Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 15, 1901, Image 3

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    m Drib it
Six Bars Laundry Soap 25c, "Diamond C."
It's good. See it in our window.
Our Hams and Bacon are
These are good.
Fruit jars. Lots of them.
t!o More Gut Fingers.
If you use a Wood's Can Opener. It takes
out the top of the can without any ragged
edges and will work on cans of any size and
shape. It is without doubt, the best yet.
Price in two styles, 15 and 35 cts.
Cramer Bros.
F. zM
J. Jt fit J ..SG .-. I
For Sale by
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
J. B. PADDOCK, Paora.
I am prepared tofuratih anything in the Una of Cemetery work in any kind
Nearly thirty yaan of eaperleneo In the Marble butineei warranU my faylii
tbatl eaa 811 your order in the very beet manner.
Can (ornlah work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind of
rroat Street Next to Qreene'e Qanehop. '
Preparee taacher for sUU and county examination. Fita young
men and women for buiinea. po.itlon. end (or college.
Special attention to teacher.' r.rie w elaaeei, ttenography and type
writing. Expenee per acbool year of 40 week., $118, $125, I40.
Tnltion per term, S8.25; board at clnb house $1.78 per week, in
familial M M, ISM. Eoomnt 60 cenU par week.
The (older contain, .pedal information and the count of Hair.
Write for it.
Tbe flrst term open. September , 1901.
W. T. VAN SCOT, Principal.
Aledlord, - - Oregon.
Dont Trust to Blind Lnok.
A few momenta of investigation with
your eyes wide open will gave you
many moments of regret.
See and let me explain the GOOD Features of the
Before you buy any othe kind.
Builders' Hardware, Paints, Oils, Etc.
We want that order of yours for
several reasons: -
Because we have the stock to
supply you the best
Because our attention will insure
you best service.
Because we can save yon time
and money.
Because one order is a step
toward a permanent customer.
Eastern cured and smoked.
Get our prices.
local fcappcnlngs
Dr. Flanagaa, . ''
Baeidnt Dentist.
Go to Corua for Plumbing.
Wbipe, 10c to tx.50 at Hackett'a.
Cash for Gold Doat at Cramer Broa.
M . Clemen.,' Prescription Druggist.
Old Panera. Be Mr hanHU at nuiim
Bee Hire, and Bee Supplie at Hsir-
Kiddie Hdw. Co.
A aplendid line of Boral Charter Oak
Kan get at Coron'a.
If yon want to catch trout, ret toot
Mee at Cramer Broa. of all KHd. Grade, and
Price, at Hackett'a.
W atari wvantawt tn anKoiiniim, .1 tk.
was) ewviirMVH ana waiai
Del Norte county fair will ba held at
Ureecentaty, September 30.
Pardee ia offering hi. reeidence at
tbe bead of Sixth .treet for aale.
The Woodmen of the World axcnraloB
returned from Portland Friday.
Perfection Blue Flame Oil Store, born.
com moo coal oil, at Cramer Broa.
O 1 1 T" Bharman-Williama P. Int.
O.Vlf.r.Uair-Kiddl. Hardware Co.
01 Rambler. 140. Boaditera tSS at
Hair-Biddle Hdw. Co.
Tbe 8iandard and New Home aewine
machines. All It y lei and price. Joe-
eph Mom, Agt.
Heal 25c; counter lunche 6a bp
at Brit'. reatanranL William, Mock.
Front .treet Bun flour 1. a Josenhinaannnt
product, manufactured by Moon A
rrovoit, in quality it ia inferior to
Brit'a restaurant In the William.
brick on front atreet, ia the place to get
good meal. Everything in order and
prompt attention given.
Kew Stoca of (hot ana cartridges int
received at Uramer Broa.
Lion Cement baa no lunarian fnr
mending article, of every description.
Made by B. A.WUliam.
A new granite sidewalk between h.
oepot and tbe bank is one of our
lateet improyementa.
Jonea and Wilcox are opening up the
nine Anaconda." a Oovote creek
quartx property of prom lie.
A Japanese, who waa working u th.
wood train near Kinneyville, fell from
me iram ia rlday and wa killed.
Solio. Lithium. Veto, rtakka ..J
Platinum Photographic paper for aale
by A. E. Voorhie. also all initini
Garland 6tove. Stranikv Steal Ware
and Anti Butting Tinware, a combina
tion nam to beat and old only by
Uramer Bro.
Scott Griffin handlea Aihl.nd (Inn,
Utah alfalfa aeed, Oregon red clover
teed, winter oata, large Buniaa white
rye, new crop timothy aeed. wheat for
area alio Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat 6traw, Chop Barley
Corn, Wheat, Oata.. -
Bargain in Anti Butt Tea and Caffaa
Pot. at Cramer Bro. Et.rv nia.
Kev. I. G. Kaotta held aervicee lut
Sunday morning at the Preabyteriaa
church at Aihl.nd. in the absence of
Rev. F. G. Strange.
Snperintendent Lincoln fiavaee.
emitted by Prof. J. P. McConnell and
Mr. Belle Huden. ia holdin tear.har.'
examination thl. week at tbe eonrt
Sidney Andrew and Elmer Holvi m.
turned leit week from a hunting trip oa
apper urave Creek. They were bleeeed
with abundant .uccea and had nlant
of venleon. v
The of thl. elt ara
ranging to play a gam of baieball for
tbe benefit of Martin and Eerie. Tha
data of the game i not yt fixed bnt will
probably ba coin day next week.
Fred L. Ulen. formerlv of A.hland
but who ha been boldinc a rnnn.ihl.
poeiUon in the East for v.ral year,
wm return to Southern Oregon ioon and
be an aaal.tant teacher ia the Medford
Academy. Town Talk.
Solio Paper. Toner and Hardana.
aale by A. E. Voorhie.
Capt. Nash returned TaU, t.
hi mine en Grave Creek. The Cap
tain 1 putting th. work in order to get
ready for the aaaeoa run thl. li
and aow ba. under way 8 mile of ditch
from Poorman Creek where be geU hie
water upply. At oreeent he hu ia
men at work. Medford Enquirer.
The Tiding, nr. that th. Rnnthar,,
Oregon Oil Co. .truck a bad of no Irk.
aand at a depth of 155 feet lut week
Which i tee-aided bv th. axnarlmnarf
driller, at work a. a very favorahla in.
diction for oil. Quickund ha. been
invariably encountered, it ia aaid, In all
theCaliloroia well which era now re
ducing th greay liquid.
Leave order for enrravad rl1ln
with A. E. Voorhie.
J. H. Simon. Dr. FUnaaan and Mr.
William are iatereeted in a Branoailinn
to uncover an ancient channel In r..
creek ict, thai run. from Paddy Hill
tnreugti . E. Miner' place. Th pros
pect are tavorab e. a. a na iimk of
eoniiderable dimeneioni, that 1 rich in
coamand fln. gold, baa been .track.
Jame. Fitagibbon Sr. came in from
tbe Dixie Queen mine Sunday. He in
foimi na that ha i. rannlne a third inn.
ntl which will Up the ledge at a depth
of 400 feet and iliould the ore .how op
on tbi on th two apper level thea
thl. proparty will be heard from ia th
future a another Southern Oregon
leady bullion producer. Th era from
the two upper level, mill about $100 a
ton. The owner have never atoped
any or from the level., milling only
that taken out la running th tonnala.
-Gold HiU N.wi.
New Photo Mount for ameteure at
tbe Courier office.
Mil Kelt DePeatt baa written from
BarraoqoiUa, Columbia, whither ah
accompanied Corneal and Mra. O. w.
Calvig, and nay that aha ha expat-
leased a eeige of fever iae arriving
there. She doeeaot flad thabotwaather
neadarabi bat diaeribe the aanoy.
aacaof moeqaito aad file M eomrtbiag
The Chicago Racket Store
Is going to sell goods at COST for 30 days.
Having bought the J. Kesaler estate we need
money, you need the goods; bo come and see
us. Our goods are all
We have the goods, you have the money; you
need the goods and we need the money. We
start our sale
Friday, August 16th, 1901.
Do not forget this if you need anything. A
full line of Glass ware, Crockery, Tin, Granite,
Wood and Willow ware. Shoes, Dry Goods,
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Furnishing
Goods. AH of our Stock goes at Cost.
Gravrtta Or
Loat In tK Woods.
J. Wolka, our hardware 'merchant.
who ia (pending a vacation at Auguit
Fetech'. place had an interacting ex
perience laat week. He went out from
camp about four o'clock in the evening
tor a ntiia aunt, Met bi bearing aad
wan lend about in the wood and bill
for about 24 hour. H law a bear but
waa not eaten. Ha walked all nigbt
and neat afternoon waa found by a
reecuing party coming toward camp on
the right trail. Joe aay b will take a
compaet with him a.xt time h. goe
Carnival a.t Portland.
The buiinea. man of Portland have
ubacribed 115,000 to guarantee the ex
pen of a Carnival to ba held in the
Expeeitioa building from Sept. 18 to
Oct. 19.
A notable exhibit af all the indn.trin.
of the Pacific Northwe.t will be made ia
the big Exposition building, aad ath
letic .ztrciaea, a horea .how aad a mili
tary tournament will ba held on Multno
mah Field adjoining. Two full military
band have been engaged, and there will
be many One feature in th amuaement
The Carnival la in eharee of a cam at it.
tee compriiing 28 repreeentativ buiinea.
men, of which Gen. Owen 8ommera i
p-eild.nt, L N. Fleiachner vice-preei-
d.nt, A. B.Stainbach treaiurer, and J.
D. Mann eecretary.
With (uch men at tbe head of the
affair, tbe Carnival i aura to be well
worth viiltlng.
McDONALD In thi city, Monday.
Anguat 12, 1901, Clyde Damon, infant
on of Mr. aad Mr. A. McDonald,
aged 18 month.
Watch Out
When You Buy Your
Be sure that you get the right kind. If there
is anything in this world outside a disagreeable
mother-in-law that will make a man wish he had
never been born, it Is an ill-fitting shirt. We
have a Negligee Shirt that we are not afraid to
aay is the best fitting shirt sold In Grants Pass.
Our customers indorse the statement
rices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00.
Tax Booke Cloew Auguat 2
Sheriff Liator notifle. the Bnblle that
taxi will become delinquent after the
28th day of Auguit, aad that the book.
will cloee promptly on that date.
County Traaaurer'a Offica.
After Monday. July 29. the office of
th County treaturer will be at T. B
Cornell'. tor on Front Uel.
At the union aarvioa. at the M. K.
church Tueeday evening. Key. J. F. Toot
waa the .peaker. Mr. Tout i. now atate
uperintendent of the anti-aaloon league
and it effecting organ nation, ot that
character in tba town, of tbe .tate. Mr.
Tout wa a prominent figure in the anti
aaloon Uaaue ot Aihland which waa ln
trumental in eliminating th ealoon
from that city, II. talked very iotereit
inalv of the famoue ealoon eenteat in
Aihl.nd and deocribed the plana and
working, af the anti-ealoon league. At
th cloe of hi. lecture, a league wa in
augurated. A meeting will be held thi
evening to perfect the organ ixation.
M. E. Church South.
There will be preaching In th M. E.
church Sooth, on Sunday, Anguit 18th,
1901, at 11. a. m. No eeryicee at 7:30
p. m. on account of nnion arvlcea.
Prayer meeting every Thureday evening
at 7 :30 . m. Sunday acbool at 10 a. m.
e,ery Sunday. T. P. Haynee,
Advertised Latter Llet.
Following ie th Hit of letter remain
ing uncalled for ia tba Granta Paa. poet
ofBce, Saturday, Aug. 10, 1901 :
Brown, A K Morrison, E A
Parker, Mr Myrtle
Appletoa.MrJ W Holcomb, Mr J J
Brow, MrThoma Iiham, (i N
Briefly Mr Paul Keivee, J B
Cobb, OF Bpangla, C
Ellia, L Haaford, D J
Uibeon. J 8 Trefetheo, Mr Will
C.E. Ill .mom. P. M.
Jamee Carter, I, T. Woolfolk and
Henry Eautaoa returned laat week
from th Vmpqua divide where tby
went oa a banting aad proapectina trin.
They went by way of Elk creek. They
woad plenty of game and eoeeeeded in
bagging a black bear who raebly croeeed
their trail.
Quarterly Canfarancav
The quarterly eonfereno ef th M. Z.
eherch, South, will be held ia Grant,
ram, Aogaet 24 and 28.
front St. Balow PaJaca Hotal
Ban4 Concert.
Th following program will ba given
by th Grant Paa band at the Kail
road park on Friday evening, Aug. Mb
March "Niagara" Bollinroa
Urand Madia. "Rnnarh ruik..
"Beyond the Gate, of Paradia.". . .King
iromoone oio, i. atooa.
Medley "Brie .-Brae" Miaiud
-Kaiu in Buniame" lit Air Vari...
Clarinet Solo. Louia teeihammar
"Carmen Waltaee" Boea.
March 'The PreaidenU Flag". .Scooton
"Jaiper Jenkin. Cat. Wale Con"..
School Baflna.
September 9th la th data on which th
Grant. Paa acbool will begin th year
oi I801-Z, under tbe conduct of Prof
Young. The board announce that or-
tincate of vaccination will be required
from thoee who haya not tueh carUacatee
recorded. Tbi I in accordance with
th provision of the promt echool law.
Artiaana Entertain.
ineoraeroi unitea Artiaan held a
vary enjoyable eoclal evening Tueeday
at th A. O. U. W. hall, with a laroa
number of member and gueita preaant.
An excellent program of mniical nam
ben and recitation waa Dreeentad and
refieahmenla of ice cream and call
were carved.
A Foun(a.ln Pan with . Guar
Did you ever own a fountain nan that
worked iplendidly for a week and then
Ducted T inea vou can appreciate th
importance of buying a "Money-back-if-
not-eati.(actory-pen." Thi. I th kind
you will find at tbe Cotiaita office, at
$1.50 and 12.00. It you are not antlafiad
after them 30 day. coma back and
get your money.
n. Earth & Son.
lnion Sarvleaa.
Union aervice will be held next Sun
day evening at th Prenbvteriaa ehnreh
It ha. been customary her for several
year to hold union evening aervice
during the month of Auguat while the
weamer l warm and th attendance
A Lumbar Entarorlaa
A new enterpria kaowa a th Bogu
Bivar Mining A Lnmber Company, com
poaad of m.n lately from Ohio, and who
nave 100,000 inveeted, baa been inaug
araied aaa will do buiinaeion an axten
.ive ecalo in the Foot. Creek mining
and lumbering di.trict, east of Grant
reel, inn company ha. hon.l.i
and acaaired several thoo.and aaraa
nr and pine timber along Foot. Creek
A mill will be erected no th. rw.
Creek Canyon noma four and ooa-half
mile from the Southern Pacific
orancn road will be built from th. m
connecting wiid. tba main Una near
Woodville, seven mile, from Grant.
Publisher Courior:
Sir: Please record I vote for
for tbe
"Aihland Normal Voting
Cut thl. nut. fill in th. ...j
eanu 10 tbe UOUKlCK oBlne.
Merlin Notse.
Mis. Delia Noel la vi.IHn. fn.n.
Tunnel Nine.
Mr. H. L. K.rte wa in Grants P
on day I ait week.
Our blackamith. Mr. Oti rinrn4 1
fu D...I I 1 . . I
" a ween.
Mia Mable Masoie .pent a few day
at Mr. Crow' last week.
Mr. Jarrette aad family have aona
Crescent City for a few weeks eutlag.
Mrs. Minnie Jons, of Rnaabnr. H.
been ylelting her mother Mr. East ad.
Sunday on bi wheel, to witaee the
ball game.
Mia Etta Noel want to California
Suaday morning', train, to be gone
om time.
W, A. Masai, th Galic staaa drivar.
... . I
--. . ,.u.w.7 iwrm, u wnicn one
horae waa killed, but fortunately Mr.
Maaus aa.Dd with m i ki
M. W. of Grave went to Aih
land Friday.
J. M. Booth left on Wedneeday for an
outing at Cola. tin.
Mra. T. B. Cornell ia visiting at Jefl.o
on, bar former home.
Mr. and Mra. Fred Koper visited in
Medford laat Wedneeday. -
Mis Gertie Coron returned oa Mon
day from a visit at Placer.
Fred Eiamaa ba excepted a position
with the Ashland Meat Co.
John Hall and A. L. Halm of Medford
viilted Grant. Paaa Thursday.
' Mra. :U L. Jewell returned flret of
tbe week Irom a ia Portland.
Ernest Ll.ter came la from Steamboat
Friday for a few day ttay la Iowa.
Engineer McCarthy ia taking a tew
day vacation from duty thi week.
Arthur Conklin visited th outhm
part of the county firat of the waek.
Ml Meda McKenxie ot Wolf creek,
ade a vtilt to Granta Paa Thursday.
W. M. Hair and taaall returned laat
week from an eating at Crescent City.
Mr. and Mr. D. W. Mitchell of Merlin.
were viiitor to Granta Paa on Thurs
W. H. Dana cam. in on Friday from
the Copper Btain mine on a busin
Bert B.r net returned Saturday evening
Irom a lew day at bi. bom in Ash
Mr. Bay Cailoa, nea Allia Cook, of
Portland, i viiiting with her parent, la
thl city.
Mi. Uattla of Waldo, la suit-
in. her with her .later. Mr. E. W. Kuv
Mia Lula Dyke relurned to ban Fran
cisco Thursday after a month la
Grant Pas.
Mr. L. M. Kana hna baen viaitlnc in
Aihland during the put weak with Mn.
F. B. Dickey.
MIm Kate Gary returned bom lsst
week. altera vary extended visit with
friend at numerous parte of the atate.
Santiam New.
Mr. and Mr. J. M. laham and babv
are enjoying a two weeks vacation at
I'rain and mrriaborg.
H. M. White and Oalvln Walla, with
their famllie, returned this week from
an outing at Crescent City:
C. B. Cuslno and R. F. Wlllisma. of
Crescent City, former resident of Grant
rau, arrived here Tbarnday.
L. B. Jamison, .uperintendent at the
Strong copper mine, waa In town Sat
urday, returning from a trip to Portland.
Miaa Lnalla Fav arrivad hara laat
Wedneeday evening from San Fraaclico,
to lor a i.w weea wiin ner parent.
Mr. and Mr. Geo. E. Howland and
Mia lLaonoia Fliher left Jacktsnvill
thi week for a camping trip to Crater
Mra. Tavlor and children of Portland.
returned laat week after a few week vis
it with bar parent., Mr. and Mr. J. W
Mr.. H. E. Ooooer returned Frlilav
from a visit to her eon, George Cox at
Salem. George i. attending school at
that plac
Mr. and Mra. R. I Demaree. Fied
Menach and F. L. Demaree returned on
8aturdayfrom a few week ouling on
Ditch creek.
Waltar Dr.nn.n. tha enirtnear. who
ba. recently recovered from bl. terrible
railroad accident, visited Grant Pan
laat week.
Judge Abe Axtell made a visit to
western Washington and tha sound
country, during bi. absence on tbe
Woodmen xcurion.
C. J. Smyth and mother, Mr. U. J
Hmythe, of Muacod, Wi.., arrived in
Grant Paa Monday and expect to
mate uielr bouie here
Joun Jilalock ia now . ...1.1....
risoer and will operate bi hydraulic
min who lu brothar, Geo. Blalock
during the coming season.
Cary W. Tbomoson.
si. in . . M'
ue icior, jr., (pent Thursday in Granta
ran on a be.inee. trip. Tb. mine 1
running iteadliy with a full fore of man,
Mr. and Mr. Williams. r,..i. . r
T. W. William., and Min Maud
entto Aihland Wednesday to William
- r - - vi a
nan ior a uma in that rlt.
Mlai Erne Yost has h t,...
Placer tbi week and ia anrr.ri.. 1
an accident by which ona of her finger
ass crusoed in the cog. of a churn.
J. B. Wheeler of Uonnlula .n.nt ..
erai day In Granta Pass thi. .t 11.
ii making a trip on tha ceait aad .lop-
F-a a variou. point, of interest on
ni route.
W. 8. Wilev has bn .n.n.1... . ,.
J l. A ... W
u.j. 10 town inn week. If baa lately
beeaengsg.d in the develoDm.nt i .
quart, min at Golden in which he ba
an interest.
Mrs. II. B. Millar .n ur..i. ...j
.. . " I.UI. ,UU
arrou Millsr nawl ti.....i. u
onosy eveoiog on their way to rejoin
-.. -.nor in i.ntna. Mr.. Miller'
niter, air. Jsckion, accompanied them
Mr. FrancesJf aak. of r't.: .i
nuay.vaniag to visit bare for
ume. -rs. iiswki it a .liter of Mr.
Dt vornsll and had not mother bro-
mer ior eigbt year prior to this
Mr, Ilanan of Rohn.
11 b w
"roe. 01 our eiiy, visited a few
day. here last week on har mi.... i
ainiana wbara h bad been vl.itlng
" " "-as aw ai VUJ
.... um uangutar, Mr. J, L Fan too
J. H. Ahlf returned an IMH.. 1 .
visit ef several month, at bi. old noma
..... ..wih 1
'n Moliteio. Germanv. H,lui.
- m wvubu. at Hi. nifi hi
fln- t .1 n ... . . .
an trip sod aa enjoyable
T"1 . toan1 P much
woogn ba found tha olaoa
wwogea alter an absence of year,
Ha m ill ..
. wa mMi pack'
H. C. Bobsian
Port Monday evening. Governor aad
--w. aavMi vaaa (IW
ra. 1. t. beer aad Judge William.
w same Uma.
-r. MDatan reoarte tha ar.ik.
quite cold at Newport, but bad a
anjoyable Uma. Since returning, he hat
been eneiaah-i .mma.i w. .
rumorl Ihsl ha had tW ir ki. a
- iu. - .l .
--aH gun, revolver or com inch
P and claim Ignoraaca of aav
l.,k. -w v muj
Leland Stftinga. -
W are looking fox raporte Irom pros
actors that have been ia tha bilk. It
is tim for torn of them to com ia for
W are having Uvaly Uma. G. W.
Chapin reports good sale tor bla veget
able, also berriee and other fruite.
Mack in Bros, hare baled large
amount of bay as has Webb also. W
have two botcher In this vicinity.
They report a good trad.
Tha weather is quite war 1. bat with
tha cool braes, w dont have to hunt
tha ahad as in torn, countries where
people utrr with th beat.
.mall fire started near Tunnel a and
burned om of Kinney's wood. As
there were plenty ot man to fight th fir,
it did not burn over a large territory.
Money ia plentiful har and wa are
sdllng Urg amount, of goods. Timet
are lively at KianeyvHIe, with plaaty of
men in tha employ of Kinney and Cot,
Tha St. Pater' lodgw on Greenback
mountain is showing np all right Tba
owner are highly elated with the
prospect. Th v.ln i getting larger and
richer aa thy go down.
Mr. and Mr. Claud Hanklna war th
goeeta of Mr. and Mrs G. W. Chapin
last Sunday. Mies Isabel Culp of Mer
lin ia tha guest ot Mrs. Lucy Chapin.
th weather ia quite warm at Merlin,
ah com, to th Baakedell ranch for
cool climate and good prlng water.
Report, from th Greenback are moat
atiatactory. Th lodge I ot good sis,
rich and turns out rock enough to keep
th mill running night and day, So
with Mt. Reuben on tha wat. with it
rich mines aad tha Greenback en tbe
aat, we are ia the canter ot buslne..
W have good n.w. from th min.
Th ledge that was onoa owned by Jo
Ramsey and wa bought by J. C. Ltwls
aad Bab Jones is proving rich. A
tunnel has beta run to tap tba ledge at
a good depth. Tbey have lapped tbe
ledge. Th whole face ot tb ledg Is
full of gold and fairly glistens. Tb
ledge has a width af five feet with good
wall. As to .richness it is th beat yet
What Is th matter with th Hugo
writer t Boa.
(InadvartanUvv omitted from last
Mrs. Johnson want to Granta Pasa on
Monday morning rln.
Mr. and Mra. Crockett's dou.ln from
Myrtle Creek i. vUlling them.
Mr. Lynch and son returned tn
borne In California, Monday night.
Tba lira around in our nelehborine
Iowa make, it quite warm in Hugo.
Mrs. Martin returned home from tha
Good Samaritan Hoapltal in Portland,
Sunday. '
Misses Mary and Mania Aldarann
came down from Leland Sunday to viiit litter. . ,
Mrs. Addle Shaffer came ap from Mer
tin on th Monday morning axpr to
vlilt har relative.
rOBBIOM 1 stats.
n.ld Manhal Lord Robart. has, by a
resolution in the British hoaa of 00 a
moaa, beta, granted 4100,000 (or hi
service ia Africa.
Several banks la Ctermaay are ia dlf
flraltiea, aad It la aald that aa of th
leading Aaaeneaa Inanraaee eeaapaale
la Berlin baa, ataoa the prmat orUla
bsgan, paid poliote aggragattag 180,000
mark, oa banker who have 00m milted
A dispatch from Caracas, Vans an la,
August 4, aay that the Veaeaoelaa gov
arnmeat announces that a force of In
vader, under Oeaeral Garblrea, la elud
ing It battalions of tha Colombian army,
wa r poised by the government troop
aad compelled to fall back serosa th
frontier after 18 hour' fighting July t8
and 89. It I. officially asserted that tha
invaders lost S00 men, the government
losing 800. The government has sent
re-.nforoem.ate to the frontier.
A large warehouse belonging to th
broom corn trust and filled with broom
eora, waa destroyed by Are at Kvane.
vills, euteiling a loss of 1190,000. The
Reeoue Mission, adjoining the ware
house, was also destroyed, with a loss of
Tb. bishop of Newcastle, KaglaaA,
will aaU for New Torh oa th itiamai
Oerwaalo en Aag. 81. He la gulag- as
Saa Fraaoiso te atlead tha Baisoope
Reduction Sale
Ever known in Granta Pasa, CLOSING SALE of
Shirt Waists.
Values that cannot bo beat.
Great Slaughter in
Every one left goes at HALF
wm tens 1-3 off
Just the time now to buy your X
Table Linen,
Muslin Underwear,
Dainty White Goods.
as the Goods are going fast.
4. R. IANCXGFT, CZJ. W, l"".J
For People Who
Intend to take tn
We have the finest line of
Lnnch Goods in the City.
1 3-lb. Cartoon Crackers e
a Cans Deviled Chicken 95c
I " Loncheon Sanaa av am
" Sardinet 50
" French Smoked Sardinea.8jc
" Armour Sliced Haa...sjc
" Bayle'a Lunch Herriaf . .aoe
" Vienna Sausage too
" Vealtosi tee
" Borden's Condensed Milk.jwC
" Evatwrated .Cream tec
1 Bottle Sweet Pickles ice
I " PiCCalilll ane
I " Oueennii-M .a
Tillamook Chee rr 1h
Oingrer Snaps 150
Fij Bar tnd Marshmallows. . . .aoe
lanopoft a 03
MY RE81DKN0K on 8th street: a ire
" room eottea sml ut, lWx0, shad.
--"I fjw wvja BMSA WST WmwttT.
POUR lota, I0Oi2S0 feat, with email dwal
, ling, eicellent location, lot sale at a
bargain. Inquire at thi. ease.
MA rwom,ln 'nr high grade peenton.
M "J ' ww aev-aksa wffaH am) IlUB
office Aug. Uth, 8 a. m., tot p. m.
300 HOP PICKERS Wanted: picking
"commences about September lit.
wraaie raae, urs.
200 H0P PIB Wan ted-Apply o
wor address J. P. lAHZAC?
Season will commence .boat sept, 1st,
QL ABBKa A pair of steel bowed gl
Inquire at thia omce.
AT the Armory, a collarette. Owner
rnmW rsrviisr ataa Wtmeri . ..-..;
f " - vaa sriwTHIgj VWUWBBUp
aad paying charges. Apply at wis aSo.
IfAVINU Mining InteraaU thetreqair
"my attention I will HaU my Block eaa
intlng of Uenu fumUhing goods, Skene.
Hate Cap., Notioni, etc,, at leee taaa eott,
ai a whol. or in lots to suit rmnhuer
U. A.Ksta,
Odd Fellowi k-Uding.
IIU U O I B8, carrtsges and mountala hacks.
Any on. tnu.Eing of buying aay ef
the .hove, it will pay theta to go to ftaaienf
ret their prices end terms before baying.
They aleo carry the Buckeye mower and
rase, nememoar mi .place, eta
oppoaite beoond-hand atom.
J ABU paid ior gold dart. -Cramer Bra.
1'AK.K vou
re pain.
our wheel to Cramer Broa. tor
It only takes a look to con
the Regular Price.
of Ike Regular Price.
- MAS PRESENTS while the
is on.
lines. Do not miss toil
, - , . . www miMHwmm w.urrsoos.
a. e. voonnn3