Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 29, 1901, Image 1

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No. 40
Ot $1 per share, or
$50,000 of the Capital
Stock of the Oregon Nat
ural Gas, Oil & Mining
Company, is now offered
for sale to the general
public for
10 cts, on the Dollar
10 cts." a Share.
This money will be used in
drilling an Oil well on lands that
are controlled by this company.
which is in the center of the Oil
District known as the North Grants
Pass Oil district. This company
has contracts on the following well
known ranches in this District.
They have all signed a card similar
to this,
Mrs Mary I, Jordon,
James Deveny,
G M Savage,
J J Fryer,
John Deveny,
B B Ochiltree,
V J Savage,
Mrs Jessie Deveny,
B B Ocheltree,
Dr W H Flanagan,
W M Bishop,
J G Dotson,
J S Harvey,
J N Carter,
The above ranches embrace
several thousand acres of land of
the best indications for Oil that our
agents conld find on the PaciGc
('oast and they hive been from
Washington to Mexico.
You know that if Oil, Natural
Gas or Artesian Water is found in
Josephine county it will more than
double the value of all property
and for that purpose alone you can
encourage the prospecting for
Oil, or Artesian Water by taking a
few shares of stock.
Cut tli it oat and fend it, with $2.50 to
Scott Griffin.
Oregon Nature-I G&i, Oil and
Mining Company.
To Scott Griffin, Secretary, Grants
Pass, Oregon.
Enclosed please find the sum of
$2.50 to secure option on icoshares
of stock in the Oregon Natural
Gas, Oil and Mining Company, of
Grants Pass, Oregon, of the par
value of $1 per share, I to have the
option of paying 25 cents a share
on or before you begin drilling; or
50 cents a share on or before 500
feet depth has been reached; or
thereafter $1 par value until a well
is completed to the depth of 1000
feet; the amount paid herein is to
be credited on the stocks accepted.
It is expressly understood that you
re to commence drilling on or be
fore six months from date or refund
to me the, amount pid. Please
forward receipt for amount en
closed. Dated this
day. of
Name of Sender
P. 0. Address
A Gain ot 240 to 1.
The (allowing Uhle exhibit! the in
crease in the market value ot the oil
stocks o( ten different companies :
Priree o Stock
.. 50
.. 1 00
.. 1 00
.. 20
.. 300
.. 100
$ 200 00
37 50
ia 00
13 50
3 40
2 15
Sew York Oil Co.,...
Union Oil Co.,
Kern Oil Co.,
Ssn Josquin
Hun lord
Tinny Three Oil Co ,.
Sterling Oil Co ,
Twenty Eiuhl Oil Co.,
Kern River,
8.00 1925.17
Each ot theM cosnpenies tu organ j
ted leti than two yean ago. (8
00 invested in three ten companies
would have realised a net ion of il92j. .
17, a gain ot over 240 to 1.
Buy stocte in the Oregon Natural lias, J
Oil and Mining Company at 10 cent a 1
hare for II.U0 shares, tionaseesesble I
ttock. Buy before they drill.
For further information call on j
SCOTT GRIFFIN, Secretary, i
The Natural Gas, Oil
Mining Company.
Grants Pass, Ore.
A sudden quirk in the weather need not catch you
napping. We can furnish you instantly the best of style
and quality with a neatness and perfection of fit that will
of custom made wearing apparel. Our suits are worn by
many who have a reputation as dressers.
Office, Room 2 over font Office. Residence
Kane House, oppo. the Western.
General Practitioner of
Mkmcink and Kurokrv.
Office iu Williams Block
Practice! in all State and Federal Courts
Office over First National Bank.
Sbants Pahs, . - - Okeook.
jkants Pass,
Willis Kramer
manufacturer or
Myrtle Creek
Extra Pamily Flow
And Everything that goes with First
uiass mining.
For sale by Chiles, Dklemater,
Wade and Cornell.
Call for it; same price as other brands
Office opposite Hotcljosephine
(iHantb Pass, - Oregon.
Furniture knd Piano
Moving. .
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work 'done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Hath room in connection
Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Sil
verwear and Jewelry. A Uood
Assortment of i'.racolcU and
Heart I'angles,
Clsmens' Drug Store.
Fine Butfcr a Specialty
Puoni 21
Sewer Connections
j Metal Roofing
Gas Fitting
...Pipe work of all kinds...
Rids furnished tor all work.
Iwe orders with
I rtmtr Kro. Hardware
Han- Kiddie llardaare
IB JL it.
Capital Stock, - - $50,000.
Receive deposits subject to check or 00
certificate payable on demand.
Sell sight drafts on Mew York, San Fran
cisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfer told on all point in
the United States.
Special Attention given to Collections and
general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern
Oregon, and on all accessible points.
R. A. BOOTH, President.
J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice Preeident.
H. L.OILKEY, Cashier.
E. E. DUNBAR, Arst. Cashier
Grants Pass
Banking and Trost Co.
Transacts a general Banking business
Receives deposits subject to check or
on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous
treatment and eveiy consideration con
sistent with sound banking principles
J. Khan Watson, Pres.
Ecu s Poixcck, Vice-Pres.
L. L. JtwKi.i., Cashier.
J. Frank Watson, J. 8. Moore,
J.J. Houck, Eclus Pollock,
HerbertSinith, Scott Uri (Bin ,
A. E. Hheehan.
Tennyson could take a worthless sheet of
pnner, write on it a poem worth ise.OUO
VanderMIt can write a few wonts on a
sheet of paper and make it worth
lo,onu,iiorHAT 8 CAPITAL.
The United Htates ran take 1VJ ounces of
gold, stamp an eagle on it worth MO
A mechanic ran take material worth $10
make it into watch springs worth IIOU,
A man works ten hours a day and handle
several tons of dirt for :!.0u--Tli AT S
A lailv ran purchase a hat for (7 hut pre
fer one for i-'7-THArs rOOUbll
KSS. We could sign our check for f lon.00tl.00n
but tt would lie N. Ii.-THAT,1S
We give our customers the bet insert
poison and tiy paperon earth THAT'S
1 HI. I II.
M. Clemens,
oee. oema Houae
State Fair
September 23-28, 1801,
Great Agricultural
Industrial Fair.
Good Racing in the Af
ternoons. Latest Attraction in New Auditorium
Building Every Evening, with
good rruuic.
Beautiful Camp Grounds Free.
Special Rates on Campers'
Tickets. Come and bring
your families.
Reduced Kstrs oo ill Mmk
For lunher particulars, addreaa
M- D- WISDOM. S. Portland.
Bttttr for the Blood than laruparilla.
For Those Living in tbe Malaria Dis
ricts. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic.
A Bride of Two Weeks Killed by Her
Husband Another Smelting- riant For
fthMta County A Lone Hlchwayinaa
Holds l a Stage.
Foront and brash fires hare been prev
alent throughout Shears county. Out.,
since the beginning of the long-contin-
aed dry season, and hare doue inuoh
Nearly the entire mining town of
Quarts, six miles from Souorn, Tuol
umne comity, Cal., was destroyed by
Are. The loss ia estimated at between
fcM.OOO and 30,000.
Ex-Dcputy Sheriff George W. Witty
of Soutag and Evans fame, committed
suicide iu a Mission-street lodging-honse
in San Francisco by shooting himself in
the head. A love affair ia said to be the
cause. ..
The Calistoga and Clear Lake (CaL)
stage, with 13 passengers, and an extra
stage, closely following, with fonr pas
sengers, while on their way to Middlo
towu, were held up and robbed by a
lone highwayman. The driver of the
first stage was ordered by the bandit
to throw ont the express box and mail,
and the order was promptly compiled
with. The robber then lined np the
passengers and relieved them ot their
vuluables, nmouutiug to about 400.
The salmon pack on the Columbia
river, it Is estimated, will be 230,000
oases, as ngninst 300,000 oases packed
last year. The shortage in the pack is
attributed to the scarcity of fish in the
early part of the season. Big ruus, un
doubtedly tho produot of artificial prop
agation, started about the middle of
July, but sulHctout holp was not avail,
able to handle the fish.
Captain Charles Le Breton of San
Francisco, a populnr member of tho
National Ounrd and for many years
secretary and cashier of the J. 0. John
sou Harness company, committed sui
cide in tho bathroom of his residence,
230 Dolores stroet, San Francisco, by
cutting his throat. A verdict of "sui
cide while temporarily insane" was re
turned by tho corouor's jury.
The third groat smoltiug plant of
Shasta couuty, Cul., that of tho Trinity
Copper coiupuny, will soon bo under
way. The site selected is on the bank
of the Big Buckboue creek, less than
half a mile from the line ot tho South
ern Pacific company uud about an equal
distmice from tho towu of Keunott.
The company is now surveying and
laying out a townsite to the north of
Keiiuett nud to the cunt of the smelter
site. The town will be called Lawson,
iu honor of Thomas VV. Luwsou, presi
dent of the Trinity Cryipor company,
and owner of tho yucht Independence.
It wns decided by the California Curod
Fruit association to set aside $.1110,000 to
be apportioned among the members of
the association iu proportion to the
amounts duo them. Tills will make a
total ot fl,4N4,OUO that has been appor
tioned among the growers iu ilio associ
ation this year.
Daniel J. Hn livau, who was om ployed
In the bond nud warrant department ot
the district attorney's ofllce at Ban
Francisco, was convicted in Superior
Judge Lawlor's court of having forged
the uuuie of Police Judge, George H.
Cabnuiss to nn order for ft, (140 bail
money, mid also of having cashed the
same at the cily treasury. The jury
recommended iSiillivau to the mercy of
the court. I Iu will be sentenced Satur
day, Aug. 24.
Arch rock, which has boon a menace
tauuvigittiou m the bay of San Fran
cisco, was removed, 80. tons of nitro
golatiu having been placed in hundreds
of holes under the great crug and ex
ploited. After the explosion a moun
tain of tumbling waters, dotted here
and there with debris, was seen to rise
hundreds if feet iu t lie air, and for
acres the waters were white with foam.
A dispatch from Kedlundx, Cal., says
a great oombiuution of capital lias been
effected for controlling the electrib
power of Suuthern California, with W.
S. Tevis, president of the Keru ltiver
Laud company, as its huud. The new
concern will be known as tho Southern
California Power comimuy, which has
made contracts for the delivery of
15,000 horse-power in Los Angeles.
Power is to be curried over a triple, wire
from Bakersticld to Los Augelcs, and
the route hikes iu all the pumping
plants iu Autclopo valley, tho Kern
river oil fields and ranches and towns
iu tho Suu Fernando valley. From
Itedlands a few wires added to the line
uow operated by Uie Edlsou eleutnu
company will convey power to the
towns in Suu Gabriel valley.
The Pacific Packing ami Navigation
oompauy, the so-called salmon trust,
which has a capital of J.,UUO,000, di
vided equally amoirg common ami pre
ferred stock, bernles u bond issue of
75,000,000, is expected to have no op
position ot iiiinorianco, the ouly concern
outside of the combination at prseut
being the Alaska Packers' association,
which, it is stated, will be conducted in
harmony with the conibiuatiou. The
company will employ five ocean-going
steamers to transport supplies for the
various stations.
Jack Winters, the Bel by smelter bul
lion thief, was arraigned before Justice
of the Peace l'ratt at Crockett, and
pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary.
Winters was bound over to await the
action of the superior court, with ball
fixed at 110,000. The prisoner was un
able to famish the bond for his bail,
and was taken to tho jail at Marlines.
All of the bulliou is uow recovered.
The San Jons Mercury ban been trans
ferred from the control of Alfred Hoi
man to A. E. Hayes and J. O. Hayes,
the present owners of The Evcuiug
Herald. The two papers will now bu
auder the same management.
The Latest Yarn.
A Pittsburg drummer tells this ysrn
I always carry a bottie of Kemp's
Balsam in my grip. I take cnid easilr
and a few doees of the Hal nam tlasys
makes me well msn. Everywhere I
go I ipesk a good word for Kemp. I
take hold ol my customers I lake old
men and young men, and fell them
confidentially what I do when I take
cold. At druggists, 2.V. and oOr,
The postoffloe at Santa Ynea, Cal..
was robbed, the thieves obtaining 170
in gold and silver.
Dr. Edward W. Claypole, professor
oi natural sciences at the Throop Insti
tute, Pasadena, died at Long Beach, OaL
He had been ill only about a week, his
ailment being of a cerebral nature. He
was 68 years old, and cams to Throop
from Akron, O., in 1898. He was a
native of England, aud was educated
at the university ot London.
At Proaser, Wash., James Ross was
working at the bottom of a well 45 feet
below the surface, when suddenly the
earth above Ross began to give way,
aud the unfortunate man was buried
from sight. Although 11 hours had
elapsed from the time of the accident
nutil Ross was liberated, every one was
surprised to find the entombed man
still alive, buviug received ouly a few
brui sos. The earth, in falling, had car
ried a pieoo of board with it, and this
board had lodged above Ross, thns
giving him space to breathe aud saving
his lite.
Horace N. Seavcr, a student of geology
and botany aud a lover of the sublime,
started from Pasadena, CaL, to make
the ascent of Mouut Wilsou, On
Hearing Ilio summit he was seised with
an almost uucoutroluble desire to throw
himself into the yawning oanyons be
lieuth, but he clung with all his strength
to the burro thut he rode np the trail
and the sure-footed beast carried him
safely to oniup. His nerves, however,
were so over-wronght that a physician
was sent for, who administered ether
aud had Senver carried dowu the trail
on a litter.
A dispatch from Piue, Or., says there
is groat excitement on East Pine creek
on account of the finding of 17 head of
cattle that hud been shot to death.
Cattle owners ot the Piue section swear
vengeance. It is supposed that the kill
ing ot the cattle was the work of sheep
herders. Ill feeling has existed tor a
long time between cattle owners and
sheep owners in this section on acooaut
of the tsacroachmouts on the range, and
serious trouble is f oared as a result of
the killing of the cattle.
Fred Miller, a well-dressed middle
aged man, on his arrival at San Fran
cisoo on the overlaud train from the
east wns met by two men, one of whom
pretended to know him. He accom
panied them to a restaurant, aud after
sitting dowu at a table one of the men
struck him on the head with a blunt
instrument nud then robbed him of
and a gold watch.
An immouse meteor full recently
almost due west of Phmuix, A. T.,
coming down. It is belioved, somewhere
iu Ilaniua Halu desert. Before reach
ing the earth the mass exploded, scat
tering iu a fine pyrotecbmoal display,
lighting up the entire western horlaou.
The tcmueruture at Pbuuuix immediately
dropped to the lowost point since May,
and the local astronomical observer
attributes the ohauge to the meteor's
A Tucson, A. T., dispatch says: A
bride of but two weeks, Maria Valen
cia, the beautiful wife of Jose Valeucla,
met a horrible death at the uandsof her
husbaud. Three deep gashes were made
with a large kuife iu her bock aud one
iu her neck, and death was almost in
stantaneous. They hud just returned
from a dance, and her husband, insanely
jualous, accused his bride of flirting
with some ot the young men at the ball.
She was but IB years ot age, and her
beauty was the talk of the people of
Thatcher, where she was raised.
Street-sprinkling Contractor A. P.
Cross of Los Augeies, who ruus a boarding-house
for his employees, pleaded
guilty of supplying his tables with oleo
margarine and was sentenced to pay a
Sue of $.'0. This is the first oouviottun
nuder tho new pure-food law.
Miss Clara Kulley, aged 30 yoars, for
some time a residuut of the towu ot
Kelsey, and Miss Louise Slroup, aged
14, whose parents live in Plaoertllle,
Cul., were drowued In a reservoir at the
Daliuutis mine, 11 miles from Placer
ville. They could not swim, and, get
ting into deeper water than they ex
pected, each grappled with the other,
aud in this way both perished.
Mujor-Oeueral Arthur MaoArthur,
late commander of the department of
the Philippine, arrived at San Fran-'
Cisco a puiueuger on the transport Sheri
dan. Since leaving Manila, which he
did ou July 4, immediately after the in
auguration of civil government, Gen
eral Mac-Arthur has SKiut several weeks
In Jiiuii.
A cow belonging to A. Podusto, a
rancher on the Culaveraa river, Sau
Joaquin county, has just added to her
fame by giving birth to triplets. Three
times she has produced twins, snd all
but una of the calves were perfectly
formed and lived. Two of the triplets
are well formed, but the third is a
cripple, and will probably have to be
Tho New York Mall and Express of
Aug. IV suys: "It was seuil-oHlcially
announced today that President Clmrles
M. Hays of the Southern Pacific com
iauy had resigned, to take effect at the
pleasure of the board of directors.
There is good authority for the state
ment that Samuel M. freltou, now presi
dent of the Chicago and Altou, will
succeed him."
Vuited States Treasurer Roberta at
Washington received from au unkuowu
person a oonsciuuoe contribution of
HJti. Tho money was received through
Father Vruggio, paster of St. Clare
church, Santa Clara, Cal.
Stephen A. Meek 'refused f0,on0 for
a mine in the Quarts Hill district in
Shasta county, Cal., the ledge of which
was discovered a year ago by his 14
year-old sou while the boy was at play
a tout 100 yards from the Meek home.
Meek, at the time when bis boy dis
covered the ledge, was a poor miner
working for wages. Tbe shipments
alroady made tu the smelter at Keswick
have given an average of f.'10 per tou.
Tlirlr Hecrel liOst,
All Kedieville, Ky was curious to
learn the cause of the vast Improvement
in the health of Mrs. 8. P. WoltUker,
who had for a long time, endured un
told suffering from a chronic bronchial
trouble. "It's all due to Dr. King's
New Discovery," writes her hnausnd.
"It cotnpletedlv cured her and also cured
our little srand-naughter of a severe at
tack of W u-Kiping tough." It positive
ly cures Coughs, Colds, LaOrippe, Bron
chitis, all Throat and Lang troubles.
Gusrsnteed bottles 5ie sod 1100. Trial
bottles free at W. Y. Kremer's drug store
Aa A stress Commits Sulfide Ia Tree
aee ef aa AndUace Slng-alar Clause
la a Will MalrluaeoUl Kpldasute on
a Manila Transport. . . -
The population of Canada, according
to the recent census, is 6,337,885, an in
crease of 009,044 over the census of 1801.
The Santa Fe Railroad company will
erect a big hotel at the entrance to the
Grand Canyon ot the Colorado. .
Owing to the enormous supply of
fruit front Jamaica all the American
companies have materially reduced the
purchase price, aud cultivators are ex
pressing much dissatisfaction. ,
The Canadian yacht - Invader, in a
grand race with the' yacht Oadillao,
won the Canada's cup, which goes back
across the border, bnt aooonipauied by
five ohallengsa
Eastern manufacturers are opposed 16
the re-suactment of the Chinese exolu
sion law, in view of China's being iu the
future the greatest market in the world
for certain products of this country. .
A Faribault (Minn.) dispatch says
25,000 in bills wiU be publioly burned
by order of the probate court unless a
clause in the will of Harvey T. Scott is
knocked ont by the courts. Soott, who
was Hi ynags old, left an estate of 150,000,
half of whlA is in bank notes aud
Uuttod States onrronoy. In order to de
prive his legal heirs three in number
of any share in this money he directed
that it be burued. Last winter $3,000
was bnrned by Soott in the presence of
witnesses. Tho heirs have protested on
tbe ground that the administrator has
no more right to destroy money than he
would have to destroy buildings.
The steamship Luoanla, from Liver
pool to New York, oommunioated by
wireless telegraph with the Nautuokut
lightship at a distance of 287 miles.
The New York Herald shore station, to
which came the wireless message from
tbe lightship, is at Siasoonset, a favorite
summer resort on the lalaud of Nan
tucket. , ,
Chicago physlolaus, while examlniug
Earl Wambold with the X-ray, discov
ered that ho has two hi si ts. The right
heurt is said to perforin its fuuotiotis as
properly aa the left heart, agalust which
it presses slightly, aud both are as free
from disease, apparently, as any normal
heart. Physicians say there has never
been a similar case, so far as medical
records show.
Private Schmidt of Company D, Four
teenth United States infantry, camped
at the rifle range near Mount demons,
Mich., macra a score at 000 yards' range
that breaks the shootiug record of the
whole army. Ot the 20 shots whloh he
fired at the target, which was a dummy
man, ltt took effect iu - parts ot the
dummy where, had the target been a
living man, they would have ' caused
death, while the 20th would have caused
a serious or fatal wouud. Schmidt's
achievement ia nueqtlaled. -
Madge Johusou, daughter of Dr. John
son of- Sag Harbor, L. L, swam 12
miles, havlug been in the water sevcu
hours. Miss Johnson is about 23 years
ot age aud ia devoted to athletics. She
swam away from Sag Harbor at 4:40
o'oltick in the morning to get the benefit
of ths tide. Miss Halsey and Miss Sav
age aooonipauied her In a rowboat. She
reached the beach at Oreeuport, 12
miles away, at 11:40 o'clock. Through
out her long swim she nevor sought
help nor rest in the boat, aud swam the
entire distauoe without auy outside aid.
Mrs. Carrie Nation, while taking a
trip on the St. Lawreuoe rivor boats.
Was taking cigars aud cigoruttes from
the passengers, and made an attempt to
snatch a cigar from the - mouth of
Eugene Foley, a traveling mau from
TJtico, Foley slapped bur in the faon,
and she immediately termtuutcd her
urusndo against tobacco, Foley after
ward apologised for striking hur.
ThetrausHrt Thomas, which reached
Honolulu Aug.. 1, liaviug ou board 800
luule aud 100 femulu teachers oil the
way to the Philippines to engage in
educational servioe under the Tuft com
mission, developed a veritable matri
monial epidomlo while at sea. The day
prior to tiie arrival at Honolulu Captain
llutford found that 80 couples desired
the uuptial knot tied. He refused to
penult the ceremony ou board the ves
sel, aud the next day clergyman at
Honolulu made the 30 pairi happy by
uniting them iu nistriniouy, Prior to
ths saillug of the vessel from Honolulu
several other couples were married.
The editor and the manager of the Lou
dou Globe attended the bur of the house
of commons iu custody of the acrguunt-at-arms,
iu accordance with the sum
mons of the house, for gross breach of
privileges of the house, tu accusiug the
Irish Nationalist members of corruption
iu connection with private bill legisla
tion. The speuker severely reprimanded
the two newspaper men, who were per
mitted to depart, the members of tbe
house joeiingly ooiigratuiattng them ou
their escape from imprisonment 111 the
Tower. t ,
Pretty Georgia Weymouth, au Einrlish
chorus girl, ouoe well- known iu New
York, committed suluida on the stugeot
the Kolles-Her gero, Paris, hanging her
self In full view of the audience. Ths
last soeu of the burlesque being played
called for the simulation of suicide by
u unfortunate lover. Georgia had been
performing ths port for two weeks, the
audience being deceived by her booking
herself up ou a concealed belt. At her
last performance the agony of I lie actress
allotted frantio applause aud laughter,
tbe oouturtbms of her body being
deemed au excellent imitation. When
the curtain weut down the girl was
dead, A letter was found iu which she
declared her purpose to kill herself, but
did uot explain ber motives.
At Bed Time
I tat a pleasant berb drink, the next
morning I leel bright and my complex
ion is better. My doctor says it acts
gently on tbe stomach, liver and kid
neys, snd Is a pleasant Isxativs. It is
made from herbs, and la prepared as
easily as Isa. It Is called Lens's Medi
cine. All druggists sell it at 25c. and
60c. Lane's Family Medicine moves
the bowels each day. II you cannot get
it, send lor free sample. Address.
Orator f. Woodward, Le Hoy, N, Y.
Being a bit of cheap advice that may be
turned to profit by those who are good
T..We neither buy 'nor sell Second-hand
- goods. We won't have them in tho house.
, . , We're tho only Furnituro concern in
Southern Oregon who has tho nerve to
say so and do so when you buy things
- . at this house they're New. No fixed up
jobs hero.
Nearly 1-2 a Car-load Suites just arrived. By
far the largest line we have ever shown.
Popular Prices.
CARPETS Over 3,000 yards another new lot just re
ceived. Our carpets Jare the perfection of the
weavers' art; are manufactured by one of the old
est and most reliable Mills in the United States.
We guarantee to show you better qualities beside
the most expensive patterns at just as small a
price, and usually a smaller than you can get by
sending away 30c to $1.00; all the between pri
ces. WALL PAPERS of surpassing quality and artistic taste
over 10,000 Double Rolls, goods usually sold at
uc, 15c, 18c, soc, 22c, 25c and 35c Our prices
8c. 10c, 12c, 15c, 1 8c, aoc, 25c.
HOPPICKERS CAMP OUTFITS---Especially low prices
on Tents, Camp Stools, Tin Ware, Granite Wave.
WE'RE SELLING 6 Milk Pans for 25 cents.
Butcher Knives 25c to 50c.
6 Class Tumblers, smooth bottom, for
25 cents.
6 Hotel Goblets for 25 cents.
Tin Bake Pans 8 cents.
Looking Glass and Comb Case tor 15c.
We're closing out some Writing Tablets, regular
15c goods of a pound calendared paper, ruled
for ink, 10 cents.
Edwin H. Conger, ths United States)
minister to Ohlua, arrived at Peking.
A dispatch from Peking, dated Aug.
17, says the ministers have oonoeded
two points to the Ohlnese in order to
secure harmony and the signatures of
the plenipotentiaries to the protocol.
Ths first point is that the walls e(. the
Takn forts shall not be destroyed, and
ths second the edmlsaion of Liu Kuu
Yi to tbe Whang Po board of cousorv
snoy. The river forts have already been
dismantled aud the war materials de
stroyed by the international troops.
A dispatch from Shanghai, dated Ang.
14, says the Russians at Newohwang
have proclaimed the caur's suzerainty
over that district, have abrogated the
Chinese laws and have prohibited the
natives from referring their disputes to
the arbitration of American or British
merchants and missionaries. All dis
putes must bo referred to the Russians
for settlement.
Three Americans were sentenced by
Consul Hugsdnle to four years' imprison
ment for looting a pawnbroker's store
iu a village alstut 110 miles from Peking
ou June toih. The esse was tried at
Llenteiiaiit-Oenentl Miles, command
ing ihe army, has issued a general
nrdor Intended to Imptnve the condition
of the army. It admonishes officers
and men regarding tlimr duties, pointing
out the essentials of a good soldier,
specifically mentioning patriotism, dis
cipline, physical development, self-respect,
self ridiance and resourcefulness,
also adding that professional kuowledgo
Is uecessary at ail times.
Attorney-General Knox hns rendered
an opiuiou holding that the govern
ment is, bound to recover mall matter
which is lost by ncgligenon or dishon
esty 011 thu part of employees and restore
the same to its owner, and that when a
clerk or carrier steals a registered letter
containing iuouy he is responsible for
the amount itolen.
Tiie statement prepared by Commis
sion! Kvans of Iho United States pen
sion buienu shows that the number of
pensioners oil ihe rolls June Doth last
was Wl7,?;)7, a net gain of 4,206 over last
your. The total net loss to the roll dur
ing the year wns 4:i,uSD, which Includes
UMMIiy death, KT8 by remarrluge, 1.6HJ
by minors reaching the age of HI, I, KM
by failure to claim pensions and 1,400
from other causes. The roll fw the
year just closed ia the "high-water
mark" In the history of the pension
bureau, the next highest having been
reached in IHUH.
rollrMiN ITt.HH.
At the Maii'don-bnuse police court,
Loudon, James McDonald, who, ou
Aug S was charged in that court, ou his
owu coufnssion, with robbing tho office
...Southern Oregon
Strong Academic
course. Professional
training of the highest
Well equipped labora
tories, r irst class train
ing department, be
in and for trained teach
ers exceeds the supply.
Graduates easily secure
good positions.
B e u 1 1 1 u I location .
Must delightful climate
on tbe coast.
Kspenses$l to I1W
per year. Write lor
W. M.
Wsll Paper
Crockery "
I -amps
of the Wvstoru Lumber company at
Portland, Or., last December, was die
ohnrgud, the officials of the United
Stutus embassy announcing that the
Washington authorities did not desire
his extruditiou. The priaouer was
greatly disappointed at not securing
transportation home.
A dispatch from Constantinople says)
a body of 400 Kurds has been raiding
the IHilmisura district of Armenia) and
has destroyed 13 villages, leaving noth
ing but smoking ruins. Ouly the yodbg
girls were spared. They were carried
off to the burems. All the males were
ruthlessly butchered.
Steamer lalandor CoIIIcIm with an lee
htira, Uruwnlug SA Feraoas.
A Victoria (B. C.) dispatch aays: The
steamer Islander, the flagship of the
Canadian Pacific Navigation fleet, and
the largest aud fastest passenger steamer
ou the Viotorla-tikagway ronte, collided
with au Iceberg off Douglas island,
Alaska, Thursday, August 18, at S
o'clock In the morning, while on her
way south with the largest number of
passengers that she has carried since she
was replaced on the run few months
ago, aud sank within IS minutes after
striking. Captain Foots, her master,
and about 63 persons, luclnding passen
gers aud members of tbe crew, were
drowned. To add to the horror of ths
terrible disaster her boilers exploded aa
she went dowu, causing the death of
many of those who were struggling In
the water.
The survivors were landed on Douglas
island, aud the mate was sent to Juneau
for help, the steamors Flossie and Lucy
responding aud (aklug them to Juueau.
The city council of Juuean acted with
open hearts and ltfvel heads, secured
Decker's hall, which was hastily con
verted Into a lunohroom aud resting
place, where the oold, nerve-shattered
unfortunates from the wreck oonld be
warmed with hot Coffee lud suitable
food. The survivors are full of words ot
commendation nud gratitude for ths
opening of Juuean homes, the words of
sympathy, tbe extended help in sub
stantial ways.
The passengers give the greatest
praise to the oltloers for the manner in
which they acted under the most trying
circuuiitauces. The oflloers, on the
other haud, state that had not the pass
engers rushed the boats the loss of life
would have beau very small, if, iu fact,
auy at all. It la estimated tlial about
178,000 lu gold dust went down with
tho steamer. Of this about 1100,000
was carried by passengers, Mr. liorl of
Dawson, who had beeu mining la tbe
Kloudike fur some 10 years, having
t35,uuo. A small amount of the precious
metal was saved. Tbe papers contain
ing (10,000 were left in the purser's
safe, the balance In bis possession being
returued before the steamer sauk.
Kodak films at ths Courier office
State Normal School..
- 4 L
r- tSis? r.
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