Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 08, 1901, Image 2

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    I. i
Published Bvry Thursd ay.
Subscription Rataai
Ona Yaar, In sdrancs, . $1.26
Bix Month! 66
Taras Months, .86
Hingis Copies, .06
Advartlalnaj Rata
furnish! on application at the office, or
by mall.
A. E. VOORHIES, Propb. 4 Mnob
" FRED MENSCH, - - Editor
ntarad at tha port o flics at Grant !'
uran, h seoonu-ciass mau msiver.
"Doggaral" Hymna,
Portland nawspsperi and yarl
contribntori to their columns have been
lately devoting considerable ipaca to the
anblact of cbnrch hymni. endeavoring to
make distinction between tboee which
an "doauerel" and tboee which are
reinlU of the meet lubllme Inspiration.
Even ooncernlnii the latter tbere li
divergence of opinion and aome of tbe
grandest and tool Inspiring poetic
creation! are placed under the ban by
ultra prosaic gentnses whose pulses are
not ouickeued by the peani of melouj
and beaaty of sentiment In the songs
which oniis the fountain bead of all
These adverse criticisms certainly
must serine from hypochondriacal
souls, whsie optimism has been ban
ished, forced into darkness from the
Usht of reason as an abhorrent spectre
and tbe baleful gent of pessimism per
mitted to hold full sway in lis gri
Incontrultv. In all tbe verses to be
found within tbe pages of tha hymnals
endorsed by tbe different ecclesiastical
denomination! it It an intellettnal Im
possibility to fin lone line of ''doggerel.'
Every hymn which has been written
and sung in tbe churches baa a noble
import and la not the result of silly
sentimentality by Irresponsible religious
euthusiaiti or flippant attempt to make
fhtht. on tbe part of a buffoon, nf things
that be wte not of, but written by
learned thinkers noble men and
women, who are responsible for the
light of genius which brightens every
clvlllied corner of the world to day.
" It nasses all understanding how such
amdlta Institutions as tha press ol
Portland should even bintat the presence
of doggerel In tba multifarious gems ol
verse which gladden daily tba hearts ol
all in American Christendom.
It ia alleged that a genuine tea gull
was seen flying about Eugene last week
r Of courts It to a hoax. But it amply
. deawnstrste how gull-ibla some newt-
" paper writers are.
The lniurrectot of South America are
. again Indulging in their gentle diversion
of agitating tha white winged dove of
i , peace which hat hovered for a few
ntooBl o'er tha tun-kissed Beldt of
mutative Veneiuela and are pouring
-" libations to lbs oombstivs planet Mars.
' Frisco strikes are it 111 on and from
' ' Indications may be continued Indefl
nataly. , It baa been reported at dlff
. arant tlmei that a settlement wat in
; tight and that tha end would be reached
in a few dyt but now It It more proo-
. abla that a general ttrikt will be called,
a ttrlke which will affect both tidet ol
- tha continent.
Tba Intense beat of the patt week has
driven many people to the mountains or
' tha coast. Tba thermometer circled
amiind tha 100 mark the greater part ol
' " tha day while once It went to 108 In the
. , ehade. Some places lees shaded sliowsd,
.'" ' so it is reported, as high at 117. Other
, towns along tha valley have been suffer
log likewise. Tueeday afternoon was
. anaclallv mninv and sultry and great
' suffering resulted. During tha night an
" alectrlo Itorm wat in progress but
' Wedneaday morning a refreshing (shower
'' lowered the temperature and gave tbe
earth a much needed refreshment,
Thousands of Woodman Vlalt tha
r , Moneler Meeting a. Portland
, , , Ma.ny Want from Hare.
Saturday wai a day long to be remem
bered In tbe annate of Woodcraft of Or
,egon. Thouiamlt of Woodmen vieitors
'' were In Portland on that day to attend
tbe rllrs of initiation In which MX) ieo
" pie were Introduced to the mysteries of
Woodcraft In oue fell swoop. Thr
throng moving about Mount Tabor In the
, altarnoou, it Is said, presented a msg
nifioeat sight, tbe hundreds of men and
. , women attired In gala garb, tha melodi
ous din of music, and the happy shouts
. of tha crowds who were out for a good
time made a scene that rivaled any thing
. 'aver teen in the city.
Dignitaries of Woodcraft were present
from far and near, and a conspicuous
figure in tha festivltiea waa Governor
(J ear, A monster barbecue was held end
tons of bread and hot roast beef disap
peared as If by magic. A base ball game
waa played vs. l'ortlaud and visiting
neighbors, which resulted In a score ol
16 to 8, la favor ot the urbanites.
Tba glganllo demonstration in Port
. land Is a new feature In fraternalisin and
'' ' may become a popular idea.
. Tha Woodmen ot tha World escursion
. to Portland Friday, took nearly 100 of
tba Josephine county people to tha me-
tropolla. Tba following are among those
who took advantage ol the cheap rates:
,' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bliarman, Mrs.
' iuavph Wolke and daughters, Mr. and
i Mrs. Henry llarth, Mrs. J K Pigney,
? Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. R Kiddle, Mr. and
j Mrs C II reckham, Harry Peckham,
Dan Johnson, Mrs. Chas. Welter and
daughter, Birdie Jones and lister, Mrs.
Aba Axtell, Mrs. Herbert Smith, Mrs.
r MWBkeeli and daughter, Mies Ger
trude John, Mrs. II H Barton, Miss
Carrie Farr, Mrs. II E Cooper, G F Trel
jen, John A Cook, Miss Fanuie Halo, B
W Nelson, Mrs. P A Nelson, W J Ott.
Mra. Fred Brock, J N Ogle, J Morterdyk
A D Lebucan, C F Young, Mr. and Mrs.
Neaae, Mrs. EsUbrook, Mrs. James
Neely, Carl Gontner, Mrs. Cleva Neely,
Misa Vesta Leach, John McCounell,
Willie Weidmao, J C Hall, W R Kuy
kendall, G R Walker, Mist Elela Green,
Mr. and Mr. W E Mallory, Mitt JCHie
It costs no more
and wears very
money saver.
Sold at the
W. E. DEAN, & CO.,
Front street, oppo. Depot,
Yost, Ed Ullberg, L B Jamison, R D
Lawson, Miss Minnie Dyke, K J Nolan,
W. Eastman, George Dcgsgne, Mrs J G
Hiatt, E F Clarke, A N liart, G F Hart,
Mr. and Mrs. D 8 Cook, Chas. Contain,
G II Mills, George B Ward, TONaucke,
George Wells, J W Rushton, W O Ty
cer, John Doe, Chas. T Kerr, G T Irwin,
Mrs C I Kerr, C E Clotser, J L Yokum,
A Lot, F C Smith, Mr. Fay, Harry
Clarke, George H. Slover, H V Miado.
Tha Beautlee ol Rogue RJver.
Tba following acticle from tha pen of
Dennis Stovall appeared in tbe Telegram
of August 3, appropriately illustrated
photographs of scenes on the river
Southern Oregon In general and Granta
Pass in particular is receiving a great deal
of Iree advertising through tbe columns of
the Evening Telegram and also through
Eastern magaiinee, and Denuis Stovall
should receive a medal and the thanks
of tha town for what ha is doing:
There are many charming rivers in
Oregon, rivers whose senic besuty and
grandeur of landscape through which
they flow, can hardly be surpassed by
streami anywhere In tha world; yet
among all tha riven of our slate there
are none possessed of tucli varied
interest, such changing scenes, at Us
waters dash over the rapidt and falls;
none so grand, none so beautiful withal
as the Rogue, the great river of Southern
Oregon. Far up In the mountains near
Crater Lake, the first spring! forming
the Rogue, rise ; then tba waters dash
down tbe precipitous mountains, first
northwest, then southwest, until they
mingle with the billows of tha Pacific.
It is an Impetuous, unnavigabla stream,
winding at timet through wild and rough
canyons, between tha high walls of
narrow gorges and at other times flow
ing pescelully through verdant valleys,
whose broad, green fields spread away
on either tide, In graceful slopes to the
tht distant mountains.
Not to very many yean ago tbe lavage
red man, pitched his wigwam along tba
Uogue't grassy banks, and while his
squaw beat tbe manianita berries on a
stone and made meal for hit bread, lie
fished the stream for salmon or stalked
the mountain! in search of game. Then
the army of white men entered, eeeking
the precious glittering nuggets that min
gled with the gravel In tha river's bed.
Tbe poor Indian with hit ponies, bis
wigwam and his squaw was driven far
back over tha mouotaini, and now
the manianita berries grow and ripen
and drop undisturbed from tbe branches,
for tha white men can't use theui.
Tha scenes along tha Rogue present
Ideal subjects (or the artist, Inspiration
(or the poet, rest for the toller who is
weary In mind and body, and a veritable
paradise for the sportsman. One grows
to Inva this old river as they enter Into
Its secrets. There are at every turn ol
the stream, turprlnei of beauty; and
here, at nowhere else, one feeli that
they ara near to Nature's Heart. The
water ripples a hearty welcome to all
during the dy and sings s soothing lulls
by to tbe weary sleeper at night.
Tha sportsman, following the Uog'ie,
as It winds through the mountains, can
find an abundance of giue. The no
lurloiit "deer skiunnri ' ol a lew years
ago, who nearly rid the mountain ol
those noble aniinsla, are now rmlriuted
from their deadly work b the strong
arm ol the law, anJ the dour ara becom
ing more abundant lu tba Boiuhurn
Oregon mountains. I. is now acjiiuuoo
sight to see a beautiful buck followed by
a doe walk timidly di wn into the Uogue
to driuk of tbe 'stream's cool water'
Elk are yet lean too, as alio black and
brown bear, panther and wildcat. The
ever-hungry coyoto coutlunes to disturb
the cainper'a dreasis with his doleful
walli and ihrieking cries. Tbe woods
are filled with scampering squirrels,
while the cotton-tail and the jackrabbit
remain ai faithful to the country as the
chapparal bushes over which they nim
bly leap to the utter dtacourageiuent of
the hounds.
Sportsmen, along the Kugue ran have
any kind ol a hunt that they chooM.
They can Bud an abundance ol small
game near town, or they can go (or a
week or mouth's hunt away back iu the
rugged mouulalus, where the king ol
the forest roam. Camping places are
a nvmerous as tha ripples in the stream,
with cold pure water and delightful
bailee; where the idle, the Ism or
weary can lie aud listen to the soft sing
ing of the Mummer wind, the mile of
tbe forest leaves that form a bright
green roof overhead, or the moaiiing of
the tall pines as tha light breeie glide
through their branchea.
Tba most popular sport afforded by
tlie Rogue Is its fishing; and let it be
mentioned here tliat Rogue Uiver fish
ing is distinct in llsell. It matters not
how much of an adept one may be In
angling flh from other streams, or how
brilliant a record one may poesesa as a
fisherman "Back in the Slatee," when
they toes their hook In the waters of the
Rogue for the Bret time, they will soon
become aware that they have a new
lesson to learn.
la rases of cough or croup give tba
little one, Una Minute Cough Curs.
Then reat easy and have no fear, The
child will be all right in a little while.
It never fails. Tleaeant to take, always
safe lure and almost Instantaneous ia
effect. Dr. W. F. Kremer.
than ordinary brands,
much longer. It is a
Mora Booth Talk.
While the times wat the first paper in
the state to mention Hon. R. A. Booth
for governor, it has been talked up all
over the state and although some of the
loading papers are noncommittal, the
cause is gaining ground and his name
will soon be urged from other sections
not yet In evidence. Tbere are few
member! of the laxt state senate that
won and retained as niahy friends as
Hon. R. A. Booth. He took his stand
on tha great senatorial question and
while he was firm as adamant in hit
convictions, he was gentlemanly and
accorded to all others the same right
and privileges enjoyed by himself. He
did not question his standing as an
honeet and sincere legislator by talking
to the galleries on every little measure
that promised political distinction but
on the other hand attended strictly to
the needs of the great senatorial district
he represented. To be governor, more
especially so when tbo position is tin
sought, ii to bo placed in the higboet
position within the gilt of the people ol
a great state and knowing Mr. Booth as
we do, we feel sure that if ho Is called
to this great position of trust as well as
honor, he will permit the use of his
name. Junction Times, Rep.
In tbe Circuit Court nf the State of
on. for Joseubine Co.
Fannie P. Keller, l'lautiff
William M. Keller, Defendant.
Action to dissolve the marriage con
tract. To William M. Keller, Defendent;
In tha name of the State of Oregon,
you ara hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled Court and cause,
within tlx weeks from date of first publi
cation ol this Summons vis:-from
August 1, 1001, and if you fail to answer,
for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply
to the Court for a decree dissolving the
marriage contract of Plaintiff and De
fendant. This summons Is published by order
of 11. K. flanna, judge of tha above en
titled court, made in Chambers, at Jack
sonville, Jackson County, Oregon, on
this 1st day ol August 1U01.
Asa Axtbll,
Attorney (or Plaintiff.
Advertised Latter Llat.
Following is the list ol letters remain
ing uncalled for in the Grants Pass post
otlice, Saturday, July 20, 1U01 :
Coffee, Mist Laura,
Lamb, Mr Chas, O'Gorman, Mr John
Rose, F W. C. E. HiauoM. P.M.
1 T8S$3p
wunii'' mo
1 !.. - ll
pullod ami hauled all
of the country by happy purchasers, and we are spreading the news of the bur store
ago and has promised
, .
your money back if you
These Bargain Ileckouers are hopping around pretty lively these
days at The Big Store. Good shoes sold at such prices as are shown
on our bargain counters attract every body. We do not want to sell
these shoes half as bad as you will want to buy them when you see
the quality, style and prices.
Bring your family in aud shoe
these bargains you will save from
purchased. The way to make money is to SAVE IT,
Stop in aud take a look at us.
Shoe Bargain Reckoners
Shirt Waists....
At jc and 49c, regular values from 50c to (1.50.
us to quick. We'll be gone in short order.
Rogue River Mining and Lum
ber Company.
Tbe Rogue River Mining and Lum
ber Co., wbicb il composed of gentle
men who are, or have been until recent
ly, residents of Cleveland, Ohio, has
nauguerated an enle-prise that will
prove quite Important and beneficial
to Southern Oregon, and ia one
which deeervet tbe encouragement of
everybody. It will giva employment to
at least AO men when fully under way.
During tba paat year the corporation
has acquired several thousand acres of
virgin timber principally fir and yellow
pine of fine quality at the head ol
Foot! creek and In tha contiguous
territory. Its intention is to cut this into
lumber for the markets of tbe world and
also'iupply piling. In order to make this
scheme succesalul it will be neceuary to
build a railroad.f )j miles in length, to con
nect with the Southern Pacific at or near
Woodville. Jesse McCall, ot Ashland,
a competent civil engineer, baa finished
tne preliminary survey thereof. It will
also be necessary to build a bridge across
Rogue river, at Bolt, plans and specifi
cations for wbicb are 'being made by
E. G. Perbam of Gold Hill, W. R.
Staniell and L. W. Smith, who have
operated large plants of this kind before
coining to Oiegon, and who have bad
much experience and success in the
manufacture and tale of lumber, aie on
tbe ground snd looking after the en
terprise In its every detail. More than
$100,000 will have been invested by tbe
company before everything ii in readi
nesi for iteady operations Jacksonville
Report of tht Condition of tha
Of 8outharn Oregon.
At Orants Pans, in the itate of Oregon, a
tbe close ot buiineui J uiy 16, luut.
Loans and discounts flSn.U!) Ott
U H llomU to secure circulation.. lz.SU) 00
Premiums on U bonds
Stocks, securities, etc
MankiiiK house, furnitu re & III...
Oilier real estate owned
Due from state banks .ft bankers,
Duefroiu approved reserve agls..
Internal Kevenue stamps
Ubei-ksaotber cash items
Notes of oilier national hanks. . .
Fractional piiper currency, nick
els and cents
(Specie , . , . ,
Kedemption fund with U.H treas.
(5 per cent of circulation)
6,00") (l
10,700 0U
2,Hhl 0O
V.liM !I7
2,5I'2 07
1HO tO
H.lVi K4
3" J 00
ft 10
18.WM 70
(125 00
'.W,734 7fl
Capital stock paid in $ 60,000 01
Murplus fund 10,000 00
Undivided profits, less eiensss
and tains paid 12,122 78
National Hank notes outstanding 12,UOO 00
Due to state hanks and bankers 82ti 87
Individual deposits subject to
check 1M71 10
Demand certificates of deposit.. 83,614 60
222,734 76
State of Oregon, county of Josephine, as:
1, H. L. Oilkey, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that tbe
alwve statement is true to the best of my
knowledge ami belief
H. L. OiLKiv.Casbier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
Sothdayof July, lliol.
J. A. Jsssiids, Notary public.
Correct-Attest: .1. t'.C'AHraaLL.
, H. C. Kmsiv,
Join 1. Kbt.
Office on Oth St. oppo. Court House.
Residence North 7th St.
Hot Work?-well, I should say so!
usi iu unys wo nave Kent tno
i 1 A 1 . 1 1 , .
over the Big Store. But this
to give a lot of us fellows a vacation. We'd like to got out
don't like us, as hundreds
300 Pairs Ladies',
Men's and ChiK'acn'a
50c to
up lor the winter. From
$1 ou every puir of shoes
We'll do you good.
K. L. COE & CO.'S
Yon can't get
Closing Out
You will find some rare bargains in
It will pay you to lookjthem
reductions on the above
State Fair
September 23-28, 1901,
Great Agricultural
Industrial Fair.
Good Racing in the Af
ternoons. Latest Attraction In New Auditorium
Building Every Evening, with
good music.
Beautiful Camp Grounds Free.
Special Rates on Campers'
Tickets. Come and bring
your families.
Reduced Rates on ill Railroads.
For lurlher particular!, address
M. D. WISDOM, Sc. Portland.
Malaria Causes BiUousnrst.
Grove's Tasteless Cbill Tonic cures
Malaria. 60.
dorks at U. L. Coo Cn.'s on
a -
is fun for us as we like to be
- nwfaia-vwv- -vtHWBaUBBBMaaaiaiinsir s, it ii mar a m m r
of people are after us every day. Hero are so. nf fii.wa
Men's Clothing
Good heavy well made Pants
any $1 pants you ever saw.
Kxtta good values in $1.25 Pants for 89c.
The very best 9 oz. Rivited Overalls, 50c.
Just in-a big lot of Boys' Caps at 25c. All colors
and styles.
Extra heavy Cordurcy Pants. $1.98 worth $2.50.
Men'i wool 3-piece Suits, coat, pants and vest, $4.58.
Boys' a-piece Suits, 9Sc, $1.25. ,.50, i.75, a.oo. Every one of em
trade winners.
50c, 7.SC and $1 Straw Hats now
j -J" Lr"ur now on
woo yds. Rood beayy Brown Muslin at ...
5ooyds. Reuienants best Calico at
3000 yds. fine Cotton Challis. all mir,,. It
2000 yds. fine X2-jc Dress Ginghams at
1000 yds. 10 and I2;'c Lawn Remenants,"a'licoiors'at Vjl
Over 100 Silk Remena.its very cheap.
Ladies' Trimmed Hats, igc to fi. Never sold so cheap before
Ladies Wrappers.... " '
We are going to beat the band
$1.00 and $1.25 of our number that
over as we are making great
You cannot spend a mora pleasing va
cation than with a camera. A. E Voor
hiea can fit you out with everything
necessary in that tins.
The guests are gone the smile slips from
the face of the nostess snd she gives up
to the pain which racks her body. Many
a woman entertains and wears a smile
while her back aches and her nerves
quiver with pain. Surely any medicine
which offers relief to women would be
worth a trial under such conditions. But
when the woman's medicine, Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, is offered with the
proof of efficacy in thousands of well
attested cures, what excuse can then be
offered for suffering longer
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
makes weak women strong and sick
women well. It dries enfeebling drains,
heals inflammation and ulceration and
cures female weakness.
It U with the firitex plearare I writ you
t penenc my motnei
nefit my mother bat received from your
' Favorite Preacrii
nion' ana 'ootacn Meaicmi
ijri Misa Carrie John-on, of Lowes.
ville, Amherst Co., Va. "She suffered untold
misery with uterine disease and nervousness,
and had a constant roaring and rinrtnf noise
tn her head. After taking six bottles of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Med
ical Discovery,' she was entirely cured."
Dr. Pierce'i Pleasant Pellet stimuli tt
the liver.
ihn inmn ,i,
a.orocia tod. Hundro, uZ Z
far and wido Tbo m '
to your house and will 1, ,n
-..-v MiwuutVl
w ivnun
79C. As good as
on sale at a?
Men's $150 $1.71
sale at 79c.
but you will still find
you can get for 59c.
some 75c,
County Treaaurer'a Offica.
Alter Monday, July 29, the office ol
the County treasurer will be at T. B
CornelPi store on Front street.
Taavchor'a Ex.mln&tiona
Notice is hereby given that tba county
superintendent ot Josephine county will
hold the regular examination of appli
cant! for .state and county paperi at
Granta Pass as follows:
roa Stat rariis.
Commencing Wednesday,' August 14,
at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until
Saturday, August 17, at 4 o'clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
rpellina. ahrebra. mlinv. school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
ol teaching, grammar, book-keeping,
pbyiici. civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, mental
aruumeuc, composition, pnyiical
Saturday Botany, plana geometry, gen
eral uuKoxy, Augiisu literature,
roa cor ntt rarias.
Commencing Wednesday, August 14,
at 9 o clock a. m. and continuing
until Friday, August 16, at 4 o clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, history, or-
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of
teaching, g rammer, school law.
Friday Geography, mental arithmetic,
physiology, civil government.
Wednesday Penmanship, orthography,
Thursday Art ol questioning, theory of
teacning, methods.
Friday Arithmetic and Physiology.
LiNcom Savage,
- County Bupt.
The best foot pumpa, each . .
Gas lamps, each
Oil lamps, each
Chains, each
Rubber cement, large can, "
Cyclometers, good ones, each .
Luggage carriers, each
Saddles, each
Rim cement, best
Belli, each
Tool bags, each
V For
Bicycle Bargains
East of Depot
Watch Out
When You Buy Your
Be sure that you get the right kind. If there
is anything in this world outside a disagreeable
mother-in-law that will make a man wish be bad
never been born, it is an ill-fitting shirt. We
have a Negligee Shirt that we are not afraid to
say is the best fitting shirt sold in Grants Pass.
Our customers indorse tbe statement.
Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. ,
P. H. Harth & Son.
. .. .
llvZ! V'!" T mornin to
. 1 .7ap.ped
m.j 1" g . CK 0m
Ul L11H 111
L ( .,, 7 . ln; . 1 ou
o l im i n ri mil r ,
go during
- vmvu IU i
" mm i SMI n lw'-c ii r
The manager of the Big Store came pretty nearly knocking tht
breath out of us when he came in the carpet department this morning
aca told us that we bad eot to Pet tin ntirl tnMM il -s .rA a
jab at a fine piece of Ingrain Carpet,
Tnlbe pXt T L"S 10 'Uffer was 1 Iot of 6 pieces of fin jc
Tapestry Brussels. These the manager cut to
IT. ricts Te have ever been Ml1 y. oft" u
85c and $1 in the big city stores East.
Lace Curtains and Scrims.
1 uc 01 05 re" e
This Great Bargain Beckoner Sale only lasts 20 daya longer and
the rate we are going ther'U be none of left to tell th. atory.
:Xow i8 your Chance!
Ihii question arises in tba fatally
very day. Let us answer it to-day.
TrvJell-O, a delicious and healthful
dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No
boiling I no bating 1 limply add boiling
water and set to cool. Flavor!: Lam
no, Orange, K as berry and Strawberry.
Get a package at your gioceri to-day
10 eta.
Kodak Fit me at th Couriar offic
It Beats theDutch!
The Brand of Chocolate
we draw at our
Strengtheninjj, Inrigoratinjr,
Cool and Refreshing.
Sloyer Drag Co.
Front St., Opposite Depot.
Tires, each
Chain brushes, each
Chain graphite
Pedals, per pair ,
Toe clips, per pair ,
Coasters, per pair J
Spokes, per doz
One 2d-haud Victor Bicycle., 5.00
One Ladies' ad-hand " ..15.00
Se.le At V
6:30 at niSht we h
UP and carted off all part.
the mountains a few days
can bnnS ua back and 8et
the next few days.
cutting the price to
going to be sold cheap. Ask to at
-Tiew sawwassrww''