ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Published Every Thursday. Subscription Rates i one Year, In advance, - . 1126 Biz Months, Three Months. ... ,js single copies, . .Co Advertising Rates Furnished on application at the office, or by mail. A. E. VOORHIES, FRED MENSCH, propb. & m.vor Editor Entered at the pout office it Grants urepon, aa aeconu-ciajia mall matter. THURSDAY, NOVEBER, 21, 1001. The Pope of Rome is reported to be very near death, though denials of very imminent danger are frequent. The Kails of the Vatican are said to be full of otrigue relative to naming his anccenor It is said that the Irish nationalist have offered and guaranteed Kruger a seat in the UritUh parliment Under the terms of Kitchener's proclamation, they say, be is a Ilritisli subject and therefore eligible. If interest in regard to the Lewis and Clarke exposition keep up in the tarns ratio that it starts, the success of ths event is assured already. The fair is receiving support and encouragement on all sides and the pledges are coating in rrpidly. Closing Out Prices. - ... JJJT During November Only Wo will sell the remainder of our at greatly reduced prices to close out tho lot. Now in your time to buy. Kcd Star Store. Front street, oppo Depot, In the state of Maine, 12 persons have already been accidentally shot by hunters during the present season iivs of these are (lead. A law war pained by the legislature prescribing a maximum penalty of ten years lin prisonmeni lor una crime, but no prosecutions have been made. It if exasperating to read of such "accidents" as these. Ths number of those who uts desdly wespons as playtliiuga is alarm Ingly large. The bouthern Oregon mineral field is one of marked activity. During the pant teaaon, many new properties have received equipment! and many of the already established equipments have been improved and extended. Capital ists are looking more end more to Bouthern Oregon as a Held for profitable mining investment and the old es tablished fallacy of its being a "pocket" country is sinking more and more into ttie background as our mines are opened and developed. The Harriman and the Morgan-Hill yndieates have come to an agreesrent and the result Is the biggest railroad combine ever consummated. James J, mil, the long headed magnate of the great Northern, is president of the new trust. The elTuots uf a big combination of capital like this can not be determined In a hurry. It is probable tbat little apparent change In the management ol the toads will ensue. The public hv terett and convenience connected witb the great railroad system is to direct and so extentive that the financiers will have a care as to the manner in which hey Juggle rates or accommodations. Any directly oppressive measure might ead to a too speedy Solution ofmcb rjbletna aa this one. This issue of the Couhikk dotes the inn volume of its existence. The past year lias been a plvarant one in Ibe Oouhikb annals and ws enter the coin ing year with the feeling that tle appre ciation of the people of Josephine county for a clean and ruliable paper, is well shown by their generous sup port of Iht UuuaiKB. It will be o,,,. ,1m, now at ever, to lend our support to whatever will uplift and advance, to work lorehe permanent prosperity of our countn and for right and fair dealings between man and man, politically and otherwise. We feel that the most cordial relation! exist between the Conaixa and ita peo pie ami we enter on the nn volume with bright and encouraging proapsuti. The new Nicaragua canal treaty has oeen signed by both Hay and Paunce lote. the new treaty dilfurs from the old one in, that the United States has """" control out must guarantee neutrality. The text ef the treaty has not yet been made public. It remain! to be seen whether or not the tenate Wlll.take a favorable view of its term. The United Statet senate, baa not shown llacll always ready to ratify the treaties wnicti nave been brought before It Any rauai treaty is aura to meet with Hie most desperate opposition on the part of trantportation companiet whose iniereat It Jeopordiint. and no canal truaty can be ratifl-d without a struggle The neutrality question ia likel y to be i atlckliig point aa it ia the popular opin ion in lint country (hat wo should have a right to fortify the canal and use it ai poini oi vauiago In case of poaaible war. winer nation! with interest on the other side, bolieve that the canal should be International and atrictlv neutral I'anal operations In the past have been so disappointing that ths A uiorlcan people are skeptical in regard to the aucouiplmhmentof any results, Ml Reuben Quevrtz, Jack Osteeo was in ton n last week fro.n Mt. Reuben district where he ia develop Ing a quarts property of excellent promise. For some time past he has been engaged in running a tunnel in which, at depth ol 160 feet, be has ex posed the ledge. The vein baa the magnificent width of five feet and carries high values. WbJekey Creek Gold. Luren Adams and Clark Tavlor re turned last week from a trip to Whiskey creex, wnsre the roimur has a (orl;t prospect of excellent promise. Ho has a Hires Inch stringer of quartz which is very rich in free gold, samples of the rock appearing full of the yellow metal. the quarts ia solid and hard and lire sentt the appearance of having come Irom permamnt vein than of beii g pocxet" rock. Whiakey creek It a tributary ol Rogue river and Ilea just weat ol Reuben creek. It It a very promising field for the pro pector and it one of the productive (lis tricts of the future. The locality is quite rough which accounts lor Its un developed condition. Llltl Copper. At the recently discovered Conner mines on Little Urayback, Josephine county, there is much activity. Nearly everything has been taken up, repre senting 50 claims. The greater part are being developed at fast aa is poaaible. In some of tbe older claims tunnela have been run to a depth ol GO and 75 feel, or opened op by shafts to this depth, The led'get exposed show widths ranging from 10 to 160 hint, carrying copper values of 11 to SO per cent. King Hydraulic Mine. The King mine on Althouse creek has received greatly improved euiiinment during tbe tumiaer Just past and is now ready for operation on a more extensive sca'e than ever before. Old Channel Mine. The work ol improving the equipment ol the Old Channel hydraulic mine at (iajice is hearing completion. The ditches have been overhauled anil en larged and a great denl ol near dinning added. A large rmorvoir has been con structed and the whole available pres sure, 610 feet, has been brought to bear. A large crew of men have been at work all summer undr the direction of J. R, Harvey and the mine has been put into shape for working on a far more exten sive scale than ever before. Always among lh giant hydraulic properties of (Southern Oregon, its iinpoitwico is very perceptibly increased. Every thing about I bis mine, the depth of the gravel, the piccsiire, the dump, tho extent, nd ncnnrmoi me ground, ia on the limit magnificent scale. (Ground Sluice Miner. m. imnlan, the pioneer miner (f l-oue cioek, Is busily eiiKage.l in prus peeling in his digging on that stream for a pay thai, mil that "dipped away" Irom liim yunrs ago. lie still slays with the old method of f round sluicing. Holms heoii mining on l.niisn creek some 30 years ond has worked hoiiiii very rich ground. He finds some very handsome pieces, up to $12 or lf In value, Burning bTKocU. in these days of giant powder, it is aimplo matter to manage the big hard boulders that are often found in the placers. In the old days if a miner found a rock too heavy lo be moved and loo hard to bo sledged, ho was obliged to reBort to Ins ingenuity. "Burning" a rock was a method frequently practiced A nig lire would be built upon and around the rock which would he healed aa hot as possible, the heat causinfc the rock to check and crack ao that it could be oanly broken with a sledge. II aim pie heating did not accomplish tho do tired result, water would be thrown up on the united rock, and this Beldcm failed. A Genera! Favorite. I Al r THIS V VtVa truE MARK Vv. X. ' 13 BHAN0E0 Klbo Kid. Medium Heavy Welt Sols. Lew Heel. EVERY Loves lioauty, values com I'm t. appreciates economy. Ik nee. men find peculiar s;itisl;i:tiuii in titcl RproMNn of this Stria Shot. ' Queen Quality, The Famous Shoe for Women. They are justly famed for thci otOriTl stylish elegance, miperior fitting qualities and up-to-date styles. A thoroughly high grade shoe of un usual merit nt a sensible price. All styles from the light and dain ty dress shoe to the most Mtlistan liul street hoot. One Price Very Dretay. Kibo Box Calf. tiUllo Sty les E KeoJ Delate Transfer. (For week ending Nov. 111.) Clusaud Heo W llrown toThoj Perry, N V'4 0I sec 8, Tp;t7 H, K ft W f I. N ll'owning to K M ithewa, lut 1, block 4, Timer I. It llrown to J It II ,ils. S K ol 4 ' n I. ol a ami X K. aec I, I'p :w 8, It 6 IV. J K Halo to K I, llngden S rX" of N W4" and N K'4 -.1 St vt l aec I , I'p :is s, u ; w Ja nes II i thai ay lo .Mi , i turner,'.led interest m r "w'N W'4 Ul 21 Tp 38 OA f It Kt'o to A U llrown N K 4 ot m:4 B00 :l 'p a3 H H b vY . . . Will raber to Aiiiiiitl Fetach lot 1 and airip five leet wide from esl side lot'J blocs 4m trains lass. Homer White to A J Adaint un divided tillered in K S, o S E ,l4 ol aec 6 and N Kl4oi N fci. ui sec 6 I'p Si) S, It 8 IV . . . 8Jll l0 2. 100 12.000 250 A neat 5-room collage in good locuiioi forraioon raay terms : $100 dou, wub ba'ance (.stable in monthly insiallmenu ol8or more. If you ever stnecl l buy a home do not let this opportuoit) goby. I ii,ulrs Imrn. d ately at ihia office. Grcve Creok Cre-velou The dance last Saturday nis-ht at I.e. land passed o(I pliasanilv with innsic and a laige rroml. The miners are pray nig for i.iin , the I more rain, the nine work. We heard that (,e,,rce M, ( .rinj,-L I ttngoliad broken hs i,,.,, i,i ,, rather lively tel. A id wh dun'i ihmk he had any such intention. The l.eland school will cl.ii-e Ny -Jo with a short program. I'he p.itroiH are invited lo attend. Uorn-To Mr. a..,l Mis. (leo. nl Placer, a daughter, on Nov. 17. Horn To Mr. aud Mrs. .Mci-umer i-f (.iiave, Nov. U, a daughter. Mr. itujd, a aaiiung man ( M.miana has l.inlt a house here and u makinc preparailmis to run an arrastre Ihir winter. J. H tT. Smith and wile have moved to Merlin. Our loss !'. Williams and taiuilv vi.-it.-.i iir,.,,i. Pass one day last Week. Wm. Church is runing a vegetable wagon now a-.laya. Wm. ia a rustler. Mrs. J.W. Johnston and Mrs. A I Porter ol Urate were vi.rors to l.,L...l lastwk. Preaching .t Ulj hall, the Hid S.m day ia IVcember, by K,.. g . pieachii.g at Lelaod bcIi.h.i i.,;. i., b Riv, Jordan. Mm it 4wJ Boot. SEE ) THAT THIS I V TRACE MAUK .' IS U WAN H t U A- S1 I ON EVERY fit,- $" A y'u',; flinch. Kxtra Heavy ', 2jfr Sole. Rope I ,tr ' Stitch. Ex Xjilt tension Edi-e, Low Heel. hiMl kvcT..JiKiion ul (his Siylc Stioi. C. Dxon. Leland Sittings. We are having a nice gentle raiu, bad for wood haulers, but us they have had t long time to get their wood on Ibe track, they should be willing for the farmers and miners to hays rain tor .heir lienefit. The roads are getting badly cut up by so much teaming. We nnderatand that, years ago, when the miners wanted to lay in their auppliea they (would go to ths little country stores snd buy them, then carry them on their backs, to their mines. Mow that ia all changed. Each of us has a deliyo. y wngon, so when we get an order we deliver the goods to the purchaser. In those days the miner ton lined his work to gulcb mining. They found large channels but it took capital to work them aa water had to be brought from a long distance. How all tiiat bus thanked. Capital has become interested and long ditches have been constructed, costing, m koine instances, quite a fortune, but as the heavy ciiau dels are opened, lin y are found to be very rich and alto very eiu-nriveai-d will last for ages. Quartz milling ia in its infancy. Our uiin-ira bave found a number of good ledges, but have net die capital to work them arid are nierel) doing their uatessinent work. When meu with money come bete, if I bey wish to buy ledges they want them so cheap- the pioepeciors would rather hold on to their ledges than sell for a song. J. J. Kinney has a ledge lhatshuwr. flee gold in encouraging quantity aud is also of a good width. Cox baa a ledge which carries free gold. I'rom ita ap pearance, it in a good proposition, lie is piepamig to work it thia winter. Jim McCaslin has returned Irum Iduhu. lie Hpciit several years in thai state but came back la southern tliegon. lie (ays ho can make a belter living here than in Idaho and our climate is so much milder in tire winter. t'apt. Nash, one of our staunch placer miners on tirave creek, made our town a visit one day last week, ilu says he chu buy supplies as cheaply in Lelaii.l as anywhere else and alto rave height. Kinney ville is growiLg ateadily. 'limes am lively at that place and Kinney is selling plenty ol goods. Okhuina, one mile south is a busy place and has quite a population. Ocomuto ia mayor ol that burg. ' We don't eeu any articles fiom the able pen of the Hugo writer. Wako up "i)ick" Wearuglad to hear that Dry -den has un electrical light again. li. W, Chapin says he has received a letter from li. V. Mosa, who lays he i ! very much improved in health. His friends are very glad to hear from him and also to learn tbat he ia on the road to recovery. We have a man that is a miner that stands 7 feet, 8 inches in his slocking feet. II any body in tho country can beat that, we will look over our miners gain an 1 pirlnpi wt cm U.i I a b!g)r ono. tiravo creek is noted lor its bin men, also big women. Hon. Hugo Items. Mrs. ami Miss O'Oear wero visiting Mr. Peterson and family Sunday. Mr. and and Mrs. Dixon were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Crockett Thure Jay. Mr. II. O. Kinney and Miss Ogle ol Uiants Pns wore seen on the streets ol Hugo Thursday. The steel gang and bridge carpenters are improving tho track at Iliwn. making it the cleanest and in a est town on Ihn road. The dance at Mr. William Pordv'. I'lhlay evening was a un cess in every pect ; a large crowd in attendance riio miii-io rendered by Mr. Uvc . aud Henry Triplet!, was excellent. The debate Sauiril.iv night was very good. The- mvaiive won. on tlu- whi.-kiy queMion. Question for nix' Saturday night is; ' ltes..lved that low wages are better for the working class than high wages." Well, "Hob", if you will select some subject that you are posted on anil write about it I will answer any ques tion you ask. We might have quite an interesting conversation and both learn something and (or what wa fail lo know, w could appeal to "Niuht Hawk." Soon w will hear those wedding bulls, gojingnr ling-ling, all join hand- ill Unco and "ehivaree." Mis. II. of ti an s Pass wa visiting Mrs. Henry nl Hugo Friday. . Kick Toe t nterta!iment and box social g:yea at tbe achool luue last Saturday evening was a ruccess in every re? pect All the t ones were sold at a lioxl price aid tho program rendered by the schoil was very entertauiinr Prof, llcCo iiiell ia quito elated over the sue cess uf too sowial and ths amsunl of money taken ia which was i'M 75. He says we will soon hear Ibe sound ol bell vibratng through tbe city of Merlin anj tbe surrounding country. Mrs. J. P. McConnell made tbe school ef Merlin a present ol a very beautiful lands ape painting of that grand old nicu.-ilain, Mt. Hoed, painted by ber own bands. The school of Merlin should appreciate this present for it is a valuable gift, to say nothing of tbe spirit manifested by ths professor and his wife in presenting it to tbe school. Mies Alice .Smith, of Inland, attended the institute. Mies Harvey, and a number other pupils attaoded alio. The pupils returned home during the day and MitS Harvey remained for the social. Misa Djra Colvig and Miss llogan, of drains Pass, attended the institute. . ","you ond "Bob" nnWd a crtat by not being at Tie social last Saturday. There were numbers of good looking girls and pretty baskets pictent Night Hawk has an intere.-t in each of Vou and leele that yon have missed oi e of the greatest opiiorlunitiea of your life by not being present. Mkiii.ix Nioiit llawK. Enoyeble Winter Trip. A winter trip to Southern Calilornla and Arir.ona via the famous Shasta Route ia one never to be forgjlten. Re newed acquaintance wiih this section will ever develop fretli points ol intcres' and added sources of enjoyment under its sunny skies, in tho variety ol inter est and added industries, in its proline vegetation and among its numberless resorts ol mountain, shore, valley and plain. Two traina leave Portland daily morning and evening for California. These trains are equipped with the most Improved pattern of standard and tourist tleeping cars, and the low rates place the trip in reach ol all. Kodak li'ms fresh every week Bt the Cul'KIKK office. DISBAKDJKG A OPiEAT ARMY. Rrtlnmtst of I u:u- sraiM T'P That rvrd In tbe Philippic Islands. An inrprtnnt event in the hiatoryof thf United Stain was ihe sailinfrfrom M.Vila of the transport Kilpatrick wish th; 33 officers and the 1 013 men of thf Kirty-tbird niriment. United Slatea vol intfer h.fnnlry. in time to ensl)! thr war ilrpa.tiiunt to carry out. the 1r.V.iorn the law which ca'.lrd for thf n:u 'e rin;' out f all vol i:iler troojv by June SO, 1W)1. This the last reirinient to t disband- rl. sava the Philadelphia .Saturday ''renins; li t. Hv act of .Mirch 2, 1M'9. the army was reorirr.n'uid i tb( cf Itf.QOO en- !i:d men anj 2J.U00 vc-liiuteers. vol untrer se fvice blup t r a 't r:n of two years and f cur ti::nth, or ui. til July t. lvOl. 'J hi re waa uo troa'ile ;u t,it- li:i.' enough nun. The enMstnx n? showed whet has been eiiinnc' hy our iaiet x.tri-s. when thi nation p.'.tit Y.t'.p it rui oHiain a'" it wants ' it the a!;nj-. The Anirrif.m sol ci.-r is the best trtate:!. thf ! st paid. !!, Ust f.d i f any fl.'ht. rs thr world h:i- fit- Thf c:,-.:--ii-nc? is a hish.-r ti-'.-'tri of iiiti !'. , ci'ii r''.U'1 :i.-.rt " -:ri'cy than in r,:iy oth.r ariiy. J..:'frr a'.ay b tli.1 f. ri-s nf i.t:ir r )' Mi' I'nltet; fi!n?f a!! t.i tr.'e t-ni-c i.f i:-'f. f( r it luis t'cn -I'.-'.rritp:! 1 y -.i.-l: ' i'-ril ec.-nr u.i.t tlmt if (.rveaiNv tiioali! aris this country i!.! ii-im. equip and heep in the I 10.0W COO r;..'iera. The frrve of 3.1.000, which is now no more, was nearly 10.000 lar-rer Ihnn the whole American nrniy bif. re ti e ciitbr;a'a of the war with Spiin. antl n ai.y of the men have en li.'tf r! in the rfnlareitahiihnint nnr? will eiM'tinue to sr-rve eniiinry f r vi ars to c. li:.. It is rHcinV-i'v -!;- n- ,oua to n eoniparion.' 'oet-.vevn cnteera and ret u'.nrs, but thtrc Is T.orv enoti.'h for all. this war i:ius- trat.d in the rqh rations uirair.Ht San- tia i fri'io June 2 to .lull 17, H!'", for it wa.- only tr.r.-f y.nrs n ro wlien cur men of the Fifth i-ps vit-iv winiii)ir the ficlit with Spain. T he corps wi re 1 1'fncer.-: n "it IT :,:;i men. am! the cas I:! k in b!I Hi" .-Tivns-' no nt -j iinni- l)errd l.K. i.f which 1. 117 were nnionx the 13.277 reg-u!or and 1:71 anion? the 4,911 volunteers present for diKv. eeanaaoooo Malaria Maker Impure Blood. Grove'a Tasteless Chill Tonic cures Malaria 50c. 9 .-r-rr-FT- Bicycle Head Lights All Kinds Lowest Prices Dolls in great variety. Our Mud Guards are detachable and are a decided success. Cuino and sec our Roller Chains. We make a specialty of dillicult repairing, at Paddock's Bicycle Den KAST OF DEPOT. ' GRANTS PASS. ORE. I Buy Anything- ""aasaaBV THAT YOU HAVE TO SELL AND THAT SOMEONE ELSE MAY WANT You may have some urticlea among your possessions tbat you have nor for and never will have use for why not convert them into cash. I paT jM for them. If you are Eoing to move away let me buy your household goon's I will ivo you Rood prices. Sewing Machines for rent and lor sale. Ike Goods Sold on ihe Installment Plan. M. Front St. Davis, SeconJ-Hand Ston, THE STTGhA-IR, ZPIIISrZE STORE We will show vou tho best line of NEW FALL DRESS GOODS IN ALL NEW FABIUOS YOUR DRESS will look nester, set and wear better, WILL NOT SPOT NOR SHRINK. 1 the goats are SPONGED by the SPOTLESS STEAM SPONGER High Cass Wort its Stecialtv. Merlin Notes. Uoy Ki.-,cr returned home Irom remain in our city WivlJo Copper Minn Activity I tiwu rciiTin l nt pto.l ! slilo copper loito-s uf:ir ,l p. -r j . ina.-livity pen iin the n--nlr ot liii i'mn conniM-lcd wiih U,,' propirtv. t'aptain 1'r.ip.T huh lately pin a ere ol mm t i wink running a b,nu liit.nel. Several other copper properties iii tin, u,-iuitv have I n 1 i v been acivrred by iliii com pany, and Wiildo'ri pioipoiti ( r tteroin. iii'i a bi,' copper camp ii' ex. -ell. u' Hon "a Ihlsi? r One Hun bed I . i ' if U ,-tt : l';i'urri tl hi cin.i it 'iltair i ciir. '.. t'r.'ps , I'ole.lo.O Weoir lor any ci-,' of cured try ll.ili's I K. J. I'uivi.v A ( We. tin. u n. 1 .rsin,.,i, li n o Un . t -i V .1. t'li-n.y for t.'-.e li.' Tt t eur. :m I b licve 'lim per (..ft 'y lioiior.-.lilc in all hi-i "''" ''tions, an. I i.illv to cirri- out uoy olilie,a ion ihh hy their lirnl Tin t. tV..o'Vi,. I r .lv "!. I'ol. , I i, (I. W ai linu, Kii.nan Mar vin, U li i:i',i lril;t:its, loledo. U HilM' tVtiarrli I'o e M taken ii.lcr ally, actliiK tllre.llv upon the I Slid niiii'ous surfii.-ei ol the avsteiu I rice , ic. per bortle, S i', hy ad tiis's. Testim tn a s (no Hull's I'aoii'.y Tills aiu il,e Ubi. If'", lb- c. lint t' I fa. 1 r tt a - Air Titilil Heater at Mr. Uolf creek and will (or a lew days. M. H. Williams and Mr. Win. Trimble. ol Urania pass wero in our city Sunday. Mr. Trimble moved his blacksmith tools to lirants Pass and will open up a shop in tliat citv soon. I'inl In this citv, Nov l;t, pull Samuel Fredrick Oit, infsnt boh of Vr and Mrs. Win. Ott. aired Ihrie .lavs. Mrs. Oit is K'liniuit Blreiiirili veiy rapidly and a ill soon be lo be on our streets imam. .Mrs. Ilinnian ia keeping house for Mr Win. Ht throuch tho illne-'s ol his wife. U.V. W. K. K.vers preaclied nt tie cluir.-li Sunday evening. Mr. Win. r.nyitid was seen on our nets Sunday. Mr. Wm. Knynrt las been awny for some lliree or four luen'lis. and a .. ii' i ist-il lo ne ibe .u inoyt u.cnt in lliisiily during his ulirence. Mr. Suiiih is building anew bam on Hie roerty be la.ely purcharvd in ths city ol Merlin. Mr. Y . I'. Fry is btiil.Liu a uea house for M a. Hrockiuan. I'm. tctchrra Un-al in-titute held here Nov. Iii, 1 '0, , ty 1'jiiiit.v Sup;. Savage .! a suiYc.j in every respect. Tins is the second limiuue iieid in our litil. ity by Sup-, f-avae and we are g'a.l to sav thai ihe people ol Merlin have aakid opto the lacl lhal others have a du'y I ) perform for fie a lt-an,-..n.H,,i ... llicir, n in rlit, lim. ( eJucat;on besides ilieir lea.htrs. And 1 am also kU.ltoki.ow tliut tint ptnip'e pt Meiim ai preiiale these lutlilutes slihuugh Ibe alten.iance lasi Satiii.lav was ic.l uvn tlow in,; in i iiuniU.r ol pareuit. loit tney all (eel llm unr county superin- tfii.t.iil has hiswoik at bean and he nil d all be cau for the a leaiueiiie nl of higher elncitiin in .i. ......... ,j punctuality,, pairioiiMn and m itv, in every seiiuol ilrou -Hou! Buy Your Dress Goods of Us and have them Properly Sponged ASK TO SEE OUR and Collaretts, New French Flannel Waist Patterns, New Waist Patterns in lilack and Fancy Silks, Hlack, White and Cream Allovcr Laces and Galoon Tnmmins nanneianu Jatteta Ribbons, Ladies' Handkerchiefs from 5 Fur IJoas 5c to 1.50. Look over our line of Outinc Flannels. Fancy Drossm Snnuo n.,.l w..o.,.. ,,, .. ... .. ii ri A "i-i ii.uiiicis, jiusnn ttlicetin", ..u iu'.ii, null's nnti nioiiium waists. Comforters ami Mankcts, Warners Rust Proof Corsets .... vwuuii, ii niii. lienieiiuier, wo quilt (It) cents. All our Standard Prints, 5e per yard tor 10 days. have those White Lily Bats-ono roll makes a kli Oi ti i t t . I a IT ex t . .. . - "I'll .'V si'ii'i'i i a ni i i.n j i :.. oi... i t t a 1 - ' 3 I'.mit's ot'.oes and i titierwear, conil ier wnat jou want, your cliances are bettor for liieil with 11 I ! . . ' I II : . iiuumor u un at lower pric,., riuality ols of Host Thread for 25 cts. a first clllSS firnrnri' V ..,rf consulcrcd. one II.O. iiii:v. Sig'ar fine Store i-t. ii. rrituvx. l',fltt discount on t'raiiu r Itios. Air .Tiht He.iter .it TKe Winter The noble Apple. Mark Twain's Cousin, of Topcka, G. C, Clcircns, Kan., the no tod contitu tional lawyer, wlio bears so striking a re scmMaiKe t o Mark Twain, (Samuel H. t'ictut r.s) that he is freijtii'M ly taken for the original Mark, h a man of Jc uiitc cvpcricncc. stMcrcJ one of G. C. Clerrena, rp tntcllect and He is con the fnremiir lawyers in this countn-. In arc cent letter to the Hr. Miles Medical Co., Mr. Clemens says: . 'IVrsorul cte nn.l obser vation hvr th.iniaclilr ilifie, me tl. at Ir. Mile' Nertine cdrni tme merit, nu t i ru-cileut lor Ut il u recum nun.'.e.l." Mr.N,.ini.,nVillrip.Sup. Pre. B.inV. r Irjttrnal S.H.icty, tliKi.i, taS: Dp, Miles tt inv.ilu.iMe l,.r headache an.l all pain. I ha.i in a srt-M uiten r (nun kea.lw'ie until 1 Irari.nit-f the ciii.-a. t el Dr. M l.a li n 1 N..w I crrrtlum an.l prrtcnt rtcumnii l Uck j.v ttl.n.' a full Ikh ite mi touia iittt apiHror.' Sold hj all Druaglata. rrle. 2Sc. par ttox. D. Mile Keiical Co., E.khart, nd. Pain Pill! mte' nnnle is cr.inimj to ' the front a n wrnlth pro.!n...r, an-l it , prate tint! to mi et the w: iiIh ih ipli - atlnii people ol the I'nited S'ax. Rr.-! quantities ol the fruit n.ul be importe.l (ruin foil in lamia nntall , Ailhi.iih ih iinp.iria vie iirowinir year hv tear, the rice oUpphw , ,,) miterialiy utr-ctcl thereby, an.l the j O eiion lamier ho Pla out an orclimii ! of mter vatietiea may be i.f protitiib!.! income tlie.eboin. f,0 n a i uu-n.eKH (ioiii' ol vh apple 1.11-i.n: ,at , been l eneti'e.l, not only hy . ,,vr j. creain ileinan.l. but by lb., im,,,. ;luctM.n l 0!. atorae. TIir ,ro.luci r n.'.d not no b- Rireeu-tl hv the iu-Ii ol tiea.nsnn. Toe cold atorsue contemn ; are alwavn ready to .i,-k up ti.p .,rp!i,s, thu aliirenmu pric-a at a tiin.m!n . tU,y "ld l,e ii'i to iail. Ii ia ceitamly ai.ninati.iia ili.t i, pri,at,t. o'.ncn ot in.iu,iry rlinii',1 b.. n. Kl. ,-te.l j , ... .... uj.iiy oiiniera. uran-e, baiikn le lu. ...... . cu.uiia.aira oiner tropic' (ruit. t.h. lie", I ( -r.r-, pnillls ami oli;.r ,1.,,,,,-Mlc fruit , are very well t ir , lv ,,, ... ouicUm tliaiu all. n.y gre , ltkHU)lt. .at ail aeaaonaof tbe year, ami ir ! vaatly more money in an apple orchard i properiy cared for in Oregon II an ther. 1 1-in an oran,;, in Ci!iion,i - lauiinii losnty KeiH.rier. VVOMEN I Hade at Jj& j O'JR UEWfUg ) FACTORY $1,50. H.LC0E&C0. xin: me. htokh On Display This Week A Fine Assortment of New Pictures Warranted all Solitl Leather. AT I all at the f.ll-HIKR offi.v ;l,l tll( Southern On-jjot, photos hy (1, tt. .,T, I't itvx from 2,V t.iT.V. . RO VP.. Do. EXFERieiticir 8:..M-,.rAwvf;,'r.,;'?K."ir-' . s'J't"Ul'.TO,loC -AT - M. Clemens, rKKsl'RIl'TJOX DRUtiiil.sT Orjngc Fronh oppo. Opera Houk. The Alniy RestauraEi Will be Open Day and Night And will aerve Oysters in any Style. n-ovn ltr. a I and ltoslon Ilaked Beam lor aale at all time. A . mitY trtarrt After thia .hit the Alniy Boarding lloo ili be conducted u a Snort -Order Restaurant EAU AT ALL rlOURJ. . Mrs. Geo. Almy. Fiont cor. 7th. TJIa aircatur Ii , Ttie old rl;ble-Th VVkly Or.go:Uit. Jo:e, lune cooiitv. 'th,L 1 r..... (-. ' naxdr that rar i roltf im a)ue 4aj