Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 21, 1901, Image 4

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    AMBITION. -r
Buppnelns; you sueeaad. ok nu of wealth.
At lut In owning all IhU fruitful earth;
Tou could not make th climate span four
Mor Hilda the humbleet oaaTStafi twlt-
uni nurta.
Ton could not make lb winter ecu Iti
Nor let July take oa nntlaohlll:
Tou could not chance tht smalleet UUnd't
. Nor bid the fu off thunder's note U M1IL
Tou could not ate? the urcakVa whirllnc
Much lH forbid old earth hla dally iDla
Nor f orea the aua to china, the rain to drop,
Nor chance the tnlueTa that make ue weep
or gna.
While I admire the might which you turn
To laarti Ha Dianxise I an at a Iocs.
Oraat pawar may be aweat. but what'e the
Of owning aomathtiif that yon eaaaot
Washington aMar.
tuwrrwat, aw, ay .. ajimmei
THINGS undoubtedly looked equal
ly for Jim. He yealtied It, ae he
paced up aad down the narrow eflll
in the Meaqulte Jail, The needy -look
tag young lawyer the court had ap
pointed to defend him on the chargi
of murder aleo told him ao, and
lieu of elraring him on the oharge of'
frrcd ts write hla wilt for biin free.
.Jim mournfully deelltietj
"I ain't got nothin' to will away," he
aaid. "All I had wa atule from me
that nlfjlit when the trouble happened.
"Well, I reckon you had licttrr pray
ome, for you're about aa good ae a
gone froelln'. Bliall I lend the priest
to you?"
"Naw, darn the praytn'. Ie Inez
bound to ewear against me?"
"Sure. You see, when you ahot Itafe
Mendoza you ahot her fuller. Hhe waa
(roln to marry him, and naturally ahe
don t feel kindly to you. He waa the
beet-fixed greater In thla whole eoun-
try. And you know hnw three (rrcaaora
are, anyway. They Jiiat naturally hnte
a white man. They will make a biff
lleata of the day when you are hunir
and rut tamalce and drink pultjue, and
enjny lliemaelvra hugely,
"1 don't mind entertaimV folki gen-
erally, but I ewear I hate to do so at
the end of a rope. Wish I'd left that
girl alone."
"It would har been totter for yott.
That girl ' the only wltneae against
you, end her teetlmony will hang you
aure. If ahe waen't a greaaer, I might
be able to pureuada her to eklp out.
but now there ain't a bit of a chance."
"I don't aee why aha't eo bent on
harln' me handed. Pre been nice to
her, and ahe liked me. That'a the
reaaon I had to kill Ilafe Mendora he
waa jealous ae he could be, and tried
to allp a knife in my rllw that night
when I rame to 'e her.
"But Jim, Inei nayi Hhe didn't see
him with any knife, and when they
picked him up, after you hod gone out,
thoae greasers eay he didn't ercn have
a pocketkulfa. What do you make of
lunw luei eaya the flret thing (he
aw waa you drawing your gun, and
that you proceeded to pump him full
or lead without any warning.
"I know it looks bad. colonel, but
mat greaser did certainly try to knife
me. I taw it in hie hand, and It looked
aa big aa a sword. Thoae friends of
his made way with tlst knife when
lliey came to pick him up."
Well, 1 11 see you to-morrow In
eourt Your ease will coma the first
od the docket, and It won't take long
10 near me enuenee agalnat you. I
am sorry, but I can't make teetlmony.
and what that girl will swear will hang
you, surely. Oood-by." The young
lawyer left the dreary little jail think-
ug at-epiy.
Jim went to the small window and
looked out across the waste of shim
mering sand and buffalo gross, re
llered here and there by a few stunted
niKa(iilta buahes. The best radiated
In wary sig-tags, and seamed to stifle
htm In hie cell. He longed to tie on
bis bronrhn, loplag serosa the range
after the cattle, and It pained him to
think that eueh pleaaure would nerer
again be his. Ha knew that he had
acted foolishly la going about Ines
Oonsales he had been warned that ha
would hare trouble with Kafe Men
do.a If he did. Mendosa was a well-to-do
ranrhero, and the farorltc with
the parents of the girl They were
urging her to marry him, but ahe had
been putting him off as long as she
Old OonaitU'S, an svll-looklng Vu
lcan with one eye. regarded Jim with
distinct disfavor. So did his wife. They
tried In ereiy way to show him that
his presence was unwelcome. Jim
saw their game, but was unruffled by
It. He was as polite as he knew how to
he, and etc n tried to be f Hindis with
Mendora. Hut one nlirht after
he was leaving the adobe of the Iton
inles', a inelinter cracked from be
hind a clump of iiieMiulte bushe a, and
a ball clipped a piece out of hla hat.
Then 1 e knew that henceforth it was
wur b tween him snd Metidora.
Ines waa the prettiest girl In the
country. Rlie was small, ami had a fig
ure as lithe and graceful na that of a
tiger. Her ayes were as bright as
stars, and large, and full of ripreaelon.
Her complexion waa the purist ollre,
snd aha wore her great muss .4 hair
braided down her back. She was
young, too, and she did not like to t
forced Into a tunrrlngu with Meiidoui,
hut her parenta wen- Insisting, she
could not forget Jim, and bin evident
e.liiilrutlini of ).r. Slie .lid not in,,
rtirslnnil till he snlil to her, but slm
understood enough to know that lis
loved her, ami the thought made hrr
very, very rimmr Indeed And when
Nothing, thar
'-nines in a
bottle, is more important fur
children thmi Setts emulsion
of cod-liver oil.
And "important" means that
it keeps them in oven health.
Whenever they show the least
disturbance of even balance of
health, it promptly restores
It is to be used as a food,
whenever their usual food does
not quite answer the purpose
of food.
Weil Had yoe t linU le try, U you like
BCurr BOWNK. y. ,..., , Vwfc
Bronlei-$l A. E. Voorliles.
j The Sanation of Jim j
Dj Garrard Harria,
Jim 'rent to Los Crnces, he bought
her a Utile gold heart on a chain, to
wear about her neck. Rhe wore It un
der hrr U;se she was afraid to let
Ilafe si e It, or her father.
6he had been threatened and brow
beaten by her father since the death
of Mendoza, and she bed her eye
out at the thought of l. r testimony
hanging "Kl lienor Jt:u," ho l ad been
so good to her, and wLu r.t in trouble
on her account. Hut, llit n. the truth
was, eh,e did not see Knfe with the
knife. He might hare bad it in bis
hand as he started toward Jim, but
she did not see it.
The next day the courtroom was
crowded. Old Gonralrs was there
with all his relative, and frienda to
get hla rerenge for the Ion of s rich
son-ln-Jhw, who would have support
ed him in Idleness the rest of his days.
Ilafe had lots of friends, also, who
wanted to see the cursed gringo pun
ished. And Inez was there, also, her
eyes red with weeping. Khe sat in the
courtroom and glanced furtively at
Jim. Once their gaze met, and she
found no anger in the honest blue
eyes. Her own fell to the floor.
Jim's lawyer noticed all this. He
knew that on the facts there wss no
power to save Jim. The girl held hi"
life In her hands. There was no pit a
that he could make that would excul
pate the prisoner not even tempo
rary Insanity. Hclf-dofenss could not
well lie pleaded, as there wss not a
scintilla of evidence to support It.
The minor cases were disposed of,
and the noon hour approached. Court
was adjourned until two o'clock, and
it wss announced that the case of the
state vs. James Griggs, murder, would
lie taken up. The sherilT led Jim to hia
cell, and the gang of Mexican. Hied out
to exult in the coming downfall of
the baled gringo. All except Inez
she siit In the courtroom and refused
refreshment nnd repulsed her pcoplc'i
uuvuuces, alone in her sorrow.
Jim's luwycr walked over to the she r
IfT's olllce.
"Joe," said he, "In case I wanted to
have a little confab with Jim, and were
to bring a couple of other
would be all right, wouldn't it? No
troublo Just a little talk."
"Hurei yes. I'm mighty sorry for
Jim. It's a bad cuse. This here conn
try Is mighty nigh gone to the devil
when a white man gets hung for n
klllln' of a greaser. Next tiling they'll
be niTCKtln' us fcr klllin'covotcs. Yes,
I'll let you in any time that you want."
The lawyer walked slowly over to
the courtroom. He espied the delect
ed little figure sitting in the far cor
nrr, her head in ber hands. lie walked
oftly to her.
Ines," lis said, "do you want Benor
Jim hangedr
No, no," sh exnlslmed. "I no want
him hang Benor Jim, he been good
to me I like he em mushoheap. See?"
Hhe drew from about ber uuck a little
"lXd you want to marry Ilafe Men
flora 7
No, no. He too ola, en he all time
drunk, an owes, en be not nice Ink
Benor Jim."
Well, would yo save Jim, If you
could? If you could do so and not
have your folks bother you?"
Ml, senor, yes, yes I no want to
hurt him I like Benor Jim."
"All right, you Just wait here, and
hen I cuius after you, you follow me
will fix things so your folks won't
know about it, until it is too late."
The lawyer went into the olllce of
the clerk of the court. "Where's Judge
Hmlth, the Justice f the peace?" he
asked. He found the justice, nnd In u
few words explained to him. The Jus
tice's eyes twinkled, and he, ton, as
sented. Iluck to the clerk's olllce went
the lawyer, and this time he came nut
wlih a piece of legal-looking paper In
his Mekvt, hearing the Klrjiuturv of
the clerk. He went upstairs aul got
Inez -she couie willingly. Together
the three innsle their way rapidly to
j.,.. m on ifoin muicr nun nia
friends were In the shade of the court
house on the other aide.
Together they went in the Jnll to
Jim's oell. A few minutes Inter they
emerged again, all their faces wreathed
in smiles.
Court reusscmbled, and the case of
the state ts. Griggs was called. De
fendant pleaded not guilty.
'tall the first witness for the
state," said the court.
Ines Oonsales, Ines Oontnles. come
Inter eourtl" bawled the bailiff. The
prosecuting attorney settled himself
In his chair. There waa a lirruthlexs
Ines came slowly down the aisle and
seated herself. She was sworn, and
the attorney commanded:
'full the Jury now, what vou know
about Jim Griggs lmirdcrlni? Uufc
Uendosa." lues looked oppeiiliniflv at
Jim's lawyer, llu unfolded his long
length from l.U chair and arose.
If the court plcnsc, wo object to
the witness testif vlnif."
What ground ?" suupped tho district
There's no rule of law, common.
Civil or statute, that can make a wife
testify against her husband. The wit
ness Is the wife of the prisoner."
this is a trick," cried the district
It may be a trick." irrlmwd Jin.'.
lawyer, "but it's the trick that wins the
game. Here's the license, instied In
due form, ami here's the rcrtincnte of
Hon. bumpkin Smith, Justice of the
penes, who performed the ceremony
an hour ago. lauova for a diaciiarire of
the accused."
Motion sustained," said the lutlire
Ith alacrity. "Knler the case as nolle
proasrd, Mr. Clrrk."
1 hat evesiing, under a safe escort of
cowbojH u protect them from the
Mexicans, Jim and his bride m re safe
ly e.iuducts'd to 1. os ( ru.'cK. where they
took the U-itlii back to the states, anil
where they could lie in pence and hap
piness on the old farm lu faruwuv
Illinois. a 1 i-
There la a Class of People.
Who see injured tv the u ol colli e
Kei'cntly there hss been placed in all
the grocery stores u in preparation
cslled UIkAN-(, ui.iue of pure i;rsiun,
tbst tikes tho pise of collVe. The must
delicate stouiai l receives It without dis
tress, snd butfuw can tell if Itoiu cotlee.
It djes not cost over 4 as modi. Chil
dren may drink, it nb Kreat benellt.
15 els. Slid i'5 cu. per package!. Try it.
A.k for til! A IN. 0.
io, W, lane, l ewnoio, Mich., write :
"Your Kodol Iyspepia I'ure. is the heel
remedy lor indigestion snd atointi It trou
ble that 1 ever usl. Kor rmrn I suflcreil
Iroin dyspepsia, at times o.inivnllitig m
to ftsy in bed and csueing lue untold
agony. I am completely cured by Kodol
lyepcpeia Cum. Jn recommending it t,
friends who mifl'wr from indigcrMon I al
wsyi oiler to pay lor it if it l..iu. Thin
far I have nm-er paid." lr K to nor.
Malaria Makci Impure Mood.
urotsjs lasteless t'biil IVnic vi
U . lariat AOc.
Too cu Bsak your ha
txm mm mntt M a glavm
mod M touch M UV fcf
mui l&l H Kits A liar.
Oil. YJ rma
ImM mm hut mm
Harness Oil i
BUkM ft trMr looklntr har '
Em DW. Mavl ot
pur. bsry tsfsrlM ud, r
pTtavlijr- prtrtl to wL
Mid tj staroaro on ca 1
The McDonald hotel at Dawson, the
largost hotel in tho north, was burned.
The Ions is 20,000, including &,WQ on
baggage of guests and sS,(hK) on furnl
turo. Nothing was innared. The hotel
is owned Ly t lie wifo of Akiaud-.r Mo-
Ooiiaid, the Klondike king.
8amnel Su'.iga, foromaa of the dty
difltributiug di partmeiit of the St. Loais
pofctoffl' C, was urrested, charged witli
ite.tling letters. Fifty letters, soma
ntuiniiig money orders, were fouud
ou bis person. PoHtodleo Inspector Dice
says the theft of letters has been known
for one year. Daring the year, Dice
says, merchants hare lost f 2,000.
Goorge Rliody, a Sonth Eyron (N.Y )
farmer, says a Rochester dispatch, tied
bin team of horses to the brakebeam of
su empty freight cur, aud, ufter cAu-
liouliig his wifu and children to remain
lu tho wugou, ran into the station. Iu
his uhHcnco a switch engine btcked
down and coupled on to tho string of
cars and started to pull them out on to
tho main track. Tho horses, lal I f lit
by strong rope halters, followed, first at
a wulk, whicli was incieased to a trot,
and finally, an the engi:io gaiuud liead
way, tliey wuru obliged to break into a
mad gallop to keep up, the wagon
bumping mid hounding over tho rails
and ties, spilling its occupants and load
of cabbages all uloug thu route. The
Uation ugcut, seeing tho predicament
l the Khody outtlt, signaled tho switch
sngiiio to stop, which it dil, not, how
ever, until tho homes had fallen through
1 trostle.
The Klondike) theater at Hurloy, Wis.
wooduil building i'ifi foot long, threo
(lories hlgli ami 60 foet wide, canght
lire while most of the Inmates were iu
foil, and, says the dispatch, nine men
ud one wmnaii are missing, and thoro
may bo others who have purished iu tho
Are. Several others were seriously in
jurod. Tho building was occupied by 25
(woplo, consisting of tho Lo Clair film
ly and a stock company, which guve
vuudevillo entertainments.
Secret sorvioe agents at Kl Paso, Tex.,
trrestod M. J. lMiion, a local photog.
rnpher, and captured a largo niimlxir of
photographic, plates bearing imprints of
f.r silver col li lie. ites. (10 national bank
Hotel, 10 note issues of the Deseret
National and another Salt national
bunk; Ncvado National hank of Sail
Kraucisco, lianc i N.tcioual of Mexico,
Banco de Lamli es of Mexico ami iiuico
Minoro of ( Iliiliu.ihtia, Mexico; alsu a
largo numlsir of iiuliuislieil bills.
First Lieutenant IUIn.rt T. Crawford
if thu First infantry, a sergeant and live
men, while attempting til urns tho
Ualiyou rivor in Samar, wuro drowned.
Luklian. the insurgent leader on tho
island of Samar, has sent a messago to
Ijoneral Smith declaring that hu will
not listen to uegoiiiittions for sunouder
until the Aiuiriciins havo withdrawn
from the (i.iudiira valley. General
Smith has ordered every American mi
ller iu the l.-lanil of Samar nuil tho
island of Ijcytu never to bu wit limit
vrms, even at iinal liunv General
Smith also directs that scouting must
continue inei ss.iully, and that all neo
lie I lulu p c ipl ui-ed must Ihi dustroyed.
Advices from t'atbalog iu, c apital of
Sanuir island, report Unit Major Waller
attacked a torce of Iuhuivoihk occupy
ing a strong posiliou at Sultjou, two
ihree-iuch guns luiii used lo shell tho
rels'ls' Htrougliold. TliroUKhout tho
lit-stday the tiisurieuts wro able to hold
the place, hut Major Wall, r resinned
the attack I i next day, a n! .it'tcr a
le-p.-iMie en j.i .-"iiieiit, carried t!i . p M.
( urn. I wo iii .rules ot tie- .uiicmng
force nu I '.M I'l-ur-cuH u -.-u killed.
Major Waller I trojed tl: ' cu.irlels
llld the i I hulls. ..
I'iii insi. events are becniuiM1,' moro
ll'tlve In the l-lllll I id I. -vie. 1 C. ' i - -1 1 1 1 V
hc town ill M.ilt.ile i was allilcke ,t
hnni.ic.;!, t'.ie III. l:i' Ills cut lllC tel.).
jr ; l i mi', ami Minle a iletaeUuicut of trisip wore rep.iuini; it !.l(.y
wcio IU . I upon by a band ol lusur.
ifetns. Afbrabriet sn.un ,h tiio levels
were disperse I.
The of'l , of th i le;'.i;h i is i bmnl.
uiys a W.ishingion di. patch, will mako
an cxi' sliortiy win roly Ihcycx-
sct ti) iroject a great i:l inch beam of
light from sea to sky, which will he
visiblo to mariners from !10 to 10 mile i.
f successful, it is behoved It will lie
Applied to all lightships in tho f uturo.
Coaling stations and coal supplies
have Ikvii established by Hear-Admiral
llradford, chief of benurcau of equii)-
uioiit of tho navy dciurliiicut, to such
an extent that a vessel of the United
States navy could si cum round the
world and use no c.ial but that belong
mg to America. lu ttuio of war it
would Hut be possible for an Auii-i ieau
warship to obtain coal b d.ingin to tin
govet linn ut at l-alt iM'au ports Uvauso
of tiio llcces-ity ot the otisiu-vatlcc of
uciiiralitv bv the KureiH'au uatnins.
'oallng stations will U) eslablisheil ou
the S.mth Aiiiericau coiitiucui, and an
American warship will tluei li.iv.i no
ditllcully lu obtaining coal in all puts
id tho world save lurois'.
lllllllliV III Us.
Tho recent feg in Uiuduii was the
cause, of a great increase in the mortal
ity, ami numerous bodies were roinnl
at the mortuaries awaillug ldetititicA
tiou. Silicon laborers are missing fioni
tho docks, and It is suppwcil that they
walked lino tho water.
Thu Irorinan linpeiial deficit has hero.
toforo lu estimated at liVAKKi.tVH)
miuks. It ts now asserted that the
budget will assume a deficit of U l.iHM,.
OoO marks (:l..lKM.iXH).
Tlie women of Japan have pititlouoii
the government against allowing Mor
mons to propagate their creed or remain
lonir.-r lu Japan.
- HIli h)TUV 'I U -vt. '
in ii. . i.t hr irti,.j .t
! Mr. ClrTelaad aa Capital sad tabor.
Founders' day at tho Carnegie Iusd.
rnte SI misirargo was moue iu woe.
sion of an address bTex - PresidentCleye -
land, who spoke of "The Obligatious of
- . . i i o -r ,. 1-...
deplored the qu:irrel bet wecu employers
aml employees, and said there should be
no antagonism in this roautry between
labor aud capital. Labor and capital
touch and reiugle so constantly and
naturally among us that the laborer of
today is frequently the employer of
labor tomorrow, sud should always sup
plement each other. There can be no
excuse for eury of capitalistio wealth,
said Mr. Cleveland, for the balk of
happiness among tiie American people
i li.nii.l ,,ii mm of nnr srxsinl llfa far
i.,w t.c.t nii b th riclL Ha'
disciaiineil anr luu-utmu tosu;zest what
may U the cau or causes of the dislo -
Cation wan a so fruin. iiuy occurs iu the
relation of capital to labor, aud said:
"The siiu.ui m itself proves that some
where lucre oro members of oar part
ners. up in American citiscusuip who
act in vio'atl ai ot partnership duties,
and I am -urn I venture nothing iu
U! iking the as-ci tioii tint the only rem
ciiy tor tins s::ti-iiiin must bo fonud iu
a return to tiio observances of tho lavy
of American co-onrauou. This retarn
will not I e acouiuiUiic-d by nursing real
r i::ta:i;.iry injuries on tlie part of
iabcr, nor by lordly and s. lfis:i arro-
.-ance on liio par: of cipital. A begin
ii iu must be made by conspicuous ex
amples til a r..r-k'nition of Ihe ilu:y and
A 1 L'atiiiia wiiicu ere tiio conditions
uMu wk.cli iho lull unj lymeut of oar
partnership advantages depends.
J. I. Mummi ostly Kntertalnnients.
The liivisn ciui ri.imiiiciiu said toharo
M-eti ; iv !! by J. 1'ieqiout Morgan at tho
'r.ennial cot,v ntion tf the Lpi-scopal
'.liuicii at .San Francisco was severely
ouii.k:k. .1 on by liio R-.-r. J. 13. S
if K.ll.iiiuru in an mldress to a
. eil a.-s.K;i.ition whicli luot at his
eh tie. i. Dr. liislges, who wa a deputy
in lac em. wot:. in, reel an ex;ract from
a .iji.riUs--n.aiig tin catering for the
M r.'iu party, winch was in tho p--r-lite:,
cliare of Stierry: "As for wines,
lei cieitcest viutaet wero brought on:
by ijh.-i i v, inciudiug Joiiaiiuesbergur at
a h iltle, w-iiicii unites it ulsiut 1 a
.a.i." Dr. liol.. j said it was "a sul
tiling that the liiuueis of one of tho
deputies to tiio c uiveiitiou should hare
ln-cii giv.iii as intioii promiiieuco as, if
not more pro.niuenco tliaa, tiio proceed
ings of Hie cuuveiittou."
linn tu Knil liner War.
According to the Leaden Daily News,
Mtijoi Gcni I hi Hamilton, who sailed
reieutly for houtli Africa to act as Lord
Kitchener's chief of staff, tukos a plan
prepare t iu Iiidou for a more vigorous
campiign, Willi a view to ending the
war beforo tho coronation festivities
"General Hamilton's appointment,
-ays tho Daily News, "is part of a plan
..ri.inK''i tiller tlie king's return from
tiie coutiui-ur, alsiut six weeks ago.
Unless Iord Kitchener should decline
to bu ciiiupial-ant tho new scheme is
lik -iy to develop about thu beginning of
tiie year.
lu a l t'er dated October 23 1, tho
Capo Town cnrresioudcnt of tho Daily
Mail says: "Iml Kitchener and Sir
.lohiGoriloii Sprigg (lhel'uH) premier)
Inivo iiiriiuged a scliemu for tiio expul
sion of tlie invaders from Capo Colony.
A joint commission of imperial aud
colonial military chiefs has boeu sittiug
hero for some days past to draft a
scheme. It is understoisl that this pro
vides for the colony taking a large share
In thu I uturo campaign and contribut
ing largely toward its cost. Apparently
a levy of loyalists on masse is tho idea
Nltiker l-Mrcti-il l n nr f llrlilR-cpnrt.
1), mils Mukihill quit tho Wheeler A
Wilson power-house, whore he had been
stoker for !l) years, savs a Ihidgeport
(lliinn.) disatch, and w is installed as
mayor. Four years ago lie was elected
alderman iu a Republican ward, win
ning by ail overwhelming intij nity. He
challenged every ordinance that took
money from the treasury, and iu doiiiK
so he attacked men iu a way that would
have brought libel s ntsagaiiist lillu had
ho had menus. Two years ago ho was
elected by u still greater majority. A
uuwspasr, in a jM-u!;ir way, suggested
him tor mayor. Mulvihill was in
terviewed mid said hu would run if
nominated, but that hu would not lift
his hand to get tho iinmiuatiou.
Thu lalsir unions took it seriously, aud
ho went beforu the DciuiH'ralic conven
tion with tiio pledgisi votu of evury
union man lu tow n, lu tho convention
ho defeated the rich men who coveted
I hu place, liven then great odds were
tiered a.'iitust bis election, which hu
won hands down. .Miiiiaturo shovels
Weru used by his mipuirtcrs as badges.
Charles Miller and Mrs. N. C. Col
lins, alius Graco Arnold, aluts Grace
Allison, formerly of Cleveland, St.
Iiotils and San Francisco, who wcru
'ouvictcd of having used tho mails to
Icfruinl iu conducting a matrimonial
bureau, were seuiciiced at Kansas Cily
to a year and a day in prison.
Sheriff Cisik of ToK'ka couuly, Kas.,
Slid Deputy Sheriff Williams wore cap
tured by two convicts (who, with many
others, had esciiH'd tro,u the federal
r l urn
Li-' el n.-' a;
Yl Mlu is Ti I. n. ,.!.oi 57. l'l'l. f
rt '''' sie t'. id I no I
a i ... , th. v i . :.. ),.,, ur ,i r .i.e. 1 I
I ' si tt. r, , in;, , . t p ui .- '.
I t A
Iv ,.,
Ill Vl
S. -.ttil'iu,
tth it h K') v.r.r h to a ,m;n u!!e.-. t
Inn IiVj S'tnnio fl.nlt s.";n,t y.t ar.s -cdo i it t:scu:,:r.,is ol horet j
lo-i' lyws a tejrl-j thso Ifrriils '
r. isniliu.:! f .' i Is si!..nt(i. If 5r0 f,'
eno cl Ikcn v j wart ! ij t ( y.t jj
time L
Si A i J
11 brine ) s t-trmueal niiat. Can
tslo). ..II si'ti ISo knov.led;.i thai
l.(0.C0.)v,omrti have bcon cemplfl.-U
c ited by Hine ol Ctr Li. Theses."!,
sn jatlrrrii fro'j Isiicorrhocst, ir.-i ju'jr
heausoha, cactsohs, snd
bearing tfoan paisv Wins ol Ci-dul
sill xiop s'l ISojs achet ad Hint !
lor vou. Purchats $1.00 bottlo of
Wino ol Caru'ul to-day and talis it la
Irs p.-itsey of your home. I
r ' f s.e . .si .l miA.tii. , K -. .x .,
1 I lllllfc il..U:m t , t ,ll..
I. IU).
J utij,,) t Pauline, near Topeka,
I aad nel(1 for aeroral hours. The ou-
T)C(J ,h(,a through a li:n- o-
jpy Slrri(I0ook bal fn.. ..
oonyu-n in.o a farmnouso, l ut i..
rmed him
j p,.
I " .
i i.cii IXipu y Saeriit . ..
,.- l-j.l- UJ Ul-Usi . -..1.1 Iii. i'"'
was gathered :n. Tne tliccrs on t.
outside wre afrail t'l do any: i- .
cause In i to v.i-:s ttirvsi.t-iittl .- - i it.
sher.tT an! liml pi'"' it
rescue Wt-P) mile- 'he c i.v. .
exactol a pru c.i , n.n m- -n i
nermit it i i v oi me i-lc ; s i.i .n. .
tlleiil, m i "-el
roil I !.'a-:;..
,la lo i
A Great Railway.
The Cbicstio, Milwaukee A St. I'sul Rr
1 ;a running Electric Uiihteil Trains ol
Compartment Cars, Standard Siee
ing Cars, UuUel Library Sniokinj
Cars, Dioing Csrs and Coaches, b
tween Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Pan'
and Mmnesrolie.
Buffet Observation Psrlor Carsnndiy
trains between Chicago, St. Pan! and
Klectrtc Lighted Trains ol Sleeping Csrs,
Buffet Librsiy Smoking Cars, Dining
Cars snd Coaches bet seen Chil sK
and 1'i-d Moines, Omaha and Stoiu
.Solid Trains between ("bicaiio sin
Northern Wisconsin sud ihe I'pue
l'eninsultof Michigan.
Solid Trains between Chicago and Iowa,
Minnesnts, Southern and Cential
The finest Dining Cars snd 8'eepinir
Cars. Electnc Heading Lamps ii
U.GOO miles of road iu liiin ii', Wlscon
Mn, the I'pper reniuiiula of Michigan
lows, Minnesota. Mig'Otiri, Soulh
Dakota and North Dikota.
Tiel et Agents everywhere sell tickets
over i he Chicago, .M Iwankee, A Si
I'sul Kailway, or address i' .1. K lily
General Ajjent, 1:14 Third S ., port
land, Or.
A familiar name for Ihe Chicago, Mil
wank we & St . I'aul Railway, known all
over the Union as the Great Railway
running the Pioneer Limited" train
every day sud night between St. I'sul
and Chicago, and Otasha and Chicago.
"The only perfect trains in the world.
Understand : Connections are made
with All Transcontinental Lines, assur
ing to passengers the best service know n
Luxurious coaches, electric lights, steam
heat, of a verity equalled by no other
See that your ticket reads via "The
Milwaukee" when going to any point in
the United States or Canada. All tick
et agents tell them.
For rates, pamphlets or other infoi
mation, address,
J. W. Casey, C.J. Eddy,
Trav. lass. Agt. General Aiient,
Skattle, Wash. Pobtlanu,
A. E. oorhies can supply you with
anything needed in the photogrspli line,
either amateur ur professional supplies
The largest sum ever naid for a Dre-
cription, changed Hands in San r ran
Cisco, Au. 30. 1'jOt. Tho transfer in
volved in coin and stock $112,500.0 ) and
was paid by a party ol business men fur
a specific lor linghl's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable disease.
They commenced the serious investi.
gation of the specific Nov. IB, HHJ0
Ibey Interviewed mores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over uiree aoien cases on Ihe treatment
and w atching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable rases.
sud administered it with the physicians
air junges. i p to Aug. s, 7 per rent
of the test cases were either well or
prr-itressing favorably.
I here being but thirteen tier rent of
failures, the parties were pstnlied and
losed the transaction. Tlie DiovHediiiKs
oi me investigating committee and the
clini.-Hl reports of the test cases were
published ami will bo mai ed Ires on
application. Address Juiin J. triroN
Cumi'any, 420 Montnomery HI. Ssn Fran
citco, Cal.
Spreads Like Wildfire.
Wnen things are "the best" they be
coma "the best selling.VAbrsham Hare,
leading druggist, ,'of ;llelleville, ().,
w rites . "Klecliic Hitters are the best sell
ing bitters 1 have handled in :'0 tears "
You know why? Most diseases begin iu
disorders of stomach, liver, kidnevs
bowels, blooil nuil nerves, Elec'r.c Hit
ters tones up the stomach, ngnlates
liver, kidneys and IwwcIh, pur. lies the
bliHid, utreimlheni the nerves, hence
cities iniilli.inlis of maladies. U builds
up the entire nslem. I ins new hie
and vigor into any wesk'sn-klv, inn-
town man or woman. Price 50 cents.
Sold In lr. kii iner. ilrinfiist.
Drain-Food Nonsense, riiliculuus IchhI fad has been
brsndid by the most competent aulbori
ties. They have disielled Ihe silly
noiou Ihaeoue kind ol fooJ is needed
lor brain, another for musclee, snd still
another for hones. A rorrect diet will
not only nourish a particular part ol the
body, but it will suelsiu every other
part. Yet, however good your loud may
be, lis nutriment is deslruyed by indi-
geeuon or dyspepsia. iou must mo-
ears ior ineir appearance ur prevent
their coming by taking
Green's August K.oer. the Isvorite
medicine of the healthy millions. A
lew diH-es u ds digestioM, slimnlatea the
liver In healihy ae'iun, purities the
blisnl. and makes tun Its l hiinant and
v c i uis Y mi can cet lr. ii G lire. nV
rensb ' in- di- at l . K l nii s.
tiel G ei u's .spects! Almanac.
Astounding Uiscory.
Kioui Cooper trie, Mich., comes wonl
I a wonder ul discovery of a pl-snaut
listing Inpitil thai when used beior.
i ft ii in j by snv one lioutiied with a i in!
cniuh alwais en-nns a goodnight'
resi. ' it ii nsiri cum nu. coul,
ttsi." writes Mrs. S. Ilimelburger, "fm
ihtee gt-nerslions ol our family have
Used lr. King's New tliscovery for ton
uiuptioii and never lound I'scpisl lot
I'ounhs and Colds " It's sn unrivaled
life-saver when used for de)erale luns
diseases. Gus'iinteitl Ik. tile J0c aid
1 at lr. Kremer's
The Excitement Nol Over,
lite rush at the drug tloi slill con
iinui-a and daily sc ires of people ral
lot a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the
Throal and Limits for the cure of Coitghs,
iVilds. As bins, ltronchltle and Conniuip
ion. Kemp's lUlsam, the rtandard
amily lenoilv. is told on a guaianite
aud never I. lis to,-ivc eulire saMslaci.oc.
Truss 2V. aud Wc.
MrasSi ( a 1lrapfc Feaaa
Aecaral iirteoroloaleat
Front rta.
There are no mere reliable weather
prophets any win if than the telf
gTa h wires :htit are now ro common
as to U "within the reach of every
one," aa bargain counter husilers ex
press it. Th: novel dtscuvery was
made by a German physician in the
following manner: As be win waiting
fora train a: a country f ration he heard
a shrill sound, which was made by the
wtml as it pafi-ed throuch network
of nearby wires. At once the doctor
rememht'rrd he had frequently
heard a similar toi-rd e ther imme
j:a:e'y I'efoie or after a xtrr.i or a
heavy fr.H of r -.ln or snow, and it nat
urally occurred to him to try slid aa
certain w hether there was anyconnec--lion
between the sound and such
changes in the weather.
As a heavy shower of rain fell with
in 4S horns after he had heard the
sound st the railroad station he con
cluded that there was fitch a connec
tion, sr.! he then determined to inves
tigate the mat ter I -..ironchly. As
result he now nia:r.:.i':is. first, that any
unusual disturbance in the teleirraph
w:r?a is an InfaiPile "r-tllcat. r t.t bud
weather, art'. " "d, ti p nature
of Ihe can-- in ihe aim :!' roiij
:e learned fretn th? si. end which Ihe
w'r.d makea when parsing through the
Thui a deep souad, he says, which is
of considerable or medium strength.
'i"oTtte th-it tb ere will be slighi
sa.iweri of r iin with m. dernte wtntl
w ' hin fr.ini r.d 4s h'-urs. nnrl. nn the
o t li i r h t) ' ' ! . 'i -"It ' ). si -' ' ... utul 's th"
sure token nf r. hi-tivv stcrin, which
will be ttccom;.:ii !.,! l y much rain or
In the Circuit Ton t nl (he Sin'e
Oregon, for li e 0 untv of Josephine
Cluirles L, Tuti, I'laint'ir )
lane A. ChaiU'ick,
Davis Brower,
K. U. Downing,
lane Matildt knupp
Floience Lindrine,
Matilda 11. Baxter,
lohn Hrandt Rapp,a niin
nr," Defendants.
lo Jane Matilda Kuapp. Florence
iliinoand .Malilda II. Baxter, defend
anis :
In the name of tlie Stale ot Oregon:
You anil each of you are hereby required
lo upiear and ariBwer the complaint
filed against you in Ihe above entitled
'lit on or before tbe 5:b day ot Decem
ber, 1901, that being the last day of
lime prescribed in the order for pub
lication of this summons, made by tlie
Honorable Abe Aitell, Judge of the
County Court, of Ihe State ol Oregon, tor
Josephine County, on the 22J riav of
October, 1901, and tiled in tbe above
entitled Court aud cause; and if you fail
eo to answer fur want thereof, the' plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the relief
praced for in hie complaint on file in
said caiue, to wit : That a partitiun ol
the Northwest (Quarter of Section Thirty
six iu Township Forty, South, Range
Eight West of the Willamette Meridian,
in Josephine County, State ot Oregon,
be made according lo tlie rights of the
respective yaiiiee, or if a partition can
not be bad without material injury to
those rights, then that eaid premises be
sold by and under the direction of the
Court and the proceeds applied, first,
to the paymentof the general costs and
disbursements of the suit; second, to the
costs oi relerence and of sale, aud third,
the residue be paid to the several owners
in proportion to their respective in
terests, snd for such further and tlil
ferent order and rtlief in the premieee
as to the Court may seem equitable.
The first publication of this summons
ie made on Thursday the 21th day of
October, 1901, and the last on Thurs
day, the 5tli day of December, 1901.
A. C Moron.
Attorney for I'lainuff.
In acCnrdllllCM With Iba t-uoilirmtiattl.
ol the laws of the State ot Oregon, rela
live to insurance companies, notice it
hereby given that
The Lancashire Insurance Company
of ManchpNtei Knulnml .Lni-in.. I.
cease tioinr. business within the Stab
oi uregon, intends to withdraw its tie
posit with the Treasurer ol eaitl State am'
will, if no claim shall be filed with the
Ineiirsuce Commissioner within sis
months from the 2'.'nd day of July, 1901
withdraw ila denneit. from tlm Gi.,.
Th Lancashiks Inhurani'r Company.
lly Mann tit Wilson
Manstrere tor I Iim laift I'...,!
Dsietl at Ssn Francisco, this 15th. day o!
Juiy, linn.
To Arche L. Ie laiwie:
Notice is hereby aiven bv tb im.l.,.
ligned, your co-owners iii the placer
million claim situated on Rogue river,
in oi'sepiioit- .o-uuy nun snown as the
'' Horseshoe" minim? claim lm-nt.l i,v
I 1... t-.:- . 1
v oniire ji. r.wilig, atav LI, lSlHj, till
notice ol which is rec rdeil at page 4:16
oi. ii, oi i tie .nisceilttiieoiH Minim
ivticiirii ill . niiiiii iii.m I .. f.
-r v Kwiiiiit, vori;uii
mat unless you contribute and pav to
anl undersigned co-owners within
nlnelv iIbih tiotn ihu il.o. ,.t ii... a....
publication ol this notice, the sum ol
, --j- --- ... mm
.'evenly live Dollars, ($75 00) Ihe saint
ueillir voir lllonnrtion .,1 tl.u ....... nl
annual labor done on Slid claim in order
. -- w, .,,(7 IUBI OP
10 prniect me tit le thereto during Ihi
years 1S9S, lS'.ril, liiOl, vour one-lourtlt
intertst thriem will be lorleiteti to vnin
W. E. Bkcxshh,
Sept. 2(1. 1901.
notice to creditors.
The iiiulersiuned having hum isit..
ed execuiot ol the estate ol Joseph Kess
ier, neceaseti, nv ihe Gonnly Court n
Jn-ephiiie Cuiimv, all per8,,,i. bsvint
claims against cud in, .to are herebv no
utied topresuit Ihe name to me a' Gran i
l ass, Josephine County, Oregon, will
ih orop. r piool anil vouchers, withii
su moiitba in. in i,e dale of this notice
Dared this 21th day of In v, l!Ml.
T. Ktssi nit,
! xei ilttirol Ihe nUW cf Joseph Kesslef
til It til.
Hue question arises in Ihe family
very day. Let us answer it to-day.
frv Jt-ll-o, a delicious and healtblul
ilecsert. l'iepa-eil in two minules. No
'oiling! no baking! simply add boilinj
ater and set lo cool. Flavors :-Letn-mi,
Orange, Rasberrv and Strawberry.
' el a package at your giocers to day
10 ce.
Fvi.iT DR. JORDAN'S cmist
mi siurr it., ui rtiiciK. cu.
TW. Luls ! asm Mirm h. n. .
0. JOHDAa-otK.Sdo,
1 " H'llMtSj MllHMi .
W)tap) 1
Oal KM OAS a ea lea I a. . .
fti'lK tm aftlawas. aTlaseta. aua . J
ABE ffll ANY
DEAF? NfIlP fjofi
by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable.
Baltimore, Md Varri.
Gentlemen : Beitiff entlrfly cured of deafnMtv thanks to your treatment 'l iiii
ft full history of my case, to le urd at your discretion. ' 11 "Im,.
About five years ao my right ear began to ing, aud this kept ou getting nr.
my hearing in this ear entirely. worBe ataib
I underwent a treatment for catnrrh, for three .nonthft, without nny kuccts eon
berof physicians, amonj? others, the most eminent enr ftpecialut of tliucitv , T!1 ,
only on operation could help me, nnd even that only temtiorarily. that th i "wtte
then cease, but the hrarinn in the nficcted ear would be lost forever. aUlKrteieJ
I then mw your advertisement accidentally
fnent. After 1
nt. After I had used it only a tew (lavs
to-day. after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely ret.r..,i t 4
a e i . '
neariiiy auu ueg to remain vcryiruiy
r. a. uCK...A.s(, -jos. Ilroartway, Biiltimor, lM
Our treatment (Ines not interfere with your usual orrnnmi
Examination nnd
advice five.
125 Geary Street, SAN fRANCISCO, CAL.
Bt-auty ol Finish, Quality of Material.
thenmpu-st, nioKt cninplrlo ami best 6et ol uttacliments, lull instructions bj ti- t"
pert tfac lii ra, easy paviiieiils. old iiiauhini'H takmi I ri ixiliiinir llm fitlUut n..:i.i. r
i icd (ivrBiuii e
trilarniltHH. nnn lliillinn fiww linn,!rU.l tl,naan.t l.n...... .... f
, .., v.,,,,.,,u ouwrueu tiHers, luiriy jus
of Mircess, lourleouB treatnient What More Can You Ak7
We have oilier makes of maeliines.
Some jiood eeeoml liniiil machines cliean.
Oh.attachmfntrj and rt-puirB. New inachinea for rent.
Don't think of burinor a SowiriL?
. . . ... - o
Bearing "White"
We Bay "The'White' is King" of
phone or write anti let us prove it.
Main Ollice, SOO Post St., San FrantUco.Cil.
For Sale By I
T 'Iir.ll si J "ve, f
A Cureau !
The Burlington ticket office in Portland is a veritable
Bureau of Information for travelers a place where
they ran learn what it will cost to reach ANY point in
America or Europe; how lung the trip will take, and
what there is to see on the way.
If you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in and
get full information, or, if you prefer, write me about il
Omaha, ChicaRo, Kansas Cily, St. Louis and
And Quickest
Through P,l,t.e .,, Tllur,, ,
1 1 1 .. I . ... v
- no dtp I Siii(ikine
lillirary Cara.
Ti. I...,. ... . : " n . .
tlu i 'T i?VtPv S-"1 t"- rtlaud and
lUi Thlrtl P.,,,,.,,,,
For Iv'st.- v.. 1 . ... . .
raastnli. . i." ' na lu" ''""ruiat on
"frarrling LasitTn trip, call on or Htilnm
Cut r and Tu-kst Agent, 1'
The Bert Prescription lor Malaria
Chills an.) P.....
1 " " oo'iie oi urare i
Taslelest Chill Tonic. It Is simpl, Iron
oJ Quinine in u, fonUi Xo
cure no par. Price 60c.
in a New York p.iirr, and onlc
acconlinar to vour directions ii, , - " TM-
yours. nJd
snui til 111,. . '
$5 to 9150
I Jail Hearing
Like a Bicycle
Makes the "White" tht
Easliest Running Sewicj
Machine Made.
Eltcance of De-lon. the f....ui ..l i-.. I
willinnl hull,. .. i .
All k
jwm ncil tllQ It.W Mir
Sewing Machines and HIeicles. Call, tela
u mills rass, ure.
A. C. Sheldon, General Agent,
Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.
ICavuts, n4 I rmtiAvMvk obtaiawl and all lat-
JOon erricc it opmmitv U.S. Patint 0tiij
wvMttK-ur rtnt in leM nam iw ,
-naj ma; niinini'm,
fta-astr) A " JatSaOK
juon. ni to vise, it patentable or m f
cfaai. Oar ft not in till pUnt U sWi'v j
PAMOHLtT. " How tm Obtaia rHawo,"
com of tame in the U.S. and forctfa coraim-l
Oaa. aiarrNT Orrtcs. WeaMtNoraN. 0-
A Family library
Tha Best In Current Literature
$2.50 f H V (At ; 25 CTS. A COPT,
aa eajayayaavsysaaiaSM
J j jit j