Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 15, 1901, Image 2

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PubllshsdEvry Thursday.
Subscription Rat:
On Tor. in idmct. 11.18
till Months, . . .
Thrss Month. J6
Blasts Ooplss, . ... .(Is
Advartlslng Rata
Famlsbd on application at th otflc, or
bj mail. .
A. E. VOORHIE8, Fropx. at Mnok
EnUrad at th poat office at Grant
vrafon, aa ssoona-ciaw rusu muw.
,8lgnor Criipi, tba fauoa ai-pramlr
of Italy, died st Naplea on August 11.
Horn of tba aaatara road ara alioil
oatiof tba train boy or "peanut batcher"
frosa tbair asrvloa and this niovamant
aaama Ukaly to become tba ordar of tba
day it ia tba weight of opinion Ibat
this parson ia mora of a nulssnrs tban a
Admiral Carrara, oommander of tba
Hpenisb last at tba battle of Santiago,
adda biiword of intareat to lbs many
comments concerning tbs Barn peon
Scbley controversy. Ua aays : "I bare
oarer met Admiral Bainpaon. Ha a
absent conferring with Shatter wban the
fight took place. What he might bar
dons were he preaint I cannot aay. It
Is a case of deniooatratm! valor againat
possible bravery, . It la a caas of differ
ence betweeo the act and the possibility
or, a tbs old philosophers used to say,
between the saw and the p ss."
Would-bs desrslarera who now roam
tba wood often without catching tight
or sound of a deer or svan of seeing any
track to Indicate the recent prssence ol
the sglls quadruped, bars reason to re
member without gratitude that moat
contsmptibls of created tbinga, the deaf
skinner. To bis acts, mora than to any
other causa, mty be attributed lbs scarc
ity of deer svsry where ia tbs moat wild
and unfrequented localities. Men have
killed, singly, as many as a thousand
dssr la a season, stripping off lbs pelt
and letting lbs csreesaes lis. A dear kls
it a uaalul and val'iabla articls but to
prsvsnt the wholesale massacre of deer,
It was necessary to enact legislation
which ihoold render the bides Yalosles.
Tbs deeraklnner Jui'.ly earned lor him
self the Intents hatred ol all respectable
settlers ia this country as In many
othsrs. His career ia Oregon is almost
finished though even yet one sometime
bears of gang of tktnnert operating
to me where far back In tba mountain
and tmuggling ths bid to markst.
Wbils tbs present itrike is oos of tbs
meet wide reaching and ttubbornly con
tested on record, It it alto oollossbl
that it la lbs msat orderly strike ol
magnitude sver conducted. Th terrors
of mtbe and riot, to frequent in former
strike are in ths present instance, tbns
far at least eonipicoout by tbair absence.
If united labor would tlwaya tlft rowdy
lam and lawletanee from its operation
and keep lit organisation clear of the
tough who art always banging at it
tkirU, It would bs In a conditio to
accomplish much mors for Itssll tban
it has svsr dons hitherto. Lawlseenesi
Is something not to bs telsrsted from
any tourot. It it a mors dirsct and
daegsros evil tbaa any oppression by
capital can svsr be and tbs wsakness ol
labor organisation hitherto hat been
their pennitting a lawless alsinsnt to
Ir stern las with It sod in some Instances
erea to dominate it. A often at thia
hat happened, organised labor hat gone
into diirapute with ths beet class ol
ftitiseni. No ergsaissliob can be
effective nntsea public ssalinisnt is with
It sod lswlsss inslhod are not the way
to win sympathy In ear country.
Ths Covaiaa Is always heartily la
sympathy with ths cauee of education
and el war ready to lend Its support
thereto. Ws believe in ths work of the
Southern Oregon ttste normal school
and consldsr It a moat important
edncatiooal factor la Southsrn Oregon.
Ws believe thst Josephine county
bould have a better representation
tbers than It hat had heretofore and we
have decided to offer as a priss in a
coated to ths yoaaf lady or geoUsaisa
receiving tbs most vows, a year'
schelarshlp, valued at 1$, la the Ash
laml Normal. Ths manner of voting
will bs as follow s Tbit issos ol ths
Cor six and thoss which follow will
contain a coupon which It to bo clipped
out and sent to our olios with ths
naas of tbs person voted tor. Kacb
coupon entitle th sender to one vote
Esfh new subscription to ths Covaiaa
will com maud SS vote and each dollar
paid oa sbscripttoa, SO votes. All
votee matt bs received In thit olio
prior to aoon ol Saturday, August 7
Tbs scholarship will be swarded to the
person recsivlng the higheet number.
Thl It a golden opportunity lor a
deserving pemon to secure a moat
desirable scholarship absolutely tree.
Quicksilver Mining Co.
The Rogue River Qutcssllver Mining
Co. Is a leceotly orgsnised corporation
and will locate, operate and develop
quirkellver and cinnabar mining vlaima
and gold-bearing properties, and do a
general Improvement and development
bosioM. stedlonl will be the principal
office ol the couipaur, and the lepilal of
ttsO.OOO it divided into (hares valued al
f 1 each. Geotts U lluris, Jolm B. Pent
and Elwood Ikdlcr ars ths incur poralor
of record.
1 bis question arisea In tba family
wary day. Let u aaswer it to- dav
TrvJell-O, a delicious and besltblul
dessert. Prepared ia two minutes. No
boiling I Bo baking! simply add boiling
water and set to coot llsvors : Lea
rn, Orange, Ra berry and Strawberry,
tret a package si your giocert to dsy
1(1 eta.
Ia rasa W cough or cioop give lbs
litUs see, Ooe Mm ate Cesses. Cot.
Tbaa rest easy and have no tear, Ths
child will bs aU right in a little while.
It sever fails. flreasal to taks, always
sis aarw aad alaaost iastsataasea in
offset Dr. VT. F. Kramer.
It costs do more
and wears very
money taver.
Sold at the
W. E. DEAN. & CO.. Proof.
Front street, oppo Depot.
Monde. ye Gams Boot Cvor Ple-yed
In Southern Oregon. Crexnte Wins.
The beat baseball cam ever plarsd ia
southern Oregou wss contested Monday
afternoon at tb bsesbsll ground.
Ka,.h aids blared with ths almost vim
and ttubbornneee and every tally roads
wss fought for. Ursnts faa, playing
againat a team composed Isrgsly of pro.
leeaional men sod crack playart lrm
(ram flaltfornla. axain srovsd its superi
ority sod acblsvsd a glorious victory
with a scors of 6 to 8.
Tha nma waa to have been played
8unday, but a diaagrsetnsnt between the
teams prsvsntsd tbs playing of tha game
at that tlms.
Bines ths orgsoltstloo of tba Grants
Pas team, It ba been Invincible.
Pradnna to Ita advent in the southern
Oregon arson, tbs Aahlanders bed every
thing their own way sod hsd all manner
of port with th other valley team.
Ths fact thst tbsy havs been compelled
to recede from Oral to second place
sssmt to rankls in tbair hearts and tbey
thirst for tbs figurative gore of ursnit
Paaa. Twice Dreviont to this Urns, thsy
have met tha Grant Ps tea at and
on each oecaaioo bars goos down to
bitter defeat, la tba second game, they
nl-k4 lonr man from Issrn. ths Irons-
sat team In Korthsrn California, for
thsir asilstsnot, but it availed tbem
nothini and thsy wsrs defeated on their
own ground by Grant Pass.
For ths last gams, thsy secured the
Mrvicet of a league pitcher and catcher
Irom California, and four Igerna men.
They bad ons rspreeentetive from Horn
brook and two Asbland men. Thia ag
gregation they dubbed "Aihlend baas-
ball team" and sent It to Grants ran
10 maks mincemeat ol ths Iocs! teem.
Wbsa tbs team lined op for the gam
Sunday afternoon and ths Grant Pa
bova oar ml red Ibat a Droletsiooel bat
tsrv had been lung In sgalnet tbm,
they wtr Hied with Irs and rsfussd
to plsy unleet th "Ashland" teem
would put aa amateur In lbs bot. This
tha eleitora rafnaad ta do. With tbair
profeeelonsl pitcher, tbay conaidired
that Grsott Pss scslps bad gons bsiow
par and that Us gams we mortgaged
ia Aabland't lavor. Alter a psrlsy ol so
knnf a hiim tha aama waa Snails de
clared off. The hasted atmophr
Ignited snd ins Dsnoidsr were treateo
to ths slsvstlng spectscls of ons of ths
Ashland team and a Grant Pss ymps
thlxer pummelling one another with
much vim and vigor. The crowd made
a solid wsll around lbs couibatsnte snd
lot them coma to a decltoa unaided.
Aelilend was dtteeted as uaual. A
eerie of fight appeared imminent for s
ahnrt tlna. bnt the alarm blew over.
As a Sunday occurrence, It is of a charac
ter to merit ths earnest disapproval ol
the people ol both town.
In th evening a gams as arranged
for th following day, Monday, sad waa
called at two o'clock. The league man
played In the bos bnt wss not so terrific
alter all. Martin is ths better pllcbsr
ol th two. Th "Ashland" team soon
found out that they were up sgslnst it
and ones mors thsy wsrs seat boms in
defeat. Home: to Aihland, to Horn-
brook, to Igerna, to Sacramento, to Baa
Ths Ashland Tidings, haying a publi
cation on Monday, before the newt ol
ths gam reached it, seised lbs oppor
tunity with mad avidity and crew lustily
before It was out of ths woods. Small
blame to It ; It was ths only chance.
1 he umpire, Pat Douegea of Jackson
ville, glned thrlrrvd sppreclstion
ol the player snd ths people ol thi city
for bis lair, accurate and clean decisions
tbroutboul th game.
Grants Wsathsr,
Following is a summary weather eb
evrvstion at Grants Past during ths
month of July, 1901, ss reported by
J. B. Paddock, local voluntary observer
for the Oregon flats Weather Service.
v"- M"n- Mn I"'1?
Tm. Tem Tern, iachet
1 71 43 7"
63 M 67 .11
5 M 47 M
85 4 tW
6 M 46 70
6 H W 74
7 el M 70
1 77 47 i'
9 7 4S HI
10 IW 44 6A
11 KJ 42 b
M 7 64 66
13 76 4i 60
14 Me??..
16 61 61 66
17 67 46 66
15 M 40 66
19 so 61 . ..
JO Vi 46 6V
tl 90 44 67
IS 9i M 7J
64 J 69
t4 so 63 69
ft 96 46 66
96 M 4J 4 ..
17 SO 41 6J
91 46 61
J9 96 46 71
90 94 hi 7$
' 66 75 .06
Si'bsabt: Mess temperature. 66:
maataoa IsaperaUirs, 90; date, 19
mialmam tsmnsrsiurs. 36 : date. 4. So.
ot day clear, tl; partly cloudy, 8;
cteady I: Prsvailia wind 8. W.
tban ordinary brands,
much longer. It ia a
Colewlin Noise.
Ths viiitor st Coleatin srs liks ons
greet Ismily, and all going to Pa or Ma
Telford when in trouble.
Rev. I. U. Joue of Jacksonville re
turned borne on Mondav after a wsek
camping with Or. Robinson.
Miss Mary D. v Jeon, of Klamslhon,
Fred Bsllowsy, ol Bissons, snd Mr. F.
Town and daughter, of Puoenir , are
among ti.e gueaU.
Tb Coleatin season i at it height ;
all room at th Hotel occupied and
many application in. Tbs csuipers
now number shout 60.
J. E. Peterson is in for sll the fun
tbers is going, croquet, cheat and hunt
ing J. E. saw eamething quite out ol
th ordinsry but bs did not shoot.
Frsnk Colvlg is working with ths
cement crew snd while they were work
ing al the gravel pit, be loaded up t a
soda water svsry night.
Quits a number of ths boarder went
to Siakiyou on th train Tuesday (or ths
sxsrcissof wslking back, and incident,
ally to take a picture of ths tuonsl.
A. J. Sutherland and family havs re
moved thsir csmp from bsrs to Siskiyou
after a three-weak atay. Mr. Suther
land ia foreman of the cement crew.
C. J. Kurtb, Louis 8teelhsmmsr, Otto
Duolap snd Willsrd Dsnlson. anent Hun.
day at the iprlng; thy arrived at t:30
a. m. and bad tola ol fun sleeping on the
Ursntt Paat ia represented by Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Peterson who ars escaping,
Mrs. V. A. Peterson and Ford, Mr.
John Pool and Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Voorhis and Earls.
Ashland furniihet the following ctmp
srs sod boarder: J, C. Poor and
family, th Winters fsmilv. ths Uieaea
Gslsy, Mrs. Boivin snd daughter, Mr
Oiwoll snd two daughters, Mia Fanny
Bseaom. snd Fred L. Roper.
Tbs big stesa shovsl is ons of tha
principal attraction. A crowd of Deoola
go svsry dsy to se it work sud watch
tbs crsw unload ths car oo ths treslla,
which I about sO feet blgb. The Kodak
fiend have thot the thovel Irom sll sides
and In all stage ol operation.
The combination of Coleatin air. Dr.
Robinson and Mr. Telford, with tha
help of numerous others hss brought
bbyoorhiss throuub a verv dauaar.
on Illness snd hs is now on ths road to
Medford 1 represented bv E. H. War
ner snd family, Mrs. C. M. Brown. Mr.
and Mrs. 1 1 art son and (on, Mr. sad Mra.
MoCulley and two dsusbtors. the La
Jacob fsmilv. Mr. Bulllnanr. Mi
Virgin! Woodford. Mamie Belli user.
Edith Cranfll, May Phlpps, and Miss
Pr. and Mrs. Robineon end damrhtar
and C. L. Kesmes snd Miss Msry Col-
vig srs among tbs Jacksonville delega-
Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday,
AUGUST 16, 17, 19 and 20, 1901.
We are going io clean up all odds and ends of every description at some price. We don't want to put back in stock one single article now on Special Sale and have
decided to make things pretty lively around town during the next week. We have had a great sale people have patronized us most liberally. We appreciate their on
fidence and hope that the special effort we are to make during the next week will bring out all of our old customers and many new ones. If you could go down th'
river and pan out 50c to the pan in gold dust you could not make money any faster than you can make it by attending the
Here are some of the Special Bargains that your attention is called to and as
one will feel amply repaid for their visit to the Big Store during the next few days.
Othor Bargains that will
75c aud tl.
50c and 75c
$oc, 7 sc. ft
1.000 Yards
There will be
tion. Yreka furnlibe Mr. Dr. Collar
and L. O. Collar, Mrs. Cbss. Innksr,
Mrs. K. Dowllng snd Mi Dowllng.
Tber is no reason why ths Grants
Pee psopl should go SO or 40 miles in
ths woods by team lor recreation when
they can reach such a healthful and
delightful spot by a four hours rids on
ths train st small expense. Her you
get nearly all the comfort of home.
A good woman who conducts
school for young; folks waa called oa
v.te.n.r ree"ltI' b' f?d
aaama, who
anes. brouf ht ' her
daag-hter for instruction, relates a
Lotiisrills psper. Shs hsd been, at
tending another school last yesr, and
ths teacher found it neoeseary to as
stains her in order to see exactly la
Tthat chua to place her. The exam
ination waa moat gratifying;. Ths
child vrss bright, anawered questions
correctly and readily, and gratified
the teacher by her animation and
sense. "Now, Mrs Bis ok," shs said
to ths pleased snd proud mamma,
"you havs an utwommonly bright
girl; her arithmetical knowledge is
phenomenal for her sgs, and I sttaH
place Iter in vulgar fractions at ones."
"Never!" exclaimed the horrified
msmms. "I am raising- my girl as
a lady, and neither you nor anybody
shall plscs her In snythlrtf vulgar.
No." And shs slung herself out of
t hs room in rags sad horror, bearing
the pupil with ber, snd th teacher
only eared her reputation later oa
by explaining' what shs meant by vul
gar fractiona.
little has been said, and probably
aa tittle thoug-ht, of ths beneficent
work done by tbs railroads in siding
snd promoting tbs measurea set oa
foot for the relief of stricken Gal
veston. Thoussnds ot refugees frotn
that city received free transportation
to sny part of ths country, and im
mense qusntities of supplies were
rushed forward without charge. This
ready response to the cry of human
nreda characterized all the great rail
way ayatems of ths country, ths ss
preae, telegraph and telephone) com
panies. The cash value of ths serv
Icre thus rendered is aa impossible
to estimate as ths amount of human
suffering and misery they helped to
The little fellow
hss blown with all
hia (trength, and the
downy tufts still
cling to ths dande
lion stem. Accord
ing to the oracle of
childhood mother
doea not want him.
But mother would tell
a different story. She
hss noticed the weak
ness of the lungs, and
if aha saw him now,
flushed with his unusual
effort and struggling; to
Stifle th cough which
followed It, she'd feel
how much aha wanted
I I him, aad wanted those
If "weak lungs made
If II strong, that site might
I II not lose him.
II II For "weak
1 1 J lungs, obstinate
It esss-cough, hmor
k rhage, weakness
and emaciation
there Is no medicine so healing and so
strengthening ss Or. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. It is eipecially
valuable for children, building np weak
bodice with sound, healthy flesh. It is
entirely free from alcohol and narcotics.
Wlatcr before thia. my oldtat bar (wbe to
row Duy eve ytmn oia). Mad Itmble coua;
ke kae U Ike whole wlater tmi all Maimer
writes J. M. Parr, Kaq., of Caaaeroa, Screvca
CO..U. " rnvatctaaa SM
ina v wtnr aad 1 evak
Co., Ca. rhvatrtaaa 4M htaa o too aad aatb-
Ine aay win aad I eaaM do did hUa aay oS.
arttr roar ' Diarovcrv ' had cured aiv rati a aa
arftr jroar ' Diaroverr - ha cured bt couah ae
uulcalr. whea mrVihla elaa failed. I wrote
my wife to trial him back from the couatry,
abe havtag carried him there to ate If the change
would do him fond.
we were unng ia aavaa-
la a
Bah. Oa , al the time. She htoufhl him back
aad after (irtag him your greol rOolda Mad
kal Ulacovery ' lor a time, ha tultrely recovered.
The Common Sense Medical Adviser
sent Jrtt on receipt of stamp to pay
expense of mailing only. Send it one
cent stamps for paper-bound hook, or )I
atampe for cloth bound. Address Dr.
X. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
i in
Yards Remnants:
Calicos, Lawns, Pioiitie, Percales, Ginghams and White
Good. Some of the very best make ol' these goods oo the
market. All in Remnants of from I to to yards. Regular
price, from 6, to 25c; will be placed on sale for 4 days only
00 Shirts at
and Si. 00 Shirt Waists at
00 Straw lUtt
good Brown Muslin
hundreds of other Bargains on
Closing Out
You will find some rare bargains in
It will pay you to lookthem
reductions on the above
Dr. Damrssch Condemns Optratic
Alr and Quartette Cfcolrt.
Daslaewa Ttaat, is rite allaa. Cam earn
atl te Save Oalr umta ru taw
Sba Cawro Matea Uses
wt aTraate la Ckarom.
Church music waa discussed snd Il
lustrated sad Dr. Frank Dam roach
condemned operatic music In church
and the employment of quartette
choirs st ths snnusl dinner of the
Methodist Social union, of New York.
Dr. Damrosch aaid he hoped he would
aot tread on any Methodist or other
toes, in treating broadly on "music in
the church snd sot music la the Meth
odist church." He saw three main uses
of rausle ia the church, as a preparav
tion for spiritual thought, ss a means
of expreetion for the deeper emotions,
and ss sn elevstisg source for bringing
the soul nearer to the Divine power.
Bs described how, by the proper use of
music, the soul was sttused to Divine
things st the beginning of the service,
snd he drprecsted ths misuse of thet
opportunity by orgsnists playing op
eratic fantasies.
"I do not want as Italian operatic
melody," said Dr. Damrosch. "when I
enter a church, and, moreover, the or
gan should never imitate aa orchestra.
It is line enough aad grand enough to
atasd on ita own basis.
Dr. Daniroich regretted that s Isck
of appreciation for the great masters
of music waa sadly shows In the com
pilation ot the more pretentious
hymnals, and he condemned the mu
tilation of the great worse of compos
era to furnish tunes for hymns.
"Thst Is vandalUm." he exclaimed,
"and should aot be permitted, snd you
should have a committee of safety sp
pointsd to prevent It."
"The quartette choir." he aaid, "is aa
Americas isstltutios, snd it Is perhaps
the esuse ef more trouble ia the church
then aay other thing. I would not ad
vise Americans to be proud of it. Sot
that we do sot have excellent quar
tettes, but the more excellent they are
they less fit they are to be In the church.
The solution of the quartette difficulty
la tha chorus. Choral music, to my
mind, is the only music that la fit for
th church, ia that it sinks tha indi
viduality of th performer In the mesa.
I would sou however, exclude the In
cidental aolo from it proper place la s
pull the Cash
. socts.
. 5 ct.
. . 35 cts.
, . . 5 cts.
over as we are making great
leaurxfc'o rararlto Seal
0ns strange result of Biamarck's
death hsa been the stimulus that It has
rlvsa to lottery speculstion in Vienna.
Vever sines ths terrible cstsatrophs st
tbs Ring tbrster have the offices beea
crowded by so many thousands of so
perstitious speculators, the age of the
lepsrted atatraman 6t wss, of
course, the favorite number, but it soon
became impossible to (ret even the frss-
tion of s ticket. All the factors snd
multiples of ths number were neat
bought up with eager interest, snd
there was a run on every other figure
even remotely connected with ths
Zero's life. Many serious gamblers de
spise these arithmetical coincidences
and follow the handbooks which assign
numbers to incidents snd character
istics. One old woman entered an of
fice and besought the clerk to tell her
what fig-urea represented "Beichakans
ler." The compilers of the myatic lists
had omitted thia important word,
'However," aaid the official. "Htag'shill
wss Hisrasrck's favorite spot it ia, in
fact, hia burial place "and 'stag-' ia M
a flret-claae chance." The rood lady
planked her hard-earned florin on the
stag, but had no luck. Indeed, the
Irsm in(f so far have gone dead ajralnst
in riclievpry In sigrns anil omens. Lon-
Quick aaltvsrjr Tns Weekly Oresroa!a
It Beats the Dutch!
The Brand of Chocolate
we draw at our
Strengthen inu, Invigorating,
Cool and Refreshing.
SlOYer Drug Co.
Front sr., Opposite Depot.
the regular prices of these
300 Pairs of
Ladies' Mens and Children!
Thai sold
j tmjt
right out of your pockets if you see them.
nyi and 15c Wall Psper at.,
ao and 15c Wall Paper at... .
35 and 40c Carpet at
75 arid g5C Carpet at
sale at prices that will make them irresistable.
A facetious pararaph-writer sug
gests thst It will soon bs necessary
for soma one to start a daily geogra
phy in order so keep np with tfce
changes going on in the world, lie
miffht with aa much justification havs
said that ws need a daily history, or
a daily text-book la natural paiioao-
nhv. for tha same reason. Eveau now
more so rapidly thst sny book of in
forms lion gets out of date mncft
mors ouicklv than at any other period
in the world's history. For ths pres
ent, bowsver, it will be tne asuiy les
son in seosTSDhr rather than th
daily geography thst will chiefly acsv
cera the rising- generation.
la aa artists on the closing- century
a writer in World's Work truly says:
"Although It has been the century of
the widest conquest, it hss been ths
century slso of tha greatest tolera
tion, of the keenest human aympathy,
the most sctivs helpfulness, in an sra
of action and of freedom, man haa be
come a brother to man ae he never
became in eras ot meditation snd au
thority. It hsa beea the century of
heroic fact finding, the century of ths
emancipation of thought from mys
tery and dogma, and of the yielding
of precedent to experience."
Ex-Queen Liliuokalsnl recently gs
evidence of graceful aubmlsslon to ths
Isevitsbls. It wss the occssion of her
alxty-seeond birthdsy, snd a large
numberof natives bsd gathered at her
home to pay their reaprcte. As ths
band struck up "Tha Star Spaaglsd
Banner," the queen sross from her
seat and remained standing during
ths playing-, but whea the Hawaiian
national anthem waa given shs kept
her sest. . It wss her way ot showing
ths people that the national hymn ot
ths United States muat now bs ths
recognised one of Hawaii.
According to a local report Judge
rerris, of Ctneinnsti, is disaatieued
with the present summary methods of
converting sliens into adopted eitisene.
He aays: "I'm going to make thia cere
mony more lmpressiv. The mere set
of swearing in these people makes no
impression on them. 1 shall procure aa
American flag, and every mate candi
date for citizenship will havs to kns'el
and kiss its folds. I want to make It
one of the most important aete of their
lives. I wsnt them to tingle dowa to
their toes when they hear oar nateoaal
Kodak films at tha Courier offios
The best foot pumps. $ .75
Gas lamps 1.75
Oil lamps 50
Chains 50
Rubber cement, large
can 15
Good cyclometers 50
Luggage carriers 20
Saddles 1.00
Rim cement, best 15
Bells 25
Tool bags 25
Steel rims 1.50
iftieyele ffiargaina
One ladies second hand bicycle good as new $15.00
One Victor second hand bicyle in good repair ... 5.00
One Day second hand bicycle, used two weeks,. 20.00
One $35 bicycle not a scratch on it 25.00
rtt the
lines will be cut in two 3 or 4
regularly at from $ tjoto I4.00;
vuiy Hi
State Fair
September 23-28, 1901.
Great Agricultural
Industrial Fair.
Good Racing in the Af
ternoons. Latest AttiKtrM In New Audftarium
Buildlnj Every EvtnlnJ. wttfc
good musk.
Beautiful Camp Grounds Free.
Special Rates on Campers'
Tickets- Come and bring;
your families.
Mwti Riles 01 all Mmk
For lurthsr particulars, address
M. D. WISDOM. S. rsrllsad.
Malaria Caasss Bills asssss.
Grovs' Tasteless Chill Tonic cur
htalaria. M.
Tha Meaning ol Horn.
A vary practical articls regarding
Horn and Family Life, by Professor
Ellen M. Ricbsrds, appear in tb 8sp
tember nassbar of Tbs Delineator. The
first sentence is "Tha Uous I but tbs
bsll of tbs horns, a shell meant to in
cloa and protect, aot to crush It."
These few word give an Idea of the
breadth and sympathy with which Pro
fessor Bichards discos th nbjct.
Malaria Casus tills erases.
Qrova'sTastelssa CbiU Traie rtmoyes
Tires $2.85
Cactus tire 4.25
Chain brushes 10
Chain graphite 06
Pedals, good ones 50
Toe clips, per pair 15
Coasters, per pair 10
Spokes, per doz 35
Grips, per pair 10
Oil cans 10
Screw drivers .05
Wrenches 20
We think that any
now an sale for
10 eta.
14 Cts.
68 cts.