Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 26, 1901, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates:
One Year, in rdvauec,
Hiz Montus,
Tbre Months, ...
bingle Copies, ...
Advertising Rates
Furnlidied on application at the oflice, or
by mail.
a. e. voonniEs,
l'noi'B. & Mngk
e now
OreKon, as ecurid-clas mail matter.
It baa been tUg-treated that handshak
ing with t lie president must be diacnn
tinueil. This idea does not meet with a
ready response in tlie hearts ol our
people. Let us rather clear out the
anarchists no that Die president can
shake bands with hie people without
(car of assassination .
Thursday was Observed
Grants Pas aa a Day
of Mourning.
The Schley court of inquiry is now in
r-essinn to decide t tie merits of this
(anions case. I he proeeeiliniis were
auhjectrd to a sensational interruption
on Tuesday by the sudden death of
Judue Jeremiah Wilson, Schley's senior
counsel. The jndica had been present in
the court the day before anil did not
appear to be seriously iiidi"sed.
The Boors have appealed for arbitra
tion in the international court. Ilur'nig
the last lew weeks, they have had a
series of auceetses, fijthliiig on the same
((round that they did at the beginning1
of the war. It it said that Kruerand
Ley da aro drawing up resoluiions to
present to the Czar and to President
Itoonevelt, asking for interoenllon.
V, R. Hearst was hanKi d in effigy in
New York one duy hist week. The reason
was that the citizens of that city believed
the Hearst newspapers to he in some de
grce responsible lor Mckinley's death be
cause ihey have so persistently carica
tured him, and endeavored to hold him
up to ridicule. Since bis assnstinalion,
they have been full of his pniisu ami
loud in uondemnation of the assastin,
Kinnia Goldman and all her anar
cliistic train have been released from
custody. They could not be connected
with the murder of the president and
there was no law by which they could
be held. Anarchy is a crime ami if
there is no law to cover it, such a law
should be (ruined without delay. It is
to be hoped that the peoplu of this
country are not going to subside alter
their explosions of wrath and denuncia
tions of anarchy, but will see that some
thing material is accomplUhed, l,et
them keep after their representatives in
congress and the legislatures until they
have laws that will put a damper on
anarchy In the United Stales.
Ldward Baflig of 8t. Louis has con
fussed to Chief of Detectives Desmond ol
that city that he la one of three men
who planned the murder of 1'reHidenl
McKinley. The other iiieu were Col
gosi and an anarchist named Frank
Harridan. Kallig says that llarrlgan
planned the murder and that he, Hnftig
was to go along with (.'zolgoss with his
hand tied up in the same maimer, but
that lie weakened ut the gate of the
eiposition grounds and would not go on.
Baflig tells a stialght story but Inquiry
concerning him shows him to be a
lecker after notoriety and it is suspected
that he Is a liar in this alury. He is
holil subject to the federal authorities.
Haftig is a native of Colvrgne and is 1M
years old.
There is a scarcity on the I'acillc coast
of butler and eegs, and shipments are
being made from the eastern states to
supply the deficiency. Notwithstanding
the vast Increase in the dairy business
in the past few years, the supply is still
lltadeq iate for the homo demand. It is
an insult and an all runt to our cows and
bens lo allow such a condition to con
tinue. Ourcnwa and our bens can do
Just as well as any of them ii wo only
give them a fair and square opportunity.
This county ought to have two cream
eries; onu in the Applegato valley and
one In the Illinois. These valleys have
Irrigation facilities that might make
either of Ilium a cow's paradise. The
biiel mild winters give this country a
Vast advantage over the eastern stales
and Southern Oregon has nlim an advan
tage over the wetter Willamette wher
ever irrigation is possible-, so that a con
tinuous gronlhol grata or iillulfii may
be secured throughout the lry months.
The time will come when Josephine
cuunly ill have creameries, and the
Sooner it conu .t the sooner many ol our
farmer mil get started on the road to
prosperity. Chicken farming for egg
production is a science that requiret
study and intelligent thought to a far
greater degree than popular opinion re
alms. Much depends on the proper
cure, feed and tieittment ol the hen.
The evils of intemperate speech are
as many and almost ut serious its are
those of inleuipeiate acts, though wink
ing more iiiMiliumly and under the
surface, ll i seldom, however that the
fatal results ol luteinperalu -pee, 0 aie
home home lume forciblv to a iKvple
than hus recenl ly been umie iu tirmiii
Pass. In the fust piioe, a uasaiui
ehis'ic talk Mint lin-d ilm hiuiu ,,
Cto'g""- and led hnu to cn.iiuiil ll.e
crime ol the pen.-1 S.ieli 1 .1:1, an I li e
thoughts it pioiiuc's simmer in a uni'i's
brain riid g:e it a i.i-c.i-i-,1 qualm-, ll
a lliSII U:t h.S then ;!.! I '111 III 1 er I III
directions, they 11111 a.i minimum
tune. Ti e lin.idi ut the li...,. I n ton
on and
1 s"i I i I lutein
u m i y 1 oiiiumn
I'lilstei lug spir l
i( H 11111 n nil -ill, I
the other, ' I I.
Iiion, mere
the ,-ul
w ' !i
"I the
' 1 : 1 1 1 !
Friday t-vcniu
direct lesult
perate spe.-i Ii,
ll it the Inn;
tvlilcl-. sa s, vi
do or say tins
il.oiil I.ini, "1 II kul hun"
of men lalk 111 this la
bluster, but some ii 1 ihe snru
Btriku in eenourly and tin 11 there is
tragedy. T! e mind uh-orbs an, I n-Miui
lutis poiion more readily than the bsly
It Is lime well sp, nl to stop ami thiol,
what your mind is loediig on. No
man becomes a imndcrer in a day. ll
takes time and a 111.111 has to grow inli
the con .III ion to Inc. me one on in-,ns.nn
iiiiempeiate anil disorderly utterances
never fail to have their ill 1 li'ect
Thursday, the day of the burial of
President McKinley, waa set apart aa a
day of mourning and was so observed all
over the United Stales. Hardly a town
in Ihe county failed to observe the day
with suspension of all business and by
appiopriate exercises.
In Grants Pass the people responded
wilh a heartiness that leaves no doubt of
their patriotism or '.heir love and res
pect for Ihe murdered president. The
parade was by far the largest that ever
marched in this city and probably over
2000 people participated in it. Form
ing at the court uoute and marching to
the bicycle grounds, it reached, in close
formation, the entire length of the line
of march. With proper intervals be'
tween the marching couples, the parade
would have easily extended half a mile.
The parade was led by Judge Axtell,
the boys of Company II acting as guan'i
to the procession. A large portrait of
McKinley was borne near the front of
the parade. The order of march was
as follows:
(runts Pass Cornet Kami.
Guard of Honor.
Masons Chapter.
Grand Army of the Republic.
Women's Relief Corps.
Mayor Kreiucr, Chairman II. C. Kin
ney and Speaker, Hon; II. L. lienson.
Ijulies of F.asturn Star,
Odd Fellows.
I .adics of the Rebekahs.
Ladies of Woodman Circle.
w. 0. w.
School Teachers.
Pupils of Grunts Puss Schools.
The seating room at the grove was
siillicient only for a portion of the con-gr-galion
assembled but the standing
room was ample. The exercises opened
wi,b a selection by the band and prayer
was offered by llev. Uobt. Ieslie. Hev.
Father Doyle gave a short address lull
of good thought and sentiment excel
lently well expressed. Itev. I). T.
Suiiimervtlle followed wilh a strong
speech in denunciation of anarchy.
Itev. C. W. Hays gave a straight
forward and practical talk which
carried the truths he uttered straight
into the comprehension of his hearers.
Rev. N. F. Jenkins, instead of making
an address, presented a series of reso
lutions which were unanimously
adopted by rising vote of the audience.
The address of the day was delivered by
Judge II. L. Benson. Judge Unison is
speaker who has been hoard many
times in this city and one who never
fails to command the entire interest of
his audience, but none of his hearers
ever heard him make a heller address
than be did on this occasion. His words
thrilled with intense feeling and he
ssike as a man wilh a message to
I. is hearers.
The exercises were terminated by
President McKiuley's favorite hymn,
'Nearer My God, to Thee," and bene
diction by Hev. T. P. Haynea
Two of the most important thoughts
which have laid deep hold on the peo.
pie are these; there must be a death
penalty for any attempt on the life of an
executive; exile from this country is the
lightest HMialty to which an avowed or
known anarchist should be subjected.
Given Away
A pretty Pocket Knife will bo
given to each purchaser of a pair
of Youth's or Boys' Shoes, sizes lis
to 5s.
Offer good for a short time.
W. B. MAN & CO.
Front street, oppo Depot.
Cora E Deidcriche ya Fred W Deider-
ichs, divorce.
Simon Messenger ya Joseph A Bricker,
Jainos A Connolr and Clinton O Bur
nett vi Suaan A Dana, et al.
Fanny P Keller va William M Keller,
divorce. l)ecree for plaintiff.
Martha Norris vs Frank Norris, di
Suaan A Cbapiu vs Howard M Chi-
pin, divorce.
John II Mullin vs Emma Mullin,
W 11 Emerson, r C V Itust, et'al,
Nancy II Waile vs Abbott J Waile,
divoice. Decree for plaintiff.
T W M Draper el al vs Geo Simmons,
et al equity.
Hydraulic Mining Co va Joseph
Shaska, equity.
First Nat Bank of 80 Orego n vs Eliza
G Gray, et al equity.
Don't be satisfied with temporary re
lief from indigestion. ' Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure permanently and completely re
moves this complaint. It relieves per
manently because it allows the tired
stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't rest
the stomach. Nature receives supplies
from the food we eat. The sensible way
to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure, which digests what you eat
and can't help but do you good Dr.
Mr. Wimer Elaborates the Rea
sons Does not Change
his Opinion.
F.ditok Cousim : Your editorial coin
ment on my public assertion that I
would hang all proven anarchists, leads
me to fay a few words in justificaticn
of a doctrine as radical as that, may
sesin 10 ne. urst, all anarchists are
sworn to do murder whenever selected
bv number to do so; snd they boast
that Ibis is ''the proudest moment of
their life." I would bang them because
when a man or set of men have sworn lo
stealthily lake our lives, we aie not sup
posed to quietly await the dagger of a
I.uccheni or the bullets of a Brtsci or
When I was informed that President
McKinley bad been shot by an anarch
ist, it was with dlffii ulty that I believed
my senses. I could tee no good reason
why even an anarchist should shoot the
President of a republic where anarchy
has been allowed 10 foster and boast as
it has not been allowed to do in any
other country on earth. Hut the report
proved only too true.
Then I read that one Maggio, an
avowed anarchist, as far back as last
February, on more than one occasion,
bragged that William McKinley would
be killed before October 1. I read that
anaichials in great numbers were re
joicing all over this free land that one
ol their number had shot the President
Circuit Court,
The September lerm of court for
Josephine county was convened on Mon
day by Judge II I.. Ilenson. George
Slover was appointed court bailiff. No
jury cases being ready for trial, the jury
aa discharged on Tuesday, one juror,
J. (. Iloiitli being retained in cases
special venire should he required. Fol
lowing is the docket for the term :
Stalo vs Geo W Perkins, wantonly
wounding an animal, Ihe property of
another person. Dismissed.
actions a r l aw.
II L Ilenson vs Joseph K Oljver, et a),
action lor money.
II W Haldwin vs Manuel Joseph de
Silva, etlal, action at law.
Autouo Knus, el al vs A 11 tone Kosu,
anion at law.
Mm kin Urns vs D J McMasters, et al,
action at law,
Autone Kiios vh Autone Hose, action
ut law.
Joseph 1! Oliver vs Anlone Itose,
'lion ut law.
Frank P Silva, el al va Autone Itose,
action at law.
Autone K.iiob vs Autone Hose, action
at law.
Caroline Sexton vs Josephine county,
action al law.
Clias l Seitun vs Josephine county,
action ut law.
F l-'elsch vs II 11 anil Samuel Mo-
Cluiig, action at law.
U I. Con .(i Co vs leuis McCarthy,
action at law.
F. V Church vs Jupiter Gold Mining
t'.i, action at law. Decree fur iilaiutili.
.1 1. Scott and Herbert Smith t Win
M.illoiv, et al, ac'iou at law.
W .v. I) M.unig t, vs J 1' Klder, ac
tion ut Ian.
School Suits
Wo have just received our Fall lino of
and aro prepared to give you the lest
values ever shown for your money.
for Hoys, Every pair guaranteed to give
E. C. Dixon.
Murderous Ass&ult on D, Holli
d&y &t Hotel L&yton Fri
day Evening
St Ha IN KUt 111 .
nlia 11 is It F M Her a i l J
mice mill Co,
II M 1
I- l el cl, xs I.
Ut .41.
M it .il l It C s Louise M liro,se
H F. M'redilli and F. WiUm
llbn i.s ami Josooln.i,. Mooou r
Co v li D and John M
i;iii u l.-py, divorce.
John No-Ilia and 11 1.
nan 1 1 n 111 -
; P ll .V I
I. iw 'on,
M W I- py is V
I- A I.I' a is rt
liiow uing.
Ki'-ie IIhiiiu
ill 'in 1. divorce.
W II liineis .hi is K u Smith, el al.
H V I'l.nt, ,s I niiikl.n F. Wluttaker.
't al. D.vree for nUiiuill'.
1! V Trait vs M W Cpy, et al. De
cree b.r plaintiff.
K 1 1 Smuh and I. I. Jewell VS V. C
Simian, et al.
Maiy I. t'oris v
d 1 voice.
Arretta Smith v l-'ied
d.vorce. Decree (or planmil'.
Frank Cluisty,
I. Smith,
Exposition sit Portland,
The Ureal Portland Carnival and
K 1 position is now in full swing, with a
splendid array of attractions, and two
lull military bands playing afteruoou and
evening. On October 3 there will be a
grand celebration of Pioneers' and Native
sons 'and daughters' Day and Portland's
rrontSlreel will b reproduced just as
it was 50 years ago, and those of the
Portland pioneers who are still living
will he back in Iheir old places of
business for the day and evening. It
will lie a very enjoyable occasion fr
The Southern Pacific Ficursion train
will leave Ashland at 5 a. 111. 00 October
reaching Portland same evening.
Fares will be only H)'.'f, rmn Ashland,
round trip; I'hoenn $10; Meilfoid '.l So;
tirauls Pass SW; (ilemlale ,.ll)
Other points at proportionately low
On these em-uraion tickets, pisiengora
W III be allowed ,', bl'l ,Uva in P., .11.,, I
duiii g which tune, HertiiKiin, the dare
di vil o the diaiii nid Irauie will make
hair raising rides for llt on a bicycle
Iromatower SO feel high, down ISO
step-, with nosaddleoii his wheel.
Bjwirt ol Ointmtnti lor Catirrh that Con
taia Mercury
As mercuiy will surely destroy the
sen-e ol smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the 111 neon, surfaces. Such
articles should never lie used eicepl on
pre-criptioii fr .111 tcpntalile physicians,
as Ihe dainn;c lhe will ,1 1 is ten (old to
the you can possible derive from
lliem llii.i 'a Cu iHKii Cl an, manu
factured bv F. J. Ciiicxkv A Co. Toledo,
O. contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous sin face of the
system, In buying Hall's Calarrb Cute
be sure you gel the genuine. It is taken
internally, ami ma le in Toledi, Oh o
by F J. Cheney A Co Testimonials,
Sold bv drugnists, 75c. per bottle.
Hall's Faintly Pills are the beet.
and -ipresaing their regret that he was
not yet dead ; I read of the fiend who,
with pistol wrapped in a handkerchie
approached his victim who extended
his hand in confidence, to what? To an
anarchist who did not shake that trust
ing hand of a benevolent heart but who
I deliberately squared off, shook the hand
kerchief from his revolver, and tired two
bullets into the man whose government
he and his followers despise as they di
spise every other form of law and order
throughout the wide world. I read the
decrees of tl.eir order, declaring that
they neither believe in a Hod or a here
after; that they believe in no foiinof
restraint of animal propensity in the
form of government: I read Iheir public
utterances that "powder and dynamite"
were the proper things fr such men as
the President of the I'niteJ States and
Kmperor William.
I read that so adroitly had they p'an
ned the anatc'iistie order (or purposes ol
murder that the shrewdest detectives
have Hlterly failed to penetrate its se
crets ; that they are organized in circles
ol seven and that each seven has a chief
who leads Hie other six, and that seven
of these circles is attain led by a chief
who is iu communication with the great
chief at headquarters, be that in Paris,
Chicago or elsewhere, and that the
chiefs and members are known by their
respective number ami never by name,
officially; and that when a number has
been selected to kill, ("the prou e,t nut.
ment in his life") none but the chicl-aml
the nun selected to do the deed know
any of the details, hence 1 aunot tell ;
and a I can readily aiise to Iheir feet ami
declare that they know nothing ol a ploi
to kill our President; and they never
heard of a Canlgost !
A review of the situation does not
change my mind ; .veiy true American
citisen thoolil have a ilxed and a firm
opu.ion 011 this qiestion,
James While, llryanlsville, Ind , says
IVVY Ufa Witcti liasi-l Salve healed run
mug sores 011 holh legs. He lit I suffered
year. loctois tailed to help bun. liet
DeWiU's. Accept no imitations. Dr.
The office room of the Hotel Layton
was the scene on Friday evening of one
of the most sensational occurrencss that
ever took place in drains Pubs when
Frank McCann.a mining man attempted
the life of D. Holliday. According to
the testimony of the bystanders, Holli-
iay was sitting in the oflice, when Me-
Cann entered auj at once began lo
apply abusive epithets lo Holliday and
struck htm several time! in the lace
with bis left hand, bis right hording a
revolver dow n by his side. Holliday
rose and MvCann struck him once after
he was on bis feet. Holliday beiied
McCsnn's wrist when the latter raised
bis revolver and shot, the bullet takii
effect in Holiiday'd left tempie. Several
bystanders, seeing the revolver, made
an attempt to catch McCaiiu'u arm but
were too laie. MeCann was immediately
placed under ariesl by Sheriff I.n-t-r
and lodged in the county jail. Holliday
was taken to bis room in the hotel and
g ven prompt surgical uticn'enilauce.
While the of the crime are not
definitely ascertainable, it te.-niH that
the two men were concerned tog-tbT
in mining operations and that Holliday
had been furiiinhing money to McCaon
for their furtherance. Ii was over the
disposition of this money that the disa
greement arose that lermiuated so seri
ously. McCuiiii, it is said, had been
drinking a good deal during the day and
so was wed primed lor the occasion.
Ihe affair occurred a little after S
o'clock ill the evening. The weapon
used was a 08 caliber Sinilli fi Wesson
revolver. The bullet entered over the
1 it eie and came out 011 the side o( the
head, culling and tearing a s'a-h llnoiii:h
the eornr of the sku'l. It was im
possible at Ihe lime to accertuin w bethel
or not the brain was seriously injured.
riie bullet was found next 111 oning
sticking in the wall, hut was not intact,
about a llnr l of it being unaccounted
(or, Tliis, 11 was supposed, had lodged
in the In ui I of its victim.
lloiliday's condition is considered
very serious. Alter the flint day or it
was thought that lie rniuht recover, but
later developments have diteourng' d
this I ope to a gteat extent. His condi
tion coiililiucH uiuch Ihe same from day
to dav. Holliday is of the linn ol
Peacock & Holliday, couiraclors of San
Merlin Notes.
Mr. Milton Reynolds spent Saturday
at 0 ran Is Puss.
Dr. llollen went to (irants Pass Sat
One of our leading merchants, Mi.
Geo. liiiild, made a business trip to
(irants Pass Friday.
Miss Muhle MusKte, of this city, is at
woik for Mr, Wm. Helling, of Hugo.
Mrs. Ltim Louden whs a puseenger on
Friday's UtiiO train for (irants Pes.
Alise F.thel Holder accompanied her.
Rev. Douche and wife, having been
located here for the past year, took their
departure for Hillsborough the 17lh
inst to attend conference. The people
of Merlin wish them a very pleasant
journey which no doubt they will have,
as they went by team.
Dick," of Hugo, seems lo think that
the Merlin Night Hawk's hearing is
somewhat defective ami therefore mis
taken in the sound of the carpenter's
Hammer. Permit me to sav that I am
not one ol those that sue, and see not,
nor one of those that bear, ami hear not.
I can both see and hear, and 1 distinctly
heard the sound of the' aipenter's ham
mer. I not only hear it during the day
but I oft linns hear tliesounia of the
hammer vibrating tluougli the uir ut
night, they aie so enthusiastic, to build
in the city. Mr. liibsun has his resi
dence almost complete and .Mr. Powen
has four carpenters at work 011 his new
residence. The enthusiasm to build is
s i greal that the Merlin school board
caught the inspiration, and the results
are we have new d-ior steps at the
school house.
I imagine if Mr. Dick would pay our
city a visit he would go away believing
tint the wonderful wave ol prosperity
he has b-cii w riting about so much ha. I
passed over the city of Hugo, and tin
larger end hud hit the city of .Merlin.
Come dow 11 Nioiir Hawk.
m Kill. in ll-Kll.S tltoM 1KI.
Mr. Marvin Jordon and v.iie weie in
our city last week.
Mrs. liarrett, of Jump-oil' Joe was in
our city on Friday.
Mrs. Frank Cook, ut the ''Duck
K.iiich" w.i on the sick list last wc.-i-.
A valuable horse o' Mr. Will Hefling's
d td recently, irB cling quite a e vere
F;uge;.e Chamberlain ol Mir c ty
uvor'ed ill of inoin.taiu level iu eas'ern
" I lir thing is finished in Ibis pail ol
he country for the season. A light
crop reported.
Mr. Kuesel MctialliarJ relumed home
on Saturday from n ex'ended stay in
eastern Oregon.
Miss Reyuolda, who ha been visiting
relatives at this place. Ml for Ca ilornia
on Wednesday morning's overland.
(Jraiidina Hefiing. accompanied by
little Miss 1!-s9, led on Wednesday eve
ning for a visit w ith her daughters in
A birtlday party iu honor of Miss
Dora Lot: dan and Master Lester Guild
was enjoyed by a number ol our joung
peop e, on Mftuday evening, at the resi
dence of (j. A. (Juild.
The Misses Kdith and Victoria Mitch
ell left last week lor the north, Miss
Edith to teach near Pendleton, and
Miss Victoria to ut end school at
Eugene. Tuix.
Cox-Lyman Mine,
Recently the lessee! of the E. Ray
mine, alto known as the Cox Lymuu
mine near Gold Hill, recdived returns
from the S)lby Sinel iog Company, ol
San Francieco, covering a shipment ol
free-gold ore mady iu that mine Aug
28. Tiie ccinpany'e certificate shows
that values were extracted equaling
7.-5tj.0U in gold and ?4U.30 in silver to
the ton, a total of tro'JOj.OO.
The property is under lease to U. II
McDonald and John Miller. About Aug.
1 the present lessees assumed charge ol
the mine, and on August 2i strucK the
pay chute from which was taken the
rich ore shipped, the strike being made
at a depth of 17o feet in a vertical shaft,
2!i fuct below the former discovery.
Sines that time work has bi.-eu steadily
prosecuted, the vein meantime gradu
ally widening, no decrease in values be
ing shown.
Tliis strike is the basis for much ela
tion among mint-ownerd in this section,
as it tlemiiiislra'es the la. lacy 01 the the
orv uihunctd by some Ilia! the principu
mini mi values in Southern (Jiegon are
invariably near the sirface, and further
that little IK gained by sinking beyond
a certain depth. The present pay chute
has few of the characteristics of a pocket,
but every indication points to the per
manency of the ledge. The mining men
of the seclio.i aro elated and increased
activity iu mining circles is anticipated
flew Repair Shop
Mr. Wi'Jiam Bennett is opening a shop
in connection with Faddock's Bicycle
Den. He will do general repairing and
make a specialty of
Lathe Work, Lock and Gun Repairing.
j j
Paddock's Bicycle Den
East ol Depot.
Short Order.
Meal at fxll Hours of the
Day and Niyht.
.Flint's Restaurant.
Oysters In all Style.
3 Doors Below Palace.
of So. Glen Falls, N. Y.. des
cribes a condition which thous
ands of men
U D. Palmer.
and women
find identical
with theirs.
Rctiil v hat he
says, ami note
the similarity
of your own
case. Write to
him, enclosing
stamped ad
dressed envel
ope for reply,
and erf n t,-r
- - - - 1 -
sonal corroboration of what is
here given. He says rctjardin
Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure:
"I sutTrml aconuinc pain in the kit
hrt and Mnn mv s!i..u! b-rs Inn
mild l al 1-
Uif. rliu.r, then skip bct, u-.t:l' 1
ni'il-1 n.i I. i-.i-r lie in bed. .N itrl.t .it-cr
in,;! t 1 jLvd fl x-r. lor i.-neil, -n
wmM Ivio m.-ant ju il. jthu Mv
c -n. lit. . Mimed .i!in..i 'i -r ie-s Vn
I In-.inUkmtf lr. M Hctrt Curo,
till It hc ivil nie In tn t'-e lc-t 1 ut- r
1 t-wk l.r. .V ie.' .,-.,ne :ih t:,e
I leant, are i-.,l the ?',-, wu art. n-l-hin,r.
I ejr!ii".t!v ut'; i -:e .s.m.lar i..t
Icrcra to g:t Cuk iiiii.-.iati . ai."
SolJ by all DruesIsU
on guarantee.
D'- Miles Medicjil Co., Eikhan. Ir-d.
Clnnotbevr in the Meadows,
Of tlie several uni.uliar prospects b
iug developed iu tlio Meadows district ill
Jackson futility, the M.ijliei.l claim I a
proved to be 01:0 of tlie i icl.cst ev -r
opened in t tic statu.
'Iiurtly nfler its disi-jvcry Dr. Keene,
of .M wl lord amocjatcd witli a few others,
Hot hold of the properly and organized
the Kogtio Hiver Quicksilver Sluiinir
t'oinpany. Tliey have control of five
claim. A shaft Had mink ahout 10 feet
on what was nip;neil to be a ' croaitij;"
on tlie original claim and thence an
ojiiii cut was made each way. The
nhalt was sunk in a very rich "chimney"
of ore, the Kck heinn ipine a pure cin
nabar. Ttiey liav taken $10u0 worlh
of ore fro in this 10 foot hole, unit have
ahout two feet of ore of remarkably
hi):li K'rade to eink on. It is probable
that nu cinnabar oie of like richness
and beauty litis been mined in quantity
heielofore on the enuut.
Ah ciunalm carries Si5 '' per cent
mercury it does not require a vtr ex j
tensive body of nearly pure ore to repre
sent a luue tuin of money. Vlie mar j
et (or quicksilver is utionjj at aoout fil) ,
per llack of 70 , iionnds. Tin re is quile
a larjje ana cotnpri.-iiiK the Meadows,
and contik'noui lamU, which shows a
very favorable formation for cinnabar
deposits, and tho developments be int.'
uimle may be expected to disclose other
valuable uiines.
Mrs. S. II. Allporl, Jolmslown, l'a..
-ays: ' Our little i(:rl nlmost strangled
to death with croup. The doctots taid
she couldn't live but she was instantly
relieved by One Minute Cotih Cure lir.
Oil Seepages Developed.
I'rillinn operations at the plant of
Ihe Southern I lieg. ui i li Co, juet east
of lonn, have l ien r. ressinj! mere
favorably dnrini' Ilm ,iast lew days than
at any lime since the ilri.t was first
started anil indications ol ultimate suc
cess in taj'ptnj; the ml sands have in
creased as the v. Mk hus ptores-i-d.
I. as' nUlif, ul 1l' o'clock, the yell had
been "drilli .1 to a depth ui -IdJ n et. ituj
'.tie blue shale, - a it was perforated,
L'aieri li evidiiuvs ol tlie tiea-tiie for
f.litch Ihe proniou-is ol the entetprise
lime been so doit- nt!y teekin,-. lien
nine ml te, p:ie have been niciMititered
in 'be ptojTcs- ol ihe drill Ihrotiiih the
li u-slmle m.,1 .i.irinu the pit.-l few davs
the tools, as tbry have b-ell haille-l up
fill til the well, have dripped with a lilil
cl aiac'i r ot tlie oily ll.iiJ lo such an -
ent us to ((iitd.l'-n the hearts ol the
Workmen ena-.-il in the ipeiatiot'S. nu, I
eive iiiore thin abundant promi-e lo
no in iu their sttccest in ultimate
pu 1 he co etetl o-.l sands as a :
their lab irs I't-lin;.
Lele.nd Siflings.
Wo are having a heavy rain, very
detrimental to fruit drying. U. W. Cha
pin and Moss tell us that Ihey had to
suspend drying fruit. The rain also
catches a good deal of by in the fields,
but it iB good for grass and for putting in
fall crops.
We hear of a new discovery on Green
btck mountain. I.ou ltrowniug and
John Hall have discovered a ledge that
is rich so far as developed. They are
working on it and it seems to be perma
nent, Lou is lucky. He has the judg
ment to piospect. Ho understands for
mations and does not go hopping and
skipping over tlie country, but takes Mb
time to work. That makes him success
ful in finding in'nes.
We understand J. J. Kinney has some
very rich rock that was sent in by a pros
pector. As late iu the season as it is,
om fits are leaving Iceland for the bills
The Kinney short line is being extend
ed up the left fork of Tunnel 9 creek to
make more piling ground, as the lack of
room has been a drawback lo Kinney
and Cox ever since they began to haul
We have no sickness to report. The
people are busy and more help is needed.
We are very glad lo see that the able
writer from Hugo is bobbing up again.
rroin the writer's reports, that must be
a wondeiitil town. Yes "Dick," we
think we can find a wife for you, though
beiiu myself a Bingle man, 1 sympathize
with you. If myself and clerks were not
so busy, I would take you round and
show you a few of our widows and grass
widows. M. W. Espy was seen on our streels
one day last week.
A good many new faces are seen in
I.tdand now; most ol them looking after
mining property with a view to buying.
Henry Hrockman has sold bis interest
in his quarlj ledge on Wolf Creek.
O. O. I'.nck, Iieirne. Ark., says: I was
troubled wilh constipation until I bouuht
PoWitt's Little Early Hisers. rfince
then have been entirely cured of my old
coinpluir.l 1 commend them Dr. Kramer.
School Books,
of nil kinds
Slover Drug Co.
The Latest Yarn.
A Pittsburg drummer tells this yarn
I always carry a bottle of Kemp's
Balsam in my grip. I take coid easily
and a few doses of the Balsam always
makes uiea well man. Everywhere!
ro I apeak a good word for Kemp. I
tike hold of my customers I take old
men and young men, and It'll them
confidentially what I do when 1 bites
cold. At druggists, 25c. and 59c.
M.J Clemens,
Orange Frond oppo. Optra House.
f. I'lioin-i-i, S i upterviiie, Ala, ' I
i as .-;.,!. ro it (ion. ,i si.-mu when I toiu
iiictn cd takiui! Koiioi l. spe si.i Cine. I
took several bottles and can diea: any
tbii.C." Kodol Dispepsia Cure is tin
only pre -malum cntaiiiiii all the uatu
rai d'ees'ive fluid.. U BiV.- weak stoiu
acbs finite rent, restoring their natural
cor.ditit n
N'HTCB ID Cu.N i lllrii: i K. " "
To n-lie I. Lee Leu i- :
N- 'tee is heiel.T iti.-n hi Hi - ill. del
s'k fir iM-.iMTs iii !i:e j-l ici i
Ml fill . e a: til slitMtcd oil ho.-ue rit-.r
rid !
I s
, in J ol .n - I o-.nlv Ml I kl
i '" 1 1 ii-e-l " loiioiw c. ;n.
1 Clcir'i, II I'.ln it, .i.iv 11 .
! n.u ici- t.f ioi Ii h nc r-letl al
I el o: l ie M.s.e taot-o
Ue. or.! of .Loepllit r I 'cinl ,
' that II..H--S i on c-in rtt .. . :,, , lv
-in. i ill in r-ii.neil io-.-iiif
i.ltu ly day-t iiom ll.e .! ,. ,,
' pnli li all o: tin, i.oi -, ,.. 1 1,
! cv-iit tlie 1 -liars, f
1 oe e g lour i'ioi i.i Hon ol ihe c-st oi
I annul lulwr done on sn.l nu m .d.-r
io ,-,oi,.i it,e ml, n.,,..0 ilnring the
lies -j !S !. --, :-.-), y....r om-tourlh
I II 'er. s! thr.eiil vol Ik- , - ,i.!(i to Vcllr
; e-.'-v w r.t 'S.
I W. E. Pw-axta.
' , , r-. Kaisi ia.
.fpt. it oi.
3"lie JI ma four- $io1o$lafiliw
Keep the Children at Home Evenings.
There is nothing that will interest and entertain the boys
ami girls more thi-t aCim.-ra not only interesting but instruct
ive. Exposures are to be midi in the daytime or at night by
flash-light; The films are then developed and the pictures
printed at night. The cost is not great.
15he Brownie Camera (for pictures 21x21 inches) $1 00
Complete Outfit t for developing und printing-) 75c
Films (for six exposures) .... 15c
View Finder (not neccssiry but well to havo one) 25c
Full directions with each outfit; I am always willing to
help if difficulties arise. Come in aud let me show you the
Camera it is not a toy, but a Camera that takes good pictures.
The Old Reliable Implement Honse
of Southern Oregon still leads in a lare new stoek of
Plows, Drag-tooth, Spring-tooth and Disk Harrows. Farm
the tit ui
' hi. u ol i
the tuaip
and Heavy-draft Wagons, Hacks, Carriages and Buggies.
Plow repairs, Water and Gas Pipe, Plumbing goods
CI, ,IF 1 j .
iiwii ami ueavy Hardware. Paints, Uiis lw.