Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 26, 1901, Image 2

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Published Evry Thursday.
Rates i
One Year, In rdvaoce.
His Months,
Ttrna Months,
Hingis Copies,
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at the oflice, or
uy mau.
I'ropk. A Mnqb
Entered at the pout olhce at Grants Vt't.
vrcguu, u ucuna-ciaM mau mailer.
The, Courier wishes its readers a Mer
ry Christmas with all the happiness
mat the da; can bring.
Several insurance companies in the
esstsrn cities bavs Included the Christ
mas tree ss among the eitra hazards
which affect fire Insurance This dis
criminating against Hants Claus by
com blooded corporations will probably
have no effect on the old mm nor will it
frighten him away from the homes l.e
Is wont to yisit. -
J Front street, oppo Depot.
Description cf Cl&re. Belle Hy
draulic Placer on Red
Dog Creek.
Buy your goods of us and get a
Fine Set of Dishes
one or more at a time FREIi
We earnestly ask you to call and inspect it. You will sure'v
want it.
Jted Store.
Henry E. Ankeny of Jackson county
Is mentioned as one of the csndidstet
for the republican nomination for
governor of Oregon, to he elected In
June. Mr. Ankeny has been a resident
of Oregon fur over 60 years, having come
10 the slate when a child. He Is one ol
me rsry wen known mining men ol
Oregon and is ths principal owner of the
famous Sterling in Ins near Jacksonville.
thill and Argentina are preparing
lor war. it does not clearly appear
what the quarrel is about, bin that is a
matter ol secondary importance. Neither
nation has had a war for sume time and
the Hpaniah American nature pines foi
excitement. In Argentina public rifle
ranges are maintained and each citizen
Is allowed 36 shots from s Matisi-r rille.
It Is suggested that ths matter be
referred to King Edward as arbiter but
this course would ill suit ths South
American temper.
J he sensation of the hour is ths
Bchley controversy and the findings ol
the court are received with Indication
II over ths United Htates for Bchley is
a popular burs and no amount ol official
condemnation can make him anything
eise in tbs eyes of the American people.
campion who might have been
honored figure, Is made the target for
ins public wrath and bis fame is sreat
in quantity but ths quality is not of the
most desirable order. Dewsy'e opinion
favoring Bchley Is recsivsd with satis-
The giving of gifts at Christmas time
Is a custom which should never grow
old and which Is productlye.of the regard
and cordiality between friends that
mskes life worth living, but like all
things It hsi Its abuses. Too much of a
value received" spirit has crept In and
too many presents are given with the
purpose of paying back some gilt re
ceiver ibis Is not right and the
Intrlnaio value of the gift should be con
sidered of secondary Importance. No
gmsuouiu ue given which does not
carry with it the regard or the a Auction
ol the giver.
ueruiany is said to be urenarimi an
ultimatum to Venezuela and is arranging
for warlike action In order to settle cer
tain claims against that country. There
sesinsw be a disposition among the
European nations and (ism any In par
ticular to bring the Monroe doctrine to
a lent and it may be that the present
Instance will offer an opportunity. The
United Slates believes in the M iinron
doctrine, but whether or not It would be
upheld In international courts Is an un
solved problem, Msny statesmen con
sider the Monroe doctrine as simple
oiun. However, It is one that has al
ways worked hitherto,
Summervllle In Levke County.
The quarantine slstlon at Drews val
ley gap is HUH maintained. J. II. Blair,
master ol ceremonies at the station, fum
igates all comers from the west without
regard to rank, station or leligion.
Each morning ss the woitorn s'age
peases this station, Mr. Bluir fumigates
the driver and all the passenger that
may be aboard. A short time ago Tie-
siding Elder HuinuiKrville, ol the Method
ist faltb, chanced to be panning through
on the stage. Now no one would think
(or a minute that Ihtre could ever be
any occasion for bringing a Muthodiet
minister In contact with fire, sulphur
and brimstone; but that is ciactlv
what happened to this minister; ho was
placed in his stall with the common
hard and given a good smoking. Hut
being a broad minded man he took bin
medicine philosophically, and no doubt
regarded It as a divine banning sent up
on him to warm him up after mi all nigh
ride In an open stage.
Rev. flummerville is the same gentlo-
A Buffalo Ranch.
A ranchman in Texas is making buff
lo a special feature of his slo.-k. He has
a herd of about fifty, with a wide range
over the prairie, anil says they are i.ot
hard lo raise, needing only freedom and
plenty of room. Hu ha a few elk with
them, and ss) th elk end hnfTilo gut
along peaceably tng'.rher for lint most
part. Now-arid then he sells a specimen
looueor another ol tho .jol'.gical gar
Jens, lint he eccuia to have goueialo Hie
biisinens for scientific, inlcreHt in the
preservation of mi allium! now nearly ex
Thh man ofhir a n (resiling contra:
to the bii'.eher in tlio Middle 'iVuni win
Killed bull a dozen ul these rare nnim tip
lira bar bams sonic, lime ago. liuH'ilti
steak is not particularly d.-lieimi", and
thera ill no reason lor llm mat'iicn-1 x
cepl thai tliu owner wanttd to provide a
raru viand. Th ami; "iiitm, ac'inlid
Hie hull!) vivants of the Midlife Ages!
when they hud peace lir-a-t and hum-
ining hlrdi' tongues serv. d up f ir their
Hloiday Goo
Everybody knows that as Christmas approaches the
throng thickens,!and satisfactory selecting becomes more
oiitl.more difficult
DoYour Christmas Shopping Early
while thestotk is coniplvtc.
We have just receive direct trom a Xew York factory
a beautiful line ol LADIIvS' NliCKW'li AR, consisiin.; of
the latest Novelties for the Holidays.
We are (mowing a complete line of Ladies'
Embroidered nnd I.ace Ttimnied Handkerchiefs.
Men's Initial ami Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers.
Ladies' and Gent's Kid Gloves in all the I.ate Shades.
Sofa Pillow Cases with Photographed Scenes.
We have a few Ladies' Waists, Capes mid Jackets left
which we are Closing out at a Great Discount. Anyone
ol tnc above articles will make a nice
E. C,
Christinas present.
Shoes and Furnishings.
It isa uoliceable (act. now that ami
football statisticians are tabulating the
casuslllea on the grldirou this fall that
none of the serious injuries are credited
to the games lu which lbs strongest
elevens took part, and that nut mors
than 1 per cent of the minor injuries
mat were Important enough to be
tabulated were auilalnml in disss games.
"This proves," said a football eipert,
man who was snow bound lait win
in the head of this valley while Irving In
get lo 1'aiafey to fill an appointment, at
which lline he had a narrow em aim (rum
(reeling to death ; but after wading annw
waist deep a part of a day and night,
he finally found a deserted cabin, where,
without board or bed lie. reunion I until
rescued later on.
l.asl (all when In Paisley ami while
be and the family will) whom he was
"tbat with properly trained men there .topping were eating supper, Uielioim.
look fire and he only saved hi life l.y
fleeing through the flames. Truly our
presiding elder's experience through
this pirt ol bis circuit hive been vancd
and fraught with danger. I.akevicw
It natl er.
Is comparatively little danger ;in fool
ball. You will notice thai thoae most
leriouely Injured were members el high
school or amateur teams, which pre
sumably are not properly trained. Cer
tainly they do not play anywhere near
as fast or bard a game as do the big
college teams, and yet the members ol
Hie latter sustain very few injuries. A
well-trained foelball player uot only
knows how lo fall, but he ia in condition
to withataud a ilioc k that would lay out
li tint raiin.l ...... .. 1 il. i. i I
,,m ,., . ,,, whole around his place (or
evioi oi u. H more itiacriiuinatiuii
were shown in selecting men for the
game on the pait ul that fourth-rale
u-aiiia, mere would be fewer injuries
Dewey is a man of the saiui) sliipe aa
Bchloy. Ilegeta Ihliiga done, deeming
the icjull more of imparlance, the
Uianuer uf its aci-oiiipliihmsut, Tula
senna unpardonalile hcicsv ill the luinda
of Hainpaon and Long. 'I lie Bry 0
Schley's athlcvcinenta cannot be dim
med by bureaucratic ddrac-liou Miles,
Who ventured In commend ifewey'e
opinion, was aluiply lehukud by Mecie
tvryolWar Koit, who aui in cttect
that Ml'ea, wiupying Hie poiiliuii he
doea, ought lo know eiu ugh to keep
his mouth bhut. Miles, however, haa
lost nothing lu popularity by voicing
lita opiuion, Miles ia a fighter loo, ol
olher than the hookiah aort, and is hou
ored aa audi by pnpulai opinion. It ia
gratilyiiig to n He that Macley, the
'hieiorian" the mouth pice for the
apleuellc icu tlmeiila of hli minora,
baa been diamlaaed from the navy de
partinetil by the ordor ol Prvaideiil
Uooaevelt uimeelf. Aa Made la a
little flgur.i. the little nunial. .... i r
Ferocloue Swine.
C. (lambonl met with an accident
laal Saturday which came near proving
a latal aflair. A wild boar bad been
several d.ivs, and
when he atteiupcd to drive itawav the
trouble began. Tlio boar made a ru.-li I air veiv plenum
a t,i' ;,v t-': i h I o!
when lie ,i ,.;
Olll ol 1 1 id w, ! i:
ap-i ifi of lord, Hi
low i t li.-r on i
nieii-' - no'iiS -i h
li e li nk.
! !. i
la do. II ; li'
live in p. ic,
utid ii n.ia.t.
In S uid a . I,
ii. ia I,- i ... ,
' .1'lirrn of a i
" In-ill lei t,t
1 :,'ro, HI ii, ii mi n,,.
d to lie kill d I
a, -ell
r: i! n
i,ioi-i II 111.
b M lo pr,,i
a 1 1 i n ii w
h ii I inul ij
come lew i ii,-. ','o ,,
piovei pi,, In i',1 ,M ;
to lollow h. ej i , t ,
knoa n, but ii i, ; ,
It la f i , i a ( ,
.Hid i,h,,n ii ,
uenoiM lo i.e i ; a
very ilitliciili.
hi Hi '
;,. I!
is an I
el In
BoolK-Kt-llv Lumber Co
I'llll lloolh-Keily l.innlu r Conn,,,,,. V
Mintv aie nil riinniiij o,
niilla in I. in..
ine.r inn ciipnci
at nun, throwing him on the giound
and was only prevented from killing
him by the timely arrival of one of Mr
liamlioni's boy. Mr. tianilinii m.i le j
a good fight for bit life, but It win an up- I
hill job from thu start. The animal 1
tore Ilia heavy boot oil and intln ted an
ugly wound In liiu right h.oi, an I an
other in the felt hip, Aflri ho, re-i m
Mr. liamboiii g it a rule and put that
hug out ol htiaiut'ie without de
lay I Ml Norlo Itecord.
Snlvatlon Army Olluoia
A pa'ty ol Solvation Arm r olli en 1
connuting of Conaiil K lima li.nili !
fucker, S ail' C.iptain t'arr, Mi Sti;. ;
Captain Wright, Captain Nirr.uvuv,
Stall-Captain l."n, S'.airv'ap.ari An- !
deraon, Captain Itreniu r, I'api tin
lloilgea, Brother Troutmaii, 1 trotiiei I
Jones, Chief Secreta.y Wilford llik-c.n,
Stall Caplaiu Mackemie, Mr. Stall f ..i
lain Lewie, Lieut, liraiiam, I'a lei s,n !
nock, Stall Captain Wiight, St,n i'.,p. ,
tain Truuiblo, t'apiam lliu. kl.,, A Ij i- '
taut Hansen, Mn.-oa. l.iu.nnii, and
, liMliij; i.i.j,.
cats on hiind now ,i, (
of tin- tliici In in ),t.r
being i.iipp,, l,y ii,,,
dlV. ll,, ,,,v
U',01,1 leg n, ij utiun
I' ll v o! I. l.i 0,1 ,
1 1 e
I i "O l ',
I' M r...
ll : in Ii
vcr e li: ,!
M -I ,1 ..
aiM iw i,
.! tin- w,.. .,
.I in I 1 ho
e..- ii , i .
IrlllV Ol
.1 lit
wor'l i
v eve-y
:l:e I,;
a rated
, 'nun, I
loch i-
in '.
I f. , i
T(,e e if. ni wl i njice in the
meliuri' i' nd pije'ic riarne of Uid l'.g
ih ait'ia e,i in li.e rn-'rin paitifui.r
couii'y u ' i (eihip. ll.e la g.' land
in. i-i in p nam oi Ion 'rio.itarifa ol
e iex, cf lh iliinoie liv-r. lied
I)o IiH-i.f "up .in " si v, r cr.'.-.-k ai,d
reemic-il.e l.ii:er htreaiu g-tatly in
sM of i-i I'li.irit :ci iH;ics. IIr:gg cr:k
iiy Lu c ,ii-id-red llie cas'e'n boundary
'! tilt; rosier priioi of tins C'-.a-.-t
rane, tl." cnii'ry woa: (,f i'. b -coining
piickly prei :i,ii ji-, a region of rouk
cliffy, tic pi. cleft ran) o.iii and rapid
itre.'.mH, home pi'iona being an roiiKh
tl'at ii i- iinpj-fiiil. to traverse, even on
loo .
Uid I) ig wan knwu and worked in
tlit cariicr daa ol uiinu.g lu llii-
Ciumv and ae one ol the live!
picture-ijue campii of tlio tune, the creek
nwsrming with the rouli and read)
miner wi;h gold duil in abundance
Ttie "groco-y" Btini-4aloon, of ill
pTi'jd uaa not absent end its f .U: 18 ul
punted out lo travelers ad tliev I 'S"
over the trail. The creek bed ia said to
have paid 12 perdty to the in lu by tin
primitive methods of mining then fin
Ahoi;t two mili up tliu creek from it
noiith, the creek ia confined by a
narrow canyon and hero the "pay
uid lo have slopjwd suddenly, the ru.-l
)f waier having apparently swept, the
canyon clea i. Above the cinini littie
old hai been I, ill ad
the ptincipal m;no on Hul ftog in Ihc
OlHra lii lib" bvilraulic placer, owned
Old operated by Joiwph Conner. I Ii
iiroperly einhracea neveral of the ban,
uid channels ol Kid Dug and llrig
r.:ek. The ranioris ol theae. itriam
ire for the moat part narrow, bul
wi-len at times into bare or "Hat:.' am
H-re are alv ays gravel d-poitt of con
"iderahle diiiieniona. At the lower em
il I lie nulling ground, cn Kriga cree', a
' nice channel, tbout 2-50 f, ei in h idtli
nan crone cm iai year an,1 linn clnoine
a the MTiie of the preneul year's opera
tiom. Ihe chant e! prosDccta we1!
hiotighotil its entire, vv.d Ii and excel t
on the outer rim, the gravel ia no
-xceptionally large or heavy. Th
thatimd Ins well obovn the cio k
that thn (lump is ample and nuili, ien!
ilieiniue Iihh a first clai-e li) drau'ii
eiuipmenl, with o. 2 giant, plenty cl
)ipe and nil n-ceiaary appliances for
rapid working. The pressure ia fullv
nillicieiit, being something over 2 10 feet,
I lie waler riyht is one of the beat. Tin-
ditch is uliout three miles long, tapping
tieil Hog at the canyon. The creek,
tlioagh not of great length, haa its
-Willi-! S III BOII1B Ol 1 110 lOltlCfct IU9IUI
nine of tin- region ami furnishes a laig,-
volume of water until very late in the
Ite.l Dog dam, wliirelhe water for tl,
mine is taken from the creek is one ol
the most picturenpie and hejiitiful apot
il southern Oreg.-n. The diun is built in
i canyon witli alitor wail of black rock
lliusireiim of water, pnuring over the
tiiui forma a cataract of peculiar beauiv
mil tint wild grandeur of the diriuiiiiil-
ingaiiaaHla to ui.ike the scene one long
Waldo Copper Mine
S V. Im.'omnion. foreman at the
Waldo irppr mine", ia spending Christ
mas in town. The work on theae cop
ri.-r oroiwrliei ii confined mainly at
trcseiil lo iro?:-ectlng on the Lyttle
mine and several lunncla are beinf
drivi n.
the A-hlar,i3
Qaa-tr. I. di.- -! that have been lost by
eliifes or fjuli!-. may be found hr nil
ingon Dr. Jennings wilh his mineral
-n.'.i'iiet at (j'ar.ts I'afa. He hai
valna'du i.iinirg claims for rale, or bond
on rcae' nalie te-nH
Lel&nd Siftings.
Mr. Ei-iey lc k a fl;. irg trip to Grants
I'ass lait week.
The Coliiuiuia mines are running
with a lull bead of w ater.
Geo. 15 a'oca ia working a big force ol
men in his pbcer. Georg-j is a rustler.
Mr. L. N. Browning wa sten on our
itieela one dav Isst week. She reports
lively times at Liacr.
Inland think!! of liu'ororating,
Iheugh law ami order ia strictly observi d
and it is a q ict town.
A v ol many farmers are planting
app'e tnei-. A p's of fine flavor can be
rai'i d in abundance in thie section,
The L land stores are doing a gord
bu-iness. They have a big display ol'ina) goods that wou'd be ciedit lo
city stores.
The Greenback mine is running a deep
abaft below their tunnel to tap the ledge
at a greater depth The ledge has rich
i,i 8-t w ith the depth.
T ihler ia working his ledge with quite
a !i rce of men . He ia well t-atii-fied with
the proapects. With this sswitbothei
leditca tao lur'her down Ihev go the
wid-r am! richer becoin s the Icdgp.
Tin- cold fioi-ta on tne mountain have
topped some ol our men who wen
camp d under liees and they have gone
io the valleys lo get work so aa to be
ready in the i-pring with a good grub
daughter and son-in-law. Prof, and Mrs
iiic Tn.tilm,n I'mar letnr.iel home
last Friday ve ling from Asl.Und
ill aoend the holidays f t boa e
resuming her studies at icbool
The Wo. CM blacksmith shop bat j
been, having been rented by t
Meears. ii. Colby and C. H. Mcintosh,
who are prepared lo do all work prompt :
V. Give them a call.
The comity s.-l.ool tupiriiitendeiit,
Mr. Lincoln SaveSe visited the Merlin
icbool last Thursday afternoon. He is
much pleased with ths progress ol the
icho-jl, and the rapid advancement the
atu.lenta are niakin,' in the work.
The literary is largely attended every
Friday evening showing the interest
takea by the citizens tf l.erlin in tl
educational pureuils. ".ircuLa was
adopted as a name (or the society at the
last meeting.
M irried P'of. Haven, the noted vio
linist, and Mrs. Green, both of Merliu.
The congratulations of thur matiy
friend go with them and Night li-wa
wishes these new beginners la Hie a
nrigtit and prosperous future.
Mekmx Nioht Hawk.
noe mttif n 1 1 1 ' "'' tt'ii i nana
A Present for tie Family.
Monarch Victor Talking
The winners of the gold
American Exposition over
machines. Made in seven
medal at the Pan.
all types of talking
styles. Records are
Fails Overboarii. find U burroundefl
br Sharks When
o he retiieinhnred.
Tl... .-
iiieioii rorinaiiiiiH on l(cl Dig are
lerpcniine anil grun 'e, and belta ol
each allernato rei.e itediv on almost tin
holo courmi of llie creek. Thn lountrt
it full of Iz, though few ledges ban
in n loi a o l. I his portion has b.-un
iiegli'ct-il by ijuaru hunters. Copp.
is I, ,iin. in Una section.
I ho hotilili-rs of It id I)jg are fatnoiH
for their weight and hanlni'sa. Tin.
Iniiinela aliiiund with black, iron-line
roi'l-'S, I llllld . HlllOlltll 1111,1 liolial,.,,!
tell ring like steel wh.'ii rtru. k with a
aiciige. n,.i,,rii ttie .lays of mant
powder, tin y were a serious handicap in
wirkwgtlie ground, but tliev aro not
roof a u'ii i n -t di naiuitii.
it'll ling gold is of the very first
piality; clean, pure, heavy and solid
ami coniinanili tli,. 1 1 nr iHtt nri It i.
thee ae order an I Ivg nii'-gnts are
illi'll tly folllld.
"Cold Spring" Ledge.
laliiitn has ri'cently reloealeil the
.. i . i. . ... , ,
iv,iKi' hi mi, fpnng" on
Hie iiioiiniaiii which forma a divide lie-
tiveell Joni'i i reck. I.ouae ,-r,-,-k ,,.! ll,..
I'.vhiis creek triliuturii a .Meado Itros.
sank a shall on this ledge at onu time
bul faded to find n prospi ct to jmlify
' com aiic i o the work. Ilou.ivar
Mr. I.-hiini, toiitiiiuiug the sinking oner-
" inui.ii roi-a w li icii i arms
fli'C gold ill L'ood va'lli.a nn.l il iu 1
nit h vitluulile in mo may he developed
villi 11 little greater tlei.ih. 'Il1,,,:ii
Itnuir. ia of the 1,,,,, f, U1i .
pieces ol very rich rock at the unfile
t ii,., .1 i i i., . .
, ... ., ,i ,,,, w i riir 1 1 1,, i . i ii.t . I.. ,
.. , -'. ii.iii a o in , . , wiillll, IIS
i'Iimoiik incir.ising jT (i,,, 1 1-a , t li .
I'lines are lively at Kiniiiyvide. Km
ney keeps a clerk as it is inii.rnaible for
r 1 1111 to tl j Ins s o e 0 k alone. His
laughter .V'llie in an ellicient cierk and
bookkeeper, flu hotel is doing a good
hii-im sa in, di r Hie management of Mr,
Yokohama is quite a lively village.
i ne utile proun men are busy catting
wool eirly and late. In this locality
ti.ere ia alio ij lite a force of white men
cutting wood lor difT-ient parties The
wood train is liikingaway a largeamouut
ol woo l. It is to he hoped !,at more
piling ground will be made for next sum
mer's hauling,
All the ledges on Mr. Reuben aie being
w iraeu io uieir lunetl capacity. Th y
are all showing up well as fares de
veloped. Jhere is a movement to erect
two or more stamp mill in the spring as
a loo as the wa,'on road can he completed
to the, mines. That is one Ihinir that
has prevented the mills being put up
tins winter.
The weather lias become cloudy land
very mini with appearance ol rain. Our
late frosty nights shortened the water
supply so that many of Hie miners quit
work, t ut from the present outlook Ihev
will resume worit in a short time The
weather for the last nunlb has bien
line for lint funnel fordoing his winter
work such as hauling fer iliinr. pruning
mm irees, nxtiig fences a-'il m!t niinn
b r
the next year s wood.
.-muck is lining ;wt'ii on the range as
our early rains ma le good grass. Grain
ia growing nicely. j,,,,.
flylua Johnson, a sailor, on board
the Uritish steamer Kllumy, which'
recently arrived lit Moliilc, Ala., from t
fit. Vincent, t'a-n- Ycrtle i.diiinln, had a i
most tliiii!innr c.i t i while the
steumer v ;i.s on the ii u'i' to that
port. Shortly after leaving; St. Vin
cent, and when the vessel was some- j
thinp more than ZOO miles to sea,
Johnson, who vena goinr iibout his
duties on deck, went to one side to
attend to stone lines. Leaning far!
over the ruiiin. ht lost hia balance i
nnd plunged bend first into the wa-'
ter. Several men on deck saw John-'
son na he fell, and signaled for the (
engines to be reversed, lit the same j
time throwing n life-preserver to
him, but this he failed to fret, ns the
seas wire ru;.i.!i: l.ih. T!.- Lll.iiiiy
was going a speed of ten or twelve
knots per hour, nnd, although the
engines were reversed, she had gone
a pood distance from where Johnson
fell overboard before a bout could be
Johnson, In the meantime, was
struggling, to keep hi msclf afloat,
Knowing that some one won't! cunie :
tn Mr rptmiu llu ,li,-n.i.l !.;.., ...If ..r I
all his clothing, thus malting the tiuk
of swimming In the high m'.is iniieh
easier. Shortly nftcr doing this, and
as he was fioatini,' nlonjr, he saw to
his eonsterjiiitioii that stveral big
shiii ks were moving art nnd him ns if
untlt cidrtl whrther to ent him or wait
awhile. Kvei-y time the ahnrks would
approach him, Johiisou would beat
the water anil yell at the top of his
voice in an effort to sen re thrta awny.
Johnson wiih nlmost c 'uiiistcd
with swiinniiiig untl eitlliiiL- f'.r hein
when Second .Mule Ausl.on: uid Tirst
(UTici-r Nicholson, who put out in n
small hunt ns soon ns the vessel had
been stopped, rowed nj nnd pulled
the almost exhausted form into the
bruit. 'J'lifv rowei! back to the steam
er nnd weie hauled t l: b-aitil. John
son wns overcome from his long s'tny
in the wuter and his thillling experi
enee with the sharks.
flat and indestructible. For a small Burn you
can hear in your own homo the most noted
Speakers, Singers and Musicians, Come and
hear Sousa's hand at
Paddock's Bicycle Den,
If you have been unable to 'et
Your Holiday Presents
As yet, you can still find Largo Lines
and Great Variety at
m 9 , n n .i
mm? s um mm
Kavttt ilia Mr,..
I wish to say that I feel I owe mv life
to rvoiiol Dyspepsia Cure," wrilee II. C
Chresleiisoii of llailield. Minn. ' For
three years I was troubled with tlysoen-
sia so mat I cnulj hold nothing on my
loomacn. ,n any tm,,,s J w01,( be
unatilo to retain a morsel of fond.
finally I nan confined to my bed
I'Hiors satu 1 could not hve. I read
one of your advertisement. ,., u-...i.,i
I'yspepsia Cure and thought it lit n,
tai-e ami commenced Its use. I began
to improve (mm the flrst )MBt Now ,
am cured and rccoiimtn,l it in .ll
1'igesis your toisl. Cures all stoinach
troulilts Dr. K renter.
Myatory ot Tnlont.
i:.,., ir...-;
.... , .tiiiiri, ,,r., who was nssiat-
ii.k i. is orou. er in a b ackmniih ii
, met wilh a singular accident
evening. II,. stii,e,l (r,n il,o
lloilM- tail into the dink var.l .! ..i.e. -
j .. , ,,( nlll4 ,-i i in r i
r was itriiek by some person ; which,
---.,"1 miiiw a gan wjsciitin
inn, another across the face and
two giv-hes lengthwise on l,la n,,,,
loan liiik.
at 'IVleii
rues, lav-
fell ,
his i
Two Yoiai sua at Atlantic city, fi.
Talc I'lnnna n irr
tValars oa a. Muaer.
Two young men astonished the
trolhrs on the board walk nt Atlantic
c-ny. n. J., the other afternoon by appearing-
in bathing rolies and delib
erately nluneinc into the lev hr,,Lr.
They did not do it once, hut several
times, and there was snow on th.
ground and the temperature was be-
io ine rreealnif point. The youths
were Itobert J. Iiniind,; nn,l ir..r...-
Townaend. They took their nlunr-e on
a wnger of $50 with ll,,.rt ,! nrr,,
laslie, who come from ltichmund, Xn.
The cold wentht-r and the frigid
water to them were thing of terror,
hut to Edmunds nnd Townsend, two
hardy young' men. thev w-..r ,,. .o.i
friends. They entered the water near
lounjr's nier. In Do. ...i,,. .. .u.
plunged beneath the breakers, can,,'
out, and nice-el in tl.r ili-inpinj,-robes
along the strand to the ,,, ,... .i.t..
of the pier, and took another dip tin n
donned their clonks and hurritd nip
idly to the residence of Towns,.,,,!
which wns u half block distant Tl,..,
were in the water sir ,i,,t.... .'.
longvr. Several hundred ,i,.,,l;t.
nesavd the performance.
A. K. Voorhics ci.n supply you with !
anything needed in Iho photograph line i
'ither amateur or professional supplii-4. 1
Especially Seasonable Gifts....
Monogram and Lcland Stanford Cigars
In Holiday Boxes.
Intigridads and General Arthurs.
"tT4 IkT -k -war-. a im
Big Line of Silverware at Crannr Bros.
I Buy Anything-
ou may Lave seine articles among your possessions that you have nouae v
for and never will have use for why not convert them into caeli, I Py )o
rash (or them. If yo.i an- going to movo away let me buy your household
L'O) 's I will give ;t u good prices.
Sewing Machines lor rent and for sale.
ir,e:s ioM on tho Installment Plsin
M. Davis,
Front St. Second-Hand 6 tors.
Vilriln ,,f 1." ,
"' -"s' ii--, was nern on
iur.lay and held iaspeclion of (i. II
aiuinry in the evening.
at Hi.'
StervliiiH Oro.
I a-'i y, il miner from tli Snh
ion.. . w.i an, mcl ,u l:.a.,.r (.';y
iv, I'O a in.- l;i p.,,,,.- ,,( r,
Hi'' u: inc. Thursday
Haisins,(good cookinu).
pei pouinln cents White
Mouse Oroeery.
Merlin Notes.
't went to (lianu
1'lss Mou
lt.. g (' A.
i ii,'.' ot the
t-ii. ' tint i:
: I lli.U It Ii ul in en
J..IHIS, in,, resulent
mil f n is no iti.,1 by
lev h.i.l taken .1 lot ol
sent o t,.te.
s .11
th,' ,
.1 warrant vtas
.st and liie i-ifi.vr
in,, i 1- , ( : .,.
i l the i ace K: !i
1 1i ll it It out I; , , ,
1: Do- .,i,..ii II.,
'I, i n ie. no ,ti,m
Hull Uiaiuii.
aact y. Iti. pfe..,uf alao to ... ihal ,b.r. they hold m,,.g, at ,t. M...
Viu'rt. ',, "r'""""1'-" 8'"'U'' ted
lid llitl U unrttiani uf L.i 1. . .... i . a . ' 1 T
' m mv III (( 11. HI i 1 I i( ,r a ill
reeving suong bim. to keep .., ,or. llurt UtiJv
o i:
'I C!
! eai s
t. s, d
a i in
, c '. s
1 v
i le
I th
I c,
.nd '
, S IT
II it.- ,'.
Il'iie ll,,'
III mv th,,
en t'l Ili:s
ll ilillies I:
inii,il viiti'i-.I (iranls
I if y. u wish gisid
e i v. uaig i
g. l a
W l ll :
I l-itk."
do. la
S I',''
-lis i ict i . ,i::,i
IV.'ll llt'lV III
air to b coai
a; legan-.
Moiuoalivko Mlno.
'II 111,-" is tll.w ,,.,art
l in ttie S ,:,!,. T erei'V dislrict
i' ' i:e I r process oi develop
t f..i,-.. .! a'. ,,,u a tl, i.'ii ien
."i a' H,,ik ilit re far a in , nil
1 I, o luant Is aie b.-iic driven.
b. Iv is of g..i. dim -tisi mis an,!
eat o i- .g-m v:i'',i,.. r.'iis mine
'he Icti nis I! :rck iiur.e and the
:u, h, tliougli roinii.trii-i-
i nr.'ii induatrv, bids
aac ol Iho hug dy protiuc-
ii l, i
I 'i e 'oniaii
i': c v ear I, r
and the
, . u ad-
.Vr. !
I'r.'i .1. V M,.,
1'. ss S.iturtlav.
li- to Towers II.
aci'oinui i lations.
tirui.d i".isk I'sli on :
lie Ii at Da's I, a"
aii-s v irciata Jlitcheil
rain tn,; S.itiir.Ui-
ti'l,, IV- at lloil'e
Mr. W. A.
'uiday fr oil wo
crew la-ar ei.ilj j
Mts. V,. .!..,,,
ti . . . .
;ass lion lay io
lor her hlt'e .!': '
Mr. .ii..i:t , sini,,,,, ,a(.e
.u-ti' iietsoa enter, tllB 8,0M uf Mf
, "U " M',"' d'.ri,,; Mr. Oil's
absence at lirants I'iss.
returned home
to spend (
Holiday Goods at
66g 61ugar Pine vStore
Me can't mm,- thini ,V,l but we have a large line of both useful
ami! coxitis for the holiday traile. Price and quality meet.
We always ive ai store sliji with every purchase. This month,
I eecm.icr. everyone of our store slips no matter hw small the pur
chase entitles you to a guess on the number of these.we will issue this
The one Gtiessinji tho
,m i'ts
th tiie
went lo liruiit.
l"o. me inednal ai.i
ao is ill.
Nearest will Receive a
New Year's Gift of a $20 Gold Piece
To guide you in your estimates we will toil you that the number i ;sued in November was
-'. be a Christinas tree at the
and ,a interest;,,,, program
' "y ine Merlin m,.i.
Christina, ev.-. ,!l invii.,1
IV .... l
'" "O. Uli .,.,.
weliiire "f la- Niht a.,,1.
walks by the light of tin.
i i
"uki i am g i ii o
I'ol K1KK.
Mr. J. l. Ma k, ol .WM.t.I. ar. ved
in Mer. in S, n, Uy Veniii an. I .III
about the
I take in)
ne niociri
n8 i'or tin
your fault if you do not have fifrv n , c .1 -
- -'j aiissiw en iiicac
Kuc.vh.-s as iney cost you tnttlnn. Make a
mail or hand to us on or before Pecember
01 eacu stip issued and can tell tv
given out.
rucss on each slip and
31st. We have duplicates
month jus 1 how many we have
Remember the Place,
pen I ll e h..lU,, her vi.iii,,. 1.1.