Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 26, 1901, Image 1

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OIDc, Room t orir Pout 0111c. Rslduc
Booth Hons, 7lh and A.
p, setters in all State and Federal Courts
Office over First National Bank.
Usast Pais,
Ob mod.
Olfks o)kmU (Intel Josephine
Usast Pass, - Oatau.1.
i Men-Wanted! !
i .Wood Choppers,
"at Wolf Creek, Oregon. Good tim
ber, and good wages can be made.
Wolf Creek, Ore.
Fur nils rs and Piano
The epilar barber ihop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chain
Bath room in connection
Full aaortment of Watches, Clocks, 8il
rerwear and Jewelry. A (Jood
Anortmsnt of Bracelet and
JleartBanjIea; -" ''
Clemens' Oruf Store
Fine Butter a Specialty
Paesi 21
The Old Reliable Implement Honse-
of Southern Oregon still loads in a largo new stock of
Plows, Hng-tooth, Spring-tooth and Di-.k HarrowF. Farrji
and.Heavy-draft Wagons, Hacks, Carriages and Buggies.
Plow repairs, Watcrand Gas Pipe, Plumbing Roods,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oils Etc.
J. B. I'ADfHJt'K, Paors.
I am prepared to furnish anything in the line ol Cemetery work in any kind
Nearly thirty years of ex perience In the Marble business warrants my saving
that I ran All your orders in the very best manner.
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Grsni!e or any kindo
Mtrb' J. B. PADDOCK,
Front Slrecr Next to Greene' Oanshop.
pSS If
The Almy Restaurant
Will be
Open Day and Night
And will eerre
Oysters in any Style.
Brown Bread and Boston Baked Beam
fur aale at all timea.
A Iter this date the Almy Boarding Hooae
will be conducted as a
Short - Order Restaurant
Mrs. Geo. Almy.
Ptont St., cor. 7th.
Grants Pass
Banting and Trust Go.
Tianiacti a ft neral Ranking business
Receives deposits subject to chck r
on demand errtidcatee.
Our eoitoniert are enured of coarteeai
treatment and veiy eontidration con
sistent with (ouud ban sing principle!.
J. Fuu Witsos, Tree.
Ecus Nllci, VicePre.
L. L. J aw ill, Caihier.
Thoufiht for
Your Ilorse
Yon should think of yenr bnrse when
you ara boring horse goods as well as
yonreelf. Not only will the horse be
more comfortable 10 the harness and
horse effects we provide, but yon will
be more
s.-Ulat j 11 1 ill 1:1 1 1 .
im-a von will have a nrida in vour ont-
fi'. d'lr hurie goods are our pride.
We want to make them voar pride a.
so. Tbess articles are well made, are
sure to ne a pleasure wherever used
aad we believe yon will find them all
they should be. Tbe price is right,
. (Ih street.
Willis Kramer
isiricrraaa or
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family Floui
And Sverythlng that goes with First
Clare Milling.
For sale by J. M. Chilks, E. A.
Wads and T. B. Cokhkll.
Call far It; sams prlos as other brands
Tradi Marks
Copyrights 4c.
Annul nntlnl rtrh and rteacnptl" Dir
quickly aararUitn our nitnlin trfit wtiallr all
Invention la pr.aMr pnUinlahlo. I imuonii .
Ihkih strictly eonnilenllnl. llsnnNs f" iU-tvs
Kill freo. lll.lml apeiicy f"I urn n
Interna Hkim thrmiiih Muim A t J. rocoln
spffiai iWiea, clmnre, lu Uin
Scientific American.
Urine! OBcLcS r U o... IX c.
Guaranteed to Equal Any $100
Vr3 J?
E. L. KINO. Gen. Aft.
'Jl.i ."anMjtue bl.
San Francisco
Brain-Food Konsense.
Another ridiculona food fad baa been
brsndtd by the most competent authori
tiea. The; have dispelled the silly
notion that ooe kind of food ia needed
for brain, another for muscles, and at ill
another for bone. A correct diet will
not only nourish a particular part of tbe
body, bnt it will sustain every other
part. Yet, however good your food may
be, Its nutriment is destroyed by indi
gestion or dyspepsia. You most pre
pare for their appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower, the favorite
medicine of the healthy millions. A
few dosea aids digestion, stimulates the
liver to lita'thy action, puriGes tbe
blood, and makes you feel buoyant and
rigorous. Yon can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at Di. Kremer's.
bet Green's Special Almanac.
To Care Cold In a Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on
each box. 25c.
The Latest Yarn.
A Pittsburg drummer tells this yarn,
always carry a bottle of Kemp's
Balsam in my grip. I take cold easily
and a few doeea of the Balsam always
makes me a well man. Everywhere I
go I speak a good word for Kemp. 1
take hold of my customers I take old
men and young men, and tell them
confidentially what I do when I take a
cold. At druggists, 25c. and 60c.
On Display This Week
A Fine Assortment
M. Clemens,
Orange Fronti oppo. Opera House.
Capital Stock, - - $50,000,
Rscwiv deposit subject to check or on
certificate payable on demand.
Bells sight draft on New York, Ban Fran
Cisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all poinla in
tbe United Btate.
Special Attention given to Collections and
general buaineaa of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern
Oregon, and on ail accessible point.
R. A. BOOTH, President.
J. C. OA Mr BELL, Vice President.
H. L. GILKKY, Cashier.
For The
If you have a package to mail
or express, it will give tin pleas
ure to attend to tbe same for
y" We will have at your
V i rJ at our store, wrap
ping paper twine, sealing wax,
stamps and will give your wants
immediate, personal attention.
Yours to Command,
Star Drug Co.
Prescript Ions.
S. B. We will give special attention
to showing you our stock of holiday
good. We ran save you money. Mo
trouble to visit with you an I show our
Always the Same THE BEST. tjj
If vou have a I'remo you can get B
nothing hotter. I
Call ami examine thru. B
Washington Letter.
Washinutos, Dec. 10, 1301.
Congress continues to apply itself
with unprecedented energy to the con
sideration of tbe many important ques
tions upon which it will be required to
legislate and material progress baa been
made. The senate has discussed the
various phases of tbe Hay-Pauncetote
treaty and, while some of tbe clauses of
the treaty are not as clear as might be
desired, a vote will be taken on its
ratification today which it ia safe to say
will be almost unanimously affirmative.
Tbe senate committee on Isthmian
canals has reported favorably on Senator
Morgan's Nicaraguan canal bill and that
gentleman, as chairman of the com
mittee, has explained its various pro
visions to the senate and has, in so
doing, condemned the Panama Canal
company's methods unstintedly. Ac
tion on the bill has been deferred for
the present but there is no doubt that
it will be favorable.
- Both houses of congress have set
December 10th, as the day on. which
adjournment for the holiday recess will
be taken uud it is doubtful if any legis
lation beyond the ratification ol the
above named treaty will be accom
plished before that time. It is just
possible that the bill providing for a
t'oilippine tariu, winch will come up
from the bouse on the 13th, may be
passed as the administration is most
urgent in lis request for lis immediate
Senator Frye has reintroduced bis
bip subsidy bill with Borne mollifica
tion from the measure as introduced
last year and has made public a state
ment defending its provision. The
senator believes that such a sulisidy as
the bill provides is essential to the
eBtablisemhnt of regular steamship lines
between this country and foreign ports
and that without such regular lines all
efforts to entarga the foreign trade of
the tountry will be seriously hampered
While the members of congress are loth
to express themselves in advance I have
met a number of representatives who
are opposed to the measure and it is
very doubtful if it will become a law,
On Friday the house of representatives
received tbe Philippine tariff bill fro
the ways and means committee with an
explanation of its features from Chair
man Payne and a minority report from
the democratic portion of llie committee.
Tbe democrats declare themselves as
opposed not only to this measure but to
the general policy of the mnjority in
dealing with the Phillipplne Islands
which they characterize an imperialistic
They a-sert that the islnmta have been
an expensive investment and that even
from a commercial standpoint their
retention is not wsrrnnted.
A large number of the beet sugar
producers of the country called on the
president laht 'week and urged him to
withdraw from his attitude on the
subject ol reciprocity with Cuba. Mr,
Roosevelt listened very politely and
theo reminded them that only a few
years ago the American Beet Sugar
Company had Issued a circular letter
saving that there was no fear that even
with annexation Cuban sugarcould ever
assume proportions which would en
danger the beet sugar Industry of this
country. lie assured them that the
most authentic information from Cuba
did not warrant their fears, wished
them all success and postively declined
to retract his recommendations to con
The failure of the Schley court of
inquiry to come to an agreement ii
deplored by everyone who has taken
the leant interest in the rase. The
navy department considsrs that It is
still in an equivocal position because
Admiral Dewey's very favorable min
ority report and Admiral Schley
friends are sorely disapointed because
the findings of the court did not result in
a complete vindication of the Admiral
As matters stand there is little change
in the situation from what it was before
the court mt:t. It is now considered
almost certain that there will lie a con
gre-siooai invohtifation in the near
1 met Proliasor E. V. tieoigesoo
yesterday. He has just letuined from
afourjears residenre in Alaska where
he was srnt to mike an agricultural and
meteorological investigation of the lerri
l ry, the rerult of which will be Incor
poia:e, in a congressional report in the
near fiiuire l'n.lei.or (ieorgeson is
snthu.iastic over the agricultural future
Profusmr (ieorgeson said : "I have
succeeded in growing there sll the
vegetables in common use in the Uniitd
States with tlin exception of what are
known as the tropical vegetables, such
aa melons tomatoes, etc. Moreover,
the flavor of vegetables, grown during
the cool moist summers is exeeptionslly
fine. One of my sssittants made a trip
this summer and on his return reported
having seen soms two million acres of
fine sgricnllural land much of which
was covered with d utile grasses as high
as a man's waist."
-Speaking of the climate the professor
said that "While thers Is Intense cold
in the winter it is not a severe on stock
aa one would suppose. I have cerne
across numerous instances where horses
and mules have bees abandoned aod
bare not only survived one but several
winters, liviog on the bunch grais, and
being found in tbe spring in better con
dition than when abandoned in tbe fall
At Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I feel bright and my complex
ion Is better. My doctor savs II acts
gently on the stomach, liver and kid'
neys, and s a pleasant laxative. It Is
mad from berbt, and ia prrpared as
easily a lea. It is railed Lane's Medi
cine. All dr jggisU sell it at 25c. and
ROc. Lane's Family Medicine moves
the bowels eav-h day. If yoa csnnot get
11, send for free sample. Address.
Orator r. Woodward, Le Roy, N. V
Burning Dyne-mlte.
Two men, who were working in a
tunnel in this county, recently experi
enced a very uncomfortably narrow
escape from death or serious injury.
At their request their names are omit
ted from the narrative.
The tunnel where they were working
is being driven into the face of a very
steep rock cliir and for convenience the
b'acksmith shop is situated just at the
mouth of the tunnel so that the only
way in or out of the tunnel is through
the shop. One ni,lit, ss they were
working with drill and hammer their
attention was attracted by a peculiar
roaring sound and looking towards the
mouth of the tunnel they discovered the
blacksmith shop apparently in bright
flame. Instantly they realized what
had happened. The box of giant
powder which had been left near the
fire to thaw had caught Are iu some
unknown manner and was burning
briskly. The startled workers could
not tell what instant the burning
powder might explode nor when the fire
might reach a box of caps which were
in the shop and whose ignition would
certainly precipitate the explosion, but
they were certain that if they stayed in
the tunnel they would be smothered
by smoke. They made a quick decision
to run for it and bolted out through the
shop and up the steep trail to a point ol
safety. There they stopped and
observed the fire which bad ignited the
shop and was increasing every instant
It occurred to them that it was too bad
to let the shop, the product of so uiueb
bard labor, burn up with all the tools
without an effort bring made to save
them, so one of the men, absolutely
taking his life in his hand, returned to
the burning shop, secured the raps and
took them out, then seized the box of
burning powder and pitched it far down
tbe cliff, extinguished IheJlre and saved
the properly.
It is characteristic of the nature of
giant powder that this did not explode
even when lulling a considerable dis
tnnce upon the solid rock, but burned
itself up and went out as quietly as a
tallow candle.
An Evangel!,' Hlory.
'I sulfered for years witli a bronchial
or lung trouble and tried various
remedies but did not obtain permanent
relief until I commenced using One
Minute Cough Cure," write Rev. James
Kirkman, evangeliit of Belle River, III.
'1 have no hesitation in recommend
ing it to all auflcrers from maladies of
this kind." Una Minute Cough Cure
afford immediate relief for roughs,
colds and aM kinds of throat and lung
troubles. For croup it is unequalled.
Absolutely sale. Very pleasant to take,
never fails and is really a favorite with
the children. They like it Dr Kroner.
Girl Wouldn't Slexnd Up
A marriage license was issued last
evening at 5 o'clock to James S.irsgue
and Elsie Parker, a maul of 18 summers,
and the hour for the marriage was set
(or7 o'clock, says the Pendleton Tribune.
The wedding party wenl in a group to
Justice Thomas Fitzgerald's ollice, all
so merry that they did not notice the
thoughtful, downcast look on the young
girl's face. They gathered before the
Justice ready for the cen ninny. When
the groom and his promised bride were
asked to step forward, she refused to
take any further part in the coremony.
The little company was startled and
looks of wonderment passed from one
to another. Judge Fitzgerald stood with
solemn mien waiting. Friends gather
ed around the girl, but she could not be
persuaded to take the flnal step. After
an hour of pleading by the groom and
his friends, the party left the room.
The young girl gave no reason, but
it ia thought she had not consulted her
parents, .snd hid been induced to elope
and becoming repentant, had decided
not to get married. Ilur parents live
at Camas Praiiie, hut she has Wen
visiting at Itoach Ilros.' ranch on McKay
Creek, heie Jaunts Hprag'ie was em
ployed. The young man remained in
the Justice's office titer his intended
bride had forsaken him, and In a chok
ing voice said: "She told me to gut the
license, and now she won't get married.
I don't know what to do."
Family cares snd duties do not wcih
down the well woman, and the children
are never in her way. Hut when the
womanly ht-ilth fuile, and tfierc is a con
sunt struggle with weakness and pain,
household duties are a burden almost
Est rtcHriiiK, and children are a cease-
annoyance and worry.
Weak women are made strong mid
sick women are made well by the use of
Ir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
establishes regularity, dries ditugrrrahle
drains, heals inflammation anil ulcera
tion and cures female weakness.
Sick women re invited to consult Dr.
Pierre by letter fret. All corresjxjrwlenre
strictly private and sorredly confidential.
Addrea iJr. R. V. Pierce, Iluffalo, N. V.
M hail been alllnf smt time. IroiiMe'l wilh
frmat' wraklirM "will. Mrs Wm. II J.hiirtl,
of Asjudalf. I htstor Co . I's. Kvery month I
W'sjl'l hav to h vt my ImV 1 lrlt many
dinVrent meiticiiiM and tvshititf S"" ti rrlirf
nil) I bjcali !r. Flfi e'a milsina. utlng two
tpitllra or ' fsvfirllr ITearriplloii ' and two ut
',Mra Medical litsrtivvrv.' Thea mr'ltctm
bavecuml me. Wtirti I brfran sir trraltneut
I waa iwrt able in o trerv murh. Isit n"w I l'i
Ihe wrjrk litr my family uf Bin', aixl Irel Letter
lo-flay than I have lor s year. I Ihank yi,
djrljr front I ha Lntlom of my heart. hr writ
do know lhal ytai ar tnc one whu cured tuc."
Favorite Prescription " has the testi
mony of thousand of women to it com
plete cure of womanly diseases. Im nut
accept an unknown and unproved sub
stitute in its place. A
,1. Pierce1 Pleasant Pellet are the
beat laxative for family use.
Harbor Defenses of New York to 1
Given Thorough Trial.
Bpeetaealsr Featwre of Teat Will D
Ski Cooperatloa of Navy awe At
teaast of BIT Owns to Force
ke Harbor.
Within the past few day the war
department has taken the first step
toward carrying out what will be a
most interesting teat of war material,
to take place In New York harbor dur
ing tho coming summer. The experi
ment will constitute a thorough and
practical test of the adopted system
of fire control a It Is technically
called; in other words, the direction
of the Are of the guns of a modern
fortification from the large 12-lnch
gun down to the 8-Inch rapid-fire
One of the moot Interesting point
to be determined 1 the relative mer
its of the vertical and horizontal ranire
finders. A portion of the test will
consist of tiring- ut targets, and this
will naturally be done with service
projectiles and powder. The object
of this part of the work will be to
determine how closely the rnngs and
pnaition finder hava located the tar
gets. Another part of tho test, and with
out question tho most Interesting
from a spectacular point of view end
thus to the public, will be that poj
tlon wherein tho navy will be asked to
cooperuto. Tills will consist In an
attempt on tho part of ono or more
war vessels to enter the uppor har
bor of New York unmolested by the
fire from the formidable fort ou each
side of the Narrows. In this case the
fire from both contestant will be
with blank cartridges, though the
powerful searchlight of the forts and
vessels will ndd realism to tho uiht
attacks. TIiIb part of tho coming test
will be quite similar to the maneuvers
conducted last fall In Nnrragansett
hay, in which tho value of the search
light nan so well demonstrated that
congress at it Inst session appropri
ated the sum of $130,000 to aupplj
them for New York harbor aloiie.
It I anticipated that quite a dis
tinguished party nt officials will be
present during the tests. Including the
secretary of war and possibly the sec.
retnry of the novy. The tests will be
conducted under the general direction
of the board of ordnance and fortifica
Or. Strphea Lot Sever Ih Jaanlai
Vla to Sav a Patient'
I. If.
An operation whiih consisted In the
severing of the jiijrulur vein wa per
formed by Dr. Stephen A. Lutt, of
Urooklyn, on William A. Pothier. The
patient will probably recover. Mr.
Pothiur lies been troubled for some
time with a disease known to the
medical profession as cholesteatoma
but to the laity n nil abscess behind
the cur. On Weiltioxilny last a nllj;lit
operation wn performed to deter
mine the exact locution of the disease
and several Incisions were made.
The abscess wus found to be near
the jugular vein and the second and
more serious opera! ion was decidetl
upon by the attending physician ill
necessary In order to prevent the pol
son from reuchinjr the heart by means
of th Jugular vein. The Jugulnr vein
on the left aide of the neck wna sev
ered and both ends were tied. The sev
ering of the vein prevented all possi
bility of Impurities reaching the
heart. An operation somewhat shut
lar to till one wn Performed, It 1
said, a short time upo ut the eye and
ear hospital ou Livingston street. Winter Trip.
A winter trip to Southern California
anil Arizona via tho famous Shasta
Route is one never to be forgotten. Re
newed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh points of Interes
and added sources of enjoyment unde
its sunny skies, in tho variety of Inter
esia nnd added Industries, In its prolific
vegetal ion and among its numberless
retorts of mountain, shore, valley and
Two trains leavo Portland daily
morning and evening for California
These trains arn equipped with Ihe
in out improved pattern of standard and
touiist sleeping cars, and tho low rules
plK'o the trip.iu reach of all,
A. K. Voorhiea cull supply you will;
anything needed in the photograph line
either amateur or prolessiunal supplit s
S&w I)on.lK Near,
olten made my heart ache,'
wiiles I,. C. OvorHtniet, ol Kliuin, Tunn.
"to hear my wife rough until it feinei
her weak and Sore lungs would collapse
Uwl doctors said sho was so far gone
with :it ion that no medicine or
earthly help could sv! Iir, but a frlnr.i
recommended Dr. King's New Discovery
and persistent use of this enuden
medicine taved her life." It's abso
lutely guaranteed for Coughs, Colds
Ilro.ichltis, Asthma and all Throat and
Lung diseases. !):. and 1 at Dr
Kremer's. Trial bottle free.
The Primary Teacher.
An unknown exchange hat produced
tho M owing trihula to the primary
teacher : "Lift youi bat revereiitly when
pars the teacher of a primary school
She takes Ihe little bantlings free from
the home nest an 1 full of his pools and
pa-sioni, an ungovernable little wretch
whose mother admit that she sent him
to school to gel rid of him. Tins y inn
woman who knows her business, take a
whole car load of these youngsters, half
of whom, singled handed and a'one
are more than a match for their parent
id puts thern ill the say of being use
ful and upright cilizrna. And at whs
expuse of toil and weariness t Here li
the most responsible po.iti n In th
hole hool, and if her talarv Wen
double, the Would receive lets than th
ioii ii)i:al
Molid&y Gifts
Those who desire to purchase articles combining utility with
The Useful With the Ornamental
and which will be a constant reminder of the giver, should visit our
store where will be found larger assortments and better values than
elsewhere in
Dining Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Book Cases,
Rocking Chairs,
Morris Chairs,
High Chairs,
Bed Lounges,
Easy Chairs,
Art Squares,
Lace Curtains,
A host of. other articles in the housefumishing line for the Kitchen,
the Dining Room, the China Closet, tbe Bed Room and Parlor or
A Gnuinc Tufted Velour Covered Couch
Cups and Saucers and Holiday China.
S2.5 per cent discount; 11 olf.
Don't put off your (selecting too long. Tho choicest
things aro boing rapidly picked
Headquarters For Gift Goods
Admirals in 5me.ll Way.
An exchange says: Neither Admiral
BenhaiB nor Admiral Ramsay, com
posing a majority of the court deciding
against Schley, hava commanded a
squadron or a fleet in action. Both bad
raised their flags over very small squad
rons, and both belong to th past and
know very little of modern fleets and
modern naval warfaia. Coal and ma
chinery were not prim requisites In th
lays when llenham and Ramsay were
activs in the navy.
Deafness Cannot be Cured.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ssr.
There it only one way to curs dealnesa,
snd that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caured by an Inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining ol the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube get
inflamed yon huva a rumbling tound or
Imperfect hearing, and when it Is
entirely closed deafness is the result, and
unless the Inflammation can be taken
out and the tube restored to Its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever ; nine cases out ol ten are caused
by ratarrh, which la nothing but an
inflamed condition ol th mucous
We will give One Hundred Doll art lor
any ess ol Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot ba cured by Hall' Catarrh
Cure, Send lor circulars, tree.
F.J. Ciiknkyix Co., Toledo, 0
Sold by ail Druggists, 75c.
Hall's family Pills are tha beet.
Imported Pheasants.
According to the best Inlormstion ob
tainable by game Warden Quimby, ths
Knglisb partridges Imported into Oregon
snd liberated at various point In ths
valley a year ago, have done remarkably
well. Farmers sra apparently taking
lbs same interest In the protection of
these strsngers as the sportsman who
raised ths money with which to pro
cure them, and II the same thoughtful
consideration is shown them until the
law permits their shouting rare sport will
be lbs rewsrd lor this vigilance. Th
law protects the Knglish or gray
partridgo (or the purpose ol ambling it
to multiply, until October 1, ItrO'i, after
which data th open season will be
from October 1 to Iecember 1.
Th scarcity ol the Mongolian pheas
ant, the king of Oregon game birJs, Is
now marked in Linn county, their first
home in America, and where they have
always been more numerous than in any
other part ol the state. At ths begin
ning of the niien season the birds wsr
never more plentiful. But thousands
havo been killed this season, ana they
sr now comparatively very scares.
The Illegal hunting ol these birds slso
it sn important fac'or in lessening their
numbers. It Is a (act that som farmers
kill Ih birds at all times of the year.
The Finest Cake
Is made with Royal Bak
ing Powder. Always light,
sweet, pure & wholesome.
Pinner Sets,
Tea Sets,
Berry Sets,
Cups and Saucers,
Salad Sets,
Crumb Sets.
Aalaaal Vthleh Hat Dea at Laura
for Tw Tsauns la Barters
Cits- Is Kills.
' OfTloer lUehardson, of the Boston
park pollce. shot a gaunt female wolf
in Frsnklin park, resort frequented
by thousand of people, late the oth
er afternoon. Th snimal waa one of
a pair of gray cube that escaped
about two years sgo from the
schooner BUnstin while it wa
moored at the loot of Congress
street, In th city proper. About a
year ago one of the wolves was seen
In Franklin park in a ledge, and an
officer shot it. Th mate waa not
seen until ten day ago, when aaveral
persons living In the vicinity of the
park laid they had been frightened
by an immense gray dog hanging
around their house at night. Ths
police concluded It was the missing
wolf, snd a watch was sat, with the
result that It was klUed.
Coral stfs la t?orsjl.c
To th ndnds of most readers . tbe
mention of eoral reef call up a pic
ture of pnhn-dotted Islet girt with
white land In a tropical ea, but ge
ologists And eoral rf In the midst
of great continent. The, of course,
belong to a past ag of th earth' his
tory, but on that very account they
ara extremely interesting. During the
past year several remarkable reefs
of fossil corsl havs been explored near
flnlnbrldge, on the Flint river. In Geor
gia, In one case a very large portion
of the reef exposed consists of eoral
heads, some of which are more than a
foot in diameter. Between ZS and 30
species of coral have been recognized
in these reefs by T. W. Vaughan. They
are ascribed to the tertiary age.
Charlealoa on a Hoosa.
Charleston, S. C, now sets up as
he metropolis of th southeast snd
claims to be enjoying a boom.
A Woman' Awlul Peril.
"Tbers la only one chance to say
your lile and that ia through an
operation" ware tha rlartling words
heard by Mr. I. B. Hunt ol Lime
Ridge, Wis., from her doctor slter b
hsd vainly triad to cur her ol a fright
(ul case of stomach trouble and yellow
jsundice. Oall atones bad formed and
alts constantly grew worse. Then she
began to use Electrio Bittera which
wholly cured her. It' a wondarful
Stomach, Liver snd Kidney remedy.
Cures Dyspepsia, Lost ol Appetite. Try
it. Only 60 els. Guaranteed. For tale
by Dr. Kremer.
for 1905 Expoaitlon.
Now (he opportunity it open to out
side cities and people to subscribe for
stock and have an especial Interest In
ths 1U06 lair. It going to be toUO.OOO,
gentlemen ; Portland does'l ask you for
anything, but It ia loo liberal not to give
you tbe opportunity lo tubacribe it, II
yoa wish to. We have already raised
about $3tn,000, and srs not nesr through
yet. Isl't sll pull together, and make
all parts ol Oregon known. Telegram.