A, '0 I; We'll Write it Down rill 1 We waut that order of yours for several reasons: Because we have the stock to supply you the best. Because our attention will insure vou best sen-ice. Because we and money. can save you time because, one order is a step toward a permanent customer. Six Bars Laundry Soap 25c, "Diamond G." It's good. See it in our window. Leave your order with us for Cherries, Raspberries and Blackberries. $1.25 per crate, Strawberries this week. Our Hams and Bacon are Eastern cured and smoked. These are good. Fruit jars. Lots of them. Get our prices. WHITE HOUSE GROCERY. Xecal 1bappcninw3 S.W.P.M. Don't lake Trouble For yourself and neighbors by letting your chick ens run loose. Get our prices on Poultry Netting and it will surprise you how little a sight ly and substantial Chicken Yard will cost. .. .. .. Cramer Bros. Garland Stoves. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK Sporting Goods McCORMIOK MOWERS, RAKES. ""in. cr. ,-:v-i . a cvi--ivYft'a ..-.'s'" A..-r For Sale by-- Ifair-ltiddlc Hard ware Co. AT JEWELL S OLD STAND. MA KB LB AND GRANITE WORKS. J. Ii. IWDIMX'K, I'koih. prriiereu 10 iiirrnu nnyt'iinrf in the line of Cemt-lcry work in any kind 01 iUAi'.ri.Jti ur liitACUTij. .Nearly thy ty yi mi .,f i.xu.riMiie in the Murble biiiripK lli.il t ran till your onli rs in tiie very l-st manner. Can furnish w irk in Scotch, Sp I or American lirsnile or an? kind o Marble. nrratita my saving from Hirrcr Nt-xi m lirctnp'a G ui.niicp. J. Ii. PADDOCK, MEDFORD ACADEMY. ACADEMIC AND COMMERCIAL' young A NEW SCHOOL. Prepares teachers for state ami county (-laminations. Fits men ami women for hu-inrss positions and for college. Special attnition to teachers' review classes, stenography and type writing. Kxpenees per school year of A) weeks, Ilia, $125, $no. Tuition per" lenn, t'1.25; board at club house $1.73 per week, in faniiliea $2 50, 3.00 liwm rent 30 cent, per week. The folder contains tpecial information and the course of a'.udy. Write fur it. The first term opens .ctplcinl)r !, llKil. W. T. VAN" SCoy, Principal Mori fowl. VOl'll CHOICE OF OLIl ... "Kor sl.OO rrhi Dr. Flanatin, Resident Dentist. fo to Co.-un far IMunibing. Whips, 10- to 2.50 at Uackelt's. Cash fur Gold Dust at Cramer Bros. M. Clemens, Trpecription Druniriat. Old l'aers, 5c phr bundle at Coi kikk oflk-e. Iee Hives and Dee Supplies at Hair liidille Hdw. Co. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Rallies at Colon's. Harness of all Khds, tirades aud Prices at llakett's. icrnian-Williaina Taints. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. '01 Ramblers $40. Roadsters $35 at Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co. Sew Photo Mounts for amateures at the Courier ollice. Leave orders for engraved calling cards wilh A. E. Yoorhies. 25 per cent discount, cn Shirt Waist wliita and colors. K. O. McCroskey. The post-office cloa now and here after at 7;00 p. m. Night mail closes at 9:00. Tne Standard and New Home sewiiin usachines. All styles and prices. -Jos eph Moss, Ant. The cut rates are still on at Westons ialliry, opposite Court lloute. Best Cabinet size $2 OJ per dozen . Jtials 25c; counter lunches 5c up, at Urn's restaurant. Williams block, Front street. .Rising Sun hVnr is a Josephine county product, manufactured by Moou & Co.al I'rovolt. In quality it is inferior to none. Amateur photographers thfuUl call and see euuiples of W. D. platiuiiui pa per. For sale by A. E. Vooihies. Grit's restaurant in the Williams brick on front street, is the place to get a goi'd meal. Everything m order and prompt attention given. The total membership of the A. O. U W. in Oregon is now 9007, the numbt of 1470 haviuti been initiated during the past year. The number of lodges is also increasing. three boys of tender ajie, broke into a duelling iion-e one day this week and stole a watch and some other articles. which they sold to a second hand stole, Medford. It is a matter of current report that a Roseburg editor has been raking in sin k els from delinquent subscribers by theat eumg to expose various osculatory ep. Bodes with their hired girls on the part of his patrons. Scott Uriihn handles Ashland flonr, Utah alfalfa seed, Oret''" red clover seed, winter outs, large Russian while rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tun othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop l'.arley, Corn, Wheat, Oals.. Dr. (ioble was unfortunate in getting his right hand severely lacerated while Handling a gun, over at Sisson lut week. Five stitches were required to be taken in closing up the wound. Mail. Tne north bound overland train on Satmdav ewninn was made, up in five sections, earning F.pwortli Leaguers to their Kdveral destinations from tiie Convention in San Fruncisco. Lion Cement U.h no supcrion for mending articles ot every description, Made by 15. A. Williams. S uith I'.roB A Rice of the l'.jhy mine. received a portuble engine from' Port land and a two slamp mill from Ashland last week. The machinery was hauled to the mine by (lavage llrotherB and will be installed immediately. Captain J. A. Tate, who recently re signed lbs Cjplami y of Co. II. at this place, has turned the vuunuand over to Lieutenant . U...15rown, who has en ornprm io tuse i-yir:,nG ard receive the property. ' ' ' ' " Rev. i. W. ;Ue t1H wall-know Melliodist minister, die 1 sullenly nt tne east side depot in Portland, last week Wedmeday inoruing, where he had gone to meet some returning I'm. worth L-ugiio delrgutes. lie was til years rd. a in. nj-or of the ti. A. K. anil had livid in Orein foi ti n ve.im iu.i -Mrs. D. C. Ilerrin, formerly of Arh 1 ..,.( B...1 ....III I "u,,i'r w i ni'iiin iiere, who is a. prominent worker in bi-lulf t,f the Dey g-ei-.it il jnrr, at (ho c!c-c of the a nual s-s-ion .. . grA, ,(,e () 1B, order, held in Poriland lant weett whs p.-esented by the inembers thereof with handtouie rim, set wilh diamonds and Ashland has two oil compauies active ly engaged in boiinj. t-olio Paper, Toner and Hardener for Bale by A. E. Yoorhies. The City Treasmer hat on hand funds to pay all warrants protested to October 8, 1S97. Bernard Goldsmith, who wis resi dent of the Rogue River valley in 1S59, died at bis home in Portland last week. Fred. Cheshire and Lonnie Moon were door hunting a couple of days last week and Fred brought home a tine flve-pjint buck. the Woodmen excursion to Portland wtiiou leaves Friday morning will be taken advantage of by nearly 100 of our people, that many having spoken for tickets. If you intend going don't wait until it is too late to secure tickets. The Hold Hill News report that Eben Roberts was severely cut at Williams' saw mill, Sardine creek, last week. Roborts was running the edger and his arm camo in contact with the saw, re sulting in cutting off the ulna bone and mangling his arm in a frightful manner lurry McUaniel came in from the sheep camp just after the Fourth to spend a few days. Perry has been prospering like all euergetic wool growers of Lake county, and is reaping the benefits of his toil. He sold the wool from a thousand sheep this year at W4 cents, and his increase in lambs from the band was 102 per cent. Tidings. Solio, Lithium, Velox, Dekko and Platinum Photographic papers for sale by A. E. Voorhies, also all amateur supplies. Prof. W. T. Van Scoy has rented the second story of the Thomas-White block in Medford for the Medford Academy. There will be two rooms 25x40 feet in size, these will be well lighted by win dows on north and south ends anil west side. They will be fitted up especially for use l.y tho Academy. 'r. Van Scoy is meetiug wilh very Haltering success in his canvass for students, many having already made application for scholarship Hie school will open September Bih. On July 12lh, hetwoen Illy and Rov ston, the eastbound Wcsiorn stage team ran away while coming do.vu a hill, and much damago was the result. Alter demolishing the stage the team de tached itself and ran through the woods, there was one passenger aboard, who escajied injury, but the driver was seriously hurt about the face and head. The passenger cared for Ihe driver and then went iu pursuit of tho stage team After some time he captured Ihe horses, and started with the mail and horses lor Pdy, when the animals again ran away, scattering tho mail promiscuously along (he roadside. The passenger finally got the mail together' and reached lily six hours late. From there a physician was sent to attend the driver, whose name is Fred n His face is said to bu horribly mutilated Tidings. - - Cougar that Wouldn't Run. Frank Pmrkhardt. the well known rancher and packer, of Ditch creek, who has a ranch at the end of the wagon road on that stream and who supplies the miners of tipper tirave creek with the necessities of life, commanding the gateway to that district, was the princi pal recently in an adventure which was unusual, thrilling and little short of blood curdling. Uurkhardt was nuking hay on a side hill portion of his ranch, working 1n the old fashioned mauner with Ecythe and rake.- there came to his ears from the upper portion of his ranch, some quarter of a ml'o away, the squealing of one of his hegs. The hog squealed so persist ently and continually that Burkhardt finally decided to go and seo about it and having the rako in his hand took it along with him. Arrived at tho scene, the hog was still squealing. Peering through a dense thicket of leafy brush, Burkhardt deemed a patch of tawny lur, the owner of which was evidently naving sport with the agitated porker. Thinking it was nothing else than a coyote, Burkliardt heaved up a stone about the size of his list; "What are you dolug here stealing my hogs?" he demanded and "biff" he dealt the tawny fur a heavy blow with the slone, Tho result exceeded his utmost expec tations. Appalling snarls and growls issued from the thicket and forthwith emerged therefrom a full grown cougar, suarling ferociously, bristles nil on end, all signs unhealing that he was on the warpath. He had a taste of blood, hit dinner had tacaped him, he had been felly struck in the ribs wilh a rock and hia humor Wits desperate. Durkhamt fended with his rake, playing it up and down only a few inches from the cougar's nose. He held his giuund in the hope that the animal's ordinary cowardice would would assert its.-lf, aud bent on it the human gnzu which is traditionally sup posed to cow feiocious animals. The caugfir gave him ettire for stare aud refused (o bu lge an inch. On the con trary, tho brute's temper seemed to grow nioie and more dangerous. Sever al limes he crouched to spring, but always the rako playing in front of his face upset his calculations and seemed to perplex him. Finding that the animal absolutely would not give way, and seemed .to giow more and more angry, liurkhardt backed slowly away still guarding with his rake. The cougar did not follow, but merely held his ground until liurkhardt was at a safe distance Uurkhardt breathed sighs of (he most iutense relief when distance intervened and considered that he was well out of bad scrape. Ho also decided that he would lake hisgun along the next lime he went to the assistance of a hug In trouble. The hug made good its escape and r personal J. S. Tucker of Trail, rpeut few days iu lowu this week. J. M. John of Williams was a Uiauta Pass vicitur Sat ui day. Miss Uertie Coron is spending a couple ot weeks at Placer. Airs. Sam Neas of Placer is ependiug a few days here wuh her parents. Superintendent Houston of ihe Copper Stain mine, weut to Frisco Monday. Mrt. (Jeo. Phelps weut to Portland last week to visit her sister Miss Cora Smith, Mrs. Dean McCarthy returued to Ash laud ruesday alter spending a few ilujs al home. MARBLE MOUNTAIN. Product la of High. Gre.de e.t Any Found Elsewhere In the World. J. B. Paddock made a trip to Kerby this week to finish some monumental work. J. P. Rows of Sams Valley was in loa n im ween, consulting mem tiers ot our niedical tratirnity. Miss Gertrude Barrie is home on her vacation. She wi'l return to Portland to enter school in September. Chas. N. Wonacott, assistant secre tary of the Portland Y. M. C. A. visited tirants Pass friends last week. L. L. Jewell spent a few days fishing last week wilh Uev. Robt, McLean, at their favorite haunts near By bee Bridge. Mrs. Rae Benson and children returned Wednesday from Cosmopolis, Wash.. where she has been visiting her mother. Fred Menech is spending his vacation rusticating on Ditch creek, incidentaly milling and writing truo cougar stories. Mrs. Cluud Hockolt and baby arrived from San Francisco Friday.. Mr. and Mrs. Hockctt will be at home In the Curry house. Mrs. R. W. Clark and the girls and ms. 1 uter are spending their vacation tColeslin. Mrs. Peter returued after siwnding Sunday there, E. G. Holinan returned to the Granite- hill mine Mondav. Mia. Hnl man ami laughter accompanied him and will spend a month iu the mountains. Miss Mildred Slattison left Monday evening lor Sacramento to enter a hos pital for treatment. She was accom panied by her mother, Mrs. S. Norton, Uev. N. F. Jenkins and Edward started southward on Iheif tour Monday. At Ashland they joined a party which will make the ascent ol Mount Shasta. T. W.Jackson of Medford and C. W. Ilakur of Shelley Creek were in the Cltv lasi ween on thtir way to Shelley Creek "hero they aro Interested iu some prom ising mining propositions. Arthur Conkliu of the Mining Jour- mil returned home Monday from his trip boen playing wilh It as a cat does mouse it ly witli Watch Out, When You Buy Your SUMMER OUTING SHIRTS Ke sure that you get the right kind. If there is anything in this world outside a disagreeable mother-in-law that will make a man wish he had never been bom, it is an ill-fitting shirt. We have a Negligee Shirt that we are not afraid to say is me best iitting shut sold iu Cratits I Our customers indorse the statement. 'rices SOc, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. P. H. Harth & ass. It is folly to have your piano tuned by uy one except an eport Warner is I he best.'- Chautauqua Officers. At tin. u,.i..lal "iii-iihss ineeiitig the Iiillowiln; wrni e ..,-!.., I ,u , ,r, , . ., ii....ki..i.,i.. ii i. . .. .... I '" at ii in mm i. vnurvil -1011111 coming BSSellib V n.nr 1-. Hillings; vh SO P- emi-ralds. A.J. I.elaud, ol '.be N irih We-tern wiiu turn Tin.-. lay. Ti.e HATS WMk - LACE A bif stock just received. Good quality, now patterns, low prices. He Sa: Cow bfi.a Scrub brushes Chopping bowls . .. Jar rubber, 4 doi. . . Jar caps, di Bowl and Pitcher.. Platters fir 2--V Sc 2 k Kir .J-' 1 10 13c NEW GOODS From the east In is week. Many gains. No disappointments.' Hop pic-king G!ovs Linen Thread . Cotton Thread ;0 spools) . Library Paste Kertnin 1'ulogne lust ier M atch Chains .'. Syringes.. au. dishes, 6 for bar- 2V 5c 2.V 7c li 5c o 22c La Curtains 17c p.-rta;'. Ready wa le Sheets and Pillow Cases at Smith". NEW YORK RACKET STORE. K iilroad Co. irth Weslern has just i-sued a neat b ok of i ) pji s containing tubulated information reanli' g the population of states through whL-h '.lie road runs, ali-o viug a complnte map ol lhi route. opus of the h'j.k can be had hv ad- Iressing, A. G. Marker, V.i Third St.. l'ortla.id. Nearly evtry north bound pas-enger ain Icate a Urgn contingent of Kp onh Leaguers who temporarily seek a much needed resl. The heavy increase in trailic renders It iini'ossible to travel ith any d.gree of comfort on the rowded trains, and Grants I'as is the natural point, with il's unsurpassed cli mate, ample hotel accomodations and scenic environments, to lurj the weary traveler who seeks a beneficent chanae. Paul Laurence D:inbar has two veins story-leliing. The one deais with the negro, and is mostly pathetic or tragic. The o'her depicts humorously the O lio farmer and his domestic Ik. longiiiK. Tins is Ihe vein of the seiu s of "Ohio l'atora!a" now appearing in the "New Lippiniott Magaizne". In the August nuiuUr is "The Mortifica tion of the flesh," a dcIL ions morsel of ijood-hiitnored bars terization. A team of mules wiii an eye single to a change in environments a;i i inciden tally to help lh Cm sn.a oot in filling space, wand- n d down I root street Aug. 4th, VM; at II A, M., and 1 .M. l.y J. r. Ilaynes, Pastor. Itr. Van Dyku ts sUudily recovering from his serious ilhiess. IIo hat been rilling up some during Ihe past lew days Mis 1- loteni-o It alt was voted the most sipular young lady in liold Hill, and re ceived the diamond ring given by the Wizard Oil Co. A genile shower on Wednesday morn ing greeled the early risi r", but Ihe shower did not continue long enough to givo us a g o.l so.il.er. J. Pardi o and Mrs. J. Ta lor are as- iiting Miss Lih ile .Mi-Crnskey in the store during the absence ol li e head ol the linn Mr. McCroxkey is lorlima'e iu Hvnrmg so capable help ami be goes to the Coast free from business cares 'a -w"i,iiii aw noise, enjoying himself as only editors know how. lie visited his daughters while in New York. J. Disert, J. M. Foster and Jas. War ren, of Williams Creek, were iu lirants I ass lust Thursday on business. M.issrs. Foster and Williams aro associated with Mr. Disert In mining properties on Will isms Creek which the latter has devel oped to a considerable extent. Newport is one of tho most nouuhir Coast resorts and.Orauta Pass islfuriilsh. ing her (piola of health seekers. Mon- lay night Mrs. II. 0. Kinnev. Miss Maijnry and Paul joined an Ashland party who will make a few weeks stay. ir. anj .Mrs. K. O. McCroskev and I i ... i ... . ,. . ' - nil nun mrs. ur. Jennings will also spend about threw weeks there. A num ber of our peoplo will go later in the week, and with those already at this resort will make unite a lelegalion. 0. L. Clnvenger and C. K. Hoot made a dip to tho Josephine Caves last week spending considerable limn in the caves makiug Hash light photographs aud ..I. f ..i .. i"""""' v leveuger secured a mini her of excellent photoiiraphs and also some fine specimen! of crystals. Sir. Knot knows almost eveiy foot of the un .I..- I . . iiemromiu pusaago ami is a competent guioo. ine caves trip, allhou-ili it is nam cue, is a trip worth making, am! 1 "",lr (,.'' '" "''sea of the "'"""ii V:?'l,y "W a person for u"'..l;i. 1 iy have put forth in reach '."we unaiii. f y -t-,. l?on. auineen mnes irom Ursula rass, on Applegate River, stands a mountain of as fine or as high grade marble at to be found anywhere in the world Samples of rock brought into this city louay iron) parlies visiting the big mar ble mine will compare with that of any quarry the world over. The mountain containing the marble coven an area of tome 150 acres, and is owned Grants Pass peoplo. The mine was discovered in 1866, aud located 10 years later. Like many oiner valuable mineral properties uirgons uas oeen lying compara tively undeveloped all these years. good wagon road leads to the mine, and except what has been removed for loeal nse in Urants Pass, none other has been hauled over this road for any par pose. A lime kiln stands at the base ol the mountain, in which the surface rock nas Deen prepared and made into lime for local usage. From the lima kiln the marble shows up to a height of 400 feet or more one huge mass. It extends to the south from the kiln for a distance of 1000 feet civiutuis immense mintage a quarry nanus irom wnicli blocks of solid mar ine, iroin rive to feet square, without a crack or Haw, can be removed. If one will take the trouble to investigate they will find that few, if any, other quarries oxiBl anywhere else in tho world of such broad dimensions. Leigh Harnett, a mining and mineral export, and a good authority on mines and mining, pronounces it as (he world greatest quarry, lie say there it no noed of (he peof le of the Pacific Coast depending almost exclusively on Italy for our marble, when in Oregon we have every varioty of the rock, as vast in quantity or as line in quality as Italy or any other European country, (ire gon has, he claims, whole mountains of marble of as absolute purity, fine tex. tme, and beautiful variegations, as Italy ever prouueeu. They exist in Josonhlne Jackson, Wallowa and Douglas Conntlea The monntain near Grants Pass la the most extensive, and the marble of hlifh er quality than any of the others. The greatest question confronting the opera tors ol these quarries is that of transport ation of Ihe rock to the market. I ortland uses over a ton of niaibla nay, from year to year, which is broimhl from San Francisco at first cost, of from 3 to f.'O per ton, depending on the chnracter of the stone. Mr. Harnett believes that the marble of our owq quarries can bo shipped Into Portland for distribution to the general consumer atleascost than in having it brought irom Ban r ranci sco. In case of the Orantj Tass quarry ne gives the following figures: Cost ol quarrying, per ton, $2.60; freight bv wagon ta Urants Pass, ; by railroad to 1 ortland, 1. By these figures the Port land qurchasera of marble can res that it is possible (or them to get as good mar ble from Oregon quarries, at halt what they pay for that purchasod from San Fran;lsco. Uennis Klovall In Teleirram. j. n. BANCROFT, GEO. W. ED. H. ALLEN. HA.-.E At Bed Timo I take a pleasuut herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my complex ion Is better. My doctor says it acts gently on tho stomach, liver and kid neys, and Is a pleasant laxative. It is made from herbs, and is prepared as easily as lea. It is called Lane's Medi cine. All druggists tell It at 25c. and 50c Lane's Fuinilv Meillclna the bowels each day. If you cannot get It, send for a free sample. Address. Orator t. Woodward, Le Hoy. N. Y. Oancroft & Go GROCERS Some Interesting Facts For People Who Intend to take an Outing. We have tho finest line ot Lunch Goods in the City. 1 j-lb. Cartoon Crackers .ac iCaus Deviled Chicken....... 2 so ' T ....1 0 J uuuvueuu ouusnge. . . , , .20c " Sardines jq " French Smoked Sardines. 25c " Armour's Sliced Ham ... 250 " Bay le's Lunch Herring. ,joc " Vienna Sausage; roc " Veal Loaf. 15c " Borden's Condensed Milk.aoc " Evaporated iCream 10c 1 Bottle Sweet Pickles ..15c riccaiiiii 30c " Queen Olives oe Tillamook Cheese, per lb ...... 18c Ginger Snaps ,150 Fig Bar and Marshmallows . . . .aoc Bancroft & Go GROCERS ADLBTS. WANTED. 30Q HOP 1'ICKEHS Wanted; picking a,ivU oepieuiDer ill. Apply to or address, JOHN KANZAU, JR., Urants Fass, Oia. '200 ll()l I'lCKBHS Wanled-Apply to wuor address j. p. RANZAO, u ran is rasa, ore. Reason will commence about Sept, 1st, NTKM.IUGNT young men, from 17 to IS Tears of nun. having Mmmnn ..IimI education, to learn mechanical trades. For full information apply or write to, Union Iron Works. 222 Market Ht M.n clsiro. FOUND. AT the Armory, a collarette. Owner mar recover sauia 011 nmwinM m..Hki. and paying charges. Apply at this office. rOR. TRADE. JJCl.tlH POLLOCK will trade a new wag "un for wood. Call and see iilm at the llair Kiddle Hardware Co. store. CIR.L WANTED. QlKLor woman wanted to do laundry work at Cohwtin Hotel, Address it- 0. Tellord, Coleslm, Oregon. President, (j. presid.Mit. W. M. C.lv. I aei-reiury, . . Huyes; tru.isiirer, i.-H. Carter; vice president's, N. Ulier' man, of Taieni ; Mi Kw.i Coleman, Phoenix-H O Xiuney, (WiTts II. T. Piwioa, ,Mdnr J ; Mrs. ft. hittU . 1 llllul Point ; I K.'si'ili. Palls; MiHi Lillian Julian,' ... ..aricr, liolil Hill; )ri j.; j. l ICKel, .Meiltnrd ; A. E. It. Klamath Y.tv;.VV- " . A. II. tiraut, Jl. 1. The ori.in;.l contractor on tho Cres cent (.'ily-iir.inls Pass mail route has tul.cn charge of the line from Waldo to this place, and a better service is exp"cl ed. The gentleman is a resident of Ken tucky, and w ill huve a better idea, after carrying the mail during Ihe winter mouths, of the cot of keeping up Ihe service, which was taken 011 Ihe present contract ut altogether too Io a figure itecurd. Herbert Smith, the N. V. Racket store man, last week displayed some crorpiet sets in front of his place of business The sets naturally attracted the alenliun of cro'i'iet players and one devotee picked upa maliet and proceeded to show a friend how he would diive his oppo nent's ball ofTiho grounds. The strike was a heavy one hut the head of the mallet flew oh", and as a result the french plate wiiiiHn in trout of the tote has innumerable lines radiating from a common venter. The center being the point where the mailet hit. The gait was insured. IIIIS. J lli'lf .nr. villej J.ti. Willits, l.ake.iew. - io-iiitiii Iru-tees K. l, I'atrn k, J. K. di Jai k sun. l)inoin-:natiiinarrriis!es Mrs A F l-Wy, liaplMjU. p. .Veil, Presliy'ti r'iun ; II. C. i.ilcy, t.'ongrrgiiiioiml; Mrs. J. . I'OWIhg, .llelhodlH; Mrs. K. Kpisc-npsl ; Mrs, w, II. c,,!,,, A,vi.nt.' -nrisnan 10 he supplied; Himkard. Their Secret I.Oul. Ail riadieville, Ky.. was curious lo learn the cause of ihe vast improvement in the healih of Mrs. H, I. Wuiltaker, who had for a long limp, enJured un told sulIY-ring from a chronic bronchial Saturday morning withiat their driver's' trouble. "It's '! due to Dr. King's permission. The start was made in a I New Discovery," writes Lur husband very leisurely manner, and they seemed j "It cotnple'.t dly cured her and alto cured to pos-tese little animation just what our liltie grand naughter uf a severe t you'll notice but at the fini-h they were j tack of Wh-svping I o'igli." It p.it.iv. rery much alive, as the wagon was some- j ly cures Conglin, Cilds, Lu'irlppe, I'.ron what pied, the harness sipiabbied and -chilis, a. I Tl.rnat and Lung troubles, the general makeup thrown out of proper I Uusranu-ed bottles Vc s.id 1 . Trial justification. The mules were recovered. I bo'.ties freest W. F. Kreiner's drugstore. -.-- D. M. llrower. I modily. "er court in rep'.iiileut. , t-t al., appellant, and Supreme Court Decisions. ".M, Or., duly -1 -The Sup.en . Court today handed down -m,,,,,, , inree miiiiiig caws, reversing and ing the dei imihi of tm , the cases of Henry V,,,); vs. ('. 1. lvid.,, 11. ami , . 4. arson and II. U. Mil. ler, rqspondents Vs. P.M. Haves, L. L. 'eell,C. linrkhalter and William H..y. mden, appellants. In tiie case of P. H Ovn.it, et .1., appeiu,,,., VS- ,, -Mi.niig lompa,,,, et al.. rcpon-lcul.. the decise.il ol lower curl w.sallirmed. Kruplinns, cnt, h;rtw, scalds and sores of all kinds rpiickly healed by De Vitt's Wit,!. i-l s,,vp. (;trUll ''He for piles. P.i-aarn of C'oiiiilerfeits. lie sure you g.-t lh or glnal HcWitt's. I'r. W. F. Kremer. Advcrtl.cd Luiicr Lfet. Following is tin. itol letters remain ing uncalled f.,r In the Urants pass po-t-'.l!i-f, Saturday, July i-i;, p.( . Mi. us 1 angle, Mrs C'l.as. I.urtle, Mrs Annie l-IMI Uf.M And.r.n L' KAON l-ennis, Mr James Heal' n, W II Ki.... J Livinirst'in. J I', 2 l: uiv 1, p -snl urn, Msrsli a -l, l;0uae.' Mr John U,al, A . Tonner. Mr P. W aish, Mr It T C. I-:. 11 4 11 m. x. Warner is Horsi It has been reported nr.IifTereiit Lines that M. O. Warner Ihe Phmo Inner jaj oirconiinueii is trips lo this vallev. but miii is iuiso si, ne has no intanii.m .,1 loingso. Sir. Warner Is here for a few J s 1 oays anu will atleml to all work that is reported promptly. If your instrument needs his attention do not (,'olav Better for the lilood than Ssraiparilla. For Iho-e Living In the Malaria Dia ne's, tirove's Tasteless ( hill Tonic. Band Concert. the lollowmg program will be given nr ihe (. ranis Pas bund at the K ill mad I ark m Fild.iy evening, Aug. 2nd '"" '""l'st" OraiTula 1 ramp, 1 ramp, Tramp" lta,j. Kuie N.lo-rryer Itolllnson rveruire, r's-l and Peasant". .. HUp,. ' liig Melodies" Matkie .-.noKeag oiaa -Uirl.el .Solo ,"rl" Casey l.ooney (onus" Cak.. Walk ittn J' ivies ilnt ., v t,... l. I'.i MARRIED, l'ot master. I jzqTTTTaHrQa j . . - -c r r. It At (ialena, -oay, Jll'y i-.l, P.KII Phllll; ertii. Norton and Miss Nellie Pi'liBcller. .Mr. Norton was it former resident of 1. rants Pass and has a host ol friends '-" I'Miliraimsuoris. llie lis !.... I. t.... -e. . ... 1. iiinK nines spinas 01 In in as a rising young engineer now in the em pioy 01 niHj.is. ciiapmaii plant," and ol Ihe bride a a "I. ighly rep. cled and accompliKhed young lady." DIED. MOI'.LKY At the Jo-.-plnne ('ruiniy lii.spnal, Tliursday, July Ii-liainiii Murley. ' HOLM AN & SON, UNDERTAKERS EMBALM ERS. O fice . n ti'.li St. npprj. Court House, ftt-tideuce North 7th Ht. GRANTS PS8, CRC. The Best Prescription for Malaria ('bills and Fevor is a boltle of Oroye's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron and iiiiilnu iu a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Price 6O0. Estreky Notice. There came Into my enclosure near Urania pass, about February 8, 11101, one red cow about six years old, marked with i.piare crop oil" left car; also one red yearling marked as above described. ' . .yvt.ier may recover same by proving ownership anj paying charges. J. W. Hiiowx, '. I , s n BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. IAV1NU Mining interests that require my attention 1 will Mali m ki-i. isliiiK ol Ueula luriiiHhiiiir inwul. sh.u Hals I aps, Notions, etc,, at less than cost! a wool or in lots to suit purchaser. 11. A. Kssn, Odd Fellows building. CAR.RIAGES, ETC. Itt'liUIKH, carriages and mountain backs. Anyone thinking of buying any ot the almve, it will pay lliem logo to KehkopC aud Kaui-ii and eia.iuue their vehicles and f!fl their prices and terms before buying 1' hey also carry the buckeye mower and rake. Itememhur the place, tun street oppusite rwoud-naml store, FOR, SALEi ; (JA.MKKA A 5x7 view camera andoillrtt for sale cheap. ln.Uirs at this oidce. GOLD DUST. (JASH paid for gold dust. -Cramer Bros. 'I'AKK your wheel to Cramer Bros, for' - repairs. 1ST . " a.tA ia's't,.''-' "O-EBATEST '--v. -' T f 01 ' Reduction Sal Ever known in Urants Tass. CLOSING SALI? of Shirt Waists. Vitlu.-s that cannot lo boat. It onlv takesi a look tn onni. vinoo you. Great Slaughter in TRIMMED HATS, Kvory cno loft goon ut HALF thn Rpfn.hr Pri Siwle Goods 1-3 oil' of Ik Regular Price. Just the time now to buy your X-MAS PRESENTS while tha sale is on. Tabic Linen, Muslin Underwear, Dainty White Goods. SPLENDID VALUES iu thosolin. an tho (Jooilrt aro going fast. Du not mi sg this sale MRS. J. A. REHKOPF. SLLL., -'.. 1 A. R VOORniE3