We'll Write it Six Bars Laundry Soap 25c, "Diamond C." It's good. See it in our window. Our Hams and Bacon are Eastern cured and smoked, These are good. Fruit jars. Lota of them. Get our prices. WHITE HOUSE GROCERY Don't flake Trouble. For yourself and neighbors by letting your chick ens run loose. Qet our prices on Poultry Netting and it will surprise you how little a sight ly and substantial Chicken Yard will cost Cramer Bros. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK Garland Stoves. MCCORMICK MOWERS, a' A-zr. - -firr yw,sa;rKtjfcV' 3 'xm&H For Sale by Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. AT JEWELL'S OLD STAND. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. J. B. PADDOCK, Psora. I am prepared to lurnian nj thing in ol lCAKBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty yeare ol experience in that I can fill your ordert in the very beat Canfurniab work in Scotch, Swede Marble. J. B. PADDOCK, Prom Street Nail to Greene'e Gunehop. MEDFORD ACADEMY. ACADEMIC AND C03IMERCIAL A NEW SCHOOL. Prepare teacher, (or it ate and county examination!. Fiu young men end women lor buiineia poiitioni and (or college. Special atteution to teacher.' review claaaei, itenograpby and type writing. Expen.ee par .chool year of 40 weeki, (116, $125, $140. Tuition per term, $6.25; board at club house $1.75 per week, in families $2.50, $3.00. Koomrent 50 cent, per week, Tbe folder contain, ipecial information and the courto of .tody. Write (or it. Tbe first term open. September 9, 1901. W. T. VAN SCOT, Principal. TVIeeHord, ... Oregon. TOUR CHOICE OF OUR ...... t:rxm:m"S)p hats For 1.00 LACE A big ) weereed. Good fSJalUy, nww aasssff law jciosfc UK OUHSW...... Oow betla eVrsb broths...., Cheffiat bowl. . . Jar robber, 4 doe.. Jar cape, so.. .... Bmrlaatf Pitch.. Platter. t3c 5c Me ISe 32c 1 10 13c Lata Cartains 57c per pair. Beady made NEW -YORK RACKET STORE, Down We want that order of yours for several reasons: Because' we have the stock to supply you the best Because our attention will insure you best service. Because we can save you time and money. Because one order is a step toward a permanent customer. Sporting Goods, 4K th Una ol Cemetery work Id any kind tbe Marble buiineM warrant! my aayiog manner. or American Granite or any kind el Thl. Weeks NEW GOODS rrom the east tbit week, Maey U- laia. No diaappointmenta, Hop picking Q loves Lines Thread Cotton Thread (6 .pool.) . Library Pasta...... German Cologne Leather Watch ChaiM... Syrmi Sao- diabee, (or I5c 6c toe 7e 10c be Wc tu Sheet and Pi, low Csss at aWitVo 3 local tappcnlnoa Dr. Flanagan, Reaident Dentist. jGo to Corun (or Plumbing. Whip. 10c to $2.80 at Hackstt's. Cuh (or Gold Duet at Cramer Bros. H. Clement, Prescription DtuekwU Old Papere, 5c per bundle at Couaisa office. Bee Hive, and Bee Supplies at Hair- Riddle Hdw. Co. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Rangea at Coroo's. Harness of all Kinds, Grades and Price, at Hsckstt's. Wood wanted on (ubtcription at the CovaiKB office. O Kf n Bherman-Williame Paints O.V.r .Hsir-Biddle Hardware Co. "01 Rambler. $40. Road.ter. $35 at Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co. New Photo Mount, (or amateur, at the Courier office. Leave order, (or engraved calling card. with A. E. Voorhiea. Solio Paper, Toner and Hardener (or sale by A. E. Voorhiea. 25 percent discount, on Shirt Waiat white and color. R. O. McCroakey, Tbe Standard and New Home sewing machine.. All etyle. and price. Jos eph Moss, Agt. Tbe cut rate, are .till on at W..ton. Gallery, oppoaite Court House. Best Cabinet lixe $2.00 per doxen. Heal. 25c; counter lunche. 5. op, at Brit', reetaurant. William, block, Froat .treat. Riling 8un flour li a Josephine county product, manufactured by Moon A Co.at ProvolL In quality it i. Inferior te none. Brit', restaurant in the William. brick sn front .treat, i. the place to get a good meal. Everything in order and prompt attention given. Lion Cement has no .uperion (or mending article, of every description. Made by B. A.Wllliama. Solio, Lithium, Velox, Dekko and Platinum Photographic paper, (or aale by A. E. Voorhiea, also all amateur lupplie. Scott Griffin handle. Athland flonr, Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover seed, winter oat., large Ruiaian white rye, new crop timothy seed, wbest (or seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley, Corn, Wheat, Oats.. One of the big 8. P. .team above), i. at work near Coleatin, filling in one of tbe high treaties there. The Foreat Queen mine on Lous creek, owned by Seeley Bros., Uaga A Co., will now be opened up and put on s paying baaia. A Rubl. grixxly will be put in place and other improvement. added. Astoria cannery men claim that this years' run of salmon i. tbe largest ever known. Tbe canneries and cold atorage p'anta are unable to care for more than a small portion of the fiib that ar. caught. What might hav. been a runaway with all the possibilities of danger waa prevented Monday evening by the prompt action of soma man standing in front of Cornell', .tore. A doubts team attached to a lumber wagon had been carelessly left in front ot the store while ita owner waa making some purchase.. rue horse, became frightened and started on a run but were caught before tbey bad made much headway. The billiard parlor next to Coa'a big tore waa the seen ol a lively time (or a (ew minute. Friday night wb.n the gaa- oline tank which aupplie. the light (or illumination aprung a leak and began to blase. An alarm of die waa turned In and the department responded promptly ; bote waa laid and in another minute a stream of water would have been play ing on the tank, had net a near who work, at the pine nsedle factory atepptd up and put the blase out by tbe liberal ass ol his hat. Rev. F. W. Black formerly pastor of the Baptist church at tbi. place but now ol Burn., and littl. daughter Carrie, ar rived here laet Thursday by team, having made tbe di.tance, some 350 miles In seven day. actual tiavel. IheyfUbed, hunted and camped aloog the way and Mr. Black preached at a number of points; be also preached at ths union eetvicea in ths baptiit church at tbia place laet Sunday. Rev. Black will be met here by Rev. Blackburn, D. D, pastor of the First Bapliat church at Port land, Rev. Mordley, D. D., district mis- t'onary for Oregon, Waablngtoo, Idaho and California, and Kev. Geo. R. Varney of McMinnville, Baptist state missionary. Tbi. party will make tbe tour by team through Eastern Oregon, .topping at tbe variou. minion atation.. Noble ParkereTbursday last waa driving a lour-lw 'Sim ol young cay use wbicb badgfi recently broken when tbe horse became frightened and unmanageable. Tbey went up tbe strsst and past Clevenger'. gallery at a terriflo peed with Parker holding on with all hi. might and endeavoring to reach tbe brake rope. The horse wars attached to the running gear only of a lumber wagon, with Parker litting on ths axle, so it waa phyiically impoetibls to atop ths run ol tbs team. II was thrown off, bnt escaped Injury, the team coming to a aland till further on, after tearing up several length, ol .idew.lk, and get ting badly mixed op Ihemsslvs. Ths leaders were somewhat cut and braised, bnt not seriously, while tbs wheelers were uninjured. TKe Pioneers Reunion. Ths Southern Oregon Pioneer Society II mating active preparation, for tbs aa nual reunion, which will be held tbi. y.ar la Alhlaod, September 5th. E. D, Foodray, tbs president ol the Society, give tut lbs following appointment, on eommUtees lor the occaaaion: Geaeral Arrangements W. W, Keot nor, K. P. Nsil, Fred Wagner. '" ' On music Mr. Ella Dona Bice, Mr. Millis Donnelly, Fred Nsil. On orator C. C. Bee k man. On grounds Geo. W. Dunn, K. A. Neil, G. 8. Butler. Oa dinner Mr. A. H. Russell. Miss Jsssis Wagner, Mrs. Ellen Giddings. Oa dscorstieos Mrs, Msrr D. Far low Mrs. Alice Butler, Mrs. Loiu. Paulson. Tiding. Hop Picking Time is .ear We have a large line of Granite tin ware, crockery and quality unsurpassed. Lac CurUini, 55c to $1.85 per pair; Shirt waiata $1 86, cut to $1,00 aad so on. Ws hsvs thslamou F. C. corsets guaranteed 28c(3$l 15. Big lins ol fins ladle' kirtajuat arrived. All crash bate andatraw hat. that sold lor 25330o now 20c, OUR BAKQAIN SHEET THIS WEEK Lamps at bargains. . . 6 cups and saucers... 6 7-in. dinner plates . . 19c soap, toilet Crepe paper, per roll. 5 pr. men', aox Working abirta Cotton batting Blanketa Comfort Sheeting, 1-4, per yd. Ma S6Y 50c 04c 13c 26c 85377c Be 65cO$5 60 65c($3 00 19c Having bought out the heir in the J. Keaaler estate w. are making a cot In watches, clock and jewelry. G. D. Couaina, the jeweler, ia with oa. All work guaranteed. W. carry the beet of material to do our repairing work with. Promt servioa and good workmanship i. our motto. We are) the Cutters of Prices. CHKflQO RACKET STORE Grsvnts Pa.ee Or. ieide The best foot pumps.. $ .75 Gas lamps 1.75 Oil lamps 50 Chains 50 Rubber cement, large can ;.. .15 Good cyclometers 50 Luggage carriers 20 Saddles 1.00 Rim cement, best 15 Bells 25 Tool bags 25 Steel rims 1.50 One ladies second hand bicycle good as new $15.00 One Victor second hand bicyle in good repair ... 5.00 One Day second hand bicycle, used two weeks.. 20.00 One $35 bicycle not a scratch on it 25.00 M the Dont Trust to Blind Luck. A few moments of investigation with your eyes wide open will save you many moments of regret. See and let me explain the GOOD Features of the OSBORNE FARM TOOLS Beforo you buy any othe kind. Builders' Hardware, Faints, Oils, Etc. J II. S0II3OIT. Union Services Sunday. Tbs Cburcbe. of Grant. Pass will bold union service, st tbs nsw Metbodiit church aaxt Sunday svening st 7:30 o'clock. Everybody is invited. Tax Books Close August 28. Sheriff Lister notifies ths nubile thai taxes will become delinquent after tbe 28th day of August, and that the hooka will cloae promptly on that date, Charged With Embezxlement. Franci Fitch, son of ths well-known ailver-tongued orator of Nevada, who during the put doaen year has, at Inter. vala, practiced law in Jackson County aad at Portland, dabbled some in Demo cratic politics and acquired a rsputslion aa a knight of tbs grsen cloth, ia up against the law himself and is wanted by (Sheriff Orms, chsrged with larceny by eiubesslement of $160 from Mrs. Bee- tie Plymala of Athland. About five month ago Fitch disappeared suddenly from Medford, without leaving bis ad dree. He went from there to Los Anira- le and then to Tucson, A. T., where be bung out hia ahingle as an attorney and announced hia apecialty aa mining law, and through the In lluence of tbe reputa tion of bi. father, for awhile did quits a lucrative builne.. In th. meantime aa indictment wai secured sgainat blm by District attorney A. E. Keaaee, in th Plymala case, and aa soon a Fitch waa located Sheriff Alex. Orme. armed with requiaition and other neceaaary paper, made the trip to Tucson In quett of the fugitive, in the full expectation of bring ing Fitch back to Jackson county to aland trial. But no each lack (or tbe Sheriff, for Fitch', office in tbe Star Buildiog was found deserted sud bs bsd felt it convenient to skip from Tncson where it ws getting tropical for him in other than those of atmospheric lines. Tncson people who were also anxious a to Fitch's whereabout were of tbe opin ion that hs bsd gone lo Colorado. Ti ding. Their secret le Owl All Hadievllle, Ky., was eurioa. to learn the causa of th fast improvement in tbs health of Mra. I. P. WhttUkar. who had (or a long time, endured un told eoffsiing from a chronic bronchial trouble. "If. all doe to Dr. Eln.'a Raw Discovery." write her hnaband. "It completedly cured her sod slaoenrsd eur littl graad-naushter of a amn at. tack ol Whooping Cough." It poeltive- Ivcnr Couib. Cold. Latlr dm. Bran- emu, ail Throat and Lung trouble Guaranteed bottle 50e and 11.00. Trial bottle tree at W. F. Creroer't drug .tor. QLAJ6ESA pair of steel bowed glass. IWJUUl M Hid UUUJ. gloves for hop pickers. and glassware at prices Shoes of all Kinds Hdkf. Oil can. Copper bottom wash boiler... Wringer., guaranteed 6 bars soap, waahing Bird cagea Large galv. tube Set Potta iron. Calico, 21 yda 10-yd dreaa patterna slid gloves, guaranteed JforlSc 27c 6c $1 10 26e $1 00 80c $1 25 $1 00 68c $1 10 Front St. Below PeJace Hotel argain Tires $2.85 Cactus tire 4.25 Chain brushes 10 Chain graphite .05 Pedals, good ones .50 Toe clips, per pair 15 Coasters, per pair 10 Spokes, per doz 35 Grips, per pair 10 Oil cans 10 Screw drivers 05 Wrenches 20 Lle.nd Sifting. Warm weather with an invigorating breeze which la agreeable to the laboring man a. the wind ba. a tendency to cool tbe air. Last Saturday aa tbe conitructlon car of Jap. wa. returning to Leland, one of tbe Jap. fell off tbe car and was in stantly .killed. Tbs ear waa running at a high rate of apeed. . Our efficient manual i. awake to hi duty. Ue ia quite buiily engaged be tween Leland and Kannyville. Tbsrs wsrs report, ot Chinamen killing flih with giant powder. Ue went after tbe Cblnamen, but could find no powder in tbeir poeseaaion. Tbe R. B. Company hrs been taking wood from the abort Ho., hut bsvs goes sgslo, so tb. team, will now have a (ew day.' work. Archie Cunningham 1 tb foreman of the gang that 1 loading wood. II ia an .tUcieat boas, s. h. baa been on ths road for a long time, Ed Burnett cams up irom hi Mt. Ku ben mine, one dsy Isat wsek. Ue re port fsvorsbly from ths mlns. snd My. sll mine srs being developed aa faat a poaalbls. Ue 1 running tunn.l to tap bla ledge st s good depth. Ed Wallace ia running faat freight to Greenback. He report lively time, at Greenback, with soma new ledgea. Our atorea srs doing a roablog buai m. Both bsvs bad to birs mors clerks aa tbey are selling cheap, and that draw, tbe trade to tba center. Wa are looking (or a wedding ia tbs nsar (uturs. Tbs sir is rather smoky here from tbe nr. In tb. bill. If it abould get in th wait here it would be s great loss in tbi. vicinity. Bos. A Founla-ln Pen with e. Guar avntea. Did yon vr own a fountain pen that worked aplendidly (or a week and than bocksdT Than voocan appreciate th importance of buying a "Money-back-if- not-sallsfactory-pen." Tbi. la th. kind j cm will Sod at tb. Covaixa office, at $1.60 and $2.00. If you are not satisfied after uting them 30 daya com back and get your money. Eruption., eat., bum., aoald a sore of all kind quickly baaled by De- Witt' Witch Hasel Sal re. Certain core lor pile. Beware ol Counterfeit. Be .or. yon get the original DeWItt'.. Dr. W. F. Kramar. Better ler the Bleed maa WatparUI. For Those Living la tbe Malaria DU rlct. Grove's Tsatelesa Chill Tonic. personal Lincoln Savage viaited Kubli th first ol the week. W. T. Palmer ol Washington D. O. I. vlilting our city. Mrs. Robt. Eberls returned Irom Ooleatln Saturday. Th. Troax family have returned from their ttay to Coleatin. Mrs. C. C. Presley and children vlelted Woodvlll last weak. Dr. B. F. Atkini A wifs. ol Medford ar vltltlng in Grant. Pes. this week, Mrs. Good enow started for Sacramento Monday on a visit to her son. H. C. Bobsiea and family are spend' ing tbeir vacation at Newport. Rev. Chas. Booth and son, Henry left Tuesday evening for Newport. Mr. G. W. Pettit left th drat ol th week lor Tillamook to yiiit her daughter. Frank McGregor and family returned last week Irom camping at Crescent City. F. H. Osgood, ol Seattle, left her Tuesday for th medical iprlngs nsar Agar, Frank McGregor and family returned last Friday Irom their outing at Cres cent City. Geo. E. 8. Howland, ol Jacksonville, was In ths Tass this wsek on mining buiineM. Mr. V. A. Peterson and son Ford ar at Coleitin. Mr. Peterson .pent Sunday with them. Mr. A. C. Hough returned last Wed aasday from an enjoyable three-week tay at ColMtin. J. W. Howard i building an xteutloo to tb rear ol hia brick, occupied by Smith Brothers. Frank O'Neill, ol the Northern Pacific, dropped off her Tuesday encning to look np bu.ines. Mr. Pool snd Mist Alii .tarted for Crescent City Monday, where they will viilt friend.. A. B. Cornell, !ai.tant agent, 8. P. Co. returned from hia Portland trip this Wednesday morning. Henry Huggtn., traveling passenger agent (or the Great Northern Railroad, pent Tueedaj In town. H. V. Mbsds, of th Journal, took ia ths Woodman eicunion, with th real ol th excuraionlita. Mia. Darns DeLsmatter la "hello" girl sgaln (or two week, during ths ab sence ol Mis La Raut. Mrs. Peters returned Monday Irom Coleatin. Mr. R. W. Clarke and daugh ter, srs .till at ths apringa. G. E. Howland now ol Jacksonville, came in on Sunday, evening train and returned on Mondrys train. Mlas Ida LsRant i .pending a ooupl ol week, at her horn near Wilbur, and viiiting In Dougla county. Gee. I. Brown ?cam In Tuesday to look at th dsm being oonttructed by the G. P. N. W. L. 4 P. Co. Mra. J. E. Peterson and Mra. John Pool a re among the gue.t at tb. Coleatin bote). Mr. Peterson la'.ipected later. W. Mooaehead, ol London, England, on ot th atockholdar. of th. Josephine Dredger, ha been .pending several day In town, Andrew Erwin, ol St Paul, Minn., one of the tock holder a of the Fortune Min ing Co., ! out here looking over tb property. Mr. J. II. Sattey, ol Drain, came to Grants Psaa lat week and 1 vlilting hr son Charles, who ia firing oa th 8. P. Railroad. A, E. Voorhiea with wife snd son Earl, i. at Coleatin. Ths chsngs ot air was Imperstivs on account ol tb illnsss ol th. infant child. Mr.. II. H. Barton accompanied Mi. Carri. Farr to Boise, where ih will spend some Urn in th bop of receiv ing help Irom tb higher altitude. Prof. W. II. Hampton of th Colum bi mine, cam in Tuesday from Placer. Ue y thing are vary qulst st present In placer mines in bi district. II. Edaall, ol the Evening Tslsgl was in town Tuesday In Ih interest ol tbs Evsning Tslegrsm excursion Septenv ber 3, lo Buffalo snd Psa-AmwloagJ C. W. Thompson, ol th Victor Jr, G. M. Co., of Placer, cam In on Tuesday lor tbe day on builnaas ssy everything I. running a u.ual at tbs property. , Miaa Carri Farr returned t Boies, Idaho, Friday morning aftsr a two month's .tay with frl.nd. here. Mlaa Parr will teach in ths Boles school, snolher yesr. Tbs picture of Fsrthsr George B. Doyle under the beading "Priest who play, ball" appeared in ths Evening Telegram at Sunday, together with a skstch ol hia athletic career. Mrs. J. W. Howard and Miia Euln, and Mi Adelfa llartu of tbi place and Mr. A. A. Potter ol Grave, are now numbered among tbe Grant Paaa people at Newport. Mr. M. A. Longenecker and Miaa (jean Longenecker, mother and liater ol Mra. Chaa. Hay a, arrived Irom Cincin nati a week or mora ago aad will make Grant Pa, their home. Rev. and Mra. Cbaa. Uaya hav goo to Newport for a abort atay, and in con sequence thre will bs no preaching service in the Presbyterisn charch Bun- day. ThC. K, society will meet aa uiual. , The Miaaea Johnson, who hav. been .pending tba pa.t three week with their aunt, Mrs. Geo. Pbeby, left Friday for Portland and Sound cities. From there they will return to their bom at Colorado 8prlnge, Colo, Judgs D. J. Crowley, ot Tacoma, on of tb principal owner of tb Champion Gold Mining Co., who baa been ovsr lo their property on Williams creak left on Tuesday tor hi boms. II I wall pleased with tbeir property. R. Thomas and family returned Sat orday from their camping trip to Cres cent City. They had sn sojoyabls time but Mr. Too m as waa . disappointed la not setting a ehot at big game, however be can telle abark story. C. L. Clsvsngsr, Clsud Riddl snd G. A. Savage left oa Toes-lav for a trip ts Crater Lake. Pelican Kay and other place ol interest. The went well sup plied with cameras snd ws csn expect to see some epleodld photograph of Crater Lake when tbey return. Sunday Be.ee Ba.ll Th baas ball gam played hare last Sunday between th Grant Pat and Medford team wa quit a remarkable gam, inasmuch aa th horn team made run after run until th total tooted up to , while ths visiting team refrained from making a run until th last half of ths ninth Inning when a solitary ran was made, giving a score ol 1 to in favor I Grants Pat. Another featurs ol the game wa. tbs deliberate tanning oat In one-two-three order, ol nineteen men in four innings, by Pitcher Martin, ol Grant Pass. Grants Pas, hss without doubt, a teem second lo none la th itat oatsid ol Portland, and many ol the players, es pecially th battery, Martin and Earl, ar artist in tbi lis, and will probably be heard bom in th professional ranks. A gam ha been arranged lor next Sunday between Aahlaad and Granta Paaa, to be played hsr, and th follow ing Sunday at Jacksonville, Granta Pas v. Jackaonvlll. L.ftcte Opened to Settlor. Two township In th C a cade Foreat Reserve will be throw open on th 30U of September next. On township ia in Crook and th other in Klamath and both ar nearly west ol Silver Lake. Tbey ar thrown opn through th in- flenc of tb Littl Deschutes Irrigation Co. Tbi. company hsvs taken np and ewni about IS section ol land and hav taken out a large Irrigation ditch on tbe Deechote trirar which will go directly through these two township, to b tbort ly opened to settlement. Th land is said to ba very fin and by putting water upon it there I no mistaking what th reeult will b.-Tidings. Notico lo Advertiser. Hereafter no copy lor change of Ad will bs received under any oonalder tion aftsr Tuesday svsning. Thi action Is mads nsccsiarr In order to enable u. to l..u th Oouajia on Urn. Onr force ba been compelled to work until lata at night, week after weekjand tb paper has been lata repeatedly solaly because tb 'advertisere hav neglected to hand in their change on time. Tb tore closa at 6:30 now glv ui the sams chance. Ba.nd Concert. Th following program will b given by tb Grant Pas band at tb Rail road park on Friday svsning, Aug. Slh: March. "Kuba Klan" Brook Overture "Rival" Pettee Air Varie "Genevieve" Garton "Han Convention" Pettee Overture, "Baa Ulau" Pettee "13th Regiment March" Oogiwall Solo, "Black Ameiica" Otto Dunlap. BORN. VIRTUE At Placer, Ore.. July 26, 1901, lo Mr. and Mis. Archls Virtus, a son. ALLEN In Grsnt. Pa. Bundav Aug. , iwji to nr. ana Mr, u. t . Allen a son, MARRIED. FIEt.DK-WATT8.-At the residence ot tb bride parent near Murobv. July 28, 1901, Sherman Fialda and Mia Laura Watt, County Judge Axtellof delating. Tor Rent, W hav two house lor rent. Call Immediately II you want hosts. Oous ill Office. Business Transfer. Holaun A 8on have sold their under taking dock and beans to M. Wilbur, who now completely covers ths field re presented by Joaepbln County. Mr. Wilbur i a funeral director with year. ol experience, and bi equipment I see- ond lo nons. The But Frucrlptle lor Malaria Chilli and Fever la a bottl of Grove'. Taateleea Chill Tonic. It I aimply Iron and Qulnin In a taatele form. No curs, no pay, Frio 60o. Eslr.y Nolle. Tbsrs cam Into my ancloaur near Grant Pais, a boat February S, 1901, one red oow about six year, old, marked with square crop off left car) also on red yearling marked above described. Owiter may recover aam by proving ownership and paying charge. J. W. BaowM, . Reduction Sale ver known in OraaU Pass. CLOSING SALE of Shirt Waists. Values that cannot bo boat. It only takes a look to con vinco you. Croat Slaughter in TRIM MED HATS, Every ono left goes at HALF the Regular Price. Stamped Linens 1-3 off of tie Regular Price. Just the time now to buy your X-MAS PRESENTS while th ale is on. Table Linen, Muslin Underwear Dainty White Goods. SPLENDID VALUES in these lines. Do not mis this site as the Goods are going fast. MRS. J. A. REHKOPP. I SELL.. J. R. BANCROFT, CZi. W. VSSZ ED. H. AIXCI. cnocEns Some Interesting Facts For People Who -Intend to take an Outing. We have the finest line ot Lunch Goods in the City. 1 3-lb. Cartoon Cracker 15c 3 Cans Deviled Chicken a Luncheon Sausage. ..... aoe Sardines so French Smoked Sardine,ajc Armour's Sliced Ham . . . a jc Bayle's Lunch Herrinr . .aoe Vienna Sausage) .toe Veal Loaf ijc Borden's Condensed Uilk.aoc Evaporated Cream toe t Bottle Sweet Pickles 15c I " Piccalilli 30c 1 11 Queen Olives, 500 Tillamook Cheese, per lb iC utnger snaps. Fig Bar and Marshmallows. . . .aoe Bancroft v. Co GROCERS ADLBTS. WANTED. .100 H0P PICKERS Wanted; picking Apply to or aiidreaa, JOHN KaNZAU, JB., Grants Faas, Ore. 200 HP PHSKERB Waated-Apply to wor addresa J. P. KANzo,' Orente Pass, Or. Beaaon will commence about bewi, lat. I NTKI.L1U ENT young men, from IT to IS yeara ol age, having common school education, to learn mechanical trades, for lull information apply or write to, Union Iron Work, m Market St., Ssa Fran. Cisco. ' FOUND. AT ths Armory, a collarette. Owner may recover aaiua on proving) owaorihlp and paying charge. Apply at thla erne. "OR. TR.ADE. pCLUS POLLOCK will trade new war on for wood. Call and ae aim at th Hair Klddl Hardware Co. ator. G1RX WANTED. fllRLor woman wanted lo do laaodry "work at Colestin Motel. Address 0. Telford, Coleatin, Oregon. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. If AV1NU Mining Interests that require "my attention I will Hell my Utoek eoo slating of Uenta furnishing goods, BOO, Hals Caps, Notions, eto at leaa than cost, aa a whole or ui lota to auit purchaser. H. A. Rasa, Odd Faliowa building. CAR.RIAGES, ETC. I)UUUIES,camai Anv one thlnl ae and mountain Backs. king ot buying any of ay them logo to Rehiopl lk..l U . 1 1 . and Kaucn and esauiine their vehicle and get tbeir price and terma before baying. Tbey also carry tbe Buckeye mower and rake. Remember the place, Slh street opposite becond-b and tor. rOR. SALE. CAMERA A 8i7 view camera and entfit for aale cheap. Inquire at tbia ofnee. GOLD DUST. QASU paid tor gold dut. -Cramer Bros. BICYCLE REPAIRING. 'l'AKE your wheel to Cramer Broe. tor M. repair. "V. a. e. voo?mr3 s