Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 25, 1901, Image 2

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Published Evry Thursday.
Subscription Ratssi
On Year, In rdrsscc, '
Hit Months,
Toras Months, -
Hingis Cojnea,
Advertising Rates
Furnished on sppllcation tt the oftirs, or
by mall.
Pkopr. A Mnor
Entarsd at tbs pout office at OranU Pin,
uragoo, aa ascona-ciaaa mail matter.
THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1801.
A new ((lobe circling record Las ben
made by Cliarlea Cecil Fiflroorrls,
ersnteeo year old schoolboy of Chicago,
ssut around tbs world by W. R. Hearit
H made the trip in 60 W days. Tbs
dutancs ii given as 20,545 miles. Pre
vlont records were held by Geo. Francit
Train and Nsllls Bly.
A British stesmablp captain, lately
arrived at New York from St. Helena,
is authority (or the statement that only
17 per cent ot the prisoners of the Trans
vaal wsr are Boers. The remaining 83
per cent are foreigners; Scandinavian!,
Germans, Italians, Ruuiana, Iriab,
Americans, Greeks, seemingly every
nation nnder the sun, and be declares
that this proportion it repreaenlativs of
their entire srmy.
Agnlnaldo, it is reported, is becoming
Irritated at his long detention at a pris
oner. He will not sign bis nains with
out adding the word "prisoner" to his
signature. While it may seem hard on
him to keep him in detention alter he
hat taken the oath of allegiance to the
United States, the authorities can not
afford to take sorinnt chances on bia
good behavior, as his record shows that
there is little dependence to be placed
In blm.
Tbe Sampson Schley controversy
has broken out afresh and in a new
for m. A history ol I lis naval operations
has been produced In which Schley Is
accused of rank cowardice at the battle
of Santiago. Many think the Sampson
faction to have a hand in tba protection
of this book. Tns latest development
In the case is the application by Schley
to Secretary Long lor court of Inquiry.
The requeat was granted and Admiral
Dewey baa been selected as the brad of
tlis court.
25 cts.
A lot of ladies' desirable
Are being sold at the Red Star Store for
23 cents each.
W. E. DEAN, ft CO., Propr.
Front street, oppo Depot,
p let tea their infantile fmncv, to the
serioos peril of their playmates and
peril more or less to the whole commun
ity. Ontsideoflbe dsnger of guns in
the hands of irresponaibls youth, it ie a
wrong sort of training to teach thrru der
atrortivenea. A bov who goes hunting
for tbe mere plearure of killing Is taking
a course In cruelty which ia likely to
make him a less desirable ruir.-n than
he would otherwise be.
Tbe protest against the present system
of timber "protection" Is becomins
ideepread. Indeed, the fact Is appar
ent to all thinking people that allowing
highly Inflammable matter to accumulate
In the forests Is Increasing the dsnger
year by year at compound Interest.
In a few years more, the ugly liJe of
the matter will be much more apparent
than at present.
The intense beat in the eastern state
still continues and is a rerd breaker
for length as well as severity. In Kan-
, the recent promise of re let from
the drought did not materially and
the prospects for crops at present are
very discouraging. In contrail to the
sweltering heat prevalent all over I lie
eaat, our summer has tlma far been
very cool and pleasant. There is no
season of the year In which ws cannot
congratulate ourselves on onr climatic
Our buainees menaud clerks say that
already they begin to look back on the
late doting regime as to galley alavery
days or something of that sort. Buai
neas hours occupied their entire time so
that tbey had no time for recreation to
apend with their families, or even to
think their owa thoughts. The time so
spent seems blank and barren to them
as though some years ol their life had
been wholly loat; dropped out bodily.
The inconvenience to the public by early
closing Is to small that It Is nothing in
comparison to the benefit which results.
Appreciated favors are seldom grndged
by the givers, and in this cane the good
nature and willingneaa with which the
public accepts the new order of things is
appreciated in the nvit sincere manner
by the businesi men and clerki of Grants
The reckleaaneai with which fire arms
are uted by youngsters is something
alarming. Only laat week, a boy reck
leaaly shooting with a 38 calibre ride
shot into a residence, narrowly missing
s child. This occurred within the city
limits. In the outskirts ot town many
have beard shot rattling on the roofs or
agatnat the walla of their houses and
maimed cattle and other flock are too
frequently found (or the pxace ot mind
of the subtirhsn farmera. A hoy when
he goes gunning, ilioots at whatever
bird or other game be sees. That any
thing else may be In range of his gun
does not occur to him. Young boys are
mnre or less irresponsible creatures, but
their lack of Judgment ia supposed to
be aupplemeiited in some degree by
those who have authority over them.
It is the height ol cilminal tolly to turn
an Inesponeinle person loose on tbe
community with a deadly weapon in bia
bands. A gun is not a good plaything
(or a child and ia not made lor that
purpose. i.ven the little air guns have
harming power enough to maim men
or animala and they- are put in the
hamla of toddlers barely out ot skirls to
pop away indiscriminately at whatever
Fish Levke Ditch.
Some 10 miles of the ditch have been
completed, begining at a point on l.iltle
Ilutle Creek about 3') miles from Med
ford. The company will aoon begin the
work of converting Fiali Lake, which ia
40 miles from Med ford, at the base ol
Moniit I'itt, into an immense reservoir
covering 10,000 acres, with an average
depth o( 60 feel. The entire length ol
thia ditch I. to be 05 miles. The width
at the bottom will be 10 feet, and the
capacity about 10,000 miners' Inches.
About 12 miles from Medford tbe ditch
will have a fall of about 100 feet, tbe 3000
or more horaepower which will be be
veloped by this ditch tu be need for the
purpose of electric-lighting, protection
againat Sre and other commercial par
poaea. The company ia at present employing
about 100 men and about the same num
ber of horses. Construction of tbe ditch
ia proceeding at the ntte ot about one
mile per week. It ia expected that by
the'.beginning o(;next year enough of the
ditcb will be completed to irrigate about
30,000 acre ot Rogue River Valley land.
The ditcb will be of great benefit to
farmers who hsve properly in the region
travel ml by this ditch, there being thou
sands of acres of land, which would be
very fertile if irrigated, and which are at
present slmost useless. Tbe Fiah Lake
Ditch A Irrigation Company is Incorpor
ated under the law ol the state ol Ore
gon, but no atock baa been or will be
offered for aale.
Fortune Mining Company.
The Fortune Mining Co. has filed
articles ot incorporation with the secre
tary ot alate, capital stock, $50 000. O.
8. Goodnow, John Ward and J. L. Wig
gina are the Incorporators. .
The Fortune Mining Co. is doing sub
stantial and buainnsa like work in de
veloping a number ol good quartz pro
perties indifferent portions of Southern
Oregon. The Horseshoe mine on Foots
creek, where a five stamp mill ia now
in process of construction, is one of the ir
Kodak Films at that Courier office
Woodmen of the World
Excursion to Portland
7 7 5 Runi1
Trains leave Grants Pass Friday, Aug. 2, 5:30 a. m.
Returning leave Portland Friday, Aug. 9, 8:30 a. m.
Daylight Ride Both Ways
Procure tickets from GEO. SLOVER,
Bsvnd Concert.
The following program will be given
by tbe Grants Pass band at the Kail
road park on Friday evening, July 20.
Marcb "Bean Ideal"
Se'ection "Robin Hood"....
Overture 'Zethua"
Maiurka "La Csarine"....
"II Trovatore"
"Carmen Waltaea"
"Get rgia Camp Meeting". .
.tie Knveo
. . . l'ettee
. .. .tianne
Notice to Settle Accounts.
Notice is hereby given to thoae In
debted lo me to come and make arrange
ments for settling their accounts thia
month. I will garnishee the wages of'
those who tail so to arrange.
Hereafter I will sell for cash and at
cash prices. No more credit.
Thou. Butts,
Placer, Oregon.
Notes From Merlin,
We are having very warm weather at
preaent, 90 in tbe shade. Peaches and
blackberries are ripening fast.
Mr. Judaon Cochrane and family ar
rived laat week from Michigan, on a
visit to bis brothers, J. C. and E. R.
Frank Crow and wife, accompanied by
Misses Laura and Josephine Crow and
Master Ord, started laat week for Cres
cent City (or a two weeks outing.
There wil! be a Sunday school picnic
on Wednesday near Pleasant Valley,
four.Sundsy schools taking part.
Mrs. E I. Jordan ' Cohursr ia viaiting
friends and relative m Mrlin.
Coring tbe warm weather our Sunday
school will be at 10:30 a.m. instead ot
2:30 p. m.
Grandma Crow Is viaiting with her
son William Sandera, at Tunnel Nine.
Mrs. G. A. Guild returned from Port
land a few days ago, where ahe has been
viaiting her mother.
Hugo Items.
Miss Ethel Akers cams Iroin Gleoda'e
Saturday to visit her abler Mra. Strong.
Miss Hulbertof Grants Pass ia visit,
ing Mrs. Martin.
Mr. Tom Haven ot TnnnelOwason
the streets of Hugo Sunday.
Miss Minnie McKlroy went lo Granta
Past on Monday.
Miss Grace Ogle returned to Granta on Monday's ten o'clock express.
I regret to learn of Mr. Moss' illness.
He is a good friend of mine.
All people at Hugo are reported ell.
Mr. Henry raises the finest rapberrlee
1 ever ate.
There will be a dance at Merlin Satur
day the 27th and supper at the section
houae. All are invited.
I take a great interest in what Boh
aaya about the widows and girls of Le
land and I am tired of bacb lor life sol
think I will go over some Sunday. II
any of the ladies with lo correspond
with tbe intention ol matrimony I am
tbe lad. Write to me at Hugo and
address "Dick", There is going to be
a wedding at Hugo, ao we jut aa well
make it double.
Miaa Carrie Farr and Mrs. Dixon are
viaiting with Mra. Crockett.
Lelfxnd Sifting.
We sre having nice weather, although
quite warm. At thia timeof the year we
must expect warm weather. Gardens
are doing nicely.
We are receiving some immigration
from Montana. One gentleman who ia
living in Leland with his family, In
taking a sarvey of onr country, made a
trip np Tunnel 9 creek. He stopped at
Uie Cbapin A Moss ranch, and O. W.
showed bim around at the different
points ol interest. He is well pleased
with this part of Oregon; he says G. W.
baa the nicest blackb- rriej be has ever
seen. He aed G. W. hoa long he bad
been living there. When told, he was
surprised that they coul I o soon con
vert a wilderness into fine ha j fields and
also produce auch nice fruit and such
gardena in so short a time. I am not a
farmer but I can see bow any man, es
pecially a man witb a family, alio ought
to have ambition could do the same. All
be needa is Uie ambition.
We bear of a rich strike on Greenback
mountain. Tbe parlies have annk only
a tew feet and one side of the ledge has
decomposed rock that ia very rich In
tree gold.
Leland at present seems te bare its
share ot immigration of miners and moat
of them are quarts hunters.
Our Sunday school (ormerly under the
efficient management ol Mrs. Benjamin
aa superintendent, 'was discontinued for
a time, some confusion being caused by
some of the members. Now it is con
tinued, Mrs. Adams is superintendent,
and Mrs. Will Light Bible class teacher,
so all goea merrily again.
As we se3 Kinneyvil! people quite
often, we can catch itema from them.
Kinney is making quite ex tensive im
provements, lie talka of organising a
company for the purpose of boring lor
gas or oil. Both, we think, abound in
this vicinity. ;
We are glad to see that the Hugo writer
haa again taken up tbe pen, bnt if any
one wants scenery, he should come to
Mies Culp was the guest of Mia. Geo.
Chapiu. Aa she has .regained ber health
she has returned to Merlin. 1 No sick
ness reported at this writing, , Bob.
Closing Out Sale
You will find some rare bargains in
It will pay you to look them over as we are making rrreat
reductions on the above lines.
On the Double Quick
Wc arc making it so lively at the Store of R. L. Coe & Co.'s that everything is going on the double quick. When we inadeour first appearance last Saturda v
... ... 1 aLA , f-. i ! .... . a tm ii 1 . . . ..... . . J
the cash
from the
1 have full
possesion of R. L. Coe & Co.'s store tor 30 days and you'll miss the greatest event of the year if you fail to attend the big
: are maKing u so nveiy ui uie more 01 it. i,. kak x io. s mai evcryining is going on tne double quick. When we inadeour first appearance las
wc made the acquaintance of a big crowd. They call us Bargain Reckoners, but we're a whole lot like porous plasters. It we can't pull tli
right out of your pocket it will be because you're broke. Where did we come from? Well, we don't mind telling you. Most of us are tr
mills and factories. We got left behind when our fellows were shipped out because our owners overestimated the demand. We're to ha
Say There, Lady !
I've Got Something Interesting for You
Amongst our odd lots wo have some nice goods in
Mercerized Dimity, Lawn, Challies, Draperies, Cali
cos, Gingham Shirtings, and some All-Wool pieces
that are going at less than half price. Don't fail to see
when you come to our store.
We offer you Crash and Duck Skirts that sold
at $2.00 and $2.25 for only
98c i
Men's Socks, per dozen only
as A
Only a few that wo place
on sale, so do not wait, as
wo offer them to
you at ,5.9c
Shirt Waists.
Wt place our entire lino
of 75c, $1. $1.25 and $1.50
Waists to close out at
23c and 49c
& (WW - '.i n v a f
39c r
Tii ? " i 1 irraiL ii - u
Some of us were Picked un chean because we were short lonpth or "ml.l lut " fm.i ...i i . .
time we were coins. Rut sav! Don't cet the idea that we're not un-to-d at, for r, . ... " .uc masl of thc season,
tags are so small that everyone crabs at us on sicht. So don't wait till we're nil aim.. ur. 'I!01"? l,uick f?r the
looking ones are taken first, and thats' the way we'll go. Rut there's quite a bunch of uS so vou'U Vt 1, courting girls.
, v uu it a um!hc r you come early.
and its now
prices on the
The best
If you are looking for a
chance to bo cheaply
shod, I'm your huckleberry.
Ladies' Trimmed Hats
48 75 98 $1.25
$1.74 -d $2.50
Sailors at
Men's Hats.
Don't overlook this department when at our store.
We've taken from our big assortment some odd
lots and offer them to you at the small price of
29c 39c 79c
My Form is Perfect
And I can make yours the same
way. Here's the interesting part
-we've placed on sale some
broken lots in skirts, to
dnt 89C
to come in, send your money ajid we'll gladly
select any article wanted and send it to you.
Yours for
Quick Benin 8111 Beckoners,
I'm a Suit i
that will suit any
any fellow that
can be sjited. f
$4.58 Suit
uargam rani, p
79C, 89C
We. have placed on sale
300 HTS of Mon's Women's and Children's Shoes
i he very best make in all styles and qualities it
79c, 89c, 98c, $1.19, $1.33,
$1.87, $1.99.
Headquarters at the Big Store of
R. L.