VOL. XVII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1901.; No. 47 50,000 Shares Ot $1 per share, or $50,000 of the Capital Stock of the Oregon Nat ural Gas, Oil & Mining Company, is now offered for sale to the general public for 10 cts. on the Dollar or : 10 cts. a Share. ' " This money will be used in drilling an Oil well on lands tbat are' controlled by this , company, which is in the center of the Oil District known as the North Grants Pass Oil district. This company has contracts on the following well known ranches iu this District. They have all signed a card similar to this, w Mrs Mary L Jordou, James Deveny, G M Savage, J J Fryer, John Deveny, B B Ochiltree, W J Savage, Mrs Jessie Deveny, B B Ocheltree, ' Dr W H Flanagan, , W M Bishop, J G Dotson, - J S Harvey, , J N Carter, s The above ranches embrace jeveral thousand acres of land of the best indications for Oil that our agents could find on the Pacific Coast and they have been from Washington to Mexico. You know that if Oil, Natural Gas or" Artesian Water U found in Josephine county it will more than double the value of all property nd for that purpose aloue you can encourage the prospecting for Oil, or Artesian Water by taking a few shares of stock. ; Cut this out and send it, with $2.50 to Scott Griffin Oregon . Nature.1 Go., Oil and Mining Company. To Scott Griffin, Secretary, Grants ; Pass, Oregon. : Enclosed please find the sum of J2.50 to secure option on loosnares of stock in the Oregon Natural Gas, Oil and Mining Company, of Grants Pass, Oregon, ot the par value of $1 per share, I to have the option of paying 25 cents a share on or before you begin diilling; or ' 50 cents a share on or before 500 feet depth has been reached; .or thereafter $1 par value uutil a well is completed to the depth of 1000 feet; the amoupt paid herein is to , be credited on the stocks accepted. It is expressly understood tbat you are to commence drilling on or be- , fore six months from date or refund ,to me the amount piid. Please forward receipt for amount en- "tlosed. Dated this -day of :i- '90 ' Name of Sender ... ; P. O. Address 2 .....'.-". 'i. liiiiliiiiiiliimiiiiin'niitiiin A Gain ot 20 to 1. ,. The following table exhibit! the In create in the market value f the oil ; itocka of ten different companies : . Pritea ol Stock llefnre drilling ...$ SO .. 1.00 ... 1 00 60 20 .. 3 00 35 25 .. 100 Alter drilling t 2O0.00 l&Oi.UO 37 50 10 00 11800 1:I50 3 40 2 15 '.'8 00 .. New York Oil Co ,. ' Union Oil Co., Kern Oil Co ' Han Joaquin ' f'eerlee Henford '-t Tnirty Threw Oil Co ,. . . - Sterling Oil Co , i Twenty Euht Oil Co., . Kero River, 8.00 l'J25.17 Each ot these companies in organ - aed leae than two yean ao. IS. i 00 invested in these ten eotnpaniei would have realised a nel auin ot (1025. I 17, a gain of over 240 10 1.' Buy atnest in the Oregon Natural lias, ttil and Mining Company at 10 centa a (hare fur 11.00 shares, nonaseeisabl atork. Hay before they drill. j For further information call on j SCOTT GRIFFIN, Secretary, j The Natural Gas, Oil & , Mining Company. Grants Pass, Ore. I i I R. R. E. SMITH, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office, Room 2 over Post OtBce. Residence Booth Home, 7th and A. GRANTS PASS. ORKUON, )R. CLIVE MAJOR, General Practitioner of Mkdicixi and Subukhv. Office iu Williams Block C. HOUGH, ATTORN KY-AT-LA W, Practices in all State and Federal Courts Office over First National Bank. Ghauts Tabs, - Orkgos. J C. PERKINS, U. 8. DEPUTY , MINERAL SURVEYOR, Ghants Pass, Oregon. Willis Kramer MANUFACTURER Of Myrtle Creek Extra Family Floui And Everything that goes with First Clans Milling. For sale by Chii.es, Delematkr, Vv'adu and Coknku,. Call for it; same price as other brands QEORGE H. BINNS, ASSAYKR, Office opposite Hotel Josephine Ukants Pass, - - Okeqon. N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furnilare and Piano Moving. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. The popular barber shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOJ1PKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Hath room in connection II. II. IiAUTON, WATCHMAKER and "JEWELER. Full aKSfirtincnt of WnUhwi, Clock;. Sil vi'rweiir Dii'l Jewelry. A Ukk1 Assortment of BrtieeW'ts am! Heart Ilanglea, Clement' Drug Store. J. M. CHILES GROCERIES HARDWARE TAHLEWARE Fine liutter a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. SWEETLAND & CO. -FRESH and 'SALT MEATS-62T TlIJNK 21 7 r-w D 31 A R RLE AXD GRANITE WORKS. J. B. I'ALI'OCK, Proir. I am prensred tofurnb-h anything in the line oi Cemetery work in any kind of MARBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants my saying that I can fill your orders in the very best manner. Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind cf Marble. '' J. H. PADDOCK, Front Birecf Neil to Greene's Unt.nhop. THE GRAPHOPHOfflE Prices s5 to s150 .1 o Y Late8tNEwpRcEssRocords . 8CND FOR CATALOGUE 36 COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY 123 Geary Street, SA rRAVCISCO, CAL. FIRST NATIONAL OP I SOUTHERN OREGON. Capital Stock, - - $50,000. Receive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand. Sells sight drafts on Wew York, San Fran cisco, ana Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all point in the United States. Special Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points. R. A. BOOTH, President. J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice President. II. L. GILKEY, Cashier. Banking and Trust Co. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000. Transacts a general Banking business Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates. Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and eveiy consideration con sistent with sound banking principles. J. Frank AVatbon, Pres. Fa lls Pollock, Vice-Pres. L. L. Jkwki.l, Cashier. THE Pacific Pine Needle Co, (Incorporated.) Founder of this industry in America wishes to announce that its factory is now ready to resume active operations and will continue running. All Contracts for Needles may be filled From Oct. lOtli, lltOl. D. A. CORDS. Men Wanted I! Wood Choppers, Wood Loaders, Wood Pi'crs, at Wolf Creek, Oregon. Good tim ber, and good wages can be made. DUNBAR i KUYKENDALL, Wolf Creek, Ore. Thought for Your Horse- Yoii should think of your horee when you are buying horse goods as well as yourself. Not only will the horse be more comfortable in the harness and horse effects we provide, but you will be more Certain to be Satisfied, since you will have a pride in your out fit. Our horse goods are our pride. We want to make them your pride al so. These articles are well made, are sure to pe a pleasure wherever used, and we believe you will find them all they should- be. The price is right, " too. JOHN HACKETT, lith street. School I -AT - 31. Clemens, PUKSCKIPTION DKl'tiGIST U r.. . entertains everybody everywhere! Supplies PACIFIC COAST NEWS. ITEMS OF INTEREST PICKED FROM THE WEEK'S DISPATCHES. Conviction or "Sir Hurry" Wctwmut Cooper Chased by Wotvcs KptKCopitl Church ConventionSteamer Oreffun Libeled' I.yilchlug In Montana Desertions of soldiers by the wholo imle reported from Fort Grant, in eastern Arizona, Iu a mnnwny accident at Colton, Cnl., Charles Modhurst wa.i instantly killed and Captain R. J. MiJin fatally in jnred. Both men are promtuout fruit growers. Donald McKeracher, for the past two yonra paying toller In tho Scattlo lional bunk, wns atrestcd on the charge of praud larceny and embes!cment, McKeriichcr had mnde false entries and had taken fnuds of tho bank amouutiug to 13,200. Jamos Edward Trady, whooomnilttod an nnnitnnlly brutal nxsnult npou 5-ycar-old Ida Pn'sler t Huleua, Mont., was taken from the jail by a mob of 200 men mid lumped to a tlerrapb pole in Hay market sqn.ire, about three blocks from the jail. Passengers of the steamer Orepop on her last trip from Nome hnvo instituted libel proceedings for dauuiKos iigaiuxt her in the federnl court at Seattle. The nii;res!ato amount nsked is f 315,500. Tlie chief causes olhired for the suit nro that tho rudder of tho vessel was in a defective condition when sho sailed; that tho supply of provisions was Insuf ficient, and that she carried more than tho allowed number of passengers. Stress is laid ou (Tie nlh nation that the captain would not allow soino of the ptiHsviiKcrH, at their own cost, to transfer to tho steamer Kinpross of China. Mrs. Jncoba Monin, who died lu Al aska last amuuicr, tiled u petition nud slliduvlt in the superior court at Seattle. Mrs. Moran alleK'es that Hubert Moran, brother of her husband and president of the Moran Bros, company, is withhold ing from her a sum of money excoediug $10,000, and refuses to carry out a oou tnict made with Peter Moran prior to his death. Dr. J. C. Zahn, pioneer, capitalist and founder of churches and hospitals, died at his homo iu Los Angeles alter uu ill ness of six weeks. Ho had been a resi dent of Los Angeles for nearly thirty 80 years. Ho was a native of Halle, Prussia, born Nov. 2.!, lb-'2. Bteps nre iu contemplation for the formation of an association, represent ing JSOO.OOO, to control the cntiro out put of honey of tho beo sections of tho Pacillccoust slntes. Lee meu and others interested iu tho Industry will hold a meeting iu Los Angeles Oct. 21 nud 22. It is expected thut the Fort Hall (Ida.) Indian reservation, which contains 400,000 acres, will bo thrown open to settlement within a few weeks. The Qiiiiu.lt reservation, iu Washington, comprising 300,000 acres, will probably be thrown open to settlement next spring. Commissioner Hi rmau of the general land ollice at Wushingtou says it is probable that the old "sooner" system will bo udopted at tho opening of both these reservations. Great mortality among hops is re ported from Tehuma county, Cal., and iu one iustunueoutof a drove of 510, 6K) have died. State mid government ex perts will visit tho county to study tho disease, which nas already caused a loss of upward of SO.OOO. Graders ou tho Victoria, Vancouver and Eastern railroad struck u ten-foot voiu of copper and galena ore recently near Nelson. Samples sent to Grauby smelter gave results of ?1H to ill in gold, silver and copper. Tho find was made three miles south of tho interna tional boundary. Thomas Olsen, who miulo the strike, at ouco staked several elalius, and ho intends to stock tho property nud givo a block of stock to each member of tho grading crew w ho aided iu opening tho Vein. V. S. Millspaugh, geueral superin tendent of the Montana Copper Mining and Milling -company on Stunt) creek, Madison county, du d us the result of injuries received from a stone thrown at him by J. P. Plonilu rg, w hom he had discharged tho previous day. It is said that MilNpuugh was the ngirressor, aud that Illoiuberg tried to avuiila (fiiar rel. Millsmugh, who whs 00 ye irs of ago, was ut one time claim ngeut for the Southern l'acillc, and was an inti mate Irieud of II. K. Huntington. Articles of incorporation of tho LI Paso, Hioeu.x and California 1 '.ail way company were filed in the oIIIm of the secretary of the territory ut l'lincnix, A. T. The route of the railroad leaves l'hocnix m two directions. Ivi.Hvard it truverw s Salt, Gi a and San i-Vdro valleys, striking the South'-ru I'auilicat lVlinon, aud then westward to tno Colo rado river ai a point near Yuma. It is said to be the hit' ntlou of the road th n to posh on to San lin go. Tho new cor poration is capitalized at f IO.OiXj.O'jO. A story, showing th ferocity of dogs when hungry, reached Nome from Loul ller creek. Dan t'umpbrlt owns 12 doe; and one horse. The only food he gave the dogs was bacon and beans. Xi.e dogs attacked the horse during ti.u tem porary absence of Campbell azZ lulled aud devoured it. George Skinner and Peter Si arret, two prospectors, were camped ou tno shores of San Josef bay, Vuueouver island. Skinner one day started out alone, carrying only a shotgun as it weapon. Uu soon met a number oi deer running heltor skelter,. pursued by a pack of wolves, who, when they saw Skinner, made for him. He had a start of iSOO yards aud he ran for his life, but the wolves had all but caught him wbeu be fell panting into his camp. Star ret, his comrade, was iu the tent nud with his rifle kibod aevernl of tl.u leaders. The rest of the pack then de l. Many physician are now prescribing Kodol Iiyjpepsia Cure regularlyj.avlnk found lint it is the best prescription they can write because it is-lhe one prepara tion which contains the eleuntnli necrs ary to diU n jt onlys-iln kinds of fool but all kinds and it therefore cures indigestion and dttpepsia no matter what its raose. I if. Kremer. AiLvia Maku Impure Blood. . Grove's Ta teles Chill Tonie cures Malaria. 50c During the past few uiouths no lest than 30 marines have deserted from the navy yard at More Island. Mrs. James A. Garfield, widow ot tho murdered president, is now in Pasa dena, Cal., where the will spend the winter mouth Mrs. Garfield i acw conipnuied by her daughter, Mrs. J. Stauley Urown, aud tho .lattor's four childreu. Tho recent ruling of the treasury do partinout by which miuor children of L'hiueso parents residing iu the United Etates were permitted to laud iu this couutry without a certificate will uot be adhered to. The department will now return to its former order, under the docisiou of the supremo court, admit, tiug ouly those minor children who are of tender years Mid really requiring parental care. Tho triennial general conveutiou of the Episcopal olinrch of America opened lu Trinity church, Sun Francisco. Tho presence of tIT bishops of the Episcopal church of America, two lord bishops of the Church of England and 350 Amert can olergymeu and laymen, roally repre sented more than 5,000 cuuroucs and missions, huviug an aggregate congre gation of morn than 1,000,000 people. The woman's auxiliary to tho board of missions of tho Episcopal church pre sented tho sum of $104,500 as its united offering to the board for tho use of the missionary bishops. Tina is tho largest offering euer presented iu tho church. The jury in the case of Patrick Clancy, who was tried for tho murder of Attor. uey John N. E. Wilson, at Sail Fran. Cisco, ou May 27 last, returned a verdict of uot guilty. Tho accused; alleged that Wilson had nttacked him with a chair. There wero uo wltnessos to tho shooting. Abo Majors, tho young man who was condemned to die for the murder of Captain Drown of the Ogdon police, but was grunted a now trial by tho supremo court, was, at Logan, Utah, found guilty ot murder iu the second degree by a jury after being out about teu hours. Since the conviuttou ot her boy the mother of 'Majors bus becomo Insane. Tho strike ut Sau Francisco of tho transportation workers and collateral unions, iu which I), 000 men wore in volved, was declared off. Tho Dray men's association agroed to tako back all of its old employees that the indi vidual daiymeu might ueud, but, at tho same time, all efficient men who have been employed to take tho places ot the strikers will be retained. To obtain 20 John O'llrien, a typical tramp, assaulted and rubbed Harry Cal houn, another tramp, at Seattle. Not content with kicking him utmost into insensibility, ho miulo uu attempt to throw Calhoun into the buy. .Unsuc cessful iu this, ho placed Calhoun, who by this timo had becomo unconscious, ou the' Northern l'ucitlo trunk, where ho would have been killed by an iucom ing passenger train had ho not been dis covered nud rescued iu the nick ot tiiuo. O'lirieu wus arrested. "Sir Harry" Wcstwood Cooper, also known as Ernest Moore Chudwick, was scutcuocd by Judge Lawlur ut San l''iiinctseo to servo u term of ten years iu the state's prison at Sail ((ilentlll. Ho was convi'ctud of having forged tho uaiueof Mrs. Mario Schneider of Crock ett to a teli'giuiu that induced Noriuo Schneider, iier daughter, to believe that her mother had given her consent to her marring) with Chadwick. The infor mation also charged a prior conviction. The Duke und Duchess of Coruwall, just botore starting ou their return jour- ucy eastward, wero met on tho wharf at Vancouver by Port Simpson Indians, who were dressed ill skins, mill with painted faces. Tho Indians greeted tho iluke Willi profound veneration when he lauded from the steamer Eiupross of In ilia. Then the chief doffed his mngni. oent headdress and presented it to tho duchess, ller royal highness turned it over and thanked tho Indians as she adinirud It. Tho headdress Is to the In dians what the crown is to a monarchi cal nation, and is regarded by tho In dians with deep veneration. They iissert that It has Is en in tho possession of their trihe for "hundreds of genera- tioiH." It Is made-of hairs and bristles pulled from the beards of sea-lions. After traveling; nearly 7,00) miles since hu left Paulo, Mont., 14 year-old Ueorgio Potter was urrested iu Kose burg, Or., and taken to the county jail at Portland to bo taken homo. He started from home Jan. 1 without a cent u his picket, and reached Seattle by the brako beam and blind baggage route. Thence he went to Nomn, where lie Kold papers, and as fast us he made money gambled it away. Ho worked his way back ou the Oregon, and was his way to San Francisco when a r i l (H '-iiiTed, 111 .which his knees wero injured. Hu was laid up lu the hospital for a week nud was then taken into custody. The r, Mldenee of f'iuiM Spreekels, at Van Ness avenue and Clay street, Sau pi mieiseo, was robbed lol'.vecii 0 and 7 bVloek In the evening and several thou sand dollars' worth of jewelry was lnki.ii.' The burglary was committed Curing the hour w hen the occiipuuts of the mansion wero at dinner, und so skillfully was tho crime planm-d and execu'ed that the jHTpelrntors esenped, having slight cicw for tho detectives to work ujkiii- K lilroud lisioiuotlv.'S using oil as fuel will undergo a remarkable cliaugu lu appearance if the invention of Wiihum J. Thomas, head machinist of tuu North lVillo railro:ul, is adopted. Thomas has mode the Innovation of placing tho cab ot the lecomolive iu front of the engine, just over the ciwcat'.her, and the smokestack, whoso position it occu pies, has b eti removed to the rear. I he engineer is lu this w ay enabled to get a full view of the railroad tracks ly hxjkiug straight uhc.td, through a glaa window, iiisl-ad of, us fornerly, lean ing out of a Hie window. The oil Is brought from tho tender behind the eiigtue lo tit- cab bv n system of, pijies. Henry I'.ray lon, Harris. N. C, fays: "I took medicine 20 year for asthma hut one U tile of One Minute Cough Cure did me morn tool than any 'thing eUe during that time. Hsst Conh Cure. Dr. Kreieer. I'on't aait uutil you become chronical- ly constipated I ut take JfcWill'i Little Early risers now ami then. They will keep your liver and bowels iu good or der. Easy lo tike. Safe pills. Dr. YV. i'. Kremer. NEWS OF THE WORLD. HAPPENINGS OF THE PAST FEW DAYS FROM ALL QUARTERS. Fraudulent Mining Companies at Uair-Soie-liiteruatlonal Rait Trust Chicago l'ollttclmi Cl Jed With Kuibenllng the Ctty'a Money. Governor Stanley baa withdrawn his Offer to give filvor cups to nil triplets born in Kansas during his administra tion. The scheme is too expensive. Thomas G. Sliaughnessy, president ot tho Canadian Pacilio railway, who has been knighted by tho Duke of Cornwall nud York, is nn American by birth, having been born lu Milwaukee iu tho year 1S53. Lostor Relff, the Aruorlonn jockey, lias, by the action ot the Jockey club, had his license withdrawn and been warned oil Newmarket Hoath, Eng land, for unfair riding. Rein aud his friends niako vigorous denial of tho ohargo. Sir Thomas Llptou, ownor of Sham rock II, did uot succeed lu "lifting" the Amorica's enp, as the American yacht Columbia outsailed tho challenger in throe successive races. The last race was a very exciting one, the Columbia wiuuiug by ouly a few seconds. The wholo Gorman press practically agrees thut tho astronomical instruments tnkeu by tho Germans from Pelting wero carried off Illegally. It is sug gested that tho least that can bo done is to deduct the value of the Instruments from the Cuineso indemnity. An International salt trust, which is to obtain control of tho suit mines of tho entire world, has boon luoorporatod In ,New Jersey with a capital of fUO, 000,000, and will issue bonds to the amount of f 12,000,000. Tho now com pany will acquire the National Salt company (which is a monopoly of all tho salt-producing plants iu tho United States), the Ketsof Milling company, tho English Salt company aud nil the principal salt-producipg properties lu Canada aud Groat lirituiu. Mary Dowd Sanford, onco a well known act loss, was found occupying a bare room' iu Philadelphia, without means of support, and with oven tho RKictacles thut interposed between her und blindness pawned to get food. Iu her stage career of 2J years Mrs. San ford bus played with Mary Anderson, Miuliuno Juuuutischck and Kate Clnx ton. "I do not want charity, V sho said. "Vh"at I want is a plaoo to work, whero I can earn my bread. I huvo tried and tried to get an engagement, nud huvo failed. I have uo wardrobe; it went long ago to buy food, lint 1 cuu work as much as my strength allows, and if I could get it would willingly work us a domestic In soiuu family." In criminal session" ut Toronto, tho jury iu tho oaso of Minnie U. Woo ls found her guilty of the crimo of big amy. The accusod was legally divorced, according to tho Michigan law, uud re married iu Canada. Tint charge of tho judge was against tho prisoner, uud ho told the jury that American divorces did not hold good in Canada. A dispatch from Homo nays that ail Austrian unurchist iiauied Ulavouuvich wus arrested while loitering about tho Vatican. It Is reported that It was his intention to murder the pope and Car diuiil Kauipolla. Ho carried a razor. Tho siin)Hact wus heard to threaten the lives of I 'ope Ia'o and Cardinal Kam pollu. Poschii ri, another anarchist, was arrested lu Milan. The Dublin Freeman's. Journal asserts that King Edward and (jiieen Alexandra will arrive in Dublin to attend tho lu rtt Puuchestowil nieo, and will remain it fortnight in Ireland, visiting Lord Lon donderry uud the Duke of Abcrcorn, and gtiing to tho city of IV) fust. Their majesties, however, will not ;( i Into the south ot Ireland. Tho Canadian l'ncilln Railway com pany has decided to niako a new bond issueof (lSl.iKK). Tito company husul.so decided lo puirha-n the Pacilio Naviga tion company, which c nirols 11 steam, ers; to build three new siuamers, one for tho upper lakes, ouo for tho coast trnllle and one f jf the Empress lino A peiiiiou fund ot (250,0 XI will bo estal) lishcd for tho heiielit of the company's employees. Senator ('hauiu'ey M. Dopnw will, lu the near future, in irry Mis M.iyPU mer, whom the senator has known for years. Miss Palmer is iK'tweeu 25 and 10 years of age, her mother being one of the three Hermann sislets of New Or leans, who were noted beauties more than u generation ago. Of the three Hermann slst'is ouo was married lo Mr. Peyton of Virginia, oun is the mother of Miss Palmer and tie- third be came the wits of Hall McAllister, the noted California lawyer. Kotiert E. I'uiko, city nil iiisp ( tor and lie looorat'c bo.s of Chicago, was indicted by the grand jury tor umbo zlcmciit. Hu is charged with having emuez.lcd und appropriated to his own use (M.oo'l iu fees wh'ch hu received timing the year 1!)'), mi l (O.iKii) lu fees Winch he received this year up toilet. 1. Although liurko handed over t.'l'i.uoo to tho city treasurer with the statement that it was to lie used iu Hoiking god any loss to the city, the grand jury would not withdraw the Indictment, as the payment of the money made uo dif ference iu tlie status of the crime. United States Consul MeCook at Oiw son, Yukon territory, has resirted to the state department that fraudulent mining companies aru lieiug promoted at Duwsou ami that worthless stock is being wild lu thu United Status. Con sul MeCisik says piiisctuses are bvlng issued giving as reference prominent governim tit officials und others in Daw-, sou without their authority. He udd that the piomolcis uctualiy pay un earned dividends lu order o sell Die lock. Invarhib.y gertmg together lot O' claims of very litlie value. Shake Into Your Shoo Allen's loot Ease, a powder. It rum painful, smarting, nervous feet and in growing nails, and instantly takes the ting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery nf theater Allen's Foot-EaM) makes tight or new hoe d el easy. It is a certain cure for wealing, callous snd hot, tiled, a. hint feet. Try It to-dy. Sold by all drurj gists and .ihoe- atoms. : mail f r 2c. In stamps. Trial package Free Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, ' Le Roy, N V. Thomas' New Iron llcds Now Colorings, New Et- ' feet?. Now Prices. More Iteil Lounges Popular Prices. . Wall ' Papers In Immense Variety and rieiuitiful Colorings. Artistic Table Coverings ZZc up to 52.50 all the between prices. OurpotH From tho very best looms in' the world. Quality and, Pri ces to suit fho most exacting and economical. Furniture Headquarters. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Furniture afiSP t'arpeis S7.J -'a ft ( Wall. Taper Maun,,., YtV Aii. fmr-kcrv Ueeuirlii,,,, A, ? ft ttPA li.tiirc.Mold- . V. J Tools U'K- Murors illO SIXTH STREET SOUTH AFRICAN WAIL A dlspntcb from Lundeo nays that tho fillers' uttuek oil li'ort llaht proves to have been a far bigger engagement than sould be gathered from the lirst reports. I'ho casualties ou both snies indleat.) tho flerceni'.is of tho struggle. Tho liner casual lies nro plrwod at over ItM. I'ho liritish prisoners say tij liners were buried on farms uud they nusisted in lurrying off 75 wounded. Tho ISoors lost more men than m any previous let ion this year. Tho Hoers hnvo shown Increased tetlvlty at several points recently. At Moedwell tho lioers, l,0ut) strong, under General Delarey, attacked tho c.unp of Uolonel Kelunvich. Tho liners wero re piihind wilh heavy lor.s. The lirltiiU liud four idlU'ei'H killed mid iv! wounded Mid III men killed nud ll'i wounded. I'olotiel Kekowieh wus uniting thu tvouudeil. There lire now U.Ii H) white f rsons iu refugee camps at Llnoinfontcin, wliilo Ihero uro nearly Ki.oili) in tho vario ts camps iu the Orange lliver Oniony, I'liese retpiire 111 railway truekloa i.i of foodstuffs weekly. Tho weekly ileith rale average-! 'J.'O.'mostly from men .!. Kitty per cent of thuviotiuu uie chil dren under jj years. The iii.rlcull.iiral department of Ihu Oniuge Jii ver , 'olom , tuning with tho military, Ih inducing people to take up ugrieultuiu by supply iiig seeds and plows. iiiiu.ii. in: us. A dispatch from Hinila iiunouneea tho ileal h of Alslurrahman Khan, uuieur of Afghaiiinau. The cnuiiuerclal Irmly butwccn.Gtia teiuala und tieriuany has been ro nounced by Guatemala and will censo to Ire iu ell eel Juno '.'J, ID eX A rlhiug of t'arli-U iu Spaiu U feared, aecoi'diug to advices from t 'ai,) t'erbera. Ihey have accumulated, through smug gler!, iM.nnO ritles, mid uuiforuis huvu Is'en bought ut I'erpigiiuu, l-'i-n . . uud lirovght Into Spain lit dillereut placis. Iirge Mi;iplle4 of uiutiiuuiiion have been obtained from t'uta und the l'lnl ipplue i.ilaud. A Yokohama ill putrh snvs then' Ih a inoveiiiuut lu .l,ir.ui lu l.tvor of for ligllnrs (AMilllg laud. It: is el-aVly m ',11 that lee j.nvii' go is mi eerential pr---l'i.'iU!Ue to the ej, atly desire. 1 introduo. tloll Ot to!'. l(;n capital, all'l li e .r.'- -UIO heing I, r an; ill to beer tf) la in:.: .1 " iu! : 'e .'hang') will doubtless r-sn! m I .v ,iji, ,. Ii gislalloil lit the oi'iiinig n of 111 j llut. .'.le-l sin.; I :' N.nlee ,1 1 ., C'tipt tin l.'-aiv, til- o,!i .(oVei'te r of 1 1 mini, 1 ui li'-d etil ilid forced tiie I .i 1 1 v . to n HHtiul an 1 lu .ti'iinotu il cniie.M a'ee I tlial li.uioirt at L aie 1 ; yard, win re ho is in c .mma in t i r lei I ' el eavv I ot tie.' r:ceiviln: Lteliinoinl, ,.i h. ab:,, I ll.i'iii,:-." sing "'I uo r-1 ..r-Se,,u.; I'hu lllue glV' II III' il I nil this w.e, 1,11 .f ,t'i" sail. r. a;,,' Hid w li' I I to ! -,oii and : or iniiu in. Ah iiit a "j .i-:;l -" to in e.i U' l. I. li- c utiv II d (Ol' S O,'., le 1', itoi ,i.i;.'a:u . I'' . Ill til- ll.'iteil M it e lit t'leljl ' el .Southern Oregon AS Ifl.ANI), Htrong course. training of A c a d i in i c Llofei-.-iolial t!io highest exi elli in;". Well npiippi d 1.,!" Ta torien. l'lrstcia'i train ing dept rime n t. I uiainl lor trained teach ers exceeds the supply, lirmlaates ea-ily ti-cuie oiiil positions, II e a u I i f ii 1 Iocs' Ion . Most lll'll.'tllflll CilUliitrt on the roan. Kspciidcs tl-"l to !'" M-r year. Write for i-alal'vun. V. M. able to p.i-n Ilia n uii.muion uud wero gi'iinled hliuro luivo. Tho rest Were loid 10 "stay ill till you know it," aud had to remain within the lines. A large in tj 'lily if tho men deoluro they will not i veil try to learn the song, und thut tiny will not mug it, whether they know it or not, No One Allniveil to Nee rmlgoss. fcituto Superintendent of Prisons Col lins has given out that Cmolgosa, tho murderer nf I'le-jdont McKuiley, must uot bo thu subject of notoriety while in AuIjuiii prison uwaitiug death iu the electric chulr. Uo must not be aeen, and visitors mu.,t uot bo permlttod to enter any part, of tho prison whore knowledge might bo gainod of his loca tion. The warden of tho prison has been ln.-.t!'iu;ted to Inform the guarda and otlH-r employees of. tho prison that tho divulging ot tiny information con. citrnnig bun or his doings will bo cou. tillered a tn ave breach of discipline, and will bo ibalt'wiili accordingly. iViiini'ii r.teip.ei, i oritur,', I iii Pnri4. A cable from 1'trin to (lie Now York World says thut the polio huvu finally . e.'iiitdit tin . e of il gang of women foot. who hnvo hern terrorizing fashion llliie I'le-tdelico parts of the city. Two of the pi nuin rs. ouo of thi ni an years old, tlie i f!i'-r 111, were caught just after ihey had h M up, wilh drawn knives, . wealthy bachelor, who was roturuing homo ut, miiliilght. The mini hail allowed hiuiHolf t'i lie relieved of his ni -ii y, watch and jewels, but hud fol low eil limK'bhers at a safe distanco until they reached the boulevards, white thcio Vivre mil! many people. An outcry then caused a chuao, which .uhh'd lu thi'ir capture. ; - 'I he other Woman bandit is 40) years ild ami is stronger than most men. Hho uiudu tho mistake of stoppiug a secret ti'Tvici) ii 1:1 u , who, at sight of her drawu revolver, iii.Muiitly knocked her down niihu blow mi tho mouth. Ho tuau ie.l to lianilruii Iter, hut ouly after a t' ice ball!", In the ciutv,o of which alio I la olf h.ilf o" hi.-, left ear. The Lr.V'ari.'.u br 'gauds who ki luaped Miss rt one, tiie American missionary, mid are lioMin brr for a lurgo ransom,' havj x' elided the tuau for payment'.' ..uu ui mill. ' In a bloody 11,-lit at tuy L'uiuti Laptiat, .'iuueh ai- Lo .pt in:s, ten miles from' J':i.eo!l, 'J tuu., four men wcru killed, j '.wo nioitally wuttnded and three loss' i -a ''y. The shotting grew cut of uu' .i l ! iiniiv !' u I h'.'tueeii tho Morgans! 11 ( 'le 1 ' . V I ll IMI'I t 1 V ! t, ' el . V t lo ! ' .vol:. tlt.lltl I tlelt lion I h it f ir two rrorati.l a'uinyniieo' i aii'l r i Dehors on l'iniv M OLru '"'tiitiy, Oil., was i i.o'i:. It nna-iired elghsj .!. l. ;,tt..', sle'ep, j.is; ' ii ivu U'i'ii too victims Norris Sliver, North Stratfonl, N. II.: ' I I'tui lia-i! .1 a bottle of One Minute t oiuvi ( uie Inn k'Ui'iiriiig with a rough d i tois (oi, I me hih iiii'iiruhle. One hot tic relieved no-, tne nccond Und third al most cum il. 'l'o-dav lam a well man." Or. W. I- . K no hit." Stats Kcrmal School. ORK'JON. -it '7 l-rii'-S ' ' ' i , '-'-1 1 t t CLAY