Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 10, 1901, Image 1

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No. 46
Ot $1 . per share, or
$50,000 . of the Capital
Stock of the Oregon Nat
ural Gas, Oil & Alining
Company, is now offered
for sale to the general
public for
10 cts, on the Dollar
10 cts. a Share.
This money will be used in
drilling an Oil well on lands that
are controlled by this company,
which is in the center of the Oil
District known as the North Grants
Pass Oil district. This company
has contracts on the following well
known ranches in this District.
They have all signed a card similar
to this,
Mrs Mary I Jordon,
James Deveny,
G M Savage,
J J Fryer,
John Deveny,
B B Ochiltree,
W J Savage,
Mrs Jessie Deveny,
Dr V H Flanagan,
W M Bishop,
J G Dotson, .
J S Harvey,
J N Carter,
The above ranches embrace
.several thousand acres of land of
the best indications for OiL.that our
scents could find on the Pacific
Coast and thev have been from
Washington to Mexico.
You know that if Oil. Natural
Gas or Artesian Water is found in
Josephine county it will more than
double the value of all property
and for that purpose alone you can
encourage the prospecting for
Oil, or Artesian Water by taking a
few shares of stock.
Cut this out and send it, with $2.50 to
Scott Griffln.
Oregon Nature.! Gas, Oil and
Mining Company.
To Scott Griffin, Secretary, Grants
Pass, Oregon.
Vnrlnced nlease find the sum of
$2.$o to secure option on looshares
of stock in the Oregon Natural
Gas, Oil and Mining Company, of
Grants Pass, Oregon, of the par
value of $i per share, I to have the
option of paying 35 cents a share
on or before you begin dtillitig; or
50 cents a share on or before 500
feet depth has been reached; or
thereafter $1 par value until a well
is completed to the depth of 1000
feet; the amount paid herein is to
be credited on the stocks accepted.
It is expressly understood that you
are to commence drilling on or be
fore six months from date or refund
to me the amount piid. Please
forward receipt for amount en
closed. Dated this
Name of Sender
P. O. Address of
A Gain ot 240 to 1.
Th following tahle eihihits the in
treaee in the market value I the oil
locks of ten different companies:
Price of Stock
..$ M
.. 1.00
.. I to
.. 20
.. 3 00
.. 100
drilling I
New York Oil Co.....
Union Oil Co.
Kern Oil Co.,
San Joaupuu..
Thirty 'Hire Oil Co ,.
Sterling Oil Co ,. . ..
Taent Kieht Oil Co.,
Kern River,
$ 200.00
37 60
10 (X)
13 60
3 40
2 15
20 00
8.00 1U26.17
Each of these companie was organ
aed lea than two year ago. $8.
00 tnvested in these ten companies
would have realiieil a net sum ol 15:.
17, gain of over 240 to 1.
Buy tocss in the Oregon Natural lias.
Out and Mining Company at 10 cent
hare for $1.00 ahares, uon a.sessabli
tock. Buy before they drill.
For further information call on
The Natural Gas, Oil;
Mining Company.
Grants Pass, Ore.
Office, Room 2 over Tost Office. Residence
Booth House, 7lh and A.
General Practitioner of
Office iu Williams Block
Practice! in all State and Federal Courts
Office over Firet National Bank.
Grants Pads, - - Obegon.
U. 8. DEPUTY . .
Willis Kramer
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family Floui
And Everything that goes with First
Class Milling.
For sale by, Delematkr,
Wadb and Cornku..
Call (or It; same price as other brands
OmceopiKMite Hotel Josephine
(Jhahts Pass, ' Okkion.
Furniture and Piano
The popular barber chop
Get your tonsorial work done at
Ou Sixth Street Three chairs
Hath room in connection
Full assortment of Watches, Clucks, Pib
rerwear and Jewelry. A Cieod
Assortment of Bracelets and
Heart Itanglus,
Clement' Drug Store.
Fine Butter a Specialty
Tuom 21
rSS' jlin si $r$&m&
J. B. PADHJCK, I'koi b.
I am prepared to furnish anything in
Nearly thirty years of experience in
that I can fill your orders in the very
Can furnish work in Pcotch, Swede
Front Street Neil lo Greene' Gur.sliop.
Prices 5 to 150
125 Geary Street, SAN fRANCISCO, CAL.
33 .A. IK
Capital Stock, - - $50,000.
Receive droosits subject to check or on
certificate parable on demand.
Sell suzht draft on flew Tork, San Fran
cisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfer told on all point In
the United States.
Special Attention given to Collections and
general busineae of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern
Oregon, and on all acoesaibla points.
R. A. BOOTH, President.
J. C. CAMPBELL, Vic President.
II. L.GILKEY, Cashier.
Grants Pass
Banking and Trust Go.
Transacts a general Banking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or
on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous
treatment and eveiy consideration con
sistent with sound banking principles.
J. Frank Watson, Pres.
Ecus Pollock, Vice-Pres.
L. L. Jkwei.l, Cashier.
Ihia question arise in the family
very day. Let us answer it to-day.
Trv Jell-O, a delicious and healthful
dessert. Prepared in two minules. No
boiling 1 no baking 1 simply add boiling
water and set to cool. Flavors: Lem
on, Orange, Rasberry and Strawberry.
Met a package at your giocera to day
10 cts.
County Treasurer' Notice,
Notice ia hereby given that there are
funds in the county treasuiy, for the re'
deroptiou of the following warrants, pro
tested to April 7th, 1X113. Iuterest on
same will cease from this date, Heplera
ber 11th. 1P01:
Nua. Nos.
35 S
77 91
202 152
' 40 3-9
1U0 15S
237 238
31 245
J. T. Taylui,
. County Treasurer.
To.Arche L. Lewis:
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed, your co-owners in the placer
minimi claim situated on Kogue river,
in Josephine Co'inty and known as the
"Horseshoe" mining claim, located ty
Charles II. Kwing, .May 21, 18DG, the
notice of which is rec rlud at page 410
Vol. U, of the Miscellaneous Mining
Records of Joeeuliine County, Oreiron
that unless you contribute and pay to
aid uiidersluned co-owners wittiin
ninety day from the data of the first
publication of this notice, the sum of
Seventy live Dollars, ($75 00) the aam
being your proportion of the cost ol
anR'uri!' tt&or dono nn said claim in order
to protect the title thereto during the
years 18:, lttOD, HIOJ, your one-fourth
intcrrst tlieiein will be lurleiled to your
W. E. pECKweH,
E, U. Francis. 2H, 1901.
In accordance with the requirements
of the laws ol the Stale of Orenon, rela
live to insurance companies, notice is
hereby given that
The Lancashire Insurance Company
of Manchester, England, desiring tt
cease doin business within the Btatt
ol Oregon, intends to withdraw its de-
posit w ith the Treasurer of said State and
will, if no claim ihall be filed with the
Insurance Commissioner within si
months from the 2.'ul day of July, l'.rOI
withdraw its druosit from the State
Tiik Lascabiii K Insikanci ConrAxr
. ltV M ANM & Vi IWON
Managers for Hie i'arilic Coast
D.ileil at Ssn Fraucisco, this 15lli. day ol
July, 1SKH.
the line ol Cemetery work In any kin
the Marble business warrant my saying
best manner.
or American Granite or any kind o
Latest NEW PROCESS Records
KlllrxJ ami Kftten hy m Grimly I.In (
Clipper Ship llvtweea Vancouver aatl
Urarpool Leader of th "Home'
Colo a j of Anarch Ut ArreaUd.
Fresno, Col., is to have an electrio
railway system 23 miles long.
A uew schema for supplying cheap
labor to the Klondike i being carried
ont in Vancouver, II. O. Some huu
dreda of Japanese contract laborers will
go north and work iu the niiues of tho
Yukon for wages of about $1 a day.
Mrs. J. A. Slater, residing at 269 North
Second street, Los Angeles, whtlo eating
mussels found a enbstuueo coutninod In
the bivalve of unusual appearanoe. It
proved to be a b'.ack pearl, estimated by
local jewelers to bo worth $150.
A new line of railroad is projected
from Bukerstiold, Col., to Port Harford.
The road, which will comprise about 140
miles of track, ia intended as au outlet
for the oil and grain ot tho lower oau
Joaquin stctiou.
Tho Pacific Coast Oil compauy has in
contemplation tho building of a pipo
ue between the Kern river oil Hold ami
Point Richmond. ' Kuarly $1,000,000
will be expended ou the work and thou
sands of uieu will bo employed.
A new line of sailing vessels is to be
put ou between Vancouver, B. O., and
Liverpool, England. It is Intended to
put ou. fonr clipper ships at first aud
others will theu he built in aucouver,
They will all be steel ships, and ns largo
capital is available fur the venture it is
expected that it will boa big success.
General cargoes of cannery supplies.
ment .nnd other products will bo
brought out hero mid return cargoes
ill bo of euliuou uud lumber.
At a special term of tho United
States district court ut Unaluskn, Fred
Ilundy was found guilty of murderiug,
ou Uuimak island, last Jund, Con and
Floceuco Sullivnu, brother and sister, of
liutte, Mont., aud It. J. Hooney ot
Seattle. Handy was sentenced to be
hanged at Nome Duo. 6.
The first telegraphic message, which
was one of congratulation, over the uew
lino to the Klondike, was sent by Gover
nor lions of the Klondiko, while at
aucouver, 13. O., to his legal repi-own-
tative at Dawson. Tho line, which is
200 mil. H long, touches at Atlin,
White Horse, Dawson and Fort Simp
son, aud connects at tho Alaskan bound
ary with the projected American gov
eminent Hue from St. Michael.
Two men journeying dowu the Col
ombia river iu a skill recently went
over tho Rocky rapids near Meyers
Fulls, about five miles south of Kettlo
Falls. About half a milo below th
rnpida was found the bout, iu which
wore the luou a huts and coats. Iu the
pockets of ouo of the coats were found
letters indicating that one man's uaiiio
was Svlby A. Louuuburg ot Spokane.
The examination of Dr. O. L. Wood-
worth before Judgo R. A. Hall, ut Long
Beach, Cal., for tho theft of deeds to
John Kompley's farm In Iowa resulted
in his beinir held in $10,000 ball. Mrs.
Wonder, Kouipley' dnughtur, turned
state's evidence, and confessed to the
plot to rob her father. Her shuro was
to be one-ninth of the $JD,000 w hich was
paid for tho property. Tho woman's
husbuud aud Cvo children rcsido ut
Staples, Minn., but sho has bucu at
Long Reach with her parents since
March 2(1.
Tho steamship Oregon, after an event
ful voyage from Nome, which port she
left Sept. S, arrived at Seattlo with 500
pusseugera aud $750,000 In treasure.
Three day out she rau luto a ternflo
gale, and hur rudder and rudder-post
were curried away. For teu days, Iw
foro the rudder could bo fixed, the Oro
gou flouuderod in the trough of the sea
at tho mercy of tho gulu. The steam
ship Kmprcs of China, on her way out,
truualcrrcd a supply of provisions to tho
Orlando Stevens of Snn Joso and
Colonel Cot fill of Oakland, Cal., have
gone to New York to hasten tho in aim
fucturo of automobile which have been
ordered by a company which they repre
sent. Their order includes teu passen
ger basses, ouo largo touring machine,
iz dos-a-dos and six parcel delivery
wagons. Passenger routes will boostub
llshod between Suu Joge, Campbell and
Lo Gatos, Sun Joso and baratoga, ami
Ban Jose and Alvlso immediately upou
the arrival of tho machines.
The $100,000 endowment fund for the
university of Southern California, to
which fund Mrs. Anna Hough, a sister
of thelate Jny Gould, iibs.-ribed $':6,000,
subject to the condition that the uul
versity authorities rali tho tnlaneq by
Nov. 1, is Dow complete. Mrs. HutiKU
ha further promised to give $10, OA)
toward a seooud $100,000, subject to
similar oouditioua as the first. Tin
sum, tt isoxiiected, will be raised withm
the next few month.
I" cannot live without you," declared
Anson Goodman as he placed u revolver
to his temple and pulled the trigger.
He fell dead at tho feet of his sweet
heart, Ella Shaw, who had just told
him that she no longer lov d him and
could not become his wife. The bhaw
aud Goodman families live 111 Umutilia
county, Oregon, IS mile southwest of
Walla Walla. A few weeks ago Good
man aaiu or uiu something tuut dis
pleased HU Shaw, aud after that she
treated him ra'her coolly. The break
finally came wheu ho was Informed
that she no longer loved him.
At Eureka, Cal., the jury Iu the case
Of Albert liiancbain, a "squaw man.
who 1 charged with the killiug of La
goon Charlie, a chief of the Tr.nidul
Indians, ou Jan. IV, wo dlnchargod.
Tbe jury remained out all ulglit with
out reachiu au agreement. This 1
Illanchaiu' second trial. , ,
Many physician are now prescribing
Kodol Dytprpsia Cure regularly bavi s
found tint it is the best prescription they
cin write because it is the one prei a a-
tloo nhich contaiua th eleineoU nncet
ary tid ,t not only a ima kin la of
fxiJ but all kinds and it therefore curt
indigestion and dyspepsia no n.aler
hat it cause, fir. Krrmer.
Maiarl Maasi knpur Blood.
Grore's TasUslt Chill Tonic ctfrt
Mslsri. 60c
At a bum meeting of oitiaons in Ex-
Ur, six miles from Visalla, Cal., Editor
T. W. Baker of The Penny Pros was
denounced for having sympathy with
anarchists. Thecitizeuaof Exeter woro
offended with Bokor, it la said, bcoansa
ho printed nothtug about the assassina
tion of President MoKiuley.
A weather observatory, more than 60
foet iu height, for observation purposes,
will soon be constructed at Point Reyes,
Cal. The observatory will bo placed ou
tho eztroino edge of the seaward ter-
miuutlou of the bluff above tho light,
and will command the water for a
aweep ot 800 degrees.
There was a shootlug aflrny between
strikers aud special policemen, in which
many allots were fired, aud several men
more or less seriously wounded, iu
Kearny street, between Geary and Post,
San Frauoisco. Tho names of the in
jured arc: H. F. Beehler, speciul police
man, shot in lower left leg; Walter
Miller, striking teamster, shot ia lnngs;
George Woisel, drug clerk, shot in right
knee; Eddie Fuller, messenger boy, shot
iu left calf; James Boyuc, badly beaten
and hit with rocks. Four of the striker
were arrested.
George Suesser, who shot aud killed
Sheriff Farley of Monterey oouuty at
Salinas, Cal, ou tho evening ol bept.
IS, 1SH9, was fouud guilty of murder iu
the liist deegreo. Tho deatlf sentence
will bo passed npon him ou Oct. 11.
This was buesser's second trial.
Flunk Krdinau was arrested at Sua
Francisco on the charge of stealing brass
boxes from Southern Pacific locomotive
in tho roundhouse at Sixteenth street.
Ho was taken to Sacramento and there
lodged iu jail, as a prior warrant was
out ut that city for the arrest of Erdmau
ou a charge of grand larceny. It t said
that withiu tho lust 13 years Erdmau
has stolen lurge (luautities of pig tiu and
brass from tho boutucru i'uemu com
Orange-growers iu Arizona aro milk
ing nu experiment in their orchards,
which consists in tho covering ot each
tree with a canvas tuut. This scheme,
it is believed, will protect tho fruit
against tho extreme heat of tho midday
summer suu nnd agaiust frost. . Tho
cost will be about $000 per acre.
Threo of tho leaders of tho "Homo"
oolony of anarchists, near Tucoiua
were arrested ou a chnrgo of sending
ol'sccuo literature through tho. mails,
The basis of this oharge is a newspaper
called Discontent, issued by tho colouy,
This publicatiou hus contained numer
ous uitioles defending both free love
and anarchy us practiced ut tho "Homo"
colony. Tho men arrested uro Cliurlo
Govun aud James Lai kens, contributors
to Discontent, nnd James W. Adams, a
printer employed ou tho pajior. An in
dictment was ulso found against John
Moriuig ot Bostou, another contributor
to Discontent.
Charles M. Hays, who has for soma
time been president of tho Southern Pa
cific company, announced that his com
uectloil with the company would ceaso
ou tho 1st of October. E. II. llarnmall
is to bo tho next president of tho South'
era Pacific company. Ho will reside iu
Now York, but will select uu ablo rail
road man to go loSuu Francisco aud fill
the positiou of assistant to the president,
Edward 1). Stanton, who lived with
his biido of onu month ut Sixth
street. Sail Francisco, was shot and
killed by Jiunes w. Duuphy ou tho sldo
walk iu front uf l-H Miuuu street. The
murder wiib admittedly premeditated by
Duuphy, bvciuse, ha says, Stanton be
trayed his Id year-old sister. Stanton
was a member of Company L, i'nsl
California regiment, and since his re
turn from tho Philippines lived nt Vul
lejo, where ho made thcaciruuiiitutiou of
Miss Duuphy. A charge of murder was
booked ngaiimt Duuphy.
Daniel Rice, a mining man and hun
ter of K.islo, In tho Kooteiiuy country,
was killed und eaten by a grizzly beur
early this week while hunting near
Aiunworth, II. C. His body uud sur
rounding brush wore covered with blood.
Rice's skull wus fractured, hot It anus
Were broken mid his face and brcoot hud
been eaten uway by the bear. Ouo fiot
was almost completely severed uud his
coat und cartridge case wore In tatters.
Sir William Ward has been appointed
British consul general ut San Fiuncl:o
In place of tho lato W. C. Piokcrsill.
Thu uew appointee is ut present consul
general ut Hamburg, Germany, and ho
been 40 years iu the service.
A cat b longing to Mrs, MoUoruia.nk,
who resides ut the Corner of Seventh
ami Keyes streets, Sail Joso, gave birth
to tlvo kiltcns recently. I he cut carried
In r kittens off to tint bain uud placed
th' iu ill a hen's nest, thu sitting beu
having Ueii frightcnod awuy by tho
feline intruder. The eggs wero almost
ready to hatch, and thu luut from tho
bodies of thu kittens was better than au
incubator, tor seven littlo clin ks broke
th'irhheils a.i I Micie I lite nest witn
tiie kiliens. 1 ue old cut (slid no att. it
lion to iur curious l.muly and thu
chicken were found nef.t.ed among thu
l'tud Lai ouo, u wining uuui wul
known In Vancouv. r, II. C, was found,
i.i an emaciated condition, by souii
WullTsolm bay logger und brought into-
camp, lie hud, while lost IU the woods,
sull'-red from tliu pangs of hunger for
40 days, uud had sub. Mod ou berries
and bulk just to keep In in aiivu. After
lij days of wandering Lurono caught a
porcupiue.and for tour day tie lived ou
the raw meat, which undoub edly saved
his life. I.arouu ubout two months ago
weighed 210 pouuds, but wheu rescued
he weighed buruly 1 10.
A fire wus started by a curtain being
ignited by a pit lump in the Intension
mines near Ladytiuitti, B. C, and 15 muu
who entered tliu luinuto light tud flames
perished. James IJiiiismuIr, the pieiuier,
president or the Wellington emu-,
jsiny, which works the minis, turned
bis back upou I he reception to thu Duke
and Duchess of York at Victoria uud
burned to Ext. nsloii. Great destruc
tion of smp-rtT is feared.
Henry Ilraydon, Harris. N. ('., sayi
' I look medicine 20 years for astlin
but una little of One Miuute Cough Cure
did me more good Ihsii any thing wise
during that tiuir. llest Cough Cure. Ir
Kreuier. ,
'l)o ,'t wa t until you become chronical
W coiistinsteil but tali e I e Will's Little
Early risers now and then. They ill
kep y ur liver an I bowel in good ol
der. Easy to Uke. Hafe pill. Dr. W.
I. Krmr. .
1'IU of the tt FrvsMrnt MrKlnley.
Lrs Contribution to the "Con tele nc o
Fund" Government HtMJOveni Largo
Aniouut of KaibsKled Mouey.
Iu the naval court of Inquiry Mr.
Rayner succeeded, as chief counsel for
Admiral Schley, Judge Wilson, who
diod suddenly last week.
At the Crystal Palace, Loudon, Arthur
A. Chase out the world' cycliug record,
covering SO mile lu 77 miuute 44 sec
onds. At the end of the sixth mile lie
was 10 8-5 soconda inside the record, and
from that point he put all records iu the
The marriage of Mnjor-Oonoral II. O.
Cor bin, adjutant-general of tho army,
aud Miss Edytho fatten will take placo
lu Washington city at the rosldenco of
tha brido ou the 6th of Novotnber.
The sum of $'.1)0,000 lu cash, and real
estate- valued at many thousands of dob
lare, held by relatives of former Cnptalu
Oherliu M. Carter, have been aoized by
the government. Securities, worth oy.
erul hundred thousand of dollars, dis
covered hidden lu Chicago, bavo also
been confiscated. Cnptalu Carter, while
au engineer (illlccr iu ohargo of the river
and harbor improvements at Savnnuuli,
Ga., embcszled $1,800,000. Tho depart
ment of justice is not certain that it will
recover the entire amount embezzled,
but It ho clews which may establish
where tho money was placed before do-
toot lou came.
Tho will of the late President MoKIn
ley was tiled for probate at Cautou, O.
Secretary George IS. Cortolyou and ib
limit K. Day were appointed a admits
istr.itors. Tho entire piopurty of the
luto nresident is beoueathed to his
widow, with tho exception of au annuity
of $1,000 to Mr. McKinley' mother. It
said that the Mckiuliy estuto will
total $I1',000 to $'j.0,000.
O. W. Rom, promiir of the province
of Ontario, has been absent two mouths
iu England, uhd baa concluded urruitgo-
nieuts for a scheme of assisted Immigra
tion. The plan will, it ia understood,
coino luto etVect next spring, and it will
first be tried with farm laborers, who
ruo scurco iu tho province. They will
contract to remain lu the province aud
pay back their passago money within a
upectlled time, llio province will pay
the shipping compauy.
Spain, Bcoording to tha New York
World, is at present placing extousivo
contracts for railroad material aud ma
chinery in the United Stutes, About
1,000 curs have been ordered fiout uu
American car and foundry company.
which are to be used by thu Coinpaiua
del Norte, the principal Spanish trunk
line, and the llilbao-bautnnder railroad.
Tho government gun factory is to be
equipped largely with Yiinkeo machines.
tools, etc. Largo electrical order are
ulso being placed In this country.
Thu Duke and Duchess ot Cornwall
wero entertained nt Culgary by Indians,
cowboy uud mounted polioo, who plo
tnreil northwestern frontier life before
them with nil possible dash uud color.
They count tins ouo of tho most Inter,
euting sights of their Cuuudinu tour.
Tho athlete of Yulo and Harvard
met j-epieseiitallves of Oxford nnd
Cambridge universities nt ltorkoley
Oval, New York, iu track And Held
events. Tim llaivaid una Xulo men
defeat' d tltcir English oppoueut by u
score of $ points to U.
Tho annual inspection tour ot thu
board of tnniingors of the national sol
diers' homes was completed nt Mil
waukee General Mc.Mkhoti said: "The
board has decided lo maintain canteens
nt all 111 homes ior the good uud sulll
eieiit rctuou that cxs'ib ucu hus taught
u that It is lienor for thu vuleruu mid
for tliu people In the community iu
which thu homes uru located. The can
teens are properly conducted ut these
soldiers' homes, and tho Result Is that
thu veterans do not squander their
money lu cheap saloons, uor do they
drink too much."
A Cuuiou dispatoh aays that Guard
Di prend, stationed in tne rear of the
vault in which the br.dy of tliu latu Presi
dent McKinley lies, was attacked by a
mail uud cut slightly. Guard Depruiid
saw a man behind a treu ubout 7: lo p. 111.
lie requested tliu man to halt, hut the
fellow dodged from his first position to
a second Iroe about ten feet nearer tho
ktuurd. Sentinel Depreud theu raised
his gnu und tired, Just us ho did this a
tennud man, masked, who had stealthily
approached, knocked thu gun from Its
(viiii. At thu same time thu soldier wus
struck a heavy blow uu tho b.u k, and
wus as-aulu d with some sharp Inslru
ment. lie was knocked luto a small ra
Tine lit the vanlt. Guard Depreud says
the man l elnud tliu lieu carried u pack
are of white and seine Instrument in
his ha:i I w.ilcli show.) 1 a glint. Tuo
men escaped despite thu prompt rush of
the oilier of tliu day, and other soldiers
to his assistance. Military men say
they believe it was uu attempt to blow
up the vault.
Secretary (lag'i of the treasury du
purtiiieut received by mail, as a contri
bution to the "conscience fund," the
sum of t'M'iO iu bills. This is probably
tiio lurgest amount of cash ever sent
through thu mall without registration.
The communication cuulosud, apparently
In the handwriting ot a feublu old man,
explained that "duties weru not fully
pisid us desired." Nu name was signed.
The remuiiisof President Liucolu were
removed and taken to what Is lutoildud
shall be their Una) rusting place, a bed
uf irou uud masonry, IS feut below thu
buM uf the uliatt of the national Liu
colu monument at Spriuglield, Ills. Iu
tno presence; of a small asseiubiugo of aud Women the Metallic casket
was forced open, and to the surprise of
all, th features, when tliey were ex
posed, were as white us chalk.
Ltkdie Can Wear Shoe
One sun smaller after using Allen'
Foot Eae, powder to b shaken luto
the short. It make tight or new alio
fceltaay; gives Iutlaut relief to corot
and bunions, lt'a. the greatest comfort
discovery of the age. Cuiea and pre
vent awollsn feet, blisters, callous and
sor spots. Allen' Foot Ease is a cer
tain cur for sweating, but aching tnt.
At all drugipst and shoe store, 2bt.
Trial paikage Free by mail. Addreaa,
Allan S. Olmsted, La Hoy, '. Y.
New Iron Ucil5-
More Bed Lounges ropular Frices.
Wall Papers In Immcnao Variety and
Beautiful Colorings.
Artistic Table Coverings 3oi up to $2.50
all tho between prices.
CiirpetH From tho very best looms iu
tho world. Quality and Tri
ces to suit tho ; most exacting
and economical.
Furniture lleadpapfGPS.
Ninth Infuuti'V Hurrlsil by FI1IiIbos
null 4 Slain.
Manila, e'ept, Hi), A disastrous fight
betwoeu Uulteil States troops and Insur
gent occurred yesterday lu tho islnud of
Kumar, near Ilalunglga, A largo body
of lusnrgenta attacked Company O,
Ninth infantry, only 21 member of tho
oompauy escaping. All thu other nr
reported to have been killed. The com
pany was ut breuklust when attacked
aud mado a determined resistance, but
tho overwhelming number of thu liisur
gents oouiDolled them to retreat. Of
the survivors, w ho have arrived at liasey
11 aro wouud, Acoordlng to tho latest
returns the strength of the company wa
74. The survivors inoludo Captain
Thomas V. Counull, First Lieutenant
L heard A. llumpus and Dr. U. B. Luis
wold, surgeon. Cnptalu Ldwlu liook
miller of tho Ninth infantry reports that
General Hughes Is assembling a force to
attack tha insurgents. The iiisurgeutH
captured ull the stoles uud ammunition
ot tho company and ull tho rillea ox
Captain Lawrence J, Ileuru ot thu
Twenty-first infantry reports a bovoio
eiigiigeuiuut with Insurgents near Can
dehiria, thu Americans losing unu lulled
nnd two wounded. The liisiirguut loss
bus not been ascertained. Tliu Ameri
cans captured UU.OOO of rieo uud
sever il rounds of umiiiuuiliou.
A force of l.fioi) llixrs, commanded
by Ueii. ral llotlui, iiiiulauu attack which
lasted all day, tiept. W, ou Fort Ituliu,
ou the border ot Zululuiid. Thu Hours
weru repulsed with a loss of 200 killed
and inoru than 8oh) wero wounded or
captured. The Lritish uro sold to huvo
lust Hi) men.
A pamphlet has been published nt
I'retoiia under Lord Kitchener's author
ity containing notice of tliu i in.inoiit
banishment uf several liner 1 ii'U rs
tured si lieu H pt. 1.1, ..nd also a long
letter from Kilclieuur replying to a com
munication from Acting l're.,idut
ttchalk-liurgcr, received tiept. IS. iji.l'd
Kitchener proluls- s to sfiidftlio Sell. ilk.
llurgur lelt'T to tho Imis rlal gov. i n
ment, which, ho s.iys, reciprocate thu
floer statemaii's d.iro for peace. Lord
Kitchener thi'ii proceeds to explain that
the responsibility for the war rests with
the burgheis, "whoso Invasion of un
protected lalll.-ll territory opened th'i
saddest iae in hotitii Afiieau lust-ay,"
He iUote4 a lull ur from a men. ber ot the
vo.k-ruud to a lueiuber of too C.u
Colony usKeiiibly'f that "till
tune is ripu to drive the Hi Ll-il from
houih Afuca," lu cuncaiiou Lud
Kit. hem r declare that, having iiuiivaud
the two n i.ublh 1 to tlreat l.rit.iin, In)
cannot lire tic f it'll wit 1 tti i p . ip.o wh.i
have h1,owu loyalty to tho new re;;,iue.
A proclumatloii lias be. d I sued pro
viding lor the sale of tliu piojici ties of
thu bntathci still In th" It. 1. 1, in accord
ance w ith the t rills of Lord i'iilcheuvr's
previous pro' l.iiiiL.kioii.
A L'lidou .li-i'.io li sav that perhaps
one of thu l -s i.s liiat the lhitisli, who
are so freipi. ut:y r. 'polled as Is.-.n in
....Southern Oregon
Htrong Academic
course, rrofesnlonol
training ol the highest
Well equipped labora
tories, t irst class tiaiu-
lug depa r t in en t. He
mand lor trained teach
ers exceeds the supply.
(iradiiaUs easily tecum
good positions.
Beautiful location .
Most delightful climate
ou the coast.
Expenses (120 to (led
per year. Write (or
, I,
W. M.
New Colorings, New Ef
fects, New Trices.
Watl'" Taper
pursuit, fail tj ovcrialiO the Loer in
tioutli At'riia, is fouud ill n remarkable
iirmj- order recently is.-.ued by Lord
Kltclicm r, as follows: "The coin uuiiider
iti chief in tioulii Africa dosiic.l t ) im
press oilleei'S ill cnmuiaud of mobile
columns tnat the ol j.'i't of such column
is uiobilliy, and that, ho has learned that
such forces carry with them t'uruituro,
Kltcbeii raiiircs, piancM and harmoniums,
which nullity that object. The so orti
cUs imiut be hauded over to thu nearest
Lord Kitchener reports that id Doers
wero killed, Id wounded uud ooU taken
prisoners and that 41 surrendered be
tween Sept. 10 uud Sept. 23.
Tho ollleiul return just Issued show
that tho South African cencoiuratiou
camps in August contained 1117,811) per
sons. Tho deaths numbered il.lilo, of
which number l,b,1 wero childreu.
' Secretary Cort dyou ntiuounced that
frosident Koo.-.evelt would uot hold any
oliieial fniictions ut tljii White) Houso
until thu cllleud receptiou ou Huvr
Year's duy. Alt. r tli at dam they will
take p'.ace an oriuei'iy. Formal calls of
orgauixatloiis and olheials 111 a body will
bu deferred until alter 80 duy a Ireiu tho
date of tho luto president's death.
John Unorj'O Nionlay, private leora
tary to 1'iesiueiit Lincoln, and w idely
known us the author of several Isjukaou
tho hfu of thu greut war president,
died ut his resldoiico at Washington,
aged 70 years. A warm personal friend
ship existed between 1'resldeiit Lincoln
und Mr. Nlcolay. His work that lua
attracted thu must attention Is the his
tory of Lincoln, on which Mr. Nicolay
oolluborutcd with Colonel John Hay, tha
present secretary of statu,
Oeorgo ll. Cortelyoii, secr.-tary of tho
latu l'resi I. nt McKinley, wiil act lu the
iii.ii capa ii v', at leust for thu present,
to fiusident L.Mwovilc. William Loeb,
Jr., was uppoiiiied ussisUut secretary.
M, 1,-iK.i In. I N,.t al.l
All linporUint wor!:, whiuh throw a
fn .li Iii;lit ou the .b. cov. ry of America
by Columbia', has be.u written by
Henry Vigunud, first secretary of the
United Mules einb assy tit Paris. In nil
tut. rviuw wit h a com sjio.ulotit Vigutiud
s.ud: " The present work ia intended to
show that lor tin) last four canaries wo
have beui ilmcivul by u fraud which
hides lioui us tliu r.'td be;;iiiiiiugs of
Columiiiis's irtijects, and I lint tho fa
in, in document a. ribed to Toscaiielli,
the famous l'l .rentine nsrotioinei, wero
fabneatiil, 1 sebiu't ef. Kent rousoua
for b. IiMIU'.; llial, Ti.-fauolll never
mp.i.j the i. 'i.f uf HTl lo Km..; Alf. us
,.f l'..rtL,;.l uud never t,ac. d ti.e uart
I .,-, d to
i.'s .1
npaiiedu. Coiuui-
f undo I ou any
poll con
nice of l.vudv Hi the
i, Itlll
m i.i to
N.'rris Siiv.-r, North Stra'f'T.I, N, II.:
"1 purchased a bottle of One Minute
C.ii.h Cine when sulferiug aith acouli
doctois to'.d uiu as inciiriihle. One bot
tle relieved m., tlie second a id third al
most cued. Tu-.ljy I am a eil man."
lr..V. P. Kreieer.
State Kcrmal Scliool....
i -' ;
1 1 -
H i