Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 29, 1901, Image 4

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    $ Tragedy of Yet Wing !
By Julia Tinltt Bishop.
... oprncM, 191, by aauora Bjadtoata.)
IT WAS a (rray day, with ruin about
to fall. Ming Harvey fluttered in
at the door ol the Chinese Mission,
clad in gray and pink, and with a bewitching-
childishness in her eye,
which she hoped might not lead to
the undoing of Fung Vet Winjr, who
was waiting for her at hie own espe
cial deal tuble. Yet VVlnv had a smile
of his own, and greeted hi r with it.
What Yet Wing's Mnile meant Miss
Harvey did not know, for she hud
been teaching him only two yearn;
and to learn anything about tin
pupils or the Chinese Mission one
must take time.
Yet Wing's bonks were In a neat
little pile before him; his white ctifls
were linked with gold buttons, hit,
immaculate collar was brought to
gi'Uier witn a salln tie, winch tva"
adorned with the pretty wishbone
pin she had given him for a Christ
mas present. Miss Harvey always
looked him over complacently, until
she came to the braid of long black
hair which was coiled in neut little
coil at the top of his hrud, with a
shaved area u II around it. .Miss Har
vey always felt that her hold on Yet
Wing lacked something of complete
ness while' that coil of hair topped
him olT so conspicuously.
"Oh, you are always early, Yet
Wing!" she cried, looking at him just
a little. These Chinese were so pe
culiar, and she was In a flutter wliei
she thought of the danger. It would
never do to encourage anything liki
that but now, were they to - be
blamed so dreadfully, if onee in
awhile they .(veil, If they really
learned to love some pretty girl who
chanced to lie their teacher? Nelthei
was the girl to blame for Uelng
Not that Miss Harvey would have
this happen to her oh, not for
thotisnnd worlds. She would die of
mortification, she snld to herself n
she, puffed out the pink silk vest
Bt'le more and glanced at Yet Wing
.-"Yeli me conic ca'l-Jy," lie said
with the. same smile. "Me lukkee
In another minute Yet Wing wan
laboriously getting through the
lllble lesson for the day, each word
going off with a sharp explosion, not
unlike a train of fireworks:
"An Jeslss entled an' pass'
flou Jellcho.
An nee-noi ucwass a man
name' Zucchou-ns whlss wnss
de chief amonng da pulllcan
an' he wnss llch."
The fireworks exploded all along,
uown to tna end of the lesson.
' "Now do you know what that
means?" asked Miss Harvey.
"No me not iinnestun' Engllss,'
aid Yet Wing with calm readiness.
Miss Harvey did not understand
what It meant, either, so she put her
nesfl to one side and cried archly
"Oh, Yet Wing, what shall I do
with you if you don't try to under
stand? Well, here is your reader
com now, read this."
Yet Wing bent his celestial coun
tenance over the book and set an
other train of explosions going:
"Once dewass a man who
had "
"Now spell that next word," com
manded Miss nnrvey, in the coning,
kindergarten voice she had found so
effective with him.
"IM-e-t-t-y," spelled 'the pupil,
"And do you know what that
means?" chirped the teacher.
"Yen like yon." said Yet Wing, his
smne widening Into a grin.
"Like me! The Ideal" cried Miss
Harvey. It had cxnne at Inst-Just as
she feared. This was the Chinese
method of Informing a girl that she
was beloved. She had unwittingly
ruined Yet Wing's peace of mind.
How anxious she hnd been to avoid
this, all the Rumliiys she had come
here against her brother's wishes, to
sit beside the little deal table and
teach Yet Whig to read Illble lessons
he did not understand.
Hut while Yet Wing's poor little
foolish dream was destined to be
crushed, why should she wound him
unnecessarily? Why should she not
be as kind to him lis she could be un
der the circumstances?
She looked at hi in gently, yet with
melancholy. Perhaps she would ask
him next Sunday for her sake to cut
off that braid of hair. It would make
her glad, and yet sorrowful, too, to
know that he would do It without a
moment's hesitation. There was
something so pathetic about this
hopeless love a Chinaman - for a
lady of her station -and she must
be so careful not tit encourage hliu.
Her brother would be so angry -and
he had such a high temper, and was
so disgustingly brutal when he be
gan to talk shout -about the things
she did. Hut she would always say
that it was not her fault, and It was
not Yet Wing's. It was simply one
of those things that ciuild not be
"It lainin'," snlil Yet Wing, whose
oriental eyes were turned toward
the window.
"It rains every Sunday," snld Miss
Harvey, gently. "I shall have to
wait until my maid brings my um
brella and clonk."
"What he' wiinc?" asked Yet Wing,
with the guileless directness of his
race. She siiolcd sadly, lie was in
terested In ever) thing Hint pertained
to her.
"Her irime Is Annie, "snld Miss Har
vey, softly. "H--c Is the livnin. now.
Yet, Yli,( 'i I tie Cross.' Now sing
your heM (or my sake."
In rcMoi'c to wHch timid plea
want Scott's emulsion of coil
livcr oil, almost without t-.
ccption. So before they j;et
to be mothers, catintr for two
is no small tax. continued for
The emulsion not only is
food itself; it gives strength
for digesting usual food.
If the milk is scanty or poor,
the emulsion increases supply
and enriches quality.
We'll genj a Utile tu Irv it yx ha,.
RCOn IlllWMr:. 4. iWlsrn,' N. Y.rt.
Kodaks and films-A. E.Voor hies.
Craln.O! Grain-O!
Reinber tint name when jrou waut
delicious, appetising, nourishing food
drink to lake the piece ol coffee. Sold
by all grocers and liked bv all ho have
used it. Orain 0 la mede of pure grain,
it aii's digestion and strengthens the
nerves. It is not a stimulant but a
health builder and the children as well
as the adults can drink it with great
benefit. Costs shout as much
cotlee. l ie. and 2oc. per pack axe. Ask
your grocer for Grain-O
Shtvke Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures
painful, smarting, nervous feet and in.
growing nails, and instantly takes the
sting out of corns and bullions. It's lb
greatest comfort discovery of Iheagee
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new
shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for
sweating, callous and hot, fired, aching
feet Try it to-day. Sold by all drug
gists and (hoe s'ores. II) mail h r 20c
in stamps. Trial package Free Ad
dress, Allen 8. Olmsted, I Hoy, N. Y
Yet Wing was presently throwing
great unction Into:
"Als-s-st an' did, my tlsvll4.
An' did my slovel die?
Would he leint 1st sscled head
Fo' slueb s wollae I?
Atte ciuss, atte oluss, whs'ss fluss ssw
elite "
Yet Wing frowned mightily while
he sang, for this Kiiglish was truly
a devilish language, and was not to
he sung without great enlargement
of the mouth.
It was all gone through with, even
to the Jerky concert of "Oil Fader
who aht -In he be 11 " and Miss Har
vey and her maid were hurrying
Homeward through the rain. Miss
Harvey justly felt that she must con
tide in some one or die.
"It has come about just as
feared, Annie," she said, tragically,
My pupil nas lias lost his mind,
suppose and Is half crazy about
about Me! Did yon ever hear of any
thing so absolutely preposterous?
Ihliik of It! A a Chinese laundry
innii! Wouldn't my brother be furl
"Well, faith, an' It 'ud be a great
savin' of laundry bills," said Annie,
who was from up Ilelfast way, and
could see a bright side to everything.
Miss Hnrvey's just Indignation kept
ner scornfully alien until they had
reached home and gone into the side
door. While Annie shook out the wet
umbrella and stood it in the rack,
Miss Harvey glanced out of the win
dow and suddenly screamed and sat
down, clasping her hands.
"Look, Annie!" she cried; "look
nut of the window! Can that
is that Yet Wing?"
"It looks like the bilious heathen,"
said Annie, Indignantly, after a hasty
Inspection of the figure that stood
pensively under an awning on the
opposite side of the street. "A pret
ty subject he Is, to stand himself up
in front of people's homes! Shall I
go out an' shoo Mm away, Miss?
"Oh, that would be too cruel!"
monned Miss Harvey, walking up and
down and wringing her hands des
perately. "Oh, what shall I do? Was
there ever anything sn unfortunate?
He may begin to follow mo about
town and perhaps sing under the
windows he lias a very good voice
hut think how It would look. Oh,
how unfortunate I am, to have
perhaps If I had worn plainer
clothes to the Mission but now the
harm is done, and I will never for
give myself, never!"
"Well," suggested Annie, with an
eye at the crnek of the curtain, "your
brother'll he home pretty soon, an'
It's my belief that he'll throw the
brassy heathen over the courthouse.
An' anyway, the neighbors are rais
in' the windows, now."
Miss Harvey screamed.
"Oh, Annie," she cried, "go and call
him over and tell him that ha must
not stand there, looking at the house
that way. -Tell hi ill that It troubles
me Me and then I know he'll go."
Annie s trim figure disappeared;
and Yet Wing's teacher heard a
sound of voices, which presently
grew louder. She listened. Annie
was saving with spirit:
"You just wait till I get Mike Fin
ney a-holt o' you, you slantln'-eyed "
And at this point Anuie came back,
her face crimson.
'Them that wants the Chinaman
enn have him." she cried. Indliriiniit-
ly. "lie's settln' there on the steps
like he meant to wait for the crack
doom, an' If your brother comes
he'll think doom's cracked."
Tills horrible possibility decided
Miss Harvey. She puffed out the
pink vest, dabbed both eyes with a
little lace handkerchief, and went
drooplngly to the door. Yet Wing
still sat enthroned on the steps,
placidly looking at the rain.
Yet Wing," she murmured, weak
ly. Yet Wing arose and smiled.
'Hie comeu hack?" was his enig
matic question.
Yet Wing, yon must go away,"
whispered Mfss Harvey. "You must
not come to my house any more. I
am very sorry for you I hoe we
will be friends I shall still teach
you, Yet Wing"
You go alay!" retorted Yet Wing,
whom the gods had made mad. "Me
come nmlly pletty gu'l An-nes she
tlcach me. Me no llkee you fo'
tlcachee you too old. Me latt fo'
When Miss Harvey went bark Into
the house where Annie was holding
the fort behind the sofa armed with
brooni, she walked very straight
and her look was severe.
'Has he gone?" questioned Annie,
"lie has gone," replied Miss llar
y, drily. "Annie, yon need never
,iic to the Mission after me o"nin
I'i'irr again. I find that you have
tuo-t 1111 fort ituate Influence over
lliosc men. i'liat poor, Ignoesnt Yet
Wing there Is no telling what harm
been done to him. He seems
pule demented. Tell my brother he
neeiMi 1 wait dinner for me I have
And Miss Harrey went to her own
room, nml locked the door, and sst
Iowa in the corner furthest from the
Wuaaiteil taaltr.
A woman cries ten times out of
wounded v n 11 i t v where she cries onee
lilt of l-ciillv Mounded fccllni's. And
cue! c of the ten times does her
good Let )our wounded taliit) smart
all tliiit ii 111. 1, for vanity is a kind of
"proud i'iIi" of tin. Ionium miiiI that
lilts to le treated with h;irp cauMic
ctciv III lie Millie to keep it front be
cniniiic .111 1 e re Mc lice that wilt dis
tieure llic whole character. - Ladies'
Home .1, mi cal.
t-'riiiliilMe Sincerity.
Ted He Mutter so I a, lit
it took
him over half an hour t
prohise to
Neil What did she s to him?
Ted - Oh, this is so hi, 1, Ire Judge
BngUth Channel Overrun with the
Demons of the Sea.
Ssrsrlalas Prate res ( m Plaffae Tkavt
Has Reeeally Fall lis Ike
A plague as horrid in ita way as say
of those from which the ancient
Kgyptians suffered has assailed the
eolith coast tif England.
Countless hordes of octopi the
devil-fish of Yk-lor Hugo have In
vaded the Knglish channel and have
awaruied along the shores of Devon I
and Cornwall in such numbers aa to!
beggar belief. Traveling about In I
marauding armies, they have well-1
nlf'h destroyed the local lobster and
crab fisheries by devouring these f
criistaeeuns wholesale, reports tbs
New York World.
On the French side of the straita,
esj-ceially In the department of Fin
liters, they are thrown up on the
beaches by the sea after storms in
such quantities that their loathsome
bodies have been gathered up and
removed by hundreds of cartloads to
prevent them from endangering the
public health by rotting.
Many of these creatures have a
spread of six feet or more, the ten
tacles lielng three feet In length and
covered with suckers as big as 50-
cent pieces. Hut specimens have
been seen very much greater In size,
and Individuals are known sometimes
to attain a measurement of 16 feet
from arm tip to arm tip. That the
largpr ones will readily attack hil
man lieiugs is well known, the suck
ing disks with which the arms are
provided holding the victim with an
irresistible force. Onee fairly em
braced by the animal, there is small
chance for the strongest, man, unless
he Is lucky enough to have a big
knife or a spear.
The most surprising point about
the platroe referred to is that the oc
topus has rarely been eecn hitherto
In Ilritish waters, ao rarely, Indeed,
that during many years pas speci
mens could only be obtained for
aquaria In Kugland at long inter
vals, and half a sovereign was fre
quently paid for a small one alive.
It is very numerous In the Mediter
ranean and ranges as far north as
the south side of the Knglish chan
nel, which la Its extreme limit ordi
Seemingly the preaent scourge la
due to a series of hot summers and
mild winters, which have encour
aged the propagation of the disgust
ing moiniBk ny nature a warm wa-
ter animal and possibly other con
ditlons may have helped it to mill
tlply In unprecedented numbers. Its
marked Increase was first noticed
along the French shores In IH'j.i, and
recent investigations go to show that,
after having exhausted the available
food supply on that side of the strait
me overplus migrated In swarmr
across the chsnncl to England.
une or ine nrst signs of Its ar
rival upon the shores of Devon and
Cornwall was the appearance of
great numbers of crabs which had
been driven Into the shallow waters
by the marauding mollusks. The lat
ter enter the traps of the fishermen
and destroy the lobsters and crabs
which have been caught, and aome-
times the seine nets are literally
burdened with the writhing, pulpy
The female octopus makes her nest
In any sheltered and convenient hoi
low in the rocks. There she lavs her
eggs, which In due time hatch out
young octopods. One of the curious
phenomena incidental to the recent
plngue has been the nndlng of Im
mensa numliers of minute poulps, not
long natehed, and hardly bigger than
grains of rice. Not much Is known
as to their rate of growth, but It
lakes them years to mature.
'"a aessoe ruile froas fk
Olrmyla simli Iasrr Wklrk
Tkmteaed IMaa.
Very tangible evidence of the nerll
vo wnien Admiral Dewey was ex
posed during the battle of Manila
bay was lately forwarded to the nnvv
aepariment In the shaie of one of
the starboard plates of the admiral's
flagship Olvinpia. The plate is alxiut
three feet square and In Its middle Is
heavy Indentation, li inches deeti.
made by a large fragment from a
five or sis-pound Spanish shell. The
Olympia Is now at the lloston new
yard undergoing repairs, and when
llie constructors came across this
plate they decided to remove It, part
ly as a relic and also to replace it
with a solid plate. '
In forwarding it to the bureau of
construction at Washington a letter
was sent stating that the plate was
taken from the starboard side of the
Olympia'a superstructure. approx
imately under the forward brldire
and very close to one of the five-inch
guns. While the battle was in prog
ress a shell hurst very near the offl-
eers on the bridge, one of the frag
ments whlilng by the admiral.
Hie deeply Indented plat,, gives a
more forcible reminder of the nar
row escape from thnt bursting shell
than has heretofore app ared. The
plate either will be placed at u..
Smithsonian Institution or given to
Admiral Dewey.
"1 remember perfectly," repealed the
witness, "and thai was all she said."
"Stand down, sir." thundered the
Judge. "The Idea of a nnn'i com
ing here and saying he can remember
all any wouiau says."-Philadelphia
Times. -"-ssksjssssa
P, T. Thomas. Sunipterville, A , "I
as suffeting Iroin dvapepaia alien 1
commenced taking Kodol DytHpsl
v ii.r. 1 100s several Hollies ami can
il'ltest anything." Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is (he only preparation con'aining
all the natural ditrstive Holds. It give
eak stomachs entire rest, restoring
t their natural condition.
Astounded The Killtor.
Kditor M A. Broan.of lleimettee ville
S. L. aa onee Immensely surprised.
'Through long siidering from I'yspep
is," lie writes, "my ife ass gres'li
rundnan. She had no ircnmh or vig
or ami tuitlercd grrat d, stress from her
stomach, but she tried Kiev-trie Bitters
hich heled her at once, and, alter
using four Kittle, she is entirelv sell,
can at an; thing. It's a graml tonic
and its gentle laxative qualities s-e
splended for torpid liver." r'm Indi
gestion, loes of appetite, stomach, and
liver trouble it ' a rswil ive guaranteed
cure.-Oi ly 50t at W. F. Kreiuef 'a drug
I tore.
UHinUHl mt Ira
Prices $3 to
125 Geary Street, SAN fRANCISCO, CAL.
crime? and 4u:icrir:.
All incendiiii'i' lire s 1 1 Cliio'.i y, FN.,
destroyed it l.uii p.i.t id liio town.
Loss, 1101.0,0.
The south. bui'd Missouri, Ilinsis
and Texas train wis robbe i ut C1111 v, I, T., by five ma-kc 1 men. Tin
express oar was blown op.m. the Kile
wrecked and the mail s.ulcs r. It--I. All
the passenger!) were, robb d of their
Hubert I)iitlu:id, au engineer, and
Oeorge Stnycr, a llremiin, lost their
lives in the wreck of a light engine near
Prosootf, A. T., 011 the Santa Ke, Pres.
cott and PliiRiiiix railway. A rock had
dropped on the track, and the engine,
ruuning against it, was completely over
turned. Theuiigliioeritud were
imprisoned iu the cub and literally
steamed to death.
8. G. Knapp, a traveling salesman
from Lis Angeles, had 11 llenai haud-to-hand
encounter with u burglar at tho
I'utrolia hotel, S.iuta Paula, Cil. Knapp
was aw akened by u noise, in his room,
and, jumping up, discovered a man
unking off with his ttous rs. lie grap
pled with I lie thief, who drew a knito
ami slushed right and left. Knapp was
badly cut uhoiit the face aid arms, re
ceiving iu all I o 1 !W cuts. Ho dually
released bis limn 011 tltu burglar, who
e-apcd ill tlin darkness.
The steamer City of Coloondii, plying
between P.ulncali, Ky., ami E:i.abctlt.
town, Ills., was struck by 11 squill and
turned over in um le t of water us site
wits going Into Cicwall's lauding. A
score of people .no resu ted drowned.
While lir luvii were cudcavoriiiLr to
clieclt a tlin in a iu,t ol burnniLT oil
tanks at the At mine, Od It: lining com-
pniiy's plant at Point I'.rccie. Phila
delphia, a link of benzine. sm. !
denly explisled Tin ir tour lir, men 1
were killed and in. iiiv u,.r i,,ii 1
burned before th -v could is-1 cue,i
Tim steam :.clionucr Aloha, oivnud bv
Do.lar Steaiiishio contuinv. was
aillliiM complete y ili -tr Vill by I re
while lying ut author at S.m-.ililo, n,.,,r
Ban Francisco Tim loss will amount
to .'4,(KsJ to ;t l.lXK. ' The Vcs--l was
Com maud mt Piet.Hiui, w dm w is re.
ceinly shot thr 111 :'i the evo, is dc.i.l.
While a party ol 6of l'Yeneh s u s
were priKN-cd iu.- to join 1 o mini mv.i
Bethesda iltey were Mir oiiudi-.l in 1I1,
hills by a supeiiur force under Thei m
and surri-iul, red One was k:.l d and
three were woindcd, C.ipt.nii I'.c-Ii, :.
hciui d.uigeroiiMy.
A dituh irom Midillelim-g, dp
Colony, dated An, l.i, says t 1
liorniigu had a sui-ccsslul eng i.-eno io
with Ucuera! Kt t.un;ci' and i' m l.
ant s hrasinus, I'yieT and t -.telle:, iie.u
SteynsLurg, 011 An,-, ill E .is nn an.,
Cachet war, 1 innrtallv wou.i led
Colonial S aviary Cli nub rl.i n. iv
plying to criticisms 111 the imu- of eo 11
units, said, in ivtriird to the b iniiiin -iu
of burghers, 1h.1t "III.- H ers mi,; 1.
Uiuglit 1 Inn ihuy can 110 long 1 c.uiv on
a cucrri'l.t war at 110 p-r u d r s wtuic
.trciil Hiitiiu fd 1 heir vv in 11 .md
IllllllUtl." He Slid the 10 lev ot
Amcrictiii Hi- Piuli ipiuct, is do l.w I
by t teller il M ic Arthur' pi,,c .1111 ite fi,
would be the p i t , f l .,i.uiilt
l! C.l!llli.l,ll le-enci 1 ,1 l.ilo , vv tr ol
band t:i Uegirlin ilu- ,,, i, v f ,1,,
ra-t 11:01, Mr Cluiuii il i.n -.ud u
uotliiim ioiup,irid Willi li S:i,r
man's ciiitisiign. Hi hid 1 iil.,, uii
lieiieral Sherman liiiuv If. arid S o-r
Ulall jus Hied Una action oil Ine ki, uud
of hutnatiltv.
I. n n,( weal
nt no rtn t oa
raltrxa! (irJ
m.i kurrlv. hr
a I anaa.
IJ by
StsadsH 0U
i"t V Je
! ar, .mam L vNL
J aa laas ty ika jM5fZZm I
UtaalVartaa "Y" JmjT J
, tluuaaaual. aftjjOE j
WtT Tfl
Latest NEW PROCESS Records
DR. JORDAN'S orcat
Iti! liUKT IT., Ill PIlKIICt, Cil.
Ttw LUft A tu locale! Hi ; hi ttr
dlMMtt ifrSMtnivrlr csjrtsdl r.y Hit oldM
hlVU)tlBl M Um CusH UM Is ySSUB.
S'e' tfinmavttlr rratflrtnd
boa ifHMi wShawl Iha l Mafaar.
Taaaaaa hm y ut Ka,an. Sta4U
aat aa)ra for aaetara. A vimk and
ndW far fa, Pllaa. Vlaaara an'l
flatalaa. Sf Ut. JaiUaa tpautl iMua
la a.oa
and eiaPTialrata. TrainiaM aaa-
aananv ar av Iniai A MiSv Cur, tn rter cata
atrnaba. Wma Hr Sa PaHI.OSIIPaaT mt A
B4SBUGI, oMIlSi vsss. IA taiuatsa boua
DA JORDAN k CO., lOSI Msritat St.. I t.
A Perfect Food Drink
Made from the choicest
fruits and cereals grown
in California.
Possesses a delicate flavor
and aroma not found in
any other Cereal Cofiee.
other Cereal Cofiee.
All grocers sell it.
In accordance with the requirement!,
of the lens o! the State of Onvou, rids
live to insurance companies, notice is
hereby given Hint
The Lancashire Insurance Cotnpaii)
of ManchCHte , England. i!eiring t
cease doin- hunness will, in il,,. Slab
ol Oregon, intends to sithdra its dr.
posit villi the I'reilMiirerof said Slsle and
ill, if no claim .hull be tiled wnli Hie
Insurance Coiumis-ioner aithin u
inontbs from the '.'.'nd dav of .Inly 1 .01
withdraw its depesit from the s-ale
1 rensnrer.
TlIK I.AM-.tsilli'K iNsl'KtM'K Cotll-tNV.
lit M INN igers .,r iln. I'scilic Coast.
n,e,i hi n rrtneiscn, tin- llith ,1
i.iy o"
Juiy, iimi.
In the Circuit Coini of the Slate of
tloll. lor Josephine Co.
rsniue I. heder, Piainid'
W illiam M. Keller.
Action to ili4oive
I- f. ti.lanl. S
the msnise con-
lo A 1, limn M Keller, id-f, ndent
1,1 "e nsi I the Nate ot Orta,,n
ton sic iiert-hv mpmed h. B." sr ,!
nswtr the t-.i Imm liv.l :w.,i, ,,
III the sla ve c,,li., i llr; ,)
aoillll -II ,ek- li,,,,, .i.,,,,
' "o.,,i
lir.l 1 . 1 . 1 1
ll'l-t I, It'i I, in. I r y ,l 1,, n
-U .ISIll her.ol, llie I ,,,,,, i,
' Ibe Couit loi h ,Iis.,,vii,l.
niairnte t.n'.aci ,. -,t il and He
Ihis 1 sni,uii.,s is pnldi-be.l bv ord.t
"I II. K. Ilsi ll.t, j.i.le ol ll.e t,.v,, ,..
Mlled ii uri. msde in t'litini... .., 1 .
soiivilin, Jm-i nm C.Minlv, tr.-i ,,,
this 1st diit ol August l s-l. '
1 Al .111 y lor I Inn, , I
Nurii'K ro cu i- hi reus.
1 re uniieiitn, , bavin,. I
en il'ami-
X" 1 el 11 e 1
''" "I Jo., Ke-a
C IV I . 11, t ,1
Il prison bavin
1 ! Sre ,er, I,, no
Hie to tile s I I 1 , .' 11
ler. deiea-ed. bv I
I I I 'mini ,
laiu.s s ud
ifi- d Si i-ren lit -lo-
I'aaa, .lo,,oi,
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'"id ,',, 1,,-ta, ;,,,,,
'be dl. 01 11,, . le.
1 dav ol III v , pa,)
II. T Kki ir.
t r.e ol ,l,..., Kt lei
l.e tros r p,.a,l
l liv i H s ireiii
1h td 11. 1- '.'in
Kxev tltor ot lh,, ,.
d ct'stcd
Jmn-s Wh.e, pr autw die, lml.,
tt.lVWi.f, U, 11 I v,iv
rtlotdn .,ie. , l-vll, I. w.a h ,d ii list i i.,,lB, t,i he p
hi, 11. Let liettiu-a, Aecept no imi
tation -!r. V. K. Krcmer
A coal gas explosion cannot occur I
until there are six parts of gas In
every 100 of the air In the room; but
four per cent, of coal gas will cause
The meteorite which fell at Porto
Alegre, liraiit, has now been measured
and the results ore most aston'shing.
H,niiasiires i feet from the base and
is t5 fiet high.
The manufacture of carbon for use
in elictric lighting and for other pur
r pones has grown to be a great iudus-
try in ine ttcti t uginia gas m-iu auc
processes require great heat.
Lyman li. liuiT. a manufacturer of
Paw tucket, It. I., hos organized a
"Hoys' Club" which has a nightly at
tendance of 300, aud he has decided to
provide it with permanent quarters
at a cost of $72,000.
A process for rerolling steel rails
has been in usuge in the I'nited States
for several years. Worn-out rails are
rehiated and ri rolled, and are stated
to be superior for wear in that form
to the rails whtn firlt mode. The in
dustry has grown rapidly.
In liurisls oil ho'ds absolute sway.
And from liakti to Nishnl Novgorod
petroleum finds favor on railways and
steamships alike. For 2.000 11 i'es
along the Volga boats ply from north
to south propelUd by means of oil, of
which S.OOO.OOd'tons is used in Russia
In the operation of dredging navi
gable channels ut the mouth of the
Moruya and Shoalhaven rivers, in New
South Waifs, it was discovered that
tiie mud contained gold dust. An an
lomatic gold saver was then attached
to the dumping machinery, and it is
estimated that enough gold will thus
lie obtained to defray the expenses of
keeping t he channels open.
According to Prof. Spalding, the
white pine tree seldom attains a height
greater than 1G0 feet or a diameter of
more than 40 inches. A tree of this
variety once measured by the division
of forestry of the department of agri
culture was 17(1 feet tall and 4S inches
thick. That tree was 4110 years old.
It was a little sapling 50 years before
Columbus sailed from Palos.
Color lekeme I'nknowa In tke Floral
World I'rndaeeal kjr tke l'e
of Chemicals.
The chemical expert has by no means
a monopoly of pretty experiments
evolving marvelous color schemes
hitherto unknown in the floral world.
One artist suggests a simple and in
teresting experiment which i espe
cially successful with pansies, aud
which a child1 may easily perform.
A saucer, a little ammonia, a flower
or two, and a glass tumbler are oil the
implements needed to enable one to
present a bunch of exquisite green
pansies to the uninitiated. Such a gift
is sure to awaken much enthusiasm
and test the ability of the recipient to
take a joke, says a New York ex
change. The viola tribe is easily influenced
by the application of chemicals to the
soil or by atmospheric conditions, and
hence is particularly susceptible tothe
, fumes of ammonia. A little of the
j liquid poured into a saucer, with a
bit of paper laid over it, on which to
rest the Mowers, ucts very quickly on
the chlorophyll, or coloring matter,
when the fumes the confined by a
tumbler. The rensou is this: Chloro
phyll is in its nature acid. The fumes
of ammonia, on the other hand, are
alkaline, an excess of which first neu
tralizes the acid present in the fresh
flower, alio then changes it to an alka
li. The effect of the alkali varies, of
course, according to the predominat
ing color of the subject.
Ifepeated experiments shows marked
tendency towurd green, simply tie
cause purple and blue are standard
colors among violas and are thus af
fected. A few interesting color changes
are: Shaded purple with white edge
is converted into green, with bine vein
ings uud yellow bonier; maroon
sn iped, dark green and blue; pale blue
becomes pale green; white always
tskes on a yellow tint, and a pretty
cerise conies out in vivid blue. Yellow
is unaffected.
Sweet peas are also fertile subjects,
and pungent fumes develop the unex
pected with a rapidity that on expert
hylu idier might envy. Some wonder
ful s mphonies In green are evolved
from pink and lavender creations.
Ammonia cannot be ssid to improve
nasturtiums, but surely produces cu
rious freaks. Yellow blotched red be
comes yellow blotched broiue green,
and a purely name red a spotted dark
Th-re is, of course, no permanency ii
colors thus enforced. The most won
011 nn syuipnonies win iioiii their ow n
for a tune, but if placed iu water
the open air they will return to nor
mal coloring in a few hours.
A SralailnK Hvhuke.
Mr. Porkanlard was confused. Ttos
ton is such a devious city. A little
miss of seven summers passed him
and patting her kindly on the hend,
I lie ipiened:
I "Sissy, please tell me where Ilea
con street is?"
I lie wee apostle of culture stood
j airhnst at his dreadful audacity.
I When idie had found her voice shc
a-ftid. cuttiiiarly:
"How dare you address me by such
Ian nppclli'tion n.t 'sissy?' 1 would
I have you understand, sir. that I am
; not au information bureau. If vou
I wish to know the whi rcabout.i" of
lteaci 11 street, pray consult a city
directory or apply to the blue-coated
menials of the law."
Mr. l'orkaiiiird looked puzzled ns
she swept oT.
"I don't believe I kin remember
nil them dit-fckshiina," he muttered
Ohio State Journal.
i . . . .
A name (ot the Chicago, Mil
Ksiikce A St. Paul Kailmsv, known all
'v.r the I'uion aa the Ureal KsiUav
ruruiin; ibe "Pione-r l.iniileil" train
evert i ,y and nijbt la ivteen Sr. Paul
and' liicsov, and ttrisba mid Chicago,
1 1 a. anl v ia,,(, ,t trsins in the world '
I'nderai.ind ; Conn-eii,m sre made
i I, !l run-, ,, tii.ental Line. sur
in,; 'o 1 ass. ncr the beat eivic kno-t n
l.lixilrioua ct-schea., electric li.tlts. aiMiui.
ii-ilt.ola vni'y ecp-alled l-v no o'bei
See I bat t our
lil aukee" v b
ticket p-,s via "Th
en go-na to stiy Niint it
the I'nilid Ms-ea ort sntds
Al; lick-
et ngenls fell ihem.
Kor rale, ptmphlets or o;lier iriii.i
mstiou. die,
J. W.C.tMcv, Ki.Ki,i,
Tr.iv. !' wi, tieneral Aa'en',
SrttTiK, Wish. Pokthno. tlr
Malaria Cauitj
tirote's Tattlets
MsUria. 60.
Cliili loiic
Bcsuty of Finish, Quality of Material, Elcgsncc of Dctign, the finest workmanship,
1 hn eimpiei-t, most complete and best eet of attachments, lull instructions by ex
pert teai h-rs, easy payments, old machines taken in exchange, the fullest possible
guaiantee, one million, live hundred thousand happv, satisfied users, thirty years
of succesr, couilcons. treatment What More Csn You Ajk?
We have oilier makes of machinie, whl.cut lal lisiip lie. 1 1,
Some good rtcond band machines cheap. Ail kinds of sewing machine Needles
oil. attachments and repairs. New machines for rent.
Don't think of b it ing a Sowing Machine until you have seen the New Bill
Besriog "White"
We say "The 'White' is King" of Sewing Machines and Bicycles. Call, tele
phone or wrile and let us prove it.
Main Olllce. "03 Post St., San Francisco, Cal.
For Sale By . ,
J. Wolke, Grants Pass, Ore.
as .-jctst)
Ki S,! iai , laMaTTt
111 It is.8,900 lils L
The Burlington Roule ranks among ihv
greatest of the world's railroads.
Over niilc'9 long; employing 35,000
men; reaching 1,31-0 towns and cities in the
eleven stales traversed by its lines: having
throuoh-car arrangements which extend more
than haif way across tho conlinent and earn
estly sltivin to give its patrons absolutely
unetjiialed service, it is tho lina YOU chould
select, next time yo-.i go east.
Omahn, rhic-eo, C.'itv, St. Lcuis and
KVKKYWHKii:-: bevord.
1 mim
One of the moat helpful books on nerve
weakness ever issued is that entitled
"Nerve Waste," bv Dr. Sawyer of San
rrunusco, new in ils fifth thousand
This work of an experienced and repu
table physician is in agreeable contrast
to the vast sum of lalee teacliimr liielt
prevails on this intertstinn subject. It
tbotinds in carefully considered and
practical advice, and has the two great
merits of wisdom and sincerity.
It is indorsed by both the religious
nd secular press. The Chicago Ad
vance says: "A (H-rusal of the book
and the application of its principles will
put health, hope and heart into thous
ands of lives that are now suffering
through nervous impairment."
The book is fl 00, by mail, postpaid.
One of the most interesting chapters
chapter xj, on Nervines and Nerve
Tonics lias been printed separately as a
sample chapter, and w ill be sent to any
address for stamp by the publishers.
Tux Pacihc I'I'b. Co., Box 2H58, fan
Mrs. 8. II Allport, Johnstown. Pa.,
says j ''Our lit'le girl almost strangled
o death with croup. The doctors said
she couldn't live but she iwas Instantly
elii ved bv One Minute Cough Cure.
Dr. W F Kieuier.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aid!
Nature lo slreDglheolDg aud recon
structing the exhausted, digestive or
gans. 1 1 is I be latest d iacovered d I gest
ant and tooic. No other preparation
can approach It In efllclency. It in
Bluntly relieveauud permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatuleuce, Sour Stomach, Kausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia Crsmpsand
all other results of imiierfect digestion.
Price W: sndft. Larce tire contains lt times
small six. iiuuKaiiatuiuysiriuua!ieuii-ee
"sBarsd by C. C D.WITT CO, Cblcago
Shortest and Quickest
Through Palace anil Tourist Sleep
ers, lliiliiK anil HiltTet Hinukmr
Library far.
Th kt-l lo'isiillta Vast via Vortla-.! arwl
ihet.KE.v r NUKTIIEKN RY.. on sale
,t Niuthern l's.itio IiraK Ticket lltfiee
inuil I'ass. or liliE AT VnliTllklW
Tlckel ( llli.-e
I'JJ Tlilnl ntreet. Portland
For Kates, Folder and full informalioe
regarding Eastern trip, call 00 or address
City Pa and Ticket Aent, Portland
..aavs' , T -&
Ball Bearing
Like a Bicycle
Makes the "White" the
Easiiest Running Sewing
Machine Made.
' :U.a .''sf-'',
A. C. P::-l:'ov, Genera! AKen!,
Third ,t 1'. f,'.-i;k Sts, Purtiand, Ore.
B it
To Kred Steveneon :
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed, your co-owners in the eight
quartz mining claims situated on
Kancbelie Creek in Josephine County,
Oregon, and known as the "Sunrise'',
the notice of wibch is recorded at page
47, V. 9; the "Confidence", lite notice
of which is recorded at pages 61-62, V. -9;
The "Excelsior", Ibe notice of
which is recorded at pages 62 5,'(, V, 9;
the "ban Pedro .notice of which is re
corded at page 4S; V. 9; the "Uoldeti
Eagle", notice of which is recorded at
psges 21-22, V. 9; the "Cleopatra", no
tice of which is recorded at page 0.7,.
V. 12; the ''Mossbark", notice ol which
is recorded at pageb2fl, V 12; I be "Web
foot", located by Ed Burke in 1897;
all of the above being volumes of the
Miscellaneous Mining Itecords of Jose
phine County, Oregon; that unless you
contribute and pay lo said undersigned
co-owners within ninety days, from Ibe
date of the first publication of tins no
tice, the sum of two hundred dollars,
the same being your ptoiortion of the
cost of annual labor done on said claims
in order lo protect the title thereto
during the year 1000, your one fourth
interest therein will be lorfei'ed to your
a E. M. Aliikkhit.
- Cabi. Wintjkn.
Trains Leave Gram Pass for Port
land and Way Hi al Ions al 0:80
s. tn. snd 0:19 p. 111.
I.v. Portland... . 8:30a.m.
Lv. OranisPass.. .10:43 p. in
Ar. Ahland. . . 12:33 a.m.
8:31) p. in
10:13 a.m.
12 35 a.m.
6.00 a in.
8:45 a.m.
7:00 a.m.
w :15 p ut.
7 :25 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
8:05 a. in.
6:0 p. m.
6:30 a. 111.
11:30 a.m.
7:00 a. in.
0:30 p. in.
A r. Sacramento. . 6:10 p.m.
Ar. Sanr rancisco. 7 :46 p iu.
Ar. Ogden 4:66 p ill.
Ar. Is-nver 9.30a in.
Ar. Kansas City. .7:25 a.m.
-ir. inicago 7:32 a, in.
Ar. Los Angeles. .2:00 p. in.
Ar. r.l I'ato :b0 u. 111.
Ar. Fort Worth. . .6:30 a. In. ol Mexicoll :3Ua. in.
Ar. Houston... . 4:00a. m.
Ar. New Orleans 6:30 p. in.
Ar. VYaehiuifton. . 6:42 a. m.
6:42 a. m.
Ar. New York. . .12:10 11. m. 12:10 p. m.
both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to
Og ten and El I'aso. and Tourist cars to
Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and
Connecting at San Francisco will:
several steamship lines lor Honolulu
Japsn, Chins, I'hilippines, Central and
South America.
See J. K'Jeater, agent al Grants I'ass
I'ass station or address
6. II. MARKHAM, U. P. A..
Portland, Ore
Eruptions, cut, burns, scalds and
sores of all kinds quickly healed by Pe
Wiifs Witch1 llas-l Silre. Ceiiadi
cure for piles. Beware of Counterfeits.
Be sure you get the origins! I'cWitt'.
-Or. W. F. Kremer.