrihuto end pny lo
ssitl undersigned co-owners witliin
ninety days from the date: of tho first
publication of this notice, the au n of
Seventy five Dollars, !$7" (M) tha saine
betng your pinportion ol the o n oi
annual labor done nn end claim in order
to protect the title thereto dining the
ears 18M, lSiKI, IH0-), your one-lnnrth
interist tlieiein will be forfeited to your
co-oa. nere.
W. K. I'ki xnkk,
K. ti. I- a.iNi is.
B-pt. 2d.
The unilersigrieii luviug tieen appnini
ed sxecn'or ol tmi 1 state ol JoHeoti ues
ler, deceased, by tlie tlotitov C"iirt o
Jo-etdiine County, all petr-ons hevinv
rlain.s sgainst said estate Hre hcrehv iu
Itfisd to present the same to nie at (i'tin'r
Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, nul
th" 11 roper proof and vouchers, ithit
six mouths Irom the date of thi9 notice
Dated tnis24tli day ol Inlv,
II. T. Kkssikk,
Kiscutoro tin ettste of Joseph Ken.-ier
This question arises iti tiie fi-mih
very day. It u an-wer it lo- lir.
Tiv Jel't-O, a dclicionn nnd l,.a!'h!n
desaert. Ptepa'ed in two minute-i. Ni
bulling 1 uo baking ! simply r.d I hoil'u i
aster sud set to cool. P' : I. on
on, Orange, llasherry and Sirswh. rrv
t;et a packags at vo ir gt-ici n t 1 .Ur
10 e:.
ViaiT DR. JOnArj'' r.nrir
mm of izm::i
q miimnn.,4m;v;;T9lrii.
a ..i.t ee,,r,WJ . j,t ,,iii. . K4 t tL ti -; ,(. f
SR. JtsDAH-D;3t-i,3 Bf ft7H i
ul l'6i,.:.l'HV
Bi K'Strt 4 C0-, tCSI Mtrl.Pt ',!l. I
aa'1a)Mrni S. t moi Ms. ie t..ur 1 Ir.. , -,
T.i i,e;t t,-l' es Ijr .11 I l.-iei.-r 1 . ,., .
aette (nil of 1 . f-- -e-.-vi; u' -t ... t. tti .e ..' :.
H . . t -ie wonder n.irin-r, ilii ea, . tI. t
atronir. Att lini.-.rie,, er tt. l'i:ri u.irn
te-.'l IKn t,i, ( a I: I S'.n.l'-e fu- ..',!T'-J
Hi-i-lii-r lo'UKsty 1 a . CMeiv'i er N'.; V ;rr
(roar own setecttonl lo trrrr ,us.
senher. Only SO vent. . ,Mr.
sKik l-itr, nr. f tear ltP,t e
LaWf rnit4 Uni for trim.
RtTlf-h, RaIlliM, Siltipl, I'tvtrV
Ecmoml,-.'l ami Ahlnttlr
AJ aMat UM ax rr.r.ii.
tkt bit a aW ila liari.
""IT IO Sftfl 1. tn r,r-., S. 1
f f
A f
rf.C'a lirn.ii,, . : f
tVH lerts- .-1,-.. am. I. i
g 0. imSsii ib rt. -e-r'.M- T'm-.h,. I
. wr'i a "T ifi a ..... .,
A W. V' S eSn..:.l-v .,, .
) -4
i ? Sr'
t a 'i ,
..i... -
ty 0' J new invcSorf Only those born deaf are incurable.
F. A. V;t,flj6., OP BALTInflOHS. SAYSi
.1 B.inORn, Md., March jo tn
r,.-m , He ins e"!t '-ei -f ilesfness. lhant. to ymr treatment, I; uw givi,,
. r .11: 1" -i ''f toe etc ". t- l V si Mvir iierttron. ... . live y -" arc. ny nt 3 r bi-f5in to sing, anil this kejit on getttnf worse until 1 1,,
mT r ,c'.o KvmiV nY: e'-Vi tu :'t 'ov.slh for three mm. w'thotlt niivMlcee. eaamttefl . twa.
n'U-iei snsoni! rtlut .hi -nn-t cminei.t etir socialist of this ctly who lolj me uJJ
S S : r-",'.-l !t,:p .' 3-1 even thnt only leucrarsniy, that the head nos .Jj
o.,ly an ' ,,. iu t & , , t,ar wo,.,i be lot forever.
,"C' IT5;r. tr ocr rdrirti-etni'l .'.illy in a Ntw York paper, and ordered your tret.
AfiVrlhid n-"l it c .(. ibvs accovrino; 10 your directions, the nniiies ceased, hi
Z d 'v n t r five v.'.! k-. c.v h.T the .l.seatwt ear has heeu entirely reftored. I UaiJJ
henrt.iy an 1 Ugto ro,,am y truly J,RMANt ..oS. Broadway. Baltimore, Md.
Oitr (i-Mi'mc;! tooi interfere
i.o:. iu". - J llli- I
t:.T:r--.::.T.r..'.!. ;ut currc.
Pthes $5
j Latest KEY
S-'.:- ' M I
125 Gccyjstrect, SAN FRAXCISCO, CAL.
Beauty ol Finish, Quly
the simp'i'Bt, tin. st eon-ta
pert leuehers, easy p.iyautf
grjai-RUtoe, one niili.oii.i'ell
of snreess, loinleotts tr.uifnt What More
We liaeo ether
1 aehiiiK,
Some good "ccond 1. it..-,'.ar:
oil, altachnirtiN n ti . 1 n fjrsL
Pout think
Bearing "Vi liite"
e sav "TMe.
't let 1;
Wh In
plinne 'ir a rite r.tid
(. r; -1- . llQ,
It f I
f--For Sale Dv
. r-yolkc,
I Are
1 .
Irh?8! I can be of service to you.
I canic&ct you over any railroad running
trains c: of Portland; tell you when to leave
home; b(re to change cars; when you will
reach lt destination, and wliat there is to
be suci-'r the way.
Call iTjrite 1 '11 take pleasure in answer
ing yot.qtiestions.
Ijin i: t'liicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and
EYLUV-IEKE beyond.
" tl .
f1 H Ei&ii
riireiili I'-it.i
P.VII.Y TK A '. '
-Vr.: m:h-
Ti 1-t-to j-h t- I', Wj 1 mid U
tl.e .'lil- AT N.'ii; i V iV.. cnsule . -
.1. i'l 1 el Tlc'.t (Cli.v, ,
u i-ii '. Mii:tii'.:;;n
t l .ri.l
H P , J.
'' ' ' -
.''!: .--.. - iT.
S!:::-'.o-l ni:i ?.::c!vcst
l.! ' 1
ST. , 0 J" L7S ''If NUTi-LiS
r: 1
ami au. ;v :'Ai:r
I e .-r I -i 1 i-t Sleep,
em! j 4" ' o l-lr f
II ., I T '- si
I at N.iiikrn 1
imir s i .
II l.-Jel . II! ,e
I'J 2 tl 'nt fii-.-s I
W"- 11 - - t t . i -1
l C.f I''- i -..-.
..o f- , It,
. - .'
irun your usual occupation.
ai a nominal
LA Smz AVE., I Hit ALU, ILL,
to $150
FRO CESS Rocords
liall IJcarins
Like a Bicycle.
Makes tbe "White" the
Kasiiest Running Sewing
Machine Made.
L: y.atiriai, Elegance, of De ign, tlie finest workmanship
and liest set id attachments, fuw instructtone liy ex
o'A maehinea taken in exchange, the fullest pnssihle
rindriMl tliousanu nappy, sa'isueu users, luiri.v jean
Can You AjK?
witlionl ball bearings, new, verv chetp.
, s i heap. All kinds of sewing machine Needltsi
New machines lor rent.
1 S wir Machine until you have seen the New Ball
lvh.l'vvf :H'.-irv.,Maebipes and Ulejclt'?. Call, tele-
Main Ofliee, '.00 Post St., Han Francisco, Cal.
Grants Pass, Ore.
A. C. Siikldon, General Agent,
Cor. Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.
1 r n
-tt trmrtutjM imoicft tor 0clTt Ftr.
Our Ornee 1 OFfitTC U.. Ptt 9rri
m we rtvn trrifr fWT tn IflM mm mmm
tiX. Onr m oi ri3 pat
'as tm Md
m .at ntrir H tht U.S. ftnU
cat irre. AnrRtwi,
Op. PttT 0m, WASMmtrrtMiL 9. O.
A Family Library
T!i3 Best In Current Literature
12 Complete Novel Yiabilv
$2.60 Ptn vca ; 25 cts. A copy
- . 'V - -
irj-lis-lli v,.t Uit jt, Mtnn.
W. M. CLAYTON, l'res
Masklt St.. Sit Fbncsco, Cat.
1 nr gi
.nrr lor lir.ii-0.
, aarnTivn
-. e. 1 '. . .'- . I'ci pais ' - ... , ,
'11 .' ' '' - ' ' ' j
I t - - - V s ' -I