Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 05, 1901, Image 1

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    VOL. XVII.
No. 41
I ' s
t -f
Ot $1 per share, or
$50,000 of the Capital
Stock of the Oregon Nat
ural Gas, Oil & Mining
Company, is now offered
for sale to the general
public for
10 cts. on the Dollar
10 cts. a Share.
This money will be used in
drilling an Oil well on lands that
are controlled by this company,
which Is in the center of the Oil
uisinci Known as me norm urants
Pass Oil district. This company
has contracts on the following well
known ranches in this District.
r They have all signed a card similar
$ to this,
I Mrs Mary L Jordon,
J James Deveny, -
G M Savage,
s J J Fryer,
John Deveny,
f B B Ochiltree,
: W J Savage,
Mrs Jessie Deveny,
' B B Ocheltree,
Dr W H Flanagan,
W M Bishop,
f J G Dotson,
J S Harvey,
i J N Carter,
The above ranches embrace
f several thousand acres of land of
I the best indications for Oil that our
agents could find on the Pacific
f Coast and they have been from
. Washington to Mexico.
t You know that if Oil, Natural
' Gas or Artesian Water is found in
; Josephine county it will more than
i double the value of all property
and for that purpose alone you can
i encourage the prospecting for
- Oil, or Artesian Water by taking a
I few shares of stock.
Cat Hi it oat and tend it, with $2.50 to
Scott Griffin.
Oregon Nature,! Gee, Oil and
Mining Company.
To Scott Griffin, Secretary, Grants
Pass, Oregon.
Enclosed please find the sum of
$2.50 to secure option on loosbares
of stock in the Oregon Natural
Gas, Oil and Mining Company, of
Grants Pass, Oregon, of the par
value of $1 per share, I to have the
option of paying a 5 cents a share
on or before you begin drilling; or
50 cents a share on or before 500
feet depth has been reached; or
thereafter $1 par value until a well
is completed to the depth of 1000
feet; the amount paid herein is to
be credited on the stocks accepted.
It is expressly understood that you
are to commence drilling on or be
fore six months from date or refund
to me the amount pid. . Please
forward receipt for amount en
closed. Dated this day of
too -
Name of Sender -
P. 0. Address -
A Gain ot 240 to 1.
Th following teble exhibit tba in
create in tba market value ol the oil
stocks of ten different eompsoiee:
Prices of Stock
..$ 80
.. 1.00
.. 1 00
.. SO
.. 20
.. S0O
.. 35
.. 25
.. 100
o rilling
$ 200.00
37 50
16 00
118 00
13 60
2 15
New York Oil Co
Union Oil Co.,
Kern Oil Co.,
Sao Joaquin
Thirty Three Oil Co.,.
Sterling Oil Co ,
Twenty Eight Oil Co.,
Kern River,
8.00 12S.17
Each o( these compsnlee was organ,
aed leaf than two J ears ago. $8
00 inveated in these ten companies
would have realised a net tarn ol 11025.
17, a gain ol over 20 to 1.
Bay elocis in the Oregon Natural Gaa,
I lil nil Minimi Com nan v at 10 cent a!
bare tor 11.00 shares, non assessable
stock. Bay before they drill.
For iurtber information call on
The Mural Gas, Oil
Ilining Company.
Grants Pass, Ore.
A sudden quirk in the weather need not catch you
napping. We can furnish you instantly the best of style
and quality with a neatness and perfection of fit that will
of custom made wearing apparel. Our suits are worn by
many who have a reputation as dressers.
Oillce, Room 2 over Post Office. Residence
Booth House, 7th & A.
General Practitioner of
Mkdicini and Surqkby.
Office iu Williams Block
Practices in all State and Federal Court
Office over First National Bank.
Grants Pass, - - Obioo.
(J rant Pass, Obcoon.
Willis Kramer
manufacturer or
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family Floui
And Everything that goea with First-
Claea Milling.
For sale by Chiles, Dklematkr,
Wade and Cornell.
Call (or it; tune price as other brandt
Office opposite Hotel Josephine
Grant Pass, - - Orkuon.
Furniture and Piano
The popular barber shop.
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Haiti room in connection
Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Bil
verwear and Jewelry. A Good
Awortmeut of Bracelets and
Heart Dangles,
Clemens' Drug Store.
Fine Butter a Specialty
'Puohi 21
;Sever Connections
j Metal Roofing
Gas Fitting
...Pipe work of all kinds-
Bids furnished (or all work.
Iave orders with
Cramer Bros. Hardware
Hau-Kidul Hardware
Capital Stock, - - $50,000,
Receivedeposita subject to check or on
certificate payable on demand.
Sellssight drafts on Mew York, San Fran
cisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in
we unneu owes.
Special Attention given to Collections an)
general brbunese of our customers.
Collections made throughout Boutberp
Oregon, and on all accessible points.
K. A. BOOTH, President.
J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice President.
II. L. OILKEY, Cashier.
E. E. DUNBAR, Asst. Cashier
Grants Pass
Banking and Trost Co.
Transacts a general Banking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or
on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous
treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound banking principles.
J. Fkank Watson, Tree.
Ecus PoLLtcK, Vice-Pres.
L. L. Jewill, Cashier.
J. Frank Watson, J. S. Moore,
J.J. Ilonck, Eclus Pollock,
HerbertSuiith, Scott Urifliin,
A. E. Bheehao.
This question arises In the family
very day. Let ns answer it to-day.
Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful
dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No
boiling! no baking 1 simply add boiling
water and set to coql. Flavors: Lam
on, Orange, Rasberry and Strawberry.
Uet a package at your giocers to day
10 cts.
Use Allen'a Foot Ease,
A powderto be shaken into the shoes
Your feet feel swollen, nervous and bol,
and get tired easily. If you have smart
ing feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot
Ease. It cools the leet and makes
walking easv. Cures swollen, sweaty
feet, ingrowing nails,blisters and callous
spots. Relieves corns and bunions of
all pain and gives rest and comfort.
Try it to-day. Bold by all druggists and
shoe stores for 25c. Trial package Free.
Address, Allen S. Oluistead, L Roy.
N. Y.
State Fair
September 23-28, 1301,
Great Agricultural
Industrial Fair.
Good Racing in the Af
ternoons. Latest Attraction in New Auditorium
Building, Every Evening, with
good music.
Beautiful Camp Grounds Free.
Special Rates on Campers'
Tickets. Come and bring
your families.
Rtdurtd fokiH til Fuilroidi
For lurlheriaTticalari, address
M. D- WISDOM, Partitas.
Better far the Bleed lhaa Wasparlllt.
For Tboae Living in tbs Malaria Pie
ricta. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
Letto Discoveries .rd Enter
prises in Gold and Copper,
Probability ot Oil.
People of Grants Pass as well aa else
where, are gettiug, or possibly many of
them already have, the oil craze. Two
companies have been boring south of
here for several weeks past and a third,
organised in Grants Pats, are about
ready to begin operationi soon. Ex
perts who have examined tbia district
claim that it is possessed of better indi
catioua for oil than Arizona or Califor
nia; but the truth of this statement is
yet to be proved. Oil men have desig
nated a territory here which is known as
the North Grants Pass Oil District. It
embraces some 6000 scree, and the ex
perts say that thia land contains oil. It
la on this land .that the Natural Gas,
Oil & Mining Company are going to be
gin boring soon, for better or for worse,
for oil or hot water. The company will
not bore for oil alone, but for artesian
hot or cold water, mineral water, gas,
oil, 01 mineral vein. Situated as Grants
Pass is in the midst of a vast mineral
belt, it is moat probable that this com
pany will strike one of the saveral things
for which they will bore.
The gold dredger which has been at
work for some time on the Waldo dredg
ing grounds along the Illinois River, has
been obliged to cease operations for a
time to await the arrival ol new buckets
for the dip chain. Tbe old buckets were
not adapted for the heavy work required
in the coarse gravel and boulders of the
Illinois snd soon wore out. Work will
be resumed as soon as the new buckets
arrive, se tbe grounds are paying well.
Machines that are suited for the work of
dredging California and other placer
grounds of tbe coast, will not work in
the Southern Oregon soil.
Tbe Lucky Cuss mine of the Williams
creek district, has been lately bonded by
McCann A Strickland, of Shriupf Broth
ers. This mine Is situated in the same
district as the Exchequer, Rising Star,
and Mountain. Lion. As its name in
dicates it hss been the subject of various
rich strikes snd discoveries, and hss
been mainly worked for the gold in
eight. The new company propose to
conduct the mine on a thorough busi
ness basis, and the Lucky Cusa, which
is poseeised of good ledger will become
a steady producer.
Just at the present time the principal
topic of discussion in mining circles is
the copper seams snd copper fields of
Waldo. W. A. Whipple, of the Whipple
copper mines, arrived in the city last
night bringing with him a bag of ore
samples from bis property. Much of
the ore is one-third pure copper while
all of it contains from 12 to 38 per cent
ol thia metal. Other samples of ore are
on exhibition from the nearly-discovered
field on Little Gray hack. - This rock,
too, is ol first quslity, snd the ledges
from which it is taken are astounding in
heir immensity. Claims are being
rapidly stsked snd development will
proceed. Little Grayback, which has
hitherto been nsught but a primeval
forest to which the scattered hunter
and campers infrequently visited in
search of game, is destined to become
tbe richest copper field of the Pacific
The rich ore veins discovered in the
Ramsey mine ot Mount Reuben, and
the Mountain Lion, of Williams district,
still exhibit the yellow graine as the
miners remove the ore. For sise and
general value these strikes eclise all
others made in Southern Oregon this
The Sterling hydraulic mine, have
finished their annual clean-up. Their
run this year extended over a period
of ten months, and the output of gold Is
'reported larger than usual, Tbe Ster
ling hydraulic is one of the big Southern
Orrgoo placer propositions, equiuped
with thorough water facalitiet, thus
enabling them to operate long after the
other mines have closed down.
Train Runs Away.
Tbirty-six lives were lust and 13 per
sons were Injured in the wreck of the
Great Northern psateniter train No. 3 at
Nyu-k, 30 miles west of Kalispel, Mon
tana, A ugust 30. None of tbe passengers
were injured, tbe fatalities having been
confined to the employes of the road.
The wreck was caused by the breaking
in two of s freight train on .the steep
grsde of s Rocky Mountain foothill.
The rear end of the freight tore loose from
the head end, dashed backward down
tbe mountain and crashed into tbe rear
end of tbe passenger train just pulling
out of the station at Nyack. The car
attached to tbe rear end of Ibe paasenger
was tbs private coach of Superintendent
Downs. Us and bis Son Kirk and their
cook, Henry Blair, were instantly killed.
The car just ahead contained 46 Scandi
navian laborers en route from Llululb,
Minn., to Jennings, Mont. Tbey were
killed by wholesale. Only 13 were taken
from the debrie alive.
Stats of Ohio, Citv or Toliuo,)
Li t am Cot sty j ss.
Fsaxk J. Ciiikst makes oatb that be
is tbe senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Chkxsy 4 Ce., doing business in the city
of Toledo, County and Slate aforesaid
and that said firm will pay the sum of
1100 for each and every case of Catarrh
that cannot be cored by Hai l's Catasbh
das. Fbane J.Chsnsy.
Sworn to before me sod subscribed in
any pretence, tbis Otb day of December,
A. D. IBM, A. W. GLKAaoM
(Hsat) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internal
ly and acta directly ou the blood and
mucous surfaces ol tbs system. Send
for testimonials, free. K. J, CnxxxT
Co., Toledo, O.
hold by drugvista, Tic,
Hall's Family Pills are th Lett.
CwatoNM Pratt ea the Mealeaa, Beaa.
dar AlUimpt to 8wla the Easll,b
Chaanel EiBoalttoa Will 0a at 81,
I-onll Is 1S03.
The death it announced of Miaa Maude
Coleman Woods of Charlottesville, Va.
Misa Wood i was pronounced the moat
beautiful woman ia America by a com
mittee from the Pan-American exposi
tion, and ber profile adorns all the
medals iasned by the board of awards.
Governor Lougino of Mississippi hat
issued a ttatemeut of the condition of
the state treasury showing that on. Aug.
IS be found a short c of $107,621. The
publication of thu statement created
great excitement. Mr. 8 towers, the
treasurer, declined to make a statement.
A Chicago dispatch says that James
A. Fleming, reputed to be a wealthy
mine owner of Phoenix, A. T., has been
sued tor $50,000 damages by Miss Jessie
M. Gmhiim, who alleges thai Fleming
promised to marry her in 1800, and has
fulled to do so. Miss Graham formerly
livud in But to, Mont.
Au El Pnso (Tex.) dispatch says that
Jose Kttiiiediua Valdespino, tbe leader ot
a gang of bandits that haa terrorized the
entire state of Duraugo (Mexico) for
throe yeurs, was killed by the rural
Frederick H. Porter, the haudsomo,
stalwart son of Juines F. Porter, a mil
llonnire real estate dealer of Brooklyn,
killed himself with carbolic acid beoanse
his father had disinherited him to pre
vent his marriage to his sweetheart,
Anna Josephine Gibson. ' Porter mot
the girl and they weut ta a cafe and
had refreshments. He told thejrirl his
troubles, and suddenly took a bottle
from his pocket and swallowed the con
touts before Misa Gibson could inter
fere. He died in hia sweetheart's arms.
The parents were summoned, aud their
grief was putlietlo.
An exposition in commemoration of
the purchase of the Louisiaua territory
will be opened at St. Louis on May 1,
V.m, and will close Deo. 1. President
McKiuley has issued a proclamation in
viting nil the uatious of the earth to
seud such exhibits to the Louisiana Pur
chase exposition as will most fitly and
fully illustrate their resources, their
industries and their progress in civiliza
tion. The Press-Post printers of Columbus,
O., refused to "set" newt furulshed by
a local news bureau and the paper ap
peared filled with miscellany. The newt
department of the paper having been
abolished, the Newt Writers' nuion de
clared a lockout, aud the prlntera de
cided that hereafter they will set noth
ing bnt editorials and advertisements
until the trouble between the proprietor
aud the News Writers' onion it settled.
The aotion of the printers is approved
by the local typographical uulou. .
A dispatch from Copenhagen says Dr.
Sophnt Hung of that city, manager of
the laboratory belonging to Professor
Flnaen, the inventor of the light-cure
for lupus, hat constructed a tpooial
electric lump giving a feeble light, bnt
which is extremely rich in chemical
rays. Metal instead of carbon poles are
used. Tbe bacteria-killing power of
this lamp it ten times as great as that of
au ordinary are lamp, and a Input
patient requiring 75 minutes' treatment
with the aro lamp will require only
from three to five minutes' treatment
with the new one.
In response to a largely signed peti
tion recently forwarded to the British
home ollloe asking for the release of
Earl Russell, now serving a sentence of
three mouths imprisonment for bigamy,
Home Secretary Ritchie writes that be
can see no reason why be ahnnld inter.
fere, and that the health of the prisoner
ia satisfactory.
The third death from yollow fever re
sulting from the bile of a mosquito bos
occurred at Havana. The victim was
Miss Clara Muas of Hew Jersey, who
died on the seventh day after she was
taken ill. Of the six persons bitten In
the oourso of the yellow fever commis
sion's experiments three have died, aud
tbe doctors say the other three are suf
fering from light attacks of the disease.
Miss Msas was a nurse at Las Animal
and desired to become immune.
Reports from Zapata county, Tex.,
confirm the news that the poorer clasaei
there axe facing starvation. They most
have immediate help iu the way of
food or the resulta will be terrible.
Range wuter hat failed and cattle are
too weak to travel aud are dying rapidly.
The country it llUirully burned up by
drought. There it not a green thing to
be aevn eicept csotus plauta. Zapata
county is IK) miles from the nearest rail
road and whatever In the way of food is
tent to the farmers iu Ilia famine
stricken place must be hauled from La
redo, a two days' trip at best.
Mr. Holbelu started from Cape Oris.
Kex (between Houlogue-sur-Mer and
Calais) iu an attempt to swim to Dover,
sud uarrowly tscaped drowning. He
covered the course to a point within aix
miles of Dover and then collapsed, after
having been Iu tbe water 13 honra and
40 minutes. The tng that accompanied
biin brought him to Dover, where be
was carried to a hotel In a somi-oon.
scions condition, bnt oltlmstely reoov-
ered. Ite says be will try again next
A Washington dlspatoh says the en
tire customs snd Chinese inspection ser
vice of the Culled States along tbe
Mexican boundary is honeycombed with
fraud. Discoveries made by ofllolals of
the secret service show that at almost
any point Chinese not entitled to ad
mission to the United States can come
in. All that bat been necessary has
been that each Chinese shonld pay from
160 to IWO to the men in Ibe corrupt
ring. Several arrests have been made.
A Tew Pointers.
The recent stat ittics ol the number of
oeatbt show thst the large majority die
with consumption. This disease may
commence witb an apparently harmless
cough which can be cured instantly by
Kemp's Balsam for tbe Throat and
Longs, which is guaranteed to cure and
relieve all raw. Price ZjC. and bOc.
For ssle by sll druggists.
Yon cannot spend s more pleasing va
cation than with a camera. A. K. Voor
biee can fit yon out with everything
necessary in that line.
Word was received August SI thai the
b snrgent, Colonel Lorel, with 17 officers
snd 13 men, surrendered August 14 to
Oaptain Brown of the Fourteenth In
fantry , at Talisa. The surrender of
numerous other smaller ooutingenta
brings the total to more than 100.
In the oity of Manila there are now
less than 1,000 effective soldiers, and it
haa been decided to increase this num
ber by four eompauics of infantry. The
tfttoial reaaou for the increase ia that
Die guard doty is too heavy for the
preseut force. As a matter of foot,
however, there is a feeling that, although
there is no apparent prospect of trouble,
nevertheless, iu the event ot an upris
ing in the future, such as is always
possiblo araoug the Malaya, it wonld be
better to have a sufficient body ot troops
available. Geueral Chaffee says he con
siders the city of Manila to be perfectly
orderly aud lie can see no prospect ot an
Many army offioera say they are grati
fied at the increase in the military force.
Thoy think that, with the military
guard withdrawn from the prison, an
other uprising there might result In the
release of about 1,800 prisoners. This
possibility is regarded as a menace to
the oity by those who take that view of
the case, as they regard the white guard
aa insufficient. City oflioiala look upon
this eontingenoy as unlikely, inasmuch
aa the 000 white police could mobilize
at the prison before any of the prisoners
could escape aud become dispersed
throughout the disaffected district
"Immeuse quantities of arms aud am
munition are being manufactured in
the arsenals of China," sayt the Peking
correspondent of tbe London Times,
"and immeuse quantities are also boiug
imported, mainly by way of the Yang-tao-Elaug."
A ditpatoh to the Loudon Morning
Post, dated Aug. 83, says: "Apparently
there is a movement on foot ou the part
of Great Britain, Japan and the United
States to force Russia to evacuate New
ohwang." . -
Professor Atkinson, superintendent of
publio Instruction in Manila, has cabled
the division ot insular affairs that col
leges having delegated authority to
select teachers must complete their
quotas prior to Sept. I, at whioh time
the authority will terminate.
The oensus buroaa has made publio
the mortality stastlstics for the year
1000. There la shown to be a decrease
in the general death rate in the regis
tration era of 18 per 1,000 of population,
a decrease of nearly 10 per cent, and
the deoreasa in the rates from the par
ticular diseases to whioh the general do-
crease is due. Death from all the prin
cipal diseases shows a decrease since
18U0, tbe most notable being in consump
tion, whioh decreased 64.0 per 100,000.
Rear-Admiral Schley will retire from
the active list Oct. 10. Other retire
ments are those of Oaptain Fareuholt,
Sept. S; Captain Allen, within a few
days; Daptalu Robinson, Sept. Si; Cap
tain Forsyth, Sept. 29, aud Captain Ida,
Sept. 17. As a result ot these retire
ments 45 promotions in the naval scr-
vioe will be made. Tbe retirement of
Bear-Admiral Schley will promote two
oaptolus to the grade of mar-sdmlraL
They are Captaiu Frank Wildes aud
Huury Glass.
The Frouoh sugar bounties having oc-
castouod a duflclt of 14,000,000 francs,
the minister of nuance has issued a de
cree reduciug them by 5 per cunt, with
a view to covering the deficit.
King Edward arrived at Wllhelms
boe, Prussia, sud was met at the rail
road station by F.mperor William iu the
uniform of a British admiral and the
ofllcers of the headquarters' staff. King
Edward wore tlui dragoon guards'
uniform. The sovereigns eutered an
open carriage drawn by four horses and
were driven to the caatle, whore they
had luncheon. The oeutcr of the table
waa adorned with the epergue, do
signed by Emperor William, as a pres
ent for King Edward,
W. St. V.nil.rlilll'i Views ea Wsalth.
The Week's End, a Loudon publica
tion of high character, prluts the fol
lowing stuteineut made to its corre
spondent by WilLiiun K. Vaudarbilt:
"My life was never destined to be
quite happy. It was laid on Hues which
I could reeo almost from earliest
ohildhood. It baa left me with nothing
to hope for, with nothing definite to
soek or strive for. Is great wealth a big
handicap to happiness, yon askf In
herited wealth, yes. It Is certain death
to ambition as oocaiue is to morality. A
man who makes lnouey, no matter how
much, finds certain happiness in its pos
session, for In the desire to Increase his
business he has eoustaut use for it, but
the man who Inherits it has nnue ot this.
'The first satisfaction and tbe great
lt, the buildiug of the foundatloa of a
lortuue, is deuied him. He niant labor.
If he does labor, simply te add to what
may be an ovorsuffloieucy. I try to gel
sll the 1 uu I can out of life, aud I am
quite pleased if other folks get some
thing oat of it also."
Commenting on tbe "fantastic idea of
a commercial lKnd of tbs European
nations against tho United States," tbe
London Outlook ears: "One might as
well try to hang a Venetian blind over
lbs snn as to try to exclude the influ
ence of American industries from tho
world. Fur one thing, Great Britain
wonld be no party to the bond. Fur
tuother, the power of American re
prisals would be terrible. Eveu now
Germany is on tbs vorge of a struggle
between classes oaosed by tbe proposed
tariff. Under the German tariff Aus
tria would suffer grievously."
At Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb driuk, tl.s next
morning I feet bright and my complex
ion It better. My doctor lays it acts
gently on tbe stomach, liver snd kid
neys, snd It a plesssnt Isxstlvs. It Is
mads from herbs, and is prepared as
easily as lea. It ia called Lane's Medi
cine. All druggists sell it at ibe. and
60c. Lane's Fsinily Medicine moves
the bowels each day. If you cannot get
it, send for a free sample. Address,
Orator f. Woodward, Le Hoy, N. V.
We Don't Sell Second-Hand Furniture
A Few
We carry the very best of wares our patterns are from the finest artists
and the colorings are perfect, soft and rich, suggestive of luxury and
comfort prices down to ROCK BOTTOM.
Tasty patterns, full of Rich Colorings and Artistic effects.
You'll be pleased with the prices too. Some odds and ends to
close out at 5c double roll.
Suites iu great variety from the highest to the lowest. Nearly
Yj car load received. All the new and tasty patterns in cheap
and medium priced suites $13.75 to $40.00
Is made easy here. We know how; been at it over 23 years,
for the largest concerns iu the Uuitcd States. Why should'ut we
save you money ?
Are advancing. Frobably you have noticed it, but its no fault
of the dealer. He's got to pay more for hi goods now, but we
bought early and lots of It. We were looking for this, so lets
save you some money. Tin milk pans 6 for 25c, coffee pots 12c,
tea kettles 55c, preserve kettles 20c, granite dish pans 55c,
Tbe Wllllttt (Ual.) X R.iv, published
by J. 8. Bartholemew at Willitts, Men
docino county, bus suspeude publica
tion. A Taooma dispatch tuys "Swlftwater
Dill" Gates has eloped and married
Lydia Boyln, his uieoe. The
mother of the gijl, who isOatus't sister,
haa tworn ont a warrant charging Gates
with kiduapiug.
In a fit of jealousy John A. Mnnn ot
Portlaud, Or., about 60 years of age and
S railroad employee aud longshoremau,
shot aud severely wounded his sweet
heart, Anuie Wilson, aud then com
mittod suicide by thootlug himself in
the bend. Mnun leaves a wife and
family in Sweden.
Iu an open stream half a mile wide
the steamers Mary Ourrutt aud Daunt
less, plying between 8au Frauclsoo and
Stockton, came into collision near Santa
Clara lauding, resulting in the sinking
of the Dun nt less in about SO minutes
after the collision. There were 74 pas
seugert ou bourd the Dauntless, aud all
were transferred safely to the Mary
Gamut. The Dauutless now lies in 23
feet of water, with only her unokestuck
and Texas deck visible.
Princess Ilutafeldt, the adopted dangh
tor of tbe late O. P, Huntlugton, has
effected a compromise with the other
heirs to the Huntington estate which
makes her several millions better off aud
forever settles all thought ot a contest
of tho wlll of the deceased railroad
bn Icier.
Common Durbuuk potatoes ere suiting
in rlacrameiilo al $1.60 per 100 pouuda.
Last season at this time the same pota
toes were slow st SS oeuts pur 100
pounds. Many ruuehurs on the river
have lurge acroagos of potatoes this
year sud all will share iu the sudden
rise iu the market. Choice Baliuas po
tatoes are going at 11.78 per 100 pounds.
At the corresponding date but yuar thoy
were quoted at 8i ceutt. There is a
groat demand for potatoes from the
Frod Hartman, a soldier in the Salva
tion army at Astoria, Or., was arrested
recently charged with fishing In the
Colombia river without a lioeuse. Hart
man refuses to do anything which does
not conform to the dictates of his con
science, aud when tried iu the justices'
court he addressed the court and crowd
of onlookers, declaring that he would
not reoogulxe the Oregon law requiring
fisherman to take ont a lioeuao, because
it was in conflict with tba divine law
made by God, who made the fish aud
plnoad tlitin where bit people might ob
tain them for food purposes. Hurt
man fasted for Hve days rather than
eat jail fool, aud it haa now been ar
ranged that hia food shall be prepared
by his fellow soldiers.
Two masked men entered the Elk
saloon at lUd Houth U street, Taooma,
at au early hour Hunduy uiorulngaud or
dered tlie ocenpnuts to throw up their
bands. lroprletor llcrinaden treated
the matter lightly, as he tbonght it was
a joke, but shirts from a revolver con
vinced III m the visitors meant bust
ness. lieu Johnson, a smeller umpluyee,
ou outoring the door, reoeivod a ball
above the hift hip, aud he died in half
an hour. Tlio rubbers took I "i0 out of
the till aud relieved the proprietor of
his watch sud chain.
FictitreMold- T .
...Southern Oregon State Normal School.
Strong Academic
course, rrofesslooa1
training of the highest
Well equipped labora
tories, tirntcltss train
ing department. De
mand lor trained teach
ers exceeds tbe supply.
Grtdustes essily secure
good positions.
BssuIIIdI location .
Moat delightful climate
on tbe coast.
Expenses $120 to $150
per year. Write for
CARPETS-Over 3000 Yds.
Whenever you think of buying a Carpet, remem
ber we're headquarters. Carpets are Carpets, but
there is a difference in Carrrti litre rvrrathimr i-
Wall Taper
Wooden ware
Luther Burbnuk, the famous horticul
turist, is suffering from netvons prostra
tion brought on by overwork. His
physician has ordered him absolute rest
and quiet, aud as a result between
400,000 aud 600,000 specimen trees and
plnuta being ruisod npou hit experiment
farm near tiubastopol, Oal., for hybridi
sation purposes probably will be wasted.
Charles W. Nordstrom, the man who
murdered William Mason nearly too
years ago, was hanged at Koattle Fri
day, Aug. Hi. Wbon he was taken to
tho scaffold he broke down eutirely,
and cried iu a childish manner thu!
his life might be spared and fell to the
floor. To keep him on his feet he had
to be strapped to a board, and it re
quired six men to hold him while this
was being done. The six men with
great effort succeeded iu getting him
npou the fatal trap, which was almost
immediately sprung.
Thomas Feeley, tged 80 years, who
bus bceu bogging from door to door and
abusive wheu refused alius, was arrested
lu Oakland, (Jul., ou the charge of beg
ging and taken to the city prison. The
following rocrly was found on his
person! '1 ;- $1,000 United titates
bonds; buiiK book continuing $1,160;
silver, 3 .25; ring, knife, etc Feeley
sitid be livid iu the Putrero lu Uau
Fiuncisco. where ho bus a brother, and
that he camu to Oakland to take walks
tie his heulth, nud, when tired, would
go to a houae nud ask forn liitlc refresh
ment. The weit-bouud st.tgu from Ukiah to
Meildociuo, (Jul., was held up by a soli
tary road uguut in the nfturuoou of Aug.
t6 st 1'epiHtrwood Flat, tun unlet from
TJklnlt. Two passenger gave their
purses to tlie bandit and Wells, Fargo
& Co. 'a box was taken. The stage was
being driven by Clay lteuiiiuk, a care
ful anil courageous man, and the sceuo
ot the hold-up, within hve miles of Orr's
tiprings, is an opuu country, mid one of
the lust places thut a highwayinau
would have been expected to select.
Duriug tho performance ot "A Trip
to Cuba" in tlie Auditorium theatre at
Spokane a thriek of ngouy was heard
behind the scenes. William Harris, aa
actor, had gnus too uniir a cage of lious
thut are nsed lu n vandovtlto act. One
of the uniinals seised lilm through the
bar by the buck and tore a wouud in
bis scalp four Inches iu length and
otherwise louuutcd him. Physicians
dressed Harris's wound and later the
performance proceeded. Tbe actor will
be luid up fur some time.
The painters' strike in San Francisco
Is ondeil, tho employers liaviug coil
coded thu rut of wages demanded by
tbe uulou.-- The strike of Mutul Worlu
trt' Union No. 19, involving 260 men,
wss also settled, the employer aocediug
to tlio demnuds of the uulou.
O. O. Duck, Betrne. Ark., sayt: I waa
troubled witb constipation until I bought
PeWitt's Little Early Hisers. Since
then have been entirely cured of my old
complaint. I commend them Dr. Kra
I (Xutfh tfiruo, TwiM
In Itm. H-.Iri hv (Initrifl
.ts. ir
...J. Carl
-la. 1
- . , "t- rL. i s , b
V. M. CLAYTON, Pres.