Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 07, 1901, Image 3

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    Good Things to Eat
Lets ot 'cm at the
w te
House Grocery
Heinz New Apple. Butter.
New Soft-shell Walnuts.
New Paper-shell Almonds.
Fancy Citron, Lemon and Orange Teel.
New Fiprs. ,
Ue are Glad to Note a Decline in Lard and Bacon
New Mineo Meat in pack
Mince Meat in bulk.
Boiled Cider for mince
New Raisins and New
Currants to arrive.
Extra Strained , Honey,
Water White, per pound.lOc.
C X Bar Sugar, Cube Sugar,
in fttTb Sfld Slw
m M w tttnaia. kit Brtr M
Krti; k;ti of I u.1. Trade Hrk. ftovm
When you buy a stove, to get something that not
only looks well but wears well. Garland Stoves
and Ranges are made of the best material,' bako
well, look well and wear well. Garlands mako
friends wherever they go. Sold only by
Cramer Bros.
Sporting Goods...
Wo have a full supply of everything needed
by the Sportsman whether he be Fisher or
Take a look at our display window and
if you do not find what you want come inside
and wo will supply you.
Hair-lUddlc Hardware Co
"The Old Reliable Implement Houses
of Southern Oregon still leads in a largo new stock of
Plows, Drag-tooth, Spring-tooth and Disk Harrows. Farm
Conductor E. P. Tynan visited hers
few days last week.
Sale Bates visited friend in Jacktoo
county a few days last week.
Prof. J. P. McConnell ot the Merlin
schools was in town Saturday. '
Mrs. H.H. Barton returned on Thurs
day from a visit at Boies. Idaho.
W. H. Dana ot the Copper Stain mine
has returned from a visit to the east.
Dick Thorns was in town on Monday
from the Melts camp oa Silver creek.
Geo. Slover returned on Friday from
an absence of several weeks in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Clement were
down from Woodville few days last
Oliver S. Brown returned Saturday
from an absence of several months in
Coos connty.
J. W. Pernoll, the new poet matter at
Applegate was in town Thursday on
Joseph Pollock, of Winona was in
town Weduesday for the. first time in
several months.
C. M. Stites of Williams was in town
Thursday and Friday, on his way to
Mrs. Wickbam of Wisconsin, sister ot
0. S. Brown, is visiting relatives in
Giants Pass. ' .
H. J. Winters, the optician, left on
Tuesday evening for Oakland where be
will practice his profession.
Parley Procter, the Observer's able
printer, made a trip to Foot creek with
wheel and camera on Saturday.
Herbert McCarthy came down from
Jackson county Saturday evening to
spend Sunday with his parents here.
B. O.'McCullocb returned last week
from a two months absence at Prine
ville, where he was making a book ot
Mrs. T. H. Simpson and daughter,
Miss Mae, of ABhland. returned on
Thursday after week's visit at the
home of A. W. Sileby.
Mrs. B. McArtbur leaves this morn-
. . 1 1 ... V.
ng, inuieaay, lor is Din, u uv
with her sister, Mrs. Rev. S. K. Gibson,
who is seriously ill. She expects to be
aBsent several months.
D. E Dotson, who has been assisting
Bartlett A Frater for the past month,
left on Friday morning for Waldo where
. . Mine) Roblxtrs.
Last Wednesday night the Braden
mill, mile from town was entered by
unknown parties) andjhi battery plates
scraped with chisels to secure what
little amalagam may have been on them,
which could not have amounted in value
to mora than H -or $5. It is' but a few
weeks sines these same plates were rob
bed in a similar manner; this time bow
ever, the chisels osed scored heavily in
to the copper to the utter ruin of the
plates. ' -
That same night, or rather at an early
hour in the morning, an was
made, probably by the same gang of
thieves, to enter the llumasou mil), just
across the river from Gold Bill. The
watcher sleeping at the mill hesrd them
approach and try the door, which was
locked ; they then wentnp the inclined
run-way to a platform built level with
the upper floor where a window was
raised and one ot the men with his body
half through explored with alighted can
dle such ot the interior as was within bis
range of vision. At this moment the
watcher called to the intruder who
evidently became very much frightened
as he lost his hold and fell yelling to the
ground beneath, a distance of about "5
feet. He escaped Injury however, for he
was on his feet in an instant and with
his single companion disappeared in the
local Ibapcntnos
bushes growing
Hill News.
near the mill. Gold
Pickett Creek Cinnabar.
- H.C. Perkins brought home with him,
from a surveying trip to Pickett creek,
some very fine specimens of cinnabar
from a property on that stream. The
Pickett creek region is rich in a variety
of minerala. It is a gold producer, hss
extensive copper deposits and native
tin has been found in its vicinity.
Williamsburg Mining Co.
The Williamsburg Mining company Is
a newly organised Josephine county
corporation, capital stock, $500,000.
Incorporators,, F. E. Forbes, T. J. Mc
Cluin, Robert O. Smith, L. A. Heberle.
Forest Queen.
A Ruble "grirzley" has just been
completed at the Forest Queen mine
in the Louse creek district, owned by
Seeley Bros. This contrivance com
nletes a very ample equipment. This
property Includes a mile and a half in
length of tbe Louse creek bottoM and
the ground is of known richness- This
area indoles the old Van Peer place,
the once famous "China diggings," and
the "Hole-iu-the-Ground." The mine
he will work for Chas. Decker at the , .o . a ii
i .., worked by General O'Brien and still
latter's store. I . ' t . . ... ,
, . . mi i later dv jona iaucr, me ucuticuv; u,
O.S.Goodoow was in town last Thurs- ' ' - ..... '.tn,nra .
day from bis mine in the k ob,Ucle Peking the mine on a very
region, returning on Friday. The prop- , . . .,;.. - ill
erty is making an excellent showing nn- . ..rilIw. ie
a system of iron bars set at an Incline
and the boulders and coarse gravel a(e
forced up and oyer this by means ol a
giaut. The Forest Queen "grixiley" Is
der development.
Mrs. M. A. Root, mother of C. K.
Root, returned on Friday evening after
a year's residence in Des Moines, lows,
and will remain here. Mrs. Root hsd
lived too long in Oregon to be satisfied
with eastern climate.
Will Smith came up this week from
tbe hydraulic placer on Grave creek in
which he has an interest. He has
the mine nearly in readiness for the
movable, it weigns several iuuo nu
has 2700 pounds ol Iron and steel in its
Seeley Bros, have owned the mine for
three years and have been stesdily itn
proving it snd putting it, upon a basis
(or effectual and profitable work. They
winter's run. A little more Bume is extended and enlarged a ditch that sup-
yet to be built and the pipe laid. plied their upper claim so that now it
JoeSeyferth of Holland was in town covers all their ground and at the loca-
Saturday. He reports things lively in lion of the present wore; gives a aiu iooi
his section which is situated in the heart pressure. They have built two large
of the Illinois valley which, though not reservoirs and over-hauled and improved
lane. Is verv fertile and has vast un- the entire equipment
developed mineral and timber resources. It is, expected that three giants will
pi... r,- ,i,n,l Lot be operated during me coming season
u i . t,.,i; t,i n lower Two ol these will drive the gravel with.
Rnm. river, in ' conioanr with bis In range ot the third, which will opeiate
brother Andrew and Edward Friday.
They found game plentiful. In return
ing they encountered several 1 ncbes of
snow on the mountains.
Geo: 8 Calhonn came tip from Oak
land, Cal., Sunday evening to remain
here some time. He has just returned
Irom an extended tour of the easi,
visiting in New York and Connecticut.
He lias no desire to substitute sny of
tlm eastern states for Oregon as a place
olreiidence, Mrs. Calhoun and Lester
are in Oikland.
County Superintendent Lincoln Savage
returned last week from an extended
trip in the southern portion of the coun
ty, visiting the schools. He found the
hools, almost without, exception, pro-
and Heavy-draft Wagons, Hacks, Carriages and. Buggies.
Plow repairs, Water and Gas l'ine, Plumbing goods,
Slulf and Heavy Hardware. Paints Oils Etc.
I II. scinmvr.
on the ."grixxley". The owners
water rights and ditches from
lonse and Morris creeks.
By the old method, with a very i n
sufficient dump and "bucking rocks'
by hand, the mine has paid for working
With the new appliances and an oppor
tunity for tbe giants to work un
hampered, the owners have ampl
reason for expecting a most lucrative
.output and that the "Forest Queen'
will take a place among the large pro
ducers alter the commie winter.
The gold is very pure, clean and
heavy, the pieces running up to V in
valus. The mine is situated six or
seven miles north of Grants Pass.
G. W. Seeley, one of the owners,
informed us that the report of the mines
being sold to eastern capitalists is en
Cuaiantced to Equal Any $100
E. L. KING. Gen. Agt.
21 .anwoue r-t.
San Francisco
itreSBing nicely and well conducted
Many of Ihera have experienced trouble I ,ire!y erroneous.
in securing tne new oooas.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Magill, who were Transfer of Copper Property,
married st Grants Pass on the 22d vis-1 The Lyttle copper property, situated
iled in Med ford the fore part of tbe near Waldo was purchssed recently by
week. The groom is one of Foots creek Caut. Draper, manager of the Waldo
precinct's most energetic and clever copper mine. The ledge is 22 feet in
young farmeis, while bis bride is the width and some 300 feet of tunnelling
amiable and popular daughter ot Mrs. I baa been done on the property. ,It is
J as. Bavane. That their wedded life ill considered a mine which will prove of
be one of happiness and prosperity is tbe great value when developed.
with of many friends. Tunes.
A Garland Steel Range with high
closet and enameled reservoir for 40 at
Cramer Bros
J Famous
Union B
i Male lyv
Also $5, $4, $2.50, and $2.25.
These shoes are suitable for all classes of
business and professional men. Working-
men can wear them with economy, apa dress
their feet as stylishly as the merchant or
banker. One pair will wear as og as iwv
nairs of cheaper goods.
We have just received a fresh line of these
shoes made in CALF, PATENT CALF,
xnri ifin RUSSIA CALF. Etc. All
m a VS satava
sues and widths and many new styles.
R. L. COE & CO.
Home Kitchen.
Mrs. 1.. A. Strubel will open her
"Home Kitchen-' in the Huluian build
in x on Sixth street early next week.
The beet of board will be furnished at 25
cents a meal. Lodging is also provided
in new, neatly finished rooms.
If you want something good in enam
eled ware try a piece ol Slransky ware
sold by Cramer Bros.
Box Social.
On Wednesday evening, November 20,
a box eocial will be given at the Upera
br the order of Pendo. A short
program bas been arrai ged and a general
ood t,me is ataureJ. Every one invited
10 attend Admicsion free.'
Dr. Flanattan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Corun tor Plumbing.
M. Clemeus, Prescription Drueuist.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's.
Cypress for hedge and ornamental
trees at Riverside Nursery.
Mrs. RehkofT can save ou money on
Ladies and Children'sWinterUnderaear.
A granite sidewalk is being con
structed on D street between Third and
Call at the COURIER ofnY-e. and see the
Southern Oregon photos by Clevengor.
Prices ranging from Sio to Toe.
Mrs. RehkofT has an elegant line of
readv to wear fall hats. The nobbiest
of tbe nobby, new styles.
Some specialties in Pearh, fear and
Apple trees, Grape vines and Berry
plants at the Riverside Nursery.
Dr. Van Dyke wishes to announce that
he has resumed practice and can be found
at his office in Opera House block over
the Post Ofllce.
When you get ready to buy fall or
Inter hat remember that Mrs. RehkoB'
has a swell line and prices that defy
On Wednesday ot this week the
Ladies Aid society ol the Christian
church picked pine needles for the be ne-
fit of their fund : a novel idea and one
orlhy of imitation.
The ladies ot the Newman M. E.
hurch will give a New England supper
at the Odd Fellows hall on Friday even
Crauborries at Wade's; aUo New Or
leans Molasses and fine table Syrup in
bulk. Pickles in bulk and keg. 1'iices
as low as the lowest.
Prof. Gaston will deliver his humorous
lectuie "Yosemite" at the Opjra house
next Tuesday. This is the'third lecture
of a very popular series.
Mrs. L, A. Strobel has opened the
Home Kitchen" in the llolman build-
ng opposite the court house. Meals. 25
cents; chicken dinner every Sunday.
Everything new and neat.
The merchants have decided to sns
pend the early closing rule from Novem
ber 15 to December 31 on account of
the holiday trade. Alter the first ol the
year the storos will again close at 0 :S0.
Swell Box Back Mackintoshes for
ladies and children from $5 up; can he
worn from October to June. Wind, rain
or dust proof. Mrs. C. J. Kui Ih, Agent.
Scott Grillln handles Ashland Hour,
Utah allalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian while
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for
seed a'.BO Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat 6traw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats..
A rich strike has recently been made
in the Dixie Queen mine on Foots creek.
A vein ot ore 12 inches in width has been
uncovered which is estimated to carry
$76 to the ton.
If you intend to set Fruit or (Shade
trees. Berry plants or Monterey Cypress,
write for price littl to J. T. Taylor, Grants
A never failing cure tor cuts, burns,
scalds, ulcers, wounds and sores U Do-
Witt's Wich Haxel Salve. A moat sooth
ng snd healing remedy for all hkin sift c
lions. Acocnt only the nenuir.e. Dr.
The wise man of old sui J : "There is a
time to laugh." That time will be next
Tuesday evening, Nov. Kih at the Opera
Houto, lor all who hear W.T.Gaston
give bis humorous lecture on "Yosemite"
Come and laugh. Admission 2G cents.
Reserved seat tickets for three remain
inn entertainments this lecture, the
Electrical Exhibition end the cone. r.,
can be bad at M. Clemens' Tuesday, Nov.
12th., for $1.00; to pupils 80 cents.
A party of 14 of our people cllmbrd to
the summit of Mt. Balily latt Saturday
and gated on the grand view of Grants
I'aaa and its vallov. They eni yed a
picnic dinner on the mountain's summit
and the excursion was lull ol plt- iH ire.
The members of the party were Prof, ami
Mrs. F. K. Young. Rev. and Mis. J. W
McDougall, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clark,
Mrs. A. 11. Hough. S. T Hair, Mis we
Autella Goodin, May Sutton, Minnie
Tuffs. Nur Hydow. Allie Pool and
Hattie Hilshy.
The noted Treadwxll Hold mine, of
Douglas Island, Al iska, cruihcd over
450,000 tons of ore, whii-h averaged only
$1.84 per ton and paid good dividends
About how much time would an Ore
uon or Washinuton prospector waste on
such a prospect? True, Dm Tremlwi ll
has a remarkably largo bixly of ore, but
so have the states mentioned. While
none yet discovered are as large as the
Treadwell.'we have plenty of veins from
40 to 70 lent in width, Bud this if lare
enough for all practical pursues 1'
cific. Miner.
Halloween passed off very quietly.
The pranks were few and mostly in
nocent and that this is the fact reflects
great credit upon the youth ot our town.
For with holding their hands so generally
from destructive mischief, the boys are
entitled to praise and the incident proves
them to be possessed of sound sense and
mental . balance.
Hclloween Soclexl.
The Halloween social given by the
Isdies ot the Presbyterian church at the
church parlors last Wednesday evening,
was accorded a very numerous attend
ance and the evening was delightfully
Spectral figures draped in white, with
glowing pumpkin heads, lout their gob
lin presence for the occasion. The
guests wsre received snd welcomed by
two stalwart ghosts. Ghostly numbers
were conspicuous on the progrsm of en
tertainment, but the refreshments were
not ghostlv except in their evanescent
quality. Pumpkin pie was the principle
factor in this event and was exception
ally delicious. The social was a grand
success, financially aud otherwise.
Eastern Hams and Bacon
Grants Pass Grocery Co.
Calhoun's old Stand.
HeJloweon Dance.
The Halloweeu dance given on Thurs
day evening by Asalea circle, W. ef
W. was a very successful affair in every
way. The attendance was very large,
the floor being almost too full for com'
fortable dancing. A very entertaining
feature of the evening was the "pump
kin-head drill" given by the ladiea ol
the order. x
The music was of the most excellent
quality and was furnished by the ever
increasingly popular club orchestra.
Co. "H" Elects Officers.
Col. Yoran arrived on Monday from
Eugene to hold an election tor captain
of Co. ',11", to succeed J. A. Tate, re
signed. The election was held on Moo
day evening and the choice ot the com
pany (or captain (ell upon First Lieu
tenant E. B, Brotn. A. E. Voorhlea
was elected 1st lieutenant to fill the
vacancy caused by Mr. Brown's pro
Bayptiet Church.
Services at the Baptist Church on
Nov. 10th. Bible School at 10 a, m.,
Preaching at 11 a. m., Subject ; "Soul
Winning". B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p.m.
Preaching 7 :30 p. m. . You are cordially
invited. Robirt Lxsux, pastor.
TAYLOR In Ashland. Oct 26. 1901. to
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, a son.
NA8U In Ashlsnd, Oct. 29. 1901, to
air. nnu airs, jonn nasu, a son.
EDLUND In Ashlsnd, Oct 10, 1901, to
Mr. and Mrs. Gns Edlund, a son.
Coming Evente.
Nov. 8. New Euglsnd supper at 1. O.
O. F.. hall.
Nov, 12. Popular entertainment lecture
by Prof. Gaston humorist.
Nov. 20. Box soclsl by Order of Pendo
at upera House.
Nov. 27 Masquerade ball by Foresters
oi America at opera nouse.
Nov. 28. Thanksgiving day.
Dec. 25. Christmas day.
Deo. 25. Grand ball by Degree of Honor
at Opera House.
city, Mondsy, Nov, 4, 1U01, by Judge
ado Alien, Aitwrt Hi. uenis and Mary
November 5, 1901, Joseph Neighbor
ana umna Drooxs.
BAIRD MA8TIN At the residence of
the bride, Dry den, Ore., Nov. S, 1901,
J. W. Bsird and Miss Cora Maatin.
ALLEN In this eity, Tuesday, Nov. 6,
101, Infant son ot Mr. and Mrs. B.
F. Allen. Estate Transfers.
(For week ending Nov. 2.)
State of Oregon to W H Carter, NW
X o NWtf of Seo 18, Tp 39 8, B
8 W, consideration $ 50
L N Browning to L A Lewis, 8W U
of NE.'i of Sec 8, Tp 34 S, K 5 W.. 80
D L Browning to Ed F Usnnum, 6
, acres in Sec 8, Tp 34 8, R 5 W... . 500
H B Miller to Warren Trnitt, lot 7,
Blk A, Miller's addition to Grants
Pass 1
Warren Truitt to A W Wilson, lot 7,
Blk A, Miller's addition to Granta
1'asa 75
Mrs It L and Geo R Ashmead to
Andrew Brown, lot 13, Blk a, Mil
lers addition to Grants Pass 400
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Clothes do not make
the man, but good
clothes will make a
food man bettor appre
ciated by his triends and
the publio gonorally.
Don't "hide your light'
under ill-fitting, Inferior
quality clothes and there
by do yourself In ustice
The best clothes are so
cheap here that almost
everybody ' can afford
The genuine English
Cravenette Rain Coat
and Overcoat combined.
No rubber, no Oder, per
fect hygenio protection
oxford grey, tan and
dark effects, $16.50, $17.
50 and $20.
P. H. Harm & Son.
Headquarters for Hoys' Clothing.
fif iO 8hPI U Kwes, three or tour
S-JVVf years old. Adilresa
W.H. BE A I,,
Central Point, Ore.
TUB Kerren place on llrtggs creek, con
sisting of eurht mining claims, build
ings and first class water right. A bar
gain for cash. Inquire at this olilce.
SMALL hand printing press with type,
for $5. At Courier oiuie.
. . w h" three resl.
deuce pruertles for sale as follows:
1WO.00, .'iOU with lotaunlttu, and HiU with
lot luuxluo. Inquire of A. K. Voorhies.
A good residence lot 60x100 on north
main slrsot cheap, lor particulars
inquire at this oitlce.
QUARTZ mine on Mt Ueulien, one mile
from the Lawrence mine, 10 miles
irom I. eland. There is an open cut of DO
feerln leiiKlh by Ml feet in depth, expos-
uif a vein ui uvvr i eei wiue assaying sou
per ton. Anarrastre U now being put uo
on the property, ibis property can lie
purchased at a reasonable price now. In
quire at this oitlce or call or address J. W.
feades, Lelaiid, Ore.
5 -ROOM COTTAGE for sale cheap-In-uiilra
ml thia ullli a.
A)Ull lots, IOOi'iM feet, with email dwel
ling excellent location, (or sale at a
bargain. Inquire at this utiles.
Christmas is Near
We arc hereto fill your wauls for Xmas Presents with a liiy
full Hue of Holiday Goods .at cut prirs. On Nov. to, we will
all our tables displayed with them.
an. I
Have you Seen Those Dolls at
Death of Henry Kllppel.
Henry Klippel, a pioneer of 1M61, an
early and prominent miner of Southern
Un-gnn, and leader in the councils ot tbe
Democratic party ol Jackson county and
of Uie stale, dud suddenly at bis borne
in Medlord, Saturday morning, aged 76
That wo are giving away. Wo give you a
on each 50 cent purchase.
Thanksgiving Proclamation,
The (list Thanksgiving proclamation
issued by l'resideut Roosevelt, Saturday,
reads as follows :
"A l'roclttinalion Tne eesson is nigh
when, according to the time-hallowed
custom of our people, the president ap-
p lints a day as the especial occasion for
praise and thanksgiving to God.
This Thanksgiving finds the people
still bowed with sorrow tor the death ot
a great and good president. We mourn
President McKiuley becsuse we loved
an'd honored him, and the manner of
li is death should awaken in the breasts
of our people a keeu anxiety and a reso
lute purpose not to be driven by any
calamity Irom the path of strong, orderly
popular liberty, which, as a nation, we
have thus lar safely trod.
"Yet, in spite of this great diasater, It
is nevertheless true that no people on
earth have such abundant cause for
thanksgiving as we havo. The past
year, in particular, has been one of peace
and plenty. We have prospered in
things material, and have been able to
work for our own uplifting in things
intellectual and spiritual. Let us re
member thst, as much as has been
given us, much will be eipecled from
us ; and that true homage comes from
the heart as well as from the lips, and
shows itself in deeds. We can best
prove our thankfulness ;to the Almighty
by the )' in which, on this earth and
at this time, each of us does his duly to
his fellow in-ill.
"Now, therefore, 1, Theodore Koose
veil, president ol the United Males, do
hereby designate as a day of general
tliauksKiviiig, Thursday, the 28lb ol this
prweut .November snd do recommend
that lliroiiuliout the laud the people
ci-a'n from their wonted occupations and
at their several homes and places of wor
ship thank the diver of all good lor the
countless blessings of our National life.
"In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the leal of the
United Ktates to be alliied.
"Ilmie at the City of Washington, this
2d day of November, in the year of our
Lord one thousand nine hundred and
one, and of the Independence of the
tinted oia'es the one hundred and
(Seal.) TuS'jdokk It or ssvULT.'
l!y the I'resldent.
John lUr, Secretary of Klate.
Wc Arc Leaders
In Notions, Rubber Goods, Outing Flannel
Flatim lcttcs,
years. 10 mouths and 21 days. Though I Calicos, Percales and, Woolen Dress Goods, Itaots, bliocs, etc., Hat,
ihe decased had been in failing beallh Cans. Tam O'Shanters. Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery, both plain
and decorated, Tin and Granite Ware, Blankets, Comforts and Shotting.
for some time, the immediate cause ol
bis dealh was heart failure.
Great Luck ot an Editor.
'Kor two yars all eft.rU to cure Ec
tina in lbs palms of my bands failed,"
writes Editor II. N. Lester, of Syracuse,
Kan., "then I was wholly cured by
Bucklen's ArnUa 6alve." It's the
world's best for Eruptions, Cotes and
a I kin dirtattt. Only 28e at Dr. I
Wo are known as Cutters. That is what built
up our trade. A Good Quality of Goods and Cut
Front St., next Palace Hotel.
Chicago Racket Store.
Sale ol "Dry Dlfgln'e."
Tbe famous "Dry Dlgein's" t fares
miles sastot Grants Teas, was sold last
week by the Dry Diggings Mining Co.
II. A. Corliss, '.president, to Chicago
parties, represented by C, W, Anient.
The exsct oonsldsratlon Is not mads
public but Is said to be about 2fi,000.
The transfer Is ons of Importance, as the
property is ons of great extent and rich'
nets, II itherto it has been bsndicapped
by the shortness of the water supply, Us
only drawback, and this disadvantage
the new owners propose to remedy.
Work has already been begun on a huge
reservoir Into which water will be pump
ed Iron Rogue river, and when the
equipments are complete the operations
may be continuous, both winter and
The "Dry Dlggln't" Is one of the most
peculiar placer propositions in the state.
Tbeie is no "channel" and little
gravel, but the whole mountain side Is
'piping ground." The dirt la from a
foot or two to 20 feet or morel In depth
and carries gold throughout. The nug
gets and coarser pieces, of course, lie
next to the bedrock. Many nuggets
hsvs been discovered each yssr of its
working, Boms of thsse reach $100 in
value and '2b nuggets have been no
rarity, Tbe tract embraced by tbe
mine contains 000 or 700 acres.
H. A. Corliss makes the following
statement of the yield of tbe mine dur
ing the years that be has worked It,
working from 20 to 60 days each. With
a lull head of water the ground yielda
100 per day withagiaot:
1H03 with 100 Inches wster,
1HU4 " 200 " "
IHWi 2M "
1H1M " ifftO " '
lo'J7 " 200 " "
(working only 10 dsys.)
1H0H with 2M) inches wster,
18IM " 2M) " "
WOO " 2M) ' "
lUOOIEH, carnages snd mountain backs.
- Anv one thlnkinit of buviuir anv o(
thsshove, It will pay them to go to Kehkopf
and Kaucu and eiamine their vehicles and
Ket their prices Mid terms before buying.
They also carry the buckeye uiower and
rake. Itemeiuber the place, utl) street
opposite becoud-nand store.
Madame Dlerke May Come.
jj rrsngeiiientsare)biiig made by bich
it is hoped that we may secure the pres
ence of Madaimi lie Jl rice Harlow Dierke,
of 1'ortland, ah ml Nov. 21, for a concert
in liranls I'ass. Madame Dierke is
pianist of wondorful ability, whose fams
is spreading rapidly. Souis critics havs
pronounced her the superior of
1'aderewski. She will soon start on
tour of the L'nited Status snd afterwards
of Kurue. Whether or not Grants l'i
ueople will have the pleasure ot listen
ing to her depends largely on the en
oouragi-iiienl given Mii-s Mae Davis who
Is conducting the arrangements.
Advertised Letter List.
Following Is tbs list of Utters remain
Ing uncalled for In the Urants 1'sss post
oftics, Saturday, Nov. t, 1001 :
Briers, Mrs Msude,
Burr, Basil, Bruneaa, Mr Frank
Clark, J D, Evans, Art,
llalsUtad, 8 I, Roberts, (i M,
Murrsy, Dr i J, I, Wilson, Ephram,
O.K. IlaanosP. M.
Bought Roseburf Bank.
K. A. Booth of Eugene and J. U
Booth ot Koseburg have purchased the
Douglas County bank of Koseburg from
O. F. Godfrey A Hon. With them will be
associated Senator A. O. Masters, Hon.
J. T. Bridges, and t. W. Benson, wh
will laks stock In tbe new bank under
the new management. Tbe actual trans
fer will not take place until the last of
December or January 1. The Douglas
County Bank la the oldest bank In South
arn Oregon. Godfrey A Son have been
connected with this bank lor the last 10
years. It is considered one of the solid
financial Institutions of the state.
'A KB your wheel o Cramer Bros, fur
Photographic Paper.
'Amateur photographers can find
In my stock nearly every kind of paper
they may require and In fact every
thing needlul for picture making. I
have on hand nearly all ilies of Carbon
and 8pecla1 Portrait Velox, Velox Postal
Cards, Sollo, Lithium, Arlsto Salt Toner,
Dekko, W. D. Platinum. Let me know
yonr photographic wants.
A. E. Vooanus
Slope The Cough and Worke
off the Cold.
Laiatlvs Brumo (julnins TabUts curs
a oold In ons day. No Cure, No Pay.
Price 25 cents.
B. W. Pursell, Kintersvllle, Pa , says
lie suffered 20 years with piles and could
obtain no reliof until DeWitt's Witch
lineal Salve effected a permanent cure
Counterfeits sre worthless. Dr. Kremer.
$15.00 to $18.00 a Week
Sslary (or an Intelligent man or wo
man In each town. Permanent posi
tion. 30 cents per hour for spare time. '
Manufacturer, Box 1102, Chicago.
Don't wait nntilyou become chronical
ly constipated but take DeWitt's Little
Early risers now and then. They will
keep your liver snd bowels in good or
der. Easy to take. Sale pills. Dr. W.
1-1 How
I Gloria
I made
Hontd leather,
tiptritnctd DxrVmtn, a
clever mjJur ith an
tyt for beauty and a
kom of proportion.
Result t The most beautiful and
bat fitting boot lor women
a. $3.50
22 Different Styles, all at
same price.