Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 05, 1901, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates:
One Year, in sdvaDce, . $1.25
Six Months, . . .lift
Tbres Months, . ,35
Single Copies, . .05
Advertising Rates
Famished on application at the oflice, or
by mall.
FRED MENScn, - - Editor
Entered at th post ollice at Grants Pa"a,
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
, Hie strike still drags itffll on but is
getting stale, 'ti 0 public ink-rest has
largely withdrawn I the II trom the con
teat. Efforts fur settlement are being
piade and it is to be lioptd that they will
not fuil always.
The Columbia, the winner of the inter
national yacht rates of ISiitf, ban beaten
1 he new defender Constitution in the
first series of trial races to determine
which shall race with Upton's Sham
More I general and public Interest
should be taken fn our schools and their
work. School work is ( the iilmort
importance to the present and future
welfare of our country and there ia no
work which bears more directly on the
health of the nation. Our school; board
id making a special ellorl lliia year to
command the more direct Interest of
the parenta and the public and in lliia
effort they should receive support and
A M't it ion will be presented to the
council Thursday evi-niiij.'jtor a sidewalk
011 the north aide of (i street between
Sixth and Fourth streeta. This would
meet the earnest wishes of many of our
to ns people, especially of the ladies, a-
il will give them an opportunity ol
avoiding the famous "corner, " which
baa been an annoyance for many years
on account of the fruternity of slanders
and leaner who are wool to congioate
there. Many ladies have a dread of the
Biloons, with which U struot is plentiful
ly supplied and the proposed aiduaslk
would enable them tn avoid these.
In our last issue we cliruuiclej a mis
taku, Bomewbal amusing, of a man's
shooting a hug for a deer. In this issue
we chronicle a kindred eiror, not smut'
ing, but serious and alarming, of a
young man's shooting his companion for
deer. These, with the many similar
cases occurring frequently through the
bunting season, lay special emphasis on
the statement that a man should nuver
shoot at anything In the woods until be
seel distinctly what it is. No matter
bow aura a man may feel that it la a
deer at which he ia shooting, be should
know to an absolute certainty, lie
might better allow a dozen deer to escape
than to risk a mistake of this character.
Now la a good time to consider the
advisability of providing a post bouse.
It is a foolish mail who waits until it
rains to shingle his roof, . "In time ol
peace, prepare for war," etc. Now
when, as far as known, there ia no such
thing as a contagious disuse in our city
and no present likelihood of there over
being any, this proposition can be con
sidered without hysterica. There should
be a pest housta and I hero should be
some place in which to quarantine
suwcta. Last year when smallpox
was discovered in one of our Lotels, the
bouse and all the Inmates, It) people,
were quarantined. The quarantine was
effective and thediseuso did not Bpresd
in the slightest from this source outside
the hotel, but all the inmates had to
undergo a siege of smallpox before the
quarantine could be lilted. If there had
b.'CU some place provided whereby the
persons suspected of exposure could
have been isolated, perliups there would
have been only one or two rases instead
of over a dozen and the quarantine
could have been lifted much sooner,
There is no reason fur believing that
cases of Manila smallpox will not drllt
d iwn to Southern Oregon from the
lit rllicrn towns next winter, ns It did
last winter and the w inter bclote. Now
is the time to piepare for it or anv other
contagious disease to which human flesh
is heir. A to 11 of oi.r dimensions
should have some provision (or handling
such diseases anyway and it is not good
policy to wait until they come before
beginning preparation. '
Scholarship Contest,
Only a few days remain in which to
secure that $1'5 present for your friend ;
that ycitr's acholniship in the Ashland
Xoimal a hit h e are uttering. In these
few days wonders may yet Is) accom
plished if you will work, The prim is
well w orth striving fur mid will be gained
by the one who works boat fur it.
Now why not renew voui auhscriplioiis;
now just a well as later, and give Home
friend the benefit of our oiler. Every
dollar paid on siihserii lion coi11man.l1
2d votes. The one who gets most votes
receives liiu scholarship. So gather them
io. Pent forget to clip coupons. Send
all votes in by no n of Saturday,
School Fund Apportionment.
- Follow io : is the appori Moment of the
h-tu'c school fend iiin.e, ili jM.-t.!,iin
count v tin-, r i I - :
No. oi ir n f x... -pier am' i.
i ;i i.'.' i'i .... ia
:: '.'1 7 . . lio.nt
.' .... ; '. : ;tii i'. i
l . . . 7"i m '.'7 . . . sit i;.'
it 7:: : . .. k: ;..;
i . llitl ji. ... .'(.
7 .... I, is; oV ' ..) fi i il.'
H !;..' i :! . ... M ;i
'. .:;. . ;;. ....
111 V. lis ; :. ! . ... i.
11 .:i.7u :u u 11
ll is.ivi ; i."i . . . ,171
i;l :;t in: :;ii w ,-,-
h ;;.. :ir i-i ,'.
).i . ... :i."i ;ts .... cd 00
l '' .oi 1 3: . ;J h- !
17 -T.llj 4.1 8o4
l.S 1.1 Oil 41 1 1 ;.J
!! . 42 M
. o7.:h 41 82 p4
5! I M ! It tie hS
t i fo -
W.. . 41 4S Total.. ! M
Mrs. S. II. Allp'rt Joiinsioan,
says: "Our little girl almost straug'ed
to ih alh lih r-o ip The iWtma said
she couldn't live but idiew'.a inatamlv
relieved by One Minnie C iiili t'uri lr.
Given Away
A pretty Pocket Knife will bo
given to each purchaser of a pair
of Youth's or Boys' ShocH, sizes lis
to 5s.
Offer good for
I Front street, oppo Depot,
District Fair.
The Southern Oregon District fair will
be held at Ashland September 17 21
The premium lists have been rarefully
revised and many new premiums of
fered. Those offered on stock ha'e been
quadrupled. Many special premiums
have been offered . by the citizens of
Ashiand. The Chautauqua grounds
hivobs'n secured (or the fair, and the
commodious tabernacle placed at the
disposal of the management for a
pavilion. There will be a variety of
amusements of a flral-claas character,
including base ball and band contests.
"fire-WtUer" at Smith River.
I.sst Salnrdtiy evening the Indiana of
Smith ltiver indulged in an Indian
dance, tjnite a number of ' red-skins"
were present. From all reports there
must have been ao abundant supply of
"Ore water," and fights acre hourly oc
currences. Sunday morning one could
Hud Indians on neatly every road lead
ing from I heir dance hall dead to the
world. One, Shakemill Toinmie, was
badly cut and beaten, and many others
received wounds. Tommie was thrown
into Smith River but succeeded in gel-
ting out and is now nursing a number of
wounds. Del Norte Record.
The complete novel of the "New" Llp
pincott Magazine (or September is by
Clinton Scollard, known (or his "Mao
at-Arms" and several volumes of poems.
"A Knight of the Highway" Is an idyllic
love-story of the bop-picking season in
Northern New York. It pictures a tramp
who has been a gentlemen, returning to
the college town where he was educated
and engaging as a bop picker among the
throngs who travel thither. His regone
ration is completed when be meets the
girl of bis heart. Adventure and ro
mance have made a winning novel,
American to the back-hone.
Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores
of all kinds quickly healed by De, Will's
Witch liuKul Salve. Certain cure (or
piles, lie wire of Counterfeits, lie sure
you got the original De Witt's Dr.
The Universal Entertainer.
The graphophoue, the most ver. atile
of all devices for uiak ing homo attractive,
has made its way faster than alt other
music machines added together, and has
taken a permanent place in the affec
tions of all classes.
And the reason (or Ibis is not (ar to
seek, (or the graphophoue sings, it plays
the music of band, orchestra and single
instruments, it tells stories, gives recila
School Suits
Wo luive jiitst received our Fall line of
niid nre prepared to give you the hest
values ever shown for your money.
for Hoys, Kvery pair ruarnnteed to give
E. C. Dixon.
tioiH, trachtM lor. ginna;, aid
is esp.-oa'.ly calculated to diivo d.ill c r '
a.ty. In llie parlor, in the iniraen , in
the sick room everywhere tho whole
house over-the graphophoue tin, Is lis
I place, lor Ihe vaiiety nl thing U d.ies
enables it to meet the 11 ipiieineuts nt
, even t,iie and adapt ii. elf to the moials
!l ail. When it plays a march your
spinl-are .lined bv llie inailial strain;
I if H leaden a 1;, tbe oat malm sa with
1 ali'.n tbe seliclion is given brings
I smiles or tears, itccoiding'v aa llie song is
i bu rous or p. allelic, mid by number-
let-s means, it attia i's way to the heart
;and when it is silent we leel aa II a liv
, Ing, breathing iiieinlwr ol the household
j bad cease 1 to speak .
I And, besides twiug an euterlaiuer id
1 the tirst magnitude, the graphophoue is
a tireless educator. It teaches the child
j ren the i.eaest and h.-ightet miisi; and
tin that way briniii, not only thrtu, but
I their parents up to tlate.
iVlmnbia Phonograph Co., world's
j bead purlers for talking mat hiitea apt!
supplies; Sn Kianciivo office and store,
I IJj treaty street.
a short time.'
Merlin Note.
Bert Maee ie is now taking bis father's
place aa stags driver to Oalice.
Miases Elith snd Victoria Mitchell
attended church in Urants Pass Sunday
Feacb packing in the orchards near
here la about finished, and hop-picking
is juat begun.
Bert Noel, one of our popular young
gentlemen, aturted (or California a lew
days ago on bis wheel.
Everyone enjoyed tbe fine rain we bad
a few days sgo, snd are now enjoying
the beautiful clear cool weather.
I'rof. McConnell and wile ol Ashland,
are now residing bere. The Professor is
teaching our school which opened Mon
We will soon have some new build
ings in our town. Mr. Powers is build,
ing a new hotel, and Mr. Lew Gibson ia
building a residence near the public
school building. Our church Is also re
ceiving some Improvements.
Mount Keuben Strike.
W. H. Dana, superintendent ol the
Copper Stain mine, ol Mount Reuben,
reports that tbe recent strike In tbe Cop
per Stain gives all indications of being
tbe uncovering of a permanent ricb ore
body. Tbe discovery was made on tbe
third or lower level ol the mine, 300 feet
down. The gold is visible through all
parts ol tbe rock. It is very likely that
this discovery will result in an increase
of the general equipment ol the Copper
Brings Creek Placer.
Joe Conner wss in town last week from
his hydrsuliu property ou Briggs creek
and Red Dug in the lower Illinois dii
irict. Though early in the season, be
has bis mine already fitted up for opera
tion and will have to lose no time when
the rainy season brings the wster. Last
season be uncovered a gigantic channel
250 leet wide on tbe lower end ol his
proierty, paying ground from rim to
rim, with a 40 foot dump. Ha is figur
ing on rebuilding a portion of bis ditch
to cut off some heavy drops from grade
and this will give him 101 leet or more
additional pressure. The gold obtained
ia mostly coarae, running from $20piecea
down and ia heavy, smooth, solid and
very pure.
If tbe action of your bowels ia not eaay
and regular serious complications must
be the final reault. DeWilt'a Little Ear
ly Risers will remove this danger. Safe,
pleasant and effective. Dr. Kremer.
The AsKland Oil Fields.
The drill ol the Southern Oregon Ol
Co., ou the At ford place, east of town,
is again poiiiuliii- into tbe soil fast and
lunous, and ia now down 1(h) leet. Five
ineu are busily engaged in tbe operations
of the company and eiperla in drilling
for oil say that considering the chars, 'er
of the soil thev have been working iu
and some of the unforeseen delays
caused by the labor strikes the company
has made eitraordiuary progress, and
they are surprised thai the drilling
operatioua have progressed aa lar as
they have. Then, too, tbe Indications
ol llitditig the much coveted rock oil are
most promising. The slralaa ol the
earth that have already been erloreled
by the drill go to alio that the oil
sands exist in the locality and will yet
be lapped. Tiding. Aug 2tf.
Jaime White. Bryantsville, lud , saya
DeWiu s Witcb llaael Salve healed run
ning sores ou both legs. He bad annVred
u years. IHx-loi lailed to help biui tiel
I te Witt's. Accept 110 Imitations. Dr.
Pacific Pin Needle Company.
D. A. Cords writes from San Franci-co
Aug. 3ht, and says:
'Our return to Grants Pas has sgain
baen postponed osing to tbe great
amount of business we are doing bere.
Though our staff ronaia s of aix wen, we
sometimes find it impossible to supply
the demand (or our goods, Our magnifi
cent new machinery baa netrly been
completed, and Mr. Schoenatein, uur ex-
perl ia now busy setting it up in Gams
Pas. This, witb the improvements ol
our plant etc., have cost us over $12,0 JO
since last December. We intend going
East iu a lew weeks, but not belore pay
ing a visit lo our plant there.
Didn't Like Cool Nights.
A gentleman wbo returned from the
Rogue river valley to Missouri, a abort
time since, said upon leaving, that be
bad no fault to dud with.our country
that it was Rood, first-class, and that he
would like to live here but tbe nights
were too cool to suit him, He just
naturally couldn't atsnd tbe cooling off
process whicb our climate has accus
tomed itself to. We can aasure tbe gen
tleman tbat he will get that for a hich he
is looking back in old Missouri, We
have reason for congtatulation, however,
in (hat he nor no otber Jasper from
Missouri, or any other bot region can
take our cool nights awa from us. They
ars ons of the many delights of Southern
Oregon and go a long way in making life
hers so deliciously pleasant. Medford
Carnival Coming On.
On Wednesday evening, Sept. 18, tbe
Portland Carnival will open in a brillian'
array of splendor such as is re'dorn seen
in the Northwest. The greet 11 position
building will be illuminated byrearly
3300 electric lights, while the adjoining
Multnomah field, nh its five acres
will have lights 1 qnaling 40 0. 0 candle
power. The Carnival will afford a a bole
month of pleasure and intereeting in
itrucliuii. The railroads and 'team boat
are going to carry people to and from the
Carnival at one and one-third fare for
the round trip, and their excursion tick
ets will be good for 7 days. There will
not be a dull moment at the Carnival
some sort of entertainment will be going
on all tbe lime, afternoon and evening
with two full military bands disuouraing
music. The array of attractions will be
unsurpassed, and tbe Carnival will last
a month.
Branch Railroad.
Engineer Jesse McCall, who has been
making tbe location fur the branch rail,
road that will be built by the Rogue
Kiver Mining A Lumber Cmipauv from
a point on the Southern Pacific Com
pany's track between Tolo and Wood
ville, five miles distant, to the extensive
body of heavily timbered land tbat the
company own, has finished bis work.
The enterprise includes tbe ereclion of a
large saw mill at the terminus of tbe
road. W. R. Stanaill, tbe manager of
the lumber company, goes east iu a short
time to purchase the material for the
construction of tbe railroad and arrange
for lb machinery necessary (or the aaw
FETTERLV At Waldo, Aug. 20, 11)01,
lo Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fetterly, a aon.
LEMPKE In this city, Friday, August
30, 1001, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Itnpke, a daughter.
MOKEY W1MF-R At Waldo. Angtisi
18, 1901, Schuylei Alorey and Miss
Nellie Wimer.
CARR-CARY At Scio, Aug 2S, 1901,
Joseph J. Carr and Miss Alma Kathe
rvn Cry,
Miss Cary is well known and esteemed
in this city, having lieen formerly a mu
sic teacher here. They will make their
boms st Uoise, I la ho.
HMMI -Near Grants 1'ass.Thnrsduy.
Aug. 2t). 1901, Mrs. Jemima E Findley,
aged 50 years.
GRANT Near Grant I'as. Tuesday.
Aug. 27, 1901, Wui. Grant, aged e2
GILLETTE In Eugene, Aug. 28. 1901.
Mr Mary A. Gillette.
Mr. Gillette was a sister ol Mrs. Ie
Calvert of Grants Pass.
DAIS-In this city. Sent.
1, 1901,
in years
Giles Davis.
leceel was well advanced
and had been suffering from ill health
for a long time, lie was an old and well
known resident of Grants Pass, having
lived here since the town's infancy.
Scholarship Free
The Coikikb is giving away lo the
pereon receiving the highest number of
votes In Its scholarship contest, a year's
scholarship, (25, in the Ashland Normal.
Kach paper contains a coupon which
entitlea the holder to one vote. Clip
the coupou and send it lo us with the
name ol your choice. Kadi new sub
scription counts 25 votes; each dollar
paid on subscription, 2 ) vote. The per
011 receiving the highest number of votes
receives Ihe scholarship absolutely free.
This is s prize worth striving for. All
votes must be receive ! in this otlice be
fore noon of Saturday, September 7ih.
Advertised Letter List.
Following is the list ol letters leinain
ing uncalled (or In tbe Grams Pass vo-t-
otlice, Saturday, Aug. 31, 1901 :
L i in us.
Carter. Miss Klhel Potter Mrs W I
Kvins, Mr alary
Itrig.a, All-ill C Mi I.eod, Duncan
Fries, llatrv Uo.a. trank
Hardin, F M Wagner. O It, 2
Kilhurn.T l 2 Wilson, J I,
Miner, K It
C. E. IUkmon P. M
Moonlight Picnic,
A party of young people spent a veiy
e.ijovable evening tiv getting tbe Grants
Pass transfer and going several mile up
the liver It r a uioonlie-ht picnic. Plenty
ol rd soft (') bar a in the rig. msk
inr Ihe many rocks uono ci abV Tbe
boys and girls leel viy grateful 10 Mis-es
Klhel Palmer and He-tba Kuns tor their
kindness in serving the lumh. Tne lol
lowing were present: M urs Klhel
Palmer, llertha Itvrie, Gertie Rinie
Ada Uniphlelie, Marv l'ik-r, a
Parker, Osyth Cmxion, .h sn I Winnie
Fyfleld; Messrs. K M. Si."h, J II.
Smith. Tdly Palmer, Wil'a d D.-m..n,
Olio Duulao, Will Ireland. KobSiit.e,
Edward Van D)ke, Nate Pates, J. W.
The watermelon seasou is now at ils
hfiitlit and about a dor-11 car load-i have
already been sent oiir. The crop is some
what inferior 'in quantity as compared
witb ordinary years, but the quality is
as excellent as ever aud the melons are
large, handsome and luscious. An al
most unprecedented frost iu June cut the
vine down so that the melon growers
despaired of any crop at all, but the vines
came out and made an almost miracu
lously quick growth, and brought forth
melons at the accustomed time. The
wav tbat nature hurried to get those
melons ripe by Ihe early part of August
is a marvel lo those who observed. Tbe
fruit however, is set more sparsely on
the vine than usual. The largest grow
ers this year are T. I Lee', R. A. N. Key
mere and Cobb Bros.
Contemptuous u( customary procedure,
rain tell 111 appreciable quaiuiies on
Saturday night and Sunday. lis mission
was iu the main refreshing and invigo
rating, settling tbe dual and inaugural lug
a cooler atmosphere system. It was
slightly unpleasant for a tiinu fur camp
ers and bop-pickers, hut pl-asant wcaih
er folio Ing immediately after, Ihe an
noyance was only temporary.
Trimble & Cook's New Shop.
Trimble and Cook's new blacksmith
shop on I street is nearing completion
and will soon be occupied by that firm
The new building is 34x70 feet end ail
nave shells In the rear fur h rrscs, an
open driveway from end to end, comfort
able office and a handsome front
Four fires will be oeraled and the firm
will lie prepared lo turn out an immense
amount of work. A complete sli ck of
iron and steel a ill be carried. The ap
pointmunt and equipments of this
establishment will place it uinong the
very foremost in i's line in Southern
Ami Ku-tiug Tinaaro at Cramer Bros.
A Birthday Party.
A veiy il.-Iuli'fol evening was spent
al tbe homo ol 1-. Y. cawjer near
Kerb 1 11 Friday August 30, the occa
sion being in tionor ol llieilst birthdays
uf their son Claience and Miss May
White. Muiic, gamos etc.. were the
amusements uf tbe evening and wire
kept up with interest until midnight
when all were shoan to the dining
room and there pariouk of refreshments
that would tickle the palate of any
Those present were Vr. and Mrs. F.
W. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex White and Grandma
Sawyer. The young people were the
Mit-ses Alice I'atton, Yerna and Berths
McCann. May While, Ada Erb, Lucie
George. Fleda Smith; Messrs Alex
tjoume, James I'atton, Clarence and
Freeling Sawyer, Ralph, Job, Kay and
Ricb White, l!oy and George Wells,
Will Gohres, Little llarvy Siuitli, Usv.
W. F. Smith.
Icing Cars.
The Water CuiiipsDy l:3 been busily
engaged during Ihe past week in icing
refrigerator cars which nie to transport
Southern Oregon fruit to the East. They
have iced 11 cars thus far and expect to
stuck 25 or 30 with Die frigid article be
fore the season ih over.
The ice is lifted to tbe top of the curs
by horse power with an ingenious der
rick like contrivance, by means of which
the work progresses suiuulhly 11ml rapidly-
The Water Company baB made Ihe ice
business quite a prominent industry in
Grunts Pusj. They have an op to dote,
thoroughly well equipped and capable
plant and the product is ot the highest
Church Notices.
Dr. V. S. Holt, synodical missionary
for Oregon, will occupy the pulpit at tbe
Presbyterian chute 1 next Sunday.
Tuote who have heard Dr. Holt speak
will bu pleased at the opportunity to
rejieat that pleasure.
M. K cm lH'II, K ITII,
There will he preaching in the M. K
church, S jut li , Sunday September tbe
Sill at il a. m. and at 7 :'iJ p. in. Tb s
closes my year with this church and 1
would be glad to see all the members
and the citizens 011 that ijate.
T. P. IIaynks, l'antur.
sr. li ki; a ki ixcufai..
Services al St. Luke's church Sunday,
Sep'.enibir 8, Fourteenth Sunday alter
Trinity, Sunday schuol at 10 a. 111 ,
morning prayer, tioly communion anc
sci mon at 11 a. 111.
Evening prayer mid sermon at 8 p. 111.
rinht pntiiult nf love aiM ...uphur, of
milt- ami sunshine ot ? M itiy n mother
enn till up the blank out of h r txprm nee
of puny, v ailititz ehihlu n, iiom- coii-iny
TSVV - 1 IkoukM no
"A. I noHfi Ui hon:.
UM-ii Dr. I'ini't's
I-'.ivot w Prri-rrip-tin
u.- a pif -iuiul
pi p;:uliu kuow
thai il mukt-s nil
the iliiirn ni.- In
Urrn h .t p p y .
In .lit hy in u h v'r
hoix). ami a met 1km -hum,
!' nmiinni
inn and mi-t ry
A n J t It t y Itno
also, " h.ii'py.
hraKhy m -1 li r
have happy, health v
clnUinn. Knot
ite Pieciipt'on "
trenRthrns i'it
who, K'.ly lot the
stium of im-tlur-
hood. It pt;K'.U-
ie aw ,iy v r.h
lin. of cln!
jrtves the
in u i ti i i tuur.iwm
v i t I i t . H
Wen her to nurw n! nourish' a hejlihv
The "Favorite Prescription " contains no
alcohol, neither opium, cocwine. chlotul not
my other n.acotic.
"1 mm uun'icr of ix fhiMrvti." wntr Mrt
C, A Kris;-, of MtUwtwxl (s.uU C- , t;1 j.. n
and h. tlk thrse or tour bottir ci ' r,i
Mtitr l"rvf .ni'iK U ' tK-torr vonftiif-ivrTit m-,1
never mtrlv rcii unv to k i-f h. , snr
ptii : m Uil -u wrre UireitH- wiiSaih!
mote than rv'ti MinS, at-.t I . n,,t K :.,l(r
WMltn , WMRh Ult 111 XMU1.1 -. 1 IXAVT Hli
inir vtt'tnah ti.tiMf lm a u .l..- , ," :,j.n
MolUml tHerv' wouUl Ml nre ..LI rigtil 1 ru
hanlty ct wuhHit your mfivtir 1 he are
lithe merhcinc iic "nrtiU, i( ukin iu urn;! lo
keep one in perlot b itti.
"I Irrl tint t owe ,v tittle U v ti r to TV
Hctor' (KKleu V!Kt llr, v he tn-t
cxmMj'-Hiitv n.l r'Tt'Mi ; he ti, wu t Lrt;
them m I ctaimot-Tii to -n,- h.i-t n c-'.Un
Mnlical Iiw'VTrv ' iu U u ,ir. (. iSv . ih- i.rt.,.,
lv Now he la itist ':h i, )-i i S . s
I KUUd J he RTuWft ilsV Tt-rtl "
Pr Pirree' Pleiiant 1U
laxative for woutco.
tsare the K(
'. ?
Public Schools.
Th liranla I'rss oilic aehcuU v. ill
-n -n Monday nut illi a ccp' 1 13
teach..-,-. Tro'. F. E Young. I'rniMpai.
The bosrd bavs inaugurated a noirner
ol iiiipioveuicHls in Bchool affairs, a uo-
lable one hcing the addition ol a year to
the high school coarse.
Grants Pass Grocery Cp.
The Grants 1'ass Grocery Co. have
purchase 1 the grocery stick and business
of Bancroft & Co., taking charge on Sep
tember 1st. The uea firm is taking hold
of llie business in a very enterprising,
systematic and business like mann-r.
ft iB tbeir evident'inlention that the
m il known excellence of this mercantile
establishment shall be increased under
t:iis management uu-l they will carry a
sloe of goods second to none in this por
tion of the stale.
B&nd Concert.
Th following program will ba given
by the (irants l'ass bind at the U dl
road (-ark on Friday evening, Aug. :
Match, ' Stars and Stripes For-
ever" Sousa
(irand Medley ' Sjiert'' lUlbey
Air Vane "U.-nevieve" tiarlon
Overture "I'odl and feaaiiil". . . .Siiipe
Selection, "Kobin Hood" I'e Kucen
Selection. " IVang" Morse
tiraml liantuiie Faumsia, ' H
Trovalore Verdi
M.irch. KubaKlan Uiooke
This is the Usli-onceri of the aea-on
After tlie concert the la:id wil. givo a
social ball at the opera house.
State or Ohio, City or ToLKiio, )
Llca Cot N i y I sa-
Frank ). Cheney iinkee oath that be
a be senior partner "t the firm of F . J.
Cheney & Co,, doing bositi'ws in the City
of Toledo, County and S ute. aforesaid,
and 'hat said Aim will pay thesiiiuot
ONE Hl'W.'Klin UOI.I.AHS fur each
nd every case uf Catarrli thut cannot be
cured by the u-h of Halim Cataiisih
C'lkk. Fkaxk J. Ciii:nky
Swoin lo hi-fure mo and sub crilied in
D'y presence, this 6 h dav of December,
A. D. lHXll, A. . liLKAaON
;si:ai.) Notary I'ublic.
llall'e Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and a'-ts directly ou tho bhed and
iiiucoua suritfces ol the systi-ni.. Socd
for ICBtimoiiiiils, flee. F. J. ( iicneY &
Co., Toledo, O.
sold by diugiiiais, 75c,
Hall's Family l'illnaro the best.
Stood Death. Off.
V.. 15. MuliJay, a lawyer of Henrietta,
Tex., once fooled a grave-digier. He
say: ".My brother was ver low with
u a'ariul fever and jiun.lice. I perauad
.dhim to tiy Klectric Bitters, and he
wa ro hi in cell beiur, but continued
tiieii me until lie was holly cured. I
uui sure Kiectriu Hitters saved his life.''
TuiR remedy expels malaria, kills diiiease
germs and puis lies the blood; aids diges
tion, regulates liver, kiduej s au-l bowels,
cures constipation, dyspepsia, nervous
diseases, kidney troubles, female com
plaints; i;ivcs peifect health, Ouiy o0c
il Dr. Kleiner's drug store.
Hydraulic Elevators.
Among tho embarras.-meiHs formerly
met with by the hydraulic miners was
that of delicieut dumping grounds for
their waste. This mas due to the in
adequate bio e of '.he gulch ill which
the working gruunds weio situated.
Fur years much rich ground lay idle
because did nut tiler a Milhcieul
natural du up.
There ciobanatsiiicilts have Ucn
lately ov ercuiuu by the bticcesoiul iutro
duct ion of the hj diuulic e cv.nor. This
appliance, thus lar, has arumcd two
forms :
1 he first of llu to ia know n simply a
a hydraulic clevulor, an example of
which ia furinsiicit by tiie Colombo!
umie, ot Itio Oiavo creek uisliicl
Soutliern Uregi ii. 1 he clevulor ul this
uiii.e conailij ui a luie. pipir Iwo mid
one-iiail Ic-et in uno -10 ieel ill
length. Tins pipe is .-n at an angle of
45 degiucs over the mil ot the sluice a ay .
Al tbo base of the pipo a monster giant,
implanted in u.u giound, Ion ea the
water us il con. ca do an the sluiceway,
togcthtr with Its boulders, watte d.rl
and gold up through the pipe, and
through tho sluices -III feet above. A
secund giant ci, tcta Ihe pipe midway and
aids in elevating, while a third furnishes
oy-waterfor the sluices al the lop.
The power ol th' elevator In bey-jnd
comprehension. It will to au HO
pound boulder up tnrough the as
ea ill y as il would u uinride. fsuch an
elevator aa this will lunii?h a dump
eulh.'ieiit iu keep the mo.e in ojieratiou
lor fjj years.
Another lorm of el.'vaior is known as
tb i "Ur. .! '' ' a bu ll, too comple cly
J.Ve. ihe UilU. u.iV ol a ,h hit O.imp. - An
e.a np.e u: a "in- lev ' is nirnia el l.y
ih.- Kiiule iniiui, ul iiii- (Joo-:e i reek dis
luct, fr'iUiheiiiOrth"!-, ii' Kjbic la-ing
llie inventor Ol the e I'il.iiue.
Illil "tillltz.i ' .jllubl,- a Uige
eicva-OI ol a thrfSldtlj UlSclllllO, c '11
s.Siiu, as i. duc, o an inclined ll ior,
00 f. ct K'lig, M teel 111 w.d li ami '..o..rdi0
u.i al tiie, -et-i.-1k a; hii ai j-e oi le
degrees, llie or.i.j.ii . iti.e tl.-..rcoi.-si-ts
-j! a itttii w -rit, Loc i wail steii
plate-i. A liu-' gia'.t. ou line widi me
e.eyator, ami o I. . uway,'p!u;a He
pjnenii. stream op ui t,,e Umi, luicing
tiie buuidi is u:..i rc. iv Hie incline,
w..outiie jio.d ami ,.fji; re.-iuiu lali
i.:U the lattice! floor, cKdj tAek to lue
bo. to n, and Hie cuied lor by th.i Ihiuu
that tlia l.i'oi ,o lijtbb a. liiu Oare
01 il.e tir.s!t-y. l-'tu nuup I..i .i..-:ied
by tins eli va: n- is ati e..;lu i-o-. i.. tM.
hah a Criitiii . Vi'i.ii ;o' c mo. I. i;i i.n
pruve.ueuia an t woi-Jvi j i at l.u moiiol
liuha.ii c m.,u:.g, n ij i.-;u m.le .u:iJer
tlial p.aeer lliloin stloill.l n a I ail o;i:rl
induatiiv in t.'rs-g ..i. ii aiuiy vt ill in
evitab y prove Ilia- ihe ti.-a.-uie. ot ibis
state lie liid l.-u t,i iu.-erin. h i3 th
in in w.i . iiu.ii,. ,. t ., i,,,t.-au;.
giant, cud llie iln-;-n (i, k I b .1 will
in-. -in in ji.-tt i ..i::u i.,an ti.e oar-
e. ol uii in,. ;.ut, !. . ot a;i Iuc Bltttt,
111 -t IV .i! Ill l'u-.I.C lll:l,.r.
!rieily Crock.
A mining ,n tricl .s a. liieuoj:
pro.niuri, e is the Slic;ly ere k disiik.
yo g ji-'.overibe lue in D.-l ,r!u
cnuitj. neer t u- I i l'ass Cte.-ceni
C'ny ro.i,i A iimi.te. of va'iubegi'd
an i e -ppor pupn lies ato b-n,- devel
oped there. T..e l,d- s ,,. u,mf
ea. ry bili va ties.
In aea ol c ui,h !Srfiii lVtf lni. m
tie oue Una .ditiute l onwii Cure. Then
rest ea-y und haw n j :,.,r. Ti.e ihild
le a t ri.-lit i.i .i li.i:,. ahile. I. nev
er lails. I'lraram to Iiki-'. a ways safe,
sure and almost ii.rtaru jihou . in tffect.'
I'r. Kremer.
100 Mile World's Record
Time: 3 hours, 51 minutes a nd 8 seconds.
Tho former world's record was 3 hours '57 miimtcg
.. , and 8 seconds. - i ttt-u
BAL'OE, thejigrcat French rider, on a , , ( ,
Breaks the 100 mile worlds road record, June 23d.
V For
w . r East of Depot
M. Clemens,
Orange Fro.iti oppo. Opera House..
Capital Crime Comialttea br .ttss la
tierinsnr 1'uder Slnaalar
A German named Lebedeer, Rervlng
in the French foreign legion, has
told a atrnnge story about a ritual
murder to tho otlicers of a court
martial assembled at Onin in . Al
periii, Buys the London Telegraph.
The soldier was being tried for hav
ing ninde nwny with his military ef
fects, und he excused himself hy
stnting that he was prepnring to de
sert, us he was afraid that he wV
iihont to be nrrested ua the man who
killed and cut up a young Catholic
student named Worser, at Koenitz,
about two yours ago. This wus a of what is known na ritual mur
der, and it caused much sensation ut
.the time of its perpetration.
I.ebedeer's story is that he was out
of work one day at Koenitz und a
man offered biui money to accom
pany him to u synagogue. There he
saw some masked men, who ordered
him, under pain of deuth, to kill a
young student who was asleep In the
place, ami who hud evidently been
drugged. Lebedeer hud to do what
be was told, lie cut up the body,
and the blood was drained into a
silver basin. Vhi all was over
Lebedeer was paid, and was told thut
whenever he wanted assistance he
bad only to present a seiiled letter
given to him by the masked men to
any Jews whom he should meet. He
used the letter ut liresluu and at
I'rnrikfort-Oii-the-Mnin, nnd then en
tered French territory. Fearing ar
rest he joined the foreign It gion.
Lebedeer wai condemned by the
court-martial to six months' impris
onment and a magistrate has been
appointed'to see if his extraqrdinnry
story cau stand ve'rfication, or if'Ce
merely told it for the purpose of
avoiding military punishment.
There lias Drea aa Imiarii, Growth
of th Trade Wlthlm riT
In 1S9S we scarcely knew Denmark
ns an egg producer; but in that year
was founded the first Danish coopera
tive society for the export of e:gs.
Tint ciime Mitein which had succeeded
i;h butler was now to be applied to
egi. xays the London Mail. The conn
try was divided up Into districts; each
d.sSi.ct li:.d in some railway nation
:i e.u'.ictii.g depot, nud all mcnitiers of
ihe society were bound to deliver three a wei k at the depot. Tl.c depot
nuent refused, or hud aright torefuse.
ali .-pus more than four days old. and
ev.'i producer of each district had a
distiitciive number branded on the
c;T- l ans, in the event of an eirg prov
ing bad. the depot which klii;-peil it
would he proceeded against, und by
menus of the distinctive number the
depot airent would he utile to detect
the producer, on whom the loss would
Anally fall.
1:.v thus guarautfolng absolute
freshness nr.d miilcingjrood any urea--I
loss, the Dunes established a
ti:;'h ndard. nnd so treated a con
t en.. us tli m md. And what Is the re
sult.' In ly-. -the tirst year ul the
syr i,. cut - there were established
six local c - moieties, with un afgn
v.ite of .--i i members; in liioo there
wire actually i.,. f.-w.-r than RIT sep
arate n...;i.'rn.ive pieties, with a to.
till meinbi r hip of iju.nO't producers!
1- it s irprsr.7 thr Dei.p.-trk shoulii to Knirl.ind alone of
e;re;s aiinuallv?
A Shocking Calamity
'.itely befell a railroad laborer,'
writes Dr. A. Keilctt. of Williford. Ark
"His loot aa bully truahed. but B;ti k-
len e Ainu-a Salve ipiiikly cureil him.
D'asimp'y aond-rful for Rurn. VI, .,1.
Piles and all skin eruptions, h'. th
world's chati p'on healer. Cure guaran
teed. 2k-. Slid bv Dr. Kroner
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and miuh'ieat little thins
that ever wss made ia Dr. Kinja Se'
Life Pills. These pilla weakne-f
into ftriath, lifb-saiesa into energy,;
brain-fat inui mental poer. They're!
wonderful in b np the health. On- i
1 2. per box. 8 M by Dr. Keren.- j
Sale At V-
To Tho Public.
Dkab FntENOd : Wbeieas all labotinj
classes have tbeir day's work limited to
and 10 hours and tbe merchanta and
clerks hava been working Iroru 12 (o H
hours each day ; we would respectfully
ask that you would aid ua in our move
ment lor an early closing by making
your purchases before 0:30 p. m. tlit
present closfrlg hour Saturday n.
cepted, By bo doing you will greatly
aid ua in making tbe chaing effective
and gives us a little lima for recreation
and pleasure witb our families. Iteliev
ing tbat yon will be willing to aid ua in
thin way and assuring you of our appre
ciation we are, Youra faithfully.
The Mkhciiantm and Ci.kkks or
Grants Pass.
A Night of Terror.
"'A fill anxiety was felt for the wijot
ol the brave General liurnbam ot Mach
ias, Me., when the d jctora said alis
would die from I'ueumonia before morn
ing" writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who
attended her tbat fearful night, but she
begged for Dr. Kinu's New Discovery,
which bad mora than once saved h
life, and cured her of Consumption. Al
ter taking, she slept all niiiht. Further
use entirely cured her," This marvel
lous medicine ia guaranteed to cure til
Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. On!;
50c and $1.00. Trial bcttlea free at Dr.
Kremer'B drug store.
Br Evrnlna Moat People Have Shrank .
Ualf aa Inch How Men Uet 5
' Into the Aruir.
"The singulur fact that people are
rbout half uu inch taller in the morning
thun they are in tbe afternoon has en-
ibled many n fellow to slip into the ,
limy," said an officer who bus seen 1
rood deal of recruiting tervica, "Time v
and again when the examinations were
oeiug conducted at n tolerably early j
hour men huve been pasted in my pres-
!iice who were barely up to the regula-
tion height, in fact, they were under f
it a simile, and the thickness of a card- I
board would have resulted in throning I
them out. I am perfectly confident
that if these Bume men hud been re-
n.easured just before taps in the even-
ing they would have fallen so far short jj
thut they would never hy any possibil-
'ty have been accejwtd. I huve heard t
it said that a man can put neariy an ) in his height by staying in bed ;
for a couple of days and men-w hile tak- "
ing several bet baths, but 1 have never
seen the thing tried. The average morn- '
Ing nnd evening variation I have found f
by grind den! of- experimenting on i
nivsclf nnd nthera tn be n tittle lesfc than '
P. T. Thomas, SumpUrville, Ala., ''I
was suffering flora dyspepsia w hen 1 com
menced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I
ook several bot I lea and can digest any
thing." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the
only preparation containing all the nato
rat digestive fluids. It gives weak stom
achs entire reit, restoring tbeir natural
There ia a case in Atchison of a man
falling in love with bis wife. Shortly
after their mar
Not la the Roman. ., ,.
riuge, the wife dia
tie War. covered that
"Home, Sweet Ilome" did not appeal to
her husband and that he preferred the
eoinpanionahip of his men friends
downtown, ao set t-oVork to win him.
She did not try any of the recipes for
w inning a husband's love found in the
women's pnpers, soya thetilobe of that
city, which nre mixtures of pretty
dresses, a smile nnd a kiss nt the door
upon the arrival of the victim; n kiss"
he is ubout to leave after having eaten
his supper (which ia to be dainty, witl
a bunch of hia favorite flowers in tbt
middle of the table); she is alio to go to
the piano and win him buck by sinf
ing the songs he admired during their
courtship. The sensible Atchiton
woman discarded all such recips. Sbs
said nothing about her husband's lack
of appreciation, but simply put ber
shoulder to the wheel and helped him
along. He was in debt. Sbe was
thrifty; he got out. She excelled in
housekeeping. Ilia meals are substan
tial and on time. She made hia boms
ao comfortable in an unobtrusive way
that he now hntesta leave it, and hur
ries back after business hours. The
woman Las one of the most devoted
husbands in town. She does not bra
of it, but just jogs along doing tbe
things he likes.
in Milwaukee recently during a rain
storm several trees were set on firth
diverted electric currents.
Don't 1 satisfied with temnorsry re
lief from ind igeation. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure permanently and completely re-
moves, this complaint. It relieves per
manently because it alloaa the lir1'
stomach perfect rest. ? Dle'ing won't ret,
tbe stomurh. Mature receives supPllrt
from the fond ere eat. The sensible way
to help the aUnuach is to use Kod I"''
Pepsla Cure, which digests what jou eat
and ean't help but d you good Pr-Kremer.