Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 18, 1901, Image 1

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    (IT itlf iPf i1p
No. 35
Ot $1 per share, or
$50,000 of the Capital
Stock of the Oregon Nat
ural Gas, Oil & Mining
Company, is now offered
for sale to the general
public for
This money will be used in
drilling an Oil well on lands tbat
are controlled by this company,
which is in the center of the Oil
District known as the North Grants
Pass Oil district. This company
has contracts on the following well
known ranches in this District.
They have all signed a card similar
to this,
Mrs Mary L Jordon,
James Deveny,
G M Savage,
J J Fryer.
John Deveny,
B B Ochiltree,
V J Savage,
Mrs Jessie Deveny,
B B Ocheltree,
Dr V H Flanagan,
W M Bishop,
J G Dotson,
J S Harvey,
J N Carter,
The above ranches embrace
several thousand acres of land of
the best indications for Oil that our
agents could find on the Pacific
Coast and they hive been from
Washington to Mexico.
You know that if Oil, Natural
Gas or Artesian Water is found in
Josephine county it will more than
double the value of all property
and for that purpose alone you can
encourage the prospecting for
Oil, or Artesian Water by taking a
few shares of slock.
Cut this out and send it, with l 50-to
Scott Urilfin
Oregon Natural Ge.s. Oil and
Mining Company-
To Scott Griffin, Secretary, Grants
Pass, Oregon.
t.-..i. nlea find the sum of
$2 so to secure option on tooshares
of stock in the Oregon Natural
Gas, Oil and Mining Company, of
Grants Pass, Oregon, of the par
value of$i per share. I to have the
option of paying 25 cents a share
on or before you utgui . - 1
so cents a share on or before 5j
feet depth has been reached; or,
thereafter $1 par value until a well
is completed to the depth of 1000
feet; the amount paid herein is to
I credited on the stocks accepted.
It is expressly understood that you ,
are to commence drilling on or be-,
fore six months from date or refund,
to me the amount pud. 1 lease,
forward receipt for amount en- j
closed. Dated this
Name of Sender
P. O. Address
1 him
day of
A Gain ot 240 to 1.
The following table exhibit, the in.
trease in the market value l the oil
locks of ten different com me :
Prices of Stock
1 00
1 OH
1 HO
I 200 00
37 SO
Iti OH
li 00
13 80
3 4H
2 15
20 00
New York Oil Co., .
Vnion Oil Co.,
Kern Oil Co.,
San Joaquin.
Thiriy Three Oil Co ,
Sterling Oil Co , . .
Twenty Eight Oil Co.,
Kern River,
8.00 1W25.1"
F.cb of these companies was organ
ted l. than two T" - 19 '
00 .nvested in the ten comPn.e.
would have realised turn of $U'-.-17,
a Rain of over 240 to 1.
Buy stocss in the Oregon Natural lias.
O.I and Mining Company at 10 cents a
share for 'hares, non assessable
stock. Bay before tbey drill.
For further information call on
The natural Gas, Oil &
Mining Company.
Grants Pass, Ore.
A sudden quirk in the weather need not catch you
napping. We can furnish you instantly the best of style
aud quality with a neatness and perfection of fit that will
of custom made wearing apparel. Our suits are worn by
many who have a reputatiou as dressers.
oox 00 0 000
Oltlce, Room 2 over Post Office. Itesitlence
Kane House, oppo. the Western.
General Practitioner of
Oflice in Williams Block
li notices in all State and Federal Courts
Office over First National Bank.
iKANTH Pass, OnsooH.
iHANTh Pass,
Willis Kramer
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family Floui
And K.verything that noes with First
Class Milling.
For Kale by CitiLKS, Delkmatkr,
Wade and Coknkm..
Call for it; Mnie price as other brands
Olllie opposite Hotel Josephine
Uhasth Pass, - Oiikuon.
N. E. McGKIiW,
Furniture snd Piano
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
bath room in connection
Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Sib
verwear and Jewelry. A (iood
Assortment of itraeelets ami
Heart Buttles,
Clement' Drug Store.
Fine Ruttcr a Specialty
Tiio.Ni 21
0. 0. FISHER
Sewer Connections
j Metal Rooting
Gas Fitting
...Pipe work of ail kinds. furnished for all work.
Iav onlrrs with....
( ramer Hros. Hardware
Han-UidUle Hard are
Does it Pav to Buy Cheap?
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but von want something
that will relieve and cure the more
severe and dangerous results of threat
and lung troubles. What shall you do?
io to a warmer and more regular
climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible
for you, then in either case take the
only remedy that has been introduced
in all civilized countries with success in
severe throat and lung ttoubles, "B09
chee's (jeruian Syrup." It not only
heals and stimulates Hie. tissues to des
troy the germ disease, but allays in
flammation, causes easy eipectoration,
gives a good night's rtst, and cures the
patient. Try one bottle, ltecominended
many years by all druggists in the
world, (iet Ureen'6 Prize Almanac.
Ir. Kremer.
County Treasurers Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there are
lunds in the county treaeuery for the.
redemption of the following warrants
protested to January 2d, 18113. Interest
on same will cease from this date, July
:ld 1901.
No. No. No. No.
9 104 liW 1M
SOt) '.'10 277 11
S Iili4 1L'7 2011
24D 272 2 14
5i 17-' I'll IM
2HII 3 112 HI
1(17 UK! HI MM
4 17 4IW Jn5
2:i:t 1'iii liil &
1112 M 1!I2 ltitl
251 :il! 2(i . Mil
mr 3'(i 222 2411
1 17 ss ):s:i
1111 173 2.VI 31
titi.l 134 1711 2UI
31 li;3 134 17!)
274 2112 1 ' ll "
174 HI'.' 1H3 5
J. T. Tavi.oh,
Treasurer Josephine County, '.Ore.
Capital Stock, - - $50,000.
Keceivedeposits subject to check or on
certificate payable on deiunnd.
Sells sieht drafts on ltw York. San Krai -
cisco, and Por'.land.
Telegraphic transfer sold on all point in
the United Stales.
Siiocial Attention iriven to Collections am'
general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Soiitherr
Oregon, and on all accesMble winl.
K. A. ItOOTII, President.
J. C. CAMl'ISKI.I., Vice President.
II. (ill.KKY, Cashier.
Dl'NIlAR, Ai-.'. Cachier.
Grants Pass
Banking and Trust Co.
Transacts a Kueral r.anking business .
Receives deposits sulj-ct to check or
on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous
treatment and eveiy coiiHidcruiion con
sistent with sound banking principles.
J. Frank Watson, Pres.
K( I I s Pol. i.i K , Vice l'res.
L. I.. Jkh ki l , Cashier.
1. Frank Watson, J. S. Moore,
J. J. Houck, Fclus Pollock,
HerbcrtStnltli, Scott (iritliin ,
A. K. Shcehan.
Every Grain Kills Squirrel.
:$ i)(;f
If tisi are not satixfitil you tr-t y.sir
nswy ha. k.
Sloyer Drag Co.
Front Sr., Opposite Iepoe.
Circuit Court Proceedings.
The regular July term of Circuit
Court for Josephine county convened
last Monday with Judj H. K. llanna,
presiding. I'ist. Attorney Kennies and
Court Reporter Caulkins w ere in attend
ance. There was a light docket, with
no jury cases and the w ork of the term
was finished on Thursday.
Hermann Jurgens, of Ruckles, form
erly a subject of Germany was admitted
to citizenship.
Elizabeth Kelly vs Isaac Staufter, et
al, foreclosure of mortgage, decree
granted. t
R. G. Smith vs E. G. Borden, injunc
tion, dismissed.
Attorney Frank M. Caulkins, of Ash
land, was appointed by Judge llanna, to
be official court reporter of first judicial
district for four years.
J. C. Calhoun vs Rocky Gulch Min
ing Co., foreclosure miner's lien, decree
including order of sale of mining prop
erty. Mary E. Christie vs Frank C. Christie
divorce, default entered.
('has. II. Noble vs James I.eeper, fore
closure of mortgage, order of confirma
tion of sale.
J. T. Burns vs W. F. Horn, action at
law for money, judgment for plaintiff,
ffSO and interest.
B. It. Lewis vs John Niehlas and C. I..
Browning, action in ejectment, decree
for plaintiff giving possession of real
estate, costs and disbursements.
Mary E. Mallon vs Jas. M. Mallon,
divorce, decree granted.
The cases with the following titles all
concerning the legal difficulties attach
ing to the gold dredge Josephine at
Waldo were settled and dismissed. W.
J. Harris vs Walter Morsehcad and J.
M. Basset; Walter Morsehcad vs Eng
lish Canadian Co., and Win. J. Harris;
W. J. Harris vs English Canadian Co.;
Geo. M. Williams and T. 1.. Henry vs
W. J. Harris; and Geo. M. Williams vs
W.J. Harris. Attorney W. T. Muir of
Portland was ill attendance in the inter
ests of Walter Morsehcad and Attorney
Moore of tho linn of Moore & Corlictt of
Seattle was here in the interests of W.
J. Harris.
New Text Books.
The text honk coniiiiissiou has do
clili'd upon'tho following books to be
used in the Miblie s.,hor,ls of Oretni.
Cyr'a Headers, (linn A Co.
Heed & Kelloeir's ( iraniniar, Maynard,
Merrill & Co.
Wentwrtli's Arithmetic, C.iiui .t Co.
Urooks' Mental Arithincdic,'' Christo
per, Saner o: Co.
Tlioinas' Primary mid I'nitid States
History, I). C. Heath .V Co.
1'rye's (ieopraphy, Cinn ,V. Co.
Heed's Speller, Maynard, Merrill A
Whctler's Primer, W. II. Wheeler Jv
Xcivlaiid A How's Vertical Writing,
I). C. Heath .t Co.
In making; the awards the hoard
voted as a unit, the selections huvitiu
been arec.I upon beforehand. I'.aih
honk, therefore, received live votes, ex
cept in the selection of a primary his
tory, when II. W. Scott voted independ
ently of the other four. So far as ap
pears, c'linplcte harmony prevailed, all
differences of opinion having been set
tled at private conferences.
After the vote hail been taken '.Presi
dent II. W. Scott stated to the. book
men that the liiemls rs of the hoard had
been studying the merits ol text book"
for about four months, that they had
held a conference, compared notes and
investigated prices-mid that the selec
tions made were the ronlt of that .con
ference. Physiology, civil pivernmeiit, music
and drawing are yet to be passed upon
in the common branches, hut they rep
resent but a small p.n enta.'e of the
text-book business. All the high si ler..!
branches also remain.
(If course ull the aents w ho were sue-ci-.-ful
are nili-licd and jubilant. One
of the heavy oo-er-, when n-ked to
night what he thought of the hoard's
action, said : ''The board is above re.
proacll. Tiny did what they thought
bent for tho school- of (ir.goii. HI
course I don't agree with their judgment
in the matter."
Another iiii-uccc-fnl man, when
asked what hi- thought of the hoard's
holding a preliminary conference over
the selection, .,i;d ; "II was the only
biisini--like way of doing thing
went about it like business men."
The adoption of tin- vertical sysle
writing is one of till loo t r
changes made by Ihe comn1i--ioii.
School Soles,
The scles.N of the canity ha
been visited and ill the geli'Tal
mary the record makes a g nA sle
In a irreat manv schools the ul'j
,v all
i t of
rc-ading is a litll" Is hind.
The s, I, ck. Is that have U gun in.-o I
made my tour vi-iling and tho-" wloili
mav l gin during the next month can
hardly expect a vi-il from me during
this summer.
While making my r.-port to the state
superinlendent, I found the amount of
the cou:. ty scle",! fund apisirtioned in
l'"i. is Js.'i7.i)o e
aps,rtioni-l in l"''
than tiie amount
The total i-niiin-i"',
in I'.sm, 1
(ration in 1'' as
and in lt'l it is -77").
The matter .i-rt.i;iiinz lo the I tili
fur a division of sehol district N
Iiryden, to form a new .district as
luken iii by the di-triet b, no l.iry
Isiard, after due cori-iili-ratinn it was
found that tie- said s-titi'.n did led
contain the names of the majority of
the li'Kiil voters rc-idinif in the di-trii !
concerned, and for the ts.-t interest ol
the s,.i!e in said di-trii t, and (or the
ls-st inb-rest ,,I the scli'sd therein, the
al'Ve s-titioii vtas unaiiiinoii-ly declar
ed lot. I.imiiI s Savali:,
Comity Mi-riiiteii'lent.
Writing Pajwr
1 Cm su a office.
ol a',1 kinds at the
llHriiml rrr'si,r C.-ltltlc I'apri of
Minimis Mitten From the
Mint at San rrtnl"'. Andrew Can
srKi .'lakes Jln.illlout Oiler.
Vouiteen buildings lit Globe, A. T.,
ere by tire, nnd ten families
if miners were K ft hoiuelcsa. Tho
is JsO.OJO.
Sunnier Purrntt, a lineman at Seattle,
was instantly killed while lit work on
the electric wires, 2.0,)0 volts having
passed through his body.
It is announced that J. P. Morgan eb
f'o. have purchased the Noitaern I'acitio
t'teainship company and tho Washing
tou and Alaska Steamship oouipauy.
These Hues, a'.onn with others recently
purchased, Rivo MorRiin & Co. ft com
plete sysRiu of trunsimrlntioii around
the world, with headquarter at New
Train No. 3 on tho Great Northern
road, west-lHiuud, was held up near
Wagiur Station, about 200 miles east of
Great Falls, Mont., by three masked
men. ilie fxpress car waa mown io
pieces and tho through safe shattered
with dynamite and a latue sum of money
secured. While, tho robbery was in
progress several people were wounded
by tho fusillade of shors that was kept
up. uloiiRsidd tho coaches. The express
company has ottered a reward of $o,(H0
for the ancst und conviction of tho
Professor Ilarrctt Wendell of Harvard
uuivcrsitv, who is delivering a course of
lecture! at tho university of California,
summer school at lJcrlieley, kuvo a
li class nil example of the Harvard
method of criticism. Ho bad previously
n uui'sted tliu members of his class,
which is almost entirely inado up of
teachers from the public selusils of tho
state, to hand iu ill n p.isr setting
forth tho bciiclits they expected to de
rive from the course. The writer of
one paper said she had "como to tho
university lured by the. fame of the
great professor from Harvard, whom
she had worshipped from alar oil, to sit
at his feet and gather inspiration from
his gifted hps." Tho professor declared
this and other effusions idiotic, and said
ho never before, had know n of a case
where n woman had made such u fool of
In is-df on olio page. Tho papers, bo
luid, were "disgusting slop."
Williams, A. T., was visited by
disastrous tire, the 'loss nuiouiitiiiK to
marly if F.veiy storo in tliu
town except one, the William Hard
vvaio and Stationery company, was do
stioycd. To show tho Kilt and cuter-pri-e
of the pi oplu of Williams the
(fitful-cut merchants were tulegrnphiiijf,
tor new slocks whilo the lira was at its
height, mill tho Williams News had n
new plant on board tho cars at Is Au
e,clcs tlirco hours after tho tiro begall.
Mayor l'helaii of S in Francisco is In
n receipt of u letter Irom Andrew Car
negie, in which an offer to give i?."U,ooi)
to erect public library buildings in that
city is inadu if sites therefor nio fur
nish, . I and the municipality agrees to
expend ,", O'H) a year for their mainten
ance. Mr. I'lirnegiii writes from Skiho
Casile, Ardgay, Scol land, that ho will
furnish the mom y us soon as needed for
tile building.
A remarkably daring burglar, as cool
ns he vvas polite, entered the bedroom of
Mrs. Hamlin, ml, wile of A. II. Ham
uiond, a wealthy hiiubi-r dealer, iu
iiilll JaeUsiii t.vit, San Fr.inci-co,
about loi'l j o'clock iu tliu t veiling,
bbortlv utter the family had oiio to
hcil, Mr. Hammond being ahsent from
the city. Willi a pisioi in his hand tho
burglar riu'i Mul Mis. II mini, m l not
to scream, li i.illg In r that ho was a
tun giar ami Inel coio. lo lou tliu p.aee.
Ml". ll.illllnolel's pure was on tliu
laU", f rom w inch he took .'(, and in-
t II I In d I lie III e. 1 lie 1 ,1 III r llli III hi I S
ol tin. h.ais. bid I In- throat, n, ,1 to xhoot
if t In-v all hi, id lo give an al.iiiu.
.tt! r i-, i.i.i i ii i ii l' for half an hour, tho
mae I a. p. mi. ,1 him ilovvu stairs und
lie,i. l oi.i l-y I ie llolil dis,r.
A !' i-.ou of the coiiiiiii.-ioiier of tho
I'lllli d States genelal l.illil ollien Win
reciivid by Uigisii ii lieorgn W. Slew
ait of lie- Yi-.dia (I'.il ) laint olll -e. It
si ti a s I he I. uno, i , li -t i'imj ot mini ral
i l.i niani-ag.nn-l s-'npp, rs. '1 ho till.
ol tin- c.i..e is I. T. 1! .1 and Oilers vs.
Kieiiaid M. I.v inaii and tMhei;., uml in.
VO.Yci a si i II ,l of laud. '1 he lleetnloll
of tneloc- il land i, 111 u in favor of the
mineral (-I.tilii.uitH li al'ii ined, and th,
nitiiuii.-iuii, r pen turtle r and holds
mining I'saiioiis without regard to
In, n- ral (lis- ovei y lo be iitl occupation of I
II. e Ian 1. Tin- l ieclloll as to tliu elltilu
m ction I- heel for caiie-lal'oii. 'Tim !c
eiHoii atl'ecis liioa-ainU of nen s and
I M-v. ral hull In '1 lis allolis.
i A Vahcnv. r ill. 1 1) pat' h says
d , ti- lvveeii o'l and 4 i J.ipatii st w- lo
' r , nte l, d up l.v Indians and p nil, d in a
t (.tun cry on mo SLeetm river, jn.t us
! ihe .lips vm : sailing our to Ji 01. 'J hj
Indians li f o-. d mini' tiliie ago to ti h at
' , -s tbiiii l ."j c-iit-, Ihe pii'o whn li
! vi iis si it. ed hy t u i w hite ti-ilieniieii's
1 union, mid r.s it w as ii n del i.,d tliat tho
1 J.ip.ito h- wi nl 1 lllldeieiil. tin: union, tile
I luinaiin d i i.i.i d they would stop them
. flout f.-.hlng. 'l ie- Indian caino ilow u
J th,. r.Vi r in lb-ir w ar caiioei!, wit h ten
' in, u in c.!cn l oat. 'J le y ein in I. d tin
J,lj,.lln--e, and tin, J.ltl r, hi coming
I ti rior-sttn s, n, inaihi a dasli for tho
' nl.Oie. Ill ie.-s lhati aipialler of all hoar
ll,e Japam -e w, re round. "I up w ithout
' a h.ow being siiii k. Many of the In
j.aiis were ill war-paint.
John (iann-r, a farm lab,rt r isi.o ha.
b,-eli Intvink' ti'ouhln with bis wife about
tiie ( ui's!y of tin ir children, came from
Kern City t Madera, Cal., aud ,11. $ to
llie houc Vi In 10 his v, lie and i liililM-li
sud her 111 other were ut hnaLfast, shot
his wife f..t.t!!y, w ouiidi d bis mother
iri'law snd tin 11 blew nut his brains.
It i eititii.t'wl tint the Mi,- i crori
of tin: 1 -aeitio Non li-.v-t si 11. w.ll a.
er'o.'1'e o J.Otl lei lie!,, in 0.111.1; it a
r. or I at.
I'rofi-s-or J ,-.'' I. Co., te died and
d, lily July (,'h at Cami Curry, Vo-em-ile
mlicy, of h'-art Cdine. hi
d.tiuiiii.r was i:-. s-i.t lu tie- t 'lit wlo-v
tin, e. .1 s, i"ii:it ili.-.I. as t, .r 11
in Ltis rr county, Oa., r'eb. ls-;J.
Six bts of "oil, (a h (otitainiti-'
:,m iu .') ifoid p i -es. h.iva (lsiii-j-arnl
from the mint at San Krain i-e .
. trai . of tlni tin f h.ii b i-u due iv
red, Suwriut.;n,b;nll L ach an i
li s f.-r.v, iis.i: ;.t bv Dirooti Of tha
Mint Uobet-.s an. I bis st it! of experts,
have b -en at work on tho invstery liuco
S.ituiday noon, June 2UtU, whou the
siio: tig. w:is iirst discovered. At first
it w is snpisiMiil taut tilers waa au error
in t te. h.Mus or counting tue buKs, but
it was so ni found that the money had
been stolen. Tlia books show that there
ShiKllit be $fl04,4a.',l'.ii.4o on liauil in tuo
mint in coin, iu addition to cousiderab'e
buili in. Tliu bullion is all right, but
the coin is short $J.000.
C. 1!. It K'diger, deputy Rriiud orgnu
r for the Mislern Woodmen of Amer
ica, committed siitclilo at tno Uovere
il u-e, Karck i, CaL, by ebooting him
s...t ill tho lu ad. Hoedifjer arrived iu
Kan l;a on May 27th. Ho represented
himself us au organizer for tho Modern
Wui diiiau of America, and had sinco
betii engaged iu instituting new camp
in t ie ci u:ny. He was apparently 60
years of age, and ill good health aud
ciiMin.stanc! s. iio nil t.vo for his deed
ot scif-di sti-ui-tinn is known.
I'r. John V. Watta, prciiohor aud
politician and uniipio cluuiictar iu both
On gnu und nat oinil history, hecauso it
was his vote that elected llayo! Presi
dent of the United Stites in 1ST0 over
Samuel J. Tildcn, died at Lafayotlc,
Or., aged 71 veins.
1'robate Judge J. 0. Ilrtidy of Kooteual
county, Idaho, was fatally shot by a
criizy man naiiied Henry Wiliubasy at
Kuhilruin, Idaho, llrudy was leutod
iu tho prolmto ofllco when Wilmbusy
entered mid fil ed at close range, the ball
cut ring below t ie right eye und frac
turing the ba-e of tho brain. The mur
derer turned out the light! aud escaped,
Wiliphusy was adjudged insane four
years ago by Judge ltnidy, who ordored
linn routined ill nil asylum. This preyed
on lus mind. Ho escaped several time!
and was recommitted, bu'. tho lust tinio
was allowed to remain at largo.
Hurry IVochmiin, aged 13, the adopted
on of L. 10. l'.loclimaii of Santa Maria,
Cal., disappeared July 81, and at the
same tiiu.i a laborer mimed Kulso aud a
horse and buggy also disappeared. A
few days afterward tho body of tho boy
was tound in a Held not fur from
Mr. lUoclimau's house with nine knife
wouuds iu ditr rent parts of tho body,
four of which would have boou fatal,
The team was found next day about 15
miles from the tovvu.
A preliminary tate:uout of the cousos
oflice showing tho couditiou of the
manufacturing industries of the state ot
Montana has bucli given out. Tile state-
in, tit includes tho extensive loud aud
copper hinellers ami show! a total value
nf products amounting to tM.lruS, 1 10,
There ure 1.U7S est ililishmotits, with
capital of IJ.ooO.UM, and 10,101 wilgo
earners. Tliu total wage! paid Were
to.'.i.'iK.MI 1. Tim valuo of tho product!
ol the smelters, included iu tho ubovo,
was'il.llIH. There lire throe lead
und seven cupper smelters Iu the statu
Tliu aggregate capacity is t JU,0SJ,4.jtl
wngo earners, 4,b,3 und wane! paid,
Tliu neighbors of Peter Tiedmatl,
rancher near F.isinore, Kiversidu county,
l iil.. discovered his house In Haunts.
Win n they reached the place to render
assistance both Tiiilinau and his wife
bad (llsanoeared. Mrs. Tledlliall Wll!
ufierwinil found ilea I 200 yards away,
with her skull crushed and (Input cut
from ear to car. A bloiHly in mid raior
near by showed how sho had met hur
death. Tho body of Tledlliall wai
found at a spring two miles away
w In To he hud iliowned himself iu six
inches of w ater by holding his head lu
a watering trough. Tho couple, who
bad been married only six months, were
over 00 years of uge. A ipiarrul over
liiiiin V iimlli is is said to havu been the
( i, use ot tho tragedy.
Colonel It. J. Noilhain has sold his
Me-a ranch at llolsa Chico, O11114,"
count v. al,, con-isting ol I.uoo acres.
to lie- We .1,111 Coast lilid and Water
c inn .tn v lor tt coiiiileratioii of JlOtl.OOO.
t 11. l.-i- tin, coiiti.ii t a cash payment of
eto.oM-j 1.1 1 01111 ed , w hich has alrendy
been made, ihe balance to he paid t.'i.OOO
each vi-ar, with Inlen-st at 4 iht cent
If 1 'oi.iind Norlliaai'sdealli should occur
at iniv tinin prior to tho completion of
the pay on in i f 1 1 oo,) 10, the sum tin
n.1,,1 shad he d I'lin d lull M-ltleuiuut for
the ranch, ami 11 clear ih ud passed no.
, Iingly. 'I'lio pioperly has a Isau
I, outage of thjci inih s, and onu of the
l.i-i -ten-, of Hie in 11 nt ow ners w ill bo
in lay mil a low iisiiu fur u pleasure re,
h,ii 1,11 1 ho brunch of the
Soiit In 1 11 1 a die.
William H llarlillH lost Ills lifeline
J., i,h M avn iiil was badly injured by
smiles of expio-ioiis at tho t.'aliforui
I'ow ! i' W01 Us at Saiil.i Cm. Several
nth r i iniilovu s nf the wolks received
hiighl injui n
I,. 01. in li. I'ii. nny und William 11.
t Va 11. it, J roinoii r- of
The Standard Oil
I i't 'ion nnd luvi stun -ut company,
l.a e snddi lily h ft Sail 1'raucisei, alter
lltl,',!! a 1 n'e niiuil;. I' of i.olo out of
! sains 1. in' no; linm 4Ji to i'SJ. It 1.
c-t minted tliat the two men have sue
ci ' 1 1 i . 1 i 111 s iinlltiie; tho nublio out of
(l.'i.iri Mot:
Al 'iit i in 1 i,-H from Auhitrn, (.'al.,
tb,. 1'oie-i II, d si., it" was h"li up aud
ro I,, d I v a loin, liiniviiyniall. Thu
(inver, lb III. Cfoelietl, refused 10 stop
win It old' l d by tlni in i.-kud liiKhway
I man, wiei, up ,11 Ihe robbt r slmt thu
' iii..r In .io. II, pit ah nit 11 li nn the
j 1 ., n; i-r and the contents of Wells-
i 1 ,uvo b x, i ,0.
I She Didn't Wemr n. Mask,
j lint her b. u't'y was comtdeti'ly hidden
, hy s, ,trs, 1,1 itches, nnd piliipl.s till the
us(, :m kl. ii 'h Arnica Salve. Then
j they vain-die I as will all Mruptions,
: t ev er Nires, lloils, l lc. rs, Csrbuiiclcs
und I' dons from it,, i.. Inlallible for
Cuts, Corns, Horns, Scalds ami Piles
Cute K"r (liiei d. L' ic at Kleiner's.
I 'Ibis ipii-sti'iii arises in the family
j fery ilse. J,it us answer it to-dav.
1 r v J.1I , a di li. ioiii nnd healthful
j 'b-s-ert. 1' -'s'.-d ill two in in at i'S, No
boihiiit. no b..kin! (-imply add boiliiiK
1 ,i'.-r and s. t lo cool, r lavors I-in
on, Oranj(,., Ils-lu iry and Slraals rry.
'eta siknk'e at jour Kiocers lo dav
1'hoss fjinotis lltlie pilis, BeWitt'.
Little llaliy Boers" compel your liver
sod bowels to do llieir duly, thus giving ,
you pure, in b hlood to re. itp! rate your
Isiy. Are easy to take. Never gri
- Br. W. F. Kremer,
ot. Retinned Siewinit Kettles 10c
(ilasa Itutter Dishes, pretty patterns. 10c
(i ol. biiik t'ani lor luc
lecorated ("ream Pitchers 10c
lb. Ink Tablet! 10c
Another Lot Beautiful New Glass Ware Received,
i6'jx9 in. Linen Towels, per-pair 25c
Art Sofa Pillow Covers beauties: 25c
rt4 iu. Linen Crash Toweling, per yard toe
Brooms, regular 25c goods '. 20c
Squares, Iron 25c
Ant nnd Fly Proof Meat Sales $2 75
Immense New Line Iron Beds.very latest.
Hammocks The Strong Kind All Prices.
Croquet Rock Maple, the best $1.23 up.
Remnant! Sale C.rpets
I peice 23 yds Brussels, regular 85c goods 60c yd
1 " 83-4 yds, 3 ply Ingrain reg. $1 goods 80c "
1 " 20 yds Ingrain, reg. 65c goods 40c "
1 " yds Matting, reg. 30c goods 20c "
The new Couches are coming in and are beauties.
Icadquartcrs for Furniture and Ilouscfurnishings.
Furniture " w C '
LaceCurtains I T fUltw . if ii t ,A
A Manila dispatch of July 6 aaya that
the forces of lint iiisiirKniit lender Bob
larmlno, which recently bavo been opor
atiiiK around U.iusol, proviuoo of Soro
rod, wore driven across thu liiouutaiua
by thu Second infantry and finally cap
tured by thu Sixth cavalry, llollur-
niitio, with 1,000 men mid 214 rifles,
surrendered to Colonel Wint at Albuy,
capital of the province of that nuaio.
An Kiiiilishiniiii named llovvnrd, for
mer chiof of Cieroniuio's artillery, 1 ill
command of the, tiisu.Kout forces lu
Miudoro island. They nro estimated
to niimber 000 men, armed with rifles,
includinif several Ainerlcnii deserters.
They occupy strouR cntreuclimonts at 1
Calapnii ami Nan in.
Civil (joveriiiueiit 111 thu Philippilica,
with appropriate ceremonies, was In
augurated July 4. Uovernor Tuft nu
uonticcd that 011 Sept 1, 1111, the com
mission would bo increased by three
native iiieinlsirs. lieforo tliu 1st of Sep
tember ilepai'liiioiils mid their licadu
huvu been urraiiKcd for thus: Iiituiivr,
Worjostor; justice uud llnanco, Id;
coiunurco ami police, Wrihti puhlio
instruction, Moses. Tho reiuliiiK of
President McKinley's ihcskmbo of ooil
grutulution was loudly cheered.
UonKiessniiiu Hull of Iown, who ao-
coinpanied tieneral I'halTeoiil bis south
ern tour, lu au iuterviuw ut Manila,
said thu newly established provincial
Kovuriiiiielils are "linlllouxe, plants, nil
able to withstand adversities." Mr.
Hull believes (hat their natural richness
insures thu eventual prosperity of the
Islands, but that poverty und other ob
stacles will prevent tho successful col.
lection of laud taxea. Hu bnliev.ts that
the salaries, ciceptinit those of the clerks
aud minor employees, aro tisj hih.
from thu cniiinnss. oners downward, aud
that tin) provinces ouitlit to have far
larKnr areas and fewer oflleeis. Mr.
Hull is convinced that thu natives in
Kuneral are not concerned about the
Thu nfllcial ieKU ts of thu bureau of
vital statistics of death, from beat for
tliu week enilitiK July 0 show tbat thu
actual number in thu five boronuhs of
til-cuter New York was Uh'J. r'or thu
bnroUKhs of Manhattan and Bronx tho
number was UUD; for Richmond, 1 J; for
yuceiis, ijii for Br.Hiklyii, HiH. Thu
records cover the day! when tho bent
waa most intense.
After the 1st of August bar privileges
for the salu of llipmr 011 Ihe Southern
1'acitlo company's bulls wi 1 lio abol
ished. IkiiiimI MuntL'ir Kruttschuitt
niyslhn shiliiiou of thu bars nil tho
bout. Is ill lino with the company's
policy adopted two years nit", whou it
decided to remove all burs and saloons
fiiiltl Its rik'Ht i f way, except such as
are coiii!ii'-ted ut eatl iir stations tor thv
b ni III of thu Iran linn public.
.White Man Turned Yellow.
ireat cousternation was fell by (ho
Iriends ol M. A. linearly of I. cxink'lon,
Ky., alien they taw he aaa tiiruinx
yellow. His skin slowly cbanited color,
also his e)es, and be suirered terribly.
His nulls, Iv a Yellow Jaundice. Ile
was licale, I by the best dot lorn, but
nit limit Isli'dlt, Then be was advised
to try Kleclrle Hitters, the wonderful
Stomach and l.iver remedy, and he
writes: "After taklliKtwu bottles I
wholly cured." A trial proves Ut match
es, merit (or all Stomach, l.iver a id
Kidney troubles. Only !sio. Sold by
I r. Kremer, irii(ttlst.
.Southern Oregon
Strong A c a d e m ic
course. Professional
training b( the highest
Well eipiipped labora
tories, l ost class train
ing department. Be
maud tor trained teach
srs exceeds the supply.
I, r, Instes easily aucuie
If'S'll positioui.
Ilea lit I fill location .
Most delibtful rliuialu
on the coast.
K 1 peinei :, to rl.'s)
per year. Write lor
W. M.
Coffee Pots
Tea Pots
Ootl'ee Mills
Hit Brsees
Lemon Sqaee.en
Wall Taptr
An edict stoned l-y the en peror snd
impress downier of China has been
posteil iii Chtiiiso Tl.i'ti't annoiiiiciuu
that the Kuropciiii have Issui vietorions
in Nol'l In l'n China, und ordennir that
the lives of Missionaries mid Christian
enlivens be respected, on pain of decapi
tation. A dispatch to the I5.rliu Volks Zol
tuna Irom China says that according to
advices received at mission headquar
ters many missionaries have returned
to the interior of Shantung province,
where they were well received by the
Chinese. Tlin missiimnr 01 from every
liKtalitv report their beliuf that the pres-
sunt c.ilm will not lust. The Uerniau
fori Ikii oillce, however, says thutoflioial
resnts ncuivud frulu China seem to
show that no Uew preparations are
Isdng made for further uprisings, and
that upon investigation the various
iilariiiiug reports of approaching tremble
lu China were found to bo unwarranted.
Ixird Kitchener telegraphs to the war
olllco under datoof Pretoria, July 4, as
follows: "Oronfell, on July 1, at How
ell, captured 03 Boers aud a lot of sup
plies belonging to Beyer's commando."
Tho Imilou Dnily Mull gives seusa
tlonal prominence to mall advices trout
Vliikfuutoin which attribute to the Boers
inhuman atrocities that the oensor
would not allow to be described by cable.
"A couplo of PsMjrs," says the Daily
Mull's correspondent, who were armed
with Martinis walked around among
tho dead and dying. Borne they turned
over to see if they wero dead. If it were
otherwise, then one or the other of the
IliM-rs shot them as yon would shoot an
ox. I suw four killed In this way. One
youngster pleaded for his life. I heard
him say, 'Oh, Christ, don'll' and then, '
bung! went the riflu. That la what
hapM'iicd." The Dully Mail protests
vigorously agulust tho suppression by
the censor of such details.
(rent Britain has refused the request
of this government to release Americans
w ho were m ule prisoner, whilo fighting
with the Boers, mid thuy will have to
endure captivity until the close of the
South African war. Such persons, it is
contended, lose their nationality. The
tutu department at Washlugtou is sat
istled that all report, as to the Drltish
ill treating their prisoners are without
The IIiubscIs correspondent of the
Boiulou Morning Post suys: "Dr. Lcyds
ha. addressed to the coutiuontul powers
and tho United States a protest against
(ireat Britain's 'barbarou. treatment'
of llis r women and children. It is said
that Holland will support the protest."
Thu report of the governor of the of Si. Helena, dealing with the
year eliding March 81st, says: "The lies
111 the KaroK.aii pasirs about the Boer
pris, nu i'H!'asH, rated cveu the prisouers.
The latter enjoy large liberty and are
well behaved, contented aud anxious to
iv oik. Many of Ilium are employed by
tlm fanners, uud others are employed
ou the roads uud wharves."
IvWilt's Witch 1 1 s.ul Halve should be
promptly applied to cuts, burns and
calds. It io ithes and quickly heals
the injured part. There are worthless
cuouterfrita, be sure to get HeWitt'l.
Ir. W. K. Kroiner.
Bttttr for lh Blood than Saraipsrllla.
Kur Those Living in the Malaria Bis
rids, (irovo's Tasteless Chill Tonic.
State Normal School.
I :L