Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 10, 1901, Image 3

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    WASHINGTON with his hatchet could say
that we have the Finest Creamery Butter
made in the State of Oregon.
petitors at the State Fair for the Finest Creamery Butter
Is the record of the Albany Produce Co., who make the
celebrated "Clover Leaf" for us exclusively.
Evaporated Peaches (not new stock) 5o
Morning Meal (21b pkg rolled wheat) 10c
White Comb Honey, 1-ib raine 12Ao
25 Pounds Pink Beans fl.GO
In TEAS we have all the leading kinds. A very
good 8 u n dried at 50c.
PICKLES in kegs.
A.U" kinds of Syrups and Sorghum.
Our ROLLED OATS are Fresh.
Remember tbe place,
Dairy Salt, in 50s 75c
HU Ground or Stock Salt, 50s 50o
Box of Soda Crackers (11 lbs. gross) COo
Petite Prunes, to close out 3c
I No. 1 Green Salvador. 8 lbs for H.00
PfirrPF 7 Something a little better, 7 lbs 1.00
OUT l Lb Best Gautemala,Caracolor Pea-
berry 20o
In Roust Coffee we have something good at 7
lbs for 11.00 ; or we can give a geod Mocha
and JaVa 3 lbs for $1.00.
Nyw Mine Robbed.
Tbe Bill Ny mine on Galls Creek,
lour miles South ol Gold Hill, owned by
Nye A Worlman ol Medford, bas been
robbed of ore, the value of which was un
doubtedly over $5,000. The loss was
discovered tbe fore part of this week but
there is no way of obtaining the exact
auiouot that bas been extracted from
the tunnel. The mine was not being
worked but was (ecuerly locked. Tbe
robber were well prepared to execute
tbe deed and an immense auiouut of very
rich ore was easily within reach when
the tuunel had once been entered. The
lose was not discovered nntil a day or
so alter the robbery, giving the perpe
trators ample time to cover up any clue.
trail of ore was tollowed for a mile
down the creek, this dropping from a
sack as it was carried away. Here all
evidence comes to an end and as yet
nothing further bas been found on which
to work.
The owners of the property offer a re
ward of $1,090 for the capture and con
viction of the robbers. Town Talk.
A Good Heating Stove
Should have throe points of excellence name
ly: a Moderate Price, be a Wood Saver, and
have a large Radiating Surface. All three
of these are possessed by our line of Air
Tight Heaters. We carry a large stock of
all Sheet Steel or Steel and Cast Fronts and
Bottoms, We have plenty of Stove Pipe and
Cramer Bros.
Ladiet I am Agent tor a Chicago
Cloak house. Can save you one-tbird
or more on Coats.
Has. C. J. Kietu.
Sporting Goods....
We have a full supply of everything needed
by the Sportsman whether he be Fisher or
Take a look at our display window and
if you do not find what you want come inside
and we will supply you.
Hiiir-Riddlo Hardware Co.
Millinery Opening.
; Thursday 10th, Friday 11th, andSaturday 12th,
Displaying Fall and Winter styles of
iAJarjri2itiv nvx i:tc-.,
, from the Eastern and Coast cities. You are invited to call
I and inspect my stock of Millinery and Trimmings.
Successor to Mrs. WEIDMAN,
MISS BERTHA BARKIE w isles to say to her friends that she will be pleased to
ee them in her line of work, at Mr. Weidman's old stand with Miss Weston, cor
ner 7th and Front street, Grants Pass, Ore.
The Old Reliable Implement - House
of Southern Oregon still leads in a largo new stock of
Plows, Drag-tooth, Spring-tooth and Disk Harrows. Farm
and Heavy-draft Wagons, Hacks, Carriages and Buggies.
Plow repairs, Waterand Gas Pipe, Plumbing Roods,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oils Etc.
II. 0. McGroskey....
Another shipment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's
Shoes in the Rope Stitch in Patent Leather and
Box Calf.
Children's SCHOOL SHOES in Light and
Heavy Extension Soles.
1 Door North of 11 Nation Bank.
...1 0. McCroskey
Miss Mae Davis returned from Portland
J. A. Ahlf made Roseburg a business
visit this week.
Mrs. A. Smith made a trip to Sams
Valley Tuesday.
Sheriff Lister and wife returned from
Portland Tuesday.
Mis Haitie Silsby went to Ashland
Saturday on a visit.
Miss Mabel Smith has gone to Eugene
to enter the State University.
Miss Mollie John of Williams has been
pending a number of days in town.
Mrs. II. C. Kinney went to Portland
Tuesday evening for a short visit.
Sam Bennett has gone to Eugene to
accept a position on the Regitter.
Herliert Yost, of Portland, is now
visiting his grand-parenia, Mr. and
Mrs. Volney Colyig.
Ueo'ge Sloverhaa srone to Portland to
enter tbe employ of Long & Co., dealers
in fire fighters' supplies, etc.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher and baby of
Jefferson are visiting Mr. Fletcher's
mother, Mrs. A. S. Anderson
Wm . Hale Thompson and his mother
returned to Chicago Monday after visit
ing the Harver & Thompson property
on Galice.
Len Martin bas gone to Galice to
work in the mines. He bas been here
several weeks attending to the wants of
a sick partner, who is now recovering.
Mrs. Osborn and daughters, Mrs,
Mclnnis and Misses Fannie, Inei and
Irma, with Mre. T. G. Haven visited the
latters mother, Mrs. Baldwi n of Merlin
Prof. J. W. Likens of San Francisco
visited Dr. nnd Mrs. A. P. Harth this
week, returning home Wednesday,
The professor holds a chair in the dent
al college at San Francisco.
Dr. Flanagan returned from San Fran
cisco Tuesday night and report that
David Halliday stood the trip well and
that there ia every reason to look for
his recovery.
Mrs. A. 11. Osborn and daughters of
Soda Springs visited their old home at
Tunnel 9 a few days last week. Tbey
drove out with a team camping on the
road and reported a nice trip. ,
Rev. J. W. McDougal pastor of the
Newman M. E. Church has arrived from
Carson City, Mich,, and I now located
in the parsonage. A reception was
given hin last Wednesday at the chmch
by the members.
Mrs. G. B. McEwan, who lately arrived
from Astoria, bas opened dresa making
parlors in the Ahlf building on 5th street,
occupying Iront rooms on tne second
floor which have been nicely fitted up.
C. L. Clevenger attended the conven
tion of photographers last week at Port
land. He took with him a splendid col
lection of Southern Oregon mining and
scenic views which will be on exhibition
during the exposition.
Rev. Chas. W. Hays and H. C. Kinney
left on Monday for Yoncolla to attend
Presbytery ; Irom there they go to Baker
City to attend the meeting of the Synod
of Oregon.
A number of friends of Mrs. Osborn
gave tliem a party last rnday evening
the time was enjoyably spent daucing
and all had a icoud timn. Mrs. Osboru
and the girl departed for Ashland Sun
day morning.
Mrs. R. M. Foster, Mrs. Whitney and
Mia. May of Ashland, Mr. and M
Hurdaud Miss Ilene Webber of Med'
ford, Mrs. N. DeLainatter and Mrs.
Wells of Gold Hill csaie to Grants Pass
to attend tbe funeral of Kev. Charles
Booth. '
Ueoige Hall returned from Dawson
City Monday evening, after a three
years stay in Alaska. George has been
playing in a band there and says be likes
the country very much. He expects to
remain here until spring, and will proba
bly return to Alaska.
Mr. Hair, mother of W. M. Hair of
this place, his brother and his sister
Mrs. I.indley and husband Dr. Lindley
and two children arrived Friday evenin
from eastern Nebraska. Tbey will
main for som tiuie snd possibly locate
here. Tbe three gentlemen want for
hunting trip on Evan Creek Monday
B. I. Plummer returned from tbe Eaai
last week and ia now behind tbe counter
at lb Opera Hons market. M r. Plum'
mer, during the past three room lis, bas
traveled extensively over the New Eng
land states, and it was hi intention to
begonia year or more, bnt bethink
Grant Psas Is a littl better than "all
right." Mr. Plummer is a straight
forward an I woithy young mm and w
re glsd 10 welcome bim back
Mr. and Mr. V. A . Cord arrived from
San Francisco Tueaday evening and
left Wednesday evening for Chicago,
They elate that three new diplomas
have been received ; one at Sacramento
fair, aud from tbe Salem and Ashland
(airs, A good display of tbe pin need!
goods i on exhibition at ths Portland
exposition and i attracting favorable
comu.eot. lh factory hart will receive
pine needle from now on.
G. P. Be.nklr & Truat Co.
The Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
now located in it new building on
6th street and although workmen are
atill busy putting on tbe finishing
louche the bank i doing an immense
amount of basiness. The vault la made
especially large and safety deposit boxes
ill be pat in as soon as the masonry is
sufficiently dried. These boxes are
supplied with two keys, one for the cus
tomer, tbe other for cashier, and both
are necessary to open the box. Thi,
discloses a metal box which can be re
moved and taken to a person's place of
business if tbe customer does not wish
to look over his valuable at the bank.
Tbe cost of a box ia 2 a year.
The bank ha inaugurated a number
of departures which are appreciated by
the business men and tbey have gained
business by so doing.
A never failing cure for cuts, burns
scalds, ulcers, wounds and sore 1 De-
Witt's Witcb Hazel Salve. A most sooth
ing aud healing remedy for all skin affec
tions. Accept only the genuine. Dr.
Mall Contracts Called For.
Postmaster General Charles Emory
Smith has invited proposals for carrying
the United States mails oa the various
Oregon routes. The contracts that ef
fect this county are the Williams and
Crescent City routes which are as fol
lows :
No. 73305 Giants Pass to Williams
and return six times esch week ; 19.00
miles; former contract price $498.37,
sublet at (337.60. Bond required $2,00.
No. 73300. Grant Pass to Crescent
City, California, and return seven times
each week; 97.64 miles; former contract
price $5,400; bond required $10,000.
Bids will be received up to Dec. 31,
1901: contracts to take effect July I,
1902 and continuing until June 30, 1900,
BOOTH At his home In Grants Pass,
Or., Thursdav, October 3, Hev.
Charlos Booth', rector of tho Episco
pal church, a (fad 62 years.
The announcement ot the death of
tho Rev. Booth was a shock to the
residents of thia place aa he was not
supposed to be in a dangerous con
dition until the day of bis death, low of
our people knowing he wag ill, he being-confined
to the home only about a
week. The funeral service were held
at St. Luke s Episcopal church Sun
day afternoon, conducted by the Right
Reverend B. Westor Morris, bishop of
Oregon, and Rev. John Dawson, of
Roseburg. The church was crowded
to the doors and scores of people could
not gain admittance. Flowers were
abundant, tributes being sent from all
the valley towns where Mr. Booth was
so well known and universally revered.
The entire family of thedlsoeosod, num
bering nine children wore present,a son
coming from Newport and a daughter
from Seattle. The body lay In state at
the church for several hours before the
funeral and scores ot people called to
pay a last tribute to the departed. His
death Is universally mourned as he
was a kind, cultured, Christian gcntlo-
niun, beloved by all who knew him.
SIMMONS At Grants Pais, Or., Sun
day, October 6, 1901, George Simmons
aged year.
George Simmon was one of tb old
and well known Oregon pioneers having
resided near Waldo about 46 years, en
gaged in mining ; ths Simmons brothers
having very valuable property there.
Tb funeral service were held at the
M. E. church south, Tuesday, Kev. T. P.
Haynes, conducting the services. The
O. U. W. lodg attending In a body
Mr. Simmon was one of the first mem
bers ot the lodge in Oregon.
$13,00 to $18.00 k Week
salary lor an Intelligent niau or wo-J
man In each town. Permanent posi
tion. 30 cents per hour for spare time.
Manufacturer, Box 1102, Chicago.
Attention, Voters.
To entitle you to vote at lb city
election on Monday, December 2nd, you
must be registered by November 1st be
fore tbe auditor and police judge who
will bo at the city ball each day.
Photographic Paper. .
Amateur photographers can find
in my stock nearly every kind ot paper
tbey may require aud in fact every
thing nsedtul for picture making.
have on hand nearly all aixea of Carbon
and Special Portrait Vclox, Velox Postal
Cards, Soiio, Lithium, Aristo Self Toner,
Dekko, W. D. Platiuuin. Let uie know
your photographic want.
A. E. Voobiiii
Bcwirs of Ointments for Catarrh thai Con
tain Mercury
As mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
tb whole system when entering it
through tbe mucous surfsces. Such
article should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable pbysicisns,
aa tb damage tbey will do is ten fold to
tb good yon can possible derive from
them. Hall's Catakkh Curi, manu
factured by F. J. Cuknky & Co. Toledo,
O. contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of tbe
system. In buying Haifa Catarru Cure
be snre you get tbe genuine. It is taken
internally, and made In Toledo, Ohio
by F, J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials,
Sold by drugirisla, 75c. per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are tbe best.
Advertised Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remain
ng uncalled for In the Grants Pass post-
oltlr, Saturday Oct. 6, 1901 :
LA 1)1 K.
Cupper, Mrs Mary, McWheaten MrsC II
Yaurey, Miss r.tnei,
Doherty, Wforu. Csale, 8 K.
Grout, T. Perry, Hayes, W A
Lull, A M, Maitin.J,
Philpot, M J, Porter, Edwin P,
Pickets, Jno H, Swhreet, Eilward.
e Oagine, Monsieur Ueorge,
O. E. HaauoM. P. M.
Card of Thtwika.
We wish to express our s.nores
thanks to tbe friends ami members of
Grants Pass Assembly United Artisan
who so kindly rendered assistance inou
ssd affliction.
Mas. Gkohux II. Hillkb,
Mas. IiBlNT,
IIxNar Hulks.
Tbe A. O. U. W. lodg wishes to pub
licly express their thanks to the mem
bers of the Presbyterian choir lor sing
ing at tbe funeral of their brother George
MrsCtias. Booth and family wish to
extend their deepest thank to tl
many friends who so lovingly helped
and comforted them in .their great
Holllde.y Tsvken Homo.
D. Holliday wbo was shot by Frank
McCano has so far recovered that b
wa taken U hi bom in San Francisco
Saturday ia charge ol Dr. Flanagan,
Mr. Holliday ba been in a critical con
dition ever since tb shooting but hope
ar now entertained for bis complete
McCsan, who did the shooting was
indicted Iby District Attorney Keame
Last Friday charged with asssult with
dacterou weapon.
Xocal tappentnoa
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist. - -
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
Whip, 10c to $2.60 at Hackelt'a.
Cash for Gold Dust at Cramer Bros
M. Clement, Prescription Druggist.
Garland Range from $16.00 op at
Cramer Bros .
Kodak films fresh every week at the
Codbieb. office.
A splendid line ot Royal Charter Oak
Range at Coron'a.
Have you aeen the new Mosaic stove
boards at Cramer Bros?
Barnes ot all Kinds, Grade snd
Price at Hackett's.
Mrs. Rehkoffcsn ssv you money on
Ladies and Children'aWinterUnderwear.
Sherman-William Paint.
Hair-Riddl Hardware Co.
Mrs. Rehkoff has an elegant Una of
readvtowear fall hat. The nobbiest
of the nobby, new styles.
When you get ready to bay a fall or
winter hat ramember that Mr. Rehkoff
baa a swell line and price that defy
Scott Griffin handle Ashland floor,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat tor
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats..
Mayor Rowe, ot Portland, was held
up on the street ol that oity a few days
ago aud relieved of his valuables. It is
now said that he wa held op with a
broken bicycle wrench.
Tbe residence ot A. 8. Rosenbauin,
th 8. P. agent at Wolf Creek, was de
stroyed by fire tb night ot the 2nd,
together with all th content, involving
a loss ot about $300. The origin of tbe
fire is not certain but it is supposed to
have originated from th explosion of a
lamp burning. No one was in th boat
at the time.
Th Edison biograph is a wonderlul
ins.rumsnt and aside Irom the especial
interest attached to the Passion Play,
the entertainment will be well worth
time and money.
Golden Star Soap 25c
Grants Pass Grocery Co.
Calhoun's old Stand.
Nothing to gain by putting off buying Fall
and Winter Clothes. You may as well
see the stock when full, and have choice of it all.
When you see yourself in a suit that fits you body
and mind and pocket-book too you'll be glad that
you came in. If we don't fit you in three ways,
don't buy. If you change your mind, come back
and you'll get your money back, every cent of it.
$5.00, $5.50, $0.00, $6.50, $7.50, $10.00
for good First-class Tailored Men's Suits.
P. H. Harth & Son.
Headquarters for Boys' Clothing.
Stepped Into Live CoeJa,
"When a child I burned my foot
frightfully," writes W. It. Eada of
Jonesville, Va , "which caused horrible
leg sore for 30 years, but Buck len'
Arnica Salve wholly cured mo after
everything else tailed.". Infallible for
Burn, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruisss snd
Piles. Sold by Dr, Kremer 25c.
What'e Your Face Worth?
Sometime a fortune, but never, If you
have a sallow complexion, a jsutidiced
look, moth patches and blotches on the
skin, all signs of Liver Trouble. Hut
Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear
Sain, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complex
ion. Only 25 cents at Dr. Kremer'
Iirug Store.
Specle.1 Meeting,
All member of Uolden Rule lodge
I. O. O. F. are earnestly requested to be
present on Saturday evening, October
12th, 11)01, as business of importance ia
to be traucacted. J. II. Cully, N. U.
T. Y. Dkah, R. Sec'y.
(Irani Pass, Ore., Oct. 1901.
Ths But Prucrlpttoa lor Malaria
Chill and Fver I a bottle ol drove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It la simply Iron
and Quinine iu a tasteless lorin. No
cure, no pay. Price 60c.
Pine Needlee Wanted
By the Oregon Pin Needle Fiber Co,
at the old school building,
A Garland Rang Irom $16; np at
Cramer Bros.
A. E. Voorhies can supply yon with
anything needed in the photograph line,
either amateur ur professional supplies.
See the Passion Play a enacted at
Oberammsrgau, Bavaria, at the opera
house Friday night. Life lis moving
On ot the wonder ol the age will
give you a perfect representation ot the
Paasion Play at the opera bouse Friday
Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows with
all extras at Cramer Rros.
The Mod ford city council ba passed
an ordinance allowing one-legged bicy
clist to ride on the sidewalk from No
vember I to April 1,
Dr. Van Dyke wlsbe to announce that
he has resumed practice and can be found
at his office In Opera House block over
the Post Office.
Merlin school will soon have the addi
tion ot auother teacher. Tbe school
room has been receiving a number of
necessary articles, among them a new
The Portland excursionists have near
ly all returned. 0. L. Clevenger stop
ped off at Roseburg to call on triends
and to get view ot soldiers' home and
other point.
Auother doten Brownie Camera re
ceived. You can leain on a Brownie a
well aa on a $30 instrument, and at a
very much leas expense. '
Any kind ot ri&e yon may need will
be lound at Cramer Bros.
Th Queen ol llaytl 1 billed tor
Saturday. This Is an aggregation of
colored gentry and are expected to put
np a flrst-clas minstrel performance.
There will ba no preaching service at
the Presbyterian church next Sunday,
owing to the absence from the city ot the
pastor. Sunday school and Christian
Endeavor service will be held a usual
D. A. Cord write (rum San Francisco
that tbey will be in Oranta Pasa thia
week, and the Pin Needle factory will
commence operations and will continue
running. Mr' and Mrs. Cords will re
main here but a ahort time a busmen
calls them to th East.
Fish are biting wall, and the right
kind of flies it kept at Cramer Bros
Another shooting accident occurred at
Ashland Thursday in which Ed Miller
was shot In tb foot by Ham Cherry, a
10-year old lad who wa playing with a
22 rifle. Just aa Miller passed In front
of the gun, Cherry accidently pulled tbe
trigger, th ball entering the right instep,
Tbe Oak Flat property is now a scene of
activity ,as Mr. M. J. P. Olll with a force
ol 12 men went to th property Mouday
with the intention ol commencing active
operations. Mr. QUI la a miner ol ex
perience and ability, having mined ex
tenslvsly in all sections. Mrs. Gill ac
companied her husband from Denver,
Tbe Ott store and blacksmith shop
In Merlin will change hand N ovember
l,and tb proprietor will soon take their
departure for tb Sound. The father will
than go to Missouri to visit bit father
who I now 03 years old.
The trial ol B. F. Durpby, who I well
known in southorn Oregon, on a charge
ol polygamy, ia set (or trial at Portland
this week. Durpby, . th defendant,
who ba been in Eureka, Calif, attend'
Ing to hi lumber interest, is on band
and there I no likelihood ol any post
poneinont. Durpby assert that parlies
have bad this case brought against bim
from wrongful motives, and not in tbe
interests ol justice. He was divorced
from both his wives; but It Is said be
was married to bis second wife before be
was divorced from tbe first on. Time.
The lecture at the opera house Tues
day evening by Jay Wm. Hudson, on
The heroes of the Golden Ago" wo
fairly-woll attended and after tho locturo
expressions of satisfaction and enjoy
ment were all that could ba heard. It
Is certain all who attended folt amply
repaid. Mr Hudson not Only entertained
the audionco whllo at tho hall'but gave
thorn something- to think about after
Umbrella, Recovered.
A countryman noticing on a shop iront
in Portland, tign "Umbrella Recov
ered," stepped inside and askod the pro
prietor it he could recover hi umbrella.
Certainly," wa the reply ; "where 1
It?" "Oh I it I knew that, I could re
cover it myself," said the customer. "I
stood it in a comer at the Exposition
last night and I haven't seen It since."
He wa informed that it waa not tbe bus
iness ol tha Arm to bunt up umbrellas,
but to recover them after they were
brought in.
Ki kTV Bhsep; all Kwes, three
ttJJ years old. Address
or four
Central Point, Ore.
WATCH On th railroad between
Hloodv Kun and Savaxe Uanidt. Sun
day, Out. 0, Kuipirs movement, gold hunt
ing cae waicn, wun iou cnain uiaue up or
steel chain ana Uarman dollar.
Fiudsr please leave at timythe's gsllery
opposite court bouse.
A POCKET HOOK waa left at llarth's
store Monday. Ownsr can describe
GOLD ring found on the Merlin road.
Inquire of Mrs. O, H. 1'arker.
UKSIliKNCKtl. We have three iwd
dence properties for sale an follows:
13SI0.0U, aoo wuh lot yiiiuu, and Slowi witu
lot luuxiou. inquire ol A. fc. Voorliiea.
A good residence lot SOiloO on nortb
main street cheap, tor particulars
inquire at Una oUice.
QUARTZ mine on Mt Reuben, one mile
Irom ths Lawreuc uiiue. 10 miles
fruiu l.eland. There is an open cut oibO
feel in leugui by JO feet in . depth, aipoa
uiK a vein ot over 4 feet wide awuiyiug 30
per Urn. An arras Ira Is now beiuic put up
on the property. This property can be
purchased at a reanouam price now. in
quire at ibis oiflce or call ur address J, W.
trades, Lelaud, Ore.
rTvUKKK FuU Colonies of Italisn Bees;
A I'sumt bivua. Inquire at this oiUce.
pOUU lots, 1(J0i2SO feet, with small dwel
1 ling, exuellvut location, lor sals at a
bargaiu. inquire at thia olhce.
Kurth, C street between 2d and td.
IIAVINO Mining interests that require
"my atuintioii 1 will bell my Mock con
sisting ot lients turnuhlug goods, bhOua,
ilnts Cups, MoUuns, etc,, at leas than cost,
as a wbois or In lota to suit purchaser
11. A. Keen,
Odd Fellows building.
I U1U I K8, carriages and mountain hacks.
Any one thinking of buying any of
the alwve, it will pay Uieiu logo to Uehaopf
and HailcU and enuuiiue their vehicles aud
am tlieir prices and terms before buying.
They also carry th liuukey mower aud
rake. Kaiuaiuber the place, UtU street
opposite beooud-liand store.
JASH paid for gold dust. -Cramer Bros.
rpAKti your wheel to Cramer Bros.
Ladies' Tailor Made Suits,
Wo have some Special features in the way ol tho New I'Ycnch Fitting Hack that is mooting with
popular favor. Tho StrongoHt lino of Ladies Garments that will bo shown in tho city this Fall, you will
find in our Cloak Department. And if you aro interested in Correct Styles, Prices, Quality and tho
most perfect fitting garment to bo found on tho market, wo havo something to oiler you that you cannot
afford to miss.
Wo havo listed a few Garments in tli'm advertisement that will givo you somo idea of our Stock, and will,
wo think, impress you with our ability to show you Values, Assortment and Styles far superior to thoso
shown by any other Houso in tho city.
frr Cf) Ladies full 3-4 length Oxford Gray
pJ,OU QQZi with Stitched Yoke, Velvet
Piping, Fino Satin welt, Lined throughout,
New Bell-shaped Sleeve; an exceptional val
uo at IS.00. Our price $5.50.
CZ Eft Ladies Fine Black Kersey mado
pUOU Up plai,,t Coat-rolling Collar, Seven
Rows Stitching at bottom, Fino Satin welt,
Lined throughout, French Fitting Back; un
matchablo at $8.50, Our prico $0.50.
QZ rn Ladies Hain Heavy all wool Cho
PU.OU vi0t Coat, 30 inches length, Silk
Lined throughout, Tailor Stitched Coat Col
lar tnd Sleeves. It is doubtful whether you
would bo able to duplicate the garment un
der $10.00. Our prico $0.50.
7 tZ Ladies Black and Bluo all wool lai-
lor niado Suit, Nicely made, Good
Linings and Trimmings. Special value, $0.75.
Ladies Black Fur Trimmed
Boucho Capo
$1.60 Child'sBox Coat with Cape. Good Cloth. $1.50
At the Big Store of R. L. COE & CO.