Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 26, 1901, Image 3

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i :
We are Digging for Business
Xot turning over ground, but constantly
turning over
We have everything you may need for your
i- winters' supplies. Come in and see us dig up
prices. Our Motto :
' Dairy Salt in 50s . 75c
- Half-Ground, or Stock Salt 50s 50c
Box of Soda Crackers, 1 1 lbs gross 60c
Petite Prunes, to close out 03c
; Evaporated Peaches, not new stock . . 05c
Morning Meal, 2-lbpkg rolled wheat 10c
; White Comb Houey, 1 lb frames i2ic
25 lbs Pink Beans 1 00
$1 00
1 o
No. 1. Green Salvador, 8 pounds for. -.
Something a little better, 7 pounds for
Best Guatamala Caracal
In Roast Coffees we have something good at
7 pounds for
' Or, we can give you a good Mocha and Java, 3 pounds for. . . . .
In Teas, we have all the leading kinds, a very good sun dried at
Pickles in kegs.
All kinds of Syrups aud Sorghum.
Our Rolled Oats aie tresh.
: Remember the place,
. Opposite Post Office.
White House Grocery,
H. C. BOBZ1EN. Propr.
Can be made summerlike and bright with
a properly heated room. Our Air-tight
Heater will solve the problem and save you
half the wood burned in a common cast heat
ing stove. Our new stock is now on the lloor
and wo invito your inspection. Wo have all
styles and sizes.
Cramer Bros.
Sporting Goods....
We have a full supply of everything needed
by the Sportsman whether ho be Fisher or
Take a look at our display window and
if you do not find what you want come inside
and we will supply you.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
New Fall Millinery.
T. J. Oasns came op (rum Galice
Prof. V. II. Hampton of Placer spent
a few d.ivs in town last week.
Mrs. rul Edwards has returned to
this city from Siskiyou.
M. W. Epy of Grave, was in town this
week on Court business.
F. M. Sanderlm, of Bandon, was an
arrival in this city on Monday.
A. C. Ilouiih returned on Friday from
a business visit to San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. L. X. Browning, of
Placer, were in town this week.
Aris Throckmorton and E. Ileriott, 'of
Applegate were in town Monday.
Cap'tT. W Morgan Draper, arrived
on Tuesday evening from San Fraucisco.
Blalock Bros, of Grave crea, are in
town this week attending Circuit Court
Thos. A. Bjyer of Stocktou, the lec
turer, arrived here Wednesday morning.
I. Morris, the well known miner of
Powell's creek, visited Grants Pass Fri
Dr. tf. 0. Witiiams, li Placer, has
been making a visit to Grants Pass this
Mrs. C. L. Clevenger attended the
fWeburg street fair and carnival last
J. A. Tate has none to (iold Hill and
is working at the uoiuen standard
Mrs. II. D. Jones of Wilderville visited
here last week with Mr. and Mrs. '.. A.
lion. Win. M. Colvig, of Jacksonville,
is attending (he circuit court lime thin
Chas. Aknrs and M. II. Brockman, of
Leland, are visitors to Grants Pass this
Chas. Nickell, of the Times, is a
visitor to tins city, attending circuit
R. W. and M. S. Wakeman, cf
Wiiner, were visitors to this city on
Mrs. Ira Tompkins left on Thursday
evening for a visit with relatives
T. E. Palmer attended the Rosiihurg
street fair and assisted the Fourth Hegi
nient band.
Court Reporter r. M. Calkins ar
rived here Sunday evening to attend the
circuit court.
M. E Payne, ol Chicago, arrived
Saturday on a visit to his aunt, Mrs.
E. C. Newell.
Attorney A. R. Hammond of Medford
arrived here Monday evening to attend
the circuit court.
E'lgar T. Wallace of Yrcka, who has
mining' interests in this county, arrived
here on Monday.
Miss Duma Delamater came in from
(iold Hill Monday, returning home
Tuesday morning.
Dr. J. 8 Moore went to Portland
Monday evening to attend a medical
association meeting.
JUnville liege is now navigating on
crutches, having cut his foot quite
severely with an ax.
Mies Mabel l'alethnrpa of Ashland
was a pageiuer on Friday evening's
train, en route to Portland.
Frank Colvig left on Saturday morn
ing for (ialice where he is working fo'
the Old Channel Mining Co.
Ed Jenkins went to Eugene Saturday
to visit for a few days before departing
for his new home iu Michigan.
Miss Rachel Rowley, of Yreka ar
rived here Sunday evening to visit with
her sister, Mrs. II. II. Gillette.
t. 11. Urgoo.i ot Seattle, wno is in
teresled in mining propertie s in this
county arrived here on Tuesday.
.Mr. and .Mrs. Williams returned on
Friday evening from a visit in Ashland
ter and other localities of that section
but failed to find a better country than
Rev. T. P. Hay ties and family leave
this week for Mvrtle Creek where Mr.
Havnea will be stationed during the
coming year. Itev. A. S. Rosser will
be stationed at Granta Pass. The con
gregation and friends of Mr. Haynea and
his family tendered him a farewell re
ception on Tuesday evening.
Rev. and Mrs. Walter Hays of Mis
soula, Montana are spending the week
visiting in Granta Pass, Mr. Hays is a
brother of Kev. C. W. Hays and he and
Mrs. Hays are visiting Oregon on tbeir
wedding tour. On last Sunday morning
be occupied the pulpit at the Bethany
Presbyterian church his sermon being
greatly enjoyed by bis hearers.
Rev. Roht. McLean, T. P. Cramer
and L. L. Jewell returned on Saturday
evening from a fishing excursion at
By bee's bridge on Rogue river. Mr.
McLean returned to Portland Wednes
day after a two weeks visit here. On
Sunday evening, he occupied his old
place in the pulpit of the Presbyterian
lurch and spoke wilt) the eloquence
and impressiveness which is so well
remembered in his former sermons.
DOWSER In Grants Pass, Wednes
day, Sept. 18, l'JOl, to Mr. and Mrs
11, 11. Downer, a son.
KLII'PEL In Medford, September 20
l'JOl, to Mr. and Mrs Lamms Klippel,
a daughter. EXS In Ashland, Sept. 20
111, to Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Stephens,
a daughti r.
DEfSOY BARBIE At Gold Hill, Sept
18, l'JOl, Henry Debov and Jlrs. A. K
Barbie, of Sardine Creek, by Justice
J. IS. 1(. Morelock.
OLSON' YROM AN In Medford. Sept.
14, 1901, O. F. Olson and Jfws Blanch
Vroman of Gold Hill, by Kev. A.
WlLSON-lIAltTH-AtUed Bluff. Cal
on Wednesday, Aug. 7. l'JOl, Roy
Stanley Wilson and Miss Adelia
Harlh, both of Grants Pass.
We kindly invite the Ladies of Grants Tass and vicin
ity to call and inspect our line of new
Everything NEW and the Latest Styles the market af
fords, and at Prices that defy competition.
u a. avi cssix rv ,
Successor to Mrs. WEIDMAN.
MJe . BERTHA BAKRIE wishes to say to her friends that fhe will be pleased to
" ' -tln in her line of work, at Mrs. Weidinan'i old stand with Miss Weston, cor.
i-rtfi and Front streets. Grants Pass, Ore.
Guaranteed (o Equal Any $100
E. L. KING. Gen. Ait.
21S Hanoine St,
San Francisco.
Conference Appointments.
Bishop Duucan, ot the M. . Church,
South, at the conference in session at
Medford, last week, among other appoint
ments made the following: Ashland, J.
T. Cotton ; Klamath Falls, to be supplied ;
Medford. M. L Darby; Myrtie Pont, A.
J. Starmer; Granta Pass, IL N. Rosser ;
A pp legate, J. II. Hedgepeth.
Hop picking was finished last week
just in time to escape the rain storm.
This season's crop it of excellent qual
ity although the yield per acre ia some
what less than that of an average year.
It ia thought that the heavy frost in
June bad a disastrous effect on the ex
uberance of the yield. The crop is
probably some 20 per cent short.
A Shocking Calamity
'Lately befell a railroad laborer,'
writes Dr. A. Kellett, of Williford, Ark
His foot was badly 1 rushed, but Ba k
len's Arnica Salve quickly cured him
It's simply wonderful for Burns, Boils,
Piles and all skin eruptions. It's the
world's champion healer. Cure guaran.'
teed. 25c. Sold by Dr. Kremer.
Photographic Paper.
The amateur photographer can find
in my stock nearly every kind of paper
they may require and in fact every
thing needlul for picture making.
have on hand nearly all sites of Carbon
and Special Portrait Vtlox, Velox Postal
Card?, SjIio, Lithium, Aristo Self Toner,
Dekko, W. D. riatinuui. Let me know
your photographic wants.
A. E. oorhik8
local "foappeninos
eyery piece
sold only by
Board, of Eque.llze.tion.
Notice is hereby given that tor the
purpose of correcting all errors in de
scription, valuation or other mistakes,
the Board of Equalization will meet at
the rooms ot the County Clerk, on Oct.
7, 1901 and continued, tor one week or
until the Assessment Roll has been ex
amined and approved.
Chas. Crow,
' Assessor for Josephine Co.
R. 0. McCroskey
My Fall Coats, Jackets anl Caj.cs are here.
In Automobile 3-4 Box Coat and Jackets for
Ladies, Misses and Children.
Colors Tan. Caster Brown, Red and Oxford.
All my garments are cut of the ordi
n ary, with artistic touches here and there
and are of the highest production of man
Tailor's Art.
I 0. HcGroskey
with their daughter, Mrs. Clemo.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Grimes of Rose
burg expect lo go to Alaska in a few
weeks to remain about two mouths.
W, E. Reckner and E. G. Francis of
l'ortland have been here this week look
ing after mining interests on Rogui
Tom Fry spent a few days of the past
week viailing at Myrtle Creek and other
Douglas Comity points, returning Tues
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hale Thonipton of
Chicago arrived here Monday evening
Mr. Thompson is a member of the Old
Channel Mining Co.
Kue!l McGalliard returned Ust week
from l'okeijaina. on the Klamath river
where lie has been working at the
lumber bnsiiic s.
Geo. A. I'isher l as been spending a
(ew days of the past week ill town. He
is now in the emp'ov of Ihe S. P. Co.
working ilh the bridge gang.
Mr and Mrs. Chas. St seions ol Lake
vu w arrived here Sunday evening by
U-am to visit for a time at the home of
Mrs. Sessions' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
1'. Tufl.
Then. Molt, C. B. Patrick, Otto Dud
lao and J. Orr left on Saturday for a
two weeks hunting trip on the head
waters of Evans creek, a locality famous
for big deer.
Jude II. L. Benson came down from
Jacksonville Wednesday evening and
rtinnined over Thursday when he de
livered the adore at the McKinley
memorial services.
E. B. Brown returned on Friday from
iMilas county where he has been a
successful worker in the interests o( the
order of P. ndo. Mr. Iirowo will aam
unite his home in this city.
A F NV.son, superintendent of the
Eureka mine.spent a few days in town las L
week. Work is being continued at this
property which ia one of the largest
quarts proposilions in Southern Oregon.
Mr. arid Mrs. T. N Hnen and Mr.
and Mrs. Krnst Koch, of Granville,
I l ias, who are nuking a lour of the west,
topped here Tuetdsjr, continuing their
I journey on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stilt, R. L. Slitt,
Otto Matties and fc. 11. hebwarti ar
rived here Saturday from Marinette,
Wis. The gentlemen are looking after
timber inttres'a in Southern Oregon.
Al I'en ret urned Thursday night
lYjmatrp through the north-eastern
portion of the state. He visiu-d rjamp-
ELLIS In Granta Pam, Wednesday,
Sept. 18,, Rubiu, infunt son ol
Mr. and Mr. Chas. Ellis, aged 2
HARTWELL In Ashland, September
:'0, 11(01, Mrs. Mary U. Ilartaell,
aged SI years, 7 months and 1G duys.
HOWARD In this citv, Friday, Sep
tember 20, l'.)01 ThoB. Howaid.aged ,0
Deceased had been a resident o(
Grants Pass for a number of years
He was a member of tho A, O. V. W
and his funeral was conducted by that
order on Sunday.
A Difference of Two Letters.
A miftake occurred in a telegraphic
diFpatch appearing in Satur.liy's Tele
gram under tho article entitled "A
Grants Pass Tragedy." The article read
Frank McCann, proprietor," when il
should have read "Frank McCann, pros
ncctor." It was a mistake of but two
letters, but it changed the meaning won
derfully. We are glad to knoa- Frank
McCann has naught to do with tho man
agement of the Layton Hotel.
Sugar Pine Store.
The S. P. I). A L. store has undergone
a partial change of ownetship. II. C.
Kinney and 11. L. Truux have assumed
proprietorship and conduct and the store
will be known as the "Sugar Pine Store,
its present popular title. The names of
the present proprietors are a Bullicient
guaranty of the popularity of the estab
lishment under the new management.
Pine Needles Wanted
By the Oregon Pine Needle Fiber Co.
at the old school buildiriK,
Choral Union.
The members of the Grants Piles
Choral Union, and all who dei-irn to
become members or are interested in
the organization and work the coming
season, are requested to meet at the
Presbyterian Church parlois Monday
night, September UOlh, at 8 o'clock
p. m.
This ia the first meeting of the reason
and the otlicera will bo elcrted and the
work outlined for the winter. It is
earnestly hoped that there will he a
larae attendance, as tho number inter
ested will have much inlluence upon
the work to be iiuderluken.
If. C. KlSNKV,
Tht But Prucrlption for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonio. It Is simply Iron
and Quinine in tasteless form. . Ho
cure, no pay. Pries 60c.
Grnr.ts Pass Man Injured.
A dispatch from Tacoina, Sept. 21
says: By the collision of two sections
of a tra'n on the Northern Pacific line
at Lake, yesterday morninu, a tiumU'
of persons were injured, one seriously.
Tne cause aiaignel for accident is the
failure of air brakes lo work.
An oh) man mimed CramUII, of Grants
Pass, Or., was the inoel seriously in
j ired. He wan t;ikeu to Vaknnaand
given medical atitauie as toon
Killed by Foiling Tree.
On Tuesday of last week Ernest C.
the 17 year old son of J. E. Cot,
Woodvilie, was cruelie-l by a falling Irr
while working at tne r.ichanl s taw mi
on Anoerson Tcreelc near ialent. I ox
was driving a team ari l was warned
his drger by the nin who were falling
Ihe tree but failed to g t out of tha way
in time to escatie death.
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
Whips. 10c to S2.50 at Hackett's.
Air Tight Heaters at Cramer htot.
Cash (or Gold Dust at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Drniigist,
Auti-rusting Tinware at Cramer Bros
Kodak fllma fiesh every week at the
Cocairjt office.
Bee Hives and Bee Supplies at Hair-
Riddle Hdw. Co.
A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Corou's.
Sewing machines to rent at Marshall
A Davis' second band store.
Harness of all Kinds, Grades and
Prices at Hackett's.
Mrs. Rehkoff can save you money on
Ladies and Childen's Winter Underwear.
Fishing tackle, all kinds as Cramer
Stransk Stoei Ware,
guaranteed tor fire years,
Cramer Bros.
811 T-) Sherman-Williams Paints,
.VV. I .Hair-Riddle Hardware Co
HearThos. A. Boyer in his lecture at
the Opera house Wednesday evening,
Sept. 25.
The old Sisemore farm in Sam's valley
has been sold tor $7600 to A. N. Hulburt
by L. A. Robertson, formerly of Grants
Pass. -
The Degree o! Honor have already
secured the opera house (or the Christ
mas dance, which they intend to make
the event ol the dancing season.
When you get ready to buy a fall or
winter hat remember that Mrs. Kehkoff
has a swell lliie and prices that dufy
Rev. Chas. Booth will hold service in
St. Luke's church on Sunday next tolli
Sunday) at 7:30 p. m. In the morning
he is at the south end ot his mission.
Scott GriHiu bandies Ashland flonr,
Utah alialfa seed, Oregon rod clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, now crop timothy aeod, wheat for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats..
Golden Star Soap 2g
Grants Pass Grocery Co.
Calhoun's old Stand.
Nothing to gain by putting off buying Fall
and Winter Clothes. You may as well
see the stock when full, and have choice of it all.
When you see yourself in a suit that fits you body
and mind and pocket-book too you'll be glad that
you came in. If we dou't fit you in three ways,
don't buy. If you change your mind, come back
and you'll get your money back, every cent of it.
$5.00, $5.50, $0.00, $0.50, $7.50, $10.00
for good First-class Tailored Men's Suits.
P. H. Harth & Son.
Headquarters for lioys' Clothing.
Severe Inury.
Clyde Lee was thrown from a horse
on Wednesday morning at the Lee ranch
on Rogue riyer, and very severely in
jured. His head was terribly cut and
the skull was fractured.
Ilia not known how the tragedy oc
curred as no one was with him at the
time. His condition is serious.
Working Nlyht and Day.
The busiest anil mightiest liltlo tlilu
that ever was made la Dr. King's New
Life Pills. These pills change weakness
into strength, hstlessness into energy,
brainfag into mental power. They're
wonderful In building up the health, On
ly 25c per box. Sold by Dr. Kremer.
Specl&l Kb. lea for Cnrnlve.1.
The Southern Pacific Co. otters a
special rale 'during the Carnival at
Portland ol $10 40 fur the round trip or
one and one-third fare, plus 60 cents.
These tickets are limited to six days
and will be oil sale on the following
dates only: September 10 and 25 and
October 2, 9 and lo.
The opening of the Carnival has been
positioned until Friday, Heptemlisr 20.
Help out the school by attending the
series of entertainments lo be given for
its benefit. The first of the aeries is a
lecture by Thos. A. Buyer, "What Time
Is It and Where Are We?" at tho Opera
house Wednesday evening, Sept. 25.
Rifles and Ammunition at Cramer
Garland Ranges from $10 CO up at
Cramer Bros
Mrs. RehkotT has an clt ant lino of
readvtowear fall hats. The nobbiest
of the nobby, new styles.
J.T. Lovo has sold "Love's station"
to F.d Hubbard of tlii city au.l will eoon
remove to his ranch on Smith river.
"What Time Ia It "and Where Art
We?" lecture by Thos. A. Hover at
Opera bouse, 'Wednesday evening Sept.
25, for benefit of Ihe public schools.
A second-hand store, was broken into at
Rose burg Friday night nnd a iiDinlct
of pistols and knives were stolen. It I-
supposed to bo tho work of a Ignng ol
hobos who havo been burclniizinj in
other towns along the line.
Ar. excellent lecture at very moderate
cost may be heard at the Opera
Wednesday evening Sei.t. 25, Thos.
Boyer is a man ol widcrpiead reputation
as a lecturer.
h. h. Dunbar and p.. W. Kuykendall.
have assumed conduct of the S. P. I). &
L. store at Wolf Creek, and will make
their residence thero. lloth theso uon
tlouiou are cilisens of worth and ability
that this city regrets to Ijmi.
Tap Cole has opened a shooting
gallery in u tent just e..ut of.M.'Grcgor
and Myers' barbar thop and has been
enjoying an enc mraging run of custom
A bevy of "nlgger-bahiea" alio form a
portion of his establishment.
Tho members and friends of tho New
man M. r.. church b;i' o a reception
Friday evening at the 1. O. O. F. hall
to i.ev. . 1'. jenlilns untl lannly, prior
lo their departure for Cirfiun (Jitv
John It. Harvey experienced -a little
excitement on Sunday evening. In cross.
ing tho Gilbert creolt bridge, on C street
one ot the horses perforated the plank
ing and a aomowhat alunoiiu niixup fol
lowed. Mr. Harvey succeeded in extri'
eating the leant without rorioua irjury
The brduo ban since hern repaired.
The Southern Pacific has iiund
statement showing the result
of its operations for thv mouth of July
(iron earnings for Hid inonUi were ti,
(132,0115 an increase of if.iOl CM) over tl
corresponding moiitli ol too previous
year. Operating expenses wero (1118
170 an increase of $2H7,20O, leaving ik
earnings of t',rH'.),2HI.
F.tna Hehekuh lodgo held a
social meeting on Mondn evening
A pleasing program was prexenled mid
refreshments ot Ice cream mid ciiko were
served. Among tho visitors present
were Mrs, Tud Cameron, Mrs. Ortli
Mrs. Oruioaud Mr. ll vu, nil cfJiu
The district fuir held in Ashland hit
week does not seem to liavi) been the
gluiious event that it was intended to
b.'. There woio very lew (xltibit'i fioin
places uilUidu of Aahlund unil thoH) ol
thai city were not what they mi, -lit linvu
been. Theru was a dearth oi iiiuutic
inuiitH, thu ball caiiics am! euu-
A very Interesting wrlle up of Granta
l'asi as a mining town and its tributary
mineral resources, by Pennis II. Stovall,
pears in the faciAe Miner oi Sept. 15.
Monday wis tho anniversary of the wed-
nc ol jltav. and Mrs. C. W. Ilayn, the
Tin" wcildinpand on that day they were
at home" to their friends, The mem
bers and of Bethany Presbyterian
burcli look advantage of the occasion
to present Mr. Hays viub a token of the and esteem in liich they hold
hici and of their appreciation of his
able and faithful services in his calling.
riioy gave him a nulislantial present of
gold, encwd In tin, Rev. P.obt. McLean
miking lite ureuentaiion for tho eivere.
Farowoll Dance.
Dc mince's orchestra w ill give a farc
ell dunce on next Saturday evening,
plcmber 28. This popular musical
oigauization has been a portion of many
successful dancing eveuta in this city
aud does not intend that any feature ot
succccs shall be hick ing in the present
instnnce. The orchestia will include
ollovi ing instruments : lt violin, 2ud
violin, comet, trombone, bass, piano,
drums and hIK Tickets, 50 cents.
Advertised Letter List.
Following is tho hat ol letters remain
ing uncalled for in the Grants Pass post-
ollice, Saturday, S;pl. 21, 1001 :
Il.irrie, Mies Mary, Bvb.'o, Mra R L.
(.iiiz.'.le, Winnie, Kniot, Daisy. 2
Knight Miaa K n, Halliard, Mrs, S
hk.n ti.i:mkn
Asher, William, Archald, J II,
Iliad jet, Jaui'.s W, Acklev, J K,
Chrialmiin, C W, (.'hfard. Chas,
I oncer, h I , Hayt, r.Jwin f,
Mcijill, Archiii, buliian, M,
Yrooiuuu, Austin,
C . K. LUllMON. P. M.
III.- I' Nunr County lluapitnl, .-. plumber
J 1 lih, a Mick ol Clollici, JSotily
cpi. iiilh,
Pais and Wilder-
liHlit colored .Miiii-"
I T Hetaceii (Irani
vine, m
mer tin t. ..... ; iHiuer' n.arK uisiiie collar,
'-.!t.:.Miiiuu .v .-Mm, j...-.i,ii." i'roi.uoly, al
M inurKtil "ii. n. I . ..hi "on iuoi'.lc pocket,
.'loluioio will no paid on reiurn ut
lout lo this oia.'ti.
WAN I t U,
A tjojd heavy team for fiirm work.
J a.
JLI V KllMliK.Nt U on Wli street; a flve
rooni collate ami lot, luui&0, simile
li'tei, cJi uinl eiiy water,
I.'OT U lots, UV.2.A lect, with small dwel
mo;, c.Mcocul lo.-iuion, lor sale al a
halKatll. Inunu ill Una ulllt'tl.
I'UftMbil&U ROOMS,
,M IIMMItll KouMm TO KllNT-0. 1.
A. lull in, ij Mil eel Ijulwi'Cil d and 3d.
niuleriuh.o un.l theie
curts failing lo
were no races.
The prune di it-rn in and about Ui'id e
aro tunning night ttud day and evmy
out) who is cnpablu and willing lo
work is being pieced into ecivicu in the
orchards, and drioiu Never bef .ru linn
the Cow creek valley bad such a hn,;e
yield of prune which uio ca d to bo ol
an excellent ijuality. Thu saiuo hu-iiLe
activity is iiianihbkil about ihu.incin
aud orchard of .Myrtio 1'n.t.k, Canyon
villo and 1'illitid, us' well us VoutaUa in
the northern pailol the county. -Plain
IJ.VVlNii .Mnuu;; liners. u that require
uij uit. uii.ui i ,vut roil in y sioua con.
r-luiih ol l.uilt.i lunil-Iuu j;oai, biloti.,
nam t a) , ;,o..on ., ele,, al 1im4 lliall coal',
u rt Ito.e ul' 111 lol.j lo dull J.ureliU-ier.
il. it. iieup,
0.1,1 I'lllloWl bUllUUlg.
I il l. till. ,,,arria:;o3 ami ritoilul.un harks.
Any uiiu ihiuAtn oi n.iyiii;; any ot
Ihe Ul.uie, 11 a Ul p. ll tnulit U.o lo tlutlfcopfl
a.el it aua t A....1O11: iltuii' ixllletes and
,,,'t ll.L .f I'll. . i a.el l,.,ttj ne.uro lug.
i in inn., en. ry iho i.u.:..ej mower utM
i.the. liitn. tttijer inn p.uce, uiii sireui'O-.te .T.tcolut-hail.l lotll.
JAell paid far col.l ilu t. I'l'muer llroo.
iA ivi your vh'i
1 to L'rumi-r llrui. (or
Ladies' Tailor Made Suits,
tin;,' witli
you will
Che.nge at Love's Station.
Kd Hubbard has purchased the feed
station and road house on the Kerby
road known as "Love's station" and
ill open it to the public on the first of
Ihe mouth. Love's station ia Ihe half
way point between Grants Pas and the
Illinois valley. It is situated at the
foot of Hay; hill, its location making it
ihe most convenient point on the line
for a feed station. 1
Mr. Hubbard intends that the station
hall laek under his management noth
ing that will conduce lo the comfort
and convenience of bis patrons and the
traveling public. Ho will have plenty
of good feed and shelter for teams, and
will provide eicellent meals and rone
forlah'e lodging for travelers. Those
who know Mr. Hubbard are certain that
be will make Love's station one of the
most comfortable stopping places on the
Kodaks and Films A.E.Voorhles.
A.M) cjiiii jiim :s ii: j. :.- ;r.
Wo Iiiiyo Homo Special fenturcw in tho way of tlm New 1'rcncli l'iltiivj; liacli ii ino
popular favor. Tho Strongest lino of La'lies (ianuoiils tlml will u .-!.n n in 0 1 . city iliis l'ull,
linl 111 our Cloak Dcnartmet. And if you aro inlcroslod 111 (.opicct SI vies, Trices, Oualitv "nd tho
most perfect littinf,' garment to bo found on tho market, wo have s'uiiot!iin0' tu oil'i r you linit you cannot
all'ord to inisH.
We have listed a few Garments in this advertisement that, will t- you sonic i lea of our Stock, and will,
we think, impress you with our ability to nhow you Values, Assortment and SI vies Tut- tipe-rior to those
fdiown by any other House in tho city.
Or CS) Ladies full 3-4 length Oxford Gray
tt7.t7lCoat with stitched Yoke, Velvet
Piping, Fino Satin welt, Lined throughout,
New Bell-Khapod Sleeve; an exceptional val
ue at $ 8.00. Our price $5.50.
$6.50 !,
Hows Stitc
Lined throin.:1
niatehalile at
tdics Fipe i;
i plain, Coat-r
ig ut 1
ion) ,
I ( 1 1 O I ! t , I''
I'Vendi I
Our pi
,vr; ,.y made
Cullar, S'even
'i.c Satin welt,
ill i n ,r IViek; un
co !i.."0.
G(Z Cfi Ladies Plain Heavy all wool Clio
pU.OU v;ot Coat. :!0 inches length, Silk
Lined throughout, Tailor Stitched Coat Col
lar and Sleeves. It is doubtful whether you
would bo able to duplicate tho garment un
der $10.00. Our price $0.50.
$6.7.5 or.:
Linings and
IMack and Line all wool Tai
le Suit, Nicr'v made. Good
Trimmings. Special value, ij.ti.T").
bailies black fur Trimmed
tlouclii' Capo
$1.50 Child's Box Coat with Capo.
( At the Big Store of R L
Good Cloth. $1.50
2 I Door North of 1st National Bank