Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 12, 1901, Image 3

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    Holiday Goods
at the
White House Grocery.
Dishes of all kinds
Childs Mugs at 5c and 10c
Lamps at prices that will surprise you. Souvenir Dishes at special
Cut Prices to Close Out
A good opportunity to get a nice present at a reasonable price.
Candies, Nuts and Table Oranes.
Where they also
To all purchasers of Holiday Goods amount
ing to 25c and upwards, on our
Opening' Day,
Saturday, Dec 14t
We will give one of the Foreign Photos now
displayed in our wiudows as our
Vimunl Souvenir.
These photos were taken by "our
special artist" while in Europe.
Cramer Bros.
Holiday Goods
You have not seen all of the best articles
that are appropriate for Christmas unless you
have examined our stock of
Silverware, Crockery, Lamps
We pleased to lay away articles that
j(3u Say need and will deliver them promptly on
the day desired.
IlaiivRiddle Hardware Co.
2K Discount
We have a large stock and wish to make room for our big dis
play of Holiday Goods, which we are now unpacking. Save money
by Buying a Heater now.
Commencing Saturday we will give
One Piece of Crockery Free
With everv $1.00 purchase from our store
(except air tight heaters) This offer will con
tinue until Jan. ist, 1902,
At 1-3 off Regular Price
To closo out these goods. They are going fast.
It will pay you to look them over. Also, sale of
Some rare bargains in these, as there is a largo
Discount on regular price.
Some new thing9 in Sofa Pillow Covers. Sale
is now going on. You should not miss it,
Going to Frisco?
1! jou expect to visit the city it any
time i wilt pay joq to go on the excur
ion which leave Grants Past Thurs
day morning 00 the regular 10 o'clock
train ; returning, leave San FnnciKo
Saturday, January 4. The tare lor
rouoil trip will be $15.00 from lirmnti
Thi it o opportunity that yon cannot
iffo-d to mine il yoa ever eipMt to tee
Secure J oar ticket! early from A. E.
Voortiid, Courier office.
House Grocery.
have lots of
Comprising a large assortment of
Crockery, Glass Ware, Lamps,
and Silver Ware.
EI.US 1AYI.OK lo Ashland, Dee.4,
m. V. E. Ellis n1 Mim Eva Taylor,
by the Rev. A. M. Katsell.
UAFF PIENINO At Jacksonville.
Dec. 2. 19i)l. G.orge L. ILffaod Mim
Fannie Piemnz, by Judge II. K.
barv Mwouri, No. 29. 1901. Perry
He Pa-iiel of Liksvi w, end formerly of
this, county to Mim Email jn Nick-
ereoo, by Elder J. u. Binilu.
Free Foreign Koto tee Cramer Bros',
ad in tbif paper.
Alex White of Kerb wis in town
J. W. Perooll of Applegate was in town
this weekr
E. Galbreath was here from Gleotlale
on Tuesday.
W. J. Virgin of Ashland visited this
city Sunday.
Mrs. Belle Uuden cime up from Glen
dale Monday.
Riley Hammersley of Gold Hill vieit
ed Grants Pass this week.
E. B. Gabbert of Placer was visitor
to this city on Saturday.
Miss Genevieve Roberts o( Glendale
was in Grants Pats Friday.
Ed Friday aud Chris Taylor were visit
ors here from Galice this week.
Court Reporter F. M. Calkins of Ash
land was in Grants Pass Thursday.
Bert Barnes returned to Ashland
Monday after a brief visit in this city.
J as. Fitigibbon, one of Gold Hill7!
miners, visited Grants Pim on Friday.
Prof. W. H. Hampton, of the Colum
bia mine at Placer, spent Sunday in
C. D. Burnett, one of the prominent
mine owners of Leland, wss in town
C. D. Burnett, one of the prominent
mine owners of Leland, was in town
Frank Bolitbo of Dover, N. J. is here
examining Josephine county mineral
H.C.Kinney retnrned on the last of
the week from his trip to northern
Mies Abbie Stites returned to Williams
Thursday after a visit with friends in
Grants Pats.
Mrs. Nellie Jordan of Boston, Mass.,
is visiting here with her cousin, Mrs. A.
W. f-ilsbv.
Mrs. Kurth, who has been very ill
with heart trouble, is now slowly im
proving. Mis. J. E. Patriik weut to Ashland
Saturday to visit there with relatives
and friends.
Attorney II. D. Norton returned on
Thursday from a business trip to San
Hon. R. A. Booth, ol Eugene, was in
town Wednesday on his return from
San Francisco.
Mrs. W.J. Sturgis, now of Ashland,
came down Saturday to visit for altime
in this city.
J. A. Tate went to Kerby Wednesday
on a business trip and may spend some
time in that district.
Presiding Elder D. T. Summerville
has returned from hit official visit to
Klamath and Lake counties.
Mr. B. Scott, bf Portland, arrived here
last week to rejoin his family and to
spend some time visiting here.
Mrs. Geo. Burnett of Myrtle creek
visited here a few days last week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gam Hovt.
Miss Grace Barrett finished her school
in the Centennial district on Friday and
will remain during the winter in town.
Mica Stella Paddock returned on Sat
urday from Placer where she has been
teaching, and will remain for some time
at borne.
Ralph Woodford has taken a position
at pharmacy student in Chas. Strang's
drug store in Medford.
Mr. Ingles and family, who have been
spending a few weeks here, started
Monday evening on their return to
Toledo, Ohio.
James J. Jeffries, the world's cham
pion pmtilist, passed itlirouitb here
Sunday evening en route to Portland
from Ran Francisco.
Columbus Bennet, one of the owners
of the"Hole in-tlie-Ground" hydraulic
placer on Wolf creek, spent a few days
in town this week.
Miss Agnes White left on the early
train Saturday morning for Portland.
She goes to visit her aunt and will re.
main during the winter.
Mrs. McClelland, test medium and
healer. Treatments and readings daily.
Removed to Mrs. Crawlords resident
1st door south of Hu-am Laundry on
Filth street.
There will be no preaching at the
South Methodist church Sunday. Hev.
Rofser goes to Williams to hold
quarterly conferance for his presiding
It, B. Miller, general freight and pass
enger agnnt, and Harvey E. Lounsbury,
traveling freight agent, prominent H. P.
officials, spent some time in Grants Paes
on Monday.
Dr. J. Jennings retnrned on last Friday
night's' train from Cooie creek where
he traced and located with his mineral
magnet in St Peter's mountain, fur It.
Huysink, a quarts ledge four feet wide,
that assays f 18 00 in gold.
H.D.Stewart, of British Columbia,
brother of Attorney L. V. Stewart, is
vititiii here and will remain probably
during the winter. Mr. Ktewart is en
gaged in the mining business in British
Columbia ind during his stay here will
look over the Josephine county mineral
W, A. Goodman, formerly of (iranta
Pass and now a resident of CoquilleCity,
spent several days here during the vrcik
on a business visit and looking after the
interestl of hit farm property. Mr
Goodman is confident that Coos county
baa a bright future and hat elected to
cast bis fortunes in that section.
Alf Gauntlelt, W. H. Crook ind Will
and Alfred Caughell cam down from
Rogue river the Brat of the week after a
consignment of salmon eggs which carat
from Upper Rogue rirtr via Han Fran
cisco and will be taken to Mr. Hume's
hatchery star Wedderburn. Crescent
City News.
A. L. Morrit, well known in Roteburg
as a former 8. P. conductor, is in the
city for a short visit. He is looking
fine, feeling in the beet of health and
to joying prosperity in a fair measure as
a brakeman en the O. R. A N. From
Al wt learn that Sam Henderson, so
ex-S. P. man and RoMburger, it now
emploved at a switchman in The Dalles
freight yard, and Fred Will, alao an
other ex-8. P. man and fellow towns
I man, has a freight ron (conductor) be
! tweeo Tht Dalle and Cmatilla. Re
I view.
Major J. L. May . was her from
Ashland on Saturday evening, having
been detailed from brigade headquarter
to conduct the examinations of the
newly elected officers of Company
H and also to hold a court martial on
some ofi'.s menibere.
The Tillamook Headlight has the
following account of the marriage ol
Mrs. M. E. Myers of Xewberg and W.
D. Stillwell of Tillamook. Mrs. Myers
is the mother of Mrs. A. B. Cornell of
our city : Married, on Saturday eve
ning, at the residence of Mr. Geo. Gray
son, Capt. W. D. Stillwell and Mrs. M.
E. Myers of Yamhill county, both of
whom are well known throughout the
state as early settlers in Oregon. The
bride is 07 years of age and it was the
groom's teveuty-seventu birthday on
Saturday. They were neighbors in the
early days of Oregon iu Yamhill county,
but later Mr. Stillwell moved to Tilla
mook. Mr. Stillwell represented Tilla
mook in the state legislature in 1891,
and participated in tbe Indian war and
was appointed by the governor to go to
Washington with a deputation from
Oregon in behalf of the Indian war
veterans. While Mrs. Myers was visit
ing her daughter Mrs. Grayson, In this
city, Capt. Stillwell and Mrs. Myers
renewed their former acquaintance,
which resulted in their marriage on
Fingers Cut Off.
The little two-year old ton of John
Nelson. living near Beagle postomce,
met with a very severe accident on Mon
day of last week. He was playing with
hit eighl-yeai-old brother, who with an
ax was cutting off a stump which was
in the way of a playhouse they proposed
making. During the chopping process
the little fellow unconsciously put his
right band on the stump and the ax in
the hands of the older brother came
down upon it and severed entirely the
first and fourth fingers and rory nearly
severed the two middle ones. Dr. E. B.
l'ickel, of Medford, attended the in
Whisky Destroyed.
The northweat mounted police have
destroyed whisky valued at 13500.
The stock was at Cariboo Crossing, at
the foot of Lake Bennett, and across the
border from llritiah Columbia into
Yukon territory. Duncan Anderson
had had a stock of liquor 'at Bennett,
B. C., and secretly mved it down the
lake by scow to Cariboo Crossing. He
sank the scow to the bottom of the lake
and built a house with false walls hiding
the stock of liquors in the apertures.
The mounted police tore down the walls
and emptied the liquor into the Yukon.
The story came out in court, and when
it was heard by the Yukon commis
sioner last week, Anderson was fined
lioi i
Now $10 Note.
The government has issued a new $10
note. The most striking feature of its
face is the vignette of a buffalo, which
occupies the center, and is elightly
larger than the Indians on the new $5
note recently issued. On one eido of the
buffalo is a smaller vignette of Lewis,
and on the opposite side a vignette of
Clark, The portraits of Lewis and
Clark give Oregon the right to claim
that the not is commemorative of the
exposition of 1905, and this claim is
certainly well founded. It hat boen
the desire of the treamiry department to
have each denomination of government
notes bear some distinguishing mark on
its face, which will he prominent above
all else. As the Indian docs on the new
$5 note, it was thought the buffalo would
readily identify tho now tens, besides
beings purely American figure.
Elegant Lamps at Cramer Bros.
" Advertised Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing uncalled (or in the Grants Pass post
office, Saturday, Dec. 7, 1901 :
Fie Ids, Mrs Emma, Roberts, Mrs M E
Weber, Mrs Steve,
Farrington, Mr K, Grinnoll. (1 W,
Harvey, J A, Marzulf, Philip,
net nernon, L, u Aen, II A,
Hose, K 11.
Sleveus. Cant C O
Thomas. A J,
Tryon, Willie,
Haw kin, Wm,
Toble, II (i.
Town, Wm S,
In care of Weidman's
( lark. J T.
big show.
Anderson, M T,
Craw ford, V J,
Foster, Mr llertiu,
Marks, L,
Stark, J II,
l argo, William P,
Jolinnin, C K,
t-iuitli, Mr Henry,
C. E. HaiiMoN, P. M.
Free Foreign Foto at Cramer Bros.
Saturday, Dec.'l4ii.
. Claude A. Kiddle, of this city and
Miss Maymo Isaacs, of Medford were
united in matrimony on Sunday after
noon at the residence in M-dfuid of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. W.
Isaacs, Kiv. S. If. Jones, of Jackson
yille, ofliciatinj in tho ceremony. Tht
wedding was a quiet one, ouly a few
intimate friends and the members
of tho family Leinz present. Mr.
aud Mrs, Rid lie ret imed tj Grants
!' on the evening traiu ind sre now
occupying room! in the Howard
residence where they are housekeeping.
Many friends in hut li towns give their
best wislit-a fur the well bring and
happiness of Iheso young people in
life's voyage.
Some fancy Feet there.
Fancy feathers, trimmed hats, all trim-
rniugn aud every thing at a reduction at
Mis Werton' Millinery Store, Mrs.
Weidman's old stand. Every thing
goes st reduced prices.
Dr. Payne the 2-)th century hypno
tist, is giving exbibitioni at the opera
house this week. The doctor exercises
a very ready control over bis sub
jects and places tome very amusing
situations before bit audiences.
Heitaleo a phrenologiat and gives
lectures and readings in this art.
On Wednesday evening he presents
the "Dunbar murder trial" with his
subjects and on Thursday, tht conclud
ing evening, the balloon ascention and
boxing contest. From here the doctor
goes to Gold Hill, and will give eiiiibi,
tion this Friday and HalurJay even
inns. This ttrettars is ea every box of tbe leauios
Laxative Brorao-Quinine t,i.u
lb nmmlj thai cam a wM ta ta I
local ibappcntnoa
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
Dolls, Dolls, Dolls at Clemens.
Archarena Boards at Clement.
Souvenirs Dec. 14th at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Oyster Stewt with coffee 25c at the
Bon Ton.
Good assortment of Toys at Clemens.
Gut prices at Riversido Nursery bo
fore buying trees, berry plants etc.
Fried Oyster and coffee 25c it the
Bon Ton.
Miss Lillian Beard, contralto, with
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Colon's.
Black Patti Troubadour at the Opera
house December 19.
Note the $20 New Year' gift offer iu
the Suar Pino store's ad.
Mrs. Robert Goldbeck, pianist, with
Schumann Concert Co.
Do not miss the Sale of Trimmed Hate
at Mrs. Ueekop's.
You can save money by buying Peach
treet at the Riverside Nursery.
T. P. Lee has lately been packing
applet at Woodville tor shipment.
December terra of circuit court for
Jackson County convened on Monday
Milling and assaying accurately and
promptly dono by A. J. Pike of the
Grants Pass quarts mills.
Why send off and pay two prices for
trees when you can get them at the
Riversido Nursery .
Only Straight Dry Granulated Cane
Sugar Handled at the Sugar Pine Store.
Some very fine prices of embroidery
and tutting, by Alice A. Williams, have
been oil exhibition this week at
The butcher shop of the Ashland
Meat Co. in Ashland was burglarised
one evening last week to the extent of
$15, the day's receipts.
Choicest Children's Books it Clemens
Miss Edith Adams, 'cello soloist, with
the Scbumanns.
There will be no preaching services at
Bethany Presbyterian. church next Sun
day as Mr. Hays will be absent attend
ing the dedication exercises of tho church
at Glciuliilo.
New Ashland 1'ack Tomatoes 10c a
can. Rolled Oats 25 lbs. (or $1. San in
Clans Laundry Soap 5c a bar. Al the
Sugar Pine Store.
Scott Gritlin handles Ashland flour,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter out 6, large Russian white
rye, now crop timothy seed, wheat (or
seed also Wheat Hay, AKalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats.,
"A Stranger in a Strange Land"
presented by the "Yon Yonson"
company, at the Opera bouse Friday
If you intend to set Fruit or Shade
trees. Berry plants or Monterey Cypress,
write for price list to J. T. Taylor, Grants
Another train wreck occurred at
Salem on Monday, held on collision
between two freight trains. No one
wis injured and little property dumsge
Schiimanns at the 0era house Satur
day evening1.
Dr. J. Jennings left Tuesday morning
for Jacksonville. He goes from there
to Applegate and Forest creek lo trace
and locate tome quarts ledges with his
mineral magnet.
Choicest Perfumes at'Clemens.
Amoskoag Teazle Down and Daisy
cloth 10c a yird. L. L. Muslin 5c
yard. Cotton Halts Go- yard. All
shades nl 24 inch Japanese Wish Silks,
60c i yird. At tht Sugar Pine Store.
fJTbe meteorological records kept by the
S. P. Co. give the rain and snowfall
thus far for the month of December at
the places named is follows: Dunamuir,
3.35; Sisson, 2 72; Montnguo, 18".:
Hornbronk, .87 rain and S inches ol
snow; hi-myoii, rain 2.4(1, snow, 10
inches; Medford, 3 24; Grants Pass, 4 56
A great reduction iu all Millinery
goods at Mrs. RehkopCs.
A man named Wm II. Emerson, heat
Ing his way south on a freight train
Thursday fell frmii the train as it was
crossing a trestle a mile and half south
of Herniate and lay all night In I be rain
with several ribs broken. His injuries
are severe but not dangerous.
Biggest assortment of Games at
C. J. Hoover, agent for I ho Woo lhurn
niiracry, announces that the delivery of
the stock ordered from that place has
been delayed on account of the very
wet weather, hut will be here about the
Carvers for the Xmcs Turkey
Cramer Bros.
Mrs. McClellajid, lest medium an
healer, has decided to locals (or some
time In I .rants Past and is nuw at the
Crawloid r-iddence on Fifth aud I
streets. Mrs. Mct,l-llnd is a very
pleiii.ant lady to n.fe t and In her pro
lesrinn slio furnishes the best of
references and gives unfailing eatislnc
Attorney A, N. Hnliaa disappeared from
Jacksonville last week with out leaving
any particulars as to his personal affairs
and conduct. His office is being moved
out and there is every evidence that he
doe not intend to return. Mr. Holiss
has hem very much In debt and bis
affairs have become somewhat tangled
up so that it It presumed he beca
tired ol pondering over them and con
cluded to jump the job and task
new locality in which t9S'"wnpwith
the country. Valley Record.
fiatet Rros. have purchased 110 ai rei
of land east ol Medford and will plant
the entire tract to fruit. The laud
situated near J. A. Whitman's orchard,
on the west, and is said to be soil well
adanhsd to fruit cnllurs. They bare
already ordered enough treet to let out
100 acres and as toon at they arrive tht
work of planting will begin. They will
put out fifty acre lo Newtown Plppint
ind tbe remaining fifty to Jonathan
applet and pears. The price paid for
tha land wot $Ju00 and the purchat
was mod from T. f. Young. Uail.
Grand Concert.
On Saturday Dec. 14th at the opera
house, the Schumann Grand Concert
Company will give what is expected to
be the finest concert of the season. The
company is computed of Mist Edith
Adams, violoncellist, Mrt.RobL Gold
beck, piauiste, Mist Lillian Beard,
contralto and Mr. W. E. McPhersoo,
Miss Adams it considered the star
and at thia It the first time that a
soloist on that magnificent instrument,
the 'cello, has appeared before a Grants
Pass audience hr playing will attract
all lovers of music. ' Mrs. Goldbeck,
wife of the well known composer,
studied the piano in the United Slates,
England and Germauy and has been
enthusiastically received by critical
audieucot in the various countries she
has visited. Mist Lillian Beard, con
tralto has iu many citiot been accorded
equal honors with Mist Adam and
through her exceptionally fine and. sym
pathetic voice, coupled wi'.b a singularly
agieeable stage presence, the hat
wou her way to the beaits of her
listeners. Miss Beard"has been a mem
ber of the Castle Square Opera Com
pany and special inducements were
necessary to secure bur services in the
Schumann Grand Concert Company.
Mr. McPherson hat beeu successfully
touring with concert companies in the
Uuited States di.iing the past five years.
His rich broad bass voice hat delighted
audiences in ill parts of the couutry and
bis presence in the company has greatly
strengthened that powerful aggregation
of stars. Seats for this concert are now
on sale at M. Clemens' Drug Store. Ad
mission tickets 50c, reserved teats 75c. Jmlo
Of Millinery, Feathura and all trim
mings at Miss Weston's, commencing
this week, every thing greatly reduced.
K O. T. M Election.
The Knights of tho Maccabees elected
the following oflicers last Thursday
evening ; Com., Dennis Stovall ; R. P. C.
S. F, Cheshire ; L, Com., Geo. Crawford ;
R. K , Wui. Alfred.
1817 Silverware at Cramer Bros.
A Good Name Is better than great riches:
And good favor Is aboto silver and gold,
there is just as much diiuirence iu Clothing as there la in people
Some are expressive in their general appearance they have character
The styledesign finish workmanship material all contribute to
the desired effect.
Surk CMct mat no more tltun tht ordinary
'lis 'mpy the li'ijj'trtnce bvturen the pWtfers
use the bright Hintilltilimu oj clothing fniu
iltihjikYs creators
Not measured by Dollars
simply reputation that's all.
Olll ClotllCS have the label here shown 'tis guarantee sufficient for
these makers of good clothot not only make them but
Design Create and their
known as the greatest clothing
lok (or this label, sewn on Inside of
IH'l Kill j """j" "' j MM MS
go a great way Clothes make
best most lasting Clothes
Headquarters lor Roys'
Dlnck Patti Coming.
The Black Patti Troubadours will be
at the opeia bouse on Dec. 10, with t
large company. Black l'atti. otherwise
Mine. Jones, is ono ol the (oremost of
the colored singers of the world, with i
voice which justifies her title. She is
suppoitcd by un able company. Op
eratic selections are rendered with
leanhig ability, while the burlesque Is
amusing beyond description.
Doll Show.
Doll show l eceuiber 14, at the A.O.
II. W. Hall. Doors open at 4 o'clock
in the afternoon; program commences
at 7 in the evening, refreshments at 8.
Htl'.K a Souvenir Photo on our
opening uuy, rUlunlay next uramur
vx1 mi 13 mo STOIH3
Thousand ot Useful and Ileautitul Articles now on Exhibition.
Fl'CC From now until January ist we will give
free of charge to every one purchasing at our store
tucK-hiiiitli;c to the amount of $15.00, your choice of
our sou pieces of tTe'ant Silverware.
Aak lo See Thorn.
10 Oil We were fortunate in boititf able to
hecme fiotn one of the jobher.t and importers
iu the United States, their entire ftample line of
I'l.N'U I.INivN. There are hundteds of Towel,
Doilies, Napkins, Scarfs and Stand and Table
Covers that would make elegant Holiday presents.
Ask to see them.
20 OH Men's and Hoys' .Clothinfi-
We have a few lines at from $9.00 to JI5.00 that
are Ihe bluest bargains ever offered.
20"J Off We are going to disjiose of every
I.adies, -Misses and Child's Coat or Cape that we
have iu the house at a discount of 20 per cent.
You can't afford to buy until you see thetu.
Handkerchiefs Indies', Gents' and Chil
dren's Linen aud Silk Handkerchiefs. We are
showing the largest variety ever brought to the
city. Special values at 5c, 10c ISc. and 25c Ask
to see them.
Kid(iloVCS La lie' warranted Kid Gloves
at 98c.
Ladies' Underskirts we invite special
attention to our line of Ladies' Silk and Mercerized
Satin Skirts. We are now showing some entirely
new features that will interest you.
We Have Just Received
Fresh Stock of Nuts
Grants Pass Grocery Co.
Calhoun's old Stand.
New He.ll for Woodmen
The Woodmen of the World have
leased the "Blackburn bouse," tbe tntire
upstairs portion of the Jewell Fry block,
lor a period of tix year. They will re
move several.of the partitions to secure
a commodious lodge room and will alto
fit up elegant parlors and banquet rooms.
The Woodmen are expecting to initiate
a large number of new member about
the first of the year.
Chrlatma Do.rc.
The Christmas bill will be given by
the Degree of Honor it the opera boot
on Tuesday evening, Dee. 24, Christ
mas eve.
For 1903 Expoaitlon.
Now tbe opportunity it epen to out
tide citiet and people to subscribe for
stock aud bave an especial interest in
tbe 1006 fair. Its going to 6 $500,000,
gentlemen ; Portl and docs' t ask yoa for
anything, but it it too liberal not to give
jouthe opportunity to sulwcrlbe it, if
yoa wish to. We have already raised
about 1:140,000, and are not near through
yet. Let's all pull together, and make
all parts of Oregon known. Telegram.
"A Stranger In a Strange Land" will
be played at the Opera bouse o Friday
evening. The company is one of dram
atic excellence with' plenty of oppor
tunity iu the play tor its exhibition.
reputation goes with them, and they're
maker! in the world.
Coat Collar, or on linen tab in pocket.
the man First impression are the the light kind Our Clothe will.
H. Harth & Sou.
If, in the past you have had trouble
with your typewriter ribbons, tend a
sample order to E. L. King, 218 Sansome
Street, San Francisco, and tee if you
can't gia a better ribbon fur seventy
five cents than yoa have been paying a
dollar for. $7.00 a doxen, any color and
for any machine, E. L. Kino,
Pacific Coast General Agent.
218 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cat
, Artlaana Elect Officer.
At the meeting of th United Artisins
last week, the following officers were
elected: M. A., Mr. F, E. Wertx;
Supt., Mrt. L. L. Perkins; Imp,, Mrs.
Ilelle Mitchell; Bee, Fred Menscb;
Trc as , Ixmetta Pollock ; Sr. Con., E. A,
Clement ; M. C., Mrt. 8. A. Frederick ;
Jr. Con,, Mrt. U. Flaiiiin ; F. Com., Ben
Evans, Mrs. E. Clement.
dozmi 60c
per yard 14c
Note the price,
R. L. Coe & Co.
Coming Events. .
Dec. llf'A Stranger in Strange Land'
at Opera House.
Dec. 14. Schumann Concert
at Opera house.
December 14 Doll show by W. R . C. at
A.O.D. W. hall.
Dec. 19 "Black Patli" at Opera bouse.
Dec. 25. Christmas day. ,
Dec. 24. Grand.ball by Degree ol Honor
at Opera House.
Dec 25 Gut 6un minstrel at Opera
Dee. 81. Grand ball by The "Six or
chestra at Opera house. : '
Jtn. 2 Richard A Pringle' minstrel
at Opera house.
February 10 Jessie Shirley company
at opera house.
You Know What You Are
When yoa take Drove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic, because tht formula It plainly print
ed on every bottle showing that it is sim
ply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form
No Cure, No Pay. 80c,;
A wreath pin,
turn to C. W
gold set with jet. Re
, llaya and receiyt re-
A dosen shotea and a number of yonng
Jta- pipi. At my place, lirst house bayond
uvy wiggings. u. K. 1'eaney.
SMALL hand printing press with type,
for$o. At Courier office.
A good residence lot 50x100 on north
main street cheap. For particulars
inquire at thia oitlce.
QUARTZ mine on Mt Iteuhen, one mile
from the Lawrence mln in n.naa
from 1. eland. There is an onen cut at ta)
feet in length by St) feet in depth, extioa
Inf a vein o( over 4 (eet, wide assaying $30
per ton. An arrastre is now Inninnhm
on the property. This pmporty can be
purchased at a reasonable price now. In
quire at this oiuce or call or address J. W.
Eades, Ieland, O re.
AKK your wheel o Cramer llroe. for
repairs. '
Stops Tha Cough and Work
off the Cold.
Laxative Uronio Quinine Tablets cur
a cold hi one dry. No Cure, No Pay.
Price 76 cents.
On Display This Week
A Fine Assortment
' "AT"
M. Clemens,
Orssgs Fronti oppo. Opera Houtc
Soft Solid Shoes 25c, 35c and 50c.
We have made a special effort to secure an attrac
tive line of Children's fine Shoes for the Holidays.
It will pay you to see thetu.
R. L. Cot Si Co.,
Sole Agents for
Southern Ore
gon. &3.5 0
to be the best made.
Men's Velvet
Slipper, handsomely
Note the price, 69c
'Ladies' hand turned Felt Juliett, all
sizes. Note the price, 98c
Men's large sized Linen finished
Handkerchiefs. Note the price one
Six Pieces China Mattings all new
up-to-date patterns. Note the price
Lace Scrims, per yard, 5c
Men's Fiue Jap Silk Initial Handker
chiefs worth 50c. Note the price, 25c
Four pieces Cotton Ingrain Carpets
regular prices from 33 to 40 cents.