Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 15, 1901, Image 1

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M 1 i A
No. 38
. t v , - -1 f -y ' . .;;
y y y ? v uj; v ' J .-.
I y Ot $1, per share, or
$50,000 of-the Capital
Stock of the Oregon Nat
ural Gas, Oil & Mining
i Company, is now offered
I for sale to , the general
(public for ; r
110 cts. on the Dollar!
I ; or vv,: ' '!
; 10 cts. a Share. I
This money will be used hi
; drilling an Oil well on lands tliat
are controlled by this company,
which is in- the center' of the "Oil
District known as the North Grants
Pass Oil district. This company
has contracts on the following well
known ranches in this District
They have all signed a card similar
to this, -
j Mrs Mary L Jordon, 1 ''
.. i James Devenv, 1 ' '
... G M Savage,' I .. - ' '
... JT Fryer, :' '
' v John Deveny,. -,'.
BB Ochiltree, "
. ! W J Savage, -'
Mrs Jessie Deveny, ' -B
B Ocheltree, V
Dr V H Flanagan,
' WM Bishop, ' '. ' ','.
.... . J G Dotson. ..
J S Harvey,
J N Carter,
, 'T
, The above ranches embrace
several thousand acres of land of
the best indications for Oil that our
agents could find on the Pacific
Coast and they have been from
Washington to Mexico.
You know that if Oil, Natural
Gas or Artesian Water is found in
Josephine county it will more than
double the value of all property
and for that purpose alone you can
encourage the prospecting for
Oil, or Artesian Water by taking a
few shares of stock. '
Cut litis oat and send it, with $2.50 to
Scott Griffin.
Oregon Natural Gas, Oil and
Mining Company. ,
To Scott Griffin, Secretary, Grants
Pass, Oregon. .
Enclosed please find the sum of
$2.50 to secure option on icoshares
of stock in the Oregon Natural
Gas, Oil and Mining Company, of
Grants Pass. Oregon. of thovtiar!
value of $1 per b.are,.I,tOiWve the
option of paying" 55 cents a share
on or belore you begin drilling; or
50 cents a share on or before 500
feet depth has been reached; or
thereafter $1 par value until a well
is completed to the depth of iooo
feet; the amount paid herein is to
be credited on the stocks accepted.
It is expressly Understood that you
are to commence drilling on or be
fore six months from date or refund
to me the amount piid. Please
forward receipt for amount en
closed. Dated this , i day of
.V.-" - "
Name of Sender
P. 0. Address.
A Gain ot 240 to 1. :
The (allowing table exhibits the in
crease in tbe market value of the oil
itockj of ten different companies:
Prices of Stock
Before After
drilling drilling
New York Oil Co $ 50 $ 200.00
Union Oil Co., 1.00 1500.00
Kern Oil Co., 1 00 37 60
San Joaquin 50 16 00
Peerless 20 8.62
'Hanford 3.00 118 00
Thirty Three Oil Co.,... 35 13 50
Sterling Oil Co , 2.. 3 40
Twenty Eieht Oil Co., .. 20 2.15
Kern River, 1 00 26 00
8.00 1D25J7,
Each of these companies was organ-1
led lem than two yean ago. JS-
00 inveated in these ten companies i
would have realized a net Bam of $11123.- '
17, a gain of ovar 240 to 1. j
Buy atocka in the Oregon Natural Gaa, )
Oil and Mining Company at 10 centa a '
hare for $I.(J0 shares, non assessable I
atock. Boy before tbey dri'l.
For further information call on
Toe Moral Gas, Oil &
Mining Company.
Grants Pass, Ore.
' A sudden quirk in the weather need not catch you
napping. We can furnish you instantly the best of style
and quality with a neatness and perfection of fit that will '
of custom made wearing apparel. Our suits are worn by
many who have a reputation as dressers
- v
Oilice, Room 2 over Post Office. Resilience
Kane House, oppo. the Western.
' General Practitioner of
Meoicink AND Sl'nUEBV.
OlHce iu Williams Block
Practices in all State and Federal Court
Oilice over First National Bank.- --
Ghants Pahb, . - . Obkoon.
V. P. JT.l.U II ..
Uuants Pass, Drkoon.
Willis 1 Kramer
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family Floui
And Every iliing tliat wwh with First
Clar. Milling.
For sale by Chiles, DelematRr,
Wade and Cornell, !
Call for it; same price aa other brand
OfDce opiosilo lintel Josephine
jIiants Pass, - Okkoon.
N.E. 31cGUEVV,-
Furniture and Piano
Moving. - i -
The popular barber Ehop l.
Cet your tonsorial work :done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
, Ratli room in connecliua " fc
Full awortment of Watches, Clocks, Sil
Terwear andJewelry. A Uootl
Assorlinent of Rnui'lcU ami
Heart Bunl,
Clement' Druff Store.
Fine Butter a Specialty
' . i ." .
" ; FRESH and SAIT "'
y MEATS. CT?- -
'PH05I 21'. . V " , ;
Sewer Connections
j Metal Roolmg
"IGas Fitting y -l'lumbing
...Pipe work of all kinds...
I'.kla furuUbed for all work.
' Iare orlrs with
Cramer Krrw. Hardware
Haii-Riildle Hardware
' - ' OF ' "
Capita! Stocky - $50,000.
Keceive deposit subject to check oroo
certificate payabla in demand.
Sells sight dntfts on New Tork, Ban Fran
cisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfr sold on all pointa in
the United States.
Bpecinl Attention given to Collections and
general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout (Southern
Oregon, and on all accessible pointa.
R. A. BOOTH, President.
J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice Presideut. .
II. L. OILKEY, Cashier. ,
E.K DUNBAR, Asst. Cashier.
Grants Pass
Banking and Trnst Co.
j Transacts 'general Banking business.
l feeeivci 'deposits euhieet to check or
on demand, ceyifiVatei. .. v .,
; Our ciutoniers are assoretl of courteous
treatment and eyeiy considrration con
slstent wl'.B E'juud banking principles.
) J. Khank Watnon, PreB.
I '. Kona foLwcK, Vice-Fret.
L. L, JiiWKi.i.. Cashier.
J. frraiik 1 tlliinj y. SI JJooro
J. 3.ll6uck", Ee'luB Pollock,
lierbertSmitli, ; Soott Url ffiin ,
i A. E. Sheehan.
Sa few facts.
Te.inyson could take a worthless sheet of
puner writs on it a poem worth a.'it.Oou
T HAT'S GEN I U.S. , '
aimeriim ean write a few" words on a
shert of paper and make it worlb
Ili.i,iJ0,!J0'f II AT S C'Ai'ITAL.
The t'nitcd .States can take ounces of
! n . ' V "I Rn fSK" on it worth iO
. XaA.'fiaoIKV, - -
A Inke tnalerial worth 110
niHkeit into watch springs worth JIOU.
A man works ton hours a day and handles
several uinsol dirl (or I.'.OU THAT H
. I AUO it, . t' - , 4
A lady can purchase a list fur J7 bat pre-
- NESS. . u nt -. i
We could sign our check for tlfl,000,000
1'iit it wuiiiil Ik ,J, . ti. THAl.o
.Tuvyii. i: , , i .
We give Our customers llie best Insect
pmwn and Ily naiierou earth 1 HAT'S
THl ill.
; M.Clciiiciis (
Report of the Condition of the
Of Southern Oregon.
At flrants l'as. in the slate of
the clufe ot hti.iiic-ft July 15,
Oregon, at
- n
Iian. and dIcoiiiits ..V.
U h ItiiniU Ui tticliri..ri.iilMli.ti
.1130,410 IM
. Vi.! III
aio 00
6.IXI (ii
. 10,700 01)
i'retiiiuiiis on L h tond ,
Hun k, swurlties. etc
Us nkinghoune, furniture X lix. .,
other real estate owned
Hue from state hanks .fc hankers,
Hue from approved renerve agts..
Internal lUyenue tmuip
ho ks oilier i anil ll.nm
Nutes of oilier national hanks ..
t'ract'iirial pufier currency, nick-
els and cents ,
kedeniptinn fund wiih L'.H-treaa,
to per centuf cin ulution)
a.ufsi oo
2.14 .17
2n,512 07
l (O
8,l:l H
M 00
M 10
U.lWf 70
Total U,1M 70
t'apiul sluok paid in f .Vi,(l nil
Surplus fund lu,iJO 00
Undivided profits, less eienses
and tales paid 12,122 73
Naliunal I lank m outstanding !,' ft
Hue to -tale hanks and hankers &M 37
Individual deposit subject to
che k. ltl.tTl 10
Heiuand certificates of dcosit . ia,UU UU
Total 2Si,7J4 70
c'taleof Ofcmu county ot Josephine, ss:
I, H. L. tuikey, caKhirr of the aljore
named t'ank. do soleiuniy swear that the
above statement i true to the liest of tuj
knowledge and belief
H. I.. Gn.KT.Cashier.
Fuliv riiierl Hd sworn to before me this
Soth day of July, l'd.
J. A! Jromirus, Notary public.
Correct Attest: J. isphilu
II. '. Kissir,
r . Jou it. 1-ai. -
. , . '' c : Hire lore.
Better for tlx Blood thrn iarasparilla.
For Those Living hi tbe Malaria Dif
ricta. Grove't Tasteleee Chill Tonic.
UfbBjrup, TMiUL
Schley Court of Inquiry Tame
, ' Proceeding. Pensioning
. , . Civil Employes.
) 5 ! J yVASHINGTON, Aug., Kill.. 1901.
The navy department continues to be
the center ot public interest, owing to
tbe preparation! going on there for the
Schley court ot inquiry, althjuju OH a
matter of fact, those preparations are
largely routine ' and are by no means
exciting or sensational. One of Admiral
Schley's counsel, Capt. Parker, ia dill
gently searching tbe ollicial records for
facts beating on the matters that will be
brought before the court. lie objected
to having everything he did overlooked
by a naval officer, but bo was shown tbe
naval regulation, that forbids any per
son outside of the s-ryico having accc
to the oflkia! records except in the
presence o( an ol&cer. , CapL-Lemly,
judge advocate general of the navy
who is judge advocaie, oif fbe, J"y
court, hat Just tone itwaV ior i four
week's vacation, buuliwng bis absence.
his assistants ,wilL get everything in
shape ter'the heattng before the court
and there rtill" "be no UleluT- on that
sccount. .
Aot a low lovers of molasses will be
interested in the remark of Mr.- Emile
.lanin, of New Orleans, now slopping at
a Washington hotel,' who said: "There
is now practically none of tho old
fashioned ew Orleans molasses, ol
which we were all so fond in vur boy
hood days., lis disappearance ie due to
tbe general use of the centrifugal pro.
cess in manufacturing sugar. The
molasses and syrup of today are mostly
glucose, and strange as it may seem,
New Orleans is one of tbe largest con
sumers of glucose in tbe world. Olucoae
is made from corn. It ia sweet, though
not nearly so sweet at the juice of the
sugar cane, and incidentally is ' the
most indigestible thing in the world.
The dealers of New Orleans srojresponsi
ble for the Immense consumption of
glucose there. An investigation by tho
Biigar exchange developed this. It was
covered that thoy added about three
barrels of glucoso to each barrel of
molasses and sold the mixture as New
Orleans molasses."
AVhile disctissing tho relative strength
of the labor organisations uf Great
Britain and the Cuited Status, JJr.
William Eckwaley, a SaellielU, England,
steel, inauuiacturer who hits reached
Washington in the course of a leisurely
business tour of this country, said:
"You have some knowledge of the
strength of labor unions, but. I doubt ii
operatives in the dillerout trades are las
united or aa powerful iu this country as
in tireat Britain. It ia no unusual thing
for a body of laborers representing all
the men of a certain class in tireat
Britain, to have :f,000,000 or $3,000,000
in their reserve fund. The coal workers,
for Instance, are composed of the men
employed in England, Scotland and
Wales, and their fund was about $L,000
000 wheu I last saw a report of It.
Your people, except the common un
skilled: laborers get higher wanes than
ours, but they have to pay mora to. live
in eveiy way."
The project of pensioning civil em
ployes ol the government, without ex-
liense to the government is (gain being
actively agiuiea in Washington. The
united btates civil service retirement
association, organized t year or two ago
io pusn tnis project has been reorganixed
and will prepare a bill, which congress
will be asked to pass, : This bill will
b". bases' upon Information given in
resiKiiiue to an act of the last coiiirress.
calling nnon the heads of departments
iu. ami. oc employee giving ages and
length of service and will provide fur
the creation of a peiisiun fund, by the
retention ol a small percental of all
civil salaries, probably about Itiree -per
cent. It will provide that retired civil
employee shall be paid onHialf" the
salaries they were rarilvinirwti.t
retired. The only expense to the gov.
eminent, under this plan, would lie for
the clerical help needed for the collec
tion and disbursement of the pVneion
fund. It is claimed that the United
States is the only one of the great
civl!ix-d nations that does not provide
in some wav ,for the pension of nged
CiVil service employes, franco lis a
system something like the one proposed.
1 lie rest of Urn nations pay the pensions
from public funds.
A Brief History of American Journ
alism" is the title of a book which will
shortly be publithed by the library of
congress. It will cover something likf
2,000 pages, and will include the name
founder, and such Information aa may
be of interest, of every publication ever
printed in this country up to the close of
1900. The compiler ol the huok. Vr
ftalph M. McKenzie, of the library
ttatr said of Ids work: "When it ie
remembered that a thousand periodicals
become extinct in this country every
year, and that nearly 22,000 were Issued
in the year IM0, you will understand
something of the task which I bave Ju-t
nntsned. ibe first newspaper was
printed io America in 1704, and have
gone over b fluid for the whole two
centuries since that day."
According to a report from the United
State consel at Vancouver, IS. C., labor
strikes have paralyied btKi'nesa in that
section. He says tbe trackmen of tbe
CanaJian Pacific Railwav are on a
strike andjlhe employes J.f tbe North
pirt suieltur, at Itoealsnd, which has
bn shipping Un thousand tons of ore
weekly, many of whom are American
citizens are also on a strike. The latter
be thinks is a very sr!ois afftir.
Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and
eoret of all kinds quickly beaied by be
Witt's Witch Hazel S!ve. Certain
core for piles. IJeware of Counterfeit.
Resareyoa get the original I e Witt's.
-Dr. W. F. Kremer.
St&te School Fund.
Ciias. 8. Moore, the state treasurer
Thursday mado the annul apportion
ment of tho interest on the irreducible
school fund of Oregon, collected during
the past year. The total number of per
sons of school age in the state was found
to be lo5,818, the amount of money ap
portioned, floT,llU7.9u, making a per
capita distribution of (1.22. This is a
smaller apportionment than was made
last year or in I8in, and is explained by
tbe fact that in lsyj and 1000, a large
amount of accrued interest was collected
and made available for distribution
among the schools, while this year there
ia less of Unit, the back interest having
been colluded up during tho two pre
vious years. Another matter having an
iiilluunos in reducing thin year's appor
tionment is the fact that the interest
rate of school fuud loans have boen re
duced from 8 to 0 per cent per nuunni,
a loss to tho schools of 2? per cent in
their income. The tollowing Uiu up
porlionmcnt for tho, Southern Oregon
."' - ;'Ko?ttt
' 5,13:!
" Fire Department Election.
' At the annual election of officers
Thursday night, of the Grants Pass Tire
TVpnrtment, tho following ofliocrs woro
elected : For Chiuf of the IVpartment,
Mr. I5?a Renson was elected to succeed
himself. First Assistant Engineer, I.
Punk-en ; Second Assistant Engineer,
Iru Tompkins; Secretary and Troasurer,
Ii. Skeel ; Trustoo, Andy Cnlvin. Two
Forenoon leerr- to. have boon electee), otic
for1 eucli company, but on motion the
rules were suspended, niid tho election
of theso officers will bo held at tho next
regular meeting in order to givo time to
assign now members to their roBpoctive
company, an each company electa its
own Foreman. ',',' 1.
Mre. Robecce. Smith.
Mrs. licbecca Smith, a resident of
Glenilulo, Oregon, died nt Wagner
Springs, yesterday, nt ll o'clock, aged
47 years. Deceased, who has boen n
suffered from liver tronblo for some timo
past, enmo to tho springs about three
weeks ago in the hope tliat their medi
cal qualities would bring about pit im
provement in her hoaltli. Itesides her
husband she loaves a family of four sons,
three of whom, Win. George, nnd James
Iiarton, are grown, tho first two named
being present at the time of her demiso.
Mrs. Smith was a cousin of Mrs. James
Riley and of Carney Miller, of Ashland.
Tho remains were taken on board this
morning's train for Glundnln, whero the
funeral services ami interment will take
place. Tidings. . . . ; .
QuoBtion Answered.
Ye, ' August Flower ttill has tbe
largest sale of any medicine in the civil
ized world. Your mothers and'grand
mothers never thought of using any.
thing else for Indigestion or Eilioiisues.
Doctors were scarce, and they seldom
hoard of Appeudic ilis, Nervous Prostra
tion or Heart failure, etc. They used
August f lower to clean out tbe system
and slop fermentation of undigested food,
regulate the action of the liver.etimtilitto
the nervous and organic action of the
system, and that Is all they touk when
reeling dull anil bad with headaches pud
other aches.. You only need a few doses
of Qrccn't August Uower, in liquid form,
to make you .satisfied tboro is nothing
serious the matter with you, ty,et
ureen t J rizn Almanac.
At Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb diiuk, the next
morning I feel bright and my complex
Ionia better. .My doctor says It acti
gently on the slojnuch, liver and kid
neys, and is a pleasant laxative. It it
rnadii from perns, and ia prepared at
easily as tea. 'It is railed Lane's Medi
cine. All druggists sell it at 25c, and
60c. Lane's Family Medicino moves
the bowels each day. If you cannot get
it, send for a freo sample. Address,
Orator F. Woodward, f.e Roy, N. Y,
To The Public.
DrAR Fiiikmw: ' Wheieas all laboring
classes have tbuir day's work limited to
8 and 10 houri and tho merchants and
clerks liavo been nutting from 12 to 11
hours each day wo would respectfully
ak that you would aid us in our move
ment fnr in early closing by making
your punhaies belore fi:.'!i) p. m. the
present closing hour Saturday ex
cepted, Ily so doing ynu sill greatly
aid us iu making the il islng elective
andgivjtuta lit u timt for recitation
and pleasure witli our families. Ileliev
ing that you will In willing to aid us in
this wuy and anuring you of our appre
ciation we aro, ours faithfully.
(iiiAKTS Pass.
P. T. Thomas, Suuipierville, AU., "I
was tuffcring Irocn dyspepsia when 1
commeficed taking Kudo! JJvris-nsia
Cure 1 took ftvertl botllet and tan
digest -. anything." . Kuslol Dyspepsia
Cure is the only preparation containing
ail the natural digestive fluids. It gives
weak ttoruarhi tutire rest, restoring
ti their natural condition.
Astounded llie Kdltor.
Kilitor S. A. Ilrown.of llennettesvillt
f. C was once iinincneely surprised.
'Through long suffering from Dyspep
sia," he writes, "my wife was K""'lj
rundown. Sbe ha-I no tirerig'.h of vig
or and Buffered great distress from her
stomach, but the tried Klectric hitlers
which heled ber at once, and, afu-r
using four bottles, she ia entirely well,
can eat anything, lt't a grand tonic
and ill gentle laxative qualities are
plnded for torpid liver." For Indi
gestion, loes of appetite, stomach and
liver troubles it's a positive, guaranteed
core. Only &0cst W. F. Kremer't drug
- ' ' r " -t
Somo ih Lnteel Operations In
Prominent Placer and
v Quartz Properties. . " - "
The following is a dispatch from
Grants rasa to tho K veiling Telogatn of
Aug.'T: At tho present time' there Is
beginning a general stir among the many
Josophino hydraulic placer mines, meiid
ing ditches, flumes and pipes, aud get
ting things iu readiness for tho. next
seasons run W ith tho addition of the
two big hydraulic mines recently men
tioned in tho Tolcgrnin, and an iucreased
activity among tho old, ones, next sen.
son's output of placer gold from South.
em Oregon may bo rtpoeWrl Ui 'Jnr out
strip all previous iWords: T. ft.1-Har-
vey, 'manage' of the. 'Old 'hantief. hy
draulic mines of the Tialice "Creek dla.
wict, who was In tho city yesterday from
tho big tniiict,' stated that they are
making preparations for a greator rnu
this coming winter than of any In the
past. These big mines were recently
purchased by Kastorn capitalists for
t'.K),000. Tho new owners have mado
extoneivo improvements and did much
that will aid Iu increasing the output of
tho mines.
J. K. Sharp, of tho Murphy hydraulic
mines, in tho Powell Creek district, yes
terday stated that they aro fitting up
ana" adding to their equipment iu their
placer 'workings, preparuttry to noxt
season t run. , .
Tho Columbia, Lewis, Steam Uocrand
llhihx'k hydranlio mines aro all making
extensive preparations for tho coming
winter's run. At tho Lewis tho bunk
houso. messhouso and other building's
are being romoved farther np the slope
of the hill, in order that tho anriforous
ground on which they were built may he
sulijocted to tho giant this coming sea
son. Manager Fobs believes tliat. tho
riclmet dirt of the Lewis mine it that on
which , the residence and messhotise
were built. This will all bo torn up by
the giants when tho water of fall arrives.
Manager Hampton, of tbo Columbia, rri
porls that they aro repairing flumes,
mending ,ditclies and arranging piH'S,
with ttio expectation, of a big run next
year, likewise a big cleanup. .The orew
of Captain Nusli ut work iu that district
on tho flvo-milo-, ditch for hit big hy.
driiulic mino in course of construction,
aro proceeding rnjiidly witli their work,
and it is nn assured fuct thut Uiu now
mine w ill bo ready for business hy the
timo fall rains get hero. ,
" Tho old quic ksilver miucs near Ciuua
bar, 8ot1lh of fi rants Puss, have been re.
cently bonded hy I. Ilumnson and II.
C'owgill. Theso tnon will operutii tho
mines for an Inch-Unite period in tho fu
ture, much depending upon tho success
with which they meet. Job Oarrutson
and a San Francisco-company liavo been
oH.'riiting those mines lioretoforo with
out good success. . i M
Tlio tiold liug, Ajax and Copper Htuln
minus, of tho Mt. i'-cubuu district, are
all Uuiiuiiiiig busily, keeping thoir stamp
mills going night , and day. These
(iiarlz mini's aro all working nn rich ore
bodies in deep luvels, and all have a
splendid showing iihoad. At the Gold
Oug they aro down 4"0 foot, and aro
working a rich free-milling vein that
shows np richer and better as depth is
gained. Many new prospects Bud lo
cations have been mu.Io on Mt." lieuben
that are making excellent showings as
their Uevelotnnent proceed. Senator
Joues, of Nevada, who rect ntlY visited
hit property, thu (iold Lug, said he
thought, that a great majority of these
Lni!w prosjieott gave promise of becoming
us good or belter mines than his own.
All they need Is capital to push tho de
velopment work along.
Siatk orO;no, Ciw ov.Toi.too,)
h t Cot Ht ( ss.
i AMf JjCntiKV makes oath that he
is thu senior partner of the linn ol F. J.
I'ni.NKV A Co., doing business in the city
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid
and that said firm will pay the sum of
$liK) for each and every case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catahuii
Cent. ; Fhaxk J. Chhnkt.
Hworu to befure me and tubcribel in
my presence, this Oib day of Ileceinbor,
A.O. IM,' ' ' A. W. Olcason
IHkal) Notary Publio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internal
ly an I lets directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of tbe, system. Send
lor testimonials, free, F. J. Chknkt A
Co., Toledo, O.
hold by druggisla, 7.")U,
Hull's Family Pills are the best.
C purity Treasurers Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there are
I ll ii 1 1 M in the county treasuery for the
redemption of the following warrants
protested to January 2d, IBM. Interest
on same will cease from this date, July
3d V.KJl.
- 2 n
No. No. No,
lot 1KI ir.;l
210 277 11
W4 127 2011
272 2 II
172 1011 151
i 112 10
in:i 144 sou
17 4:'m,, inf.
; l-vf ,, f no : ft
- m " ' vn '' m
3111 '.'11 K'.l
2' HI 222 210
17 MH 133
173 2o4 31
- 134 1711 210
i'.3 131 170
2'i2 1 115
lyj 1H3 H9
r - ' J. T.Tmort,
, ' Treat urur Josephine CoubtyKOro.
The Excitement Not Over.
The rush at the drug store still con
tinues and dally scores of people call
for a bottle of Kemp's P.alsatn for the
Throat and Lungs for the cure of Cought,
Colds, Asthma, lironchitil and Con
sumption. Kemp's Ilalsain, the stand
trd family remedy, is sold on t guarantee
and never fails to give entire satisfac
tion. Price 25c. aud 60c.
Thomas the House
Tho Largest Furnituro and House-Furnishing Con
cern in Southern Oregon. : . '' ""
TIIE SPECIAL SAIR still goes on, and of course a lot of tasteful
women are seizing this rematkable opportunity to furnish and beautify
their homes, and why not make purchases for holidays, birthdays and
wedding days sevcral motiths ahead, when ten or twelve dollars boys
twenty-five dollars worth of beautiful China and every day necessities
tikthe. household. : Nobody can possibly know whether you paid $3.00
now or $5.00 later for some of these goods. You give equal intrinsic
value in either case ; . .
Values so great that not another word need be said.
Chins. Wars Tea Pot, Sugar and Cream Sett 3 piecet, regular
prices $l.60-1.00; for this tale, $0.95 $1.10
Spoon Iloldors, regular price 35; for thia sale, 25 cts, ...
''''' Cupi and Saucert, regular price, 65 j for this tale 45 eta.
Brush Trays, regular price, 25; for thia tale, 15 cts., .
-.Tla War-Or-quart retiuatd otvsrrye keUleg. rejalpr Price. 25; tor this sale.
r, ' '-: ' " ' .!. V . ' ' -;.'r"'-itt'-'.
W ei iwv i gtow pawtMgalMtctfi Hi tt fW !!' Ifi oa ;" 'MiJfcwi'l
'' Mi!k Pn--nM. centt ir '3Ma! -tjatC SStTir;'
, 1 dozen; .. vtj 1 i .. , y,,,.-..
,. . Paper Platet, 10 for 5 cents. : .... -1 1 -1 . .,;. , ' 1 ' .. ::-.
. . 4 ,,. Tents, $2.75 up to $10.&0. ' ,i, , , .. ,-.,,.
Camp stoves, fold up flat, Bak Niciuy, 44.75. -Good value. Other
oauip furnishings at equally low prices. ... .-..,,(.
Carpeta We carry more than double the lint of any other boots In the ter
' ' ' ritoryand we're making a big stir with our styles and prices. One
piece regular 660 Roods, 35c. One piece regular 50c goods, 30c.
Mattings A beautiful new Una just arrived. -
- In our North Window wo havo placed a ' , '
.....Child's Handsome Go-Cart
. .,. ,...'-. rs Now for th run Who Get It ' "-
i. s-w oorP.l'in'f .P'-of hlKlCTnt Cart'in either rortland'or San Franoitco
11 - 00 ; the pneo will be reduced 76 eunts each day for the neit 10 days. It
is the bust uiado, hat adjustable froiit and back separately. - ..
-Monday the 12th, the prlro Is 22.00
Tuesday " , lillb, " , ," " zt.25
AVednetday , Hlh, , " " 50
'Thursday Kith, "" )u 75
Friday " lclth,-" " " lii.oo
Saturday -. 17th, " m " " 18.25
New Goods ;
Tents, Wagon Covers, Canvas Bed
1, Oarrx-ta
Miittinga .
. Matrossoa ;
PlUuro Mold
ing. SOUTH AFRICAN WAR, " ' '''
. '..,,- - ' 'I A '.. t
, Coiumitiidmit llaurmnuut Stoyn, a
cousin of President Btoyn, was killed
on August 1st while fighting at Ficks
buip. IJoors nnd robols aro ro.onterlng
tho liirkly Wost district of Cape Col.
ony. ' - ' , .--!! . 1
' Natives wh1 are outside of the gar
risoned towns will be concentrated Into
camps, and ttaolr kraals and nieallut will
be latmytil so nt to that off from the
liners this touruu of food, , ;, t,. ,.
A dispateh from Durban (Nutal) sayt
cvfttr an all-day tight near Mqnlta, July
butwtwit the iloert and a lirititlt
column, thu pritish narrowly escaped
tlin loss of u gun of tho, Sixty-seventh
fie ld buttery. Fonr linnilnd Iloors ro-
prntidly rnsliwt the nritish position,
lillling -Mnjnr Eilwiirde nnd Ouniuir
Uat'IHintor. The Run was Hmboroct np
niid ut a giUlop fur. turoo mlloa
uuilwr a heavy (ire. , l-'lve Ijntuh wure
luliul. , . .. . .... , .,, ,,,MJ,, ., j
C'Oueml Kilcliouer, after bug cba
of Viljcsiu's ooiuiiuiudo, caught up Wilis
tt unit a sharp light, . A uom
pom, 33 wngous mid 2.) juisnuurt wuru
cnptni-oci,' J ho I.ritiah hud five wounded,
Lord Kilcliouer, In n (lit pitch dated
I'rutoria Angiiht 1, says: ."Fmnoh ro
pnrts that hu hus rocelvcit a letter from
Kritzinjrcr, n Unr-r oonitnnndiir, an
uonnotiig lila iiltontion to shoot all
nativna- in lirltluli emptor, whether
armed nr uuitt-med. Many oaaea of sold-
blood 1 id murder of natives in Oaa
Colony have ri-ouiuly occurrud, , The
llrltihli goviiniiueut has , tolcgro plied
Lord Kftcli-nr to iufiirm tliu floor
Umih i-s tliur such nets aro eontniry to
oivlllsird nn-;, and that guilty psrsmit
or this class, it eupdirnd, will be tried
byeuurt murtlnl mid stntenoodtorli-ath.
In the hnnsu of commons. Lord filan-l-y,
llunuoinl secretary of the wurollloo,
sml the cost of tun wnr)u mtri Afi ioii
from April Jst to July Hist wai)f),?jO,
OKI, partly i'.iuri'tbli! auuilint tliotbiUuit
of last ynu-. Xiie aclu.u cost 111 July
,is I'IA'.-.D.iijO r-ukly. "
All badieviile, Ky., wat curious to
learn the cause ol the vast improvement
in tbe health of Mrs, 8. P. U'hitlaker,
who bad for a long time, en.lurcd un
told tulfuring from a chronic bronchial
trouble. "It's all due to Or. King's
New Discovery," writes her husband.
"It coinpletedly cured her and aleo cured
our little grand-daughter of t severe at
tack of Whooping Cough." Itpositive
Ircures Conghs! Colds, I.atirippe, llron-
h lis, all Throat and l.ung troubles.
ltiiaran'-d buttles 5oc sud 11.00. Trial
bottles free at W. K, Kremer't drug store
....Southern Oregon State Normal Scbool.
Strong Academic
course. 1'rolesBlnnal
training of the highest '
Well foiiipm-d labora
tories. I irnt class train
ing department. De
mand lor trained trai-h-tn
exceeds the supply,
tjraduatvs easily secure
good positions.
1.. la
He tot I fill location.
Most delightful climate
on tbe coast. . ,
Kxpenset $120 to 150
per year, V rite lor
catalogue. , .
'..1 , ; : V.
Monday . lth, " , "
' Tuesday " 20th, "" " "
' Wednesday ' 21th, " ' " "
Tburtday - 2-.'nd,
. l.-.MaM U'J-.I I. l
at which time it will be withdrawn.
This Week. :
Sheets, Camp Stools, Table Covert.
Wall " Paper
': Ulaaswars
' Tin wars
' tlranltewars
Womlenwara ,
T olt
j iii ilispl.iyiug luiKiwtd uetiTlty,
ill M..i i 'ii.-in ;i:m U strengtbeuiug her
i;rUion N-wvhivAt'tf. t. .
, A dispatch fruui IVI1I112 dated Aug. 4
mysthiit Aiiiei'ii'iii and linr ipcau rest
ImhU usii'i t timt (lie dumuaiior ot tbt
Pclclng pojmliiRo it miistuntly bocomint;
more nnfi-iendly, and that as the allied
'roups depart the Chinese rsstims their
Did bnblts of jostling: and cursing for-'
ligutitin the streets u 1 -. tit
Clovernor Tnan of Bhantnnf ha
issued remarkable proclamation, la,
trncting Chinese magistrates sot tei
ivllow tint missionaries to extrciae tha
sumo iufluouce as heretofor In loom!
affairs or in any other than religion
matters iu tho future. The governor
ttntcs timt he has received many re-'
porta from Chinese officials that "nn.'
worthy members of the ehnroh were
practicing their religion simply for tbt
lirntoctlon It afforded them, and trera
setting aside the law of the land and'
teekiug ooenxinni for quarrel, and thai'
iauh aiTuira were . daily increasing, la
uumbor.",, t , .
. A Canton dbrpiitoh of Aagnst I sayt j
vluloiit nntl.fomign plaaardt emanatlnc
from' tbe Hows bars been posted tn
tho vialutty of Christian chapels. The ,
placards protost agnlust tba paying of
the lmloiniiliy by ninans of, tbe house,
tax, and urges the making of war on
the fnrelgaest at the best way Of tzer '
eiilng tl oarefnlly stndlsd mtUtary '
trts, "ahoolil the honsa tax ba aol
lected," tay the placards, "wt will ds
mollsh the cliapols and drive oat the
Christiaus. If the tmpuror is nnabls to ,
pay, we lioiert have an excellent plan
tn gsln r,' victory over the foreigners.
Unless this policy It adopted a great re- "
bnlllon is oertain." --.
! It wat annonnoed in the British"
house of oonimout that the offlolal data 4
fixed for the evaouation of Peking by"
tlis ISritlsh troops is August tfith, tub- t
Ji ct to a few days' eatension, if aeoes .
sury. Thoevacpatlon of the other plaosa ;
iu Chiua will ( depend npou circonv
stances. ( '' t
A dlsisitch rooolvod at Berlin from 1
Puking sayt the foreign ministers have
sanctioned the marching In of a divi
sion of fj.OOO Chinese regular troops to '
a place situated a few li from Peking
about August 8, preparatory to the
evacuation of tbe Chinese capital by tba
allied troops oil Almost Id. -
You cannot sjiend a mora pleasing va
ration than with a camera. A. . Voor-
biit can Qt you out with everything
nec essary in that line.
, 1
' ! .
i ..
V. M. CLAYTON. Pres.