VOL. XVII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24; 1901.; No. 48 00,000 Shares Ot $1 per share, or $50,000 of the Capital Stock of the Oregon Nat ural Gas, Oil & Mining Company, is now offered for sale to the general public for 10 cts, on the Dollar or , 10 cts. a Share. ? This money will be used in drilling an Oil well on lands tbat are controlled by this company, which is in the center of the Oil District known as the North Grants Pass Oil district. This company bas contracts on the following well known ranches in this District. They have all signed a card similar to this, Mrs Mary L Jordon, James Deveny, G M Savage, J J Fryer, John Deveny, H B Ochiltree, W J Savage. Mrs Jessie Deveuy, B B Otheltree, Dr W II Flanagan, .W M Bishop, J G Dotson, J S Harvey, ; J N Carter, The above ranches embrace jeveral thousand acres of land of the best indications for Oil that our ageuts could find 011 the Pacific , Coast and they have been from ; Washington to Mexico. You know that if Oil, Natural Gas or Artesian Water is found in , Josephine county it will more than double the value of all property and for that purpose alone you cau encourage the prospecting for ; Oil, or Artesian Water by taking a few shares of stock. Cut tltia out and tend it, with $.'.50 to Scott Griffin MIIIIIHIHHOMMMMO0M Oregon Natural Gm, Oil and Mining Company. To Scott Griffin, Secretary, Grants Pass, Oregon. Enclosed please Cud the sum of ' J2.50 to secure option on iooshares of stock in the Oregon Natural Gas, Oil and Mining Company, of Grants Pass, Oregon, of the par value of $1 per share, I to have the option of paying 25 cents a share on or before you begin drilling; or 50 cents a share ou or before 500 feet depth has been reached; or thereafter $1 par value until a well is completed to the depth of 1000 feet; the amount paid herein is to be credited on the stocks accepted. It is expressly understood tbat you are to commence drilling on or be fore six months from date or refund to me the amount piid. Please forward receipt for amouut en closed. Dated this day of 190 . Name of Sender P. Or Address mi mm much " tt A Gain ot 240 to 1. The following Utile ezhibiti the in crease in the market value of the oil stocks of ten different couipaniea: t Prires of Stock Before Alter drilling uniting! New York Oil Co ,. . Union Oil to, kern Oil Co., Ssii Jnsquiti r'erl.e Haoford Tiii'x riirw Oil Co , fci-riing Oil t'v , . . . I elit Eight Oil Co. Kara River, ...$ 50 $ 200.001 " I'm "w'w 5(1 li'iOtl! " 20 .fii .. 3 00 11 00 1 25 40 i 20 2 151 . . 1 00 26 00 ; -I 8.00 1U25.17 Each of these companies was organ ted leaa than . two Tears a0. 18. 00 invested in these leu companies mid have realised a net sum of $11)23.' f 7, a gain f over 240 10 1. Bui tiwi in the Oregon Natural Ja,! Oil and Mining Company at 10 cents aj share for fl.uO shares, nonassessable tuck. Boy before they drill. j For further information call on j SCOTT GRIFFIN, Secretary, j I The Natural Gas, Oil & Mining Company. Grants Pass, Ore.l J)R. R. E. SMITH, PHYSICIAN' and SUKGEON Office, Room S over Post Office. Resilience Booth House, 7th and A. GRANTS PASS. OREUOS. )R. CLIVE MAJOR. General Practitioner ot MeDICINI AND SlKOEEV. Office lu Williams Block C. HOUGH, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Practice in all State and Federal Courts Office over First National Bank. Grants Pass, - Oregon. JJJ C. PERKINS, U. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR, U bants Pass, Obkuon. Willis Kramer MANUfACTtlKEH Of Myrtle Creek Extra Family Floui And Everything that goes with First Class Milling. For Hale by Chilks, Dhlemathr, Wadb and Cornkll, Call for it; same price as other brands QEORGE II. BINNS, ASSAYER. Oflke opposite Hotel Josephine Ghauts Pass, - - Oregon. N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture intl Piano , Moving. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. The popular barber shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS On Sixth Street Three chairs ISath room in connection II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Full assortment of Watches, C'lix'ks, Sil verwear and Jewelry. A Good Assortment of Bracelets and Heart llsngles, Clemens' Drug Store. J.M.CHILBS GROCERIES HARDWARE TAHLEWARE Fine liuttcr a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. SWEETLANI) & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS, g t' Thonk 21 MA RULE AND GRANITE WORKS. J.Ii.PAW'OCK. IWK. I am prcprred to furnish any thing in the line of Cemetery work in any kind of MAKBLE or ORAMTE. Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble buiiiees warrants my saying ' Cn ''" '"Ur 0"'ere l'ie TPr)' k11 ninner. Can furnish work in Scotch, r-wmle or American ranite or any kindrf Marble. Front Street Nftit lu Greene's Gan.hop. Prices $5 to $150 COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY I23 Geary Street, SAN rRAVCISCO, CA1. FIRST NATIONAL IB .A. hsj-IK1 OF SOUTHERN . OREGON. Capital Stocky- - $50,000. Receive deposits subject to check otod certificate payable on demand. Sells siirht drafts on Mew York, San Fran cisco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all point (o the United States. Special Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. R. A. BOOTH, President. J. C. C AMPBELL, Vice President. II. L. G1LKEY, Cashier. Banking and Trust Co. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000. Transacts a general Banking business. Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates. Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and eveiy consideration con sistent with tound banking principles. J. Frank Watson, Pres. Eon s Pollock, Vice-I'res. L. I.. JiiWKi.L, Cashier. THE Pacific Pine Needle Co, (Incorporated.) Founder of this industry in America wishes to announce that its factory is now ready to resume active operations and will continue running. All Contracts for Needles may be filled From Out. lOtli, lltOl. D. A. CORDS. Men Wanted I! Wood Choppers, Wood Loaders, Wood Piters, at Wolf Creek, Oregon. Good tim ber, and good wages can be made. DUNBAR L KUYKENDALl, Wolf Creek, Ore. Thought fit Your Horse- You should think ofyour horse when you are buying horse goods as well as yourself. Not only will the horse be more comfortable in the harness and horse effects we provide, but you will be more Certain to be Satisfied. since you will have a pride in your out fit. Our horse goods are our pride. We want to make them vour pride al so. These articles are well made, are sure to pe a pleasure wherever used, and we believe you will find theiri all they should be. The price is right, "too. JOHN HACKETT, tilh street. Sclioo! Supplies AT- j jM. Clemens, I'KK.vcuirrio.v rKn;isT Orange Fronh oppo. Opera House. J. . PADDOCK, ENTERTAINS EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE, Latost HEW PROCESS Records . SEND FOR CATALOGUE 36 Letter From the Philippines. That portion traversed westward Iroin Calainba, Laguna, was a land of prodigious mountains, extensive pla teaus, profound canyons, and fertile plains, dotted with gardens of native fruits and flowers, patched with vast tracts ol mahogany aud naro timber, a profuse vegetable growth, above which gleamed radiantly in perpetual sunlight, a towering mountain, which reminds one of the unfinished work of some giant architect, who bad planned more than he could execute. As we traveled along the Calaiuba river, a gradual incline was noticeable, and after four hours of uncomfortable riding in a native carromalta, drawn by two native ponies, we arrived at Lipa in Batangas provinces, known as the wealthier district in Luzon. As we drove up the main street, Calle Real, we passed several fine carriages with the best of livery, ottt fur a drive along the river hanks. The altitude is several thousand feet above that of Manila, undulating be tween four and five thousand feet above the restless China sea until ou the westward border the high plateaus break rapidly down to an elevatiun of less than 300 feet at the valley of a broad and capricious stream that llows through a stretch of rich alluvial collVe laud, Willi barren rock spires rising against the sky. The stream Is the Lipa river, wayward, possessed of terrific energies when the mood is on. It has chiseled a canyon several hundred feet deep far to the north and south, and now restlessly saunters onward to the treacherous China sea, visible in the distance. Lipa baa a population at present, of 25,000 souls and di.ring the Spanish time, it was estimated to hnvo 40,000. The city is picturesquely located on the mountain side, full of color and the air has a pure transparency that lend depth and distance to the view. It is here 1 forget all my tares, and sit dar ing the delightful evenings, thinking of my boy hood days when at home, The temperature is the same as we find in the mountains at home during August and September. Lipa is seiond in importance on the island ot Luzon nud during the Spanish reign was considered a fashionable sum mer resort for the opulent cl.ua from Manila. Many of the dwellings are irrand beyond description, elegantly fur nished with baud carved furniture, with large plate mirrors set into the wall, and the borders of the rooms finished aith rosewood. This evening as 1 passed along thu street, every balcony was filled wit h native ladies sitting in the twilight, dressed in their attractive garb, and tho weird, foreign cries of the street ven ders "Selvalia Dulce!" Si vemlu dulce ! "Aqua de cocoa, mucin field!" For a hundred years, yes, for two bundled years, have, their voices filled the eve ning and pleaded fcr patronage from some fair buyer on the balconies above, where idly the native belles while away the evming in laughter, and casl lunging eyes at the gay caballoios prome nading beneath. A feneration heme and all this will hnve parsed away, and in the dying, a new, strong nation will have arisen, the old charming picture gone, and a new one ol smoking tiains, burring trolleys, blinding lights, and milk men in wagons and hucksters with one-horse carts who cry, 'Tisb, Fish." As to the character ol the average Eilipiuo it can bo uiiinined up in three woids, thief liar, and deceiver. First your impression as to their honesty can be confirmed by leaving any thing loose lying around, from a heavy inter over coal to a ship's anchor, and such article that no one could use in the Philippine, and any native in siuht will take great pleasuru in dispelling any false imprcssiou that honesty is a native Virtue. Next you notiie he is dirty in his habits, but fairly clean in person, he will lie without any apparent came when he knows the truih would lie better. lie is treacherous, lymir, cowanlly, tbeiv.n,', a worthless hslf hreed mongrel horn of a mongrel spun of Asia crossed upon liiclis ol darkest India, lie) is nn more c apiihle tit self government than the lloll' ii! oil hn loam the wildest region ot the south, he has no original ideas f his own, all he thinks of is bow he can rob his fellow man, he can not he trusted liln. the American In iian, nor will he wo: k like the Negro, and again be will not fuht, but, he will lie like a caitllle.ri with polli?hed suavi'y, and bolo)ou in the daik with all the d. xieiity of a goucher. I'rovidc.ice has reserved a fairer future tor these wealthy islands tha:i In hai e them governed by IhH herd ol igno rant people. The Filipino is easil infli.eiiied ur:d when nuder tho inllilence of Auierii.ui energy and capital governed by a firm and definale policy, it will blossom as the rose, and iu the course of two or three generations mora the Filipinos nay be brought to appreciate the virtues of cleanliness, industry ami honesty. One can not cris this island wiihout naming a new idea ot thn iunm-riie hislornal significance of the wei'iiar I yearning o! the r-mon, who in two arid a ha!f centuries has marched from I'll mouth Kock to the far ?at, and h;i snbordinated every people in his path Irom shore to shore. C. II. I'tmixi. Many physicians are now pr it -nhing tCodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly having loui.d Hut it is the best prrscripli'.n they can write because it is the one prepara tion which contains the elements neces sary lo d urest not only tome kinds ot t'Kil but ail kinds and it there!.. re cures indigestion and riji-pcpua no in ter what its cause. 1)1. Kreuier. PACIFIC COAST NEWS. ITEMS OF INTEREST PICKED FROM THE WEEK'S DISPATCHES. RallruaA anil Miner:,! lpieloiiuelit In California ol.l-Hlo.Mlfd Murder la Pan Frunnlaro Novel llutuuiaga Sale. I,f,v and Aranii. The supremo court ot California boa decided that the nets adopting tho new state codes are void, because they failed to comply with a spccitlo requirement of tho constitution. Charles O. Adams, who murdcrod Dr. John Q. Jessup at Oakland, Cal., was acquitted by the jury ou tho ground of insanity. Ho will uow bo tried ou t ho charge of insanity. The Chicago Tost says that positive and authoritative confirmation has bcuu Riven of reports that the liurliugtou will extend its lines from Guernsey, Wyo., to Salt L ike City to connect with the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake road. lVpury Sheriir William Maxwell of Hoi Lrnok, A. T., was shot aud killed by a baud of outlaws near Springerville, and his partner, Trefola, was wounded i:i the fl;;Ut nud died a few hours later. Two years in San Quentiu was the flcnti'tico imposed by Judge Lorigau at Sau Joso upon Frank Cashuor for steal inir a bicycle. Under tho now law tho theft of n Wcyclo is classed as graud larceny, ('asliiur said ho stole tho wheel to pay hospital expeusos. A Carson (Nov.) dispatch says that Joo I'eto, tho Indian that murdered William Dangberg atiout a year ngo, was killed by h'9 brother. Only ro cen fly tho lndiiin murdered his father-in-law and i.vm ly killed mini tier Indian in the camp. After Pete's conviction for tho ninrder of Danglierg ho made his escajw from the county jail. A re ward was i tiered for his capture, but the white men did not caro to try to cap. turo bim iu the mount ilns, nud tho In dians would not lend assistance. After the murder of the Indian tho tribesmen held a consultation and appointed Pole's brother as the una to kill tho murderer. The result was his death ill his hiding place in Alpiuo county. Sixty Austrlnns and Greeks arrived in Kern City, I'al., from Ogdeu to neoept positions us section hands for tho South ern Pacilio company In tho ran Joaquin valhy. Tiny are to supplant Mexican hands, wlio.so woik is uot sntiofuotory lo thu company. Shelby Huckings was riding colts at Sierra valley. Cat, when one especially wild ran nway with hlin and raited him along a baihed-wiro fence in its wild career, nearly sawing bis foot lu two. The annual tangled itself np in tho Wire, pinning tho rider against tho sharp barbs, and he would hnvo been killed had uot other ranch hands bceu near and shut the hursu dead. Andrew Stovens, a well-known citi zen of Palouse, is minus a family, nud blames J. P. Preston, who boarded with him for nearly a year, for the alieniHiou of tho iitfci'ilona of his wife. Mrs. Stevens nnd her two sons, aged VI and 14 years, nro missing, so is Preston. They boarded riio train for Spokane while Stevens, tho woman's husband, was working in a grain warehouse within 60 feet of tho dt p it. Preston Is (15 yours of ngu uud Mrs. Stevens lu. William Kolsu, who was on trial for nearly a month nt Santa Itiu huru, Cal., for tho murder of Harry lUochmuu iu Sinta Maria on July U I, was uequltted, l lie juiy, afler an ulisenco of 4a min utes, having returned a verdict of not guilty. Tho verdict created souio ur priso. The Pngi t Sound Itridgo nnd Dredg ing- company, a Seattlo corporation, was awarded the government contract, val- I nod at 2.isiO,issJ, lor dredging the har bor of Manila mid completing (ho old Spanish breakwater. President Fowler will immediately ship tho necessary dredging luachiuory and n million feet of lumber to bo used in constructing scows ou which to carry tho masonry for thu breakwater to ilspositiou. Two working crews will shortly bo sent to .Manila from S. nttlo. August A. Uuglieri, a pli vmriun of San I'Vallcis.o, was before Jus'iue llos euthal at S:in Joso to answer to a suit brought against him for the sum of t',D, Ilia balance due lor a physician's di- i pleina sold by N. Antieevieh to the do. I leiidant for fluo iu IHJl. Tho diploma I was granted to Dr. Autoiiu Aiiti.-ovlrh, ' Lut on Ins di nth w is olb red for sale by the broth'T, and was puicliased by ! (juglieri, w ho was a baker at the lime, i but nfterwaid went to Mexico uml c.nno back a practicing physician. Iluglieri pleaded the statutu of liui'.ltitioits and won. A sloop hi-binclng to a notorious llritidi I 'olu'iihi l sinni;!'-!- named J iiiiiesou was e.ip'.i.rjd ,y a United Mit. s revimi'i 1:, u ; ii u k'uard, in com mand f Li, u'"ii.iht It. It. We-t, a bnv nines si uih of F'yrl F.ah r. Tie iu were four Coines,: ah aid the !o'p, who Hated tin y had (aid U to be lirougiit ever from tlio 1 i.u-li lluiiihia side. When the c i ;' al u of tho si i op sighted - thu launch ho ran his boat clo.o in shore, juiuptd ovi ih anl, sAiiiii to tl.o ; hi .e li and i sj ais d. Tins niak. s the fourth sloop captured fr.ni J-iine soji j With Chii.cy ou hoard vviihiu u mi.iith. F'uiiowing the remarkable seri s of ' desertions from F'ort Giant, in Ap.ichu joouutry in southeastern Arizona, come j the news that tho pst lit San Carlos, i'hj in Ap.'i' hu bind and 40 miles from Fort Grnnt, has l-ei u looted l,y soldiers, j The byiters were s!aiion..-d ut F'ort j Grant and smiiu of lie in aro nurnlH.-ied ' among the deserters from the li.tti r . fort. Property taken from thu j.st ut I Sail Curb's was !u;s.H-d of in U,ob,-p ' A. T. 'lhe ringleader and several otle rs have been arrested and w ill l. iru d by a military court nnd subsequently by (he federiti authorities. Henry Uray Ion, ll.iriis. N. ('., ays: ' I look n.Silieine vesrs tor asthma hut one bottle of One Minnie Couyh Cure did me more good thin auv thing else during that time. Pest (Vu;h Cure. I'r, j Hon't wait until you b. come cbronira!. I ly constipated but take s.Vitt's Little I Karly risers now and then. They will j kevp your liver and hotels in g or j der. Lisy lu ULe. fif-jpiils. I'r. W. F. Kreuikr. The Hating', sister to tho Islander of too Canadian Facillo lino of Skaguay ileainers, was wrecked in a fog ou the ud of Jorvis island, 4!) miles north from Vancoover. She had ITS passengers from tho Klondike, all of whom wuro safely lauded ou Lasqnettl islaud, Thu passengers anil their btdougiugs were jt'tcrwiUTi brought to uucouvcr. 1 ho Haling is not so badly injured as was it first thought, aud it Is expected sho will reuch Vaucouvcr uudcr her own llenin. The entire business section of I Gates, Cal., was wiped out . by fire. which swept everything ou both tho uorth and south sides of Main street from tho Southern Pacific railroad tracks to tho Los Gntos creek. Property vari ously estimated at from 150,000 lo (XMO.OOO went up in smoko. Articles of incorporation of tho Lewis fs Clark Centennial and American Pa litlu Exposition aud Oriental Fair wcro filed with the county clerk at Portland, Or. Tho object of tho corporation is to hedd an exposition of the industries, arts, manufactures aud products of the soil, uiiuo nud sea iu tho city of Port- laud during tho year 1001, to bo state, Interstate, national nud Oriental lu its uuturo. The capital stock is 100,000, divided iuto 8'I.IH.H) shares of (tO each. Tho incorporators nro 07 of the best known business aud professional men of Oregou. Charles Douglas, who lived on the Agnew stock farm, seven miles south of San Joso, Cul., ou tho Monterey road, al ter a desperate attempt to kill his wife and two stepdaughters, shot himself just after tho olUcors discovered his hiding place, and died 20 minutes after. Douglas attacked his wife with a heavy water pitcher, indicting ISscalpwonuds. Tlio Ki-yoar-old daughter of Mis. Doug las by her first husband, although tor riblv beaten, succeeded ill reaching a neighbor's hoiiso and gave tlio alarm that brought tlio ofllcors. It is thought mother and daughters will recover. The California .Midland Itallroad com pany has born incorporated with a capi tal stock ot ifl.-i.OJti.oiK). Tho company will build a toad lroiu.Sau Francisco to a point near thu mouth of King's creek, a branch of tho Sail Joaquin, tho dis tance bciin; uo miles. From the main lino near Mudcra, a branch to linkers. Ib id, 115 miles; also a branch Into tho Yosemilu valley, 70 miles, uud one to Stockton, i miles in lcnu'th, tlio total length of track being f 0 miles. In connection with this railroad building will bo tlio development of a mountain of iron ore lu a remote corner of Madera county and tlio constiuctum of a smel ter, lo cost i 1,000,001), at Point Hicli uiiiiid, tho terminus of tlio Santa F'o railroad. Vincent liimioii, n handsome Italian youth of 13 years, with tho faco of a cherub, pleaded guilty at San F'rancisco to the charge of nrson, but Juugo Law- lor conliiiucd hiscaso fur sentence until January, and released him in $1,000 Isolds. It will depend upon liiasioli'a conduct whether ho is over suntuicod or not. Last July ho started a tiro iu a il.it iu which ho hud Homo furniture, tho insurance mi which was Jin). With this money in bis possession It was lliasioli's intention to niiirry Fannie lloussoitu, and lust Thank .giving day was fixed for tho ceremony. Thu lad Is a iiiiirhlo-cutter, and it is said lio cau work marvels in maiblo with bis mallet and chisel, lie scents to h.ivo had no idea of the enormity of his criino, and lor thin reason Judae Liwlor was ruluo- tant to solid nun tu jail. Gouri.'" V. ltico, employed at tho works of the Golden Slate foundry, Sail F'raneisco, upon leaving a street car at II o'clock ill thu evening, was attacked bv a mail with a loaded club. As Uicu fell under repented blows another asi.ail. mil ran from the car ami tiled four shot i, all of which took effect in Kiec's ho ly, anil h" succumbed to his wr ivids next day. The murder, thu pollen say, is the result of the machinists' strike, uud that Kico was murdered because ho wus n niiii-iiiiioti Morlinian uud becuusu Ins successful rceislancu of nil niluck Hindu upon him Sept. 11 hud marked hiiu us mi especial object for thu vengeance of tho strikers. Four men were arrested and chai vi d witn being c mceriii d in thu inn r lor. Their names, mo T'hoiiias Moriin, Ivlward J. Duncan, Cuarli Donnelly and William llucltley. The ladies of tlio Congregational chinch of Niles, CU., secured a large lent and hud it ere ted on a vie-anl lot in the heart of town and then nil liotuictd tii.il they would hoi 1 u rum mugii sale, vviicru anylhing an I uvi ry. thliiir would bu sold. They invite. 1 everybody to bring iu tho things they hud no use lor und the Indies airood tu sell them. Tho result was that be d b-s tlio usual amount of clothing found In such sales (hero were (hreu horses, a number of clueiieiis, a pa.iitn'ul supply of lriut as well as a number of fanning 1111 ploluellts. A free ho.pltal for llldlj.' ut colis!ltli tlvu p,,1.eul is to bo built ut l.s An ee!i Tooh'ltlll u lllli..sioll to tile llo pilal a p.n ii nt must prove a certain loim of res.di-ini' in ln Anpobs, ui d ul .cwhow Hint he is without funds and uiiiil.du to work. No patients from oth r loculltK s will be roc ived. 1.. ,imi.o :-now, lifth president of thu M irmori church, dud ri.-cenily ut his prlvatu resi ieiioo In halt l.iko taty. Ho was horn in M iijua, Portage county, O., April II, 1 il I- Tie -.1 lent Niow dui lii hm lit- l.ino 'Aas tho bus ,and of iiinu wivs and tii.. father of 4 I chil dren. Three of his wives uro still living. Anaiie, iie-iits have bevn compluti d for the building of a railroad from Cot tak'u Grove, Or., u distance ef U.j miles, through a region of heavy tliuls r to tho i.ohi-uiia u.iiies. Connected with this is toe pioj.et of budding a suc ker elile r at Portland or in the P-obeinm iiunii.g du'.r.'Jt. 'I lie smelter ,-nt, rprise will follow ihu roilroad, and It is proh. able that hah will li In ox ratl .11 iu lis, tlinu a y ir. '1 hu money tor the rudro d Will b u, -plied by cuoteru 0 .j 10.I s's. A fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C. ! I Collier ol (,'iierokee, Iowa, that near! I proved falsi. It canui through fiis kid- jlois His bsek got so Umu be could: ! i.ot stoop without great piin, nor nt in J a chair fci'-ept propped by cushion. I rioiii-ly bi-lpc 1 bim until be tried Klit-- irlcbrters which i-llei ltsl siieh a won 1 I !! !nl change that he writes he i like j larevy muii. 'Ihis neirvetnus lued . oo- cores backache and kidnev trout, h-l j purines tlm bb-.i and builds up yuur I I liKallli. Only bde at Dr. Kruneis. J Thomas' Nov Iron Uods 3Iorc Bed Louncs---roi)ular Prices. Wall Papcrs---Iu Inimense Variety ami Ueautiful Colorings. Artistic Table Coverings :5c up, to $2.50 nil the between priaes. CjirMlK--From the very best looms in tho worlil. Quality and Pri ces to suit tho most exacting ami economical. Furniture HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Nov; Goods This Week Iron Beds. Rugs. Wall Taper. Big Line New Goods on the way from the East. Hockcrs, Linoleums and Holiday Goods. Mulling A1' f3.lS. ' Crockery I.liieoliiinis Vj ,Sr VtrS YVnodcnwaw 1'icliireMold- Vk Ji Tools lug. S Mirrors HtO SIXTH STREET ' NEWS OF T11K WORLD. HAPPENINGS OF THE PAST FEW DAYS ntOM ALL QUAHTEH3. Pel Ileus Til TlirniiRtl Hie ltiiil,ls at NbiKltru Kohhcry of Tranks lijr a Vwt In.eeloT I'ritlr.-lleii In Anatiall-u Uusti uud Ills Prayer Hystvia, Tlinmni 8. Ijiwsou says that the re tent brealc lu Amalgamated Ciipr roH resents to him n loss of about 7,Ch)0,OOD. The total number of Ohiucso iu the Hawaiian islands, according to thn registration which was completed last June, is !IS,U3.". A Telling dispatch says that thn Chi nese plenipotentiaries hnvo performed their iast ollleial act and f irwaidcd to the Spanish minister, who is tlni dean f f thu diplomatic corps, a bimd fur tho indemnity of -15,(KK),iKK) tncls. A telegram received at Ia.bon from Uio do Janeiro ii.sscrli that two Italians wcro arrested iu the corridor of thu presidential pilaeo by an ollloor of thn guard, ltolh were nrniisl Willi rovolvei s mid dageers. In Uio (Id Janeiro It is btdieved that lliey are uiiai-chi-ila and intended to usniissiniito Ti- sidunt Uam pos h. i lies. In thu new Australian federation a pmtectlvo jetliny ii to is) adopted, 'i'bo entire federal levenue la to be raised from customs duties, eicept what is obtninud from exolso tuxes oil st'mu liiiils. Tlieso duties are to Is levied with tho object of so raising the prion f what they aro ahlo to uiako for tlieni selves that the people will bo clicuarugid to eniiagu lu those industries. The iron industry is to bo encouraged by tho granting of bounties. Kreo trailu now exists uniting tlio states of thu "onituou Wealth. Galveston was visited by the heaviost rainstorm in lis history. In 11 hours 11 os inches of water fell. Tlio ruin was accompanied ,y wind, which blow IS miles an hour. Tim streets with in undated and street. cur tiatllo W'is stopped, all business belli:; praetically suspended. A singular accident which may p el sibly throw cun.s.dei.iblj light ou the lo. of thu liritlsll lol S'd(-b,,.t deHfl'UC'T Oibia c.cntly has ju.-t oei.uir d to tha tiirj.edu-bi.it desrr..yor 1'iaii". While she was ou her way fioui Portland lo I'oi'Kiii .uth th" en'jtue b inds uotn-id that her ib clc be uns Wet" hie Ivlin;; amidshi,s. '1 he ib .iUnyer iu.iiie. Lately returned at full ijieed to l'oii.. uoui.'i. An exaniuiat ion made of hi r sh wi d that tie re w is iniuiln.nl d ill,: r i f unoiii. r dn. i; U r hku that wbi.-ii l..-f-'l tho Cobra. J liu Ah sunder Ih.w ui coi'din lo a I hlc.iiei inueli tune daily Jiley Zennr s wb i e tie mis i usk'-d hllu to join tie le ailng ul a Kiveii hour, are i' e. t veil by 1 tabulated lie- o hie; t W be h e ': ,1 ; ,y.-r II." sp.lll 1 ,i f ' I. Il.t.l ill pt T! !' I t.ih. ti op by tbe head ; C'.ii ho i i ion . h al I ol lb e 111, I hr'l;,,ll sp "Hie I. .Southern Oregon ASUI.ANU, ORKOON. btrong Acadelllik' course. 1'rofessloiiu' training of the hlhert excellence. Well equipped lab' rn lories, ir irl i-U's train ing ilejui r t in e n t. lie inaiid lor tra.ned teach oih exceeds llei s(liply, tiral.iales easily ectuiti good JiunltiollS. II e a ii 1 1 1 u I locatiiiii . Most di liub'.iul Chun !o i 11 the r uil. IlM'eieas tl.M 10 JIT') j.er year. rile lor caUloguu. i i ri V. M- -New Coloring;?, New Ef fects, New Trices. iieadfluarters. '1 he iiioui nt Howie lUitalies a prayer ha ilapi n written slip iuto nn clottrio time stamp, slanls his hand ou tho top of the d vice, and the exact time ha completed thu juayer is instantly r Col dud lijs.ii l ho sheet. California wines, according to a dla jiaii h irom Uu iiieii, huvu gained a com plete victory over Cicitnuti prejudice. Only u lew years ago Cerium wlno dealers anil vvino dii ikers spoko with loiiieiiijt ot American vintages, but liow thu Amerlcau product has buoomo regulai ly u large arliclo of import iuto Germany. I'resceii.s lowered tlio woild'a trotting reconl mi a half-mile truclt at Toledo, O., one-ijuarter of n seoond, hii previous record being Hell Ho trotted for tha belli lit of the charitable Institutions ot thu city, und the reccijitil woro (18,000, 40.0JU jHioiilu having gathered to sou him. Tlio Working Woiuuu'a asBoclutlon of Chicago, us thu onion of servant girls id ollieially known, formally decided to start n weekly uewsjsiuur. Tho resolu tion ilucre, .ug the uew uudurtakiug do claresthai the pier "will bo devoted to tiie iiitonsts of thu working wouieu." Tho Ibefi at lihaca, N. Y of 70,OuO wor'h of valuables li'oin Jlrs. Dei.man Thi.bijsou, wife of the actor, camu to light t'aiongh the recovery of most of the stolen property nud the arrest of Chaidcn I). Noitis, a car inspector ou the Lehigh Valley railroad. At Nor ris's house was found t'iU.OOO worth of riillinan slocll that hud beeu'tukeu from M rs. Tlioiiiisou 't trunks while in a bag. gugo car ut tin) depot. Jewelry that was stolen wus found iu u local stors and wan traced lo NotrU. lie bad en tered the cur, and, by means of n wire, unlocked tho trunks containing vain ubles. "Tha rool Killer" Is tho namr, of tho littlu steamer in which IN tor Nlssea of Chicago in.idu bis sctsuid trip through W hirlpool r.ipi.is nt Niagtvra, and aftor a llu'Uiiio; exlilhiliou ill tun presence of hundreds ot ).oile, tho during naviga tor lauded on tho Canadian shorrt. Tha Chieagoan uduiitlcd that bu was mom shale ti up tliau ou hu previous trip. Tho boat, too, MifTered (onio injury to its out. r works, but bold together through its jicrilous jonrney. Ik for o euti nog the wildest jiart of the rapids Nms n descended into tha engine-room and closed thu hulch. Wavo after war lolled over the llltlo craft, tho smoko stack being toiu away by tho first big wave. Henry WiHteri-on, editor of the Louis ville Courier. Journal, who was ouo i.f tlie leaders of thn bolt ugaiiist Jtrynn la I' ' I, ban announced hfmsclf an a caiidi date lor g"ei ii'T of Kentucky iu Itl iti. It. I !.!' d that Mr. Waltersutl ihsllel to be tin e.mdl late cf tho lie uio Tat lo j uty f-r V'e ' i' tit in 10 s. uud he be i. 'Ve.ihat il he cm cany Kentucky in i:i t h i w ill nit himself m line for tho I i.n,! i ei tor pi- 'tdetu ouu your Liter. .S..nij Silver,; Ninth .Mra'ford, N. II. s "1 purelia-ed a bittlo of One Minute ,u.:h Cura In ii : uirerlng with acounh dot tors lo'd loa as in, urahln. One liot lie ridiev 1 lua, the second and third al most cured. To-dav lam a sell man." i llr. W. I-. Kicieer.' Stats Normal School. 'A 4: .At 1 -x-t- ; CLAYTON, Pres.