Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 08, 1901, Image 1

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    1 ;
5 4
Ot $1 per share, or
$50,000 of ? the Capital
Stock of the Oregon Nat
ural Gas, Oil & Mining
Company,' is now offered
for sale to
public for
the general
This money will; be -used in
drilling an Oil well on lands' that
are controlled by this - company,
which is iri the center of the Oil
District known as the North Grants
Pass Oil district. This company
has contracts on the following well
known ranches iu this District.
They have all signed a card similar
to this, -
. Mrs Mary L, Jordon,
. James Deveny,
. G M Savage,
J J Fryer,
, John Deveny,
B B Ochiltree,
. ' V J Savage,
Mrs Jessie Deveny,
B B Ocheltree,
Dr V II Flanagan,.'
W M Bishop,
J O Dotsou, .
J S Harvev,
J N Carter,
The above ranches embrace
several thousand acres of land of
the bt-st indications for Oil that our
agents could find on the Pacific
Coast and they have been from
Washington to Mexico.
You know that if Oil, Natural
Gas or Artesian Water is found in
Josephine county it will more than
double the value of all property
and for that purpose alone you can
encourage the prospecting for
Oil, or Artesian Water by taking a
few shares of stock.
Cut this out and tend it, with $2.50 to
Scott Qriftin.
Oregon Natural G&s, Oil and
Mininu Company.
To Scott' Griffin, Secretary, Grants
Pass, Oregon.
Enclosed please find the sum of
$2.50 to secure option on 100 shares
of stock in the Oregon Natural
Gas, Oil and Mining Company, of
Grants Pass, Oregon, of the par
value of $1 per share, I to luvve the
option of paying 25 cents a share:
on or before you begin drilling; orj
,So cents a ishare on or before 500 i
feet depth has been reached; or'
thereafter $1 par value until a well
is completed to the depth of iooy
feet; the amouut paid herein is to!
be credited on tlie stocks accepted.
It is expressly understood that you
are to commence drilling on or be
fore six months from date or refund
to me the amount pid. Please
forward receipt for amount en-
dosed Dated this
... 190
Name of ,-Seuder
.'("flfv of
O. Address
S4ote ss "ooafr
- A Gain Ot 2W tol;
' ' . '; :
The following table exhibits the in-
creane in the market value of the oil
stocks of ten different companies :
Prices of Stock
- Before
... SO
. . I.W
.. 1 C"
.. 3 00
.. 1 C0
$ ano.oo
in 00
11 00
13 50
3 40
2 15
. 20 00
New York Oil C'o.j .
Union Oil Co.,
Kern Oil Co.,
San Joaquin
ThirtT Three Oil Co ,
Sterling. Oil Co
Taenty F.iuht Oil Co.,
Kern Kiver,
-N .
8.00 1W5.17
Ksch of these comrsnies was organ-:
' less than two year, ago. IS
00 invested in these ten companies
would Jiave realiied 1 net tuin of f ll:2.- 1
17, a gain of over 240 to 1 . . -
Ituy stocii in the Oreron Natural lias, '
Oil and Mining Company at 10 cents a
hare for $1.( 0 shares, nonassessable,
stock. Bay before they drill.
For turther information call on ,
SCOTT GRIFFIN, Secretary, j
The Natural Gas, Oil &
Mining Company! J
V--; rGrants Pass, Ore.;
S0aosoasa OS a0OosOaOO0Sa POSSESS S0 1 0SSOOS
A suddeu quirk in the weather need not catch you''
napping. We cau furnish you iustantly the best of style
and quulity with a neatness and perfection of fit that will
of custom made wearing apparel. Our suits are worn by
many who have a reputation as dressers.
Olllce, Room 2 over l'ost Olliee. Resilience
Kune rluuse, oppo. Ihe Western.
(ienural Practitioner of
Office in Williams Block
Practices in all State and Federal Courts
Oilice over first National Bunk. ;
(iKANTS 1'ibB, Oksxion.
Willis Kramer
Myrtle Creek -
Extra Family Floui
And Everything that eors with First
Class Milling.
For sale by Chiles, Deu-imatkr,
Wade aud Coknkll.
Call for it; tame price as other brand
Olllce opposite Hotel Josephine
(Jhanth Paso, - OllKUON.
Furniture and Piano
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Hath' room m connection.
i JEWELER. . "
Full assortment of Watches,
verwear an.l Jewelry. A Gocsi
Assortment of Itracvlcls and
J h urt Ilaliglca,
Clemens' Drug Store.
Fine liiittcr a Specialty
'Piiom 21
Sewer Qinnections
; Metal Roofinz.
Gas Fitting
.Pipe work of all kinds.
Rids furnUhed (or all work.
' !ave orrtrs iih
I' ltroM. Kanlware
lli'.l-l.nldle Hards are
Doea tt Pay to Buy Cheap?
" A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but you want something
that will relieve and cure the more
severe and dangeroae reeultl oftbroat
and lung troublea. What shall you do?
Cio' to a warmer and more regular
climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible
for you, then in either case take the
only remedy that has been introduced
in all civi!ited countries with success in
severe throat and lung troubles, "Bos
chee s (Jurman Kyrup." It not only
heals and stimulates the tissues to des
troy the germ disease, but .allays In
flammation, causes easy eipectoration,
gives a good night's rest, and cures the
patient. Try one bottle. Recommended
many years by all druggists in the
world. (Jet - Ureen'a Prize Almanac.
Ir. Kremer.
County Treasurers Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there are
lands in the county treasuery for the
redemption of the following warrants
protested to January 2d, 18IKI. Interest
on same-will cense from this date, July
3d 11101.
No. No. No. ' No.
a 104 10.1 15.1
200 210 277 11,
S 0(i4 127 2011
240 272 2 14
ffi) 172 100 151
2SU 3 112 10
107 1113 144 :M
4 17 430 186
233 1611 170 6
102 58 1U2 IMi
251 310 2 8
285 2oti 222 240
1 - 17 US 133
101 173 . 254 31
003 . 134 1Z!) 240
31 003 134 170
274 . 202 I 115
174 100 183 85
J. T. Tayioii.
Treasurer Josephine County,, Ore.
33 Jl 2sT IKZ
Capital Stock, - - $50,000,
Receivedtpoxits subject to check or on
' certificate payable on demand.
Sells sight drafts on Hew York, San Fran
cinoo, and 1'oitland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on sll points in
the L'nited States.
Special Attention given to Collections and
general bii.iiiixw of our ciwtoniers.
I Collections made throughout Southern
j Oregon, aud on all accessible points.
! K. A. r.OOTH, President.
J. C. CANlPBKLL. Vice President.
II. I.. GIL.KEY, Cashier.
K. E. PUS BAR, Aet. Cashier.
- Grants Pass
Banking and Trnst Co.
CAPITAL ST0CI $50,000.
Transacts a general liankiug business.
Receives deposits subject to check or
I on demand certificates.
j Our customers are assured of courteous
j treatment and eveiy consideration con-
siatent with found banking principles.
J. Frank Wathon, Pres.
I Ecxia Poi.lock, Vice-l're.
j L. L. JtWEi.t., Cashier.
j directors!
! J. Frank Watson, J. R. Moore,
!J. J. Hourk, Kclus Pollock, "
j flerberlSmith, Scott Grifliin ,
I A. E. Sheehan.
jTennyimnionld take a worthlm ht of
i Vanderbllt ran write a few words on a
j flieet of par and tnkkt it worth
The I tiited Mates ran take lt ounrea of
j r;ld Mami,aneai;leon it worth 120
: lllATi! .lo.NKV,
I A merhanit- can take material worth f 10
make it Into wab-h npnngs worth Ilou..
', A man works ten hour a dar and handle
wreral bins of dirt lor .i.0uTHAT S
i i-AUoli.
A laly can purchase a hat for I" biit pre
: Irnonelur )'.' TUAT'b fUOLlell-
We could siirn our check for f Uflfm.ViO
'ii it would be N. T11at
We Fire our customers
the bet Inwi-t
p-.iw.n anility paron eartb-TH AT
1 J.L
M. Clemens,
os. optaa Mouac
The Samples from ' the Waldo
Fields Make a. Splendid
Fiue samples of copper ore ore run
ning as high as 25 aud 30 per cent., were
brought into Grants Pass recently from
the new Mammoth ledge, lately discov
ered in the Waldo copper fields. This
new ledge fa situated nine miles from
Waldo station and north of the devel
oped mines described in The Telegram
a few days ago; this new ledge or moun
tain of copper, lies between the West
Fork of the Illinois River and Elk Crock
on the east, both a' reams Sowing north
ward toward the Illinois.
Development work In the nature of a
tunnel driven iuto the side of the moun
tain of copper gives proof ot a mammoth
ledge over 200 feet in width, carrying
values ranging from 10 to 35 per cent.
This tunnel has not as yet crosscut the
ledge entirely, nor do the miners expect
it to do so, for over 100 feet more, as
the ore shows up better with depth.
Climbing to the summit of ihe moun
tain one will find croppings on the sur
face which indicate a leqgth of copper
beneath, 000 feet in width. Such a
ledge stands without a parallel any
where. All over the summit of the
mountain is to be seen a decomposed
rock or gossan of reddish color, which
forms the upper part ot the metallic
vein beneath. Some of thefe gossan
iferous rocks stand many feet high, like
huge kilns, and give evidence of the in
tense heat that ages ago issued from
that mountain top. These croppings
have been known to exist for several
years, but it was not until two years ago
that the Mammoth ledge was discovered.
The discovery was made by E. M. Al
bright, a miner of much experience, who
came to Southern. Oregon from New
Mexico. With two other ptrtnurs a
com pan v was formed and several claims
bince the discovery was made the
owners have been pushing development
work with all speed, as they have a
most encouraging promise of becoming
the possessors of one of the world's
best copper mines. The tunnel tapping
the lodge has been run in oyer 350 feet,
and down to a dopth of nearly 20) feet,
and after a point 1 10 feut from the sur
face is passed, a high-grade copper ore
is found throughout.
The Mammoth ledge, as it has been
named by its owners, is situated 3S miles
southwest of Grunts Pass, and only
about a mile uiistance fr mi the Cres
cent City and Chants Pass stage road.
The mine lies 2800 feet above tho level
of the sea, and the tunnel can lie seen
far up on tho mountain side from the
stage road below.
This new wine is another important
additionto the rich copper producers ol
the celebrated Waldo Held or -district.
The large ledges of copper on thoIIIInolB
Uiver have been known for a long time,
but in the mad rush for gold along tho
streams of that and other Southern Ore
gon districts, the leas valuable copper
was ignored by the prospectors. But of
late years these copper ledges have been
developed extensively, and have nrnd
ed many thousand tons ol copper Binco
me erection ot the smelter hi tbt Jis
trict. New discoveries are continually
heing made, and the supposed border
line of the Waldo copiwr belt is being
pushed out and spread farther aud far
ther with each new strike. Just a few
days ago a gronp of Montana minors
Visited the district, and, surprised at
the magnitude of the Waldo cornier
fields, pronounced it the greatest in the
Lulled 6tates, though liko Iho gold
mines of Southern Oregon, these Im
mense copper ledges are practically un
developed. The operators of the Mammoth ledge
are to erect a smelter and electric light
plant for night work. Nearby streams
on the mountain side can bo utilized to
furnish power for thefe purposes.
Timber grows abundantly in the vicinity,
so that altogether the Waldo region
furnishes every facility for becoming an
ideal copper mining district. Dennis
Stovall in the Telegram.
State of Ohio, Citv of Tui.kdo,)
Ja-car Lot srv ) u.
Fkank J. CiiKNsr nuik 1 oalli that lit
is the senior partner of the firm of I". J.
Ciikmiv A Co., doing business in the city
ol Toledo, County and State aforesaid
and that said firm will pay the sum ol
100 for each and every case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by IIai.l'kCatahi'.ii
Ci IK. FllANa J.GWn. v
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 0th day of Iietembfr,
A. D. 180, A. W.
Notary Publ.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly 011 the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials, free. F.J. Ciiknkt A
Co., Toledo, O.
bold by drugiisis, 75c,
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Aatounded the Eititnr.
Editor S. A. Iirown, of llennettesville
8. C. was once immensely surpnu-.l,
'Through long aoflVring from Iiyspep
sia," be writes, "my wife was greatly
rundown. She had no strength or vig
or and suffered great distress from her
stomach, but she tried Electric Hitters
which helped tier at on.e, and, alter
osing four bottles, she is entirely will,
can tat anything. It's a grand tonic
and itl gentle laxative qualities are
plended for torpid lifer." For Indi
gestion, loss of appetite, stomach and
liver troub't it's a positive, guaranteed
cure. Only 50c at W. F. Kremsr's drug
Malaria Csiiks Mliouinrts,
Osove't Tasteless Chill Tonic cures
Malaria. 60.
Iarce Kua of KHluion lit tlla L.mer
Catumula .V rirttirf"iiie Wetlillnt; lu
t!t Yosouilto A Mull Who ltiues
Like a Itatltoaimko.
Reports from Slt.1gw.1y say that there
b still a tremendous bkx'kado of pus
leugcro nt St. Michael, who vroro un
able to get dowu ou aeoonnt of the ico
8ocs iu Behi'ing sea. '
Superior Judge Slofsat San Fr.uijisoo
granted a temporary Injunction re
Itruluinft tire Cooks and Waitora' alii
luce from interfering with the patrons
or employees of. restaurants.
The yiold ot wheat throughout the
northwest is snid to bo higher than ever
before. 'Washington nluun yielding
82,000,000 buiihoU.
A dispatch Bays that Bear, Rose and
Smith creeks mid other Mivams in tho
Dear creek section of the Purcnpiuo
mining district, Abulia, are experienc
ing serious saiumor flood ., which have
stopped ail mining; work fur this season.
By the Btrilto of tho Brotherhood of
Team-tera at r-'uu Francisco much los
has resulted to people who nro not
directly concerned. 1'iuit growois espe
cially havo suffered heavy loss.
Sunny. Slopo winery, situated ucur
San (Jiibriel, Citl., has been purcliused
by Her & Co., the Now York witio mer
chants. The price is said to bo J'.'5,000,
Clmrles Wucksniiih, charged with as
sault to murder Mayor Hugh O'lLu-aof
Santa 1'aulit, Oil., after preliminary ex
amination, was held to answer before,
the superior court with bonds fixed at
10,OUO, which ho wus uuiiblo to furnish.
Somo of tho veterans nt tho Soldiers'
Home ntiiE. Sunlit Monica banged tho
i)uururui;ist"r in t-fliy. Unrest duo to
tiio warm weather and discontent over
tho bul tor supply nre said to havo been
tiio actuating c.iusvs.
The enoaiiipmont of the National So
oloty of tho Army of tho Philippines
will bo held this year iu Halt Luke,
Uiah, ou August Mill aud loth.
A Tucson (A. T.) dispatch says that
K'nacio Iiivcru, who had been working
on a cattle ranch in southern Arizona,
was overt. i hen by a mob of angry cow
boys uud quic kly Mruug up to it tree for
having iu Ins possession a stolen saddle
In tho lower Columbia is reported tho
largest run of Huh fur 20 years, uud
nevt r before have the fish been so largo.
(Jill-net lisln i no'ii have been lnuluug
big uiotiev. At ono packiug-houso the
value of tho smallest catch, 500 pounds,
was flf), of. tho boat-puller ro
cuired IU uud tho capiaiu (0, uud thu
valuo of tho high Catch was 210, of
which the boat-puller received $70 uud
tho captain (f 1 10.
F. V. K mliii, a San Joso pigeon
fancier, sent ti n homing pigciusot this
year's hutch to Huy wards for a train
iug tly. Tho lirst one appeared at tho
homo loft 2H minutes ullcr they were
mleased at Haywurds, and tho others
were close. be-Uiiid. Tho (l.-taoco is 2S
unlet, which uiukca thu wiuuur'n llyiug
nveragu u iiiile n minute.
At lt. no, Nov., Juilh'0 Talbot, lu the
case of vs. Bell, hold that
when tho lop or upx x of u loilo la within
1 110 ixtcrioi- lines of a valid tinning
location tho locator has a right to follow
Its dip into ad joining paiciitud land,
iniut i-ul tr liL'ncult ural. This decision
gives thu WedikinO location and ulso
tho Bell locution to John sparks, who
roe-cully bou;;lit tho iuieru.-.t of Ucorgo
Wedikuid iu tiio Re-no Slur. 1111 has
Isjen working tho . nnnu Judgo Curler
having ili-uied NodiUiud uu lujiinutiou
to restrain Itoll and has talteuout thuu
fcincUof dollars uvery week.
Bert Ohtucrty. a woll-kuowu young
mini, coininitu-d huicido by sho-itiug
hiniseif near Conga as, A. T. A low
days proviou.-ly .".!.. l.tiiul Kent was
aceid utally killed by (Jlinierty'g gun,
whicli ho iiad leit siandiug agiist a
rock near Kent camp. Mm Kent
knocked the k'uu dowu uud it ixplodud,
iuilu tiiiK a wound from which tho diot
a low luurs later, (.ilniierty brooded
over tho accident uulil he decided to
end his life.
Wih'o Jutl'o Budd was hearing a easy
iu court ut Mockton, l.'al., a sound, hko
thu hissing of it raitlesuuk.) enmo fiom
behind thu railing, and tli.j jiidfo or
ilered the buiiitr to itivestlgatu. Pahlj
(iiinrz, a Mi iicau, .was found to bo.
niakiii;; tlie n 11,-0 wiih his mouth;' his
eyes g.iutc I liko those of a snake, und
hu was 111 a coinat'i-,e condition, (juiu. A
cunliuut'l to h:ss for beverai,
hut hu- r c.nnu out ot tho lit and v. alked
away. .-ouio ye irs nwo fuiui.'a was
biltrii 1y a ralta-Hijiiko and lus arm had
to Le uinpiitai..d to b..vo Inn lilo. U-.en-Kioniilly
lie iias ihesu peculiar Ills, In-w.s,
sjirawia on t.10 ground aud nlleiiipis,
hiio a r.itt.ei-uiiiko, t i sliiku oLjucU or
JHIH his. .
Jiid-o Ilanforl of Ta'oiu.i his an-lioiiuc.-d
hi dominion au luihuii
liua-ii has 11 j). rfeef ri-!it to buy whi ky
uud toolilin it it hu irllO)v s, ja t til l
kiiiiio as any otinT citin- ii of lini United
status, liiu luling d-s mil alTe- t t no
law that proiili.its the s- ldng of lepe.r
to au Iu-riati win) IS not a uiuoi, nut
tho c-.ait ii'j.ds liiJt an Indian v, in,
ciiu. u cannot bo ilcpriV'-d of any of the
rivals that nto .o-h hst'l l.y any ofiier
ClliZeU QIlli'T tho const. lutioa.
Lionel Comport, tho young milkiuuu
uiyi..ri'uiy anot at lyis ri
cctitly, is nor out of danger. L'omjeit
was .not ti.i'uali tho ab ioiii'ju and w .s
thoulit to bo fatally wounded. Ail
Ois.raiioii was p'-i foini-:d by Pouco Sur
g.j'.ii Pi. ice, win- ii in cc. lap d loo re
moval of in .ro toan a foot ot ih'i lower
iijt. -tiiieiiii 1 tile ends boing join. 1 vit!
a "alurphy biiltou." Tna op -i it; .11 is
a must cl.llieuit on--, and 1 Jr. l'i rcc IS
riter.Hig ti... con ;,-rat illations of I. is
lesirins 011 h'- s-i' s.
A Family Library
Tt8 Ec:t in Current Liieratura
12 COMfelTt Novcl Ycaiiiv
(260p-.avr.aR: 23 cti. a copy
rrince Chlng, Ii Hung Chaug and
Kuiig Kan if, the tliruo liiembers of (he
reform boatd who uro iu IVking, havo
recoived - a cotumunU-ation ' from" the
winit, in which, among other things,
tiny nro directed to follow tha good
things of the old country and adopt th
gooil of other countries; to copy tha
westerners "their hearts tiro all good,
those of tho Chinese nro all bad;" aud
finally, says the communication, "Good
government depends ou uicu, not meas
ures. Select good men uud yourselves
act with sincerity and latiL Briefly,
forget self for the public. "
The so-called "allied villagers," ac
cording to native report a, include 35,000
woll.m-mod troops iu southwestern Chi
li, says the Peking correspondent of tho
Loin 1011 Standard. Most of them are
1 11 Boxers or dislmudod soldiers. They
havo captured all the imperial supplies
sent overland from IVUiug.
Information has bueu received at
Peking stating that thero is uo indica
tion of the KuviiaiiR withdrawing from
Manchuria. Tho Chinese authorities
alone aro incapable of suppressing dis
order. The Ku.vsi nis are utilizing cer
tain Chinese troops, but they prove
Eleven governments havo airreed Unit
tho indemnity to bo paid by China shitll
bo i."n),0O0,t(H) taela, and that the secur
ity will bo the salt rax, the uativo cus
toms ami an increase ill maritime cus
toms to an clVectivo 6 per oeiit. The
principal of a Chinese loan to pay the
indemnity w ill bo puyablo iu 1UI0. The
totarpaymeiits of principal uud lutorost
will bo l,lMii),00'.l,tWJ tilels.
A Peking dispatch of July 25 says:
No ellectivo government exists through
out tho territory covered by the foreign
punitive expeditious. Bands of brig,
anils, composed of deserters from the
foreign armies, Boxers and former Chi
neso regulars tcrrorizo the country,
l'hi) imperial troops returning to Peking
pluni.ei-ed 1(1 towns soutli of I'aoting-f u.
After tho troops departed tho peoplu
took vengeance upon tho olllcials, mob
bing tho luiiiiduiius mid wrecking thctr
A staton. nt prepared at tho internal
rovunuu bureau says that tho collections
ou aci ount. of tho war luvuuuo not dur
jjig thu period lrom Juno 111, lblW, to
Junu ill), lllil, wero f.HM, 7UO.501.
The navy depart iiieut has bought tho
Spanish dry dock lu Havana harbor,
and it. will be towed to Subig. bay,
island of Luzon. Tho distance too dry
dock will he towed, noing by Way of
Uibrulliir, is 1 1,11 HI inilos.
Tho postofli..-o department has called
for bids for about 11,01)0,01)0,1)00 puslal
aids during thu four years beginning
December 1st next. During tho last
quarter of thu fiscal year ended Juno lid,
l:Ml, 2tU:i;.Vl cards wero used by tho
department, mi uveniKO of (17,HK),(j.",0
month. Tins number, howuver, Isabovu
the nveragu for tho quarter, tho usual
number ii.piiied being about (id.ono.nijil,
necessitating lint mitiiulacturo and
printing of about .2,01.0,000 curds dully,
month iu uud mouth out, or ,20,0110,000
a your.
Thu composition of tho court of lu.
ipiir.v asked lor bv Keiir- Admiral Hobloy
is ns follows: Admiral Gcorgu Dowey,
'oinmander ol thu imvv, president;
Hear-Admiral I, -wis A. Kiinboily, ro
tired; Hour-Adinirul Andrew 11. Bon
hum, retired, tiiptma Samtiel O.
la-iuiy, United rii.u,., navy, will bo
jiule-iidvocato. Tho coui-i is ordered
to convene at Washington ou Thurs
dny, Sept. 12.
TI11. lly lriiiiit I eilenit Inn Orilvis ilut
111,01111 Men.
Ill fiilllllineiit ol its threat to tin np
tho business of San Francisco, no far as
shipping Is concerned, tin) City Front
redeiinion or l,iih.r, at 11 meeting Mon.
day, July 2J, called out its full iiiuuib i---hip,
estimated at 111,000 ur n, and
thereby stopped work on nil the duels
of San l't-ancisoo, Oakland and Port
Ciwla. Thu resolution, which received
the unanimous support nf tho delegates
to the federation, i ns follows:
"Tim full membership of thu Citv
Front Federation refuses to work at the
docks of S in I-'riiiu.-iseo, Oakland, Port
Costa und Missiou U-h:!c. ' The steamers
Bonlta and Walla Walla, with mill
and p issiiiignrs now in thu struma, wilf
be allowed to go to S'-a."
Tho strllto of tho Brotherhood of
Tauisters oisned with 11 total of I), I'M)
muu out, bin Willi thu .members of tiio
federation out, tile total was raised to
SO.O'xj s', mid a e,,us. rvativo cli
mate places tint uuinbcr who uro forced
to suspend laboi on it'-oount of tho
sinl.11, b-it who are not striking, at
2n,0 inore, luakiii.: a' total of lo.o )
idle R'oplu as a result of tiio iabm
troubles. 'J ho limplovers' lu-snaai Ion is opposed
l'i sympiiuietio strhus, and demands
that cvury i-uiph.yur ! h rmiuo'l "to
employ his help wlilioi. t Uisurimiiiiitioii
as to cr.-ed, rao'i or iimuibfrMijp in any
Ml.-rual oigaiii.uiou, and that every
tiuploycu .diall havo tliu ll'ht to lalsir
Without int'ii I.T. in'n 111 any sliuallou
hu chases to accept,"
Jotllll.S III Us.
A seV'.i'u lliuiiih rsioim ra-i d ill Iyiii
don, n.ruiug Hu' str.- ts into r.vor The
umleri-r Hind ratl iay w is feysb-d and
(rain w ci-i stopp. d. Too smiou II ,o(iu I
ill's. I.ingt.-.v's new tii--.a.r, tiiu lui.
I s.1 nil. .S.veial pul, In: l.udd.iitfs Were
a, on., d.
Ail l'i,'ilslnnali 11:1 I two i idles, to-g-
th.-r Willi tlielr lll'le, plunged our a
pr cipicu Vitide a -' eml.nij loo Mallei.
In an, in; 1 1 l,.u I. On., iauy e-,capi.l
without ser.oi..- in j my. A ::-; it. h lioui
Acs! 1, Italy, siy, ih .; lin e Kinjli-li.
tn 11 mi l llir.-l Uillde v.hi.c clinih a.
'Milit t.l 'l 1I1O, fi 11 dos 11 a e. n.snl ami
all t- 1
At Red Time
I lake a ples.urt herb drink, the next
morning I feel bnht and my complex
ion is bett.-r. My do. tor says it sets
gently on the stomach, liver and kid
hp) , Slid is a pleasant laxative. It is
tn .1 Ih from lieilu", ami i prepared ss
j easily ss tea. It is culled I. sne's Medi
cine. All urugyiMis s.-ii n ai -oc. bimi
V):. Lane's f amily Medicine moves
the bowula i-a. h day. If you cannot get
it, send for a free sample. Address,
Orstor F. Woodward, I.e Uor, N. Y,
Midsummer Specials
i Cots, large size and comfortable. ,:. . .......... . 00
Camp Stoves, folding, regular price 5,50, now.,.. 4 90
"- -rents,.,..,.!. 3 98 up
Croquet Sets, regular price $1.20, now...;". ' 00
'V " " 1.50, " 20.
k Hammocks, " 1.90, " t ,0
Tumblers, per dozen...'. 48
To close out we mexke theae leai ihe,i manuf Actwrer'a prte.
Delong Hooks and Eyes, per
s-orsei ciasps, per pair
New Katods this week txt economical people! prlc
Iron Beds another big shipment, $3.25 to..'.., $16 00
UR-; " ; " " 50c to...... j 94--
Stand Covers " . " " 50c to. 3 95 -
Lace Curtains " " " ' 25c to.:.... 685
Picture Frames, 16x20, all complete, 1.00 to.....'. 350
John L. Collins, son ot tha late Rear.
Admiral Napoleon Oollliisof the United
btutos navy, nocideutally fell from the
foiirloeuth (I -sir of the Maaouio Temple
at ChicnKo (0 the bottom ot the elevator
shaft and was Instantly killed. He was
B'J yeni-s old, and employed as flashier by
a firm in tho Masunlo Temple.
I'iro laid waste au area of sawmill
aud rosldenco property at Ua von port,
I.t., equal to ao ordinary olty blocks and
caused a loss of 1700,000. Fifty homes
Wero burned, some of them touomouts,
and 100 families were rendered borne
less, At the ollloo of the Robert Garrett
Lumber company in Leavenworth, Kan.,
Michael Kelly, 1111 iusano man, shot six
people, killing; 0110 and mora or lea
seriously wounding four others. He
was hlinsulf dually killed by officers
who tried to ovorpower him.
Kdcjiir and Hurley Dalrymple were
drowned in tho Dear river, four miles
south of iMompolicr, Idaho. The young
muu wero bathing, whou Hurley, agud
17, got Into deup water. His urotnor
went to his usslstanoe, aud lu the Strug
glu that followed both lost thoir lives.
A long-standing rivalry betweeu E 1
wai'4 Kuiicis uud Harry Daws for the
favor of- a 17-yuar-old Muiloan girl re
suited iu a shooting affair at Daggett,
Han Bernardiiio-couiity, Oul., iu which
Davis was seriously Injured aud ll uot
exeoled to recover.
l'uti r TiUbury, an ironworker, oallol
ou Mrs. Mary Torroy at Mnucie, laid.,
und throw the contents (if a small bottle
of carbolic acid into bur face. The aold
burned out the woman's eyes aud
burned heruuck, bruust and arms fright
fully. TiUbury had voinly pleadud with
tho woman to marry him.
Kuws comes from Manila of the first
surrender of iiisurgeuls iu thu island of
.Sauiar, odd muu, with two fluid guus, 80
ntli.s uud several bolos, giving them
selves up to the authorities.
The first minting of thu Uiglslutlve
ohuiiiber was held ou July 2d. Com
missioner Wright, speaking of the char
ier of Manila, wild tho same reasons
that controlled lu making Washington
thu federal city obtained lu Manila, aud
Washington, hu duclured, was tho best
governed city iu thu world. Itoprusau
tativus of thu tipauish chamber of com
mercii opposed tho charter, asserting
that It was tiicousiotcut with the freest
government ou earth to deny the right
ofsulfrugu to. thu residents of the me t
tosjlis while granting It to those of
uihur localities. The proposed system
of government for Manila, they said,
was far lo-s libera) than that offered by
thu Spanish authorities, who proposed
to niuUo llu) repus.. iilatlvua of thu dis
tricts 111 Manila elective by the people.
Colonel Zurbiiiio, with Vi ofllcors, S18
men, 'i 111 nib s and 100 boh.s has sur
rendered to Lieutenant Hickman of the
First Cavalry, lu luyubua province.
I'letureMuld- yaV
.Southern Oregon State Normal School
Htrung Academic
course. I'rofrmional
training of the highest
Well equipped labora
tories. 1-irstclsas train
ing department, lie
ilium! lor trained leach
em exceeds the supply,
'irad iates raaily secuie
good positions,
11 v a u t i f u I hx-ation .
Most delightful climate
011 the coast.
Kxpcnsc tUd to lo0
per year. Write for
V L'.v 'i v:Wlf
f ti aT T 1 M "I
Wi 'is. Ji ' '1
W. M.
Wall Paper
. Crockery ..
These former insorcenti bare
the oath of allegiance to the Unite
Hiatus aud their surrender clean that
district of the revolutionary elenast.
A civilian uamed Pinulok ha beam
seutouoed to one year' taprltouaeat
aud to pay f 1,000 for receiTi&c MppUea
stolen from the oommlsaary depertaeal
A dispatch from Pretoria, date Jaly
SO, says: "Adetaohmeutof BMaaeher'e
Horse, occupying Breiasrsdoc y, 1 sj
forced to evaouate July Mth by -rior
force of Boers. The tUteobaeM
fought its way to Lembobo, a 1
of 10 mllea, losing about tea
wouudod aud a few missing. ' '
From July 1 to July 21 the saber tt
Boers captured, wounded or imnreades).
lug was 1,008. Oaves that were ecoaptea
by tho Boers have been disco verett la
the Lydeuburg dlstrlou The eavM war
well furnished and stocked with frort.
sious. A quautlty of ailksaud satlaa
was ulso fouud lu them, aad It It ns
posud that these were ( looted fraea
stores. A military oenaas will be lakea
ou July 81. Colonel Garrett la a sate.
mtsh near Yereeoigiua; eaptared M
Boeri aud a number of eaUle aad
wugoua, . , .
Lord Kitchener telegraphs Jaly U
that Colonel Barratt'i oolama nrpcieed
a Boer convoy near Kelts burg aud cap
tured as prisoners and some wagoaa.
The British casualties were two killed
uud six wounded. Qeneral French 'a
coluniu lu Cape. Colony la gradually
pushiug the Boers northward.
General Badon-Powell arrived ' at
Southampton, England, from Soath
Africa, aud was formally welcomed by
the mayor aud civil authcritlea. - Whoa
he arrived at Woking to rtitt Oaptala
McLaren, who served with htm la ladla
aud at Mafekiug, there was a great
deinoustrutiuu with bauds, bonfires aad
decoralloof. The members, of the fro
brigade detached the horses from the
carriage aud hauled the hero of Mate.
king to Captain McLaren's reeltUao.
Sau Francisco Typographical TJnloa
No. II, at lis last meeting, peesed a
series ot resolutloui eondemntag the
"arrogant aud vloious attitude" el the
Employers' association la declaring
itself Inimical to all labor itrganlmtlnsss,
thereby seriously ootnpUstfteg the en
deavors to settle the existing dlfpatea,
A protest is made against any reoogal
Uuu whatsoever by the mayor or at,
uiolpal authorities of the Km ploy ere
association In pending or future fa big
Judge E. C. Hart of Saorameato
teuced Frank Eurlght and Bay Faaey
to Sau Queutin for Ufa for robbery.
Ever since Judge Hart look office in ISM
be has been carrying oat tha Idea he
then expressed, to deal oat severe pea.
isiimeut to criminals of tha fun I pad
olaas. The Baoramento police amy that
Judge Hart la worth a soora of poiioe la
the town.
X, E. VOOHmr3