Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 08, 1901, Image 4

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I'm a tmj
A poMngrtamp
A (wo-renter;
l)on I want to brat.
Hut 1 was never
Except one;
By a wntleman, too;
H itt me on
To 8xgi thlmr, S
It v. it an tnvelop- -
lvri u it1, tilnk., aquart;
I'M bt'&tu( li on . . .
Thiit tnvnlopa
- Evi'raliHie;
Ifa droptttd uft
1 Tho mvMnpe arid m.
1 Through a slot in a dark bos;
Hut we were rescued,
Hy a m. clerk,
Mr'e the pity;
He hit me an awful
timMLi with a hammer;
It Uit my face
VUnck and blue; . . "
Tlin 1 went on lonff
Journty ,
Of two Unya; .
And wn we arrived
- Tlie k envelope anu mc
V ff ere pWteeiited ', ' i
" To a perfect love '
Of a Klrl.
With the a(unnlnvee pair
Oi Uiuu tyt
tW ever blinked; f "
Hay, khc'e a 1 renin!
Well, the mutilated
r The pink etivt'lope
And lore one comer
, Of nie eft ( .
With a hairpin i
Thf-n ihe read what
Wm lutUiv '
The pink envelope.
I newr law a girl bluah
Hq btuutlfuHyl f
1 wuuld be emok
; On lwrlf 1 could. .
Well, she placed
The lui-k
In the pljik envelope;
. Then in kUncd me.
Oh, you little gfJltI
HVr lip were ripe
Ae chrrlei.
And warm
A the lummer iun.
i The pink envelope and me-
Are no iv .
Netlinif tnuifly
, In her bosom;
Wm can heer
f " hrurt throb;
' ' W hen It i(04-s tautest
Hhe tekee ue out '
And kisses me. '''.
. Oh, uty . ' 1
This Is a-reat!
I'm t lad
I'm a aUrnp- . .
, A two-oenifr. ,.
-Newton Newklrk, la Ohio State
x I S
' By Elizabeth H. Glliner. J
CJuniKbt M, kr A.Uon Ijntaai
' "TT HAD only been three yeara since
I Kcppo, with a horde of other ear
ruined Italian emigrants, had landed
. in New Orleans, but already he had
prospered beyond hi wildcat dreams
of avarica. Ilia fruit st-nll, built Hut,
' oupbonrd fashion ngninst the wall
of a big ofllce building, waa always
luscious with strange Central Anicr
lenn fruit with queer eiotic flarnra,
and golden with oranges and purple
with grapes, end all day lung he and
Traaa were buay with the ruatomer
who ruined a harveat of amall roin
into thejt, till. Tessa herself waa
not the least of the attractions. Hhe
waa In the flrat fluah of her young
beauty, and with her dusky hair and
eyes and scarlet cheeks looked half
aiater to the sun-kissed neetarlnea iu
the boici behind her.
So at Irast thnught Arthur Gray, aa
lit leaned against the wall, watching
the quick, bird-like motions of her lit
tle head, and her deft hands, aa he pric.d
her w area with provoking slowrnrss Just
for the pleasure of listening, to her
Suft,"bVdVm Enjrllah. A lad apell of
pueuiiioula, had emit hJin aouth to rt
cuprrute under aunny akiea, lie waa
ery l;le and it tfille bored, and well,
. eince he had dieeovered Teaaa he had
; developed an euormout appetite for
fruH, and errry mornlnjf fur a month
the aanta little comedy had bton en
axUd, Tcaaa' would ate the tulk athletlo tig
, ure ooniing- down theatreet, and a mo
ment later It would ttop at the ataU.
"How niufh?'.' he would ask, prle
". lug thia and thvi, and the (rlrt, who waa
a eeqnrtte to her finder tlpa, would
- amlle and ak:
"You lik'a da orang'a an' da Kr"l'
Terr'a inooch'a?"
like eomethinf eUe Tfry much,"
the man would anawer, with a
louk that aeut the quirk blood flaming
up into the plrl'a cheekt. and the wouUl
nr. at ahe dropped a bit of citra fruit
into the bag:
'ur laniappe, 'unor."
"For Unnlappe?" he hal aked, tha
flrat time, and then the had explained to
him the qua! nt old rutloin handed down
in New Urleana from the old Spaniah
iIhji, of throwing in eoinrthliiir for
Kood nieaaure with eiery purrhaae,
and withont which grntuity no child or
i-Miuit coutldera a trautaction com
Jllrte. Willi Arthur (.ray hie admiration for
Testa waa the Idiot of paoltu; fanriea,
but there win one to wliuni lift matter
at icrloui enough. Ttiut u (Inn
aeptj, who lured the girl with all the
i4J-"f ifi pnlinal aoui, and 1o
wfcewltt jiy Vld promUed hj'r hand in
murt'ttifc jimt aa non rk lie cituld tave
up enough money to buy the horse nnfl
vtiik with whii-h he peddled charcoal
about the strrrta, mid n hlch. In hid ami
llrppn'i eyet, repreaented the equiva
lent of au ample fortune, tiiusstppe
hud bii liuppy enough and bin e l H
dent voice cuUinif: "(.'linrcciil, char
c o o-onl," early and Lite, hud thrilled
with lute and hope, ni if fury intvina
tiun "brouc!it hini cinder to Ti-hMi and
the little home for wliL-h lie nun work-
' lint utiu-e the coming of the trnii),Tr
who nitied T h-a m iiihoIi evrrr
thing a ehuiici'd. I lie j-irl hud
grow n coal, mid the lilt '.i hnmc leeuied
a lonjf way otT. it. takri a lot J time,
when One inio-t Mil money by Hie
Caked Breast
Just two
y a applications
J k . m
Centlemn I ai'fTored for dejn aa 9nl
femin with rktl brfiwt c.n s,nd In
MfterwttAa applied Keottrh Hemdy, hop
fuc It woWd mm the t in.
The flrat sppiicaUoit relief and the
tivatid raet'rttl tie brtet to lie Hrnt.l
ernfliiien. ettthftut Injurtna at rfcti-yr
rhe fiw of mitk. T have n4 your truly
Mv tttwrlewe PeJn i'ure. m a venerea hv.a.
li'lil rmljr, for nearly a r enj ot n
iMr H the fieitMt externei rvtnly la
ite world. MlUiU.F.lX
iNaW-anJ. Cat, July 14,
OentVirmv- T have known f tho use of
pJviif-ri.ita Pain Cuts for aevtral eare.
Hit not uiitiftihln a fw monthe have (
a It upon mv rrenn and In my family.
I rid 1 raa aav iirhjitlMf ly that U ! on
it Ofe beet tvmedtee for peJn tnAt 1 have
ver trid Tkereuvhly appUel It la. In
ttv evnertetoe, vrv sure to five gulok
and Brsnarent rellt lteci-tfull.
luVererWta, Vt
eid be etl rtrugeHe at cents. .
penny, and he grew ditcouraged.
Worst of all, he had ae-n Teana fluah
with pleasure when tha American bent
over her ona day, and the mere remem
brance aet hie jealoui aoul on fire.
The climax had coins one night
when, moody and tullen, he had re
proached Teata with being In lore with
the handsome atrang'r ard had de
manded to know where ahe had gotten
a little trinket ahe wore.
The girl turned en him with audden
"Mother of God." ahe cried, In Ital
ian, "but you are not my master yet."
"Bah," he retorted, "you are but a
woman to be bought like all other
women with gewjrawi," and then he
had flung himself out of the house.
Uluaarppr knew nothing of law, and
cared Itsa, His one thought waa to
find the man who had stolen his sweet
heart's lore and settlo the alTnir, mnn
to man, end, a he mtidc hi wnv along
the atreet, he touched the dirk hidden
In the broad belt abont his waift. Tessa
had aaid that Gray was staying at the
hotel around the corner from the fruit
null and he made his way to It, hot
murder in his heart.
How to Gray he knew not, but
Instinctively he crouched down in the
shadow of the door and watted for hiin.
Boon or lnte he must pans that way.
There would be a audden spring, a
thrust of a knife, a muflled cry, per
haps, and then for awhile the angry
brat of his Jealous heart was like an
audible roire brglng liim on to Ten
geance, end then, aa the solemn night
wore on, something divine that unilrr
dea all true love struggled to the sur
face, and the aoul of lilusseppe, the
charcoal peddler, humble, pour, Illiter
ate, was transfigured by u great renun
ciation. He would sacrifice hlinxclf. U
Tessa loved Urny, she should have hiin.
. It waa very Intt when (iray entered
the hotel, aud neither he nor the
sleepy porter noticed the stealthy fig
ure that crept in with him, and fol
lowed hla every movement like a dark
shadow. Gray saw him first as he
turned to close the door behind him.
Uiusseppa entered aa stealthily aa a
"You ateal'a da love'a Tessa," lie
ill, limply, "dassa what'a Ah rome'a
fo' keel'a you. Ah ateek'a yo da stil
letta," (iray walked over to tha mantel and
rolled and lit a cigarette. His face was
a trifle paler, but his bawls did not
tremble at their task.
"Well," he asked, "why did you not
do it?"
"Ood'a know," replied the other. "Ah
be da poor. You be da beegn '.Mericnnu.
Ah love ahe. Ah glve'a inn life fo' she."
"You love the girl?" (irny asked, cu
riously, "then why don't you marry
b? You know the fate of the rose
that hangs too near the gurdrn wall "
and a shrug of tha shoulders complet
ed the sentence.
(iiusseppe made a hnpelesa gesture
of assent, and then impetuously poured
out the w hole story hia love for Tessa,
the weary watlng, the little home he
had hoped to mnke for her when he had
saved up enough money to buy the
horse and cert. They were to have
been so happy, but now it waa all
over. It waa a pnthetlc little story of
titiuinn love aud longing, of faithful de
votion that rose to the heights of a
great sacrillce, and aa Arthur (iray
listened he smoked many cigarettes,
and cursed his own jdle fully.
"niussrppe," he said, at Inst, very
humbly, "if 1 have w rouged you, it hns
bcrn unintentional, and I beg your for
giveness. I admired your rose, asuuy
mnn may a beautiful llowcr, but 1 have
no desire to rob you of It. In my noi l h
ern home there la a Illy which soon,
please God, I shall wear on my own
breast. Go back to Trssu. I'lin kyour
own rose, man, and tell old Hi ppo I
shnll scad down the horse nud cart to
morrow aa a little wedding present to
the bride."
The light waa still burning iuTessa'a
room when Giusseppe made his way
back to Hcppo'a house, and the girl,
red eyed with w eeping over her quarrel
with her lover, sprang to the wimluw
at hla flrat call. In a word almost he
told her hia glad news.
"Ah, beloved," he said, holding out
hla arms to the girl as she leaned above
him In the window, "but the world is
Tleaven to night." For answer Ten
swayed to him In the scented dark and
laid her Hps for the first time on his.
"For lagnlnppe," aha said, shyly.
(Jew akt Kaneker ta Irl.nne
arta-ht ike Aslsial Oat
si Its Hill,
Hears are not the bravrnt, nlthmigh
they are among the most dangcrou
of wild lieaata. They arv so times
frightened by very trilling o'rur
rencea, and run with nil pnaailile
apeed to a plui-e of safety.
A short time ntfo nn Arizona Hhrrp
rancher was riding iu the foniliills
when he saw a big. awkward siher
tip. He had a ritle. but was nut per
tain he riiuld kill the bear at one
shot, and knew that be would i;i't
into trouble if he lliifced. So he gave
a regular cowImij yell, and the bear
started away iu ulnrm.
The man gave rlinse, at the xninr
time keeping up the piercing veil, and
he soon nutu-ed that the grirly wus
getlmi; f.irth. r nav. He continih-d
the rhnse fur lu'nrly two miles, until
the bear disapH-ared in the tiionu
tntns and be had nul g.iined a foot.
lit going back along the trail he
noticed places where the bear had
made jumps of 1.1 or So feet, and the
ground had U'cn cut up h Inn e'aws
no that it lool.etl a if u hnrrow h.ul
been run im-r it. II is evident that
a man would have no show running
a footrace with a grizzly.
aprlna llenllh ole.
"I suppose, ilocioe, in ord-r to cure
my wife's eararhe the cuune limit be
"Yes, you'll have to tke off thut
loud suit." Town Topics.
Grain. O! Grain O!
Kcmber that name when you wuiit a
delicious, appetising, nourishing lood
drink to take the place of Coll'ee. Sold
bv all grocers and liked bv all lio have
lined it. virain () la made ol pure litain,
it aiiln diKcntiou and strengthens the
nerves. It it not a stimulant but a
health builder and the children as well
a the adults ran drink it w ith great
bem tit. Costa about '4 as much as
collet-. IV, and 'J.V, per pai'kse. Ask
your grocer (or (Irnin-O.
t'so Allan's Fool I eao.
A powder lo be shaken into the shoes
Your leet feel swollen, riervous and hoi,
and gel tired easily. II you have smart
ing leet or light shoes, try All.'ii's root
Kase. It cool the leet and makes
walking eaav. Cure swollen, sweaty
fefl.'iugroK'tag oails.blislvra and callous
pots, "lvelietcs corns and bunions of
all pain 'and gives rest and comfort.
Try It to-day. KU1 bv all druggists and
slice etore for Soc. Tiial package Free.
Addrew, A Ilea S. Oluistcad, I lioy,
x. r.
Proresnnr Knelt oa Tnlierenlo.ln fn
secratlun nf l!lhrp llul.l.ion Two
Men llurned to Irealli at Luiilnvitiw.
Uulillers Throw .1mh' War
The Right Rov. KrorAo Foss WVitoott,
bishob of Durham, England, U dea l,
Uo was boru iu H-5.
The Mad Mullah, in a Unlit, with the
RriLlnli, July l.'ith, was routud, b avmg
70 killed. Tiie 13riub ciisu.iliius wcie
13 killed and iti wounded.
At a larm.-ly uttuiided mntiii at
Vli-tina of VionneiO eh'in iki rs a pro
test was hxlgr-d against the pr- I
esl.ililuUiiig of Amurioau 1ko Il k- s
in Vicuna, and the uiucting rt-eolv.:.! lo
scud a deputation to llio ininicu' of
commerce and to the pniviuf-ial govcr
UO't begging tliem to liitr-n'.n-t Aio. ri-
cau iiousca lrom embarking Iu tho shoe
buniui'bs in Autiij'i:u
tiwUu Kinilio of Howling Oivkii, O.
wand i'l.O'.H) fnmi n young furiniT of
the Sauii) plat-o. Mivs Limits iivrr-j Unit
the young man promised tov d her i ij;.it
years ogo; has bucked out of hla prun
ise, and sliould bo nsat'ssed h' vy da'ti
uges, Iu bis im.iwi T lo thu bill t:c
young mull eays bo courted r5(cil.s when
she was a cuto uiuiful, weighing U'3
pounds. Hhe now tips tho aoule ut
Professor Koeh of IVillu rwid a ff,-"r
befurutho Hritiili Cuiigrcss of i'ubeicu
losis in London, iu which liu Mi l that
his exporiiuuiiU had sntislitd hi ui that
human tuln-n-iilosis and buvina tubercu
losis aro radically difTuront diseam-a, and
cattle, lie wild, could not he iuioctnl
with huuiuii tulnuculosis. Ho also auiil
he was puinonally tatisjiud that human
beings uro not linblu to iuteciioii from
bovine tnlx'reol'vtis. ITo tin n fure docs
not bclievo that huiii'in beings Mu bu
infected through duiry products, mi l
that heredity In ul.v) an uiiiiiik.i
factor In the triins-iuiiMoii of lui:n u
lonin. Tlio cliiuf danger of contagion,
said Dr. Kouli, lies in tho tpiuiini of
COUMllllptlVO p it loll IH. ti suid lll 0 11-
lualo slaini'ing out of tubcrcuioais id
xi.sniblu. J rr. KociiV tliuury
great snrprine tiiuutig' 1::. n.
"Casii" Siouu, the Ann jy!;i.-y,
wVo ha- In," ii rnlini; in liu-. 1.1, w.ii at
tacked by a raging mob of men and
women, mid was n.-stiied with d.dl -u!ty
by a militiuy contingent uud u i-ti' ing
detachment of pence. Ue r-ido ti horse
which had no cliaueo of winning, but
tho unsophisticated crowd backed the
American's monnt ns nsual, and when
ho was buiU.ll their iuiliguatiuu boiled
over. , . ,
Several of tho suspension rods of thu
uoitli cablu of tlio JW'ooklyn bridge
bmko and for soino hue1 all tiallic was
stopped. It was found, however, that
tho daiuagu was not serioiH and could
soon bu repaired and tratllc waa re
sumed. The condition of tlio bi-nlge is
said to bo duo lo overloading mid to
scandalous neglect of tlio struc ture ou
the part of the Ta in many brtilge com
missioners. At thu Holy Xamu cathedral, 'b
ongo, the llcv. J. Miihleon waa conso
crutcd as titular bishop of Tumaseuin
and iiiixiliai-y lo thu Mo-it Itev. I'. A.
Feoluui, urchbi.-lioji of L'iueago. Id-iiop
Mllldooll's VestllieulH, including the
gold-phitcd mid y wcl-decki d cro.lcr,
were jirc-enteil to him by nrguui iti.uis
of priustn ol which ho was uaniuiul-cr,
and cost lo.0vK(. . 'l'liey wuru ol the
llllesl ok Ul lliell, cdgi il W.tll pvar.S
uud bcileclied Willi nmeiiiysts ntitl dia
monds, A small coiupunv of aiti-aus
worked for luoiitbs iu I.ynn-, l-'r.uic,
prepiii'iug t licni.
Jacob tirei nawald of rhihnleljihia
guvu u dinner fo 11 p.uiy of inciuts at a
restaurant in New York, covers being
laid for 1'-!. AtJJ gold pn-co was piaecd
ill each wiiii'-gaiss, the gold lo bo ic
tamed us ii s iiiveiiu- ot the duller.
Uniuuauiild, who is u iiiilhon ine, k
forosailiug for Km ojhj tsk tins uiciiis
of providing A sin prire torn tew friciuls.
Thu diniier, iuclu nn.; tliu golil c 'ins,
cot feJ u plate.
Melllbeis of tlio lllllielial Yeoliiuury
ill IaiIkIoii llstoli.-.'..t d tiletr l'l h le.l.-i hy
throwing their war iik-I.i!s upon i.n
II - r it ti it klaiupiug upon tiirin. 'Hie
medals were ;ivcii by hint 1. iward to
tlio ycoiiiaiiiy tlio previous day. in e
plauatiou of llieir ung.r toe y.-iin, n
ilUi k'eil tliu govel liuii lit was in an. ai l
Willi their pay and r. feiied to the b; ii ii
dern if etllcials. tne ye. 'in in s:u,;
"Our uann s misi-p llid mi l our r ink
uud c'luinaud aro w long in six cum's out
of tell. Weslipi'ostd thu llle.laU Woui.l
lie woi'lli soim thing to our liioc.ds and
posterity, but mine is not vorih uuy
thing but to cliueli tiw.iv." 1 he i v
nmplrt of this man was followed ly
Kiepiror 1-Vancia Jose.h bus for
warded a geueiou gilt to S'uor.i Von
cha MoiidiA, the M.xicau suiigsii-t, on
the oceaMoii of la v 0 'tli bu ihiiav. Afur
Kmivror Maximilian bad been shot and
Kinpres l.'.nl-ta had gone in-, ine, t l.o
audience at tho Mexican theater e ilii .l
upon Mendei to sing a soim viiiityin
them, but she ciod out:, "No, I t.iia.1
tiot YlUity the dead and llio utitiappy,''
and tt hu-li fell upon the inu., i:.u
.eror l-'raueia ,loa-ph lee.ilis t!ie ii;ci
dent. A suck ol 1,0-Ki .-ilver dollars i:iy.-;o-rionslr
disappeared from the rim.i;o
National bank. It had Ivi-n h-ft out
side of the baulv by iiii-itake w In ii i lie
Uiuk closed for the nu'iit. 'l'h.s u i ho
second sU'.ine itisaj pe.uain v ol a .ull
age of money beloiu-iiv lo mi-. I'auk
within a voir. IVt.-itivrs are ill
looking for a paek.n.-,- of t'.'o,ri.Vi m billn
shipped by tile t-auK M!l do
Kxpre c.'ini'.iiiy lo iite N i: .01..1I Si u i
honk at l'.i.. ..;i. .1.111. l.i., Ai.u-i l7,:i
l.lnl. ll. S tie- p.lei..lj,e W,. . ,-el:e,l lit
liuliinloii tt com. 1111, .1 . n, y i ir-...iit;s
of pai.-.
II. ore 'I' .I "f 1. .11, i ,v .s
lill . 11 i - :n 11 1,1 . ' .11 t e -IV-'.
)--. iii 1 ui-: , ;. : .
I. Sll'llll.-I-. I"- r '! o i. . I.
)(Ti:. 11. 111 nu ll l:v.ii. 1
I... x.l T. V - I'"' .1 I ...
liu- l.i;.' l.l.n.l T'. .... -.'!'i:
.t In- li.'i.i-', I Ui'- i .. - .
Nt : x . t
Ki .iiu'Ivm, bv la.- in u,. ...,u- 1 ii
Up ban ml .in..; - t.i.u:
ttoni lAiivmo ii' rv.'ti- i! j-v - --i.
A inaainio'.li ci ov bunt v. :a V- hm-
lot 1 .tU. U I'V W Tit W l-.ii :l I" iv
fcu t -. uhm a vv w.vd.. 1 ,-,(
kitf fto Ox--.tiii.-dVv' (nal tito;iu-i - v
noUav, r ;o diivi,' th ui lem tat. Tui
MUUlvl t'ttltt
Tiif v K'Vl k ft n u li- i. i au I ..t,.iai
i Vyv ni p,iiU4, in 1 .1
f.uiniy, i'al., v,b tb-. r.' I b :,; i :.
p.!- a;tl ftff-In - f in vr ..f l..:, .
fattiiaj turut-xbed I t I' ,;n ..
1 'ho !-( i rvwibi :iuiu:. 1 ai a-out
IbM.lKO, tuby vHtMiU ! Ui.tUi:)x-v.
ln U'-".iil rt tha t j;!- Iran i"
cov. r-'d in M it riai lla;i" t' i;m
iiit.'i' Uot'iM.-im nf tiio tici ti t i!i'd
tttt'ioi' iai u;otil.l i.U otu-t iua .
lilinn tha ti- :;t Vr-ar utMt.r tnt tin;
Ut nud M'tiv not, tcmHutp full inrtrtti.
J 1 J. . j X
- - V - - iV - 'u':'
,' '-XJ-f?
l '.. jfy'T Y'--i
. . :'7" .. . v ? i
, s- . .'s , I II',
.: -V. ', ;;.
tn'.-t.Mti. i Jus it u i ;t-ii s t ail .Htatf-
h-;v 'ivinniur j.unl la latrchiiMcl,
uimI niv't.tVo tlu;i..aii'l.s of (.1 A Many
Itliy- Ci'IaJf.iK'T il?ti iipt-MllOH, it U
Ul -igrfl, :iii'3 h. d Vn-uiiil'-'fl," an i)uAr
tutuit, ina.sO iii5X'.4it.M .. xl.wsc laiiUs
fl';ji;i- tilt; ruiU' ui.
J.uuin A,,'Hiu!iM'i li.:s vr;tU!a liuia
jlniiiia to Mm. Kmtiy .M:!-.1i ut' I'ortluiKi,
Or., in uiiM'.vr to uii in4j;nry us 13 thu
IjIU l'f iliT hntl,(r. ). A. cliVilio, Will
wrtg onii nf th' in -n on tho Y'uktowu
c;l'UM' 1 by liiu li Ii piling, Atfiiiii;ililot
: i i ; 1 xj r. N.iirf muiiihy with Mrs.
Mu.iii, i;iy; "I aii.ui try v. iiLm tlio
luuitH i-f rchtt ivo U :' va I vnjoj
in i-ri.-t m to uivtftini'' you ho
in;i li (ii'.iro. jt wyipil Ui my uroutt-it
l-MMirj if I i-f'uji ;i ytm iiituritnttioii
o--n i:n:iiijc t!tu niAiu-r, us I Kliuuiil like
: i n- my u u umu tn r."
F.-iiu'ifi-o X'UiiJi'j, :i Mohican vhoh:.l
i'.va I' r.i'i JuiU, LViI., to Cil.ecc b),
V'ji1-rlfliiir iil rif,'rt nuri'tiw truil 011 Jus
way to )nh c. 1 bin in tho liiountaiti.-!.
wiit-11 ii lnr w.ii lir- tl from U Uiiut tt
tri'i-, ami 'uraii ) it ii, lii.-i li'.-ad being
luarly blown i.ti with lnn'l of llu.
AlU'i lo (.'oi'iia!'. wai urn-sii il by Siicnif
UuiKt"ii mul with thociuitL'.
:.ntl Uo U nuw m ti; cuiintv jail ut aSau
A tTup'iin m'' riiKiii, who hud Ih'cii
liiaiiX'iit-il ni a null tiiuuhubiU'il ihland
b'twcvii V.ii.'.'Hivfr, li. C, and Nunai
1110, wit- br.iu'i.t to Vaiimuvcr by au
Indian lilit-nii;m. Thu Japani-so W;ia
insane fhi'U lound, bruised by a beat
inland im:irinr-,.-d trout abMjluto Htarvu
tu'ii Kr li ) days. AVbiftj lissln'imou
who wm t.iit ou fitriko hail Mink hia
b.i( autl !ii- net uud uara had b tin cut
up uud i.uuiva uvciUuad. llo wm
lh-u t iU i:i tt.o' lalaud wht ro he WHri
Af:.i Annie XV.-h y uud TTi-nry 0. Brht
of ri.m l'..iu,'..-c 1 wito inarriid wlu-ro
tlio wat'fri rrah on tl.o Voci.a btUi.ith
tini tostinur ti.;ut :iu Jiiiiiai Veil
watt iiaii in tin Vw.-uiuu iauy. XUe
li.,h 'iiiia:i :iinn' Un h' .-;ra was iu
iilUMi l.tiiCj and iHiidrtl ffinisita Tiifd
ody Ji"iu a natural cnuii- lolt ou a
irf.uittr v:et. Tltv ih 1 ''ilinnv was per
t 'liii' d, la-it. iv a c 'inp.iuy, Ly ilic
Kt v. iiom 111 ot I'tU-iland, Me.,
who i a . u 't m ib 1 iiofcl iu tho vallin-,
lU'iny . i'- i.i a i ..-i.miwu urtit,
and in.'t'.y 1 111;. .1 -yc-.i uu Ut'WS-
ta j r.i in au l i.ui' u.
'i'la i.r.-t t.ital a -. 1 '. 1 1 " t-v.-r ksii.wn iu
t.n:..w ay i.o.t, 11 in :!- wiiita vf X.i
cmtu, ut r 1 utid.iv a'.t'jni on, w lieu
tu-au i.v.iii-, i 1 i; J :uih' t'ulo,
iigt-d li, uud c.a'i ' ul. in, a d i't, wore
iliw'.via"' !. '1 iai :v, ;;u ;s l:v. d at l'uyab
!UJ) iUltl .1.1. i.A.- ill ' '.its.'.
1 Cyril J ii a civ ! a'rl :n:-ch:i:utMl
iMii-K id tno em ploy ol ll.f J.tJnu
lit .. .j Xi i ; 1:: . ; .. t l L-.iu 1 i.uiciM-o,
witil': x u' in 1,1.:. w .t a a vt'iiin.nuou at
1 ,;ila' 'J'.tl.or, Kil.t d by t uu u. 1.1-
ut'i:i'il 'ii- ':i:ii "f hi-- im. H- was 3 a, a yr.dual-j ot
l.u,;i'y i.nix v .uubi'ivi;.', 1. inland.
.Vx ii iiui'; 11 a buiii'iiii iMi"tl by tlio
1 1'uvu 1 1 ui 1 .iu itH'if arr ,",:t 'ii 1. inns ni
A 1 1.'. a 1 a, a 11 a loi.d :u'h.'.ii;f oi l,u ij,-
0 . av 1 1 vl u n. c a l,."".'l arc liupiuwd.
K iu - i .inn- .no nwu. d by In
iti.Uis I:t I1-..! - i'i v.iK' 1'iiiv b'brjj
n ioh f in;. 1 -Vt 1 .und ni liu- t mtfry.
Iu l-.tMtiu aViiiM :o M.Ti'f laitiM was
WI0 afi.'s .uid in 1J' l'ii avros. Tho
(ii'al .liu. j1 Uif tarm Ian I, wuii iin
jir i im iii.i. lait'io.n.'Ui and ho Moxli, .
is 1 -1 ' 'i ;! t i.s;,'). iuo incivahd
in li!ini.i'..iii'irii.iiiu x'.axic a iiKaiaui
t 1 hi: r l.
An 11 :v. :i il th:n h rnwiol iu tha
tv'vii ol t loxbt'ii, Tut i! v -nitty, C il , at
u s i.ol luiiitl en lua. Oa.y tivo vot.
WHO J "ii' ; d. '1 iii' JU-ii'Mtl 1110 flot't ion
iUx...i!d Ulx- l, I-.-..Lou CUTlt-l. lilO
bwiid f vu' 1.1 I t 0. I'ln io mo uLout
rf.tO .:i .t 111 tliv w. .:.-. x't.
Tli-.' Tn i. in- of I'ioa.a'rt, i-.aud, Al
nu.i. a'.nb.i - :;i 1 l m 1 r j r. -; 'i . i and
su tir.-M' oi t i.'ui il-ix ii ;::i t Ik ir own
min, w.iti'U th-y ii, 1 1 b tt in a
il.i' iioiiius it ino li.ui.ins' iro.u'l.rry
aro; V. .-a Salax au ot h.u, Mout.;
1 . ; 1: x' o; 1 u;;o aud i J.
K -:it y ' f i:;.t', 1 .;.,-.! ui vivor oi
ta' l-.vr: v , l .1 :i t 1 iaU t
siri 1 ' 1 : 1 I l'.M:,.aMlt1itl.".:iliyivi.
tavi wi n ' ivi-i r .:. fv t I uuuak
ji is- Juno .iinl w.ii J. unit in a
lv;1. - x,'- i ... i' l- L..M u:il Wu.iuui-
.1. .; 1 . tti.Li a. K lo:loillu.
.''..- i.a i.; 1 :... .y iiuikiiu'a-d
- 1 v . ' - . t.t v uuK-
. ... . '1 Xl .1 x.i, v ai,.
Oi. . ' ., t t ' n I i ' .11
A Few ointt,-rs.
TI r i i I It " r-iai1 r o! b ' b ' i ! i t" ; .r ,
I Hits1; naIll:Hll"ll. I." I'lluM-f (HT
Auinui'to w I'll An tn' t'v btrnib"
I x1 ','ll Vt if. .'.) ', ; ,i l'l HIlllv I'T
; li ti '- 1 . ; n-1 t ; T" V. r t n nd
. I ui . J, . i mi i'i M t-: r--. s'-d
rv'.i- vo pU r t IV , nd ?"
r'.r s y v o. nit d-
i. i. t . " t . a -i , ... .. 1 1. V, AI. ' i
i - i s. u ;-:. t. n I
I'.'u-. :t x i . i U-.'-i 1 ' i - a
'''.(-'. 1 Ivx-i. M Vtiai 1 ut I -4 fid I 4tl
-i jt'"- ' ii -. uj; . " " ,s .i i IH "j-'
l nn ll..
wnik tOuinrlis iilir rrt. ris'-iik'
t.'llu ii iiatiiiai i"ii.t:'on.
----- - jr-s Br TT -
- " 'r'j'r'', r'visVili
v.-';:sj- i
. ' 'H i j -.."-- i'l
1 ,,' '. ' i.--f-ia '.."if y .nil
' .j ilU JlUiU
: It-y rive n IVI.t f li i
... 111. .-.0 ou nr. 1' 'A.,J
. . r
viit DR. JCfiEAdi'S oacT;irT!n.,iiiirisc,ciL r
Ws.i il. Vx r- tt or my r. n rxiad T
(!:.- fksu nrlf rr4 . v Ir-e e Mf.1 A
far-ui .v.t'm ttilk Ail in j.c? ui ntrstf 9.
ff C Ttili.f.flllP;-ll KJt.
4 i sal r rm tot HnM". A l':i k i'i.1
It car In r.lf, rinr. J
A JI Vtttular. 1 f IX JofxMi tvL.i piu-
M ftn ' l wti ptlt. TfMtmaat pr-
JMRMA.r. HMLkl KkK. (A VaviuAul liotd
fclWr-M. t Ut
oa. m-jhH h co., mm tfvfc?t ni, 9 p.
The little foIKs
, enjoy the distinction of
j drinking coffee just like
mamma aud papa.
' Let the table beverage be
.FlGFHUNEand they can
join with the family in par
. taking of a rich, nourishing
drink made of choice
.California figc, prunes and
Healthful nutritious.
V v.l from 5 to IO minutes
1 Till' tlri.''rs.'.'ll'.l li.ivini; li.'n ii-oiii'.
1 .1 i xfril'iir oi tti'.f-MiltH ol Josi-ii Kvs
, !'.t. ilt-ri':i(., ly t i if I'niiiiiv I'.mrt ol
j Jo-f')iuia Cu nt v. ail pi-r-. 111 Imviiiu
ji'.iinc lU'ifc in! riiui -.ia't' art mv
lili.'il t'i )ir,--i i," tliey.iini. 1.) nil' ttl (iinn'i
I'll", .l"H''liini' r.iii'ilv, tlii'i;.!!. mil
tli. iTi'M-r prrnf iin.1 viMi, lior, nitliio
I si v 11:01 His ir. mi lli ilntr ( tliis noliif
j l'ssi'.l this Dliii ilav ol liilv. 1:ki1.
! 11. r. ixi -M.i H.
; Kxr'i n.irol tli.; eil.ito oi Jus I'll K-i-r.
i liflX-.lfl-.l.
! n TK'i: uk ivr kntion to wirn
j I Hi AW INSl KAMI'. I'KrOSir.
l.l ar.irtl.ini' willi lli ri-ij r-.i reii' on ti
.tj iln' lsoi tin-Starr .1 Hivi.ii. n-la
li.. to ni&' ixiiiipani'., noiii-a it
i I.i-ri'l.y j.-: vi'ii 1 1. .11 i
Tin' l.niu-aslili r 1 iisut iiiii-p i'oni ji.ui)
'of .M.lli'li-s!f -, I'm- iiv. 1. .1,-irii, (
' ix-i-r .loin runiiir- wi'liiu lh,-
ol t Irt'iMH. ir.l.' . wl'li.lrn- i' .Ti-o-it
11I1 liu ri.-nsiii.-r of .i I Sinto sin1
w.ii, il noi-i.iiin -lull in lil,.i wuii tlu
; lii.v I", iiiiiks i, i,,r Ul!lilli .11
: 111 nili fn-ii ll, 0 il.iv of .!-ilv. I'-'ll
miiliitraw tin ,lo'it lii'in liu. smii-
. I ii- isiii- r.
lui: I. m--iiii- Inm immi: I i r i.
1 1:. l v 1 u ,. .
! .tuip'r. f-.r ilu I'ai'M l'.-n-t.
Ii.'i.l i -.n itxif io... t!i. l'oli .! iv o'
Jnlv. 1 1.
Dyspepsia Curs
i Digests whztf you cat.
i It artinclaliyj:k-otstl:cfoxl andaids
' Kniiir in i-tr iik.'l hetimr anil rettn
struclirnf tha cxiiaii-lU dii;etne ur
tr.ui. It is t tic liitoxi OKovxti'xidis'fxt
ut anJ tonic. Na ctln-r jrriiaruiioD
cao .ipjTii.'.i'li It tti rtVu'ioiu -y. It in
jMutlv rol.cvcsiin.l r.,"iiii!i''t)t1..vrure
IirxiH-psia, lnr.lin-t l"ii, 11. art burn,
Kiaiiiit'iior, Smr Sli'inafh, Nuii!ja,
M.'is Uoaiiavlic. kiatru.t-' a l.'ratuiaiid
all otli. r r.'-nli - ol mix i uvLilkcsi ahi,
rrtiiSY a--It!.,tir-ia
am.lalaa Kit sit mL'UI o v. .tM.i;, u-.V.!r
issa.-sJ li t. C-CliTT CO, CWcus
iOH iKl.IL EY W. F. MitXiEH.
M... S. It Ai.jXT', Jolm.iov .1, l' ,
:.; Oar l:tt ,iri a auxit strannli d
toJx!UiU croui... XU .1 ir tairf
si.r ci'i lirr hilt !i (i
i.-.i tfj bv Ou M nuir " iiKh t'arr
It. t 1 K:tu,vr.
J. C. Calhoun,
. . . v .
Roi ky Gulch Mining
Defendant. ,
In the Ciiruil Court of the .Slate ol
Oifjion, for the Couiityof Jow phine.
By virtnr of an exwntion n fore
t'lorure of miners lien duly iifr-eJ by the
Clrli of the Circuit Court ol the t'ountv
of Joaepliine. State of ihrgun dated the
13 h day of July, 11101, in a ctr aiu
autioii in ) he Circuit Court for the mnl
County md .S atr, herein J. C- CJ
noun as I iainlitf recovered lmlk-enient
on the Sih day of July, lliOI. against Hit
lCM-ky ifiiirii Mining Company lor the
um o! f lii'J G3, aviili interest thereon
fioui the 15ih day of May, 11101, at the
rali ol 0 per cent per annum, and 1 75.00
I'tirney's !?es. and the lurlher enni ol
15 0) costs, m hii-h jiidnient waa (en
rolled and docketed in the Clerk's oili.-e
ol said Court in said County on the tilth
iy of .Inly, 111-)!.
No ice is hereby given that I will on
17th Day of August. A, D. 1901,
ai Hie Court lioui.e door in'ijranla i'aas.
in said 10 o'clock, iu the foie
nooii of said day, sell at pulilic auction,
'o the hilieit bui.lor for cash tho lol
lowing d scribed properly to ait: .
The p'acer miiiii. property vituated
in the Yank Mining distru-t ami Joe.
phine Countv, Oregon, lo wit : Com
nieniitiji at the .Njilhvieet corner of J.
K. l-oom;s f'lacer claim, thence Somh
Ik) decrees W 440 feet lo a stake (which
IB a hull pina 2 feet in diameter) from
vihichanlack oak 2 leet in diameter
bears H UO degreef K 38 fret ; a fir Ire.
'! feet in ilisiueier bears N 40 degrees K
ili leet ; thence Souih 30 degreep K, 1!)S0
feet to a stake from which a blank oak
tS inches in diameter bears 8 61) degrees
V 15 feet ; theticu X CO degrees K 440
feel to a stake from which a tir 10 inches
in bears N 19 degree, K 12
leet; a black oak 5 inch", in diameter
hears S 70 degrees W 10 feet thence
N ;W degrees V 1080 feet to place of
Comniencing at the Southeaat corner
of .1 K Lomnis I'lacer claim thence N
60 ileirrees E tiOO feet lo a stakefiom
which a laurel 10 inches in diameter
heara ' 40 degrees W 20 feet; a fir 18
inches in diauielvr bears 8 W degrees
KHOfeel; thence 8 30 demeea K 800
feet to a stake from which a fir 1(1 inches
in diameter bear, N 6 degrees K 22 feet;
a laurel 0 inches in diameter bears S
) dmrees E 15 feet; thence S 00 de
grees V otx) (eel to a slake, from which
a live oak 10 inches in diameter bears
.S 10 degrees V 15 feet ; a br 30 inches
in diameter lieara S 05 degrees V 20
leet ; theme N 30 degrees W 800 feet
10 t lie place of beginning
Commencing at I he Northwest coiner
of T W Tatty's I'lacer claim, thence S
t degrees W 440 feet to a stake from
nhich a black ouk 10 inches in diameter
bears N 52 degrees IV 13 leet; a black
oak 10 in diameter bear, H 6 de
grees W 12 feet ; thence S 30 degrees E
l!Ml leet to a stake from which a fir 10
inches in diameter bears N 10 degrees
K 12 feet, a black oak 6 incites in
diameter bears S 70 degrees V 15 feet ;
thence north 00 degrees E 440 feet to a
xtake from which a fir 8 inches in
diameter bears S 10 degrees E 20 feet,
a, hiack oak 19 inches in diameter bears
N IE degrees W 15 leet; thence ii 30
degrees W l'JSO feet to place of begin-nil)-.
Comniencing at tho South line of
Walter Simmons' claim thence running
oiHhweet 130 Rods by 25 liods in
width, knows as the liucky Gulch liar
lh ginning at a stake which is the
Southeast corner of Walter Simmons
I'lacer claim thence 8 28'a degrees E
15 chains to a stake from" which an
alder o inches in diameter bears -N t5
Oegrees W 285 links distant ; thence S
W'i degrees W, 13 and ,', chains to a
stake from which a black oak 10 inches
in diameter bears 8' 64 degrees W iO
Tints distant; a laurel 8 inches in
diameter hears 8 33 degrees E. 50 links
distant; thence Norlh 2s's degrees IV
11 chains to a stake which is corner of
Waller Simmons' claim, thence N 4h18
degrees E 13 and S chains to the place
of beginning.
Cnnimencing 'at a Northeast corner
of Waller Simmons' claim thence N 27
degrees W ,i chains to corner : thence
South 4S'4 degrees W, 10 chains to
corner; thence S 27 degrees E 15 chains
to corner; thence X 4S'a degreei E 10
chains to the place of beginning. '
Couimi ni ing at the Northwest-corner
of Waller Simmons' claim liven 8 48
degrees W H and - j chains to corner ;
UienceS 2H'j degrees E 30 chains to
corner; llieuce N 48 degrees E 0 and
-'j chains to turner; Waller Simmons'
ciaim; thence N 28'a degrees W 30
chains to place of beginning, aud
beginning- at a stake from which an
ash 15 inches in diameter bears N 5
degrees E 41 liuks distant, a yellow pine
8 inches in diameter bears S 10 degrees
VV 100 links distant; thence S 28 ' de
grees E 16 chains to a stake thence
South 48 '.j degrees W 13 and lJ chains
to a slake; Iheuco North 28,', degrees
W I ."i chains to a slake; from which a
lir 0 inches in diameter bears Suutu 75
degrees V 4 links distant a blink ouk
tl inches in diameter bears Soulh 80 .de
grees Ell links Uistaut; thence Noilh
4Si, degrees E 13 and ,'j chairs lo the
plate of beginning.
Taken ami levied upon as the prop
erly ol the said ilocky liulch .Mining
Company, to salixly the taid judgment
in favor uf J, C. Calhuin, plainuil. and
against said Kinky liulch Mining-Company,
delrndjnt. aftli imprest thereon,
lugeilier w ith all coits and ditburs
uieuis ihat have or may atvitie.
Witness my hand 'tins 17th day ol
July, 1001.
El. I.lsTCH.
. Sheriff of Josephine Countv.
A. C. Hoi uu, .
Attorney for I'UintilT.
- - i .
To Krfd Sieveiuon ;
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed, your co-owners iu Hie eight
H'lnrU mining claims situated on
ivanclieiie Creek in Joephuie Countv,
Ori g in, ami kaown as the "Sunrise",
the novice ol wihch is re. orded at page
47, V.P; the "Oonfldencr", the notice
ol which is recorded at. page M-aVJ, V.
ir.livlnior the notice of
conle.l at usees .VJ .VI. V ll
lVdro". nnli.-e of .In. l. 1 '.u.,
cor. i.. I at page 4-t, V. ) ; the '"liolden
V. gl ', no .ic ol which it recordcl ai
p uts 21-22, V. 9; the "Cleipatra.", no-'
liceol winch is recorded at iage 0.7,
V. 12; I he Mns.back", notice of ahu h
is rt routed at pageiijii, V 12; ttie"Weli
loxii", loaied by td llurke in lw7;
;i!l ol the alove being volumes ol inj
M Ct '. SlU'OllS Milling lfa.or.l. i I.. ..
I'hinr County, On gon ; ihat unless toil
cuulriltute and pay to raid nnder-igiied
co-ow tiers williin ninety days liom the
.l i e i l tup tiist puh.uaiion of tliu. no
lit',-, the Finn ol io humlied dollars,
Ihes.nif being your in.,rti,.ii ol tlij
f'si ol annua! labor done on said claims
in ot.ler to pro-ect Hie (nie thereto
ilurOnt Hie Jrtr 'i'ttl, you. one ttnir'.h
ain-'tst ti.t iem will be lorleiiptl lo uir
r". M. At ii sn, nr.
En I'.mKt VV isritx
- . . . .
SKexke Into Your Mtou
Allen's Foot Ki. a pow-Ur. ltcuns
p.xinl.i!, sinaritng. nervocs feet and m
g'Owing nulls, and instantly takes the
s'irig out of cms nJ biii.i .n.. ( , ,.e
gTp's;et comfort Jiscxm-rr ot thpnpp
K'len's KX't-Kse mi.e, light or n..w
slows f,e! ay. It is a certaiu curt for
sweating, calk us and Lot, tired, axtiuig
ft-et Try it to-dav. Sold by i Jeug.
g-'a and sh,- ,:0s. ft, , (, r
m Man-r. Trial a,'ksge Free Ad-'
1. Ail . S , ud, Lo Kov, N, !
B auty of Finish, Quality of Material. Eltganc of Design, the finest workmanship,
the siinplet, most complete and best set of attachments, full instructions by ox
pert teachers, easy payments, old machines taken in exchange, the fullest possible
guarantee, one million, five hundred thousand bappv, saMeficd users, thirty ytars
of success, couileons treatment What More Can You Ask?
We have other makes cf machines, without ball bearings, new. ver cheap,
Some good second-hand machines cheap. All kinds of sewing machine Njolles
oil, attachments and repairs. New machines for rent..
Don't think o! buying a Sowing Machine until you have seen tho New Bar
Bearing "white"
We eay "The 'White' ii King" of Sewing Machines and Bicycles. Call, te!i .
phone or write and let us prove it.
Main Office, 300 Tost St., Pan Francisco, Cal.
For Sale By
XlVolke, Grants Pass, Ore.
5i 1 H m rr, m a am ii I ..
The Burlington ticket office in Portland is a veritable
Bureau of Information for travelers a place where
they ran learn what it will cost to reach ANY point in
America or Europe; how lung the trip will take, and
w hat there is to see on the way.
If you are figuring op an eastern trip, drop in and
get full information, or, if y"ju prefer, write me about K
Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and
EVERYWHERE beyond. " '
j-.ttf:. ,;'..
. One of the most helpful books on nerve
weakness ever issued is that entitled
"Nerve Was I e," by Dr. Pawyer of tan
Francisco, nsw in its fifth thousand
This work of an experienced and repu
table physician is in agreeable contrast
to the vast sum of false teaching which
prevails on this interesting subject. It
abounds in carefully considered and
practical advice, and has the two great
merits of wisdom and sincerity.
It is indorsed by both the religious
and secular press. The Chicago Ad
vance says: "A perusal of the book
and the application- of its principles will
put health, hope and heart into thous
ands of lives that are now suffering
through nervous impairment."
The book is 1.00, by mail, postpaid.
One ol the most interesting chapters
chapter xx, on Nervines and Nerve
Tonics has been printed separately as a
sample chapter, and will be sent to any
address for stamp by the publishers,
Tun Pai'mc I'm. Co., Box 2058, San
Mal iria Causes Biliousness.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Touic removes
the cause.
A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil
waiikee&St. Paul Railway, known all
over the I'nion as the Great Railway
running the "Piouer Limited" trainp
every day and night between St. Paul
and Chicago, and Ot-iaha and Chicago,
' The only perfect trains in the world."
Understand: Connections are made
with All Transcontinental Lines, assur
ing to passengers the best service know n.
Luxurious coaches, electric lights, steam
heat, of a verity equalled hy no other
fee that your ticket reads via "Tha
Milwaukee" when going lo any point in
the l"uitid stales or-Canada. All tick
et agents sell them.
For rates, pamphlets or oilier iufoi
nialion, address,
J. W. Cam:y, C. J.Kddv,
Trav. Pass. Aet. Agent,
Shatti.e, Wash. Poun.iso, Or"
Shortest and Quickest
Through ami T.iuri.i si.ep
rr"i i'ingan.l UuTct Smcklnr
. : I.llry Cwra.
w,., ,i,u.v; ,'AST TIME: SER- i
the -.KL.vr NuKTHKilS HY.. on al. :
s-,t'!:;a lVittc Ivth Ti.ker ! !
'ilt'ttl.C' uKy-KT -NTHERS;
I'J Thlrtl Sirect. Ponland j
F-.r K.,:,,. FUer. and full if ,tmiUllo ! l.-tn trip, call on or ..idrea. I
, .v A' B r- I'KXSI.TVis i
C:ty !H al Ag, l anlkoi
Ball Bearing
Like a Bicycle.
Makes the "White" the
" Kasiiest Rtinnittg Sewing
Machine Made. ,
S 14
A. C. Shelpon, General Agent,
Third and Stark Sis,, Portland, Ore.
A'.'.-i!fJ..lJI .- V'.-.yJ ,
is wafca res ..;
"-.'' Stl
V ,i jJ 1 -.x.-rr .I
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IM-u! U'X.
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'Z2X -',-' J
VIA THE - - - -u
Shasta . Route
Trains Leave Graiu Pana f..r I f i" '''
land anil Way Stations alt a-att '
a. m. anil 0:1.1 p. hi. ' "'
Lv. Portland 8:3.1a.m. 8:3(1 p.m "
Lv. Grantslats. .. lUMH p.m, 10:13 a.m.
Ar. Ashland. .. 1? .?,;) a'.hr. V 35 arm. '
Af. Sacramento. . 5:10 p, in. A :04 a.m.
Ar. taoFranciaco. 7:45 p ui. 8:45 a.m.
Ar. Ugilen 4
Ar. Denver (i
Ar. Kansas City. .7
Ar. Chicago. . .'. . ..7
: p m .
.30 a.m.
:L5 a m,
:3.' a.m.'
7 :00 a.m.
W:13 p.m.
1. :2'i a.m.
8:30 a.m.
8:05 a. iu.
6:01 D. in.
Ar. ls Angeies. .2
Ar. Fl Paso ll
Ar. Fort W,Tth. . 6
Ar.City of .Mexicoll
Ar. Houston ... .4
(it) p. ni.
:("1 p. in.
:oO a. iu.
:3o a. in.
:30 a
1 1 -30 a
:(! a. in.
:80 p. in.
:( 0 a. m.
Ar. New Orleans (i
ti :30 p. in.
6:42 a. ui.
12:10 p. in.
Ar. asliMiKton . . ti
A2 a. in.
10 i. in..
Ar. New York...
both trains. Chair cars arramento hi
Oglen and F.I Paso, and Tourist cars tu
v tncago, M. Louis, New Orleans and
Washington. ' .
Connecticg at San Francuco with
several sieainshin 1 ilit4 li if I Tn hn 'til 11
Japan, China, Philippines, "Central and
otith America.
t-ee J. P. Jester.- aeent at C.ran's Ps
Paaa sutiun or addreas . f -.- ,
c. h. MARKH.'nT,-Ti. r
Portland, Ore