ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PARS, PRECOX. Published Every Thursday. Subscription Rates: One Year, in f dTSDce, - . $1.2.5 Hix Months, . . . .64 Three Months, - . . .36 Hingis Copies, - .06 Advertising Races Furnished on application at the office, or by mail. A. E. VOORHIES, FRED MENSCn, Pkopr. & Mnob Editor Entered at the post office at Grants !' I'regon, ait second-class mail matter. THURSDAY, , DECKMBER, 12,U901. The fate ol Artlier Venville, capttiif.1 by the Filipinos, lias been discovered He was treacherously shot ailh arrows by two Filipinos and killed. Andrew Carnegie has proposed to give flO.000,000 lo endow , great one versity which is to be a national insti tution loi alid at WasliinKton. W' J. Ilryan may lie made a candidate (or governor of Nebraska next year. Personally, Bryan li popular and for the oflico of governor he would be a strong candidate. a An oidinance is in consideration by the city for the reorganization of the Ore company. The chief and bis assistant are to be appointed by the council and will receive salaries. The other officers are to be elected by the company as heretofore. A riort was circulated last week thai the court of inquiry found Admiral Bchlev guilty on five counts. This re port proven), as was the general expecta tion, to be a canard, without foundation, Admiral Dowey himself being authority for the statement the court had readied no such, decision. The new Hay-l'aiincofote canal treaty has been reported favorably by the com mittee on foreign relations in congress. No voles were cast against this report by any member of the committee, although some had adverse criticisms forjlhe treaty. Senators Money and Bacon found many of the same objection able points which the former treaty con- tamed, the principal one being the neutralityclause. ' This treaty gives the United Htates absolute control of the canal but obliges ber to keep it neutral WWW WW V 3 J It i- i..,rieil that ISarrou & White have Ken , IIV red t'jO.OW) lor I hi ir mine ,,n s.;nii..ii ,-ieek. Jai-bsoii cuiin'y. but ' iiavp rc'ii"' d the r.fiVr. j Vr. Jtnning the de utist, !" ."" Macules the ui.m-ral niaguet, no li i wurji q mi z mining c'aiun that pro 'peel well, tliat Im would eitln-f ec II ol O'.ii'l i:i reasonable teniis. Ollic; Utu I IJ'.ii-c, 'I'.'.oi l'a-s We are giving away lo our custoiiu-is sunn; hand :(..rnc!y dec orated, baud painted Cliina with cash purchases. Buy your goods of us and get a I. Fine Set of Dishes : one or more at a time FREE. You will study We earnestly ask you to call'and inspect it. want it. lied Star Store. Front street, oppo Depot. iAAAAA A. A .1-m A J Ashland expects a warm contest in her pending city election. The saloon men are well orguuited and are'intoiid IngMo" niaVe 'a :hard fight for license. Ashland has bad a practical teat of pro' bibition and the- result of the coming election is looked for with eagerness We hear contlicting stories here of the workings of prohibition In Ashland and the town's prosperity during the past year. The result of the election will be conclusive decision of the manner in which It is regarded at home. President Roosevelt's message Is one of the niOBt able documents of that nature ever presented lo an American congress. It la unusually long but it contains nothing unnecessary and nothing that could be well omitted. It is sound, solid, able and sensible throughout, common sense being a dominant quality. It deals with the many important subjects in a thor oughly practical manner. Our president is a man of high ideals but can not be truly called an Idealist, as he is very sound and practical always. Appearances are all to the effect that the Lewis and Clarke exposition to be held In Portland in 1U05 will be a grand flair. Already 1340,000 has been pledged and now the mark aimed at is 1500,000. The amount is su hide, nt if properly handled to insure a fair that will be a credit to the Pacific; coast. The exiosltion is not for Portland or even Oregon alone but for all the status carved out of the original Oregon terri tory. Washington and Idaho were fully included as were pans of Moutana, Utah and Wyoming. The exposition will be of great value in making the Pacific coast better known in the United States. Vast mini hers ol people will come to the Munition ami may see for themselves the many advantages and pleasant features of tho western country tnd gut a real idea of it which they could not get by a liletluie of reading. l he smaller towns ol the state will be given an opportunity to contribute to the fuud, and assist in making the vent a i, rand euccens. In resonse to the strong popular sentiment in that direction, arouioti by theaausination of President McKinley, bills bearing on anarchy and its suppression have been introduced in congress. Senator Hoar has introduced a bill providing a death penalty lor killing or attempting to kill the presi dent of the United States or the ruler ol .any foreign country and any one who advises or conspires to) accom plish such crime, shall be I label to i iiprisonuient not exceeding 10 years. Senator Iturrows, ol Michigan lm in troduced a bill providing for the ex eltinon ami deportation of alien an arcliints. Then Senator Hoar has p. i tented jiint resolution authorising 11.0 president to enter into neg. tiatiout with the civilized nations to derido on efftcllve punishment of persons attempt ing me lives of chief maiiistrates This Is inline with President Roosevelt's suggestion that anarchy should be made an offense against the law of nalims A Chinese exclusion law to rcn'inne the effect of the Geary law which ex pires in May of the coming year seems certain to be enacted at the i,re ;,.,,i session of congress.' Little opposition appears to tbe measure and it seems to be generally considered a necessary measure. Some legislators think lhat the law should cover Japanese and other Asiatics, but this is of doubtful benefit. It would be bolter Kit to limit lown the bill or it might bu stranded. Better let it sail through and diufi anothor for the Japs if it should be necessary. The Japanceo are a tolnllv different proposition from the Chines and should really not he bracketed the same class allbouiili their siricieii emigration might be to the laboring interests. in iinru- perilous Harness Innovation, Iloyd's patent shall harries buckles constitute one of the must important of the lalo inventions an the appliance U d,.nti:nd to come into very general iir,e and revolutionize tl,,,,,!,! jjt,8 of driving harness to a very great extent. Cornell & M ore, of Grunts Pa., the Pacificcoant sgeiiii, have iHlely 1U(t, a irip in i.aliloniia, introducing iha rri..ic nuu esiailllslllllj limy visited tho throughout the slate as 1.01 Alleles. Mr. Moore is now in Fortville, Ind., wheie lie ls the portion of genual nmiiatjer in the factory. Thepoh.'s of advnnlano in IIih new syslum over tho old ans many. The new npphnnro elimii.aiea nil j,s umt jerUsand rubbing of tho hanufs, Ihor oughly tqtialixirg tiie pullin Mirain at all times. One important ad vantage Ihf. ia iho I.,,.,, ,,Jt ,., iirjrK(, can always lie released from llm vehicle III caeo of accident. new agencies. puncipj points going us far south Briii Creek Placer I. h..ii b r.- an l l.ur pc iw r, whohav L . Ii ' ' ! - t I.. n er r.n Si v.-r creek liii; f(-r .!e.':' mid l-eh in the consul':' ll.i ii - ; ii. I..,- runt a ;-' I )"iu ion n lh i V. rii'-y ii.t- ul topinin !!.( n!. i j.r'i't ecllng and opening up a new piece A ihtcer rj'tnd wlnciilh')' 0n on the upp-.., l'.riitgs crick, an J will i Council Proceedings. The city coancil met Thursday even I ing, the Ma.. or piesiding. AM present except Councilman Paddock. Petition of D. O. McCnlloch et al for lateral sew !er from Fiftli street at alley in blo-li 14, east through I locks 15 and 16 to Seventh S'reet; litems norili to A street, was re ceived and referred to com'nil'e on streelr to view, csaees heiieflts In pio I perty hidJeri an I r.'p.'r'. j The coinroi'tu-4 on tire, water and . heat'h reported t hat die four ex'ra hv 'drams ord-red by the council had been j pUced and were in working order, j An Ofi'itnance was introduced and pabg ! ed under the emergency clause provid ' ing for constructing of the lateral sewer pjiuioned for by J.L.Mveis et al , along the alley through blocks 23, 24 and 25 Hali-fy them-eiv. - to its wotliiig , fniui Fifth lo Second strcutsand asHBrtsiDg value. The ground lie on the left band 1 12.50 bMiefi'.s aiiuHt tach lot in those fur k of Itt rct t; above the Hurminc. I blocks. Silver CrccU Tvnncl Tlio work of opening up tiie big basin of Silver creek by melius of the tunnel at the fall", is being nieadily pr .eecuted. Tiie rock coui'ii ies, fjr tlm m i.-it pat, very haid, m iking progress slow, though there aru B'jiiio Salter pjrti'ini m with from time to time. The solid roek ti m is coiitinmn; pl?t expectations. Tbe project is a hie onu and the work is pro yressinn in a fairly sitiefactory manner. Tho volume of water in Silver creek ainee tho rain i an 1 now pouring over '.lie falln Imm heightened the scenic gran deur of the place in a great degree. In the precipitous walled canyon wliero the works are situated, the roar of the (a Is is deafening and the possibiliiy of rock A dee at any moment given the work a .wt of excitement a the workmen clam her up and down the cliff". Elk Creek Quartz. Th.i Pearl Mining company of KIk creek are making pre paraticna to beg'n running Ibeir ij inrlz mill in tho near lutiire, Kik creek is a tributary of Unfile river ubout 50 miles up that stream from Urants Pass and until lute years was popularly supported lo be mil d Ihu "belt". Tho yarft iciarlz depofiti- Holiday Goods Everybody knows that as Christmas approaches the throng thickens.taml satisfactory selecting becomes more and more difficult DoYour Christraas Shopping Early while the stock is complete. We have just receive direct trom a New Yoik fmlory n beautiful line ol LADIlvS' NECKWEAR, cot,.si.sti,IK ()f the latest Novelties for the Holidays. We are showing a complete line cf Ladies' Embroidered and Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs. Men's Initial and Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. Ladies' and Gent's Kid Gloves in all the Late Shades. Sofa Pillow Cases with Photographed Scenes. We have a few Ladies' Waists, Capes ami J. !,. ds teft which we are Closing out at a Great ni eoimt. .,1V one of the above articles will make a nico Chi istuus present. xon. which the di-trict contains were suppos ed to ho "banco" until some one o! moiuthnii ordiniry ciirioHity secured wine us-ays on snmples of the rock, when it was found lo cinluin gold It. payiug'valueH. Di E. C. Shoes and Furnishings. Gift in Plenty. Seldom in tho history of our town have our merchants been so liberal in gifts with cah purchases as at the picx ent time. Their hearts expand wuh the Christinas season and itifluaru lairl showered upon the fortunate purchaser At the ugar Pine store, every stoio slip of tlio month of liecember ttivee tl purchaser a giuas on tlio whole number Issued during the month. . The pne i.- a f.o guiu piece. lliomaa la Kiviug away handsoino carbon pliotos of paint ings with each (1.50 purchaHe. Tbe K Slat store is giving away handnimclv decorated China with rash puichuen Keasler of ll.e I'liicago liacket store liu a beau guesniug contest (or a dull. I'ra uier Pros, will give away huud.-ome photos as souveuira ou tlieir oinuiing day, Pec. 14. '1 hen .there ! the grand New Year's gift distribution participated in by lb. stores ol ll. t . Itobiien, Cramer Itn.a llartb A son, W. K. Kreuier, It Thomas U. Coe ,k Co., A. K. Voo.-hien, M '. a. neiiKopl. tickets lor an given with each Ml cctit. t-jsti pun !ia to guess on I lie whole number ol lukeii- that will Ihi deMsit.'d at all thi stores four priieSj are given. Hie lust is a ladies or gents' Inli giade hiftcb i he second is a pliouomaph with ic cords, the third is an Kasi inin l.d is ind (lie fourth prue is a JHH'o nu,! .nher. The Yon Yonson Company TIIALL & KJ:NM:UY. Mgra. Will Play HA Stranger in a Strange Land" At the Grants Pass Opera House PltlDAV, DECEMHKK l.illi This is one of the very best .hows of the season, Dont't fail to see it. I'rices, ;?Sc, SOc, and 7ne. Tickets on sale at the Post Ollice Store. lirvdon Huws "pie of !nd. n ' '!. lu :i lv hit Ihu s coveied with Mi,. BUI pi in ii 1 heo I h. y aw day lo (ind tt... .,,., snow The f ;;,:,., ,.ai, ii.,,y have noi m cii tl e nil in six wi pen, of l'ridni ba-e eni vt-i y ,!.. . Tin itl'Ve)HT every lao eel.: tb tb. cu -ions Owiiiji lo cvi llatlniw.iv ha. l.iteiaiy l.i,! l"c- d U, V ot lie fee l'o.l'l M.i .s t';f l''i .'J. Place al 1. I'. I l.i: men's Call at W, I.. Tuttie-, tuku a gnze at llm rich ks lule ilie ed sun-hi.':e I ilerarv and all I. fO.'H't V 111. em lo . hj .y i' c"( K. 1'. M 1 1 i.l ll, to the taking out of bis 1), W 1 'c' elolt, r L'l. w.od.-bcd and ore be has In en r i reek le.lg... e notice our Observer cor re. i.o, I...,, laded last week. Ilia compos,,, faeul n. s have gone back on him oi , hid., s "I 1'iydcu have not had the opp ,rii v "t nunc alveliluiL w.lli u tt;;j bin k. Miller I'l&cer. t-upei inten lent Andemon ol the Millar hydraulic plrtcer on Ilriggs crock bus been spending the past week in town. This mine hat been running for Ilie part few weeks. It is well ujuipped wi:h pipe and giant anil is one of Ihu several excellent pi operlicH of Ilie Krigns creek district. I he gold secured is of ti e coarse order, though very large nuggets iro randy found. The gold is very heavy, solid and pur. Myrtle Creek Mines. The Smlli Myrtlo gold quartz mines ire steadily pushing to the front. A icport has jeist come in that a new strike of 5'J feet of ore of high valun has been uncovered in tho Continental mine. (i. V. Johnson, of Portland, w ho re cenlly bunded lint Oatiunn & Robinson claims known as the Legal Tender group has put on a force of men and will. push development work sb rapidly as pomible, Willi night and day shifts. They will also have an ai-ay ollice at the mine llosehurg lteview. Shelley Creek. Sam While of Kerby is opening up a prumisim: quail, ledge in the Shelley creek district. Thn d.sirict has a num ber of gooil quart, pioperties under pro cess of development nnd is one which will undoubtedly come into prominence luicr on. The disiriit lies just beyond the stale lino m Del Norte county, Cal. Passenger Train Wreck. Tiie ii.i.ili'iouii.l California express No. 1L which left here at 2 30 Saturday morning was derailed at the titslie 2iW yards south of the Salem iiation on ii schedule time Saturday afternoon. The engine and the mail and baugage cars, smoker and one day coach left the rails. Kiieniau l-'isb received injuries from which he died Boon after being taken to 'be hospital. Engineer William II. W hite was badly scalded, but he in ex pected to recover. None of the pas sengers or other members of the Irani crew received any injuries. An open switch L'O yards south of the trestle caused the accident. The scene of the wreck is within the yard limits I ho train was on lime and was enter I g the station yard at a moderate: rate of speed. The train consisted of eight e .aches, including the car ol -ill erinleudciil l'iehls, who was prompt ly on th j scene, and personally directed operii'ioii m extricating tin) fireman I and engineer and elcaiiin: the tracks. I'ne engine, mail and b.uriige coaches. smoker and one day coach look the switch track, the oilier cars, i.u- on the iiiii.n lia k. Tiie engine and the niiul coach leit i lie trestle and Mr. Fryer introduced an ordinance reorganizing the Fire Department, which was read the first time. Complaints in regard to running stove pipes through roofs in dace of chimneys having been mule, ihe City At'orner was directed lo draft an ordinance pio uibi'.ir.g tho same. Tho following bills were allowed. J. C. Randle, tights and labor at school house on ward convention tl. John Patrick, extra service as police man, 75 cents. Oregon Olnerver, priming- electbu tickets $6.10. Fabric Firo Hose Cj , 4i:) feet new hot $450. Judges am! clerks of the City election, allowed for (heir services each tl, and V. S. Wood, J. 0. Booth, L. A. Stroble and C. E. Smith for meals for election bmrd, for each five p-.-rsoua $1.25. A. E. Voorhie.s printing, etc., $13.05. Leland Sidings. We are having very flue weather, no heavy rams or winds. We can hear oi big winds anil heavy rains farther north, but in southern Oregon we are generally exempt from so much wet weather. We have had .rain enough for farming and also for mining purposes. The miners aro very busy ami have all the water they want. We are having some loggy weather in the mornings, hut the afternoons are warn, and sunshiny. We have had only alight frosts as yet. The weather at present is likespring. .Mrs Kiser visited Grants Pf Tues day. Mr. Win. O't and wife took tlieir chatties and left Meihn last SumUy for Belfast, Washington, where luoy go to make their futu-e horn . Mr. Jerome Bowers, of this city visited (iiauts Pass Saturday. The ntw school bell has arrived an.l will soon be in p'areon tho building, et VI.-. Kiser ia at work on 'h b-lfry, A basket eocul will be given at Oal (jrove fehod hon e m x K.i lay tve nimr. M'. Jainos Crow, of Uo.tbiir;! is visit ing relatives in this city. Mr. Andrew Crow wa seen on the streets of our city Sunday. Mr. Henry, of Hugo, Is delivering books this week in our city. A literary lociety was organized by the people, of Merlin, last Friday eve ning. Prof. McConnell reports 78 pupils in tbe Merlin school at present. Coming events violin concert Dec l'J, at Oils. Hall ; Chiislinas tree at the church Dec. 25; debate at the school bouse Dec. 18 Mkki.iv Nioiit Hawk. Real Estate Transfers. (For week ending Nov. 30 ) O A C R R Co to Kobt M irtm Jr, HWofSE'of Sec7 Tp 30 S, R 5 V, consideration $1000 L A lwis to Columbia Mines Co., 1.100 acres in See's 3, 4, 5, 7 and and 8, Tp 34. and in Sec 33, Tp 33, all in K 6 W and ditch and water rinht 1 L R and Robt McLean to W M Hair, 100i20j feel in lot. 3, Bllt D, Bourne's first addition to Grants Pass 2000 D L Browning to It ( Virtue N W M of NE.'4' of Sec H, Tp 34 S, R 6 W 2000 D L Browning' to F C Milton, 20 acres in N W ,'of X W'aof Sec 8, Tp34S, RB W 100 L A and C N Ilatbaway, to J I, McColm. 1 acie in Sec 14, To ,17 s, row -0 Joseph Moss to A C Ilongh. lot 12, Blk 'J, Miller's addition to (j rants Pass 3,r, We have a 'surprise in Btore for our Opening Day Souvenir. It will be the best yet. Cramer Bros. Glasewaie a fine lot at Cramer Bro'. Drug Stores HAVE THE Largest Assortments fllll Highest Qualities Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Shaving Sets Indian Baskets Framed Pictures Perfumeries Dolls, Dolls Go Carts Fancy Papertries Toys, Books, &c. Call Early ltefore Lines arc Urol vCll. ololli.o luildiiir- Mlld nifU k.,.,, ,! ii0.K. armiinlnnMl i Bicyclt i i4i?wMHead Kinds Lowest Pri Guns and Locks Repaired. Saws Gum med. Knives and Scissors Ground. Sew ing Midlines cleaned and repaired. Mud Guards 75c each. Catliiilc, Lenses and Tips for y cle Lump at i;r Bicy- Paddock's Bicycle Den EAST OF DEPOT. 1 v GRANTS PASS, ORE. GLAD TIDINGS Of Good Things For Santa Clausi Smith's New York Racket Store Where you will find a large assortment of articles wit Xinas presents: Handkerchief, Comb and Brush, Toilet and C: Cases, Callar and Cuff Sets. Many Alburns to Choose From. make nice presents. We carry or giverrj of Books 4 every k;ti! 200 dozen of Handkerchiefs and all prices, Ribbon for farm J Holiday Umbrellas, one you would be proud- to carry or give it .vuias tree ornaments in ureal variety. 175 dozen A IS C to Historys. Pocket Books select from. Bring the Children to see our Big Display Toys of every description. 'A W e will store for you if you wish any or all articles yon I putcnase between now and Christmas. Santa Claus Headquarters for Christmas, COZMZIIsTGr 1 1 Black Patti OPERA HOUSE A yDe lursaa Tickets on Sale at P. O cember 19. I Buy Anything- THAT YOU HAVE TO SELL AND THAT SOMEONE ELSE MAY WANT nu ii,:iy li iv.-s n.c nrthli'8 amou r your possessions that yon hiMM for and never w ill Iihv f. r wliy i.nt convert tliem into eaeli. I W c.t-li fur tlicni, If you arc p,ing to move away let me buy your hooieta C'n's-I will pvn vmi K..., piiccg. Sewint! Ji.ii-liiiics l..r ri nl anj for ealo. V a.Ki-o ill-, p, ,, l-i H"t t.tkf tin, (.-,, "ii-f ll.n n. ! i n. i-'l in , n I,,, ,. t.i Ml'. wi'.l l-II !i ', .-ilv .1 r. 'ii'. tin 'i im Mr. Krai.k M.-tj,.,. lH ,,, , liiiiil of,ni,i t represent liis lunrm ,'.Uh. Un.le Itilly t'ox went itli bis Irani to 1,H tl, .i,m,li,.. l, I liiiu. Mm Sikh ("hapin Inn K,,n,, t 1U!0 to live on li,r rmu-li for the wintsr. She Inn i-iioi;nl li. Kri.-k.s.m to .1 1 a lot ol improY.-iUeiit on the piste for her. So Ii" xlti'li upon (Mitertiu- I ' uk,,l'in !- h koiuu of her i-i:iz-Mis. plllllL.V.1 ll.lo the vi.Tli 1 look a tlil, ,,,, I,, Ki ,vill., a .!... ill 1:' h , t l,,.l,m. l-'i-l, I tm. no un I siiri,i.!l i.. ,. , -r wn'Cnuit, ll-Ml r.uiciil IHiiiM'h I ' i-lMlil-s. ll... .in. m hi ilie n.iiue ,, nliii-h was . eVireil a sliurt I'n ii iliu'i .i in r in tlio t.-.i,-k. H, I limber, it is no '""'y " ''' ly niituV.l. im ! he ! I oo,l i.iii) ItV.I . Il.v ll II lie- ii-'h.r r..j. Ii.. .. i ilill' : " """" iniicrs ae cuuiinn Ike GocvVSold on ll.e In&mlliv.ent Plan. M. Davis, Front St. Second-Hnd f I For The Ladies cilllki'll : p, V.'.i a. ei .1 l.i, . I eniiie .mil it latvi w .m it lan.l the iim!) lilhiriiuii S hi; r. T!i,. in I'l.t II tie 'A i 1 1 1 e 1 1 i, 1 rto .! 1 l'Ui-,1 reii !i,ilt; l-uii ll 'a tl... er.i -eni'irt h, re Im ! Wiii injiir.-il. iltiHlie.t ill Ins (..., au;ht It'tn-en the Hill. ill ill, i gi; c tlllpi. Well "I. is nil ', country hs all time a'o with h,v all converteil into mil. the plate links iniireli i ne oo,l i-uitcrs ae c wo k at I'.n a or Kn Holiday Goo if6 c -- i , v .Mir i.Un ol pumpkins hut h. on nr.. v.. .......L ! pumpkins r Mina-h,., if -,. ih'ii'l ii't ar. .uii.l un.! ... , . ,r . i .. i . -j i I. I i . --., me runs oi . ii. in nu n i,i,i v a . , .- -- p.- ir me, wei .. ... .-. r.e.i"' 1. 1 ui , nut ihe Imle ofe ine Stoft le can t natne tliL-m all but we have a Inr ,.r l.ntl. i,fnl ami .n.,uu..t.,l goods for the holiday trade. True and quality meet. W e always give a store slip with every This mouth, IK-e. inlier, everyone of our store slips no matter lmw unall the pur- "times you to a guess on the iiumKr of the. niotitn. esc we will is-ne this Ii I ! on h.i'.i' a U l; or exptc.-s, i: v ill Kive me to .ituiid to the ou. We will h..i c.iiiua.iinl ,,i lUir t.i pin.; p.tpei twine, m ft. imps ami wil! ive .-l.lire length w ,r ti-.i'ii tl.At i-iiue e in nail Aiili i It- p .-.line at i e i .i j i lli"; wax, inn w nils pain, a imnnnr i-si-ioe hn Iii i't 111 g't'.l! pumpkin by ilrak'ii,K j Un in over te (..,, I,i our v.-Re ab e, , "nil liinis ,.u; p , 1l,Pli he ! T H i 1 1 r IMir ; l.'r tl.S Mem ill I. me to-iM i.uMn. . e-i-ie I U i imr ; ati l w '.ien : 'I any wfs w iIiihb III In i : k t-1 '.ne ai.'ii tliey ian imnu.ii.ite. personal arientioii. Vonts to Command, Sloyer Drug Go. ChrNiinais unit n Cnmcra. li . u ,i.n a run .-a v.i.i me i:i a (osi :i lo dive A i.tu-c liuai'ier )f lio'i.J.iy ut i, .ui A. Pew iritm.y V.Hirhu s s.nail iieen-e auj he Kill t.ll ft: r'i o-.i i I pilor. i. IV We nil i d' shi'Wii's; eu our i il'le u, iii null Il; KOOtll. ' aileiili'il ''ik "f hoa..,- .1 IU.T" . . un 1 si.. i our :'i ii I' . u- K ii'. . r K iin-e's ill an I lie. I'a iiii- e.vit. i' Ke n t iken ih, Imve i . nr. hnieli iv, ( iiuleil on r, is in. p t,( t ,., t iriHlu,-iu plants on .Vut 5 oJ 0 Ll ei-s tl.- t tt.e lu.,1 It .-.a Iho I'lpies Wg.uif i c F1UI ,i ive m f, il ti.e r-iiht fel.ijiv, K 't tlieir i-i.oi. e. Tin, l-.l. ,lr vilU. i,;,l.,uilLi .fi maker. II is a rusller and an ellu i. ii; inv. hsnie. We .,,1 ,.ave Ihr little rsot,a,s f, r tti olher writer rMeJ Saliio". H bav no su kiiesj to r-orl hut in ' , hurl mii'iae.spoett,. have Milium.,,,,, mie ol id,, coiiiile lisv. lKip..neJ Iho b. e,s; ,(. 0I,a u ll.e other tl. s ihe tra. k. I ei-p!e are i:,.i,iii r. r u .o ' "i mo null- iUoii is g nl i0 i,.v- . I! ks1 II ke. pi up a HI, Hob Merlin Nolo. liamer w.s. Iajw J .n nt T-irmlar I tiianta I'as. The one Guessing the Nearest will Receive a TUT X.T . n . i ear s of a fp2Q Gold Pieci 1U K.uue jou in your estimates we will tell you that tii 3463 the number issued in November was to write up. lKlp,i res.h, le. .la... t'lirii'.uuf tiie t i lilt s. It is your fault U vou do tint W- guesses as they cost you nothing. Make a mail or hand to us on or before I)e,,i, of each slip issued and can tell every mouth just how fifty or more of these guess on each slip and ISt. We have dunlimtes many we have Remember the Place, uai ii nisi viyiv