Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 29, 1901, Image 3

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    Hot Weather Specials.....
at the
White Comb Honey, i pound comb well filled t24c
This Honey ii extra fine and absolutely pore, as we buy direct.
White Sage Strained Honey, 12 J-jC
Straiued Honey (Amber) "c
Three cans Pork and Beans 25c
Fresh Whole Wheat Biscuit 15c
Calilornia Full Cream Cheese, per pound 15c
Oregon Full Cream Cheese, per pound 16c
No. 1 Sour Pickles, extra fine, in bulk
Huyler's Cocoa Shells, large package , . . . 10c
McLaren's Imperial Cheese, per package 15c
Pickled Pigs Feet,'3 for.. s 10c
Soap, 6 bars 25c
White Cotolene and Nut Butter
Morning Meal, the popular breakfast food, reduced to 10c
This u not old "lock, but is absolutely fresh, because
we sell lots of it and guarantee every package.
MrttMicr hfttfr than Pliaca JC- CitAnm'e nt.1 nnia,nmnn( np
Roast Mocha and Java.
Try our "Leader" in cheap Roast Coffee at 15c. Compare it with
any 20c Coffee bought elsewhere; we'll stand by the verdict.
In Vegetables and Small Fruits we ate well supplied at present.
Water Melons, Nutmegs, Tomatoes, Green Corn, Cucumb ers, etc.
Crawford Peaches this week.
Yours for cooler weather.
Tinware That Will Not Rust
common milk pans. See our Corner Window.
Cramer Bros.
Fishing Tackle.
l or bale by
Hair-Riddle. Hardware Co.
1 irnTnnTN
lrepare teachers (or state and county examinations. Pita young
men and women lot business positions and for college. . .
Special attention to teachers' review classes, stenography and type
writing. '; ' .
Expenses per school year of 40 weeks, tl 10, (125, (140.
Tuition per verm, (fi.25; board at club house $1.75 per week, in
families (2 50, (3.00 Room rent 50 cenls per week,
The folder contains special information and the course of study.
Write for it.
The first term opens September f), 1301.
W. T. VAN SCOV, Principal.
It led lord, -
J. B. r.UH'OCK, Vboi b.. " .
I am prept red to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind
Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants my saving
that I can 611 your orders in the very best manner.
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American (iranite or any kind of
M"b" J. Ii. PADDOCK,
Front Bireor Next to Greene's Gunsliop.
Dont Trust to Blind Lnck.
A few moments of investigation with
your eyes wide open will save you
many moments of regret.
See and let me explain the GOOD Features of the
Before you buy any othe kind.
Builders' Hardware, Paints, Oils, Etc.
i 11. soii3iiirr.
-AVJiilo House Groeery.
and every piece guaranteed for
three years without any re
serve. We have sold these
goods for five years and have
made good all wo claimed for
them. It costs more, of course
it does; but an Anti-Rust
Milk Pan will outlast ten
Shotguns and Rifles.
a a T-v "n -n ffTT
-- ---------- - nrM nnr n - -
local tappcrurtG9
Dr. Flanagan, -Resident
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
Whips, 10c to (2.50 at Hackett's.
Cash for Gold Dnst at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens. Prescription Prnggistt
Anti-It usting Tinware at Cramer Bros,
ration's Sun Proof Paint at Cramer
Bee Hives and Bee Supplies at Hair-
Riddle Udw. Co.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron 'a.
Harness of all Kinds, Grade and
Prices at Hackett's.
fruit Cans and Wax Strings at
Cramer Bros.
SKf n Sherman-Williams Paints.
VV.r . Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Trimble & Cook will move into their
new building abont September 1st.
'01 Ramblers (40. Roadsters (35 at
Hair-Riddle Udw. Co.
Tbe Standard and New Home sewing
machines. All styles and prices. Jos
eph Moss, Agt.
Meals 25c; counter lunches 6c up,
at Brit's restaurant. Williams block,
Front street.
The portrait of Miss Kssie Hartman,
as a Urants Pass society girl," arorns
the pages of Saturday's Telegram.
After September 1st, Trimble A Cook
will occupy their new building ou I
street, opposite their present location.
Dr. Lowe, the well known optician, is
coming soon. The wise will wait lor
Rising Sun flour is a Josephine comity
product, manufactured by Moon &
Pro volt. In quality it ia inferior to
Lion Cement has no superion for
mending articles of every description.
Made by B. A. Williams.
A social dance was given at the Opera
house last Wednesday evening in honor
of Martin and Earle, on tbe eve of their
departure for California,
Brit's restaurant in tbe Williams
brick on front street, ia the place to get
a good meal. Everything in order and
prompt attention given.
Union services, tbe last of the series,
were held last Sunday evening at the
M. E. church, South. Rev. E. L.
Fitch, presiding elder, delivered tbe
Garland Stoves and Ranges at Cramer
Scott Griffin handles Ashland flonr,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy flay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats..
Azalea Circle Women of the Wood
craft will serve ice cream and cake
at I. O. O. F. hall Monday evening
Sept 2. Interesting program, Gipsy
camp, and fortune teller from abroad.
Everybody come. Admission 15c.
S. R. Crockett is more diverting in his
short stories than in his longer novels.
What couid be more charmiugly pathetic
than the story called "What Happened
After Mary McArthur Cut Her Finger,"
in the September "New" Uppincott.
A very pleasant social party was held
on last Wednesday at the residence of R.
Thomas, in honor of Miss Fannie Thom
as, prior to her departure for tbe east.
The evening was most pleasantly enjoyed
by the assembled friends.
The Medford Enquirer is sadly in
error when It states that Martin and
Erie are ''professional" ball players.
Asa matter of fact, they are only school
boys who elected to spend their vaca
tion here. As a battery, however, it
cannot be denied tbat they are the
equal of many professional batteries.
The O'Malley Kixters Company gave
entertainments at the Opera house on
Friday and Saturday evenings. Tbe girls
are good dancers and some of their danc
es are very pretty. Taken as a whole,
the performance was disappointing. The
comedian sprung jokes so ancient and
venerable that the crowd stared aghast
at the sacrilege.
George Porter, who left here last June
for Dawson City, arrived safely at his
destination and has been working there
n the mines Will Johnson, formerly
of this place, is with him. George
writes home that the Grants Pass boys
n Dawson, George Bacher, Jim Chiles,1
Fred Welch and George Hall are getting
along nicely and seem to be doing well.
See our display of Anti Rusting Tin
ware and try a sample. Cramer Bros.
We are informed that while returning
orer-land to this city the first of this
week, W. Gilford Nash, of the (J. O.
department of mimic who has been
recreating (or some time at Siletz bay,
was thrown out of the buggy, in which
be was jouineying, the mishap being
caused by the horces running away.
Mr. Nash's shoulder blade was broken
by the fall and he was otherwise in
jured but not seriously Eugene
Register. -
The fruit season of 1901 gives every
promise of being one of lbs most profita
ble in the history of the industry in
this section. Shipments of peaches
bave been very heavy during the past
week- The Early Crawford variety will
all be marketed about tbe middle of this
wet. Tney have brought satisfactory
prices, the yield bringing from 55 to 60
cents a box. Muir peaches will be in
condition to pick and ship daring the
latter part of the present week and car
load lota will be the rule for shipment
soon. Tidings.
We have tbe kind of flies, leaders and
poles you want. Cramer Broa.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hume, of Wmlder-
burn, Oregon, were in Medford last
week, Mr. Hume is the proprietor of
the large salmon cannery at the mouth
of Rogue river, and ia now, since the
Columbia river and Puget Sound can
neries hare formed a trust, tbe largest
individual cannery owner on the
Pacific coast. His mission here was
to visit the government hatchery 00
Rogue liver, at tne mouth of Elk creek,
winch institution he owns, bat wll.b
ii superintended by government ofHcisls.
Mr. and Mrs. Hume left Monday for
San Franciico, from which place they
wi" "n leT ,or Ao"lr,li- M,iI-
Scholarship Given A wavy.
Perhaps few of tbe Coimsa subscrib
ers wish to attend the Ashland normal
themselves, but all have friends or ac
quaintances who would like to d
We are giving away in our voting con
test a year's scholarship in the Ashland
normal absolutely fiee. Each copy of
the Cot Bir.a contains a coupon, entitling
tbe holder to one vote. Each new sub
scription commands 25 votes ; ench dol
lar paid on subscription, 20 votes. Vote
for whomsoever you wish. Why don't
you renew your subscriptions now and
give tome friend the benefit of thia offer.
All votes must be received in this office
before noon of Saturday, Sept. 7th.
Vocal Culture.
Mrs. Suman will now receive pupils
in Vocal Culture for the fall term. She
teaches simple and unusually quick
method, enabling one to teach ; will test
voices and give advice to any who will
call on ber at Mre. Fred Croxton's.
New Blacksmith Shop.
Trimble 4 Cook are erecting a new
building for a blacksmith eboy 00 1
street opposite their present location.
The building is 34 by 70 feet In dimen
sions and, when completed will be the
best appointed and equipped shop in
Grants Pass and among the very best in
Southern Oregon. A driveway will ex
tend through the building and there
will be comfortable sheds for horses in
the rear. With the exception of an
office which will be neatly fitted up in
the front of tbe building, the entire in
terior space will be ntilixed for black
smith work. With four fires and plenty
of room to operate, the firm will be far
better prepared for the accommodation
of their patrons than heretofore. They
will carry a full stock of iron and steel.
Tbe excellence of the work of this firm is
well known in Southern Oregon and tbe
growing volume of business has made
more commodious quartern necessity.
Tbe firm will occupy their new building
a'ter September 1st.
Mlsa H&le'a Studio,
Miss Fannie Hale has moved her
studio to a room in the City Hall build
ing. Lessons from 9 till 12 o'clock
Tueeday, Thursday and Saturday.
Advertised Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing uncalled for in the Grants Pass post-
office, Saturday, Aug. 24, 1SK)1 :
Rogers, Mrs Robert Webbs, Miss Ethle,
Randoir, Mrs John Harris, Mrs Nellie
Grants, Mrs William E A,
Cooley. C I). Noel, II C
tourtwnght, D S11111I1, RiUy f
Harris, 8 huiith, E A
Keller, Frederick C Snull. Tom
Lovejoy, W G White. Geo E 2
MuSherry, W B Wood, 8 N
fowell, E 1), Osberne J B,
Hauster, Lewis, llolcoiub, Mr Gen.
Litukton, Mr J, Parker Mr KM
Ebbee, Dorry A, Cleaves, P E,
Aicartney, n alter.
C. E. Harmon. P. M.
All persons knowing themselves to be
indebted to Geo. 8. Calhoun or the Cal
houn Grocery Co., will please call and
settle with L. I.. Jewell at the O rants
Pass Banking and Trust Co.
Gets Fifteen Years.
Jack Winters, the man who got away
itb (1120,000 in gold bullion from tbe
Selby Smelting Works, and afterwards
confessed, was sentenced to 15 years at
Folsom. The prisoner took the sentence
coolly, and asked tbat be be sent to San
Quentin, but the request was refused.
rubliahiT Courier:
Sir: Hi-lino rei-oi-d I vote for
for tho "Ashland Normal Voting
Cut this out, fill in tho blanks and
send to the COURIEK otllce.
B&nd Concert.
The following program wil
be given
the Rail-
by the Grants pass band at
road park on Friday evening,
Aug. 30th :
. . .Voelker
. .Anthony
. . Rollinton
March, "Golden Bell"
Overture Zethus
Maiurka "Dolore"
Dancing with my Baby
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp
Grand Fantasia, Baritone Solo
Art. Fryer.
Overture Rivals
March, "Salute to the West'.'.
. Pettee
II. C. Perkins returned Monday eve
ning from a trip to the Hcriboer-llvnder-1011
mine in Ute Wolf creek district.
Toe owners have gone down a short
depth on the porphyry and serpentine
contact. At the lowest depth reached.
the seams yield 50 cents or (I to the
pan, showing that tbe gold is not all on
the surface. s
New Drug Store.
The Post Office building is being fitted
up and will be occupied by a new drug
store, under the mansgemeut of Dr. W.
r. Kremer, who is enlarging bis drug
business here to this extent.
Public Schools.
The tirante Pans public schools will
open on Monday, September 9th, with a
force of 13 teachers; principal, Prof.
E. Young; vice principal, Miss Astella
(ioodin and the following corps of leach'
ers: Nora Hydow, Minnie Tuffs, May
button. Mary Day, Allie Pool, Florence
Akin, Eva Akin, Dora Colvig.Calla lies
lin, Lillian ifogan, Klhel Hai kett.
Following are the tuition rates for non
resideot students: For high school, (7.50
per quarter ; for 5th, 7th and 8ih grades,
(ti.00; other grades, (5.00.
Tbe school house has been newly cal
ciunned and its appearance grea'.ly. im
proved. An innovation introduced this
year by the board is Parents' day. One
day in every month ia appointed on
which ttie parents are especially invited
to be present, not only in the forenoon
but in the afternoon and ail day. No
special exercises will be held, but the
regular recitations will be held until
about Uih middle of the afternoon, when
the pupils will be dismissed leaving the r
desks and books as they have use I tlieiu
and these wil! then b subject to inspection.
The Chicago Racket Store
Is going to sell goods at COST tot 30 days.
Having bought the J. Kessler estate wo need
money, you neod tho goods; so come and see
us.' Our goods are all
We havo the goods, you have tho monoy; you
need the goods and we need the money. Wo
start our sale
Friday, August 16th, 1901.
Do not forgot this if you need anything. A
full line of Glass ware, Crockery, Tin, Granite,
Wood and Willow ware, Shoes, Dry Goods,
. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Furnishing
Goods. All of our Stock goes at Cost.
G rents Pass Or.
' Shot a Hog.
Tbe Medford Mail telle the following
story of Superintendent Daly, of Jackson
"School Superintendent Daly 11 un
doubtedly an adept in teaching young
ideas" how to shoot, but the fact that
he shot a hog recently, thinking it was
a deer, would seem to indicate that his
eyes were eclipsed or bis aim decidedly
off focus. It ii told on him that while
out outing few days ago up Lake
creek way be actually made the mis
take mentioned above and like the
honorable man he is, at once hunted up
the owner of the animal and paid for it
eight dollati."
Cook Wanted.
Good man cook and wife wanted for
work in California. Wages (80 per
month for the two, or good atrong
woman cook with helper, or a good man
cook. Inquire of Mrs. Geo, Almy.
Miss Emma Telford will reopen her
Kindergarten on Monday, Sept. 0th, the
date of the oening of the public schools.
Miss Telford's excellence In Kindergar
ten work is too well known iu this city
1 1 require comment or remark.
Boys' and Children's School Snits.
M'e are now realy to clothe the little man for school, and
have enough of every kind to interest every clothing buyer
within reach of our store. Whatever you want, we claim
the best values absolutely the best values without excep
tion, and you will say so when you see them.
Boys' Rhort Pants Suit, Double
Breasted styles, ages 6 to I") yeare,
extra well made ; a decided bargain
at (1.60'.
Double-Breasted atyles all-wool ma
' teiiala, in neat double Cheviots and
Caetlmeres; made up to cur special
older for school wear good values
at (2.50, (3.00 and (3.50.
Boys' 3-piece Suits. 8ack Coat, either
Single or IKjuhle Breasted, Vest and
Knee Pants, (3.00 to $0.90.
Headquarters for
.Tax Books Close August 2ft.
Sheriff Lister notifies the public that
taxes will become delinquent after the
Zftth day of Augnst, and that tbe books
will close promptly on that date,
County Treasurer's Office.
After Monday, July 29, the olfice of
the County treasurer will be at T. B
Cornell's store on Front atieet.
Remnants.... ' ' ' . Big Shipment
lac and Ujc Quality Outing Flannel at New Fall Prints, best grades, at
7 1-2 Cents. 5 and G Cents.
4 Ply Cotton Ingrain Carpets 1000 Yards
at 21 Cents. Good Heavy Brown Muslin at 5 CtS.
50 Dozen
Men's Black and
12)4 cents, now on
Front St, Below Palace Hotel
' Eatray Notice.
There came to my place one quarter
mile south of the Jewett mine, on August
19th, 1901, one bay mare wjth .black
mane and tail, branded "J. L."on shoul
der. The owner may recover property
by proving ownership and paying costs.
U. W. Graham.
Voice Culture.
I am prepared to give Instruction in
voice culture and vocal music. Would
be pleased to bave all persona who are
Interested call at my home, Bherer resi
dence, Front street, West of Gilbert
creek, Carrie Ellin White
Services Resumed.
At the Baptist charch on Sunday
September 1st, preaching tervicea will be
resumed. The Rev. Alex Blackburn, D.
D. pastor of the First Baptist church, of
Portland, Ore. will be present and
preach both morning and evening,
Tbe order ot services will be: Bible
school at 10 a. m. ; morning sermon at
11; evening at 7:30 p. m.; B. Y. P. U
at 6:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is
given to all, to come and bear Pr,
County Court.
County court meets for the September
term on next Wednesday Sett. 4.
Boys' Short Pants-choice of All-Wool
Cassimere and Cheviot School
Pants, patent waist bands, double
Seat and Knee, and Heama Rein
forced, at 50 cents.
Boys' Long Pants Suits Good strong
garments, in Double and (jingle
Breasted styles in the blue an J dark
mixed Cheviots; also a large assort
ment of Worsteds ; ages from 10 to 1U
years good values, (A 00 to (10.00.
We have some of the cheaper Suits
from (3.00 to (5.00 if you want them.
Hoys' Clothing.
H. Hartii & Son.
A Fountain Pen with a Guar
antee. Did you evir own a fountain pen that
worked splendidly for week and then
bucked 7 Then vou can appreciate the
importance of buying a "Money-back-if-not-salisfactory-pen,"
This is the kind
you will end at the Coiimikh office, at
(1.60 and (2.00. If you are not satisfied
after using them 30 days come back and
get your money.
Arrived t .i.e Big Store
Fifty 10- IMankcts
Gray Scarule Socks, worth
sale at
At the Big Store of
Mias Jessie Hale il visiting in Med
Will Smith of Wolf Creek, has been in
town this week.
W. E. Dean made a visit to Pleasant
creek last week.
J. O. Booth returned on Thursday from
a visit to Colestin.
Allan McKeniie was in town from
Wolf Creek Saturday.
H. L. Wilson, the Leland merchant,
was in town last Wednesday,
Robert McCulloch, of Placer, spent
several days in town last week.
Ralph Woodford went to Medford
Sunday to visit a week at home.
Mrs. H. D. Jones, the Wildervllle
postmistress, was in town Thursday.
Rev. Robt Booth returned last week
from visiting in Lane and Douglas
Prof, and Mrs. N, L. Narregan and
on, of Medford, visited in Urania Pass
last week.
Mrs. J. D. Fry is visiting In the
Willamette valley and will be abaent
several weeks.
F. L. Demaree, who has been spend
Ing the summer here, left on Tuesday
morning for California.
Mias Eva Jacobs, of Roseburg, has
accepted position as stenographer in
the office of A. C. Hough.
Senator Cameron and lion. W. M.
Colvig spent several days in town last
week on a business visit.
Mrs. J. W. Frater and Mrs. Ralph
Boyker were visiting in Ashland this
week with their sister, Mrs. W. F,
Ferrier. '
Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Curt, of New Jer
sey, are visiting In Southern Oregon,
Mrs. Cart ia a sister of Mrt. D. Mc
Carthy. Misses Blanche Dean and Maud
Williams returned last Wednesday
evening from Ashland where they bad
been visiting.
F. H, Osgood'returned Thursday from
visit to Klamath Hot Springs and
went out to bis mines at Waldo on the
following dny.
Mr. and Mrs. Chai. Reckner, who
have been visiting here during the
summer, started Thursday on their
return to Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Frsd Roper returned
last week from a three weeks trip to
Crater Lake, Pelican Bay and other
points of Interest.
Win. and Manville liege, who bave
lately been working at tbe Copper Stain
mine, returned to town last week for an
indefinite stay.
. W. 8. Wiley returned "onTMonday
evening to Clolden where he is engaged
in tbe development of a quarts mine of
encouraging promise.
Mrs. John Kendull and daughter and
Miss Ida Williams bave been visiting
during the past week at Williams Bios.
A Kendall's saw mills.
Miss Dame DeLamattor who was In
charge of the central telephone office
during the absence of Miss La Raut, re
turned to Gold Hill Thursday,'
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carter were pas
sengers on Monday's ovsrland, en route
from Seattle to Ashland. Mrs, Carter
Is a sister of John Turner of our city. 4
Misa Lyle Watson, of Ashland, went
to Portland Tharsday and will visit for
a time there and In the Sound cities and
may visit Victoria, B. C. before return
ing. Rev. I. O. K n oils and family leave
this week for Albany where they will re
side. Mr. Knotts has exchanged fields
with Rev. W. A. Smlck, who will act as
Bunday school worker for this district.
Rev. Huili k will reside at Roseburg.
A. O. King, familiarly known as "Pro
fessor King," who has been one of our
familiar figures for a number of years
past, left on Saturday evening for the
Soldiers' Home at Roseburg, where he
expects to pass the remainder of his
Frank Colvig, who has lately been
working with the 9. P. cement gang on
the Hinkiyous, returned home Tuesday.
He made a sightseeing tour into Califor
nia, going a far south as Sacramento.
He visited Keswick and found it a good
place to get away from,
Carmel Martin, Albert Erie and
Henry Merller, who have been playing
with the Urants Pass ball team during
the season, left on Thursday for Cal
ifornia. Martin will visit for a time at
bis home at Monterey, alter which be
returns to the state normal school at
Nan Jose, where hs graduates next
spring. Erie goes to his heme at San
Jose and Merlier to Sacramento.
At G2 Cents.
Good $1.25 Kid Gloves
Now oa sale at 98 CtS.
This is the bent buy you ever made in Ladies' Kid
Gloves and we predict quick sale. Ask to see them.
R. L, COE & CO.
ianoroft & Go
For People Who
Intend to take an
Wo have the finest line of
Lunch Goods in the City.
1 3-lb. Cartoon Crackers. .
2 Cans Deviled Chicken..
Luncheon Sausage 20c
Sardines 5c
French Smoked Sardines. 25c
Armour's Sliced Ham... 25c
Bayle's Lunch Herring.. 20c
Vienna Sausage 10c
Veal Loaf 15c
Borden's Condensed Milk.20C
Evaporated Cream.
... IOC
. . . 18c
1 Bottle Sweet Pickles...
Queen Olives, ,
Tillamook Cheese, per lb. .
Ginger Snaps
Fig Bar aud Marshmallows
Bancroft & Go
MY KKMDKNCK on tllh street; a flve
1 room cottHge and lot, IWiiWU, shads
trtes, good woil and city water,
pOl'K lots, IdOittO feet, with small dwsl
ling, excellent location, for sale at a
bargain. Inquire at this omce.
fll.AWKH-A pair of steel bowed gl
u Inquire at this oitioe.
AT the Armory, a collarette. Owner
im- may recover on proving ownership
and paying charges. Apply at this office.
IIAVINU Mining interests that require
"my attention 1 wilt bell my block con
sisting ot Uenla furnishing goods, boots,
11 aU t aps. Notions, etc,, at leas than oosl,
as a whom or in lots to suit purchaser.
11. A. Kskd,
Odd Fellows building.
UUU I Kb, carnages and mountain hacks.
Anyone liiinkiiiK of buvlnir any ot
the aliore, it will pay them to go to Kehkopf
and Hunch and examine thair vehicles and
get their prices and terms before buying.
They also carry the Huckeye mower and
ruku. iteiueiuber the place, fllu street
opposite becond-band store.
JAbU paid for gold dust. -Cramer Bros.
'I'aKK your wheel to Cramer Bros, for
X repairs.
County Treasurers Notice).
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds In tbe county treasuery for tbs
redemption of the following warrants
protested to January 2d, 1803. Interest
on same will cease from thia date, July
3d W0I.
No. . No. No. No.
9 m Wi 163
200 210 277 II
S (Ki4 V.1 20l
2111 272 2 14
Ml 172 190 161
2H3 3 112 10
1H7 103 144 306
4 17 43U 186 . .
233 l&U 170 6
102 68 l!i2 lotl
251 3111 2U HU
2N6 2l0 24!l
1 17 88 133
1(11 173 254 31
ot'..'l 134 17U 240
31 im 134 17
274 202 t 116
174 iW 183 86
J. T.Tavior,
Treasurer Josephine County, Ore