Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 26, 1901, Image 3

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Is Cominj
Have You Red the Fact?
Santa Clans will need lots of pretty and I for hi$
have lots of them. Pretty Cups and S, Mustaehe '
tice Shaving Mugs, iuSs ,or vu..uii ranc;e Plat Haviland
fhina in Tea Plates and Cups and Saucut "
i!ts. Vases.
omening m u, iicmusuiijieap, Durable
visited Wcodville
tlie kind that's good for the (ren;
its cheap this year; see ourdow
for prices,
White Houseirocery.
Fancy Lamps,
Shaving SetsJ
Chamlr Sets,
A Choice, Carefully Selected &k of
Gifts for Christmas.
We shall bo pleased to have ourstom
crs call for a Handsome Caleir on
Saturday, December 21st.
Cramer Bios.
Holiday Goods
You have not seen ail of "flie bestrtnles
'that are ' appropriate for Christmas uiss you
have examined bur stock of
Silverware, Crocker: Lamps
We will be pleased to lay away artis that
you may need and will deliver them piotly on
the day desired.
Il.iir-lliddle Hanvaro Co.
Mill Mary Parker
Cbas. Nickell, of the Timet was ii
town F riday on a business visit.
Prof. J. P. McConnell. DrlniMD&l nf lb
"rim icbooli wai In town Saturday,
W. B. Hildreth has returned after an
absence of aaveral niontht in Fortlaud.
Mn. Annia Cammoni returned on
Saturuay evening from a viatt in Aeh
Mn. U. W. Scott went to Hugo Man'
day evening to visit there for a short
Andrew McCarthy o( Waverly Minn.,
ii visiting Here with his brother, D Mc
Mrt. W. C. Hale and daughter, Mias
Jessie, are spending the holidays
Walter Davis of Klamathon, Cal., re
turned on Saturday after a week's visit
in this city.
Miss Lulu Dyke returned last week
from San Francisco to spend the noli
days at home.
Mrs. Belle Huden left on Monday
evening for Corvallig where she goes to
visit lor a time.
Mrs. B. Harknesa went to Ashland
Tuesday to spend Ch riatmes with her
sister, Mrs. Rogers.
fan Green came up from Galice
Saturday to spend Christinas with his
family in this city.
Mrs. Dr. Avers returned to Kerhy
last Friday after upending the summer
in San Francisco.
Mrs. John Auten came in from Placer
Monday and left on Tuesday for Kerby
to spend Christmas.
Wm. liege cuius in from the Home-
stake mine on Soldier creek to spend
Christmas in town.
Miss Nell DePeatt is now in New York.
where she has a position with the
Postal Telegraph Co.
Miss Ellen Eveiton returned on Mon
day evening from an absence of several
months in San Francisco.
Mrs. B. F. Doerfus of Igetna, is
spending the holidays here visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Rehkopf.
C. 0. Bigelow of Williams spent
several days in the Kerby district last
week looking after stray cattle.
Mies Mattie McGee of Williams left
on Tuesday morning for Eagle Point.
whore she goes to spend Christmas.
George Churchman and George Rose,
who have been working with the wood
train returned to Ashland Friday.
Art Lister returned last week from
Portland, where be is taking a course in
dentistry, for bis holiday vacation.
Geo. W, Lance, one of the prominent
oots creek placer operators, was a vis-
tor to Grants Pass Thursday and Friday.
Roadmaster G. W. Ibnnell and family
went to Ashland Saturday, where they
will spend the holidays with Mrs. Don
nell's mother.
Roy Kramer returned on Saturday
evening from San Francisco, where be
is attending a medical institute, to spend
the holidays at home.
ll A. V,
ing Iroc
qe cl
ho .
Bannard arrived on Friday even-
from Brownsville and will soon aa-
charge of the Wilbur furniture
"Ne which he purchased few weeks
I0- Vnvnirinu hvmn this week and
Mr. Baj M take ehtrge probably
about tbe,.., , ,. ..
Mr. 0. S. Vn. f,m.rlv of Grants
P.8. Oregon, w u win fc, remem.
. , u tiring uivvbii
part of the year, w , .
orKau,,,ngc.,p,0.f Modern Wood-
TBU,fl"Bnc; uo almost effect
ed an organization ,t Sin, Kiv ,nd
wm suun oe at work in irett,
(Jrescent tity News.
20' Discount
We have a large stock and wish to make rodbr our big dis
play of Holiday Goods, which we are now unpackl ' Save money
by Buying a Heater now.
.Holiday Good....
Comprising a large assortment o
Crockery, Glass are, Lamps
-China and Silvervare.
Meadows District.
Conaiderab'.e work is being don u
the Meadows district at preseut, witti
promise oi a goou camp m tlie near
Messrs. Reed A Fletcher are pasbing
work on their cinnabar property with
nattering results.
William May field, who last spring
struck the rich seam of cinnabar ou
yuail Hill, now the property of the
Rogue River Mining and Milling Com
pany, has again been fortunate in open
ing up the richest deposit of mercury
ever found in this district. Mr. .May
field is steadily at work on his rich find.
Bush & Walker bare completed assess
ment work on their cl aim, which shows
good prospects of rich, gold ore.
Messrs. Ilammersly & Chisholm are
steadily at work in the tunnel on the
Shamrock claim on Quail Hill. The
ore is rich in gold and copper and the
vein is more than five feet wide. These
gentlemen have just completed assess
ment work on their group of claims.
The tunnel on the Shamrock claim will
be driven into the mountain 600 feet,
150 feet of this work being already done.
Chapman Bros, have run a tunnel
to tap a rich vein of cinnabar at a depth
of 100 feet.
The Rogue river Mining and Milling
Company will soon put on a large force
of men on their group of claims. Gold
Hill News.
local tbappentnos
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druegiet.
O) ster Stews with coffee 25c at the
Bon Tori.
Good assortment of Toys at Clemens
Fried Oysters and coffee 25c at the
Bon Ton.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron 's.
Note the(20 New Year'e gift offer in
the Sugar Pine store's ad.
to not miss the Sale of TrimmeJ Hats
n Ruhkopf'i.
Choicet Children! Books at Clemens
t 11. grand ball at the Opera house
Tuesday ,Teninj Muio by pemaree's
orchestra otfW, pieceg. .
The Court,, vftm , j,y ,hej o(
time this week l 0der that ,he forre
mar enjoy the Ch.i.tma, holiday.
New Ashland tVk Tomatoes 10c a
can. Rolled Oats 2o b. or . Sanla
Clans Laundry tioap 6c a nat. At the
Sugar Pine Store.
Commencing Saturday we will g:
One Piece of CrocKey Free
With everv $i.oo purchase from ot store
(except air tight heaters) This ofTer v con
tinue until Jan. ist, 1902,
At 1-3 off Regular Pri
To close out these goods. They
It will pay you to look them over.
oin" iasi.
4, saic 01
Some rare bargains in these, as ther's a
I'littrkiinf on rarmlar nrlrn t'
Some new things in Sofa Tillow
is now going on. You should not niisvi,
Mm. M. C. 11. Day and cluldieu en I
to Central Point Tuesday morning o
pend Christmas. Mr. Day goes
Wednesday morning.
D. C. Brownell, formerly one of our
well known citizens, spent a few days in
town this week. He is now loralid at
Echo, Umatilla county.
Miss Josephine Crow, of Merlin, was
passenger on Friday evening's train
returning from the Ashland normal to
spend the holidays at home.
Mrs. W. L. Ingram of Wilderville, left
on Saturday evening for Douglas county
to visit during the holidays. She will
be absent three or four weeks.
Attorney A. C. Uough left on Friday
evening for St. Paul, where be goes to
spend Christmas with bil father. Ho
will be absent several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hestin came
down from Ashland Saturday to spend
Christmas at home. Mr. Hestin is
working at the Ashland mine.
C. M. Spring, a former resident, re
turned recently from Wisconsin and has
been spending the week here, the guest
of Geo. McKimeni and family.
Mr. and Mn. R. L. Demaree, Mr, and
Mrs. J. R. Hyde, Harry Jones and Wm.
NefT drove over from the Greenback
mine to spend Christmas in town.
Mias Ida Johnson returned on Friday
evening from Jacksonville where slis
baa been attending school, and went to
Waldo to spend the holidays at home.
Mias Maud Anderson returned Friday
evening from the AshlanJ normal to
spend the holidays at her home al
Placer, first visiting a few days in Grants
Miss Lucie George came down on
Friday evening from Ashland where she
is attending the normal and went out to
Kerby Tuesday to spend Chrisliuaa at
Mrs J. B. Paddock returned SaiunUy
evening from ber visit in Northern Cali
fornia. Mrs. A. L. Edgerton accompa
nied ber from lgerua, to spend Christ
mas in Grants l'a.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Grimes left here
for Dawson City 00 the I'Mi of December
and saiUd from Seattle on the ltith 00
the steamer Cottage City. They expect
to be absent three months. Mr. Grimes
is well known fireman on the S. P.
Miases May button and Astella
Goodin went to Ashland baturday, tlie
former to spend Christmas at borne and
the latter te visit during the holidays
itb Piof. and Mrs. Cameron.
W.L.Ingram, nf Wilderville, has a
number of iogenions inventions to his
credit and has recently secured patents
on two very convenient sppliancei; one
a saab faotener and the other a seaier
for fruit jars.
W. G. Wright returned last week
from an absence of several weeks in
northern California where he has been
v:aiting the placer fields baying plati-
nam for Baker & aon, platinum refiners,
ol New York.
11. A. Rotermund came up from
Montague Saturday evening and return
ed on Sunday with bis little son May
natd. who has been here for several
Run Over by Engine).
Barney Jacobson, a Swede, was run
over by a couple of light engines near
CottunwooJ, Call'., bad hit leg cut off
and died soon after. He was riding on
a railroad velocipede, and asleep under
the influence of liquor. The eignah of
loud whistles were given and the
emergency brakes applied, supposing
the man would get e ft" I he track in time.
The coroner's jury found deceased was
struck by a locomotive engine in charge
of Dennis Freel: and that it was the
result of recklessness on the part of the
ergiueer in not stopping his engine,
when he saw the car standing still on
the track. Ptceased was a lineman of
the Postal Telegraph Co. and well
known in Southern Oregon.
Blcvck Pevtti.
The Black Pattl Troubadours gave an
entertainment last Thursday evening at
the opera house, a large attendance
being present. It wai without doubt the
best colored troupe that ever visited
Grants Pass. Black Patti herself is a vora
Iht of the first order and was encored
repeatedly and enthusiastically. Be
sides being a grand singer, Black Patti
as a peculiarly charming stage manner
and her costume was probably the finest
ever worn on the Grants Pass stage.
Her support was first class, several of
the male voices being among the very
beet ever heard in this citv.
G. A. R. Election. '
At a regular meeting of General
Post No. 39. U. A. R. on Dec 4. 1901,
the following officers were elected for the
year 1902: Com., J. E. Peterson,.
Vice, J. H. Holman: Jr. Vice. Jam..
Orr ; Chaplain, Noab Day : Surgeon. TV ft
noiton M. M., h. A. Wade : O. D..The
mou ; u. u., John Patrick.
We Have Just Received Another - -
Fresh Stock of Nuts
W ll.ltUK In this city, Saturday,- Deo.
21, 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Wilbur
a 10 pound boy.
WALTON At Dryden, Dec. 6, 1901, to
int. iiu lurs. uuo. n aiion, a son.
KEYNOLDS At Merlin, December 7,
1901, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds,
a aauguier,
IIOLMAN In this city, Frldav, Dec,
20, 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Hoi
man, a eon.
Basket Bridge at Kerby.
The citizens of Kerby are arranging
to put in a basket bridge across the
Illinois river opposite their town. The
paasngn of this stream is always likely to
be attended in flood time witb difficulty
and danger and an this is the only con
venient route to tho mines ot Jonepbine
and Canyon' creeks and their mineral
district, ever increasing in importance
and population, the new bridge will be
a very great convenience.
L. O. T. M.
Lsdy Sherwin, Koutbern Oregon depu
ty for the Ladien of tho Maccabees was
here last week and completed the orga-
nizttionofa hive of that order. The
new organization is called Grants Pass
Hive and has twenty-eight charter
members. The officers are: PL C,
Mrs. Lewman; I. C, Mrs. A. Ax'ell;
Lieut. C, Mrs, Cheshire: R K, Mrs.
Simmons; F K, Mrs. Ahlf ; Chap, Mrs.
Payne; 8, Mrs. Wilson; M of A, Mrs.
Cornell; Kent, -.Mrs. Griffith; Picket,
Mrs. Mowers.
Fingor Crew On.
A. N. Hulbert whs down last woek
from his Sams Valley farm, returning
on Saturday. His finger, which was
recently crushed in the attachments of
a sulky plow, is healing nicely. With
the exception of a bit of skin on one
aide, the finger was completely severed
from the hand, but it was replaced,
stitched and splinted firmly. It is
now doing well and will be a very good
fingtr after ail.
The holiday vacation! ara welcome
events to teachers and pupils. A little
rest in the midst of the labora prevents
the diagging weariness of work too long
"At tbe Old Cross Roads," advertised
to be played at the Opera bouse last
Wednesday evening, tailed to fulfil its
engagement lor various reasons, one of
them being that tbe leading lady was
unwell on that evening.
Scott Griffin handles Ashland flonr,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian while
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for
seed . also Wjieat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oata..
Choicest Perfumes at Clemens.
Autoekeag Teazle Down and Dait-y
cloth 10c a yard. L. L. Muslin 6c a
yard. - Cotton Batls 6c yard. All
shades of 24 inch Japanese Waih Silks,
50c a yard. At the Sugar Pine Store.
The bead Japanese of the S. P. Co. 'a
railroad section gang at Wilbur, Doug
las county, was shot and killed Friday
night, by A. 11. Hart. Hart had been
at the home of the Jap during the night
where considerable carousing had been
going on, to take some friends awar,
and the Jap afterward followed Hart to
bis home which was near by. The Jap
attempted to break into Hart's bouse
when Hart shot him with a 44 calibre
Ballard rifle. Hart was arrested and
placed in jail at Roseburg,
A great reduction in all Millinery
goods at Mrs. Rehkopf 's.
The Southern Pacific Company has
issued a financial statoment showing
tbe results nf lis oerationa for the
month of October. The gross earnings
forth month wore $7,891,099, asagaimt
(7,417,177 for the corresponding month
of last year. The net earnings weie
(:l,108,lt)4 as against t.l.ODO.OOO fur Oc
tober of 1900. The gross earnings fer
the period from July 1st to October 3Ut
were 28.813.23, as against ('.'5,402 095
for the corresponding period of last year.
The net earnings for tbe four months
were (10,986,997, as agaiiiBt (0,343,802
(or the corresponding months of the
preceding year.
Gov. T. T. tleer, Secretary of State F.
. Dunbar and Stale Treasurer Chas. S.
Moore were served Thursday with
papers in nine cases, filed sgainst them
in the state Circuit Court for Malheur
county, in which T. A. Hudson, W, P,
Keaily and others aro plaintiff. The
defendants in the several casus vary, but
the members of the State Land Board
are made defendants In each. The
plaintiffs allege that certain lands in
Mallieur county, in the new oil belt,
known to be mineral have been
purchased from the Stale Land Hoard,
by various parties, and each of these
suits is brought to set aaide tbe certifi
cate of sale for a certain tract, and to
have the land declared mineral. The
plaintiff are represented by Johri'L.
Hand, an attorney of linker City.
Tuesday, Dec. 17, 1U01, Jotin f . Kel
ley, formerly of this city and Mrs.
Ida Patterson.
field. Monday, Dec. 10. 1901, Chas
Kollinson and Miss Allio Snydor.
Mr. Kollinson, it will be remembered,
was in Grants Pass last summer work
ing an advertising scheme. The bride
is one of the popular young ladies of
Grants Pass Grocery Co.
Calhoun's old Stand.
SlMMONSn Tacoma. Wash.. Dee. 14.
lWJl.Kdilh, Inlant-danghter of Mr.
and Mr., chas Simmons, aged 8
Will Play ,, A.Me.nd.
A football team composed ol members
of Co. H will pl a team from Co.
"B" ol Ashland at that city on New
ears day. The boys are confident in
their ability to win from the Ashlandeis
anuare not daunted by the fact that
Ashland is known, to be a football town
and a producer ol good teams. Football
ii game which bas been greatly
neglected In this city and until the
present year no effort bas been made to
organize a team.
Excursion to Mexico.
Beginning on December 18, the
Southern Pacific Co. will sell excursion
tickets to the city of Mexico. Tbe lare
from Grants Pasa and return it $03.40,
Tickets are good for GO days and on tbe
return trip atop overt will be given
west of El Paso.
Coming Events.
Dec. 25. Christmas day.
"Ji" Deg'eeo! nono,
Dec. 25 Gut Sun mlnstral. .t r
Dec. 81. Grand ball by The "Six" or-
cnestra at Opera house.
Jn. 2-Richards & Pringle'a mlna-il.
t Opera house.
February 10 Jessie
at opera house.
ey company .
- High School vs Factory.
A game ol liotbill will be played 011
Friday, December "7, between the high
school team and the S. P. D. Si 1. boys.
Roy llarkctt is cap am of the students,
bile T. A. Palnifr officiates ascoach.
Al McKeuzie is in command of the buzz
saw juniors.
New Store ot Solma. .
W. J, Smith of Selma was in town
Tueulay on a business visit. He has
lately opened a new ttore in the little
town ol Selma, on the Kerby road.
Selma, while yet ol very modest dimen
sions has an excellent situation and a
bright future. It is the gateway to the
great mining district of the lower
Illinois and a convenient outlet for tbe
newly discovered copper mines on Gray
bick mountain besides being a center
for a considerable area of very pro
ductive farming country. Mr. Smith
intends to bu;id a new and more com
modious store building next year. He
will keep a road house for tbe con
venience of travelers and may later on
mn a pack train te the various mining
ca m ps.
Killed at Crescent City.
Wm. McKay, the 17 year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. John McKay of Crescent
City was killed recently at Ilobba, Wad
A Co s mill at that place. His clothing
a as caught by the set scree of a pulley
and he was whirled around a shaft witb
Them X-mas Bolls. They havo been jingling
with us for tho past two or three weeks; and now
Sanla Claus has given us permission to jingle them
for you; and from now on wo shall
Jingle Merrily.
If somo of tho melody docs not get into your
homo it will bo beoauso like tho foolish Virgins,
you waited 'till tho eleventh hour. Tho choicest
things will go first, of course. No need to wait
until others havo bought tho very things you
wantcd and too lalo to got more. Buy now. We'll
storo them for you and deliver when you say.
Hero nro a few suggestions for suitablo presents
for gentlemen. Our stock is now at its best, and
you havo timo to mako selections.
A Pair of Silk Suspenders.
A Pair of Hand Embroidered Suspenders.
A Pair of Street Gloves, silk linod.
A Box of Mercerized Socks.
A Box of Initial llandkerchicfH,
A London Silk Mufllor.
A Victor Silk Umbrella, Now Handles.
A Dozen exclusive pattern Ties.
A Choice Slumber Robe.
A Dress Shirt.
A Smoking Jacket.
A pair of thoso Leather Slippers, Black or Ox Blood"
P. H. Harth & Son.
Headquarters for Hoys' Clothing.
You Know Whaxt You Are
When you take drove's Tasteless Cbul
Tonic, because the formula Is plainly print,
ed on every bottle showing that It Is alm
ply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form
No Cure, No ray. 60o. .
Notice of Stockholder's Meeting'
Notice It hereby given that on Tuesday,
tbe 14th day of January, 1902, at the
bour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, the
regular and annual meeting ol the
stockholders of the Grants Pass Bank
ing and Trust Co., will be held In tbe
bank building of said corporation, at
which time a board of directors will be
elected, at provided by tho by-lawt of
taid corporation, and such other busi
ness transacted as will come before the
J. Fbank Wathoh, Pres.
L. L. Jxwiim,, Cashier and Secy.
A dozen shotes and
Dig. At 111V Illa-. Iirt lw.,.u. i.l..
"hi""r". . j. n. rennev.
a number of young
SMA IX band printing press itu type,
r(5. At Courier office. 3V '
A good residence lot 60x100 on north
- main street cheap. For particular.
Inquire al this oillce. particulars
QU ARTZ mine on Mt iteulwn, one mile
from the I.awrenna mln in ...n
mm Leland. There i an open out of 80
eel In length hy Uu feet In depth, expos
IliC a vein of over t feot wide unsaying XJO
per ton. An arralre 1. now being put un
on tlie property. This property can be
purchased at a reasonable price now. In
quire at this office or call ur address J. W
Kailes, Leland, Ore'
TAKE your wheel to Cramer Bros, for
renalra. 1
Stops The Cough txnd Works
off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure -cold
in one day. No Cure, No Pay
Price ft cents.
On to Sevn Francisco
The Bolton St Peil excursion which
leavos for San Francisco on December
20 gives a very convenient opportunity
at very molerate cost for visiting the
great city of the west San Francisco
is rightly termsd "the Paris of America"
and a visit there, especially in the mid
winter, can net fail to bj brim full of
interest and enjoyment. Then there
are many to whom such a trip would be
a combination of business and phasure
and those who expect to visit the city
during the winter ehrjul I so shape cir
cumstances as to make the trip with
this excursion.
Tho excurs'on leave onthereg i'ar
10 o'clock overland on the inirniniiot
Dec. 20 and givds 10 dais in San l-'ra-i-cisco,
though the return in.y he mile
sooner if desired, The faro ia (12 from
Aslilan I, with excursion rates fr m
here to that city if ttiure are 10 ur more
excursionists. Children un l -r 1.' years
aregiven half ra'e. ilima maybe
checked as on the regular tickets.
Pullman accommodations may be secur
ed by paying the extra rate and berths,
when desired, slio.ild be secured in al
vance. Christmas &t the Churches.
Bethany Presbyteiian church held a
Christmas song service on Sunday
evening and the grand anthems and numbers by the choir were ei,
j yed by a large congregation. The Hun
day school has a Christmas treo and
program on Wednesday etening
T.'ie Newman and M. E. South and
Baptiat Sunday schools havo Cliri.-lmsi
trees with appropriate programs on
Tuesday eveiing. Special music was
rendered at the Newman M. E. church
Sunday evening.
At St. Ann's church there is to be a
Christmas tree on Wednesday evening
with appropriate exercises.
Tbe Salvation Army, instead of a tree,
will have a "chimney" on Wednesda)
evening, hanta (Jlaus will come down
the chimney.
Farmer's Institute.
An estendtd ioxtitulu for farmers and
farmers' boys will be held al the Oregon
Agricultural College at Corvallls from
January 14 to February 11. Tho course
comprises a seties id popular Irctures
and practical denioiislraliona on farm
topics. The following are among the
suhj"cts to be considered : animal
husbandry, problems in agriculture,
agricultural chemistry, horticulture,
butter and cheese making, bacteriology,
insect pests and plant diseases, vegetable
and flower garden. No tuition or fees
are asked. The course is freo. This
institute should bo given a large attend
ante ami will ho of iuonimahle value
in promoting morn enlightened con
dilions In Uiji iculiuril matters.
Ninas (ilnssivare at Cramer llros.
If, iu the past you bave had trouble
with your typewriter ribbons, tend a
sample order to K. L. King, 218 Bansome
Street, San Francisco, and tee 11 you
can't get a better ribbon for seventy
five cents than you have been paying a
dollar lor. (7.00 a dozen, any color and
for any machine, E. L. Kino,
Pacific Coast General Agent,
218 Sanaomu St., San Francisco, Cal
Bath Co-blnele.
I wish to close out my line ot round
hath cabined and bave reduced the
price from (3 00 to (3.00.
The latest improved tquaie cablne
ateel fiame(6 00. Johktii Moss,
Grants Past, Ore
Biggest assortment ol Games at
This slfnature Is on every box of the ftnilae
Laxative uromo-Uumine TaM.s
the nana that cures a eoM ia esse sassv
Thousands ot Useful and Heautitul Articles now on Exhibition.
weeks al tbe home of bis grandparents, awful rapidity. Hi lived only a
Mr. and M.-s. J. B. Paddock.
time after being rescued.
City vs. City.
A gameof football between two town
teams will be played at the base ball
tbort grounds Wednesday afternoon. A live-
ly game is expected.
1'1'Ce From now until January ist we will give
free of charge to every cue purchasing nt our store
iiuTtlimidise to the amount of $15.00, your choice of
our 2K) pieces of elegant Silverware.
Ask to See Them.
20.",; on We were fortunate in being able to
senile fmin one of the largest johliers mid importcis
in the I'nilnl States, their entire Mtnple line of
FIMv LINI-.V. There are hundreds of Towels,
Doilies, Napkins, Scat ft and Stand and Table
Covers that would make eh-gant Holiday presents.
Ask to see them.
20.',: Off .Men's and Hoys' ClothiiiR
We have a few lines at from $9.00 to $15.00 that
are the biest, bargains ever offered.
2()''i Off We are going to dispose of every
Ladies, Misses and Child's Coat or Cae that we
have in tlie liotisc at a discount of 20 .per cent.
You can't afford to buy until you see them.
HandkcrchicTs Ladies', Gents' and Chil
dren's and Silk Handkerchiefs. We are
showing llie largest variety ever brought to the
city. Special vlue.i at 5c 10c, 15c, and 25c Ask
to sec them.
Kid Gloves Ladies' warranted Kid Gloves
Ladies' Underskirts We invite special
attention to our line of Ladies' Silk and Mercerized
Satin Skirts. We are now showing some entirely
new features that will interest you.
Soft Solid Shoes 25c, 3,e and 50c.
We have made a special effort to secure nu attrac
tive line of Children's Gue Shoes for the Holidays.
It will pay you to see them.
$3.5 0
Acknowledged to be the best made.
R. h. Coe&Co.,
Sole Agents for
Southern Oregon-
" '
Men's Velvet Slipper, handsomely
embroidered. Note the price, 6Vc
Ladies' hand turned Felt Juliett, all
sizes. Note the price, 98c
dozon 6c
Men's large sized
Handkerchiefs. Note
Linen finished
the prtc oa
per yard 14c
Six Fieces China Mattings all new
up-to-date patterus. Note the price
Fiue Lace Scrims, per yard, 5c
Men's Fine Jap Silk Intu "fitiiaM!
chiefs worth 50c. Note lh prwtr """3
Four pieces Cotton Ingrain Carpet
regular prices from 35 to 40 cents
Note the price, 24c
R. L. Coe & Co.