Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 15, 1901, Image 4

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    vah .w .630 Tnbnoxa-irT
i ltl fwgtf Jo. the ',.lai Titans
2 "IStaaeruakev reUtt. Against tha la.
troAuetton "of American 8hoa Stores,
Vlca.rrsaS4i.B4, HaaaavrU In Colorado.
4 I . Ll
Edwftw TlTen Eyo.V; the world's
i tampion amateur sculler, has retired
from racing. lie retires a champion
who baa never been beaten in a rnoe,
Each delegate from the chamber of
commerce of New York to the recent
London dinner contributed $1,000 to the
Victoria memorial fund: i j J
Wireless telogruphio communication
between biea!0 and Milwaulca is
promised 'in I its ; soar f uturuy $ JTha
Olilcago-MllWaukoe lino, when estab
lished, will be the first in .operation in
the United Statcjpfor conunarcial Bar
poses. " "" ' i '
President Shaffer of the Amalgamated
As sooiuUon f l,nn, , Stoel and Tin
Workers; nrton" his return from the
trial le. cunfprenos with iJ. Pierpout
Murgau and ot hern in, New York, Baid
that it is now u fight to finish between
the grout billion dollar stoul trust and
, or,':iui.jd lnbiir. , (
..iLugruf & 8titer, Chicago commis-
, ;Sio merchants, received from the eoon.
try several ensos of eggs, wliich armed
latu buturiluy afternoon, snu were
'-,- stored with the "fresh' Stock lu the
.l basement.: On Monday morning whou
(lie case of eggs fucludlug those re
yceiyvd on . Bat urday were oponod, 01
, live chiokun were found,: The thoory
lis that the intense heat that has pre-
v vailed in the east and tiie grant hoodie
1 ily did hotter than the bust incabat'ir
v"etnnt. , . ,
The robonrsnlof the lurid melodrama,
"''The Ari7)iia Female Bandit," at Oiua
" ho, suddenly became realistic, and reitl
'), wrongs were resented with actual pow-
draud bulL Mrs. Millie Lighthawk,
r known in cheup theatrical circles ui
, Millie Allen, was shot at tbo climax of
r the play by Thad Brookle, who after.
" -ward committed suicido. llrookio win
" joalons of Bert Adams, whose lines gave
him an opportunity to show alTectiou for
Mrs. Lightiiawk, the leading woman,
Mrs. Llghthawk died the same night
The ntrwa of th&Niponiug of American!
leiffiistool : lu VT.pua basuaasid groat
- f itt idinesHi amauf ,1he f master shoo.
Stfiatorsnnhaf'citv.'- Id the riilddlo of
, Heptombor a mnustur meeting will be
hold, and BjOKlaheoiuiierihave already
aunouui h'-ir (leturmliiatiin to be
there and to prevent by foroo the opeu
lng of theso depot.. .Tho A inurlcaus, it
Ts said, cuu sell !!0 pur cent cheaper than
the looal nryksra. r 1 ' I
Ad smioaucement nppWs in the
London Ussette to the elTect that King
Edward has andxpted the resignation of
Major Karri Dvius of the Companion.
ship of ths lialh, "that cllloer having
expressed the wish that hu might be
permitted ta serve his majesty without
aur reward.". Major Daviut received
,tU deuoralliiu fur oouspionons services
in Houth Africa, especially lu connec
tion with the relief ot Mafuking. Buch
retrocession at decoration la nnpruoo-
dented. , . , ,
or, feeble old man ot
70, who lived near Mantiooke, Md., tried
a short Cnt to his home from the village
and lout his way. S warms ot luonqui
toes settled ,tipou him, aud lie was soon
ruade '.uuoonsiious. lie was fouud
dying by a ecnrclilug party, his face
being swollou beyond roooguition.
The principal feature of the Colorado
qnartO'Cftiteiinlnl oelubratiau at Colo
rado Uprliigs was an address by Theo
dore Koosevidt, tvlco-urenidout of the
United Htutus, ori 'Tho'Orowth of the
West Durlug ths Last Uuarter of
Century." "Mora and more as the
years go by, " suid Mr. Ilooaovult in til
oout-se of his uddrusa, "this republic
Will, find ita guidance In tho thought
and action ot ths west, because the con
dltiuut an (I development in, ths west
have steadily toiulud to accentuate tho
pscnliarly Amerlrait characteristics of
'. Karl Krngor of 079 Winneinao av.
euue, Chicago, whose stomach was ro-
moved several mouths ago by surgeons,
is uow able to eat three good meals a
day and 1st gaining steadily in weight.
At the time of thooporatiou he wuighvd
WS povods; tho other day ho tipiud the
scale at luO, and ta still putting on flesh.
hxtuxsr a stnmaoli was taken out on
April SOth last.' Previous to that u
was starving to death as a result of cau.
oer ot the stomach. Within three
mouths after ths operatlou he was able
to go to work, and he now thinks noth
ing of taking a two or three mile walk.
It is anNMtl that In all medical history
it la the ouly euse of its kind that has
succeeded. i 1 ". K A - -
The British torpedo-boat dvstroysr
Vlixir, first of the olass to bo fitted with
Paromis'-tnrblne engines, hiu bHiu
totally wrecked ou the rocks oft Alder
ney Island, tn the hfiiglish channel, i No
lives were lost. Thu Viier struck lie.
uonqnet rock during a fog which set In
while she was chasing the destroyers of
the opposing maueuver fleet The Viper
was tUo ubiy vessel In the liritlsb navj
fitted ilh Htrbtus enginos. During her
speed trials in May and June sho at-
UluodSO'f knots and was pronounced
capable of doing 111 kuots. At that time
ahe was handled by au inexperienced
crew ami bar builders believed she
wouuld yet nttuiii 1(4 knots ;
The Dowuger Empress Frederick
eldest daughter of the late (juccn Vic
toria ami wot her ot Empuror William
of Uerinauy, died at Cronberg at (1:15
p. ui. August 6. EmiM'ror Williiun and
her uinjesty's other children and the
Empress -uguts Victoria wire fit the
sickroom bimsc. u( the day, and were at
the bedside when the dowager emprens
quietly passed aw ay. The laui dowager
empress was boru' at Buckingham Pui.
aos November 1. 1H4 ' :
,iii ... i
J The quickest relief for a
cold is by Scott's emulsion of
cod-iver oil. ( , . ( .
You will find the edge taken
off in U night ; and, in three or
four days, you'll be wondering
whether, that cold amounted to
I That's relief. If you tackle
it quick, the relief is quick ; if
you wait, the relief won't
come you know how colds
hang on. . - j.
i W.T1ssfiJ)rosslIlllelr,Ujal;W.. , i
ccarr a bowns:, fi m. Kr Yots.
Kodaks arul rilme-rA.C.VfXirhles,
eTiliV'' i
There la a Class ol People. '
Who ra injured by the urn of coffee.
Recently there bu been placed in all
,,,e ' rocerSr Motet s new preparation
called GKAIN-O, made of pure grains,
Uist takes the place of cofTee." The most
delicate stomach reielves it without dis
tress, and bnt few ran tell 1 from coffee
It does not cost over i as much." Chil
dren may drink It with great benefit.
15 els. and 25 els. per package. Try it.
Ask for UKilN-O. t - -
Ltvdies Can Wear Shoes
One Rizj smaller after, using Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into
therhotts. It makes tight or new shoes
feel easy; gives Instant relief to corns
and bunions. It's the giesirst comfort
discovery ot the age. dues and pre
vents swollrn feut, blisters, rations snd
sore spots. - Allen's Foot Ease is a cer
tain cure for sweating, hot aehlng lee'.
At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c,
Trial package Free by mail. Address,
A'leo 8. Olmsted, 1-e Koy. N. Y.
- At Logaiisport, Ind., John Rnsh held
his 0-year-old boy to the epper window
of tiger's oagu in Uobiusou's circus
tnat a better view might be obtained
beforo the sideloarls were let dowu.
The boy's faeo had hardly appeared at
the barred window before tho angry
tiger, with a rour, reached np and
viciously wiped bis paw. with claws
protruding, over the lad's head and
face, leaving the flesh mangled and
torn. Tho boy may dio.
Tho Chicng'i and Baltimore p.umou
ger train from the east was held up by
five masked mn about 31 miles from
Chicago, and one of the mall curs,
which contained no inonvy, was dyna
mited aud wrecked.- The failure of ths
robbers to make a rich haul was duo to
tho fact that the express car, which con
tained the train's treasure, was in at
on omul place, being the third car lu
tho train.'- The men escaped in the
darkness, their only booty being the
gold watch of the engineer. . . :
A dispatch faom Mantl, Utah, says
that Ibuunus AudorHou, aged 37, shut
Miss Emily Campbell, aged about i'l,
aud P. O. G'hristouHcu, aud then com
mitted suicide. Miss Cuniptxill was
driving in the stage toward her homo at
Mayfleld, and was met by Aiidorsou, a
discarded sweetheart, who immediately
bugau shooting. Ho fired four shots,
two of which entered tho young worn
au's body and one penetrated her arm,
the fourth shuttering the arm of Chris
teuseu, the stago driver. Anderson
then turned tho rlflo oh and
blow out bis brains.
Three negroes Betsy MoUray, with
her son, Lkdllold MoUray, and dunghtir,
Iila MoOrny implicated in the murders
of Mr. aud Mis. H. T. Tuiiulorro, were
taken from the jail by a mob at Carroll
ton, Miss., and hanged. Another negro,
named Will lrice, who worked for
Taliaferro, was, a few days later, found
on tho road with a rope rouud his uuuk
aud riddled with ballets.
A boy named Lomoyue Juyuo, of
Llttlo Rock,' Ark., after being present
at the hanging of n negro named Jim
Anderson, constructed a ' miniature
scaffold aud luvlled one ot his play
mates to take the place of the con
demned num. Falling hi this, he ud
justed tho uooso rouud his own neck,
stepped ou the trap uud the drop fell.
His neck was uot broken, but the doc
tors give uo hoo of his recovery, ,
A terrific explosion lu a block of six
build. ngs iu Locust street, near Touth,
Philadelphia, wrecked live of tho struc
tures and oiuiHcd tho death of from 10
to to or more persons. Moro than two
score of others were more or less serl
ooly Injured. Some of those taken to
the hospital will die. A barrel of 'gaso
line in a gmoery store In one of tho
buildings la believed to havo exploded.
Tho towns of CubtiMiu, Nujnu uud
Pol a, oil the uoi theast of the tslaud
of Milidoio, were occupied by a bat
talion of thu Thirteenth infantry ami
Maoabchu scouts ultur a alight resist
ance. Thu Insurgents, numbering iloO,
lied into thu interior. Their com
mander, Howard, who is a dusurtor, is
hiding in (he inountuiuH, uud tho Ameri
cans ure in pumuit.
Captain Sialfoid, ut S.mtu Crux, ill
ljiguus proviuue, report lbs recovery
Of tho Ntoleu puyctiest, with the con
tents apparently untouched. Thirty
four In.urgeiits, a majority of tliem
armed Willi lilies, wore captured by the
I'll --t cavalry in llulaugas province.
: Adjutiinl-lieueral Corbin mid his
party arrived ut Jelo, and spent the day
there. The uli.ui and his court re
ceived the vi.itora with a guard of honor
of 100 moil, uriued with Muuvr rillos.
The latli r remained outside thu wullud
Oily. Thu sulluu, who is lighting the
rebellious l)ati, reports that he eXMH)ls
their curly huhjugaiiuu. This will close
the war in which ouly 40 men have
been killed dining two mouths' "light
ing." The trouble docs not concern the
Aincrtoans ut till, being entirely oou
fined to tho Moras, over whom the sul
tan will soon vsgulii cuiitiol, A dj u taut
Oeueral 1'orbln presented a hiuidsome
pair of binoculars to the sultan, who
immediately returned to his cnnip. The
adjutant-general leit Manila for bluing
1ml Augit i. . . ,
(Tourts martini are lobe held iu Mauila
on Lieutenant l'ietou llrow u and Cap
tain Francis P, i'reemout, 8ocond m
fan try. The lieuteuaut is uiH'listHl of
killing a native who refused to recover
the body of a soldier from the river.
The charges n ;amst Captain Freemout
are uot yet known.
A Wiu-hington disimtch of Julv 30
says: The "Un k of gold til the trea.urr
is the largest in tho history of thu gov-
ei Bin nt and Is accumulating at the
rale of t l.SOO.iHiO to ts'i.lMD.OOO a nnmtli
T. Slav's tlgurt'S are Vt'l,:i,W '.M7, of
which '.'l-i,(l,'iH, ill's is five gold, but in
cluding t.'0,000,00t gold reserve, Since
July 1, I'.KKi, the stock of fo'ld on hand
lias iiicreiu,id alK.l dl.OiKi.OOO.
The agricultural departiiieut will issue
au exhaustive report ou truck farming
uud the transportation of fruits and
vegetables in the United Status. Tho
report i-orers tho following piints
First, a description of the transport!!.
tiou of fruits uud vegetables from south
ei u truck farms to northern markets;
second, ileM-rlptkm ill the California
fruit industry and the movement of
Cahforuiu truils to iuloilor points aud
Atlantic aeuboid oitivsj Ihinl, freight
rates and refrigerator charges on pi-risli.
able products in all important Ksctioua
of tbo country. The report says: "Such
a thing as a uirticulur season for any
kind of vegetable iu our mar
kets Is at ibis time practically unknown.
uud it is uow )Ksible to draw upon ths
duTiToBt sections of ths oouutry aud
raoeivit at auy wssou of I he year nearly
all thu standard varieties of vegetables."
Brownies $1 A. E. Voorhlea.
Death and Hturvntlna at Kfim -Ititit-eatur
Aii., Teiwlivr. Are II guteil ami
hnrntw-Mliult-il Jullet Tmusjiort
llrnnKltt luto l'ol.
Senator W. A. Clwk refused to grant
Jie millers at the li'iilted Verde copp r
liiuo iu Arizona u;i ti', h-bour day, aud
Ibout ),'.W men struck iu consequence.
Woodmen of the World, J jutis
licliou, initiated l.M tandi.luti s at a
tieting held at Mount Tabor, Oregon.
E. J. Oodfi-ey and Clark Tal-r, oivti
rsf the Hed Hoy mine, wero Iwhl up
while on their way from the mine to
3uimi!er, Or., by threo luankad ncii,
ivho, It is said, K"'ured about .J j,0Jj,
part of tho month's clean-up.
A Fpfdmnc illspntrh Knys tl;sf .Toeph
H. Knyd, a st'icl.hoM- r In tho Kettlo
S'ulls land mid Iiuproreineiit coitpauy,
ias , brought suit to havu n rewiver
lai 1 for tho company and tho iiicor"
jonitiou dlswdved, charging many ir
vguliirities in tho management Home
iiiportuuce is added to the 'suit by the
prominence of tho threo trustees, who
ire mudo defcndanth Benator Ucorgo
rnrner, Colonel W. D. Turner and
Colonel I. N. Peyton.
Out in the Straits of Sun Juan do
"urn, after having clung to au upturned
without for 13 hours, John E. Ijov, n
traveling salesman uud a resident of
Victoria, was rescued by tho crew of
the Seattlo steamer Rosalie. A com
pan ion was probably drowned.
Constable Nevins of Wolsi r, Ma.,
went to a ranch six miles from town to
M-iest W. T. Green. As soon as the
constable put ill an npis arance (Jreeu
opened fire, but miHwjd. N'evii.s then
ibot tlrepii In the head nnd killed him,
' Captain R. 8. Oflley of tho Seventh
iilautry, who was reported lost in au
sroliu bliszard hist winter while lu
charge of a party buihliug thu govern
ment telegraph line, arrived at Seattle.
Iu says that 1H3 miles of lino havu been
completed froin-Ht. Miohael up tho
Yukon river. The work was proso
auted during tho winter whou thu tern
poratuio ranged between CO and (it) de
grees below zero, lie says aljo that
tho work cannot lio successfully prosu
Bilted during tho summer owlne; to tho
water-soaked condition of tho tnndra.
The navy ti)iartmiit has signed a
soutruot with the Atlantic, Pueilio &
Gulf company which provides for tho
erection of a inuminolh slouu dry dyck
at Maro Island, Cnl. "
Benjamin L. Melvlnley of flin Fran
cisco, cousin of President McKlnley, has
been appointed third assistant United
Status attorney for the northern district
of Cahforuiu, ut a salury of $J,0uo per
annum. The appointee is the son of
Assistant Postmaster Benjamin McKln
ley of Bun Francisco, undo of tho presi
dent, i
Three great ore veins have been mi
lovcred at Wuuooutla, Htovons county,
Wash., giving a total oro thickness of
over 70 feet, with vulues ranging from
7 to 20. The values ure chiefly iu
(fold which is largely fieo milling. An
immense plant of machinery has been
hipped from St. Puul to Midway, 11.0,,
Slid will theuce be hauled in wagons
scro.s the boundary line to Wiiucoudo.
l'here uro now iu construction a hotel,
tvvostores and 10 residences. Thutowu
has a daily stngo from Republic uud a
postofllce hits been applied for.
Walter N. Diminlck, chief clerk of
tho United btales mint at Han Krnn
Oisco, was dismissed from thu service of
tho government. Supurintuudeut l'riuilt
A. Leach has appointed lieu W. Hay,
computing cUrk to tho superintendent,
to tho vacant position, Dlinnilclc, no
cording to .Superintendent Leach, was
uot discharged lroiu tkio service bocuusu
of tho theft of eO.OJO lroiu tho luiut.
llu was to hnvu been removed ou July
1, uud had been given three months'
notice that with tho close of tho last
fiscal year he would uo longer Isj re
turned. The saloons on tho Southern Pacific
ferryboats plying on tito bav of 8 in
l'Vuuulsco Will not Iki closed at least
tho time has been extended bv 1 "resi
dent Hays tor 80 days. The liquor men
of San Pruociscn took the matter up lu
real earnest recently, and untitled thu
railroad company that should the si
loons bo rinsed on thu Southern 1'ucilic's
bouts thev Would transfer all their
freight busii ess to the Santa l'e road.
News re. i. lied Port Townsoud that
tho steamship Charles IJ. Ijiiic is a total
wreck on the west uud of Mnniv.iK
island. The, passengers Were all saved,
and Were taken ou board the seluHiuer
Vega, which iho Lane had in tow. Tho
Lane lc(t0vail,i July II, and euooun
tored foggy weather most of tho trip.
It has Iwcu decided tint between
KiO.OoO.OOO and f IO,000,iHXI is to be ex
Ik'iided within the uext few yours by
llio Southern Paeillo with tho view to
placing the system in the Ivst p wimble
condition In equipment and facilities.
The work has now begun of substitut
ing 85-pouud rails for thu 70-pound nuts
heretofore in Use.
Thu state lull commissioners have
untitled thu Santa Clara Itumo Protect
ive association thul j'.MK'O rainbow trout
have been apportioned to that county.
These will be dislrtouted in creeks as
follows! SU. lens creek, f(00; Saratoga
0. 000; Ias O.Uoj, lo.oixi; i imidiil'ip",
6,000; Llugus, o.lHKJ; Uva, a.oiKij Pack
wok1, o.ihh1; Coyote, 7,iYM, uud San
l'TllllCISipillo, 'J,.'hk.
A fire, wiii.-h started in llie rear m
some building-, on I.iucoiu uvciiiiv,
wised out pnicttcallv allot Cahsioga's
i usine.s section h 'ton tt was uuhr
1. mljol. O.ld rtlows' hall, Si veils'
i .ink inula Uw stimt'uesoii oacii end
el' the main ru t w i. a, us was uuo
lue raihoail lioivny. llm agiegnte
lass Is ellUll ;.' I I 'VI.
All utou b.i.. Leu
the pr, to em of r.o- p , 'o e
lands of M trin ; ounty,
With lllo view .l It"' dec
Mount l am il uis i to i n
ioi no d f r
. an I ii'.-o; of
e pa-k.
A Ukinli C'al ) dis...,-,-!, t'Mt tin.
no: lb-bound Poiii r v. ill. y ':.s.' was held
up near i'oit Itrowu by u lone Iik-Iiwuv.
man. The H.iveU is hinl evidently Iwn
prepared for put ,e h .m ntl.i'i, uud all
Iherob'sT j. 't w.ii alsuit i.',
HelpleN aiel hihmitof tho Water,
the tran-. -.I I. niiox r. aclicd San l''i.iu.
risen, hai ,n ; Iveii pi ked up at s. a by
the strum ch,vm, r I ipt.i a few miles
etf San l.r.'.s Dhis bay. The Ii,;ll.l,
owned by A. V. Ik ad hi "c Co. id San
praneisco, uud ivm uandcd by O.iptaiu
liuudei soc, w nl r e ive probably t lo.iKkl
for brttigin ; ill Iuuox to port, a lask
ibsi mx niiid than "J hour. Of
Ihts amount I'aptiiilt (itindei son w ol
get Ihoiisiud dvdksi., ar.d e.o'h
nieiubcr of ilis i'iOW wl'.l receive sevi r d
l.iiii.uv l do.l.irs, if rub's me
ob i v. d.
A ne,v nnieii bis U-.-u for.,i'.l Iti
Unite, M ui , c.i.U i tlio Wouii'ii's I'io
Uvlivo union, lAciy board. ng-noiise,
hotel a id ii in l uiiuv.i.1 be
DPUzzLii :ficttt:r,:e ; I
I .:....': :. IJ
it.-. ., -1 . . .. . i if . ;i i.. ..,,,1 ..j
ii u,;ui iw i'i r. j tn i u Li v.". kiu, ituu
ll ..,. .,.,.,.,.t,.,l l.r I
' J " . r-l'l ,
union :n u the employers will havo to I
Uiue 1 1 time. . 'AU union meu havo .
ben itp.esKd to see if the girl who
Willis ou I io i.i wears the budgo, a neat j
one iiusi nie l lor tne union. Ktch meui
ber is iiio ;riveu a worl:iil e.trd, and all ,
employers of f 'male h'dp have been re
fill, sttd to demand lu r card from every !
girl ajip'yin;; lor a job.
William owjil'nu ol Uotow, Ida., "tor j
shooting und lulantiy killing Lr. W.
Vv. W.itUlns, shooting (ieorgo Creigli- i
too through t he arm and Deputy ShcrilT
C'jol liiroii'.'h tho siioulder and thigh,!
w;i pursued by a shcrilV's to his i
own horn and killed by u bullet through
Ins hoiirt, ...
A story of deafli und starvation comes
fioiii'Houiu. Alter 41t days of great
1 1 ; , i dshtp :n thn A;;tpi,k district,
Ueorgo u(n, num r, fs dead, uud his
two coiupiin ons, Jack liouslou and
Jo"pii C. Thicry, wo at dentil's door,
lioiistou wid probably recover, but there
Is little hop;: that Ihiory's life will bo
saved.' Houston and Thiery sovcrcd tho
thigh of their dead companion from his
body and were cooking it when help
arrived uud saved them from canni
balism. The Colfax end Tore.-t 11.11 stage won
help np by n lone highwuyuiuu ut a
point lour miles below Colfax, on tho
roud to l'oruet Jlill There were flvo
p!u.engcrs, whom the highwaymau had
lined up uud ordund Oliver Powull to
pa.-s Ike hat. Three of the passengers
Were not molested, us the roblier said ho
would not take n workiugman's uioney. 1
Tho other two, whom tho robber took
f..r capittilih s, but wero drummers, con- j
tributed aoout , V'O.
The jury returned u verdict of murder i
iu tho but ilegrvu, with the death pen. (
nlty, ugainst Ju.iu Uonzales und Josa j
Cot. i, eliarged with ,tlie luurilei- of An
tonio Kins April -1. near ilolli.ster, Cal. !
Thu case lusted two weeks and was hit-
l-i ly lontested. This Is the first death
sentence since tho county was formed, j
Asuro ultof the water-front strike1
iu San l'Yanc'so the two railroad coui- i
p uiies ut r re. no rofns d trausporU'liun I
for - carloads of ine.ons. mid thu fruit ;
was selling at o'J cents a wagoiiload, or
even given aw.iy to clear the ears. Tho I
loss w til umotiut to many thousiiud.s of
dollars. . j
.lanes K irl . lu :nl, dean of the
teachers coilcfce uud prolcssor of tile
liistorv of i ducat ion ui Columbia uni
versity, in a lecture at the university of
Cul tortii.i, said that teachers uro tho
most nuriosY and bigoted set of people
u'.'C.nth, mil wero uud
ci'inmii;;. lie accused tiiem of beine; us
a class totally unlit for tin. work they proteiiiiiio; to do. The teach, r is
always jo ining down, "Jiving all alono,
day ultoi day, ou Ihd hill or plain,
lueet ing only littla ehildren, bceomiug
narrower and narrower." Ho lacks
that os.nnt.iui inieishoolaiig with his
equals that laM yors and oilier liisim ss
iiicii encounter, "In no other proles
slo'i," said TroTt Bor Ku-ssell, "ij mioIi
object suboii-.dou dij l.iycd. Wo
cringe b. fore the i ai d po' We
submit U r aise we arc uarr w. "
Yur'ah.'tid t'lee Indians, wards of tho
r.ritt.--h o, i , uncut, havu spread mn ill
p.'. tiiio'.ij,,! uvor:U rdoUluuu ludi.iu
ri - rvaiu.u and lor years have tk.-eu tin
nuiiny. nice to llie settlers uud toe stale
authorities. In-p, etor McLaugliliu re
cently recommended that the
ment d.pTt the Indians, us was done
several years ago, but llie commissioner
id Indiiiu iiltaits wlb'su r, oommeiid.i
thai has be. n udopled by the secretary
of tho iutuior, s.iy thu goveiumeut
caiiuot ;!.-:. the .slate autlua'tiios,
Tiie cnaric.l leiuaius of Mrs. l'lorn
l'uiist wei t. uud iu the ruins of a bum
mi the I'lni.t ranch ut Pctuium.i, Cad.
The iuv. t itlou by the eoioncr tended
to prove that the woman hud probably
shot herself b. t'oro the ll.uues reached
1 hoc, site having set the barn ou tire.
Vhe woman's hu.bund testitled that she
I had been ii. poor health, and many tlllKi
j tlueatciicd to kill h.r-elf.
.lames F. l'solo, an old, wealthy and
eccentric mining iiiiin, wh. se home
loi'tu- rly iu Sin l-'iuucisco, was tn his
V..ivto I'ikmih, A. T., oil hoi seliac!.,
i itirt tr.cdtocr .s Salt river, near i euip-..,
Pon.g i.oi tun. i .r with the stream Liu
I r. de into tee ipn, ks.ind and t'oe horee
; sank. 1. .', in,., the driver of a stage
j cor,, ii, b.u i, .d to llie r. sct'.O. He, t.-J,
, .l c.o. -ii' l.i loe sands, but the lal'uit
' i t a c. l' ..v. d lion, wlu.e ilvfl'soiu
j ...:l.k I..',: -':,,,.
' ! r.tu!. I. NN l. !'lt;;i', :v . i'.'.'o Kuioucr
; tl Mt S.m ,1 . iuti. in- in. (nius, Cal.,
; i i 1. nu t by lun
.. . v i i. A. u-.iu. iW htK;.iiK
:. .l. 1 tl. Mv, .in WcUlU.lU
i .', :.; i;' s Vftwl vti.Vctou puro
i . . -i ,-..s t. r. uu-iuu tho UTisS
,..w I tf - .,l'1.
M.k Into Your Slices
Al'en s Kcot l's.e, a powder. It rurtt
painful, smarting, nervous Iceland in
grow ini nails, si .1 iuilanllv ths
stin out of coins and etioi m-. li s the
gustes! I'oi loit .liM'ovi'j' ol' ih miv
Allen's 1 oo!-l-i.e ir.aki's ti.b: or n,
slesss hd rsse. It Is u icr'a:u cure 'ci
sweat-B.', ralm ami Lot, ii i 1 u.'.ii-v
hvL Tw it lo-.iv. Soid brsod iv
gists and shoo s:.m. Hi eoiil f, r '" '.
I'I stamp.. Trial p.ic . j.' K"-e il
dren, Allen S. Olmstt-d,' 1 I'-ov, N, V
Ths Bt.l Prsicription for Mj'j is
Chills and k'rver is a l-olt's of';
Tasteless Chill Touic. ll Is simply Iron
and tjr-iuiu in s tasi'c form. No
cure, no pay, Price SV.
Scrne Reasons
Why You Should Insist on Having
x?.iM nmm on
Uneoualed by any oilier. .
fieiidcrs hard leather soft. . .
XL specially prejKircd.
K'.'eps out water. '
fa heavy Ixxlicd oil. v
.n excellent preservative.
Ijedtiecs cost of yon- harness,
j Jever burns the leather i its '
tlhcieiicv is increased, i
1 .tittb.cs ketit from brenkiliL'.
Oil ,
s sold in ulJ .. . i
aOcaillics Mnniifroirc-t bf
Htnuiluril Oil ( umpfilir.
visit DR. JORDAN'S osrsr
w r u.iiiui;7itT..iiirsiYCUCt.Cii.
rll(rlj rsl f (fit ol'iMf 1
bsJilt n Cm4, IU fkfMI W
If llf. (hrnwMf rifl.-sx)
bom slMa wiiJtuut tt um af fasssrsjasry.
Trwttss'tn hv tn Piirt llsufl
ssl Iw Real r. A qtnek fluid
ra'''rl twl ft lJlrt. riatr 4
IstMlsj. by Ut, jMdU't MUll MiaV
lra saMiiudt.
CoOwlttrVHt lit Mid aVKlTpriv. TrMffftMtJI ps m
fcr ice.r. A Fotilirt Curt I,.
9 CH lUROSN h CO., I0t Marittt St, .
I ; mi -.i. i.ll
The scientific blending ol
California fig3 and prunes with
carefully . selected grain makes
A perfect cereal coffee
of delicate flavor and
fragrant aroma.
A delicious beverace having
nil the satisfying qualities ol
io'fce and tea.
Boil from
5 to lO
I.i aecor.hince with the reipiiienienti
..( the la. s ol the S'ste of Oregon, reki
iv to luuipauies, notice if
hereby given that
The t.nnrnslilrp InNiirsTice Company
if Maiiches'S', KiejI.T'd. desirin t(
c. sse iloin.' I usine-s within ihe Slab
..t li.econ, intends lo autidrasr its de
posii mtb the IreHsnrerol sui.l S'ute am'
sill, if nociuiiii tliall l tiled villi the
liisiui'ii.e Cetunns-ioncr withia wt
.iiotuls from the I'.'e 1 il ii v of July, 1PI11
iihilianr its ilesit Ironi the Stat,
TlIK I.IM .13111 .K iN'SUIIANl'i: t'oVllMNV.
Ily M ins ,t Wii.sos
Min.iirers for the I'ncillc I'onsl.
Pstp.1 nt fsn, this day ot
July, leVl.
("ireuit Con: I of the State of trre
lor Josephine Co.
lu the
I'aiiuie 1
Irr, I'liliiull
Willirtiu M. KelU-r,
Al'lll'tl tO ll le!Oi Vt
tint marring con-
ii) vVillnni M. Kt'l'nr, Iefenli'n!
In thp t. a me vl the Siatt ui Oreann,
(on an- iu'iftw n qtiiretl tw Apix-ar ani
tut cr ilw rttin luuti ncad at yu
in llf 1 vo t-iitilit'tl t'durl mitl tnu-r,
ithitifix wrck from (1aiof lirt pu')!i
t'-ition nl tiiin tSimiiiiitin vif:-fron
AuhnI I, i'.J il , iinU h ycu fstil ta ntiw'r.
.Vr m: ilit'it'u', thw I'Uiolilf wiil
u v tur' )r u il.crt'f I'ir-'U mi; tilt
msrriA;t i- nlinct n( I'irttnt fT Htnl IV
Itii" usitiiiioi t1 in Mihlit!irl by orfi
ti M. K- llnri;:i, j' ol tt.t :it v t n
tiili'.l tTttrV Tiuitlf in C'IimiiiIh'!, nt J.i. k
ituiville, JailiMtu t j' ntv, Otvifim, 01
(tus Uy vi AUa!U?l Ut m1.
. in; X v ns i.i t
A"rn-y for i-Mmntiff
. f ar n.ime f.r li e Chi. st". Mi
sraukee A St Paul lltilwiv, knnv n si
over the V'liiou as the Ureal Ur.le. n;
rnnninK the "1'ioie.r l.iiu'.ttd " it.iin.
every d iv and bight between Sr. Pun
and t'hiesko, and tli.isl.a snd t in. sc
"rite only perfeet trains in the .ri I '
rndersLiiid : iVtin.vtion ar n it 1
with All Transcontinental Lines, itvue
in $ to pss.'i r. the 'nv-t s.rv te.. u
Lnstlt ions e ..icheH, eteet' ic 1.. I '."all
lieat.ofa v.ii'.y mcs'l-,; hi no c he
Ke that your ticket n i.N vi.. "T,.
Milwaukee" when ifoieit Inert p'lr' it
the Vuiled Stales or Canada. ,M, t
et agents pell them.
Vt.r rates, pitnphLis ot miter intei
U.SII..U, a hllef,
J. W.rv. (J. Fi ov,
Trsv. Pass. A.'. Ceneral Ak-ent,
SxtiviK, Wash. Poatt ixn, Or
! 3 CssittB
! V Wto'l. n.
i a u,
C. Caihouo,
Rocky (Julch Mining
D. fendant. ,
In the Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon, for Ihe County of Josephine.
Ily virtue of an execution in fore
closure of miners lien duly haued by the
Clerk of the Circuit Court ol the Couniv
of Josephine. Slate of (Jregoo dated the
K! h day of July, lbx)l," in a cer'ain
action in ihe Circuit Court for the ssid
County ami State, wherein J. U. Cal
homi as I'laintitr recovered jiulgeiueni
on the 8ih day ol Jnly, 11)01. against the
llocky (iiilch Mining Company for the
Hum o! tlli.'J 65. with interest thereon
from the lain day of May, 1901. "t the
raU ui (J per cent per annum,' and 175.00
nirney's fees, sni Ihe further sum ol
(15.00 costs, which judgement was len
robed ind docketed in the Clerk's of!ic
ol eaul Court in raid County on the 1:1' b
lay of July, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that I will tn
17th Day of August, A. D. 1901,
at ihe Court house il.wtr in'Hrants I'asS,
iu Haid 10 o'clock, in the lore
noon of said day, fell at public euclioii.
10 tlio highest bidder for cash the fol
lowing described property to ait:
The placer milling properly situated
in the Vault Mining district and Jose
phine County, Orciion, luwlt: lyOiu
mencing at the Northwest corner of J
K. Looinis riaei'r claim, thonce fo:ti
00 degrees W H't feet lo a slake ( Inch
is a bull pins t feet in diameter) from
which a black onk 2 feet in diameter
bears H UO degrees K S3 feel; a fir tre..
3 feet in diameter bears N 40 degrees K
50 leet ; thence Sou h 30 decrees JO, l'.MO
.'eel lu a stake from which a black oak
H i'M'hes in diameter bears 8 GO degrees
WIS feet; thence N tiO degrees K 440
feet to a duke from which a fir 10 indies
in hears N 10 degrees K 12
feet ; a black oak S inches in diameter
hears S 70 degrees W 10 feet; thence
N 3ll degrees W 1!)S0 fset to place of
Commencing at the Southeast coiner
of J K Loom is I'lacer claim thence M
tX) derees E U00 feet to a slake from
which a laurel 10 inches in diameter
bears N 40 degrees W lid feot a Br 18
inches in diameter bears S B0 degrees
klliOfeel; thence H 30 detrrees E 800
teet to a slake from which a 11 r 10 inches
in diameter beors N 5 degrees E 22 feet:
a laurol 0 Inches fn diameter bears S
todiurees K 15 feet; thence 8 60 rie'
re. s W 0.HI teet to a stake, Irom w hich
a live onk 10 inches in diameter bears
S 10 degrees W 15 fuel : a fir 30 inches
iu diameter hears S 05 degrees W 20
teet ; llieneo Is 3'l degrees W 800 feet
lo the place of beginning
Commencing at the Northwest coiner
ol T W fatty's I'lacer claim, thence S
00 degrees IV 440 feet to a stake from
which a black onk 10 inches in diameter
besrs N 62 degrees W IJ feet; a black
oak 10 incites in diameter hears rj de
greet W 12 (cut;, theuce S 30 degrees K
l'J80 feel to a stake from which a lir 10
inches in diameter bears N 10 degrees
K 12 feet, a black oak B inches in
iliiimeter bears S 70 degrees W 15 feet;
thence north 00 degrees E 440 feet to a
slake from which a fir 8 inches in
diameter hears S iO degrees E 20 feet
a black oak 10 inches iu diameter bears
N 4 degrees W 15 feet ; thence N 30
degrees IV 1US0 feet to place of begin
n i ii
Commencing at the South lino of
Walter Simmons' claim thence running
(Southwest 130 Kods by 25 Hods in
width, kuowsas the Kucky Ciulch Bar
claim. ,
Beginning at a stake which is the
Southeast comer of Walter Simmons
I'lacer e'aim thence S 2H'i. degrees E
15 chains lo a stake lroiu which an
alder 0 inches in diameter bears N 05
degrees V 2Wi links distant ; thence S
4t,4 degrees W, 13 and j chains to a
slukb lioiii wlinh a hlaek oak 10 inches
in diameter bears IS 04 degrees VV 20
links distant; a laurel 8 inches in
diameter bears e 33 degrees E, 5') links
distant; theuce North 2.Hjj degrees W
15 ebuius lo a stake which is corner of
Walter Simmons' cluim, thence X 4S'a
degrees K 13 and s chains to the p. ace
of l egiuuing.
(. oinnieiieiug at a Northeast corner
of Waller Simmons' cluim theuce N
degree W 15 chains to corner ; thence
South 4S'a degreis , 10 chains to
corner; S Zi degrees h lo chains
to Corner; thence N 4S'i degrees K 10
eusint lo the place of beginning.
I omiueiieitig at the Norluwest corner
ol alter Simmons' claim then a a
degrees W 0 and -3 chains to corner
thence S 28'a degr. fs E 30 chains to
corner ; thence N 48, 'g degrees E t und
. i chains lo corner; at'er Situmous1
I'laiin ; thence X 2X1,, degrees W 30
chstus to place ot beginning, aud
begiuniug at a stake from which an
ash 15 inches in diameter bears N 5
degrees r. -It links distant a yellow pine
8 inches in diameter bears 8 10 degrees
W 100 links distunt; thence S 28,', de
grees E 15 chains to a Blake thence
South te '5 degrees W 13 and i chains
to a slake; thence North 281, degrees
Vt I i chains to a slake; lroiu which
nru inches in diameter beats South i.
decrees V 4 links distant u black oak
0 inches iu diameter iwars South 80 d. E 11 neks distant; thenco Noith
Is'.j degrees E 13 and '3 ihaina 10 the
place ot beginning.
Taken and levied upon a Ihe prop
ivly ot the said Kocky (iuleh Mining
Ooiupsny, to atily the said judgment
in favor ef J. C. Culnoun, plaiulill. and
sushis' said Hocky 1 i inch ..1 .n tig Com
l in v . deleiiilunl, villi in'erest Iheteou
icgoihrr w ith all cosls und disburse'
incite ih-it tiaieor may uevtue.
U iti.e's my band this 17th day ot
July, 1'jOI.
Etl I l.'TKK,
Si.eilfTot Josephine County.
A. 0. Hoi oii.
Attorney for l'Uint ll'. ' '
10 I'rrd Hievetiton :
Notice is hereby jivrn by llie under
oig ie.l, your co-owntrs in Ihe eight
.'i..!7. mining claims situated 011
Kai cl.ei ie Creek 111 Jorephiiie t'outity,
Oregon, and known as lhe"''Sunrie",
1 tie notice of wilieti is recorded at pHge
47, V. U; Ihe "I'oiilidencu", tho notice
11 which Is ret-oided at pages a 1-32, V.
SI; Ilia "KteeNior". the notice of
afiirh i reeonle.l at pages 5iSS, V, (I;
llie ' fan Petit i ", nonce ol tin U is re
ci.t.le.l st ; i.g.- 4, V. il; the "iioluVu
ivgle ", n 'i. e . ( b, eh is recorded al ;'. V i; the "Cleopatra", 11
ice ol which is recorded at pae ll''7,
V. 12; the ' Mniebsck", notice of nhicli
! tecoided st pHgeliJ't, V P.'; the " Well
.'.mh", I.H'atetl by Kd ll.irke in 1SW7;
ll el the shove being volumes of the
.MimvI aneutis Mining Keo.nls of Jose
I'httie County, Oregon ; ilit unless you
.onirihiile anil psv lo mi. I undesigned
.t-..wiiers aitiiin ninety tlsvs from the
ui el the Ii r t-t 1 iihin an. in id this no
;c.-, the film nl ij hu.i.lit.l ilo'.lars,
h- .ins b.'M'g vonr ioir inn of the
is' 01 annual labor dune on sstd cljini"
u a ider lit pioiecl lite title thereto
imii.g t!ie er Pm, your one lottrih
ii'cr. t ih. tern will Ik- 'oriel ed lo your
n-r tenets
K. M. At nnc.ur
, Kd lit hks
Cakl ttivrjia.
NOTli K TJ CUKIiroriS.
T! e un.'erogne.l having heen apiom'.
J teee'tste ol JoM-eh Ke-s
ef, uWeH, It llie tVilnlv Court n'
l.v.. inline I ounlv,. all
person hsvins
ilainif against Mki vslsls are hrrebi no-lt
.11. d t
1 i" ).r.-M in me same in meal lirsntt
, Jostrtnne County, dregon, ill.
lie Kojtep proof and vonrliers, within
,r luoi.ihs ireni His daieol this notice
I'ated this "Jt h day ol lu'r, lyol.
II. T. Kk-.i ra, the estate of Joseph keesler,
d reasr.1.
. B V
r' S
Beauty of Finish. Quality of Material, Elegancs ( Design, the fineel woikmanehip,
the simidct, most complete and best set of attachments, full instructions by ex
pert te:iehrs, easy payments, old machines taken in exchange, the fullest possiblo
guarantee, one million, five hundred thousand happv, satisfied users, thirty years
of success, couitcous treatment What More Can You Ask?
We have other makes of machines,
Some good second bund machines cheap.
attachments and repairs. New machines lor rent.
Don't think of buying a Sewing Machine, until you have'scen the New Bail-
Bearing "White"
Wo say "The 'White' is King" of Sewing Machines and Bicycles. Call, tele
phone or write and let us prove it. ,
. - Main OUice, 300 Post St., Sun Francisco, Cal.
" For Sale By
J. Wolke, Grants Pass, Ore.
It' Bjs2i.-.Tw-..v,.u vrr.-r;.M
f us 8,090
The Burlington Route ranks among the
greatest of tlo world's ia.ilron.Jr.. .x si
Over 8,ocit wiles lonfr; .empioyia 35,00
men; reaching 1,300 to.v.ns and citit-s in tJi.t - i '
.cleveo t.ites traversed bf its line; hnvin' '
tlirough-car arrr-npments wliich txK'ii J itoic
than half v.-.ty across the ccnlinent and carr.; , . ;
cstly s'.rivinf; to' givi! it'i patrons tbsolttti;!
tmeiualed tiervice, it ir, the line YOU should
select, nt-;:t time you go east.
Omaha, Chicago. Kansas Cilv, Ft. Louis and
or. Thir
v y j "
One of llie most helpful books on nerve
weakness ever issued is that entitled
"Nerve Waste," bv l'r. Sawyer of San
Frunciseo, now in its tilth thousand
This work of an experienced and repU'
tahle physiuian is in agreeable contrast
to thevai.t sum of false teaching wbieh
prevails on this interesting subject. It
abounds in carefully considered and
practical advice, and has the two great
merits of aisdom and sincerity.
It is. indorsed by both (lie religious
und secular press. The Chicago Ad
vance says: "A perusal of the book
and the application ol its principles will
put health, hope and heart into thous
ands of lives that are now suffering
through nervous impairment."
The book is 11. Oi), by mail, postpaid.
One of the most interesting chapters
ehapler xx, on Nervines and Nerve
Tonics has been printed separately as s
sample chapter, and will be sent to any
address for stamp by the publishers,
T11 Pacific Tcu. Co., B01 2638, Pan
Mrs. S. II. Allport, Johnstown, Pa.
s5 s ; "Our little girl u I moot ttrangled
to death with croup, Ths doctors said
she couldn't live hut she was Instantly
relieved by Ono Minute Cough Cure.
Dr. W. F Ktemer.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the lood and aids
Nature in strengthening- and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
trans. It, lathe latealdiscovereddigesV
aot and tonic No ot her preparation
can approach It in ethclency. It In
stantly rellevesand pormatiently cures
Dyspepsia, Indicstiun, Heartburn,
rLituleuce,' Sour Stomach, Kausea,
Sic It Headache. Gastralitin.Cnimnsaiid
-all other results of imperfect digest Ion.
! PrlreSOc. and St. Larte ilrecotitii'ns ?M timet
j ainallsiee. UiKkallalKut,dTspepslaaiiii.ailtres
'rssarsd by E- C. DsWITT C0, CblCogS.
4 5
' M
Shortest and Quickest
Through F.Uee antl T.tnrl.t Hlsep.
era. Lining ,, Uujrel 8niuknf
liihrary Cars.
Ti. k.'t In tmntt V, J I..-1J j
ihs I.KKAT N. .KTII rev i;v 1.
Southern pacific vJm' Ticket (iffwe
'.run's l"ss, or dP.K VT MIKTHFU.S
TukM OlBee , ' ,
l'.J Ihtrtl Kireet, Portland.
Fur Kai, and full information
repmhng hutvra Uip, call en ui addrw
' ' A. H C. HENMSTilX,
City Pass and Ticket Agent, Portland
Ball Eearing :
Like a Bicycle '
.'.'"..' ' '-Co'
v Makes the "White" the
Kasiiest Rtiunin"; Sewing
Machine Made.
nhr)ul ball bearings, new, very cheap,
All kinds of sowing machine Needles
i f
C. StiFi.!.5N, General A;;pnt,
l and Slatk fts., I'onhind, Ore.
Shasta Route .
Traina Leave r;rj,nttt P... r..M u . anil Way Siaiiona at 5-.JIO
a. 111. antl 0:13 p.. ui, .....
I.v. Portland 8:M a.m.
I.v. tiiaulsl'ass...l0;43 p.m. .
Ar, Atiiland. .. ll! :3.'! a.m.
Ar. .Ssernmeiito. . 6:10 p,tn.
Ar. SanKrancisco. 7:45 p m.
Ar. Og.len 4 55 p m.
Ar. llenver B.30 a.m.
Ar. Kansas City. .7:5 a.m.
r. Chieno. . . . ,..7;;;j a.m.
R :Sn p iu
liitlll a in.'
lL' S.i a.m.
6:00 a m.
8:45 a.m.:
U :lo p.m. '
7 :-'' a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Ar. Ixis Angeles. .2 :liO p. iu. 8:05 a. in.
Ar. Kl Paso i :t.O p. in. li;0 i p. in.
Ar. I-ort Worth... 6:30 a. m. 6:30 a. m.
Ar.Ctty of .Meiicoll :30 a. m. 11 .30 a. in.
Ar. Houston 4:00 a. m. 7:00 a. in.
Ar. New Orleans 6:30 p. in. 0:30 p. in,
Ar. Washington. .6:42 a. m. 6:42 a. 111.
Ar. New York. ..12:10 j. m. 12:10 p.m.
Isith trains. Chair cars Sacramento to
Og len and Kl Paso, and Tourist cars lo
Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and
Connecting at San- Francisco' with
several steamship lines for Honolulu
Japan, China, Philippines, Central and
South America,
See J. p. Jester, agent at Grants Pass
Pass station or address
Portland, Ore
si isw&-?
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
&i L- .T7XS3 om