Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 26, 1901, Image 1

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No. 44
Ot $1 per share, or
$50,000 of the Capital
Stock of the Oregon Nat
ural Gas, Oil & Alining
Company, is now offered
for sale to the general
public for
10 cts, on the Dollar
10 cts. a Share.
This money will be used in
drilling an Oil well on lands that
are controlled by this company,
which is in the center of the Oil
District known as the North Grants
Pass Oil district. This company
has contracts on the following well
known ranches in this District.
They have all signed,a card similar
to this,
Mrs Mary L Jordon,
James Deveny,
G M Savage,
J J Fryer,
John Deveny,
B B Ochiltree,
V J Savage,
Mrs Jessie Deveny,
B B Ocheltree,
Dr V H Flanagan,
W M Bishop,
J G Dotson,
J S Harvey,
J N Carter,
The above ranches embrace
.several thousand acres of land of
the best indications for Oil that our
agents could find on the Pacific
Coast and they have been from
Washington to Mexico.
You know that if Oil, Natural
Gas or Artesian Water ia found in
Josephine couuty it will more than
double the value of all property
and for that purpose alone you can
encourage the prospecting ' for
Oil, or Artesian Water by taking a
few shares of stock.
Cut lliie out and tend ft, with $2.50 to
Scott Griffin.
Oregon Nature.1 G&i, Oil and
Mining Company.
To Scott Griffin, Secretary, Grants
Pass, Oregon.
Enclosed please find the sum of
$2.50 to secure option on iooshares
of stock in the' Oregon Natural
Gas, Oil and Mining Company, of
Grants Pass, Oregon, of the par
value of ft per share, I to have the
option of paying 25 cents a share
on or belore you begin drilling; or
50 cents a share on or before 500
feet depth has been reached; or
thereafter $1 par value until a well
is completed to the depth of 1000
feet; the amount paid herein is to
Ik credited on the stocks accepted.
It is expressly understood that you
are to commence drilling on or be
fore six months from date or refund
to me the amount pid. Please
forward receipt for amount en
closed. Dated this - day of
Name of Sender
P. O. Address
A Gain ot 20 to 1.
The following table exhibits the in
Crewe tn the market value n( the oil
stocks ol ten different compauies :
, Price of Htock
.. 50
. . 1 00
.. 1 00
New York Oil Co.,...
Union Oil Co.,
Kern Oil Co.,
San Joaquin
Han ford
Thirty Thr Oil Co ,.
Sterling Oil Co ,
Taentv Kiiiht Oil Co.,
Kern River,
f 200.00 i
37 W1
16 00!
IIS 00!
13 60 f
3 40
2 IV
20 00!
.. 3 0O
8.00 1U25.17
Each of these compinie was organ
led less than two year ago. (3
00 invested in these ten companies
would have realized a net turn ol I1U25.
1 7, a gain of over 240 to 1.
Buy aloe in Ihe Oregon Natural liss.
Oil and Mining Company at 10 cent a
share tor II.CO shares, nonassessable
stock. Buy before they drill.
For lurther information call on
The Natural Gas, Oil A
Mining Company.
Grants Pass, Ore.
OUice, Room 2 over Post Office. Residence
.Booth Hou-e, Tth and A.
General Practitioner of
Medicine and Si'bukky.
Office in Williams Block
Practices in all State and Federal Court
Office over First National Bunk.
Grants Pabs, Onsuos.
Iiravts Pahs, Oreuon.
Willis Kramer
mani facti kkr or
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family FIoui
And Every thins that goeq with First
Class Milling.
For sale by Chiles, Delematkr,
Wadb and Cornkll.
Call for it; same price as other brand"
Office opposite Hotel Josephine
(i rants Pahs, - Oiikuon.
Furniture and Piano
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
liutli room in connection
Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Sil
vervear and Jewelry. A Good
Assortment of lliuivlets anil
Heart Hangles,
Clemens' Drug Store.
Tine Butter a Specialty
Puosa 21 "
Mr. Thomas A. Boyer i a line lecturer
He will have something to say worth
bearing at the Opera house Wednesday
evening Sept. 5. Admission, 25 cents;
course tickets, (1.
J. B. PADDOCK, Pkoi'r.
i am prenrred tn furnish anything in the line ol Cemetery work in any kind
Nearly thirty years of exjierience in the Marble business warrant my saving
that I can fill your orders in the very best manner.
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede
Front Hireot Neit to Greene' Onr.nlwp, ,
Prices $5 to $150
latest NEW PROCESS Records
I25 Geary Street, SA FRANCISCO, CAL.
IB .A. 1ST IK1
Capital Stock, - - $50,000.
Keceive deposits subject to check oron
certificate payable on demand.
Sells sight draft on Kew York, Ran Fran
Cisco, and I'oiUand.
Telegraphic transfer sold on all point in
the United State.
Special Attention pven to Collections ant!
general business of our customer.
Collections made throughout Southern
Oregon, and on all accessible point.
R. A. BOOTU, President.
J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice Preaident.
II. L. (ilLKEY, Cashier.
E. E. DUNBAR, Asst. Cashier.
Banking and Trust Co.
Transacts a general Banking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or
on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous
treatment and eveiy consideration con
sistent with sound banking principles.
J. Frank Watson, Pres.
lyj'Li Poixcck, Vice-Pres.
L. L. Jeweii., Cashier.
J. Frank Watson, .T. S. Moore,
J. J. Hones, Eel us Pollock,
HerbertSinith, Scott Gr iffiin ,
A. E. Sheehan.
This question arises in the family
very day. Let us answer it to-day.
Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful
dessert. Prepared ill two niinules. No
1 boiling 1 no baking I simply add boiling
; water and set to cool. Flavors: Lein-
on, Orange, Rasberry and Strawberry.
Get a package at your gioceri to day
jlO cts.
Stood Death Off.
j K. K. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta,
Tex, once fooled a grave-digger. He
says: "My brother was very low with
malarial fever and jaundice. I persuad
i od him to try Electric Hitters, and he
was soon much belter, but continued
their usx" until he was wholly cured. I
am sure Electric Hitlers saved his life."
This remedy expels malaria, kills disease
germs mid purifies the blood ; aids diges
I tion, regulates liver, kidneyB and bowels,
! cures constipation, dyspepnia, nervous
diseases, kidney troubles, female coin
! plaints; idves perfect health. Only 60c
at Ir. Kremer's drug store.
County Treasurer's Notice,
Notice is hereby given that there are
! funds lu the county treasury for the re
j demption of the following warrants, pro
tested to April 7th, 18113. Interest on
i same will cease from this date, Septetn
! ber llih, 1!0! :
j Sos. Nob. Now.
! 3 IIS 6
4(1 77 01
110 202 152
10 45 3!!tf
12 100 M
210 237 23S
121 3t 245
J. T. T.wmiR,
County Treasurer.
In accordance with the requirements
of the laws o! the Stale of Oirgon, rela
live to insurance companies, notice is
hereby given that
The Lancashire Insurance Compan)
of Manchester, Kugland. desiring l
cease doiiw business within the Stall
ol Ireg in, intends to withdraw its de
posit with the Treitsurcrof said State anil
will, if no claim shall he tiled with the
Insurance Ci-tn' within sis
months from the 22nd day of July, l'.KJl
withdraw its deisisit from the Stale
By M ann .k Wilson
Managers for 1 lie l'acilic Coast.
Dated at Ssn Francisco, this loin, day ol
July, 11M1.
or American (iranite or any kind of
Kj Al l-;-,, V' :
Veteran I'lti-tol. at t'ieveliiud Tuten
lr ('.nil l'li 1.1 In or
Jcnel, Tim Sehle y-N!;lu lismi Court uf
liiiftiliy- S..itr Iti(y H.riiude.t.
Amid tlio Ixu niiiiK of rnnuou and the
Whistling of hundreds of tin) steam ves
V'ls their royal highnesses tho lluke
anil Du hessof York nvrived at Quubeo
on board It. M. tj. Ojihir. Tho
of the dulte mill duchess wns wititescd
liylho largest crowd tliul wes ever in
Tin or explosions neenrred in tho works
i)f tho Aniurieaii S. liull. ltmer com.
piny, Oakland, N. J., by whieh live
men wore killed. They wero: Willinm
Titus, engitieer in I'lmrgo of tlio boiler;
Artliur furry, driver; John IJupont,
mi ployed ut l's hotel; Kiclmril Vun
r.lai'cHii, iii.isii:i; liarri.ou Wovblu,
liishop Henrv 1). Whijiiiln die 1 at his
home in Kinibatilt, Minn., 10. I to
was born in Ailniim, N. Y., iii1hii.
Utshop Whipplo was one of the most
plclurescino Panics in tho Kpiscopal
clinreli. lie was known ns tho 'npostlo
of tlio Indians,'1 and culled by them
Miaiglit Toiikuii," because ho never
lied to them.
Tho clmlh iign committee of tho New
York Yacht clnb, in conrereuco with
ihu represuutatives of thu Koyal Ulster
lai'ht club, decided that the liist raco
tor the Aninii'ii's mo shaT tako place
ou Tliuraduy,'l. The siond raco
will take place Saturday, Sept. '.'S.
A London dip.i:ch says tho Mar
ipiis of Atiir'esey was roblicd of jewels
valued at i t ,'-W which were taken
li'oui a risuu ut Walsinitham lfouso
while he was at the theater. A French
man n ulled (laiiU, who had been in the
service of tlie in nquis for threo wceki,
was arrested and charged with tho
theft, but ho denied all knowledge of
tho whcieaheiits of tha j ewelry or the
lu Ihe United Psato circuit court lit
New York Jialo Iicoiulie handed
down mi order .'ranting judgment ill
favor of tho American Sugar Heliuing
company to recover t l'.H), Hill, with inter
i si, paid by tho mgar company to Col
lieior lii.l.veil on sui;ar imported from
l'.rto Itico. 1'lie decision is based oil
opinion of the United States supremo
court that I'orto U;cn is at tho present
1 1 mo a pin t of tho territory of the
Unite I Stale', anil that goods, brought
from that Island are not subject to duty
in any port hnro.
The surviving veterans of tho grand
in my of tliu republic ut Cleve
land, and it is estimated that nearly
half a million peoplo weru spectators of
the magnificent pageant. Tlio column
was llluii) than eight miles in length,
and moved steadily with scarcely u halt
or break oiilli the nt.r lino had passed
the reviewing stand. In leM't.on to the
regular line of vetcrana I.-O bauds and
e8 ilruincorp inc-ssantly pour- d forth
pitriotio and inaitial music. Oeueral
K.I Tonaneo was elected O'-iiinrnider-in-chief.
The iJominioii g. .veiiiment hi:s dig.
allowed two uir.istir.-s pi's-ed by the
l.'glslaturu ot Ih'ilisli f olu.ahia.. One
hill i-'n'ri.-te I tJri -iital iriniiira'ion and
the other conci-rne'l tlio employ. uent of
f hineso uud in pullic work.
The Uisailowaiii e was at the instance of
the imperial government, tlio lhilisb
Columbia house having ri tu-ed loa.o r
its Japauese legis.atii n.
SoDttlor George L. Wellington, repro
seuling Maiylaiid in the I Hit . d Siulct
euuto, wasixp'M. 1 f i cm . i i a I.alliiuore
Union League club, which is composed
of the best Kopubiiuau oh lueut in tho
tut.'. The roaron for tins action on tho
part of the club was Wellington's ro
pvated and public expressions of iudif
lerence to thu net of thu ns-a-siu who
shot President II :K inky.
Shortly oft. r tho cenvniilng of the
Schley-Sampson court of inipiiry, Itear.
Admiral How isou w a-i, on tlie challenge
of Admiral Schley, Ufquahtli 1 from
serving as a mciuber of the court and
wa excused from fnrtlior duly. Tostl
uiouy was given to tho effect that A I
nnral Howlson hud uswl exfiresiious un
favorable to Admiral Schhy and favor,
able to Admiral Sanip.'jou. it vr- Ad
uiiral Francis M. It iiumir, ret'.:u-l, lix
been aedected as Hon isoii's nuecy.u. or.
Princo Chun, throngh t!.o O.iui .e
minister at Ji riin, fc gg.'.l i i misiioii
of tho niothsr of the la'e liarou von
Ketleler to express -rHona:! -liis r.,ti.
d. i nee wilh le r on the dcth of hot
ou at Peking. Frail 101 K'-i eler,
however, relus -d lo r-. u.Vu tiie f l.iu. se
In the bent uT undeveloped Ciiiua,
mined by the m.t pi nuiiive of metlnsls
and waiting i i.iy lor we.ieru i-iil. ipn.o
sod capital to inline it uxhhiUIu to toe
world, In a vast ll-ld of oil of o.o .U
square mile, and containing SO i, i'I. sj,
nou t u b, enough to keep tile entire e.,r l.i
In fuel, at tliu prc-eni rate of con-airi
tiou, for many ceninrie to caiio. A
K ielititic rejfirt to tuts ( ff iet ha U-iill
furutrhd by Noah Y. Oraae, prof, snur
of geology iu Ihe Imperial university at
Tientsin uud a graduate, ot Stanford
university of the class of lS'Jl. The
report will nppear among the proceed
ings of tho American Society of Miuiug
Attorney-Qeuoral Knox lias oouoluded
his investigation of the churgtw filed by
tho liur association of the Hawailau
(glands against Abram S. Humphrey,
first judge of the clrouit eourt ot the
first judicial district of Hawaii, . Hi
findings will Ik submitted to the presi
dent as soou ns practicable. The conclu
sion readied is that Judge Humphrey
has done nothlug that Just I lies his re.
moral, but that he has met heavy re
spoustbilltiei with great courage and
Oregon's First Mining Code
Josephine county, of this state, was
the frit section ol the Northwest to
adopt a mining code, and the story con
nected with the adoption ot the code is
an interesting one, being a it is part
ol the pioneer history of our Hate.
In 1X51 the only mining district known
to exi't in the stale was that of the
Josephine district. Miner were flock
ing in from California on the south, and
from the Willametto Valley and Van
couver on the north. The whole borde
of miners was congregating at the one
district known that of Waldo and Alt
house, western Josephine, There were
no existing mining laws in the Oregon
Territory code, and the pioneeis soon
rcaliged the nocessity of having s com
mon rule adopted to save confusion,
trouble, and thu lives of many of their
number, as the method pursued of let
ting each man be his own law would
iialttrally cause dissatisfaction iu the
Accordingly on Ihe first day of A p II,
lb,"-', on the bank of Canyon Creek, s
tributary u( the ltogue, 40 miners as
sembled beneath a large fir tree and
drafted and adopted the diet mining
code of the Northwest. The text of the
code as adopted read as follow:
"Know all men by theie presents:
That the miner in couucil assembled,
ou this, the 111 day of April, 1So2, do or
dain and adopt thu following rules and
regulation to govern this camp:
"Hcmilved, First, that 60 yards shall
constitute a claim lu the bed ol s creek,
extending to high water on each aide.
"Resolved, S.tcond, that 40 feel shall
constitute a bank or bar claim on the
lace extending tuck to the hill or the
"K -solved, Third, that all claim not
worked, when workable, after five days,
he forleited or jiiinpalile.
"lie solved, Fourth, that all disputes
arising from mining ilaiui shall be set
tied by arbitration, and thu decision
shall be final.
"Attest, E. J. NoKTiicuri',
Mr. Northcutt was one of Ilia leading
piouitrs and Indian fighter in the
early da)S. lie was with General laine
in t lie Iudiau fight ou Evan Creek, ai d
was wounded iu the arm during ti e
battle. This was in lfo5. Tho next
osi he was with (idieral Smith at the
I'aillubl Hungry Hill, being Captain of
a company ol pioneer fighter. Mr.
NortliLiill served in IS Indian lights in
Oii gon during the early days, and was
twice o inile 1. Dennis St'iVall ill Tele
grain. Ladles Cexn Wecvr Shoes
One man smaller after using Allen'
Foot Kase, a powder to be shaken into
the shoe. It make tight or new hoea
(el easy; gives instant relief to corn,
and bunions. It's the greatest comfort
discovery ol the age. Cute and pre
vents swollen fmit, blister, tallou and
sore ss,l. Allen' Foot Kase Is a cer
tain cure (or sweating, but aching leet.
AI all druggist mil shoe (tore, 26c.
Tril package Free by mail. Addrris,
Allen S. Olmsted, Ls ltuy, N. Y.
Oregon State Fair.
The Oregon State Fair at Halem,
September I'Urd to 2Xtb, IUUI, inclusive,
prom se to be tin best this year that yet been held. New feature for
amuxMiieiit and instruction have been
a ided, and paiticular attention will be
given to the stock Exhibit, owing to the
great and constantly Increasing interest
in dairying throughout the stste.
For this occarion, the Southern I'a
cilii: Co. will make a rate ol one fare for
j the round trip, from all its stations In
1 Oregon, to Salem, and return, and it is
t'i be. huiK'd that every una who can do
' sill show his appreciation by taking
advantage of this opportunity to pass
a lew dy pleasantly and profitably at
our S'ate Capital """
$11.00 to $T 00 s Week
! Salary for an Intelligent man or wo
man in each town. I'ermanent por
tion. 30 cents per hour lor spar time,
j Manufacturer, Itox 1102, Chicago.
Governor 0 Rebukes State Board of
Trails Many Convicts Maks Appllca
tlua For I'arole A Large L( Haft,
startler at Weston, Wash.
The postmaster at Nomo, Joseph It
VTright, was arrested and hold for trial
ou the charge, ot embezzling $3,300 from
the government of the Umtod States.
Mrs. Phebe Hearst offered to add to
the university of California a depart
mout of anthropology, and to maintain
it at' a cost of about (oO.OOO a year. The
offer wa accepted.
Oue car of a trainload of cnttle on
the way to California, ou the Santa Fe
Pacific, was found to bo ou fire. It was
cut out at Kingman, A. T., and wot
burned, cattle ami all. -
A coroner' jury at Ylotorio, B. 0.,
found Knpene ISrooks, a Zlouito older,
and John Rogers, a olexk iu tho Hudson
Bay fur department, guilty of man
slaughter because they did not Trovido
the Roger ohtld, wbeu suffering from
diphtheria, with medical treatment.
The child died.
Tho Robertson log raft left Astoria,
Or., for Sun Franoisco iu chargo of the
powerful tugs Tatnosli nud Richard
Holyoke. It consists ot about 600,000
liueal feet of piling, procured iu the
vicinity of Westport. It took about
eight tuont i to construct the raft,
which U 011-. feet in length, ot cigar
liapo, and ls nbout 40 feet in diameter
at the largest part. Its draught Is about
4 feet, and is tho largest ot it kind
ever built.
Governor Ojjgo of California mailed
to tha state board of trade a reply to its
letter upon the slrlko situation, request
him to nse the power ot tho state to
brlug an end to the tie-np of a large
part of the oommsrue of tha state
through fear of violence. The governor
denies that tho existing stato of things
would justify the calling out of the
national guard, and the position ho takes
lu the matter is supported by tho sheriffs
of Solauo and Contra counties, who say
that they can maintain tho law In their
respective oouuties. Mr. Unge further
says that during a personal visit of
three week to San Francisco ho saw
nothing whatever to uuthorizo a resort
by the state to military force.
IIonrT Heinosmau, a blacksmith, aged
SB years, wont Into a saloon at Angel
Camp, Cal., mid culled for a drink, after
which he took n drink of chloroform.
He was takuu homo and a physician
was culled, ut liolucsiuim died lu n
few minutes. He gave as the reason for
the act that he was a sufferer from con
sumption and could not live long. He
was the champion single-oar sculler of
the Paolllo coast.
An unmanned sloop was captured by
the revenue authorities on the lower
sound and towed to Port Townsond,
Wash. Tho sloop Is thought to bo one
ut several small craft eugaged iu bring
ing Chinese and opium across tho inter
national bo idary without the custom
house formalities. The vessel is tilted
up with compartments, some of which
ore opened by means cf secret springs,
and bear evidence of having been fre
quently used for storage purpose. Fred
M. Johnson, who was in charge of the
sloop, was arrested and locked up ut
Port Towuseud.
For the first time lit several years
wheat vess. will bn loaded ut San
Diego for l'lurope. The British bark
Formosa, now ou the way to ttau Diego
from Antwerp, has been chartered by
Oeorge W. McNcar, and two other
charter are already secured, Thu
wheat is from tliu l'allbiook and Tom
uula countries, where there will bo a
good supply or shipment, Kscoudido,
l'oway ami Murietlu valleys also will
have wheat to ship, besides filling their
own warehouses.
The Southern I'aelfio ha inmlo public
It report of th California fruit trulllo
for the eanou eliding 5, and, ac
cord in g to the figures shown, thu short
age In shipments for tho season runs
over 100,000 .ous. This is partly duo to
the strike, but more particularly to th.
shortage lu the crop of cherries aud
early peaches.
During a druulieu brawl nt I'resun,
Cnl., between two Japan. 'so luboroi
named Kldo mid Tuiilguchl, Kldodrow
a revolver and shot Tonlguelil through
the heart, killing htm Instantly. Police
man BlcSwai.e ran np to Intel fero and
was shot twits by Kldo, oiui ball going
through th nusules of the left arm an I
th other til. ough the palm of tho left
Land, shut! ilug tho small Loucs, but
the wouuss are lint serious. While
pursuing Kldo Policeman Nelson shot
) im at the base of the spina ni.d be
died within half uu hour.
A dispatch from Sail San Joso, Cnl.,
say that tight head of cattle bavo died
ou the ranch of John Uassler, near
F.vergreeu, of wualConnty Veterinarian
H. A Spencer pronounce anthrax, the
dread cattle plague. Other cattle ou
Ihe aamu fai m ar ill. Dr. Spoucer als
expresses tlio opinion that Gottlieb
liassler's death, which occurred ris
orutly, was i ot due to a tarantula bit",
as reported, but to anthrax, he having
skinned a cow which had died of thai
disease, awl afterward scratched a
welling from an insect bito.
James Hartley, a yonng sheop ranoher
from Sacramento, Cal., was assaulted
and robbed by three men iu a saloon oi.
Steuart (treel, San Frauclw.'o, Isilwuei
Ulaslou and Market. Dazed aud bleed
log from hi wound, Hartley staggere.
to his feet after the robbery ami went
In search of the police. Ho told hir
story at the central station, but was uu
tble to same the saloon in which th
robbery took pluoe. The thieves, how
ever, took 1 mi him hl in money, a
gold watch aud ohalu aud a vuluubie
At Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning 1 leel bright and my complex
inn I belter. My doctor ssys it sets
gently on the stomach, liver and kid
ney, and I a pleasant laxative. Ills
made from herbs, and i prepaid a
easily ss tes. It is railed Lane' Medi
cine. All druggist sell ll at 2"ic. au.l
60c. I.ane'l Family Medicine moves
the bowel each day. If you cannot go
it, (end for a free sample. Address,
Orator F. Woodward, f.e Hoy, N. Y.
Thomas' Trumpet
Last week wo called your attention to our
Fall and Winter House Furnishings, '
Tellin;r vou there were some- lines wo had too mneh nf?
that wo were goinj,' to redtico them, and that you would
Reap the Dcnclit that was for.10 Days from last Thurs
day. Tho salo still goes on; there's only u few days left.
many poopio iooic advantage ol tlio specially Low Trices
wo arc making and so mako busy times for us.
20 per cent. Discount, 1-5 off
menus a big caving to you lot us h
If you looked throuch last week,
somethitie uew is being added almost
riclutc Mouldings beautiful new lines over 50 iu stock.
New Lamps, Rogers Knives and Forks, Spoons &c.
Taints for decorating your house, 50c up.
Chamber Sets. Brooms 20c up.
Chaffing Dishes you can make many a nice little lunch
and for a little money with a Chaffing Dish.
Finally, don't forget tlio Discount lines wo aro reducing.
I.inolu ins
l'ieture .Molding.
Tho approaeb of winter 1ms c.uised a
(Trent rush of people from Dawson, nil
the berths belnn tulton on tho arontners
from Alusku to Piuot sound, The in
creased liu -InesH bus caused almost un
limited roJu-cuttliiK on the Yukon river
between iJnwitoii mid White Uorso.
W. M. (.liiKK. ouo ot tho oldest
M moos in tho west, died at tho resi
dence of hi diiUK'hter ill Unlet. 1, nciir
Simla Urn-burn, Cal. Ho wm a native
of Ki nlnckv, 87 yours ut iirj, nud eamo
to 8.111I11 Uurleuii from 5f iuoort threo
years nio, II. 1 joined tho Manmin
lodK'e nt llutl.T, Mo., half a century no
The town of HmkuioI, near Pan 1 11 Crnz,
On I. , I tnkiiiK stops In the Hue of burial
reform. Nearly all residents of the
towu have sinned a'p.titiou, in which
they piomiso that the expense of bury
lug any relative shall bo us cheap ns
possible, from $15 to it'.'O beltlK tho limit.
They expeet to do awny yrlili the. he.irso,
and instead of inexpensive, casket theru
will bo a plain box.
Northern raciflo (lock 3 nt Suattlo,
known ns tho Whllo Htirr rl xk, col
hips'id. No lives wero lost. Thu diuu
ago to thu doelt amounts to t.'I.DoJ tuul
to tho freight stored there $IO,fn)0. Tho
dock foil eomp initlrely slowly, allowing
tho men upon it time to csenpo. Tho
dock was completed about four nioulh.l
afto. Ijukof proHir biuoilij,' is Klveil us
tho of tlio disaster.
Tho county coroner wont to Ihe littlo
mountain hnmlut of Weston, Yu!i., I )
iliviiMtiate the death of l'ntu Loiiwui'th,
and found that ho had b"eu murdered.
A blood-smeared ml.o, row In the koei
int of tho slierin" ollluo, did tho wu k.
This, the inutiluted body of tho vtoiim
and tho threo rooms ot his 1 nuly cabin,
with tho walla and floors showing; truces
of blood, told plainly the story ot n
criino. lyinuHorlli kept a stole nud n
saloon nt Wesloii, u w.iter-tniik Million
ou the Northern I'm i lie, near the summit
of StamiHidn pass. 'J'riiiup.1 often gather
at the water tank, lyltiK thero during
tho day wnittu;; for Iniius. 1 ho mur
dered man's watch nud l.eyrt were taken
from his pockets.
A feature ut the regular monthly
meeting of tho stitto board of prison
dlroclors at K.m ('imntlu pi I' on, ( '.il.,
was the presentation of ovi -I I fiiipliea
ttoua lor p.iroio, many of v. liie-li w'.io
filed by iite-t.-i nu i i. It, win nn'yi.'
eenlly that lie. utato l.i later, pined
It in tho 1 ow r of thu I. of p.i. ou
dii-eetots lo pai'lop. irnnlnali s- rvin
Jlfu si ii I en i'0'i, au.l aluiest evniy cone ct
with a pull lots already put iu ui uopii
cation lo' a i-l' aeo. Tie. bo".. I il ei ted
to call a nr,clln;;.tn I Inviio O iv
eriior ( iai.rM lo be present to li t in to I h
statements of lie, applicant a.
Kiehard M irnck, an a -e l . x Melln-l.
ist lltinlster, l WIH eieolo.-l as a
cbi ic in I ho M .'li.itliBl l: s I; foil-: rn, nt
10:i7 M il io t M reel, ill l l ill.'K o, coin.
ini'.'c'l 1 1 1 " i . H, bv dio-.vii:ii.,' bioiielf
r tlie Cliir lloi'iv. If- I -A r c. ived
notico lluit Ii.h s. rve-tH won1 1 bo no
loi.j; r r. iju.ied le,' Iil i i rn ' y ! ( u"t.. .
O. t. I, ami tin f. i: ol m o .itio'i for
hoo ... f ali'l f o ; n : ; y ma 1 . Ii.m .! s; oa I-
ent. .' i arr a w a i 1 1 y.Mi of ii : n i I
ll.u lull i ! auie i loeii. ii, -if ot w ooin
are still l. i..;;.
.Southern Oregon
A: III. VM),
St ron i Aiailetai'c
course, I'rofi sioiiitt
training of the l;ij,i--t
Well eipiippe.l
tories. lirsl tin's triilii
ing depa r t in e it t. I "
msnd lor ttmried lea. h
eis exceeds the supply.
Ilriid-iates ra-ily secure
yiHid posilious.
llesutlliil location.
Most dc iiohlful c ilnUe
on the coa-.t.
Ksperises U'.'l) lo (IM
per year. Write for
I !
V. M.
ive the pleasure of selling to you.
dou't think you have seeu it all
every day.
Wall Paper
(iranite ware
il irrors
Lawuneo Whiti.'oi th, alius IL B. da
I.otaif. was Hi.e-''il on Uio Oireiuiio dock
lit ,;.;u Trail, 'oco n.i hu was biiardiug
the so -.unsiiip Ventura for Itonolnlu.
J'lie n. iut was jiiudo on a dispatch from
Chief. Sullivan or Seattle that Whit,
worth wi'd wanted l lit re on tho charge
of feionr euibezzlemeut. It ajipears
thnt Wiiitworth 1'iiiber.xled betweeu
tlt.t'.i.O and t.OeO, oblained by oouverl
Inn into ru-h a note which he had tnkon
in pa.Miient fer a lifo insuranco pre
mium. He failed to return tho amouut
In the slffiu i of Ihe role w hen tho signer
was rejie'sd by tin Muftml I.lfo Iusur
lines ciniiiny, to whom tho npplioatlou
was iniiile.
Mary, (lie 8 -old ginnddnnghter
of Mm. Littleton, who resides tn tha
lloppi-r block nt !' mta Kos.i, Cal , la
nine mnnnrr found her way to the roof
of the building nud ill tempted to walk
ueio-s tho a ylight. "Im fell througli
ll 0 glas-fmnl dow n the light well, a
doesnee ol .'n f. ei, lim.lnt; in the bar.
iien.-io tii i f a livery Cable and on to
thu shoulders uf ) iver t'ottrell, who
was wns'.iing lieuiesi. Tho child snf
f. -red only from a few biuiscs. Cot I loll
ls laid up for repairs, but will recover,
Tlio suproiio eouit, ou iipjioil, ba
ullliiui-il the coii.stilutniiiality of tho fish
anil g.inii) liuvs i:is,id by tho htbt Cull
fornia ) gVliiliu'u. Tlio Inw, In rugurd
to which tln io h is b- en much coutoii
tlou, in.ilies it ill.'h' il tor any one to ham
inoiii than u ) iloVi r wild (lucks In hi
poMissioti (ei liny ouo day. Tho oh
itcrviuii n of lliis law was found to work
gient hanK'iip on commis-deii merchauta
utnl market intn. A test caso was
mail.', mid the supreme court iilllrmod
thu decision of tlio lower court.
Ily tha wreck of a Great Northern
freight Iraln at Wellington, Wash., four
iikii wiio killed and onn seriously iu.
jiiied. I hu dead are Lngiuevr l'ruuk
Dalilg en, l'lreiuiui John Campbell, a
recti, ii eiiiploMu tiiune l Knight and an
unknown iii mi, i-upposed to bo a tramp
it.'iilini! his way on tho train. Condue
tor N'oirl'iuisi's liiind wus crushed oCf,
tml ho received serious injuries cu the
It is iio longer iti the authority of
Isianls ot supervisor and legislative
l.oiliesof Ini-orpoiatt'd cities and town
in t aliloi'iii.l to is-no license fur Jiur,
!.. a of r" venue. The decision, Wn
g. v. n Iv the supiemo comt in the caso
of 11 my I'jiii'i in of I'is Angoles, who
I l-i pivliu ii tax Imposed by the
r- uu' v
1..W i-i
, an, I tin i vailility of the nr.'-ubnt
nil!-. uud. Tho riveuui nf the
s of the stato will bo greatly
in 1 I v t'' ex. in, ting of saloons
lying a county license,
i'i ! an w in beruiid t death
at iti . wood iiii.l ioal yard ot
(( ITI'i. S
Ir.-tii p i;
ill li 1...'
Ji Im ! 1
t. .ii 1 r .
nt 7I Drannau street, ho I (,' -o per-
in tli ll i.i. s, Mie iha.i was M
j. ai . oi l .ii. I leal U-ju eu(loye. al the
woo i aiul 1 y inl t..r Ij years.
In r-i"S of e .u,;h or croup give Ihe Ut
ile oi.o ll:in Minute Coiii:li Cure. Then
ret ea.-y und have no lear. The child
Aill I all ritiht in a little while. It nev
er f.iils. I'leii-nnt to take, always stfe.
sure am) alimet instantaneous in rlfect.
1 r . Kn iner.
Slate Normal School.